Hyster w40 80z Series
Hyster w40 80z Series
Hyster w40 80z Series
48.3 A
31.5 10°
(805) 8.6
5.0 LIFT
(127) 8.3
W Y (211)
3.5 X
(89) D 3.25
9.0 X 5.0 (166)
40.0" (1 016) WIDE LOAD
742 a
40.0" (1016) WIDE LOAD
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position.
* Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
12-85-7 255 6.0 175 Amp 25.7" 8.8" 23.3" 570 lbs.
Industrial Battery Red (653 mm) (224 mm) (592 mm) (259 kg)
Battery cable length 20.0 inch (508 mm), 1/0 gauge leads, B position. Truck weight, total approx. with battery power pack - 850 lbs. (386 kg) s GNB PalletPro® battery pack
requires a .5 in. (12 mm) thick backplate spacer for proper positioning. Standard battery well 28.5" (724 mm) x 8.1" (206 mm) x open. Optional battery well 28.0" (712 mm) x
9.1" (231 mm) x open. Please note battery size is limited by the rounded corners of battery compartment. Maximum battery width and length dimensions cannot be used in
conjunction with each other. Please contact your local Hyster Dealer for more information and details.
Standard Battery Pack 9.1
Industrial Battery
(206) and GNB Pallet Pro® (231)
28.5 28.0
(724) (711)
24 Volt SEM Traction Control: 9" x 5" Rubber Drive Tire, Single Poly Load Wheels Industrial Battery: 600 lbs. (273 kg); 300 amp-hours
Lift Time Sec No Load 3.0
Sec 4000 lbs. 4.0 Slats - Minimum Width
39 RA 5.625 (143)
.87 NG
Lowering Time Sec No Load 2.0 Fo (1 01 5 to E
rk 3 t 40 6.0 9.0 9.0 6.0
& .
Pa o 1 0 125 18.0 (457)
Sec 4000 lbs. 1.0 lle
t T 19) (152) (229) (229) (152)
ru 48.0 + 0.125 (1 219 + 4) Fork Trucks Only
A Division of NMHG Financial Services, Inc.
It’s not just about the lift trucks. Rental Products Automated Warehouse Solutions
Any company worth its weight knows At Hyster Company, we’re always looking As society’s technological capabilities
success has just as much to do with the for ways to help you keep your productivity advance, we strive to find practical
support before and after the sale as the sale up. Through the Hyster Dealer Network, you applications. One of our most recent
itself. We pride ourselves on being more than can access rental equipment for the times innovations in that pursuit is our
just a lift truck manufacturer. Through our when leasing or buying isn’t a practical development of automated warehouse
Dealer Network, we’re also fleet managers, option. Your local Hyster Dealer has access solutions. We can help you determine if
parts suppliers, capital procurement to over 14,000 units that are available for your operation would benefit from this
specialists and trainers. You’ll find that short- or long-term rental. Whether you need type of system, which improves inventory
when it comes to service, there’s not one truck to substitute for a vehicle that’s accuracy, warehouse productivity and
much we don’t do. being serviced or several lift trucks to safety records, as it reduces maintenance
accommodate seasonal changes in your and overtime.
Hyster® Fleet Services business, we’ll help you maintain output
As much as we’d like for your entire fleet to in a cost-effective manner. Operator and Service Training
be Hyster, we know that’s not always the Hyster Company recognizes that proper
case. But just because you also operate other Hyster ® Capital training is a key element of a profitable
brands doesn’t mean we can’t manage your We know that financing new additions to company. That’s why your local Authorized
lift truck maintenance and replacement plan. your fleet can sometimes be challenging. Hyster Dealer offers a training program for
We can analyze your current fleet or provide That’s why your Hyster Dealer has a long your lift truck operators as well as those
a summary of your fleet history and a cost- list of ways for you to fund your purchase. who maintain your vehicles. Proper education
effective proposal for replacement and We are skilled in arranging solutions for in running and servicing lift trucks cuts
scheduled maintenance of all your vehicles. special financing requirements, taking the down on the number of repairs and risk of
Once this initial review is complete, we’ll difficulties out of buying the equipment you injuries due to accidents while increasing
continue to monitor your fleet to ensure need. Whether you purchase or lease a new productivity. All of our trainers are professionals
it’s performing optimally. or used lift truck, Hyster Capital offers flexible with experience in materials handling.
service and competitive rates, ensuring
UNISOURCE ™ Parts Program you receive the value you deserve.
In addition to providing fleet management
for a variety of brands, we can also serve as Special Products
your source of parts for all your lift trucks. Engineering Department (SPED)
With the Hyster UNISOURCE parts and In a perfect world, every application could
service program, we offer approximately be handled with a standard lift truck.
2 million part number crosses for most However, in the real world, different materials
brands of materials handling and other require different handling. That’s why Hyster
in-plant mobile equipment. UNISOURCE Company’s Special Products Engineering
also has remanufactured parts that provide Department works with you to customize*
the same quality and guarantee but at a lower your lift trucks. From strobe lights to specially
price. And we can deliver parts to you in less made forks, SPED can provide you with the
than 24 hours, any day of the week. How’s tools you require to get the job done right.
that for convenience? * May be subject to an additional charge. Contact your local Authorized
Hyster Dealer for more information.
It’s not just about the lift trucks. Rental Products Automated Warehouse Solutions
Any company worth its weight knows At Hyster Company, we’re always looking As society’s technological capabilities
success has just as much to do with the for ways to help you keep your productivity advance, we strive to find practical
support before and after the sale as the sale up. Through the Hyster Dealer Network, you applications. One of our most recent ®
itself. We pride ourselves on being more than can access rental equipment for the times innovations in that pursuit is our THE HYSTER ADVANTAGE
just a lift truck manufacturer. Through our when leasing or buying isn’t a practical development of automated warehouse
Dealer Network, we’re also fleet managers, option. Your local Hyster Dealer has access solutions. We can help you determine if DURABILITY: MANEUVERABILITY: PRODUCTIVITY:
parts suppliers, capital procurement to over 14,000 units that are available for your operation would benefit from this When you’ve got a job to do, you need to When designing the Hyster W50Z, The Hyster W50Z is designed to boost
specialists and trainers. You’ll find that short- or long-term rental. Whether you need type of system, which improves inventory know your equipment is tough enough to our engineers kept in mind the small operator productivity through ease of use
when it comes to service, there’s not one truck to substitute for a vehicle that’s accuracy, warehouse productivity and make it through. That’s why Hyster Company spaces it would be used in. They made and less need for maintenance. Several
much we don’t do. being serviced or several lift trucks to safety records, as it reduces maintenance developed the exceptionally rugged W50Z it supremely easy to maneuver around features contribute to the unit’s ease of use
accommodate seasonal changes in your and overtime. Series low lift pallet truck. crowded loading docks. and reduced service requirements.
Hyster® Fleet Services business, we’ll help you maintain output ■ Reduced wiring complexity and fewer ■ Standard W50Z creep speed function ■ The Auto Deceleration System extends
As much as we’d like for your entire fleet to in a cost-effective manner. Operator and Service Training service parts contribute to less required allows the truck to be run with the control traction motor brush and brake life by
be Hyster, we know that’s not always the Hyster Company recognizes that proper maintenance and longer truck life. handle in the full “up” position, placing automatically slowing the truck when the
case. But just because you also operate other Hyster ® Capital training is a key element of a profitable ■ Four application / environmental operators closer to loads for better visibility. accelerator is released, translating to a
brands doesn’t mean we can’t manage your We know that financing new additions to company. That’s why your local Authorized construction options allow additional ■ Fingertip control of all truck functions longer life – and more time spent working.
lift truck maintenance and replacement plan. your fleet can sometimes be challenging. Hyster Dealer offers a training program for component protection for your specific with either hand aids steering and pallet ■ Regular maintenance is simplified by
We can analyze your current fleet or provide That’s why your Hyster Dealer has a long your lift truck operators as well as those usage and temperature range: positioning in tight spots. a 40 percent reduction in electrical
a summary of your fleet history and a cost- list of ways for you to fund your purchase. who maintain your vehicles. Proper education ■ Standard Construction: +32° to +120° F ■ Ergonomically angled handgrips and a connections and easily identifiable wiring.
effective proposal for replacement and We are skilled in arranging solutions for in running and servicing lift trucks cuts ■ Cooler/Freezer Package: 0° to +120° F contoured body provide comfortable ■ The optional 48 - and 60-inch load
scheduled maintenance of all your vehicles. special financing requirements, taking the down on the number of repairs and risk of ■ SUBZERO Freezer Package: - 40° to +120°F operator positioning and protection for backrest extension maximizes load
Once this initial review is complete, we’ll difficulties out of buying the equipment you injuries due to accidents while increasing fingers and knuckles during operation. capabilities to increase efficiency.
(increases truck length by 2")
continue to monitor your fleet to ensure need. Whether you purchase or lease a new productivity. All of our trainers are professionals ■ Wrap around traction reversing button ■ Four application /environmental
■ Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down Package:
it’s performing optimally. or used lift truck, Hyster Capital offers flexible with experience in materials handling. provides a large area of contact. construction option packages tailor
service and competitive rates, ensuring 0° to +120° F (increases truck length by 2")
■ The handle features a direction throttle the W50Z to your specific usage needs
UNISOURCE ™ Parts Program you receive the value you deserve. - This Hyster ® exclusive package features
control actuator that provides 30° rotation to reduce downtime related to
In addition to providing fleet management a rust-resistant, unpainted galvanized
in either direction, making it easy to temperature intolerance.
for a variety of brands, we can also serve as Special Products frame designed to reduce overall surface
corrosion and rust. actuate through the full
your source of parts for all your lift trucks. Engineering Department (SPED) range of motion.
With the Hyster UNISOURCE parts and In a perfect world, every application could - No downtime/labor costs associated
The standard creep speed feature greatly
service program, we offer approximately be handled with a standard lift truck. with periodic repainting. increases maneuverability by allowing the
W50Z to operate with the handle in the
2 million part number crosses for most However, in the real world, different materials - Ideal for applications where the truck full upright position.
brands of materials handling and other require different handling. That’s why Hyster is exposed to corrosive agents or is
Hyster® Trucks Withstand in-plant mobile equipment. UNISOURCE Company’s Special Products Engineering required to be washed down.
Even Your Tough Jobs also has remanufactured parts that provide Department works with you to customize*
The environmental standards required in This optional configuration is unpainted and the same quality and guarantee but at a lower your lift trucks. From strobe lights to specially
applications where a unit is exposed to rust-resistant, eliminating the risk of airborne price. And we can deliver parts to you in less made forks, SPED can provide you with the
corrosive agents or is required to be washed contaminants in the form of paint or rust than 24 hours, any day of the week. How’s tools you require to get the job done right.
down call for extra diligence in protecting flakes. This also does away with the need that for convenience? * May be subject to an additional charge. Contact your local Authorized
Hyster Dealer for more information.
against contaminants when compared to for periodic scraping and repainting,
trucks running in normal operating conditions. allowing your operators to be more If a pallet truck’s true value is its capacity for productivity, the Hyster
Units operating in high corrosive environments productive. The W50Z galvanized frame W50Z is worth its weight in gold. Exceptional maneuverability and
display accelerated surface rust and corrosion pallet truck is the first 5,000-pound
more quickly, which is why Hyster Company is capacity truck designed for use in highly Hyster Company Visit us online at www.hysterusa.com or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1. industry-exclusive options give your operators the power to get more
P.O. Box 7006
proud to introduce a real, long-term solution: corrosive environments like the food Greenville, North Carolina done. Four different application / environmental construction packages ensure the W50Z can stand up
The Extreme Corrosion/ Wash Down Package processing, pickling, tannery, chemical, 27835-7006 Hyster and are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. is a
includes a completely galvanized frame, lift salt and brine industries. trademark of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. to even your most demanding tasks without breaking a sweat. So, when you have a job to do, rely
Part No. W50Z/BTG GNB PalletPro is a registered trademark of its respective company.
linkage, battery well and fork weldment. 1/2006 Litho in U.S.A. ©2006 Hyster Company. All rights reserved. on the Hyster® W50Z.
113116_W50Z 2/7/06 11:45 AM Page 1
It’s not just about the lift trucks. Rental Products Automated Warehouse Solutions
Any company worth its weight knows At Hyster Company, we’re always looking As society’s technological capabilities
success has just as much to do with the for ways to help you keep your productivity advance, we strive to find practical
support before and after the sale as the sale up. Through the Hyster Dealer Network, you applications. One of our most recent ®
itself. We pride ourselves on being more than can access rental equipment for the times innovations in that pursuit is our THE HYSTER ADVANTAGE
just a lift truck manufacturer. Through our when leasing or buying isn’t a practical development of automated warehouse
Dealer Network, we’re also fleet managers, option. Your local Hyster Dealer has access solutions. We can help you determine if DURABILITY: MANEUVERABILITY: PRODUCTIVITY:
parts suppliers, capital procurement to over 14,000 units that are available for your operation would benefit from this When you’ve got a job to do, you need to When designing the Hyster W50Z, The Hyster W50Z is designed to boost
specialists and trainers. You’ll find that short- or long-term rental. Whether you need type of system, which improves inventory know your equipment is tough enough to our engineers kept in mind the small operator productivity through ease of use
when it comes to service, there’s not one truck to substitute for a vehicle that’s accuracy, warehouse productivity and make it through. That’s why Hyster Company spaces it would be used in. They made and less need for maintenance. Several
much we don’t do. being serviced or several lift trucks to safety records, as it reduces maintenance developed the exceptionally rugged W50Z it supremely easy to maneuver around features contribute to the unit’s ease of use
accommodate seasonal changes in your and overtime. Series low lift pallet truck. crowded loading docks. and reduced service requirements.
Hyster® Fleet Services business, we’ll help you maintain output ■ Reduced wiring complexity and fewer ■ Standard W50Z creep speed function ■ The Auto Deceleration System extends
As much as we’d like for your entire fleet to in a cost-effective manner. Operator and Service Training service parts contribute to less required allows the truck to be run with the control traction motor brush and brake life by
be Hyster, we know that’s not always the Hyster Company recognizes that proper maintenance and longer truck life. handle in the full “up” position, placing automatically slowing the truck when the
case. But just because you also operate other Hyster ® Capital training is a key element of a profitable ■ Four application / environmental operators closer to loads for better visibility. accelerator is released, translating to a
brands doesn’t mean we can’t manage your We know that financing new additions to company. That’s why your local Authorized construction options allow additional ■ Fingertip control of all truck functions longer life – and more time spent working.
lift truck maintenance and replacement plan. your fleet can sometimes be challenging. Hyster Dealer offers a training program for component protection for your specific with either hand aids steering and pallet ■ Regular maintenance is simplified by
We can analyze your current fleet or provide That’s why your Hyster Dealer has a long your lift truck operators as well as those usage and temperature range: positioning in tight spots. a 40 percent reduction in electrical
a summary of your fleet history and a cost- list of ways for you to fund your purchase. who maintain your vehicles. Proper education ■ Standard Construction: +32° to +120° F ■ Ergonomically angled handgrips and a connections and easily identifiable wiring.
effective proposal for replacement and We are skilled in arranging solutions for in running and servicing lift trucks cuts ■ Cooler/Freezer Package: 0° to +120° F contoured body provide comfortable ■ The optional 48 - and 60-inch load
scheduled maintenance of all your vehicles. special financing requirements, taking the down on the number of repairs and risk of ■ SUBZERO Freezer Package: - 40° to +120°F operator positioning and protection for backrest extension maximizes load
Once this initial review is complete, we’ll difficulties out of buying the equipment you injuries due to accidents while increasing fingers and knuckles during operation. capabilities to increase efficiency.
(increases truck length by 2")
continue to monitor your fleet to ensure need. Whether you purchase or lease a new productivity. All of our trainers are professionals ■ Wrap around traction reversing button ■ Four application /environmental
■ Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down Package:
it’s performing optimally. or used lift truck, Hyster Capital offers flexible with experience in materials handling. provides a large area of contact. construction option packages tailor
service and competitive rates, ensuring 0° to +120° F (increases truck length by 2")
■ The handle features a direction throttle the W50Z to your specific usage needs
UNISOURCE ™ Parts Program you receive the value you deserve. - This Hyster ® exclusive package features
control actuator that provides 30° rotation to reduce downtime related to
In addition to providing fleet management a rust-resistant, unpainted galvanized
in either direction, making it easy to temperature intolerance.
for a variety of brands, we can also serve as Special Products frame designed to reduce overall surface
corrosion and rust. actuate through the full
your source of parts for all your lift trucks. Engineering Department (SPED) range of motion.
With the Hyster UNISOURCE parts and In a perfect world, every application could - No downtime/labor costs associated
The standard creep speed feature greatly
service program, we offer approximately be handled with a standard lift truck. with periodic repainting. increases maneuverability by allowing the
W50Z to operate with the handle in the
2 million part number crosses for most However, in the real world, different materials - Ideal for applications where the truck full upright position.
brands of materials handling and other require different handling. That’s why Hyster is exposed to corrosive agents or is
Hyster® Trucks Withstand in-plant mobile equipment. UNISOURCE Company’s Special Products Engineering required to be washed down.
Even Your Tough Jobs also has remanufactured parts that provide Department works with you to customize*
The environmental standards required in This optional configuration is unpainted and the same quality and guarantee but at a lower your lift trucks. From strobe lights to specially
applications where a unit is exposed to rust-resistant, eliminating the risk of airborne price. And we can deliver parts to you in less made forks, SPED can provide you with the
corrosive agents or is required to be washed contaminants in the form of paint or rust than 24 hours, any day of the week. How’s tools you require to get the job done right.
down call for extra diligence in protecting flakes. This also does away with the need that for convenience? * May be subject to an additional charge. Contact your local Authorized
Hyster Dealer for more information.
against contaminants when compared to for periodic scraping and repainting,
trucks running in normal operating conditions. allowing your operators to be more If a pallet truck’s true value is its capacity for productivity, the Hyster
Units operating in high corrosive environments productive. The W50Z galvanized frame W50Z is worth its weight in gold. Exceptional maneuverability and
display accelerated surface rust and corrosion pallet truck is the first 5,000-pound
more quickly, which is why Hyster Company is capacity truck designed for use in highly Hyster Company Visit us online at www.hysterusa.com or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1. industry-exclusive options give your operators the power to get more
P.O. Box 7006
proud to introduce a real, long-term solution: corrosive environments like the food Greenville, North Carolina done. Four different application / environmental construction packages ensure the W50Z can stand up
The Extreme Corrosion/ Wash Down Package processing, pickling, tannery, chemical, 27835-7006 Hyster and are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. is a
includes a completely galvanized frame, lift salt and brine industries. trademark of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. to even your most demanding tasks without breaking a sweat. So, when you have a job to do, rely
Part No. W50Z/BTG GNB PalletPro is a registered trademark of its respective company.
linkage, battery well and fork weldment. 1/2006 Litho in U.S.A. ©2006 Hyster Company. All rights reserved. on the Hyster® W50Z.
113116_W50Z 2/7/06 11:45 AM Page 1
It’s not just about the lift trucks. Rental Products Automated Warehouse Solutions
Any company worth its weight knows At Hyster Company, we’re always looking As society’s technological capabilities
success has just as much to do with the for ways to help you keep your productivity advance, we strive to find practical
support before and after the sale as the sale up. Through the Hyster Dealer Network, you applications. One of our most recent ®
itself. We pride ourselves on being more than can access rental equipment for the times innovations in that pursuit is our THE HYSTER ADVANTAGE
just a lift truck manufacturer. Through our when leasing or buying isn’t a practical development of automated warehouse
Dealer Network, we’re also fleet managers, option. Your local Hyster Dealer has access solutions. We can help you determine if DURABILITY: MANEUVERABILITY: PRODUCTIVITY:
parts suppliers, capital procurement to over 14,000 units that are available for your operation would benefit from this When you’ve got a job to do, you need to When designing the Hyster W50Z, The Hyster W50Z is designed to boost
specialists and trainers. You’ll find that short- or long-term rental. Whether you need type of system, which improves inventory know your equipment is tough enough to our engineers kept in mind the small operator productivity through ease of use
when it comes to service, there’s not one truck to substitute for a vehicle that’s accuracy, warehouse productivity and make it through. That’s why Hyster Company spaces it would be used in. They made and less need for maintenance. Several
much we don’t do. being serviced or several lift trucks to safety records, as it reduces maintenance developed the exceptionally rugged W50Z it supremely easy to maneuver around features contribute to the unit’s ease of use
accommodate seasonal changes in your and overtime. Series low lift pallet truck. crowded loading docks. and reduced service requirements.
Hyster® Fleet Services business, we’ll help you maintain output ■ Reduced wiring complexity and fewer ■ Standard W50Z creep speed function ■ The Auto Deceleration System extends
As much as we’d like for your entire fleet to in a cost-effective manner. Operator and Service Training service parts contribute to less required allows the truck to be run with the control traction motor brush and brake life by
be Hyster, we know that’s not always the Hyster Company recognizes that proper maintenance and longer truck life. handle in the full “up” position, placing automatically slowing the truck when the
case. But just because you also operate other Hyster ® Capital training is a key element of a profitable ■ Four application / environmental operators closer to loads for better visibility. accelerator is released, translating to a
brands doesn’t mean we can’t manage your We know that financing new additions to company. That’s why your local Authorized construction options allow additional ■ Fingertip control of all truck functions longer life – and more time spent working.
lift truck maintenance and replacement plan. your fleet can sometimes be challenging. Hyster Dealer offers a training program for component protection for your specific with either hand aids steering and pallet ■ Regular maintenance is simplified by
We can analyze your current fleet or provide That’s why your Hyster Dealer has a long your lift truck operators as well as those usage and temperature range: positioning in tight spots. a 40 percent reduction in electrical
a summary of your fleet history and a cost- list of ways for you to fund your purchase. who maintain your vehicles. Proper education ■ Standard Construction: +32° to +120° F ■ Ergonomically angled handgrips and a connections and easily identifiable wiring.
effective proposal for replacement and We are skilled in arranging solutions for in running and servicing lift trucks cuts ■ Cooler/Freezer Package: 0° to +120° F contoured body provide comfortable ■ The optional 48 - and 60-inch load
scheduled maintenance of all your vehicles. special financing requirements, taking the down on the number of repairs and risk of ■ SUBZERO Freezer Package: - 40° to +120°F operator positioning and protection for backrest extension maximizes load
Once this initial review is complete, we’ll difficulties out of buying the equipment you injuries due to accidents while increasing fingers and knuckles during operation. capabilities to increase efficiency.
(increases truck length by 2")
continue to monitor your fleet to ensure need. Whether you purchase or lease a new productivity. All of our trainers are professionals ■ Wrap around traction reversing button ■ Four application /environmental
■ Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down Package:
it’s performing optimally. or used lift truck, Hyster Capital offers flexible with experience in materials handling. provides a large area of contact. construction option packages tailor
service and competitive rates, ensuring 0° to +120° F (increases truck length by 2")
■ The handle features a direction throttle the W50Z to your specific usage needs
UNISOURCE ™ Parts Program you receive the value you deserve. - This Hyster ® exclusive package features
control actuator that provides 30° rotation to reduce downtime related to
In addition to providing fleet management a rust-resistant, unpainted galvanized
in either direction, making it easy to temperature intolerance.
for a variety of brands, we can also serve as Special Products frame designed to reduce overall surface
corrosion and rust. actuate through the full
your source of parts for all your lift trucks. Engineering Department (SPED) range of motion.
With the Hyster UNISOURCE parts and In a perfect world, every application could - No downtime/labor costs associated
The standard creep speed feature greatly
service program, we offer approximately be handled with a standard lift truck. with periodic repainting. increases maneuverability by allowing the
W50Z to operate with the handle in the
2 million part number crosses for most However, in the real world, different materials - Ideal for applications where the truck full upright position.
brands of materials handling and other require different handling. That’s why Hyster is exposed to corrosive agents or is
Hyster® Trucks Withstand in-plant mobile equipment. UNISOURCE Company’s Special Products Engineering required to be washed down.
Even Your Tough Jobs also has remanufactured parts that provide Department works with you to customize*
The environmental standards required in This optional configuration is unpainted and the same quality and guarantee but at a lower your lift trucks. From strobe lights to specially
applications where a unit is exposed to rust-resistant, eliminating the risk of airborne price. And we can deliver parts to you in less made forks, SPED can provide you with the
corrosive agents or is required to be washed contaminants in the form of paint or rust than 24 hours, any day of the week. How’s tools you require to get the job done right.
down call for extra diligence in protecting flakes. This also does away with the need that for convenience? * May be subject to an additional charge. Contact your local Authorized
Hyster Dealer for more information.
against contaminants when compared to for periodic scraping and repainting,
trucks running in normal operating conditions. allowing your operators to be more If a pallet truck’s true value is its capacity for productivity, the Hyster
Units operating in high corrosive environments productive. The W50Z galvanized frame W50Z is worth its weight in gold. Exceptional maneuverability and
display accelerated surface rust and corrosion pallet truck is the first 5,000-pound
more quickly, which is why Hyster Company is capacity truck designed for use in highly Hyster Company Visit us online at www.hysterusa.com or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1. industry-exclusive options give your operators the power to get more
P.O. Box 7006
proud to introduce a real, long-term solution: corrosive environments like the food Greenville, North Carolina done. Four different application / environmental construction packages ensure the W50Z can stand up
The Extreme Corrosion/ Wash Down Package processing, pickling, tannery, chemical, 27835-7006 Hyster and are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. is a
includes a completely galvanized frame, lift salt and brine industries. trademark of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. to even your most demanding tasks without breaking a sweat. So, when you have a job to do, rely
Part No. W50Z/BTG GNB PalletPro is a registered trademark of its respective company.
linkage, battery well and fork weldment. 1/2006 Litho in U.S.A. ©2006 Hyster Company. All rights reserved. on the Hyster® W50Z.
113116_W50Z 2/7/06 11:45 AM Page 2
24 Volt Fork Lengths L O AD BAC KRE S T
SEM Transistor Control
42" Long Forks A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500) A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500)
with Integrated Transistor
60" Long Forks 10° Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499) Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499)
Lift Pump Control 60° B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 41.0 (1040) 46.9 (1190) 52.8 (1340) 64.6 (1640) B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692)
Fork Spread A
48" Long Forks Lowered 44.1 (1120) 50.0 (1270) 55.9 (1420) 67.7 (1720) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770)
18" Fork Spread
A B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692) B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 45.0 (1143) 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 68.6 (1742)
27" Fork Spread 22" Fork Spread 4 8 .3 W IT H L O AD BAC KRE S T
(1226) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770) Lowered 48.1 (1222) 54.0 (1372) 59.9 (1521) 71.7 (1821)
Low Battery Lift Interrupt Note: Fork dimensions listed F O RKS 10. 6
C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 57.8 (1468) 63.7 (1618) 69.6 (1768) 81.4 (2068) C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 59.8 (1519) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 83.4 (2118)
(length, spread, width) are 3 1 .5 1 0 ° RAIS E D ( 269) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 59.8 (1518) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 71.7 (1821) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 61.8 (1570) 67.7 (1720) 73.6 (1869) 85.4 (2169)
Lift Motor Cut-out at nominal. See specifications (805)
D Chassis Length – 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) D Chassis Length – 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620)
Full Height page for actual dimensions. OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 47.5 (1207) 53.4 (1356) 59.3 (1506) 71.2 (1808) OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
Flush Pallet Stop without Load Backrest Lowered 50.6 (1285) 56.5 (1435) 62.4 (1585) 74.2 (1885) without Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
Load Backrest OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
5. 0 LI FT OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 51.5 (1308) 57.4 (1458) 63.3 (1608) 75.2 (1910)
Electromagnetic Park 48" High (Bolt-on) ( 127) 8. 3 with Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
60" High (Bolt-on) W Y ( 211)
with Load Backrest Lowered 54.6 (1387) 60.5 (1537) 66.4 (1687) 78.2 (1986)
Brake with Service Override OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 48.9 (1243) 54.8 (1393) 60.7 (1623) 72.6 (1843) OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Application / Environmental 3 .5 X without Load Backrest Lowered 52.1 (1323) 58.0 (1473) 63.9 (1623) 75.7 (1923) without Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974)
Regenerative Braking (89) D 3. 25 OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Construction ( 83)
OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 52.9 (1344) 58.8 (1494) 64.7 (1643) 76.6 (1946)
Press-on Rubber Drive Tire RU BBE R D RIV E T IRE 6 .5 B with Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974) with Load Backrest Lowered 56.1 (1425) 62.0 (1575) 67.9 (1725) 79.7 (2024)
(9" x 5") Cooler / Freezer Package 9 .0 X 5 .0 (166) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 61.5 (1561) 66.3 (1685) 71.4 (1813) 81.8 (2077) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121)
Operating Temperatures: C without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
Impact-Resistant, 0° to +120° F E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 64.9 (1648) 69.7 (1770) 74.6 (1895) 85.2 (2164)
Ergonomically Designed, with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Bottom Mount Control SUBZERO Freezer Package F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 52.5 (1334) 55.3 (1405) 58.4 (1484) 64.6 (1641) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666)
Handle Operating Temperatures: E without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
- 40° to +120° F 4 0 .0 " ( 1 0 1 6 ) W ID E L O AD
F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 54.2 (1377) 57.3 (1455) 60.4 (1534) 66.6 (1692)
Direction Reversing Switch with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Extreme Corrosion / W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67% W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67%
Creep Speed “Turtle” Button Wash Down Package 1. 0" X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 36% 31% 27% 23% X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 35% 30% 26% 21%
Three User Selectable Operating Temperatures: ( 25) Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33% Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33%
Performance Modes 0° to 120° F OTR 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position. 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position.
24 Volt Fork Lengths L O AD BAC KRE S T
SEM Transistor Control
42" Long Forks A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500) A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500)
with Integrated Transistor
60" Long Forks 10° Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499) Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499)
Lift Pump Control 60° B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 41.0 (1040) 46.9 (1190) 52.8 (1340) 64.6 (1640) B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692)
Fork Spread A
48" Long Forks Lowered 44.1 (1120) 50.0 (1270) 55.9 (1420) 67.7 (1720) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770)
18" Fork Spread
A B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692) B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 45.0 (1143) 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 68.6 (1742)
27" Fork Spread 22" Fork Spread 4 8 .3 W IT H L O AD BAC KRE S T
(1226) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770) Lowered 48.1 (1222) 54.0 (1372) 59.9 (1521) 71.7 (1821)
Low Battery Lift Interrupt Note: Fork dimensions listed F O RKS 10. 6
C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 57.8 (1468) 63.7 (1618) 69.6 (1768) 81.4 (2068) C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 59.8 (1519) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 83.4 (2118)
(length, spread, width) are 3 1 .5 1 0 ° RAIS E D ( 269) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 59.8 (1518) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 71.7 (1821) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 61.8 (1570) 67.7 (1720) 73.6 (1869) 85.4 (2169)
Lift Motor Cut-out at nominal. See specifications (805)
D Chassis Length – 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) D Chassis Length – 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620)
Full Height page for actual dimensions. OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 47.5 (1207) 53.4 (1356) 59.3 (1506) 71.2 (1808) OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
Flush Pallet Stop without Load Backrest Lowered 50.6 (1285) 56.5 (1435) 62.4 (1585) 74.2 (1885) without Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
Load Backrest OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
5. 0 LI FT OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 51.5 (1308) 57.4 (1458) 63.3 (1608) 75.2 (1910)
Electromagnetic Park 48" High (Bolt-on) ( 127) 8. 3 with Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
60" High (Bolt-on) W Y ( 211)
with Load Backrest Lowered 54.6 (1387) 60.5 (1537) 66.4 (1687) 78.2 (1986)
Brake with Service Override OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 48.9 (1243) 54.8 (1393) 60.7 (1623) 72.6 (1843) OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Application / Environmental 3 .5 X without Load Backrest Lowered 52.1 (1323) 58.0 (1473) 63.9 (1623) 75.7 (1923) without Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974)
Regenerative Braking (89) D 3. 25 OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Construction ( 83)
OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 52.9 (1344) 58.8 (1494) 64.7 (1643) 76.6 (1946)
Press-on Rubber Drive Tire RU BBE R D RIV E T IRE 6 .5 B with Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974) with Load Backrest Lowered 56.1 (1425) 62.0 (1575) 67.9 (1725) 79.7 (2024)
(9" x 5") Cooler / Freezer Package 9 .0 X 5 .0 (166) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 61.5 (1561) 66.3 (1685) 71.4 (1813) 81.8 (2077) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121)
Operating Temperatures: C without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
Impact-Resistant, 0° to +120° F E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 64.9 (1648) 69.7 (1770) 74.6 (1895) 85.2 (2164)
Ergonomically Designed, with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Bottom Mount Control SUBZERO Freezer Package F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 52.5 (1334) 55.3 (1405) 58.4 (1484) 64.6 (1641) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666)
Handle Operating Temperatures: E without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
- 40° to +120° F 4 0 .0 " ( 1 0 1 6 ) W ID E L O AD
F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 54.2 (1377) 57.3 (1455) 60.4 (1534) 66.6 (1692)
Direction Reversing Switch with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Extreme Corrosion / W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67% W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67%
Creep Speed “Turtle” Button Wash Down Package 1. 0" X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 36% 31% 27% 23% X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 35% 30% 26% 21%
Three User Selectable Operating Temperatures: ( 25) Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33% Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33%
Performance Modes 0° to 120° F OTR 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position. 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position.
24 Volt Fork Lengths L O AD BAC KRE S T
SEM Transistor Control
42" Long Forks A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500) A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500)
with Integrated Transistor
60" Long Forks 10° Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499) Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499)
Lift Pump Control 60° B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 41.0 (1040) 46.9 (1190) 52.8 (1340) 64.6 (1640) B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692)
Fork Spread A
48" Long Forks Lowered 44.1 (1120) 50.0 (1270) 55.9 (1420) 67.7 (1720) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770)
18" Fork Spread
A B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692) B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 45.0 (1143) 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 68.6 (1742)
27" Fork Spread 22" Fork Spread 4 8 .3 W IT H L O AD BAC KRE S T
(1226) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770) Lowered 48.1 (1222) 54.0 (1372) 59.9 (1521) 71.7 (1821)
Low Battery Lift Interrupt Note: Fork dimensions listed F O RKS 10. 6
C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 57.8 (1468) 63.7 (1618) 69.6 (1768) 81.4 (2068) C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 59.8 (1519) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 83.4 (2118)
(length, spread, width) are 3 1 .5 1 0 ° RAIS E D ( 269) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 59.8 (1518) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 71.7 (1821) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 61.8 (1570) 67.7 (1720) 73.6 (1869) 85.4 (2169)
Lift Motor Cut-out at nominal. See specifications (805)
D Chassis Length – 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) D Chassis Length – 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620)
Full Height page for actual dimensions. OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 47.5 (1207) 53.4 (1356) 59.3 (1506) 71.2 (1808) OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
Flush Pallet Stop without Load Backrest Lowered 50.6 (1285) 56.5 (1435) 62.4 (1585) 74.2 (1885) without Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
Load Backrest OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
5. 0 LI FT OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 51.5 (1308) 57.4 (1458) 63.3 (1608) 75.2 (1910)
Electromagnetic Park 48" High (Bolt-on) ( 127) 8. 3 with Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
60" High (Bolt-on) W Y ( 211)
with Load Backrest Lowered 54.6 (1387) 60.5 (1537) 66.4 (1687) 78.2 (1986)
Brake with Service Override OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 48.9 (1243) 54.8 (1393) 60.7 (1623) 72.6 (1843) OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Application / Environmental 3 .5 X without Load Backrest Lowered 52.1 (1323) 58.0 (1473) 63.9 (1623) 75.7 (1923) without Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974)
Regenerative Braking (89) D 3. 25 OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Construction ( 83)
OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 52.9 (1344) 58.8 (1494) 64.7 (1643) 76.6 (1946)
Press-on Rubber Drive Tire RU BBE R D RIV E T IRE 6 .5 B with Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974) with Load Backrest Lowered 56.1 (1425) 62.0 (1575) 67.9 (1725) 79.7 (2024)
(9" x 5") Cooler / Freezer Package 9 .0 X 5 .0 (166) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 61.5 (1561) 66.3 (1685) 71.4 (1813) 81.8 (2077) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121)
Operating Temperatures: C without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
Impact-Resistant, 0° to +120° F E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 64.9 (1648) 69.7 (1770) 74.6 (1895) 85.2 (2164)
Ergonomically Designed, with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Bottom Mount Control SUBZERO Freezer Package F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 52.5 (1334) 55.3 (1405) 58.4 (1484) 64.6 (1641) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666)
Handle Operating Temperatures: E without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
- 40° to +120° F 4 0 .0 " ( 1 0 1 6 ) W ID E L O AD
F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 54.2 (1377) 57.3 (1455) 60.4 (1534) 66.6 (1692)
Direction Reversing Switch with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Extreme Corrosion / W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67% W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67%
Creep Speed “Turtle” Button Wash Down Package 1. 0" X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 36% 31% 27% 23% X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 35% 30% 26% 21%
Three User Selectable Operating Temperatures: ( 25) Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33% Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33%
Performance Modes 0° to 120° F OTR 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position. 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position.
24 Volt Fork Lengths L O AD BAC KRE S T
SEM Transistor Control
42" Long Forks A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500) A Fork Length Nominal – 36 (900) 42 (1050) 48 (1200) 60 (1500)
with Integrated Transistor
60" Long Forks 10° Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499) Actual – 35.4 (899) 41.3 (1049) 47.2 (1199) 59.0 (1499)
Lift Pump Control 60° B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 41.0 (1040) 46.9 (1190) 52.8 (1340) 64.6 (1640) B Wheel Base without Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692)
Fork Spread A
48" Long Forks Lowered 44.1 (1120) 50.0 (1270) 55.9 (1420) 67.7 (1720) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770)
18" Fork Spread
A B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 43.0 (1092) 48.9 (1242) 54.8 (1392) 66.6 (1692) B Wheel Base with Load Backrest Raised 45.0 (1143) 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 68.6 (1742)
27" Fork Spread 22" Fork Spread 4 8 .3 W IT H L O AD BAC KRE S T
(1226) Lowered 46.1 (1171) 52.0 (1321) 57.9 (1471) 69.7 (1770) Lowered 48.1 (1222) 54.0 (1372) 59.9 (1521) 71.7 (1821)
Low Battery Lift Interrupt Note: Fork dimensions listed F O RKS 10. 6
C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 57.8 (1468) 63.7 (1618) 69.6 (1768) 81.4 (2068) C Overall Length without Load Backrest – 59.8 (1519) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 83.4 (2118)
(length, spread, width) are 3 1 .5 1 0 ° RAIS E D ( 269) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 59.8 (1518) 65.7 (1669) 71.6 (1819) 71.7 (1821) C Overall Length with Load Backrest – 61.8 (1570) 67.7 (1720) 73.6 (1869) 85.4 (2169)
Lift Motor Cut-out at nominal. See specifications (805)
D Chassis Length – 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) 22.4 (570) D Chassis Length – 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620) 24.4 (620)
Full Height page for actual dimensions. OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 47.5 (1207) 53.4 (1356) 59.3 (1506) 71.2 (1808) OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
Flush Pallet Stop without Load Backrest Lowered 50.6 (1285) 56.5 (1435) 62.4 (1585) 74.2 (1885) without Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
Load Backrest OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 49.5 (1257) 55.4 (1407) 61.3 (1557) 73.2 (1859)
5. 0 LI FT OTR (b) Outside Turning Radius (bumper) Raised 51.5 (1308) 57.4 (1458) 63.3 (1608) 75.2 (1910)
Electromagnetic Park 48" High (Bolt-on) ( 127) 8. 3 with Load Backrest Lowered 52.6 (1336) 58.5 (1486) 64.4 (1636) 76.2 (1935)
60" High (Bolt-on) W Y ( 211)
with Load Backrest Lowered 54.6 (1387) 60.5 (1537) 66.4 (1687) 78.2 (1986)
Brake with Service Override OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 48.9 (1243) 54.8 (1393) 60.7 (1623) 72.6 (1843) OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Application / Environmental 3 .5 X without Load Backrest Lowered 52.1 (1323) 58.0 (1473) 63.9 (1623) 75.7 (1923) without Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974)
Regenerative Braking (89) D 3. 25 OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 50.9 (1293) 56.8 (1443) 62.7 (1593) 74.6 (1895)
Construction ( 83)
OTR (h) Outside Turning Radius (handle) Raised 52.9 (1344) 58.8 (1494) 64.7 (1643) 76.6 (1946)
Press-on Rubber Drive Tire RU BBE R D RIV E T IRE 6 .5 B with Load Backrest Lowered 54.1 (1374) 60.0 (1524) 65.9 (1674) 77.7 (1974) with Load Backrest Lowered 56.1 (1425) 62.0 (1575) 67.9 (1725) 79.7 (2024)
(9" x 5") Cooler / Freezer Package 9 .0 X 5 .0 (166) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 61.5 (1561) 66.3 (1685) 71.4 (1813) 81.8 (2077) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121)
Operating Temperatures: C without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
Impact-Resistant, 0° to +120° F E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 63.2 (1605) 68.0 (1727) 73.0 (1854) 83.5 (2121) E Right Angle Stack (aisle) Raised 64.9 (1648) 69.7 (1770) 74.6 (1895) 85.2 (2164)
Ergonomically Designed, with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Bottom Mount Control SUBZERO Freezer Package F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 52.5 (1334) 55.3 (1405) 58.4 (1484) 64.6 (1641) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666)
Handle Operating Temperatures: E without Load Backrest without Load Backrest
- 40° to +120° F 4 0 .0 " ( 1 0 1 6 ) W ID E L O AD
F Equal Intersecting Aisle – 53.2 (1351) 56.3 (1430) 59.4 (1509) 65.6 (1666) F Equal Intersecting Aisle Raised 54.2 (1377) 57.3 (1455) 60.4 (1534) 66.6 (1692)
Direction Reversing Switch with Load Backrest with Load Backrest
Extreme Corrosion / W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67% W % Grade Clearance1 Raised 67% 67% 67% 67%
Creep Speed “Turtle” Button Wash Down Package 1. 0" X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 36% 31% 27% 23% X % Grade Clearance1 Raised 35% 30% 26% 21%
Three User Selectable Operating Temperatures: ( 25) Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33% Y % Grade Clearance1 Raised 33% 33% 33% 33%
Performance Modes 0° to 120° F OTR 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position. 1
Measured to the bottom of a GMA approved pallet on the forks while they are in the raised position.
It’s not just about the lift trucks. Rental Products Automated Warehouse Solutions
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just a lift truck manufacturer. Through our when leasing or buying isn’t a practical development of automated warehouse
Dealer Network, we’re also fleet managers, option. Your local Hyster Dealer has access solutions. We can help you determine if DURABILITY: MANEUVERABILITY: PRODUCTIVITY:
parts suppliers, capital procurement to over 14,000 units that are available for your operation would benefit from this When you’ve got a job to do, you need to When designing the Hyster W50Z, The Hyster W50Z is designed to boost
specialists and trainers. You’ll find that short- or long-term rental. Whether you need type of system, which improves inventory know your equipment is tough enough to our engineers kept in mind the small operator productivity through ease of use
when it comes to service, there’s not one truck to substitute for a vehicle that’s accuracy, warehouse productivity and make it through. That’s why Hyster Company spaces it would be used in. They made and less need for maintenance. Several
much we don’t do. being serviced or several lift trucks to safety records, as it reduces maintenance developed the exceptionally rugged W50Z it supremely easy to maneuver around features contribute to the unit’s ease of use
accommodate seasonal changes in your and overtime. Series low lift pallet truck. crowded loading docks. and reduced service requirements.
Hyster® Fleet Services business, we’ll help you maintain output ■ Reduced wiring complexity and fewer ■ Standard W50Z creep speed function ■ The Auto Deceleration System extends
As much as we’d like for your entire fleet to in a cost-effective manner. Operator and Service Training service parts contribute to less required allows the truck to be run with the control traction motor brush and brake life by
be Hyster, we know that’s not always the Hyster Company recognizes that proper maintenance and longer truck life. handle in the full “up” position, placing automatically slowing the truck when the
case. But just because you also operate other Hyster ® Capital training is a key element of a profitable ■ Four application / environmental operators closer to loads for better visibility. accelerator is released, translating to a
brands doesn’t mean we can’t manage your We know that financing new additions to company. That’s why your local Authorized construction options allow additional ■ Fingertip control of all truck functions longer life – and more time spent working.
lift truck maintenance and replacement plan. your fleet can sometimes be challenging. Hyster Dealer offers a training program for component protection for your specific with either hand aids steering and pallet ■ Regular maintenance is simplified by
We can analyze your current fleet or provide That’s why your Hyster Dealer has a long your lift truck operators as well as those usage and temperature range: positioning in tight spots. a 40 percent reduction in electrical
a summary of your fleet history and a cost- list of ways for you to fund your purchase. who maintain your vehicles. Proper education ■ Standard Construction: +32° to +120° F ■ Ergonomically angled handgrips and a connections and easily identifiable wiring.
effective proposal for replacement and We are skilled in arranging solutions for in running and servicing lift trucks cuts ■ Cooler/Freezer Package: 0° to +120° F contoured body provide comfortable ■ The optional 48 - and 60-inch load
scheduled maintenance of all your vehicles. special financing requirements, taking the down on the number of repairs and risk of ■ SUBZERO Freezer Package: - 40° to +120°F operator positioning and protection for backrest extension maximizes load
Once this initial review is complete, we’ll difficulties out of buying the equipment you injuries due to accidents while increasing fingers and knuckles during operation. capabilities to increase efficiency.
(increases truck length by 2")
continue to monitor your fleet to ensure need. Whether you purchase or lease a new productivity. All of our trainers are professionals ■ Wrap around traction reversing button ■ Four application /environmental
■ Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down Package:
it’s performing optimally. or used lift truck, Hyster Capital offers flexible with experience in materials handling. provides a large area of contact. construction option packages tailor
service and competitive rates, ensuring 0° to +120° F (increases truck length by 2")
■ The handle features a direction throttle the W50Z to your specific usage needs
UNISOURCE ™ Parts Program you receive the value you deserve. - This Hyster ® exclusive package features
control actuator that provides 30° rotation to reduce downtime related to
In addition to providing fleet management a rust-resistant, unpainted galvanized
in either direction, making it easy to temperature intolerance.
for a variety of brands, we can also serve as Special Products frame designed to reduce overall surface
corrosion and rust. actuate through the full
your source of parts for all your lift trucks. Engineering Department (SPED) range of motion.
With the Hyster UNISOURCE parts and In a perfect world, every application could - No downtime/labor costs associated
The standard creep speed feature greatly
service program, we offer approximately be handled with a standard lift truck. with periodic repainting. increases maneuverability by allowing the
W50Z to operate with the handle in the
2 million part number crosses for most However, in the real world, different materials - Ideal for applications where the truck full upright position.
brands of materials handling and other require different handling. That’s why Hyster is exposed to corrosive agents or is
Hyster® Trucks Withstand in-plant mobile equipment. UNISOURCE Company’s Special Products Engineering required to be washed down.
Even Your Tough Jobs also has remanufactured parts that provide Department works with you to customize*
The environmental standards required in This optional configuration is unpainted and the same quality and guarantee but at a lower your lift trucks. From strobe lights to specially
applications where a unit is exposed to rust-resistant, eliminating the risk of airborne price. And we can deliver parts to you in less made forks, SPED can provide you with the
corrosive agents or is required to be washed contaminants in the form of paint or rust than 24 hours, any day of the week. How’s tools you require to get the job done right.
down call for extra diligence in protecting flakes. This also does away with the need that for convenience? * May be subject to an additional charge. Contact your local Authorized
Hyster Dealer for more information.
against contaminants when compared to for periodic scraping and repainting,
trucks running in normal operating conditions. allowing your operators to be more If a pallet truck’s true value is its capacity for productivity, the Hyster
Units operating in high corrosive environments productive. The W50Z galvanized frame W50Z is worth its weight in gold. Exceptional maneuverability and
display accelerated surface rust and corrosion pallet truck is the first 5,000-pound
more quickly, which is why Hyster Company is capacity truck designed for use in highly Hyster Company Visit us online at www.hysterusa.com or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1. industry-exclusive options give your operators the power to get more
P.O. Box 7006
proud to introduce a real, long-term solution: corrosive environments like the food Greenville, North Carolina done. Four different application / environmental construction packages ensure the W50Z can stand up
The Extreme Corrosion/ Wash Down Package processing, pickling, tannery, chemical, 27835-7006 Hyster and are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. is a
includes a completely galvanized frame, lift salt and brine industries. trademark of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. to even your most demanding tasks without breaking a sweat. So, when you have a job to do, rely
Part No. W50Z/BTG GNB PalletPro is a registered trademark of its respective company.
linkage, battery well and fork weldment. 1/2006 Litho in U.S.A. ©2006 Hyster Company. All rights reserved. on the Hyster® W50Z.
How important are your Walkie pallet trucks to your operation’s success?
Hyster Company invites you to experience our evolutionary What’s more, every W60Z Walkie pallet truck uses proven
W60Z Walkie pallet truck. For over 70 years, Hyster Company Separately Excited Motor (SEM) transistor technology,
has been building lift trucks as tough as your business, and giving you the advantage of programmability, with the optional
our new W60Z pallet truck is no exception. handset. SEM also saves you money by simplifying the W60Z
This new 6,000 lb. capacity walkie pallet truck delivers excellent Walkie’s maintenance needs, by reducing parts. In addition, you
maneuverability, superior travel speeds and the versatility get the added benefits associated with regenerative braking
your operations require. The W60Z truck’s newly restyled bottom- which include a significant increase in traction motor brush life and
mounted control handle affords you increased comfort and its corresponding lower maintenance costs. It also increases the
control for your busy work areas, crowded docks and trailers. traction motor’s torque range providing increased travel speeds
The W60Z truck’s restyled bottom-mounted handle conven- The W60Z forks feature box-rail construction for increased
iently provides you control of all functions with either hand, strength and rigidity, throughout its full 6-inches of lift height.
including the horn. Its angle handgrips and bulbous head Adjustable two-piece heavy-duty pull rod assembly with re-
provide when-you-need-it protection for your fingers and placeable threaded ends allow compensation as load wheels
knuckles. Also, its raised lift/lower buttons afford intuitive wear. Knock-out axles facilitate easy wheel replacement.
fingertip operation. The handle’s traction reversing switch
(belly switch) wraps the end of the handle, enabling actuation
throughout its full range of pivot.
Optional display unit gives you battery
state of charge, lift interrupt indication
and status codes on an eight character
LED screen.
Wheelbase, raised with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.1 (1 247) 55.1 (1 400) 61.1 (1 551)
10 Turning radius, lowered, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 63.2 (1 605) 69.2 (1 758) 75.2 (1 910)
Turning radius, raised, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.5 (1 485) 64.5 (1 638) 70.5 (1 790)
11 Right angle aisle stack, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 71.2 (1 808) 76.6 (1 946) 82.1 (2 096)
12 Equal intersecting aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 56.5 (1 435) 59.8 (1 519) 62.9 (1 596)
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 39 34 31
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236)
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
16 Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0
Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787)
18 Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 536 (243) 536 (243) 536 (243)
Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 865 (392) 865 (392) 865 (392)
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.7 (6.0) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.7 (6.0) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.7 (6.0) / 2.6 (4.2)
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt NL seconds 3.7 / 3.0 3.7 / 3.0 3.7 / 3.0
Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt RL seconds 4.7 / 1.8 4.7 / 1.8 4.7 / 1.8
21 Drive tire size (Rubber) in. 10.0 x 5.0 x 6.5 10.0 x 5.0 x 6.5 10.0 x 5.0 x 6.5
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
23 Weight, total approx. with 13.4” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 987 (448) 1,007 (457) 1,022 (464)
* Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
W60Z Pallet Trucks use SB175 Red connector - 16.0” (406 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 11, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is 23.3” (592 mm).
The W60Z Walkie pallet truck can utilize a battery with a maximum Amp hour capacity of 510 Ah (11.9 kw).
Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at
time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck.
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle
and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
HYSTER. IN FOR THE LONG RUN. Hyster Company’s low level materials handling equipment comes
full-circle with the evolutionary W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck.
sealed componentry of the food processing package Both are literally topped by the W65Z
keeps out the moisture of hot-water wash-down. From the first turn
Walkie handle’s traction reversing
of the key, this pallet truck’s balanced design delivers greater ”belly” switch which wraps over the
maneuverability and operator comfort. top end, enabling actuation through- The ‘creep-speed or turtle’
button provides you greater
Comforts like, its restyled bottom-mounted handle that provides
out its full range of motion. In addition, maneuverability on the W65Z.
excellent control of all functions with either hand including the horn.
the control handle’s raised body design provides when-you-need-it
Or, perhaps it’s the butterfly-type rotary controls and raised lift and
protection for your knuckles. And you’ll love, the optional creep
lower buttons that afford you intuitive fingertip operation.
speed or “turtle” button on the operator side of the handle. It
Standard equipment includes: allows operation of the truck, even when the handle’s in the upright
• 12 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 9.0” Battery Compartment
position. Best of all, the handle’s modular design makes servicing simple.
• Flush pallet stop • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • 27.0” Width across forks • Single polyurethane load wheels
Since our engineers have provided you a way out of those
• 3.3” Lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • 48.0” Long forks • Electromagnetic park brake • Knock-out load wheel axles
‘tight spots’, we felt it only right to simplify pallet access to further
• SB 175 Yellow battery connector • Key switch • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Traction reversing switch
• Top mounted control handle • Operator’s manual • Butterfly-type accelerator control • 10.0” x 5.0” Rubber drive tire bolster your productivity. The W65Z pallet truck’s fork profile
• U.L. Classification E. has been re-designed with a tapered nose and shortened pallet exit
skid. In addition, we used a wider exit roller and moved it closer to the
load wheel. Both design enhancements help ensure easier entry
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com and exit from any pallet, loaded or unload. What’s more, the
P. O. Box 7006
Hyster, , VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. W65Z Walkie’s full 6-inches of lift height makes traveling across uneven
Greenville, North Carolina
27835-7006 XM, XM2, XMT2 and are trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products floors and over dockboards or ramps hassle-free. Handling capacity
are subject to change without notice.
loads every time isn’t a problem, the box-section construction
Part No. W65Z/BTG
Hyster Company uses recycled paper for its sales literature.
3/2003 Litho in U.S.A. of the W65Z truck’s forks provide unmatched durability and strength.
10140J_W65Z 1/19/04 5:09 PM Page 1
HYSTER. IN FOR THE LONG RUN. Hyster Company’s low level materials handling equipment comes
full-circle with the evolutionary W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck.
sealed componentry of the food processing package Both are literally topped by the W65Z
keeps out the moisture of hot-water wash-down. From the first turn
Walkie handle’s traction reversing
of the key, this pallet truck’s balanced design delivers greater ”belly” switch which wraps over the
maneuverability and operator comfort. top end, enabling actuation through- The ‘creep-speed or turtle’
button provides you greater
Comforts like, its restyled bottom-mounted handle that provides
out its full range of motion. In addition, maneuverability on the W65Z.
excellent control of all functions with either hand including the horn.
the control handle’s raised body design provides when-you-need-it
Or, perhaps it’s the butterfly-type rotary controls and raised lift and
protection for your knuckles. And you’ll love, the optional creep
lower buttons that afford you intuitive fingertip operation.
speed or “turtle” button on the operator side of the handle. It
Standard equipment includes: allows operation of the truck, even when the handle’s in the upright
• 12 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 9.0” Battery Compartment
position. Best of all, the handle’s modular design makes servicing simple.
• Flush pallet stop • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • 27.0” Width across forks • Single polyurethane load wheels
Since our engineers have provided you a way out of those
• 3.3” Lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • 48.0” Long forks • Electromagnetic park brake • Knock-out load wheel axles
‘tight spots’, we felt it only right to simplify pallet access to further
• SB 175 Yellow battery connector • Key switch • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Traction reversing switch
• Top mounted control handle • Operator’s manual • Butterfly-type accelerator control • 10.0” x 5.0” Rubber drive tire bolster your productivity. The W65Z pallet truck’s fork profile
• U.L. Classification E. has been re-designed with a tapered nose and shortened pallet exit
skid. In addition, we used a wider exit roller and moved it closer to the
load wheel. Both design enhancements help ensure easier entry
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com and exit from any pallet, loaded or unload. What’s more, the
P. O. Box 7006
Hyster, , VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. W65Z Walkie’s full 6-inches of lift height makes traveling across uneven
Greenville, North Carolina
27835-7006 XM, XM2, XMT2 and are trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products floors and over dockboards or ramps hassle-free. Handling capacity
are subject to change without notice.
loads every time isn’t a problem, the box-section construction
Part No. W65Z/BTG
Hyster Company uses recycled paper for its sales literature.
3/2003 Litho in U.S.A. of the W65Z truck’s forks provide unmatched durability and strength.
10140J_W65Z 1/19/04 5:09 PM Page 2
Outside Turning Radius Walkie Pallet Truck, maximizing your uptime. The transistor
2 Model W65Z W65Z W65Z
Right Angle Stacking 11 1.0
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) controls also dramatically increase the life of the traction motor brushes,
(25) 4 Voltage 12 12 12
10 minimizing servicing needs even further. Another bonus of the
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck’s integral solid-state transistor hydraulic
7 Chassis length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762)
8 Overall length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 65.8 (1 671) 71.8 (1 824) 77.8 (1 976)
34.0 9 Wheelbase, lowered with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.4 (1 255) 55.4 (1 407) 61.4 (1 560)
(864) 27.0
32.6 Wheelbase, raised with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 44.7 (1 1350 50.7 (1 288) 56.7 (1 440)
(828) 10 Turning radius, lowered, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.8 (1 494) 64.8 (1 646) 70.8 (1 798)
Turning radius, raised, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 54.1 (1 374) 60.1 (1 527) 66.1 (1 679)
9.1 11 Right angle aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 67.3 (1 709) 72.6 (1 844) 78.0 (1 981)
(230) 12 Equal intersecting aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 54.3 (1 379) 57.5 (1 461) 60.6 (1 539) Performance at a glance. Optional display unit gives
t. 2
you battery state of charge, and status codes on an
lle 1
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 44 38 34
8-character LCD screen. What’s more, the clipboard
pa le
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
5) Ais
Single Polyurethane Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42 clip comes standard to help keep your paperwork or
01 le
Load Wheel (std.)
(1 ng
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) lists within easy reach.
3.25 x 6.5
.0 t A
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
40 h
x Rig
16 Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0
0) ng
Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787)
22 cti
(1 rse
18 Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 305 (130) 305 (130) 305 (130)
.0 te
48 al In
Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 710 (322) 710 (322) 710 (322)
ith u
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2)
w Eq
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt NL seconds 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1
Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt RL seconds 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0
21 Drive tire size (Rubber) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 9.0” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 936 (425) 963 (437) 990 (450)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
6 85 7 255 (2.5) 18.8 (478) 6.8 (173) 23.0 (584) 305 (130) W65Z Pallet Trucks use SB175 Yellow connector - 20.0” (508 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
6 85 11 425 (5.0) 26.1 (663) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 436 (198) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
6 85 13 510 (6.0) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 511 (232) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787).
6 125 13 750 (8.8) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 31.0 (787) 710 (322) The W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hour of 750 Ah (17.8 kwh).
(1 247) controls is the current sensing feature built into the controller. It provides
Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in
effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. you end-of-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the that considerably lengthens motor life. Best of all, the energy efficiency of
vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
6.8 Floor to Top of both the SEM system and transistor hydraulic control adds up to fewer
34.7 (173) Battery Rollers
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
(882) The W65Z truck’s have adjustable two-piece heavy-duty pull rod assemblies battery replacements over the life of your W65Z Walkie trucks. The
with replaceable threaded ends. This combination allows you easy height
W65Z is just another great example of Hyster Company’s commitment
Forks Raised compensation as the load wheels wear. It also has knock-out axles that
13 11.7 (297) 6.0 (152) GMA Pallet - Standard Dimensions facilitate quick and easy wheel replacement to maximize your uptime. to continually earn your trust with materials handling equipment
Outside Turning Radius Walkie Pallet Truck, maximizing your uptime. The transistor
2 Model W65Z W65Z W65Z
Right Angle Stacking 11 1.0
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) controls also dramatically increase the life of the traction motor brushes,
(25) 4 Voltage 12 12 12
10 minimizing servicing needs even further. Another bonus of the
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck’s integral solid-state transistor hydraulic
7 Chassis length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762)
8 Overall length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 65.8 (1 671) 71.8 (1 824) 77.8 (1 976)
34.0 9 Wheelbase, lowered with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.4 (1 255) 55.4 (1 407) 61.4 (1 560)
(864) 27.0
32.6 Wheelbase, raised with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 44.7 (1 1350 50.7 (1 288) 56.7 (1 440)
(828) 10 Turning radius, lowered, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.8 (1 494) 64.8 (1 646) 70.8 (1 798)
Turning radius, raised, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 54.1 (1 374) 60.1 (1 527) 66.1 (1 679)
9.1 11 Right angle aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 67.3 (1 709) 72.6 (1 844) 78.0 (1 981)
(230) 12 Equal intersecting aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 54.3 (1 379) 57.5 (1 461) 60.6 (1 539) Performance at a glance. Optional display unit gives
t. 2
you battery state of charge, and status codes on an
lle 1
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 44 38 34
8-character LCD screen. What’s more, the clipboard
pa le
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
5) Ais
Single Polyurethane Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42 clip comes standard to help keep your paperwork or
01 le
Load Wheel (std.)
(1 ng
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) lists within easy reach.
3.25 x 6.5
.0 t A
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
40 h
x Rig
16 Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0
0) ng
Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787)
22 cti
(1 rse
18 Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 305 (130) 305 (130) 305 (130)
.0 te
48 al In
Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 710 (322) 710 (322) 710 (322)
ith u
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2)
w Eq
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt NL seconds 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1
Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt RL seconds 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0
21 Drive tire size (Rubber) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 9.0” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 936 (425) 963 (437) 990 (450)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
6 85 7 255 (2.5) 18.8 (478) 6.8 (173) 23.0 (584) 305 (130) W65Z Pallet Trucks use SB175 Yellow connector - 20.0” (508 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
6 85 11 425 (5.0) 26.1 (663) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 436 (198) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
6 85 13 510 (6.0) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 511 (232) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787).
6 125 13 750 (8.8) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 31.0 (787) 710 (322) The W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hour of 750 Ah (17.8 kwh).
(1 247) controls is the current sensing feature built into the controller. It provides
Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in
effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. you end-of-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the that considerably lengthens motor life. Best of all, the energy efficiency of
vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
6.8 Floor to Top of both the SEM system and transistor hydraulic control adds up to fewer
34.7 (173) Battery Rollers
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
(882) The W65Z truck’s have adjustable two-piece heavy-duty pull rod assemblies battery replacements over the life of your W65Z Walkie trucks. The
with replaceable threaded ends. This combination allows you easy height
W65Z is just another great example of Hyster Company’s commitment
Forks Raised compensation as the load wheels wear. It also has knock-out axles that
13 11.7 (297) 6.0 (152) GMA Pallet - Standard Dimensions facilitate quick and easy wheel replacement to maximize your uptime. to continually earn your trust with materials handling equipment
Outside Turning Radius Walkie Pallet Truck, maximizing your uptime. The transistor
2 Model W65Z W65Z W65Z
Right Angle Stacking 11 1.0
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) 6,500 (2 948) controls also dramatically increase the life of the traction motor brushes,
(25) 4 Voltage 12 12 12
10 minimizing servicing needs even further. Another bonus of the
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck’s integral solid-state transistor hydraulic
7 Chassis length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762) 30.0 (762)
8 Overall length, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 65.8 (1 671) 71.8 (1 824) 77.8 (1 976)
34.0 9 Wheelbase, lowered with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.4 (1 255) 55.4 (1 407) 61.4 (1 560)
(864) 27.0
32.6 Wheelbase, raised with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 44.7 (1 1350 50.7 (1 288) 56.7 (1 440)
(828) 10 Turning radius, lowered, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.8 (1 494) 64.8 (1 646) 70.8 (1 798)
Turning radius, raised, with 9.0” battery compartment in. (mm) 54.1 (1 374) 60.1 (1 527) 66.1 (1 679)
9.1 11 Right angle aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 67.3 (1 709) 72.6 (1 844) 78.0 (1 981)
(230) 12 Equal intersecting aisle, 9.0” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 54.3 (1 379) 57.5 (1 461) 60.6 (1 539) Performance at a glance. Optional display unit gives
t. 2
you battery state of charge, and status codes on an
lle 1
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 44 38 34
8-character LCD screen. What’s more, the clipboard
pa le
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
5) Ais
Single Polyurethane Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42 clip comes standard to help keep your paperwork or
01 le
Load Wheel (std.)
(1 ng
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) lists within easy reach.
3.25 x 6.5
.0 t A
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
40 h
x Rig
16 Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0 32.0 x 9.0 x 31.0
0) ng
Battery compartment size, 9.0” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787) (812 x 229 x 787)
22 cti
(1 rse
18 Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 305 (130) 305 (130) 305 (130)
.0 te
48 al In
Battery weight, 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 710 (322) 710 (322) 710 (322)
ith u
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2) 3.6 (5.7) / 2.6 (4.2)
w Eq
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt NL seconds 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1 3.8 / 5.1
Lift / lower speed, w/ 9.0” batt. compartment, 12-Volt RL seconds 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0 5.7 / 3.0
21 Drive tire size (Rubber) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 9.0” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 936 (425) 963 (437) 990 (450)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
6 85 7 255 (2.5) 18.8 (478) 6.8 (173) 23.0 (584) 305 (130) W65Z Pallet Trucks use SB175 Yellow connector - 20.0” (508 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
6 85 11 425 (5.0) 26.1 (663) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 436 (198) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
6 85 13 510 (6.0) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 23.3 (592) 511 (232) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787).
6 125 13 750 (8.8) 30.6 (777) 7.7 (196) 31.0 (787) 710 (322) The W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hour of 750 Ah (17.8 kwh).
(1 247) controls is the current sensing feature built into the controller. It provides
Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in
effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. you end-of-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the that considerably lengthens motor life. Best of all, the energy efficiency of
vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
6.8 Floor to Top of both the SEM system and transistor hydraulic control adds up to fewer
34.7 (173) Battery Rollers
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
(882) The W65Z truck’s have adjustable two-piece heavy-duty pull rod assemblies battery replacements over the life of your W65Z Walkie trucks. The
with replaceable threaded ends. This combination allows you easy height
W65Z is just another great example of Hyster Company’s commitment
Forks Raised compensation as the load wheels wear. It also has knock-out axles that
13 11.7 (297) 6.0 (152) GMA Pallet - Standard Dimensions facilitate quick and easy wheel replacement to maximize your uptime. to continually earn your trust with materials handling equipment
HYSTER. IN FOR THE LONG RUN. Hyster Company’s low level materials handling equipment comes
full-circle with the evolutionary W65Z Walkie Pallet Truck.
sealed componentry of the food processing package Both are literally topped by the W65Z
keeps out the moisture of hot-water wash-down. From the first turn
Walkie handle’s traction reversing
of the key, this pallet truck’s balanced design delivers greater ”belly” switch which wraps over the
maneuverability and operator comfort. top end, enabling actuation through- The ‘creep-speed or turtle’
button provides you greater
Comforts like, its restyled bottom-mounted handle that provides
out its full range of motion. In addition, maneuverability on the W65Z.
excellent control of all functions with either hand including the horn.
the control handle’s raised body design provides when-you-need-it
Or, perhaps it’s the butterfly-type rotary controls and raised lift and
protection for your knuckles. And you’ll love, the optional creep
lower buttons that afford you intuitive fingertip operation.
speed or “turtle” button on the operator side of the handle. It
Standard equipment includes: allows operation of the truck, even when the handle’s in the upright
• 12 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 9.0” Battery Compartment
position. Best of all, the handle’s modular design makes servicing simple.
• Flush pallet stop • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • 27.0” Width across forks • Single polyurethane load wheels
Since our engineers have provided you a way out of those
• 3.3” Lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • 48.0” Long forks • Electromagnetic park brake • Knock-out load wheel axles
‘tight spots’, we felt it only right to simplify pallet access to further
• SB 175 Yellow battery connector • Key switch • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Traction reversing switch
• Top mounted control handle • Operator’s manual • Butterfly-type accelerator control • 10.0” x 5.0” Rubber drive tire bolster your productivity. The W65Z pallet truck’s fork profile
• U.L. Classification E. has been re-designed with a tapered nose and shortened pallet exit
skid. In addition, we used a wider exit roller and moved it closer to the
load wheel. Both design enhancements help ensure easier entry
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com and exit from any pallet, loaded or unload. What’s more, the
P. O. Box 7006
Hyster, , VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company. W65Z Walkie’s full 6-inches of lift height makes traveling across uneven
Greenville, North Carolina
27835-7006 XM, XM2, XMT2 and are trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products floors and over dockboards or ramps hassle-free. Handling capacity
are subject to change without notice.
loads every time isn’t a problem, the box-section construction
Part No. W65Z/BTG
Hyster Company uses recycled paper for its sales literature.
3/2003 Litho in U.S.A. of the W65Z truck’s forks provide unmatched durability and strength.
W80Z_BTG 1/24/06 8:24 PM Page 1
RAISING THE STANDARDS. When was the last time you felt
great about a capital purchase?
You will, the first time you operate the new W80Z Walkie
Pallet Truck. It’s designed to fit into those tight spaces. You
know the ones where you place everything you didn’t need right then,
What’s most
S t a n d a rd e q u i p m e n t i n c l u d e s : important to you?
• 24 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 13.4” Battery Compartment The W80Z Walkie truck’s energy
• Flush pallet stop • 48.0” Forks • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • Electromagnetic park brake • 27.0” width across forks efficient, Separately Excited Motor
• 175 Amp Red battery connector • 3.25” lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • Key switch • Direction reverse switch (SEM) transistor controlled 24-volt system of the
• Knock-out load wheel axles • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Single polyurethane load wheels W80Z Walkie gives you the endurance to get the job
• 10.0” x 5.0” Polyurethane drive tire • Butterfly-type accelerator control • Bottom mounted control handle • Operator’s manual
done, and then some. SEM technology allows us to provide you a Walkie
• U.L. Classification E.
pallet truck with fewer parts to minimize downtime and service needs. It
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com. SEM motor brush life. In addition, the SEM systems solid-state controller
P.O. Box 7006
appreciably improves torque and loaded travel speed throughout
Greenville, North Carolina Hyster, , SpaceSaver, VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company.
27835-7006 Fortis, DuraMatch, Pacesetter VSM, TouchPoint, TouchControl, Challenger, and are the W80Z truck’s range of operation, increasing productivity. And if you
trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. The SEM transistor controller’s current sensing feature provides
Part No. W80Z/BTG have a harsh environment, you’ll love our optional Cooler/Freezer,
you end-of-lift-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down,
2/2006 Litho in U.S.A.
lengthening motor life. SUBZERO or Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down packages.
W80Z_BTG 1/24/06 8:24 PM Page 1
RAISING THE STANDARDS. When was the last time you felt
great about a capital purchase?
You will, the first time you operate the new W80Z Walkie
Pallet Truck. It’s designed to fit into those tight spaces. You
know the ones where you place everything you didn’t need right then,
What’s most
S t a n d a rd e q u i p m e n t i n c l u d e s : important to you?
• 24 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 13.4” Battery Compartment The W80Z Walkie truck’s energy
• Flush pallet stop • 48.0” Forks • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • Electromagnetic park brake • 27.0” width across forks efficient, Separately Excited Motor
• 175 Amp Red battery connector • 3.25” lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • Key switch • Direction reverse switch (SEM) transistor controlled 24-volt system of the
• Knock-out load wheel axles • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Single polyurethane load wheels W80Z Walkie gives you the endurance to get the job
• 10.0” x 5.0” Polyurethane drive tire • Butterfly-type accelerator control • Bottom mounted control handle • Operator’s manual
done, and then some. SEM technology allows us to provide you a Walkie
• U.L. Classification E.
pallet truck with fewer parts to minimize downtime and service needs. It
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com. SEM motor brush life. In addition, the SEM systems solid-state controller
P.O. Box 7006
appreciably improves torque and loaded travel speed throughout
Greenville, North Carolina Hyster, , SpaceSaver, VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company.
27835-7006 Fortis, DuraMatch, Pacesetter VSM, TouchPoint, TouchControl, Challenger, and are the W80Z truck’s range of operation, increasing productivity. And if you
trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. The SEM transistor controller’s current sensing feature provides
Part No. W80Z/BTG have a harsh environment, you’ll love our optional Cooler/Freezer,
you end-of-lift-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down,
2/2006 Litho in U.S.A.
lengthening motor life. SUBZERO or Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down packages.
W80Z_BTG 1/30/06 1:01 PM Page 2
into and out of loads quicker and easier. Built with
2 Model W80Z W80Z W80Z
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) box-rail construction, the W80Z forks provide
4 Voltage 24 24 24
you ample strength and rigidity throughout its full
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 6-inches of lift height. Best of all, the
7 Chassis length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874)
adjustable 2-piece heavy-duty pull rod assembly
8 Overall length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 70.2 (1 783) 76.2 (1 935) 82.2 (2 087)
9 Wheelbase, lowered with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 53.8 (1 367) 59.8 (1 519) 65.8 (1 670) utilizes replaceable threaded ends, allowing you to
Wheelbase, raised with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.1 (1 247) 55.1 (1 400) 61.1 (1 551)
compensate for load wheel wear. Knock-out
10 Turning radius, lowered, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 63.2 (1 605) 69.2 (1 758) 75.2 (1 910)
Turning radius, raised, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.5 (1 485) 64.5 (1 638) 70.5 (1 790) axles simplify load wheel replacement,
11 Right angle aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 71.2 (1 808) 76.6 (1 946) 82.1 (2 096)
helping to maximize your uptime.
12 Equal intersecting aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 56.5 (1 435) 59.8 (1 519) 62.9 (1 596)
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 39 34 31
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236)
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
16 Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0
Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787)
18 Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 536 (243) 536 (243) 536 (227)
Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517)
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9)
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt NL seconds 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9
Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt RL seconds 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2
21 Drive tire size (Polyurethane) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 13.4” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 1,006 (456) 1,033 (468) 1,060 (480)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
12 75 7 225 (5.2) 25.6 (651) 8.8 (224) 23.3 (592) 536 (243) W80Z Pallet Trucks use 175 Amp Red connector - 16.0” (406 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
12 85 7 255 (6.0) 25.5 (648) 8.6 (219) 23.3 (592) 590 (269) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
12 75 11 375 (8.7) 26.5 (674) 13.0 (331) 23.3 (592) 825 (374) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787mm).
12 85 11 425 (9.9) 26.1 (663) 12.8 (326) 23.3 (592) 865 (392) The W80Z Walkie pallet truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hours of 600 Ah (14.0 kw).
12 75 13 450 (10.5) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 987 (448)
12 85 13 510 (11.9) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 1,035 (469) Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2)
and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards
12 100 13 600 (14.0) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 26.2 (665) 1,140 (517) appears on the lift truck.
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications
are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications
are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
into and out of loads quicker and easier. Built with
2 Model W80Z W80Z W80Z
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) box-rail construction, the W80Z forks provide
4 Voltage 24 24 24
you ample strength and rigidity throughout its full
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 6-inches of lift height. Best of all, the
7 Chassis length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874)
adjustable 2-piece heavy-duty pull rod assembly
8 Overall length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 70.2 (1 783) 76.2 (1 935) 82.2 (2 087)
9 Wheelbase, lowered with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 53.8 (1 367) 59.8 (1 519) 65.8 (1 670) utilizes replaceable threaded ends, allowing you to
Wheelbase, raised with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.1 (1 247) 55.1 (1 400) 61.1 (1 551)
compensate for load wheel wear. Knock-out
10 Turning radius, lowered, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 63.2 (1 605) 69.2 (1 758) 75.2 (1 910)
Turning radius, raised, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.5 (1 485) 64.5 (1 638) 70.5 (1 790) axles simplify load wheel replacement,
11 Right angle aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 71.2 (1 808) 76.6 (1 946) 82.1 (2 096)
helping to maximize your uptime.
12 Equal intersecting aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 56.5 (1 435) 59.8 (1 519) 62.9 (1 596)
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 39 34 31
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236)
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
16 Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0
Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787)
18 Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 536 (243) 536 (243) 536 (227)
Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517)
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9)
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt NL seconds 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9
Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt RL seconds 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2
21 Drive tire size (Polyurethane) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 13.4” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 1,006 (456) 1,033 (468) 1,060 (480)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
12 75 7 225 (5.2) 25.6 (651) 8.8 (224) 23.3 (592) 536 (243) W80Z Pallet Trucks use 175 Amp Red connector - 16.0” (406 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
12 85 7 255 (6.0) 25.5 (648) 8.6 (219) 23.3 (592) 590 (269) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
12 75 11 375 (8.7) 26.5 (674) 13.0 (331) 23.3 (592) 825 (374) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787mm).
12 85 11 425 (9.9) 26.1 (663) 12.8 (326) 23.3 (592) 865 (392) The W80Z Walkie pallet truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hours of 600 Ah (14.0 kw).
12 75 13 450 (10.5) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 987 (448)
12 85 13 510 (11.9) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 1,035 (469) Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2)
and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards
12 100 13 600 (14.0) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 26.2 (665) 1,140 (517) appears on the lift truck.
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications
are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications
are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
into and out of loads quicker and easier. Built with
2 Model W80Z W80Z W80Z
3 Capacity, rated lb. (kg) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) 8,000 (3 628) box-rail construction, the W80Z forks provide
4 Voltage 24 24 24
you ample strength and rigidity throughout its full
5 Nominal fork length in. (mm) 36.0 (915) 42.0 (1 067) 48.0 (1 219)
6 Width across forks in. (mm) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 27.0 (685) 6-inches of lift height. Best of all, the
7 Chassis length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874) 34.4 (874)
adjustable 2-piece heavy-duty pull rod assembly
8 Overall length, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 70.2 (1 783) 76.2 (1 935) 82.2 (2 087)
9 Wheelbase, lowered with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 53.8 (1 367) 59.8 (1 519) 65.8 (1 670) utilizes replaceable threaded ends, allowing you to
Wheelbase, raised with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 49.1 (1 247) 55.1 (1 400) 61.1 (1 551)
compensate for load wheel wear. Knock-out
10 Turning radius, lowered, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 63.2 (1 605) 69.2 (1 758) 75.2 (1 910)
Turning radius, raised, with 13.4” battery compartment in. (mm) 58.5 (1 485) 64.5 (1 638) 70.5 (1 790) axles simplify load wheel replacement,
11 Right angle aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40”x 48” pallet in. (mm) 71.2 (1 808) 76.6 (1 946) 82.1 (2 096)
helping to maximize your uptime.
12 Equal intersecting aisle, 13.4” batt. comp. w/ 40.0” wide pallet in. (mm) 56.5 (1 435) 59.8 (1 519) 62.9 (1 596)
13 Grade clearance, center wheelbase, raised with pallet % 39 34 31
Grade clearance, forks first, raised with pallet % 39 39 39
Grade clearance, chassis first, raised with pallet % 42 42 42
14 Overall lift height (TOF) in. (mm) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236) 9.3 (236)
15 Overall fork lifting height in. (mm) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154) 6.0 (154)
16 Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* in. 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0 32.0 x 13.4 x 31.0
Battery compartment size, 13.4” batt. compartment (L x W x H)* (mm) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787) (812 x 340 x 787)
18 Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - minimum lb. (kg) 536 (243) 536 (243) 536 (227)
Battery weight, 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt - maximum lb. (kg) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517) 1,140 (517)
19 Travel speed, NL / RL mph (km/h) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9) 3.6 (5.8) / 2.4 (3.9)
20 Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt NL seconds 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9 3.7 / 5.9
Lift / lower speed, w/ 13.4” batt. compartment, 24-Volt RL seconds 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2 5.4 / 3.2
21 Drive tire size (Polyurethane) in. 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0
22 Load wheel size, Single (Polyurethane) in. 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5 3.25 x 6.5
BATTERY SIZE INFORMATION 23 Weight, total approx. with 13.4” batt. compartment w/o battery lb. (kg) 1,006 (456) 1,033 (468) 1,060 (480)
Number Cell Plates Capacity Length Width Height Weight
Cells Size Per Cell Ah (Kwh) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) * Length is measured side to side of truck. Width is measured front to back on the truck.
12 75 7 225 (5.2) 25.6 (651) 8.8 (224) 23.3 (592) 536 (243) W80Z Pallet Trucks use 175 Amp Red connector - 16.0” (406 mm) 1/0 gauge leads, B position.
12 85 7 255 (6.0) 25.5 (648) 8.6 (219) 23.3 (592) 590 (269) Number of plates for the industrial battery is 7 to 13, depending on the Amp Hour rating chosen.
12 75 11 375 (8.7) 26.5 (674) 13.0 (331) 23.3 (592) 825 (374) Maximum battery height with optional Load Backrest Extension (LBE) and battery rollers is up to 31.0” (787mm).
12 85 11 425 (9.9) 26.1 (663) 12.8 (326) 23.3 (592) 865 (392) The W80Z Walkie pallet truck can utilize a battery with a maximum battery Amp hours of 600 Ah (14.0 kw).
12 75 13 450 (10.5) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 987 (448)
12 85 13 510 (11.9) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 23.3 (592) 1,035 (469) Certification: These Hyster lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1993, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178 (a) (2)
and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards
12 100 13 600 (14.0) 30.9 (785) 13.0 (681) 26.2 (665) 1,140 (517) appears on the lift truck.
† Note: Performance specifications are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications
are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. If these specifications
are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealers.
Optional load wheels affect outside turning radius and right angle stacking aisles. Contact your dealer if these dimensions are critical.
RAISING THE STANDARDS. When was the last time you felt
great about a capital purchase?
You will, the first time you operate the new W80Z Walkie
Pallet Truck. It’s designed to fit into those tight spaces. You
know the ones where you place everything you didn’t need right then,
What’s most
S t a n d a rd e q u i p m e n t i n c l u d e s : important to you?
• 24 Volt • SEM traction controller • Low battery lift interrupt • Lift motor cut-out at full height • 13.4” Battery Compartment The W80Z Walkie truck’s energy
• Flush pallet stop • 48.0” Forks • Electronic horn • Regenerative braking • Electromagnetic park brake • 27.0” width across forks efficient, Separately Excited Motor
• 175 Amp Red battery connector • 3.25” lowered fork height with 6.0” lift height • Key switch • Direction reverse switch (SEM) transistor controlled 24-volt system of the
• Knock-out load wheel axles • Heavy-duty pull rods with replaceable threaded ends • Single polyurethane load wheels W80Z Walkie gives you the endurance to get the job
• 10.0” x 5.0” Polyurethane drive tire • Butterfly-type accelerator control • Bottom mounted control handle • Operator’s manual
done, and then some. SEM technology allows us to provide you a Walkie
• U.L. Classification E.
pallet truck with fewer parts to minimize downtime and service needs. It
Hyster Company Visit us on our website: www.hysterusa.com. SEM motor brush life. In addition, the SEM systems solid-state controller
P.O. Box 7006
appreciably improves torque and loaded travel speed throughout
Greenville, North Carolina Hyster, , SpaceSaver, VISTA and MONOTROL are registered trademarks of Hyster Company.
27835-7006 Fortis, DuraMatch, Pacesetter VSM, TouchPoint, TouchControl, Challenger, and are the W80Z truck’s range of operation, increasing productivity. And if you
trademarks of Hyster Company. Hyster products are subject to change without notice. The SEM transistor controller’s current sensing feature provides
Part No. W80Z/BTG have a harsh environment, you’ll love our optional Cooler/Freezer,
you end-of-lift-stroke sensing with automatic motor shut down,
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lengthening motor life. SUBZERO or Extreme Corrosion/Wash Down packages.