4th Module Assessment DM
4th Module Assessment DM
4th Module Assessment DM
Dashboard / My courses / Digital Marketing (MKTG733)-Semester IV / #Module IV Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Question 1
a. The percentage of times your advertisement was displayed divided by all feasible impressions for that search
term, When it was eligible to be displayed,
b. the portion of times your ad was shown.
c. The percentage of times your ad was shown greater than your main competitor.
d. The percentage of impacts you shed due to a low ad rank.
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Question 2
Which of the following features corresponds to the function of the lead nurturing system?
a. A/ B Testing.
b. Campaigning.
c. Landing Page Creation.
d. All of the above.
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Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
In the email campaign, __________ delivers the advertisements into the group of targeted consumers.
a. Spoofing.
b. Indirect e-mail marketing.
c. Direct email marketing.
d. Spamming.
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Question 6
Question 7
What is the most effective means to advertise a company with social media sites?
Question 8
a. In Tags.
b. In Title.
c. In Description.
d. All of the above.
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Question 9
Which social media company launched a set of publishing and subscription tools named ‘Bulletin’?
a. Twitter
b. Facebook
c. Snapchat
d. Tiktok
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Question 10
Which of the following doesn't specify the right roles and duties of content marketing method?
Question 11
a. List-based service
b. Location-based service
c. Lead-based service
d. None of the above
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Question 12
In what ways can site traffic help in assessing the market value?
Question 13
Question 14
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Question 15
Question 16
Google Analytics can never ever recognize returning users on mobile apps.
a. True.
b. False.
c. Can be false or true.
d. Not specified.
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Question 17
What is the name of the process in which advertising and marketing is accomplished by incorporating tools, methods,
electronic devices, modern technologies, or systems?
a. Internet Marketing.
b. Direct Marketing.
c. Electronic Marketing.
d. Interactive Marketing.
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◄ Test Your Understanding : 4.1.8 Design a Social Media Campaign to Promote Indian Tourism
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