LP For Claims Activity For Humss

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Senior High School Department
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Name of Teacher: Lourdes Gallardo Date:

Subject/Grade Level Taught: GRADE 11/READING AND WRITING Quarter: THIRD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development

standards focusing on information selection, organization, and development.

C. Learning Competency Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text.




A. References K to 12 GRADE 11 MODULE

B. Other learning Laptop

Power point presentation
TV Screen


A. Preliminary Prayer
Checking of attendance
Box and printed materials

B. Reviewing To recall the previous lesson, the teacher will ask someone to pick one
previous question inside the box each identify what is being asked.
1. These are statements that aims to provide arguments, persuade
and convince the audience.
2. It is something that can be proven or disproven with factual
3. A claim of value argues that something is good or bad, or that one
thing is better than another thing.
4. A claim of policy argues that certain conditions should exist or
should not be done to solve a problem.
5. It is the main argument.

C. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the types of claims.
b. Differentiate the types of claims.
c. Present an argument on the issues provided.

D. practicing The teacher will group the students and let them choose one type of
new skill claim and one issue where they can present their claims.
Issue Claim of fact Claim of value Claim of policy

2022 election


Mandatory ROTC
in the senior high

E. Finding Each group will present the claims that they have formulated in each
practical given topic. They will explain why it falls under claim of fact, claim of
application of value and claim of value.
concepts in
daily living

F. Generalization Complete the sentence to generalize what have been discussed.

1. ________________ are quantifiable statements that focus on the

accuracy, correctness, or validity of such statements and can be
verified using some objective evidence.
2. _________________ are qualitative statements that focus on
judgements made about the environment and invite comparisons.
3. _________________ are statements that focus on actions that should
be taken.
4. A type of claim that contains a clear proposed action justified by
the need to carry out the action is called ______________.
5. The ___________ presents about taste or morals and immoral,
beautiful, or ugly and touches about proper judgments.

G. Evaluating INSTRUCTION: Identify what type of claim is being portrayed in each

learning statement. The teacher will group the students into five groups. Each
group will assign a representative in each question. Whoever will be the
first one to write their answer on the board will get the point. All
professional athletes should be randomly drug-tested.
1. Students should read the assigned text material before the
instructor lecture it.
2. Coke is better than Pepsi.
3. Abortion is morally wrong.
4. There is a God.
5. Climate change is exacerbated by people.
6. National strength can only be built on character.
7. Online learning is better than face-to-face learning.
8. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and
insulin resistance.
9. The students must wear their complete uniforms when they
enter the campus.
10. Same sex marriage should not be allowed.
11. You could be called Filipino even if you’re not born in the
12. Chocolate is better than ice cream.
13. Cellphones should be banned at school.
14. ROTC must be a mandatory for all senior high school.
15. Cancer is a common disease, but it is not contagious.
16. Bullying makes a person die or to make him/her to suicide.
17. There should be a criminal charge brought himself against people
who use social media to bully others.
18. If bullying happened in the school, the bullied person should go to
his/her teacher or school counselor to report what happened.
19. Sometimes, people use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media
platforms to bully one another.
20. The time that the typical person actually spends on social media
equals to 5 years and 4 months.

H. Assignment In each type of claim, compose your own example.

Prepared by Checked by
Lourdes B. Gallardo Ma’am Richie Anne Luban

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