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Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2010



Nur Hadiyanto*
Dwi Endang Sartika*
Faradina Deliani*
Osamu Takano**

ABSTRACT The 3D Sirasun geological was generated by

applying dynamic sedimentary facies change using
Reservoir rock of the Sirasun Field comprises stratal package guidance and geometrical
Upper Pliocene Limestone with more than 200 ft distribution from 3D geobody extraction. Integrated
gas column. Development plan of Sirasun field between petrophysical analysis with 3D acoustic
requires an accurate geological model. Combination impedance were executed to predict porosity
of high resolution 3D seismic data with existing distribution. Eventually 3D static reservoir model
wells data were obtained for building geological was achieved through integration of structural and
framework as a basic input of 3D reservoir geological framework with petrophysical
modeling. Depositional facies can be a key factor evaluations result. This realistic reservoir model is
controlling heterogeneity in porosity and essential for future development and improves the
permeability. Sequence stratigraphic concept and confidence levels of original in place estimation.
seismic attribute generation were utilized in order to
predict vertical and lateral reservoir distribution. INTRODUCTION

Cores and well logs in the reservoir show four The Sirasun Field as part of offshore Terang-
sedimentary facies; foraminiferal grainstone, Sirasun-Batur (TSB) complex is located in the south
foraminiferal packstone, bioturbated foraminiferal western part of the Kangean block, East Java
wackestone and transgressive calcareous shale province (Figure-1). The water depth ranges from
facies. Sedimentary facies, biostratigraphy, 400 ft in the west and to the maximum of 600 ft in
ichnofossils and seismic data suggest that Paciran the east. This field was discovered in 1993 with the
Limestone was deposited in a ramp-type platform drilling of the Sirasun-1 well by Atlantic Richfield
depositional environment. The grainstone facies Bali North Inc. (ARBNI) and covers approximately
shows the best reservoir properties, which were 7,500 acres The Sirasun-1 well discovered biogenic
deposited in inner ramp-middle ramp territory. gas (>99% methane) reservoir in the Upper
Seismic geobody extraction provide better image to Pliocene Paciran Limestone Member of the Mundu
delineate geometrically elongated shoal body. Formation. The Sirasun-2 well was drilled to test
Mainly, the reservoir quality is controlled by the presence of gas in the Paciran Limestone in the
primary properties. Bioturbation enhanced porosity east downthrown closure. The Sirasun-3 well was
and permeability especially in finer grained facies. drilled to confirm and delineate gas reserves
discovered by the Sirasun-1 well.
Ramp depositional environment was effected
significantly by relative sea level change. High The Sirasun Field is three-way dip closure bounded
frequency of coarsening and fining upward by faults. A north-northeast bounding fault forms
succession composed this reservoir. Coarsening the western boundary and east-west trending fault
upward trend indicates aggradation-progradation which lies in the southern boundary. Northeast-
stratal packages. Meanwhile, fining upward southwest trending fault acts as isolated block
represents backstepping package. The overall compartments within west and east structures. The
carbonate forms a single cycle of third order west closure has a maximum gas column height
sequence, which indicates HST, LST and TST in more than 200 ft, while the east closure has a
ascending order. maximum gas column with height more than 100 ft.
* Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd. The structural closure was generated by recent
** JAPEX Research Center
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uplift (basin inversion) and sealed by Pleistocene bioturbated foraminiferal wackestone facies and
Lidah Formation claystones (Basden et.al, 1992). transgressive calcareous shale facies. All facies are
mainly composed of globigerinid foraminiferal test
The Paciran Limestone composed mainly of (Figure 3).
globigerinid foraminiferal test with various amounts
of illite matrix, with locally common glauconite. The foraminiferal grainstone facies has a planar
The porosity ranging from 40% up to 57% and cross-bedded structure composed of well sorted
permeability ranging from 1 mD until more than 1 coarse grain. Neutron-density logs show wide cross
Darcy. The unique characteristics of their over in this facies interval. The foraminiferal
composition and porosity occurred because of their packstone facies is composed of globigerinid with
primary reservoir properties are preserved. The small amount of illite matrix, less bioturbation of
porosity consist mainly of intragranular (within Ophiomorpha and glauconite in particular interval.
foraminifera) and intraganular porosity. The The log response indicates moderate cross over of
reservoir quality and distribution are intimately neutron-density logs. The bioturbated foraminiferal
related with their depositional environment. wackestone facies is composed of globigerinid with
abundant illite matrix and some argillaceous
Field development of Sirasun field required realistic contents found in the upper part of carbonate
model to support future development plan such as sequence. Bioturbations of Thalassinoides,
reservoir simulation, well trajectories plan as well Terebellina and Zoophicos are common in this
as to get the best estimate of initial gas in place. facies. The foraminiferal wackestone facies and
This paper will discuss about 3D static reservoir calcareous shale facies are associated with
model using integrated approach conducted by bioturbation which is filled by coarse grained
geologist, geophysicist and petrophysicist to deliver sediment. The calcareous shale is not so common
realistic model of Paciran reservoir architecture in and has thickness less than 10 cm. The neutron-
Sirasun field. The main point in dealing with density logs show small crossover to no crossover
reservoir modeling was better understanding of in this facies.
depositional environment, and facies-stacking
pattern by applying sequence stratigraphic concept. The planktonic - benthonic ratio varies from 80-
It was applied to predict their spatial distribution 90%, but lack of the typical deep water benthonic
thus populate petrophysical properties. species would suggest deposition under fully marine
conditions, however slightly shallower, middle -
METHODS outer sub littoral water depth is inferred (Internal
report, 1994). Biostratigraphic data of Paciran
This study incorporates all available data including
Carbonate and ichnofossils suggest an inner to outer
core of three existing, logs and 3D seismic data. It
shelf environment. The upper part of the Paciran
started with core observation, petrographic analysis,
reservoir interval was previously known as marl,
biostratigraphy data examination, and well log
but actually it only shows upward muddier trend
analysis. Those were done to determine sedimentary
toward the uppermost part. The result of
facies and properties, depositional environment and
petrographic thin section observation indicates that
bounding surfaces including parasequences. The
this interval consists of wackestone facies with
sequence stratigraphy was applied to predict the
some thin calcareous shale intercalations and some
facies change as a dynamic processes result of
packstone facies still exist within this interval.
relative sea level and develop depositional sequence
Based on the sedimentary facies, including
model as well as their original properties. The 3D
biostratigraphic and ichnofossils data, the Sirasun
seismic interpretation, seismic terminations,
carbonate was deposited in a ramp-type platform
geobody extraction also provided information to
depositional environment (Figure 4). The grainstone
build the geological model. Hereafter, combination
facies is interpreted to represent shoal and shoal
of geological model, petrophysical analysis result
margin which were deposited in inner ramp-middle
and 3D porosity derived from acoustic impedance
ramp territory. The packstone facies was deposited
was utilized to distribute porosity, permeability and
in the middle ramp, whereas the argillaceous
water saturation model.
bioturbated wackestone-calcareous shale facies
SEDIMENTARY FACIES AND were deposited on an outer ramp. Seismic
DEPOSITIONAL SEQUENCE interpretation shows parallel - horizontal ramp-like
profile with low platform and gently dipping to the
Four major facies can be identified based on core south east to basin relief (Figure 5). This evidence
observations (Figure 2), which are foraminiferal also revealed the sedimentary environment of ramp
grainstone facies, foraminiferal packstone facies, platform carbonate depositional environment.
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The carbonate interval of the Paciran Member aggrading grainshoal in three Sirasun wells. The
contains third-order sequence composed of stacking of aggrading shoal body can be recognized
Highstand System Tract (HST), Lowstand System on the seismic character since it has significantly
Tract (LST) and Transgressive System Tract (TST). different properties. It is indicated by low density
Core data shows high frequency parasequences and sonic log responses and the thickness ranges
bounded by several marine flooding surfaces. It is from 25 ft up to more than 50 ft. However
indicated by argillaceous wackestone and separation boundary in between two grainshoal
calcareous shale. HST found in the lower to the body can not be recognized clearly by seismic due
middle part of cored interval and consisted of a to resolution quality. Amplitude extraction as an
coarsening upward succession. It is indicated by input for geobody generation has done in order to
gradual change of heavily bioturbated wackestone pursue the grainshoal distribution (Figure 7). Color
to packstone facies with increasing packstone- difference as shown in picture indicates peak in
wackestone ratio toward the grainstone facies. The yellow to brown color and trough to zero crossing
relative sea level drop made the platform shallower in blue to grey color.
with high energy depositional environment to
produce the grainstone shoal facies. The repetition RESERVOIR PROPERTIES AND
of coarsening upward are typically 2-7' thick. DISTRIBUTION
Abrupt changes from packstone to very coarse
grainstone indicate significant depositional Porosity
environment changes represent as sequence
boundary (SB). On the contrary, TST indicates from The overall porosity is very high and ranging from
fining upward trend represented by predominantly 40-55%. Each facies has the same porosity range.
wackestone facies and some thin calcareous shale Usually platform carbonates tend to be tight, but in
intercalations in the uppermost part (Figure 6). The this case, they have high porosity due to weak
intercalation of packstone-wackestone and compaction and less intensity of diagenetic process
argillaceous wackestone and calcareous shale are have preserved the primary porosity. At least, two
intensive, considered thin and relatively have porosity types controlled this extreme porosity. The
similar properties. Thus, in facies modeling these main porosity comes from intragranular porosity
will be as one upscaled unit. within the globigerinids test, and the other one is
intergranular porosity between the tests.
Development of carbonate platforms in the Sirasun Petrographic study shows that there are sometimes a
can be divided in to three stages: platform initiation few rotaliids, abraded larger forams, fragments of
during Middle Pliocene time, gradual become echinoderms and molluscs also small mud-clast
aggradation - progradation stage during Late instead of globigerinids .The proportion of mud
Pliocene time, and backstepping and drowning matrix is highly variable and likely to control the
during Early Pleistocene time. The platform porosity and permeability (internal report, 1993).
aggraded into prograded over HST time and
backstepped to keep pace with increasing rate of sea Permeability
level rise during TST. Carbonate thickness variation
stands out in the three Sirasun wells data which is Permeability is considered to be the function of
getting thicker relatively to the east direction. This porosity. Permeability varies from 1 mD to more
trend can be seen clearly in west to east seismic than 1 Darcy, but in this case it weakly correlates
section as shown in Figure 5. with porosity because most of the intragranular
porosity is not connected directly to each others.
Ramp platform setting tends to have wide facies However porosity-permeability equations based on
distribution due to gentle dipping depositional facies units were applied to populate the
profile, except the grainshoal facies. The current permeability distribution using. The horizontal to
regime of grainstone depositional according to diagonal bioturbation that mainly occurred in the
Roestenburg, (1993) flowed from north east to wackestone to the shaliest part and some burrows in
south west based on image logs of Sirasun-2 and the packstone facies might enhance the permeability
Sirasun-3 wells. The grainstone transport directions since they are filled by coarse grained sediment.
are definitely will produce a reservoir elongation to Overall facies contain only minor total volume of
the south west. The grainshoal distribution could be cement of early diagenitic origin and precipitating
predicted based on geometrical depositional model, soon after deposition. The effect of minimum
seismic attribute with guidance from three Sirasun compaction makes the reservoir retain their original
wells. Cores and well logs show the presence of primary porosity characteristic.
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Three clusters can be divided in the porosity- Acoustic impedance value range from 10000 to
permeability crossplot, even though some 16000 (ft/sec)*(gr/cc). Figure 10 shows low
overlapping of each cluster occurred (Figure 8). It acoustic impedance which is represented by green
causes the each facies might has same porosity to orange color, meanwhile red to dark red color
value but has wide permeabilty range. The represent moderate acoustic impedance. Light blue
grainshoal facies represents high poro-perm cluster, to blue color represent high acoustic impedance.
packstone-wackestone facies represents moderate Seismic inversion section with low acoustic
poro-perm cluster and the argillaceous wackestone- impedance could be identified from top TST
calcareous shale facies shows low poro-perm limestone to GWC. However, High acoustic
cluster. Figure 9 shows the three units of facies impedance indentified in the top of GWC shows
porosity distribution. Grainshoal facies has average that the well has been affected by water existence
porosity 53% and permeability ranging from 50 mD that increase the velocity and density as well.
to more than 1D. The packstone - bioturbated Acoustic impedance within TST carbonate interval
wackestone unit have porosity range from 45-50% shows the lowest acoustic impedance contrast
and permeability range from 5-80 mD, meanwhile however the porosity is not as good as within
the argillaceous wackestone-calcareous shale unit limestone body porosity. In addition, the gas
have porosity range from 40-48% and permeability existence within TST carbonate is not as much as
range from 1-10 mD, but mostly less than 5 mD. It gas existence which is shown within the HST and
reveals that depositional facies is the key factor LST carbonate. It means the TST carbonate rock
controlling heterogeneity in porosity and properties is not as good as the other rock
permeability of Paciran Carbonate in this field. properties.
Water Saturation (Sw) Cross plot acoustic impedance versus porosity core
of all sirasun wells from top carbonate to gas water
Water saturation data from logs are reasonably contact shows some overlapping data in gas zone
consistent with the capillary pressure and water zone (Figure-11). Some high porosities
measurements, with some exception in particular correlate not only with low acoustic impedance but
interval of the upper part of Paciran Limestone. The also with high acoustic impedance as well. In this
correction was applied to this interval due to some case, acoustic impedance was not only effected by
glauconitic contents and conductive minerals that porosity change but also gas existing. The
exist on petrographic examination. The gas water separation of gas zone and water zone (GWC) in the
contact was defined from logs, pressure data, cross plot can not be defined easily due to this
cappilary pressure and 3D seismic data. Transition overlapping porosity data. Porosity separation is
zone with residual gas contain is recognized on logs able to do only based on depth. Porosity trend is
analysis in the west block and seismic paleo gas divided into 2 portion in order to avoid misread in
water contact (GWC). An integrated evaluation of porosity reading. They are from top reservoir to
paleo gas water contact and residual gas zone has GWC as first portion and from GWC to base
been discussed by Basden, 1998. This residual gas reservoir as second portion. Each portion will use
zone corresponds with the transition zone and different formula based on their porosity data
considered in the maximum case of gas in place distribution trend as well. The 3D porosity cube
calculation. Sensitivity analysis with another derived from acoustic impedance was utilized to
property was performed to get a guidance to generate permeability distribution in the 3D
populate the Sw in the 3D model. This analysis petrophysical model.
shows a good correlation with the permeability.
3D Properties Distribution 3D STATIC RESERVOIR MODELING

Seismic inversion has been conducted in order to The 3D static reservoir model integrates and
pursue the low acoustic impedance contrast incorporates all subsurface information such as well
distribution which means high porosity. Prior to data (logs and core) and 3D seismic data (faults,
inversion, the 3D seismic data are calibrated to horizons and attributes) to built realistic 3D model.
wells data. The inversion was preceded by a After all necessary data has been completed; the
petrophysical analysis to obtain reliable well log for geological concept can be initiated as the main input
seismic - well calibration. After calibration thus for generating reservoir model using Petrel
seismic data are inverted to acoustic impedance by software. Several processes were executed e.g.
deconvolution of 40 hertz wavelet to seismic structural model based on interpreted faults and
reflection using model based inversion technique. vertical stratigraphic layer process, upscaling well
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logs into grid cells, data analysis for quality glauconitic contents and another conductive mineral
checking cell properties, facies and petrophysical such as pyrite in these intervals.
modeling, model quality control, and in place
calculation as the final step. As the last step of static reservoir modeling process,
checking the quality of model is needed. Several
3D structural grid was constructed based on three consideration for quality control are; 1. The
faults; NNE SSW, NE-SW, and E-W direction properties in well logs and the upscaled well logs
which compartmentalize eastern block and western are matching, 2. Well logs which upscaled into
block (Figure 12a). Another modeled fault is small single grid cell are ensure to have defined value that
fault NE-SW exists in between the Sirasun-1 and represent the average value of well log data, 3.
Sirasun-3 wells which assumed to be non sealing Upscaled well log properties were distributed
fault. Grid cell size has been selected in throughout entire 3D grid with defined algorithm
corresponding to the facies geometry differences. method, and 4. The trend before modeling and after
Grainshoal facies has smaller cell size compare with modeling is geologically acceptable. Finally, the
other facies in order to capture the detail geometry best estimate of GIIP was calculated using porosity
distribution. Three seismic horizons are defined to model, and water saturation distribution.
build stratigraphic horizons as well as stratigraphic
markers as vertical zonation. In detail, the zonation CONCLUSION
was divided again in to some layers to honor the
vertical trend. This integrated study demonstrates depositional
model to be a basis for reservoir characterization
The facies model is generated by integrating facies prior to build geological model. Paciran Limestone
well log identified in the core data, depositional of Sirasun field has unique characteristic because it
stratal package and sequence with seismic attributes preserved the primary reservoir properties. The
as a control to define facies geometry and distribute reservoir quality and distribution are related with
it throughout 3D grid area using Truncated their depositional environment. Four sedimentary
Gaussian Simulation’s trends method (Figure 12b). facies were recognized; foraminiferal grainstone
The depositional statal package of aggradation, facies, foraminiferal packstone, bioturbated
progradation and retrogradation were considered for foraminiferal wackestone, and calcareous shale
facies distribution based on depositional facies. facies. The grainstone shoal facies has the best
Marine flooding surface indicates from core-well reservoir properties. Sedimentary facies,
logs became vertical zonation boundary. Low biostratigraphy, ichnofossils and seismic data
profile of ramp depositional also becomes another suggest that Paciran Limestone was deposited in a
consideration for lateral distribution. All those ramp-type platform depositional environment.
aspects were taken into account as a trend as well as
the 3D geobody attributes extraction. 3D geological model was built by taking account
sequence stratigraphic stratal package, depositional
Petrophysical model was generated from sequence and combined with geobody 3D seismic
petrophysical analysis of well and core data such as extraction. Then 3D petrophysical model is
porosity, permeability and water saturation. Those generated by using upscaled well data including
data were upscaled as well as the porosity cube porosity, permeability, water saturation, porosity
derived from acoustic impedance analysis. Porosity cube derived from 3D seismic AI with honoring 3D
modeling was conducted using upscaled porosity geological model. Finally the best way to estimate
and acquired porosity cube by honoring facies the gas in places was calculated based on realistic
model as secondary variables. This porosity model 3D static reservoir model.
was consequently used as guidance for permeability
modeling. REFERENCES

Permeability model was defined by linear function Basden W. A., Howes J. V. C., and Wibisiana S.,
of porosity data and permeability data taken from 1998, Integrated Evaluation of a Paleo Gas Water
the core (Figure 12c). 3D Sw model was populated Contact and Residual Gas Zone in the Sirasun Field,
based on water saturation upscaled log using East Java Sea, Indonesia: Proceedings Gas Habitats
permeability trend and facies model (Figure 12d). of SE Asia and Australasia, p. 153-168.
Some particular intervals were corrected using
capillary pressure by linear function of Sw derived Basden W. A., Posamentier H. P., and Noble R. A.,
from logs versus Sw derived from Pc due to 1999, Structural History of the Terang and Sirasun
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Fields and the Impact upon Timing of Charge and Matthews, S.J., and Bransden, P.J.E., 1995, Late
Reservoir Performance, Kangean PSC, East Java Cretaceous and Cenozoic Tectono-Stratigraphic
Sea, Indonesia: Proceeding Indonesian Petroleum Development of the East Java Sea Basin, Indonesia:
Association, 23rd Annual Convention, p. 269-286. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 12, p. 499-510.

Bransden P. J. E., and Matthews S. J., 1992, Pamberton, S.G., 1994, Ichnological Dynamics of
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the East the Sirasun Cores, Kangean Block, East Java Sea,
Java, Indonesia: Proceeding Indonesian Petroleum Indonesia; ARBNI Consulting Report, Unpublished.
Association, 21st Annual Convention, p. 417-435.
Roestenburg, 1993, FMI Image Analysis Report,
Handford, C.R. and Loucks, R.G., 1993, Carbonate Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Bali North,
Depositional Sequences and System Tracts- Unpublished.
Response of Carbonate Platforms to Relatife Sea-
Level Change, AAPG Memoir 57: Carbonate Read, J.F., 1985, Carbonate Platform Facies
Sequence Stratigraphy - Recent Developments and Models, American Association of Petroleum
Applications, p.3-41. Geologist Bulletin v.69, p 1-121.

PT Corelab Indonesia, 1994, Biostratigraphy PT Corelab Indonesia, 1993, Routine ROck

(Foraminifera and Calcareous Nannofossils) and Properties and Reservoir Geology Study, Atlantic
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Interval 3566.1 - Richfield Indonesia Bali North, Unpublished.
3380.1 of the Sirasun-2 Well, ARBNI, unpublished.
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Figure 1 - Index Map of Kangean Block. Sirasun Field (red highlight) is part of Terang-Sirasun-Batur Fields
located southwestern of Kangean Block.

Figure 2 - Core-facies summary of 3 Sirasun cored wells and inferred sedimentary environments.
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Figure 3 - Petrographic thin section of each Sirasun facies. All facies mainly composed of globigerinid
forams. Blue color indicates pores space in each facies, which are mostly intragranular and
intergranular porosity .

Figure 4 - Sirasun carbonate depositional environment model with the sedimentary facies distribution.
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Figure 5 - Seismic section flatten on top of Paciran Carbonate showing parallel-gently dipping of seismic
reflection pattern. The concave feature due to Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator of flatspot.

Figure 6 - Well to well correlation among three Sirasun wells showing lateral facies distribution, vertical
stacking and parasequence set bounded by marine flooding surface.
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Figure 7 - Geobody extraction of grainstone shoal (shoal complex) derived from 3D seismic. This body
represent aggrading or lumping of shoal complex. Color difference as shown indicates peak for
yellow to brown color and trough to zero crossing for blue to grey color. The shoal distribution
is concordance with well to well correlation.

Figure 8 - Porosity-permeability crossplot showing three cluster units. Each cluster basically can be
differentiate each other, but some overlapping still exist.
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Figure 9 - Porosity distribution of each facies unit. Topmost histogram represent for porosity distribution of
argillaceous wackestone-calcareous shale unit showing average value at 47%, middle histogram
represent packstone-wackestone unit showing average value at 49%, and the lowermost
represent grainshoal porosity distribution with average value at 53%.

Figure 10 - Acoustic impedance section passing trough Sirasun-1, Sirasun-3, and Sirasun-2 wells. Low
acoustic impedance can be identified from top reservoir to GWC by green to orange color.
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Figure 11 - Cross plot acoustic impedance versus porosity core of all Sirasun wells from top to base
reservoir including gas zone and water zone (above) and cross plot acoustic impedance versus
porosity core of Sirasun-1 & 3 and Sirasun-2 Wells from top reservoir to GWC (below). The
above figure shows that single trend can not be applied in both zone. The estimated porosity
from AI in the gas zone and water zone were separated due to different trend of those zone.

Figure 12 - 3D reservoir models of Paciran Carbonate. a). Structural model shows 3D fault configuration.
b). Facies model shows vertically facies distribution. c). Permeability model was derived from
either porosity cube and facies model as a trend input. d). Sw model shows water saturation
distribution which was derived from petrophysical log and permeability model.

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