Petrophysical Analysis of Well Logs and Core Sampl

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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341


Petrophysical analysis of well logs and core samples for reservoir

evaluation: a case study of southern Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez
province, Egypt
Emad A. Abd El Aziz1 · Mohamed M. Gomaa2

Received: 6 December 2020 / Accepted: 15 April 2022 / Published online: 18 June 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

Understanding basic petrophysical properties may enhance the recovery of residual oil saturation and help in reservoir man-
agement. Reservoir oil saturation is the fraction of the porosity of a zone occupied by oil. The trapping may increase with
the increase of porosity. Oil reservoirs represent a significant fraction of the reservoirs in the world-wide. We try to make a
reservoir evaluation using petrophysical analysis of well logs and core samples at Issaran Field, South Gharib Formation,
West of the Gulf of Suez, southeast Egypt. This area was heavily influenced by the structural setting of the Gulf of Suez’s
central province, which is characterized by major SW dipping faults with a regional stratigraphic dip toward the NE. The
high structural blocks are located in the center of the research area, and the low structural region is located in the southwest.
South Gharib Formation is primarily composed of carbonates with few sulfates that grade upwards into sulfate-rich beds in
the upper part. Laminated dolomitic limestone, with evaporites grades, changes downward into laminated dolomitic lime-
stone and marly limestone, in the lower part. The anhydrite and dolomite units near the bottom have spotty oil stains. The
structural setup is continued by the spread and deposition of this formation. We try to make analytical examination, of some
reservoirs, accomplished by analyzing both well log data and core rock samples, vertically and laterally. According to the
study of the horizontal permeability to vertical permeability ratio (Permeability anisotropy; 𝜆k ), the reservoir is laminated
rock (𝜆k = 1.1 − 5), with a few data samples nearly isotropic (𝜆k = 1∕1.1–1.1) and fractured (𝜆k = 1∕2.5–1/1.1). Reservoir
data histograms show that the most typical values of the data are 20–30% oil saturation and 7–10% porosity. The net-pay
zone varies from four to 71 feet at different depths (897–1414 feet). Due to low shale content, water saturation, high effec-
tive porosity values, hydrocarbon saturation, may show higher net-pay thickness. These results may help to enhance the
oil recovery. The area in the middle of the research area is suggested for future hydrocarbon development and using more
petrophysical analysis.

Keywords South Gharib reservoir · Petrophysical characterization · Hydrocarbon saturation · Shale content · Isoparametric
maps · Gulf of Suez


Heterogeneous, limestone and dolomite reservoirs, deposited

in shallow-shelf environments, represent a significant frac-
* Emad A. Abd El Aziz tion of the reservoirs in the world-wide. Basic petrophysical
[email protected] properties (porosity, permeability, oil saturation, pressure,
Mohamed M. Gomaa and relative permeability) vary horizontally and vertically.
[email protected] Understanding these basic petrophysical properties change
1 with rock lithology and can enhance recovery of residual oil
Geophysical Sciences Department, National Research
Centre, El‑Behoos St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt saturation and help in reservoir management. The research
2 oil field is present in the southeastern section of the Issaran
Geophysical Exploration Group, Geophysical Sciences
Department, National Research Centre, El‑Behoos St., Field, along the western bank of the Gulf of Suez, and is
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt limited by longitudes 32 44′ 30.94"–32 45′ 59.26" E., and


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341 Page 2 of 15 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341

the presence of reservoir, source, and seal rock, the pre-rift

and syn-rift sediments hold the majority of the hydrocarbon
accumulations. Syn-rift sediments have been influenced by
tectonic forces and exhibit a variety of facies modifications
(Khalil and Mesherf 1988).
The present work dealing with evaluation of hydrocar-
bon potentiality occurred within the facies of depositional
environment of the South Gharib Formation that could be
differentiated into seven zones of depositional environ-
ment. These zones are arranged from base to top as shal-
low subtidal, shallow lagoonal, intertidal, shallow lagoonal,
intertidal, shallow lagoonal and supratidal sabkha cycles,
besides the attempts to assess the reservoir petrophysical
character, which includes permeability, porosity, and fluid
saturations of the southern Issaran Field. The study of core
samples from the CSS-38 well, besides the interpretation of
Five wire-line logs from the neighboring wells (CSS-288,
ISS-100, and CSS-347), and CSS-38 well itself, was used to
determine certain petrophysical characteristics. These results
may help to explain both the oil recovery and the water pro-
duction rates.

Geologic setting

Stratigraphy of the study area

The Gulf of Suez rift is divided into three major units that
are organized from bottom to top as pre-rift, syn-rift, and
post-rift sedimentary periods (Fig. 2). Precambrian base-
ment rocks, Nubia Sandstone, Nezzazat Group (mixed-facies
portion), and broad carbonate layer make up the pre-rift
sedimentary sequence. This sedimentary sequence ascends
stratigraphically as Uppermost Cretaceous chalk, Paleocene
shale, and Eocene limestones.
A red-bed clastic part of Abu Zenima Formation (Oligo-
cene–Early Miocene age) covers Miocene sediments with
two facies. The first facies is a clastic-dominant section of
the Nukhul, Rudeis, and Kareem Formations, and the second
Fig. 1  Location map showing the studied wells and seismic sections, is an evaporate-rich layer that is largely anhydrite and salt
Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt (Belayim, South Gharib and Zeit formations). Finally, car-
bonate and clastic sediments are found in post-rift deposits
(Abul-Nasr 1990; Garfunkel and Bartov 1977). The Miocene
latitudes 28 44′ 4.26"–28 45′ 22.40" N. (Fig. 1). It is roughly portion covers peripheral facies in the Issaran Field region,
140 km south of Suez City and about 50 km northwest of which primarily consists of five reservoir zones organized
Ras Gharib Oil Field. The studied region is geomorpho- from top to bottom as Zeit sand, South Gharib, two dolo-
logically defined as the clysmic gulf, with slightly NW–SE mite units (Belayim comparable), Gharandal, and Nukhul
trending, taphrogenic (rift producing), and regenerated Formations. The core investigation reveals that the South
depression (EGPC 1996; Alsharhan 2003). The tectonic Gharib Formation is primarily composed of carbonates with
history of the Gulf of Suez rift system resulted in the super- few sulfates, which grade upward into sulfate-rich beds in
position of two distinct sedimentary units: (1) pre-rift sedi- the upper part, and laminated dolomitic limestone with
ments (Pre-Miocene) deposited prior to normal block fault- evaporites, which grades downward into laminated dolo-
ing, and (2) syn-rift deposition during rifting. Because of mitic limestone and marly limestone in the lower part. In the


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 3 of 15 341

Fig. 2  Simplified stratigraphic section of the Suez rift with detailed Syn-rift Miocene stratigraphic section of the Issaran Field (Modified after
Saoudi et al. 2014)

base anhydrite and dolomite units, there is patchy oil stain- intertidal, shallow lagoonal and supratidal sabkha cycles.
ing (Scimictar 2009).The depositional environment of the South Gharib Formation rests conformably under the Zeit
South Gharib Formation could be differentiated into seven Formation and unconformably above the top dolomitic rock
zones. These zones are arranged from base to top as shal- layer (Fig. 2).
low subtidal, shallow lagoonal, intertidal, shallow lagoonal,


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341 Page 4 of 15 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341

Data sets and methods

The wire-line log data were analyzed using interactive petro-

physics software (IP V.3.6) to estimate petrophysical prop-
erties, resulting in a wetted average of wells. These wells
were contoured and mapped using surfer-8 software. The
assembled LAS files raw data of resistivity, neutron, den-
sity, gamma ray and caliper logs corrected prior being used
to determine lithology, effective porosity, and fluids type
saturation of the target zone. Many trials were done to con-
nect the resistivity data of wells to the surface measurements
(Gomaa 2022; Gomaa 2021a, b, Gomaa et al. 2021, Ammar
et al. 2021). The fundamental parameters that impact the
reading and interpretation of logs were used to determine
the mud kinds and borehole conditions. This might result in
wrong interpretation and misinterpretation of the geophysi-
cal records if no action is taken. As a result, before any inter-
pretation is attempted, environmental modifications should
be performed or applied to wire-line logs (Cudjoe et al.
2016; Nazeer et al. 2016). Wire-line log files from the CSS-
38, CSS-347, ISS-100, and CSS-288 wells were chosen for
Fig. 3  Neutron–density cross plot for South Gharib Formation, CSS-
analysis in the southern Issaran concession compressional 38 well, Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
block. Wire-line logs and core analyses are primarily used
in reservoir appraisal to evaluate effective porosity ( 𝜙eff ),
lithology matrix, shale volume (VSh ), hydrocarbon satura-
tion ( Shc ), and water saturation (Sw ). For matrix identifica-
tion of the South Gharib Formation (Schlumberger 1998),
a cross plot of neutron porosity (NPHI) versus bulk density
(RHOB) was developed, which relates to predominantly
anhydrite and dolomite with minor plotted spots on the cross
plot resembling intercalated limestone and shale (Fig. 3).
According to Pickett (1973), the formation water resistiv-
ity ( Rw ­Rw) may be effectively measured using dual lateral
log deep (LLD) against porosity cross plot (0.068 Ohm. m),
which was utilized to compute the empirical value of Shc and
Sw of the examined interval (Fig. 4). From the (M–N) cross
plot, minerals were identified which are primarily reliant
on the log parameters and fluid of the examined reservoir,
which are effectively merged in the three porosity logs of
sonic (Δt), density (𝜌b), and neutron (∅N ) from these values,
two functions M and N may be computed, which are not
dependent on primary porosity values (Bruke et al. 1969,
Schlumberger chart 1989).
The following formulas are used to compute M and N:
Fig. 4  A Pickettplot for (Rw) determination, South Gharib Forma-
( / )
M = Δtf − Δt 𝜌b − 𝜌f × 0.01, tion, CSS-38 well, Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt

is the fluid of neutron porosity (P.U) and 𝜙N is the neutron

N = 𝜙Nf − 𝜙N 𝜌b − 𝜌bf ,
porosity reading (P.U).The examined formations displayed
where Δtf is the fluid interval transit time (µs/ft), Δt is the spots on the M–N cross plot approximate anhydrite and dolo-
log interval transit time(µs/ft), 𝜌b is bulk density of the mite, while a few points correspond to calcite and shale sec-
formation(gm/cc), 𝜌f is density of the fluid, (gm/cc), 𝜙Nf tions. Few displayed dots extend into the secondary poros-
ity region, indicating the impact of diagenetic processes in


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 5 of 15 341

Fig. 5  M–N cross plot for South Gharib Formation, CSS-38 well,
Fig. 6  Potassium–Thorium cross plot for clay mineral identification,
Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
South Gharib Formation, CSS-68 well, Issaran Field Gulf of Suez,

the reservoir (Fig. 5).Furthermore, examinations of a tho-

rium–potassium concentration cross plot (Schlumberger
1984) reveals that all plotted data are around the montmo-
rillonite and chlorite clay minerals regions (Fig. 6).The
shale volume is calculated using five log-signature indica-
tors: gamma ray, resistivity, neutron, neutron–resistivity, and
neutron–density. The average of these indicators is close to
the real value. The Schlumberger equation (1972) is used
to calculate corrected effective porosity ( 𝜙eff ) based on
the combination of neutron and density logs after different
2𝜙NC + 7𝜙DC (
𝜙eff = 1 − 0.10 Shr ,
where 𝜙NC is the corrected neutron porosity; 𝜙DC is the
corrected density-derived porosity and Shr is the residual
hydrocarbon saturation. The Indonesian equation is used
to determine and discriminate the fluid contents. The cut-
offs used to determine the pay zone are 𝜙 = 7 percent, water
saturation = 50%, and shale volume = 35%.The petrophysical
parameters are displayed vertically by building litho-satura-
tion cross plots that show the overall nature of the petrophys-
ical parameters. These characteristics are also represented
laterally by the creation of a set of iso-parametric maps (i.e.,
iso-shaliness, iso-effective porosity, net-pay thickness, water
saturation, and hydrocarbon saturation).

Fig. 7  Structural map of the Gulf of Suez rift showing the location of
Issaran Field. Thick arrows refer to dip directions of three provinces
(After Patton et al. 1994)


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Fig. 8  Interpreted (SW–NE) Seismic line (L 12,070) showing formation tops of the syn-rift Miocene rocks and structural elements in the study
area of Issaran oil Field

Structural setting of the Issaran Field the lateral principal seals for the trapping of hydrocarbons,
and the most productive wells occur inside the field around
The structural setting of the Gulf of Suez is controlled by the faults (Scimitar 2009). The traps found in the research
two major alignments: the clysmic trend, which is directed region are classified as stratigraphic, structural, or combi-
northwest–southeast and follows the Gulf of Suez, and the nation traps (Saoudi et al. 2014). Selected twenty depth-
Aqaba trend, which is oriented northeast–southwest and par- domain seismic lines traversing the research region were
allels the Gulf of Aqaba (Robson 1971; Khalil and Mesheref chosen to identify features and clarify the structure of whole
1988; EGPC 1996).The structure of the central province of areas. Along these sections, a collection of normal faults is
the Gulf of Suez has a greater impact on the study region, detected, with structural throws mostly to the SW but a few
with significant faults dipping toward the southwest SW structures dipping to the NE, forming tilted fault blocks with
and strata dipping toward the NE (Fig. 7).It is classified step-like faults that encircled a small graben. The structural
as a tilted fault block with a massive downthrown block to contour map constructed on top of the South Gharib Forma-
the southwest and a normal fault on the southwest flank. tion is defined as a tilted fault block. This fault block has a
The downthrown normal fault block is often to the south- significant downthrown block to the SW that is separated by
west and displaces oil–water contacts (EGPC 1996). The a NW–SE fault (clysmic trend) in the west and N–S oriented
region was shaped by a complicated tectonic history and faults generating trap structures in the NE half (Emad 2019;
a sequence of extensional releases during the Eocene and Gomaa and Sedeek 2021; Gomaa et al. 2020; Gomaa 2020
Miocene epochs. The area is dominated by fault connec- Gomaa et al. 2019). The high structural blocks can be found
tion and growth structure occurrences. The fault creates in the center of the research area between fault 3 (F3) and


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 7 of 15 341

Fig. 9  Depth map drawn on top of the South Gharib Formation, Issaran Field, Western shore of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, C. I. = 100 ft, (After
Emad 2019)

fault 5 (F5), while the low structural region can be found in numerous litho-saturation cross plots (CPI).The litho-sat-
the southwestern half of the study area between fault 1 (F1) uration cross plot of the studied wells shows that the shale
and fault 3 (F3) (Figs. 8, 9). content of the South Gharib reservoir (Upper Miocene)
oscillates by an average amount not exceeding 16 percent
along the studied section, and the porosity is not greater than
Discussion and results 30 percent with mean values equal to 7 percent in all studied
wells. It is obvious from the dramatic rise in resistivity val-
The work's findings are mostly based on a petrophysical ues caused by cementation or compaction in the absence of
study of the South Gharib reservoir. This is illustrated verti- water content under this situation (Ali et al. 2019).Because
cally by litho-saturation cross plots, which show the overall of the cyclic steam injection project in this field, water satu-
nature of the analyzed wells’ petrophysical properties in ration has reached 70% on average. Significant incidences
terms of porosity, fluid saturation, and lithology fractiona- of hydrocarbon saturation (heavy oil) are found along the
tion. These data are supported by CSS-38 well core sample examined reservoir (Fig. 10).The histograms of core samples
analysis (Core No. 1: 960.00'–1021.06' = 61.5 feet, Core from the CSS-38 well show that 20–30% of oil saturation
No. 2: 1021.06'–1066.00' = 44.5 feet), and represented by ( So) is the dominant value with a median value of 22.4 per-
literally constructing from a group of iso-parametric maps cent and an arithmetical value of 21.8 (Fig. 11A), whereas
including iso-shaliness, iso-effective porosity, net-pay thick- 7–10% is the common porosity value with a median value
ness, hydrocarbon, and water saturation. of 9 percent and an arithmetical value of 11.7 in the studied
reservoir (Fig. 11B).
Vertical variation of petrophysical parameters The laboratory examination of the core samples indicates
that the porosities documented in the carbonate layers are
Litho‑saturation cross plots (CPI) mostly of the linked inter-crystalline type, particularly in
the dolomitized portions, and predominantly of the uncon-
The vertical distribution of the analyzed reservoir's petro- nected moldic type in beds rich in bioclasts or fossils. Minor
physical properties is illustrated by the production of unconnected inter-crystalline holes can be seen contained


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Fig. 10  Litho-saturation cross plot of South Gharib Formation in CSS-38 well, southern Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt

between anhydrite or gypsum laths, although significantly the lithology of anhydrite, dolomite, and limestone. The
more typically linked inter-crystalline pores can be seen in grain density rises as the bulk density rises, until the cor-
carbonate stringers enclosed between nodules. Minor quan- relation coefficient between them reaches r = 0.64 (Fig. 13).
tities of fracture porosity are also observed, particularly in
dolomite and calcite strata. In the carbonate and evaporitic – Permeability ( k)
strata, replacements by secondary fibrous rose gypsum, por-
phyritic anhydrite, and gypsum blocked the porosity. The The permeability is tested in two dimensions in the labo-
laboratory study revealed that there were low to moderate ratory to demonstrate the uniformity of the examined reser-
levels of hydrocarbons present (Fig. 12). voir in horizontal and vertical directions. Permeability meas-
urements vary from 1.4 to 84 md in the horizontal direction,
Integration of petrophysical parameters with an average of 6.5 md. In the vertical direction, it varies
from 0.8 to 54 md, with an average of 4.26 md. For the CSS-
The petrophysical measurement findings of the analyzed 38 well, the relation coefficient (r) between horizontal and
core samples are combined to understand reservoir proper- vertical core permeabilities is 0.65, indicating a heteroge-
ties, which are graphically depicted shortly below; neous reservoir impacted by diagenetic processes. Further-
more, the horizontal permeability to vertical permeability
– Bulk density (𝜌b ) and grain density (𝜌g) ratios (Permeability Anisotropy; λk) are thought to reflect
the texture of the rock, with the majority of plotted points
The bulk density of the examined reservoir varied from being close to laminated rock (𝜆k = 1.1–5), and a few points
2.79 to 3.04 gm/cc, with an average of 2.88 gm/cc, reflecting


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 9 of 15 341

The coefficients (r ) relating porosity to permeability in

horizontal and vertical dimensions are r = 47 and r = 37,
respectively, indicating that the examined reservoir has been
exposed to post-diagenetic processes (Fig. 15).

Lateral variation of petrophysical characteristics

The key elements influencing the lateral distribution of

petrophysical parameters in the examined field are thought
to be sedimentary facies, diagenetic processes, and structural
context (Emad 2019; Emad and Gomaa 2022).The follow-
ing are the lateral distributions indicated by several sets of
iso-parametric maps created for the South Gharib reservoir:

Effective porosity map

The effective porosity map reveals that the values vary from
10.3 percent in the CSS-288 well to 18.7 percent in the CSS-
347 well and steadily rise toward the south, indicating that
there are no abnormalities in the studied region (Fig. 16A).
The primary variables influencing the porosity distribution
within the examined reservoir are the sedimentary facies and
post-diagenetic processes (Fig. 12).

Iso‑shaliness map

The shale volume variation map is an essential indication for

assessing reservoir properties in the studied area. The South
Gharib reservoir iso-shaliness distribution map revealed that
the maximum recorded shale volume is 18.5 percent and
17.6 percent at CSS-347 and ISS-100 wells, respectively,
which closed to the lower structure area, and the minimum
recorded value is 8.6 percent at CSS-38 wells around the up
throw side of the western part of the study area. It is clear
that the structural setting has a significant impact on the
deposition and dispersion of shale material in the research
region (Fig. 16B).
Fig. 11  A Oil saturation histogram and B Porosity saturation histo-
gram of core rock samples of the South Gharib reservoir, CSS-38
Water‑saturation map ( Sw)
well, southern Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
The water-saturation distribution map indicates a relatively
more controlled structural setting, with the maximum Sw
being isotropic (𝜆k = 1∕1.1–1.1) and others being fractured value 19.5 percent recorded in the low structure area (ISS-
(𝜆k = 1∕2.5–1/1.1) permeability (Figs. 14). 100 well) at depth 1389 feet, and the lowest value 14.3
percent recorded in CSS-38 well at depth 897 feet on the
– Porosity (𝜙) and Permeability ( k) upthrow side. The overall trend of water saturation rises as
one moves away from the research region (Fig. 16C).
Within the analyzed reservoir samples, the observed
helium porosity varied from 3.4 percent to 34 percent with Hydrocarbon saturation map ( SO)
an average value of 11 percent, while the measured fluid
porosity ranged from 2 to 37 percent with an average value The hydrocarbon saturation distribution map in the research
of 11 percent. region varies from 80 to 86 percent. Within varying depths
ranging from 897 to 1414 ft., saturations increase toward


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Fig. 12  Porosity types of South Gharib reservoir; A Partly connected Inter-crystalline porosity, Depth: 1031.11 ft. E Dissolved pelletal
inter-crystalline, Depth: 1022.07 ft. B Disconnected inter-crystalline, dolomitic causing connected inter-granular porosity, Depth:
Depth: 1026.06 ft. C Micro-facture porosity, Depth: 1028.05 ft. D 1038.05 ft. F Moldic porosity, Depth: 1042.07 ft

the center of the research region and decrease outward for hydrocarbon accumulations, confirming the relationship
(Fig. 16D).Finally, the South Gharib Formation exhibits a between hydrocarbon potentiality and the structural setting
large number of pay zone intervals. of the study area (Fig. 16E).

The net‑pay map Isochore map of South Gharib reservoir

The net-pay thickness distribution map shows that it ranges The isochore map shows that the thickness of the South
from 3.9 ft (ISS-100 well) to 71.1 ft (CSS-38 well), with the Gharib Formation gradually from southern parts toward
middle portion of the studied area being the most favorable northwestern parts, with no anomalous trend in thickness


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 11 of 15 341

Fig. 13  Bulk density–grain 3.00

density cross plot of the studied
South Gharib reservoir, south-
ern Issaran Filed, Gulf of Suez, 2.95
Anhydrite, σ g= 2.90
2.90 g/cm3

Grain Density, σg (g/cm3)

Dolomite, σg= 2.84
Calcite, σg= 2.71 g/cm3 Ferruginou
2.75 s

Quartz, σg= 2.65


1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00
Bulk Density, σb (g/cm3)

Fig. 14  Horizontal permeability

(Kh) versus vertical perme-
ability (Kv) of the South Gharib
reservoir, southern Issaran
Filed, Gulf of Suez, Egypt

is observed in the studied area, and the depocenter of the area close to the downthrown side of major faults. Gener-
studied formation lies in the northwestern part of the study ally, the distribution and deposition of the studied formation


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341 Page 12 of 15 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341

Fig.16  Lateral distribution of petrophysical parameters of the South ▸

CSS-38 well
100 Gharib Formation in the study area of Issaran Field, A Effective
porosity distribution map, B Shale volume distribution map, C Water-
A saturation distribution map, D Hydrocarbon saturation distribution
map, E Net-pay thickness distribution map and F Isochore map of
South Gharib Formation, (C. I. = 8ft)
Kv (md)

Porosity Index (NPI), Reservoir Quality Index (RQI) (Amae-

fule et al. 1993).
Reservoir Quality Index (RQI) of the studied reservoir
y = 0.3645x - 0.0193
reached to 0.43, Normalized Porosity Index (NPI) reach to
R = 0.37 0.52, Reservoir potential index (RPI) reaches to 5.3 and the
Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) reach to 10.2 representing good
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 reservoir in many levels. whereas porosity exceed than 25%
Porosity (% ) in many level representing very good to excellent reservoir
parameters (Fig. 17).
CSS-38 well


10 The depocenter of the investigated formation is located in

the western half of the fault, close to the downthrown side.
Kh (md)

In general, the distribution and deposition of the studied

formation continue the structure setting of the study area,
1 where it is described as a tilted fault block with a major
down drop or throw to the SW dissected by NW–SE faults
y = 0.9087x - 4.1663 (clysmic trend) in the west and N–S oriented faults forming
R = 0.47 trap structures in the NE part. The South Gharib Formation
core sample porosities are classified as linked inter-crys-
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00
Porosity (% ) talline, moldic, unconnected inter-crystalline, and fracture
porosity. The ratio of horizontal permeability to vertical
permeability reflects laminated rock ( 𝜆k = 1.1–5), with a
Fig. 15  A Porosity versus horizontal permeability Kh and B Porosity
versus vertical permeability Kv of the studied South Gharib reservoir, few points approximating isotropic (𝜆k = 1∕1.1–1.1) and
southern Issaran Filed, Gulf of Suez, Egypt fractured porosities (𝜆k = 1∕2.5–1/1.1).The coefficients (r )
connecting porosity to permeabilities in horizontal and verti-
cal dimensions are r = 47 and r = 37, respectively, reflecting
are controlled by the structure setting of the study area the post-diagenetic process impacting the examined reser-
(Fig. 16F). voir. The shale content increases in the western half of the
research region, whereas the effective porosity increases
Reservoir characters in the southern section of the study area. Water saturation
increases as one move away from the research area, but net-
The reservoir characterization can be accomplished based on pay thickness and hydrocarbon saturation are higher at the
different parameters of the conventional core rock including center of the study area. The middle portion of the study
porosity (measured by He and fluid), permeability (kV and area should be drilled for more hydrocarbon production and
kH), density (bulk and grain densities, σb and σg) and water economic development of the South Gharib reservoir. Also,
saturation (SW). There are different parameters introduced more studies about the post-diagenetic process and lateral
by many authors to establish the rank of reservoir characteri- sedimentary facies change should be applied for the studied
zation and discriminate the studied rock sequences into res- field.
ervoir rock types as Flow Zone Indicator (FZI), Normalized


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Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341 Page 13 of 15 341


ISS-100 3180400 ISS-100


3180200 Phi
CSS-288 (%) CSS-288 Vsh
3180000 3180000
ISS-94 18 ISS-94
3179800 17.5 3179800
17 17.5
3179600 CSS-38 15.5 3179600 CSS-38
14.5 14.5
3179400 13.5 3179400
12 11.5
3179200 CSS-347 11.5 3179200 CSS-347
10.5 0 200 400 m
0 200 400 m
3179000 9.5 3179000 8.5
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CSS-288 Sw CSS-288 So
(%) (%)
3180000 3180000

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ISS-94 ISS-94 85.2

3179800 3179800
18.7 84.7

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0 200 400 m
0 200 400 m 80.7

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341 Page 14 of 15 Environmental Earth Sciences (2022) 81:341

Fig. 17  Vertical reservoir char-

acterization of the South Gharib
Formation, Gulf of Seuz, Egypt

Acknowledgements I would like to send a great thanks to the Egyptian as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) and Scimitar Production Egypt provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
Ltd. for great helpful and providing me the required data. were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
Funding Open access funding provided by The Science, Technology otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
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copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/.

Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of in-

terest. References

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri- Abul-Nasr RA (1990) Re-evaluation of the upper eocene rock units
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta- in west central Sinai, Egypt Ain Shams Univ, Earth Sci Series
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long 4 234 247


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