Ma Concept
Ma Concept
Ma Concept
Your character has several numbered traits other than attributes. Many of these are calculated using your character’s
attributes, though a few get some or all their values from other sources. The following section summarizes what these are.
• Resources: This measures your character’s wealth. Use the number listed for the character’s profession, +1 per
degree by which the character’s social class exceeds that of the profession’s.
• Health: Your character’s capacity to withstand injury before being killed or otherwise seriously affected. Depending on
profession, this is 15 + Constitution or 20 + Constitution at 1st level. Some Drives add +5 to this total.
• Defense: The ability to avoid getting hit in combat. 10 + Dexterity.
• Toughness: Your character’s resistance to injury. Equal to Constitution, with a minimum of 0.
• Speed: Your character’s ability to move, measured in how many yards you can move, cautiously, during a round of
action. 10 + Dexterity.
• Relationships: Your character’s connections to other people, measured using slots equal to Communication
(Minimum 1 slot). Some Drives add 1 slot.
• Conviction (Optional): If you use the optional Conviction system, a 1st level character starts with 3 points.
• Other: Some Drives may provide a Reputation, or 1 rank of Membership in an organization. See Chapter 10:
Rewards for more information about these.