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Dirty Streets


A Modern Day Setting

Table of Contents
Chapter 1:

Character Creation
Character creation in the Dirty Streets setting is a Step 4: Invest Experience Points
simplified version of the character creation in the
At this step you can invest your starting amount of
Genesys Core Rules. It follows the same steps, but
there are some little changes compared to the original experience points. From experience points you may
game. improve your characteristics and skills and buy
Step 1: Select Archetype
As a modern-day setting, each character in Mafia is Step 5: Derived Attributes
human. You can choose Average human (if you want Your derived attributes depend primarily on your
more XP), or one of the human archetypes in the characteristics. However, they may be improved with
following chapter. talents.

Step 2: Select Career Skills Step 6: Buy Starting Gear

While the archetype represents where the character
At this point you can spend your starting wealth.
comes from, the career skills show what he had done
Starting wealth is not real cash of the game world, it is
before the story began. In the Genesys Core Rules the
career skills would be determined by the chosen virtual money, which you can buy your starting gear
career. In the Dirty Streets setting, career only from. There is one special wealth you can buy only at
determines four career skills, the other four ones the this point of the game, and it is lifestyle. The money
player can chose on his own. you don’t spend, will be added to the starting cash of
the character.
Step 3: Select Obligation
Obligation is a sort of relation to the game world. It Step 7: Select Motivation
represents the owes, debts and other things, you have The character’s motivation is his primary call to take
gathered before the start of the game. Obligation also actions and experience adventures. There are four
has a magnitude that is determined by the group the facets of motivation: Desire, Fear, Strength, and Flaw.
player characters, and it can be increased by the
player. Step 8: Finishing Touches
Finally, you have to make some finishing touches still:
select a motivation for your character, name and
describe him, and you are ready to play.
Dedicated Character
Step 1: Archetype A dedicated human is someone with a stout and
stalwart dedication or morale compass, who has a
background which requires an unmatched will and
Every character in the Dirty Streets setting is one of
nerves of steel. For example, he could be a cop or
the human archetypes.
federal agent.

Average Human
The average human archetype is the baseline of 2 2 2 1 3 2
character creation and the most customizable person. BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE

2 2 2 2 2 2
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Starting Skills: The Dedicated character begins the
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn game with 1 rank in Discipline skill. They obtain this
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower rank before spending experience points, and even
Starting Experience: 110 XP Discipline can not be increased higher than rank 2
Starting Skills: An average human begins the game during character creation.
with 1 rank in two different non-career skills. They Focused: Once per session, as an out-of turn
obtain these ranks before spending experience points, incidental, you may spend one Story Point to recover
and these skills can’t be increased higher than rank 2 all your strain up to your strain threshold.
during character generation.
Ready for Anything: Once per session as an out-of- Intellectual Character
turn incidental, you may move one Story Point from
The intellectual archetype represents a person, whose
the Game Master’s pool to the Player’s tool.
background grounded in some sort of intellectual
pursuit. This pursuit can be mechanical, medicine or
Charismatic Character even teaching. Brilliant and skillful, the Intellectual
A charismatic archetype represents someone with a character relies typically on a high Intellect
silver tongue. This can be an entertainer, a lawyer, a characteristic. An intellectual character makes a great
politician, a musician, or even a merchant. investigator.
Representants of this archetype can dominate social
2 1 3 2 2 2
1 2 2 2 2 3
Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Starting Experience: 100 XP
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Skills: The Intellectual character begins the
Starting Experience: 100 XP game with 1 rank in Knowledge. They obtain this rank
Starting Skills: The Charismatic character begins the before spending experience points, and Knowledge
game with 1 rank in Cool skill. They obtain this rank can not be increased higher than rank 2 during
before spending experience points, and Cool can not character creation.
be increased higher than rank 2 during character Brilliant: Once per session, your character may spend
creation. a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, during the
Forceful Personality: Once per session, your next skill check they make during that turn, you count
character may spend a Story Point as an incidental. If their ranks in the skill being used as equal to their
they do so, during the next skill check they make in intellect.
that turn, your character doubles the strain they inflict
or the strain they heal (you choose before making the
Nimble Character Strong Character
The nimble archetype represents a character with The strong archetype represents someone who has a
increased body control and coordination. He could be background some form of manual labor, and who is
an athlete, a racing driver, or a thief. generally strong and tough. A strong character is
powerful and usually is good at combat. Boxers, tough

2 3 1 2 2 2 guys, laborers belong to this archetype.


Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

3 2 2 2 1 2
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100 XP
Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Starting Skills: The nimble character begins the game
Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
with 1 rank in Athletics or Coordination skill. They
Starting Experience: 100 XP
obtain this rank before spending experience points,
Starting Skills: The strong character begins the game
and Athletics or Coordination skill can not be
with 1 rank in Athletics skill. They obtain this rank
increased higher than rank 2 during character creation.
before spending experience points, and Athletics skill
Did You See That? Once per session you may spend
cannot be increased higher than rank 2 during
a Story Point as an Incidental, and immediately take
character creation.
two additional maneuvers in that turn, even if this
Tough as Nails: Once per session, your character may
exceeds the limitations of 1 Maneuver and 1 free
spend a Story Point as an Incidental immediately after
Maneuver. Which means you can essentially have up
suffering a Critical Injury and determining the result.
to four maneuvers in that single turn!
If they do so, they count the result rolled as 01.

Sly Character
The sly archetype represents a character, who gets
things done on unconventional ways. With his
Step 2: Career
methods he can survive situations, in those others
would die. He can be a con-artist, a gambler, a
scoundrel, or an undercover agent. While archetype shows where the character comes
from, career represents what he had done and what
skills he had learned before the start of the game.
2 2 2 3 2 1 In the Dirty Streets setting careers determine only four
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE career skills, the player may choose the further four
career skills freely. Certainly, every chosen skill must
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn be on the skill list in this setting.
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower On the following list you find the careers you can
Starting Experience: 100 XP chose in the world of Dirty Streets.
Starting Skills: A Sly character begins the game with At the end of each career description there is a list of
1 rank in Perception or Streetwise skill. They obtain recommended talents. The player can certainly freely
this rank before spending experience points, and choose any other talents instead of these.
Perception or Streetwise skill cannot be increased
higher than rank 2 during character creation. Assassin
It Came Out Of The Blue! Once per session, your Whether freelancing or working for one crime family,
character may spend a Story Point as an Incidental, to the assassin is professional killer.
change any number of a to s equal to his Cunning. Career skills: Ranged (light), Ranged (heavy),
Skullduggery, Stealth.
Talents: Backstab, Call ‘Em, Creative Killer,
Deadeye, Eagle Eyes, Impaling Strike, Know the
Enemy, Moving Target, Pinning Fire, Precise Aim,
Precision, Prime Position, Pray on the Weak,
Prophetic Aim.
Boxer Doctor
Boxers are exceptional melee fighters. Outside of the The character has practiced medicine – whether in a
arena they may work often as hired muscles. hospital or in his private practice. His knowledge is in
Career skills: Brawl, Cool, Resilience, Vigilance. high demand both in the legal medical services and in
Talents: Bullrush, Defensive, Defensive Stance, Dirty the underworld.
Tricks, Durable, Feral Strength, Flurry of Blows, Career skills: Cool, Knowledge (Education),
Frenzied Attack, Grapple, Iron Body, Lethal Blows, Medicine, Resilience.
Lucky Strike, Painful Blow, Parry, Physical Training, Talents: Apothecary, It’s Not That Bad, Physician,
Precision, Pressure Point, Reckless Charge, Quick Surgeon.
Strike, Second Wind, Stunning Blow, Stunning Blow
(Improved), Toughened, Unarmed Parry, Driver
Drivers are masters of vehicles. He can drive faster,
smarter, and more effectively.
Charmer Career skills: Cool, Drive (light), Drive (heavy),
The elegant and confident charmer can convince Mechanics.
others to his own advantage. Talents: All-Terrain Driver, Brilliant Evasion,
Career skills: Charm, Cool, Leadership, Negotiation. Capital Sendoff, Customized Cooling Unit, Daring
Talents: Can’t We Talk about This?, Clever Retort, Driver, Defensive Driving, Fancy Paint Job, Fine
Confidence, Counteroffer, Disarming Smile, Discredit, Tuning, Fire Control, Full Throttle, Full Throttle
Double Talk, Good Cop, Inspiring Rhetoric, Inspiring (Improved), Hold Together, Let’s Ride, Master Driver,
Rhetoric (Improved), Inspiring Rhetoric (Superior), Pride and Joy, Pride and Joy (Improved), Pride and
Interjection, Let’s Talk This Over, Loom, Savvy Joy (Supreme), Showboat, Signature Vehicle,
Negotiator, Sense Advantage, Sense Emotions, Smooth Superhuman Reflexes.
Cop Enforcers are the muscles and face of any criminal
The character has served at the law enforcement, as organization. They can handle themselves in a fight,
street cop. Most player characters should be the although they prefer to accomplish their tasks by
hardened officers, who may serve in civilian clothes intimidation, blackmail, and threats.
rather than uniform. Career skills: Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (light),
Career skills: Coercion, Knowledge (Underworld), Streetwise.
Ranged (light), Vigilance. Talents: Bad Cop, Barrage, Blackmail, Body Guard,
Talents: Bad Cop, Command, Cutting Question, Body Guard (Improved), Comrades in Arms,
Disarm, Field Commander, Full Throttle, Good Cop, Distracting Behavior, Distracting Behavior
Hamstring Shot, Heightened Awareness, Informant, (Improved), Body Guard (Supreme), Fearsome,
Intimidating, No Escape, Nobody’s Fool, Point Blank, Fearsome Reputation, Grit, Informant, Nobody’s
Reconstruct the Scene, Respected, Scathing Tirade, Fool, Painful Blow, Pinning Fire, Plausible
Scathing Tirade (Improved), Shortcut, Toughened. Deniability, Rain of Death, Respected, Sense
Emotions, Street Slang, Street Smarts, Suppressing
Detective Fire, Tavern Brawler, Toughened, Trust No One.
The character has been part of the police, like the cop.
However, he solves crimes by using his skills and Entertainer
experience rather than firearms. The character may be an actor, a singer, a comedian,
Career skills: Cool, Knowledge (Underworld), or even a circus acrobat. Most entertainers try to avoid
Perception, Streetwise. direct contact with the organized crime, but there are
Talents: Bad Cop, Bought Info, Eye for Detail, Flash situations they are forced to, for example because of a
of Insight, Good Cop, Heightened Awareness, high debt, or other purpose. Player characters are
Informant, Know It All, In the Know, Reconstruct the probably this rather unlucky kind of entertainers.
Scene, Researcher, Respected, Sense Emotions, Street Career skills: Athletics, Charm, Coordination,
Smarts, Studious Plotting, Supporting Evidence, Deception.
Uncanny Sense. Talents: Bad Press, Catfall, Discredit, Don’t Shoot,
Double Talk, Encouraging Words, Inspiring Rhetoric,
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved), Proper Upbringing,
Sense Emotions, Smooth Talker.
Fixer Mechanic
A fixer is a street tradesman, who is buying and He may be a car mechanic, a weapon expert, or
selling illegal stuff. anything that has to do with fixing things.
Career skills: Cool, Deception, Negotiation, Career skills: Brawl, Knowledge (Education),
Streetwise. Mechanics, Skulduggery.
Talents: Altered Deal, Black Market Contacts, Talents: Eye for Detail, Fine Tuning, Go Without,
Congenial, Counteroffer, Double Talk, Go Without, How Convenient, Jury-Rigged, Know Schematic, Solid
Hidden Storage, Informant, Know Somebody, Master Repairs, Sound Investments.
Merchant, Street Slang, Trust No One, Wheel and
Deal, Prostitute
The prostitute may be an expensive courtesan, a
Gambler nightclub stripper, or a streetwalker.
The gambler knows how to win a game. He knows the Career skills: Deception, Melee, Skulduggery,
rules, but he knows also: winning is how to play the Streetwise.
cards that have been dealt. Talents: Can’t We Talk about This?, Counteroffer,
Career skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Skulduggery. Discredit, Don’t Shoot, Fortune Favors the Bold, Grit,
Talents: Adroitness, Can’t We Talk About This?, Just Kidding, Let’s Talk This Over, Natural, Nobody’s
Clever Retort, Congenial, Discredit, Double Talk, Fool, Rapid Recovery, Sense Emotions, Street Slang.
Fortune Favors the Bold, Heightened Awareness, In
the Know, Just Kidding, Let’s Talk This Over, Thief
Nobody’s Fool, Sense Emotions, Smooth Talker, Street
The character is a small time street criminal.
Career skills: Deception, Skulduggery, Stealth,
Journalist Talents: Backstab, Catfall, Constant Vigilance,
The character may work for a newspaper, or he may Dodge, Finesse, Finesse (Improved), Fortune Favors
be a freelance writer. the Bold, Hidden Storage, Jump Up, Know Schematic,
Career skills: Charm, Cool, Knowledge (any), Natural, Opportunist, Overbalance, Resolve, Quick
Streetwise. Strike, Rapid Reaction, Stalker, Tumble.
Talents: Bad Press, Bought Info, Congenial,
Disarming Smile, Discredit, Double Talk, Informant, Veteran Soldier
Knowledge Specialization, Proper Upbringing,
The character is a former member of any military
Reconstruct the Scene, Researcher, Smooth Talker,
organization, or a war hero.
Career skills: Discipline, Gunnery, Leadership,
Martial Artist Ranged (heavy).
Talents: Ambush, Barrage, Basic Military Training,
Martial artist characters are from the oriental
communities. Brace, Burly, Call ‘Em, Combat Veteran, Coordinated
Assault, Desperate Recovery, Durable, Dynamic Fire,
Career skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination,
Discipline. Enduring, Hindering Shot, Pinning Fire, Pinning Fire
(Improved), Second Wind, Steady Aim, Strong Arm,
Talents: Brilliant Evasion, Catfall, Constant
Vigilance, Coordination Dodge, Counterattack, Toughened.
Crushing Blow, Deadly Accuracy, Death Rage,
Defensive, Defensive Stance, Dirty Tricks, Disarm, Wiseguy
Disorient, Dodge, Durable, Enduring, Finesse, Wiseguys are the brain of the crime organizations.
Finesse (Improved), Frenzied Attack, Grapple, Heroic They are the ones who plan operations, negotiate with
Resilience, Impaling Strike, Iron Body, Jump Up, rival families – those middle rank officers, who make
Lethal Blows, Multiple Opponents, Overbalance, things happen.
Painful Blow, Parry, Parry (Improved), Physical Career skills: Charm, Discipline, Knowledge (one of
Training, Precision, Preemptive Avoidance, Prey On Underworld or Upper Class), Negotiation.
the Weak, Quick Draw, Quick Draw (Improved), Talents: Command, Commanding Presence,
Quick Strike, Rapid Reaction, Reckless Charge, Resist Congenial, Coordinated Assault, Counteroffer,
Disarm, Second Wind, Tavern Brawler, Toughened, Encouraging Words, Fearsome, Fearsome Reputation,
Whirlwind. Field Commander, Informant, Know It All, Loom,
Proper Upbringing, Respected, Smooth Talker.
Available Skills New Skills
SKILL NAME CHARACTERISTIC There are some new skills in this list.
General skills
Athletics Brawn Driving (light)
Cool Willpower You can drive motorcycles and personal cars (sedans,
Coordination Agility sporting cars, minivans, light pickups, etc.) with this
Discipline Willpower skill.
Driving (heavy) Agility
Driving (light) Agility Driving (heavy)
Mechanics Intellect You can drive heavy cars like vans, busses, and trucks
Medicine Intellect with this skill.
Operating Intellect
Perception Cunning Knowledge (Education)
Piloting Agility Your general education. If you need some general
Resilience Brawn information that isn’t covered by the other knowledge
Skulduggery Cunning skills, you should use this skill.
Stealth Agility
Streetwise Cunning Knowledge (Local)
Survival Cunning If you need to find a place in the city, or you want to
Vigilance Willpower know as much as possible about a local celebrity, you
Social skills should use this skill. Knowledge (local) covers
Charm Presence everything you can know on legal ways. If you want
Coercion Willpower to find a small and hidden café, it is your skill. If you
Deception Cunning want to find a weapon napper to sell your looted
Leadership Presence shotgun, you should use Knowledge (underworld)
Negotiation Presence instead.
Combat skills
Brawl Brawn Knowledge (Underworld)
Gunnery Agility This skill represents how well you are informed about
Melee Brawn the shady side of the city. If you want to find a napper,
Ranged (heavy) Agility or a loan shark, it is your skill. If you want to know,
Ranged (light) Agility how much costs a stolen item on the stock market, it is
Knowledge skills also your skill. The skill resembles Knowledge
Education Int (Local), but there is an important difference: if the
Local Int information you need is legally unavailable, you can’t
Underworld Int use Local. There are some things, you can get
Upper Class Int information with both skills about. For example, there
is a bar somewhere in the slum. With Knowledge
(local) you will know that it had appeared in the
newspapers as a criminal scene. With Knowledge
(underworld) you will also know that it is the turf of a
local gang. The skill does not replace Streetwise, if
you must barter with a dealer or parley with a local

Knowledge (Upper class)

The skill represents how much information you have
about the rich and famous people of the city. You will
know the etiquette, but it doesn’t mean you will
behave properly in an exclusive party – then you’ll
need to use Charm.
character owes a favor to someone, that someone
Step 3: Obligation could call him sometime.
Obligations have a magnitude, and the Game Master
may roll at the beginning of each session, whether an
Obligation plays a vital role in defining the character, Obligation will be triggered during that evening. In the
for it represents the debts the character owes. These following table you find a summary of the different
may be physical, like money owed, services that must obligations.
be repaid; or they may be intangible, like the feeling The character obligations can be determined
of responsibility for a friend’s well-being, or similar randomly, or the player can choose one from the list.
things. The obligation can be increased, and the character
Over the course of the campaign Obligation may be gains in exchange either additional Experience Points,
triggered sometimes, in this case the character must do or additional starting money.
something to solve the problem. For example, if the

Obligation Table
Addiction: The character has an addiction (it may be alcohol, drug or gambling). He devotes a
01-08 lot of time to satisfy his addiction. If he doesn’t or can’t do it, he has difficulties to concentrate
even on mundane tasks (it is reflected by j or jjj on all skill checks).
Betrayal: The character may have been betrayed, or he has betrayed someone. Whatever it was,
the betrayal affects the character’s everyday life.
Blackmail: Someone has discovered the character’s dirty secret and possesses evidence, so the
character must do what is him told.
Bounty: The character has bounty on his head. It is a contract of a crime organization or a
sinister rich person. What he has to count with depends on the character’s background.
Criminal record: The character is wanted by the police, but in another city. The player can
33-40 decide, whether he is wanted for a real crime, or for something he never committed. In the last
case he may clear his name sometime.
Debt: The character owes someone a lot of money. For example, he is indebted to a loan shark,
or he made an huge debt in a casino.
49-56 Dutybound: The character has a deep sense of duty, and a formal bound to an organization.
57-64 Family: The character’s family requires a great deal of time and attention.
Favor: The character owes a big favor. Perhaps corrupt cops want their money, because they
have looked the other way, as he did something illegal.
Oath: The character promised himself to do something. The oath must be serious or make life
difficult for the character.
Obsession: The character has an unhealthy bounding to an event, celebrity or an organization,
and it determines his life.
Responsibility: The character feels responsibility for someone, a place, an organization, or an
Roll twice on the table. The Obligation’s magnitude doesn’t change, but it will be split into two
different obligations.

Obligation Magnitude Additional Obligation

1 30 +5 starting XP +5 Obligation
2 20 +10 starting XP +10 Obligation
3 15 +1000 $ starting cash +5 Obligation
4-5 10 +2500 $ starting cash +10 Obligation
6+ 5
No skill may be improved higher than rank 2 during
Step 4: Invest Experience character creation. You can improve your skills from
Experience Points during gameplay.

The following step follows exactly the rules in Buying Talents

Genesys Core Rulebook: each character has a
Talents represent special techniques that the character
starting budget of experience points, from that he can
has mastered through intensive study or training. The
buy skill ranks, talents and he can increase his
Mafia setting uses the extended talent lists for
characteristics as well. In the base rule it equals the
starting Experience of the character archetype (which Genesys, the talents that are designed for a modern
is 100 in most of the cases, and 110 for the Average day setting.
human archetype). In this setting the player may get In the Genesys rules talents are divided in five tiers.
some additional Experience Points by taking The higher the tier of a talent is, the stronger is the
additional obligation, so it means the starting budget is talent, and the more experience points the talent costs
an amount of Experience Points between 100 and 120. (each talent costs 5 times its tier). More about the
talents you can find in the chapter Talents.
Improving Characteristics
During character creation the player may raise his
character’s main characteristics from Experience Step 5: Derived Attributes
Points. Raising a characteristic to the next highest
rating costs ten times the value it is been raised to. For
Once you’ve spent your character’s starting XP, the
example, if a character wants to raise his Brawn from
next step is to determine his derived attributes. They
3 to 4, it will cost 40 Experience Points.
are called derived attributes, because they are
All characteristics must be raised sequentially. It determined by your character’s other attributes and
means, if you want to raise a characteristic from 3 to your choice of archetype.
5, you have to raise it first from 3 to 4, then from 4 to
5, and you must pay the full cost of both raisings (that
Wound Threshold
means, raising a characteristic from 3 to 5 costs 90
The character’s wound threshold represents, basically,
how many wounds – how much physical damage – he
No characteristic can be raised higher than 5.
can withstand before becoming incapacitated. Your
Characteristics may only be improved from
character’s wound threshold is adding the Wound
Experience Points during character creation, not at any Threshold for his archetype to his Brawn rating. After
later time. During gameplay characteristics may be you determined your Wound Threshold, any further
raised by purchasing specific talents. This means, you changes of Brawn do not increase the Wound
should spend most of your starting XP on improving Threshold. However, it can be increased by talents.
your characteristics.
Strain Threshold
Training Skills The character’s strain threshold represents, how many
The character can improve any skill, which are on the strain – psychological or mental damage – he can
list of available skills for Mafia setting (see below). withstand before becoming stunned, dazed, or
Like characteristics, each skill has five ranks. During incapacitated. Your character’s strain threshold is
adding the Strain Threshold for his archetype to his
the previous steps you have added ranks on some of
Willpower rating. After you determined your Strain
your skills. Now you can add new ranks using your
Threshold, any further changes of Willpower do not
starting XP.
increase the Strain Threshold. However, it can be
If you want to raise a career skill to the next highest increased by talents.
rank, it costs five times the rank it is being raised to.
That means raising a career skill from rank 1 to rank 2
costs 10 Experience Points. If you want to raise a non-
career skill, it costs the cost of raising a career skill Defense represents an extra level of protection that
makes your character harder to hit in combat. Defense
plus five more Experience Points. If you raise a non-
is divided into ranged and melee defense. The
career skill from rank 1 to rank 2, it costs 15 XP.
character’s default defense value is 0.
Defense is gained by wearing armor, or by adopting a Poor: The character has a little and clapped-out flat or
defensive position in combat. Some talents also may a cottage somewhere in a slum. Cost: 50 $
increase the character’s defense. Average: The character has an own flat in a poor
neighborhood, he has his own garage, and it is secure.
Soak Cost: 200 $
Modest: The character has a comfortable flat in a
Soak value determines how much damage the
character can shrug off every time he’s hit. When your calm neighborhood, or a little suburban house. Cost:
character suffers damage, you subtract your 500 $
character’s soak from the damage inflicted. Any Rich: The character has a large house in a good
remaining damage after subtracting becomes wound. suburban neighborhood, or a large flat close to the city
The character’s default soak value equals his actual center. Cost: 1000 $
Brawn rating. That means, any changes of the Brawn
rating do increase the Soak value. The Soak may be
increased by wearing armor or talents.
Step 7: Motivation
Step 6: Buy Starting Gear The character’s motivation determines when he uses
his skills and why. It includes the character’s driving
forces. What ultimate goal is he pursuing? What is he
The character starts normally with 500 $, however, he most afraid of? What trait allows him to persevere in
can get some additional starting budget for taking the face of adversity? What flaws hinder his abilities
additional Obligation. From this money he can buy his to pursue his goals?
starting gear (see next chapter for details), his lifestyle There are four different facets of motivations: Desires,
and his starting vehicle. Fears, Strengths and Flaws. These color how your
Lifestyle, however, should be personal. Lifestyle may character perceives and interacts with the world. In
be changed during the game. other words, they help you playing your character.
On the following page you’ll find the random tables of
the four motivation facets. They are the similar as you
Lifestyles can find in the Genesys Core Rules.
Very poor: The character has no own place, he has to
sleep in poor motels or on the street in his car. This
lifestyle costs 0 $

01-10 Ambition: Your character craves power and authority over others.
Belonging: The character seeks to be liked by others and goes out of the way to make a good
21-30 Expertise: The character wants to excel in a chosen field or skill.
31-40 Fame: The character seeks the limelight and wants to be famous.
41-50 Justice: The character believes in a set of ethics that demands fair treatment for all.
Knowledge: The character wishes to uncover knowledge that has been forgotten or locked
61-70 Love: The character seeks romantic affection and intimacy from another character.
71-80 Safety: The character values peace and comfort above all else.
81-90 Vengeance: The character has sworn to exact revenge against someone who had wronged him.
91-00 Wealth: Money or material possessions are the primal goal of the character.
01-10 Change: The character finds routine and stability comforting, and fears changes.
11-20 Commitment: The idea of making promises or being relied scares the character.
21-30 Death: The fear of death is deep and primal, and it can manifest in the character many ways.
Expression: The character has a behavior or means, which he doesn’t want the world know
41-50 Failure: The character is always scared to do something wrong or to fail.
Humiliation: The character is especially concerned with how others view him, and is
particularly sensitive to potential humiliation.
61-70 Isolation: The character fears being isolated from other people, and being doomed to live alone.
71-80 Nemesis: The character has a deadly foe, someone, whom he fears.
81-90 Obscurity: The character wishes to be remembered after he’s gone.
91-00 Poverty: The character is scared to lose his wealth.

01-10 Adaptable: No matter what life throws at the character, he always rises to the challenge.
11-20 Analytical: The character is able to absorb a barrage of information and come to a conclusion.
21-30 Courageous: The character knows no fear. He still has a Fear motivation.
31-40 Curious: The character wants to know all mysteries he hears about.
41-50 Idealistic: The ideals are nothing short of sacred for your character.
51-60 Independent: The character can count on himself, when all others had failed or fallen.
61-70 Patient: The character is always willing to wait and knows the powers of remaining calm.
71-80 Spiritual: The faith is a solid mental bedrock for the character, that he can always rely on.
81-90 Wise: Through years of experience and countless events the character has developed wisdom.
91-00 Witty: The character has always the right joke for a friend and the right insult for a foe.

01-10 Anger: The character lashes out of himself and others with undue cause or with extreme force.
Compulsion: This can be fascination, obsession or another automatic behavior that is self-
destructive, or otherwise impedes the character.
21-30 Deception: The character is disloyal to his allies, or simply a compulsive liar.
31-40 Greed: The character is never satisfied with what he has, always wanting more.
41-50 Laziness: The character always seeks the path of least resistance.
51-60 Ignorance: The character lacks the basic knowledge base or understanding of society norms.
61-70 Intolerance: The character harbors some prejudice towards a group of people.
Pride: The character is arrogant, vain, or self-absorbed, or thinks highly of himself at the
expense of others.
81-90 Recklessness: The character has little regard for how his actions may affect himself or others.
Timid: The character is extremely risk averse, opting instead to take more thorough, or taken-
and-true approaches.
you are wearing can be also an important part of your
Step 8: Finishing Touches description. People would remember that Jim is
always wearing elegant suits, while Joe is typically
seen in leather jacket. Spend some time thinking about
At this point, you should have your character’s your dressing.
background and Motivations pretty well figured out, 4. What one body modification would fit your
and all starting attributes determined. You have all the character? It can be his greased or oiled hair; his
gears for starting. Technically, you have a complete shaved face or moustache; a visible tattoo; or a
character ready to play. There are some last touches to pockmark.
do, although.
Appearance Just as the physical characteristics, your character’s
The physical description is both one of the least and motivation is not something that matters for the rules,
one of the most important parts of a character. From a but is going to do a lot toward defining how to play
mechanical perspective, none of the rules depend on him during the game. The character’s personality
how the character looks. A tiny character can have a depends a lot on you. Two things define your
high Brawn, and a beautiful character can still have a character’s personality more than others: these are his
low Presence. On the other hand, physical description background and his motivations.
is how you and your fellow players are going to Where he comes from and what his childhood was like
visualize your character during the game. Spending a can do a lot to define the character’s personal traits, as
little time thinking about a physical description goes a he gets older. Consider your character’s background
long way toward bringing your character into life. and determine how that may have affected him. It is
1. The character’s driver’s license. Most driver’s
also a valid answer that his childhood did not affect
licenses ask for basic things like the character’s
the character’s improvement at all, however you
height, weight, hair, eye, and skin color. These things
should decide, why that was the case. Then consider
describe the character, but it is a very raw driving of
him. your character’s motivation and decide how it affects
2. How would anybody else describe the character? his personality.
When describing people, we typically call out a few Communication and behavior are also an important
notable characteristics. For example: “You remember part of the character’s personality. These are the way
Luca, that short, tall guy with that big nose.” If your personality may be experienced by the world.
somebody was describing your character, what would You can decide that the image your character shows is
he say about him? very different from what he feels inside. Your
3. What clothes is your character wearing? behavior may appear in the character’s description,
Appearance is far more than body marks. The clothes but not necessarily.
Chapter 2:

Talents represent special techniques that the character Bad Cop
has mastered through intensive study or training. The Activation: Passive
Mafia setting uses the extended talent lists for Ranked: Yes
Genesys, the talents that are designed for a modern You may spend aa from a Deception or Coercion
day setting. check to upgrade a single ally’s social interaction
In the Genesys rules talents are divided in five tiers. check against the target number of times equal your
The higher the tier of a talent is, the stronger is the ranks in Bad Cop.
talent, and the more experience points the talent costs.
Here are the prices:
Black Market Contacts
Activation: Incidental
Tier 1: 5 XP
Ranked: Yes
Tier 2: 10 XP
When purchasing illegal goods, you may reduce their
Tier 3: 15 XP
rarity by 1 per ranks in Black Market Contacts,
Tier 4: 20 XP
increasing the cost by 50 percent of base cost per
Tier 5: 25 XP
On the following pages there are the descriptions of
the talents used in the Mafia setting. Bought Info
Activation: Action
Tier 1 Ranked: No
When making any knowledge skill check, the
All-Terrain Driver character can use instead this talent to spend an
Activation: Passive amount of currency equal to fifty times the difficulty
Ranked: No of the check and automatically succeed on the
You do not suffer the usual penalties for driving knowledge check with one uncancelled s (instead of
through difficult terrain when using Driving. rolling). At the GM’s discretion the character may not
be able to use Bought Info if the information is
Apothecary particularly sensitive or difficult to find, or buying it
Activation: Passive doesn’t make narrative sense.
Ranked: Yes
When a patient under your character’s care heals Brace
wounds from natural rest, they heal additional wounds Activation: Maneuver
equal your ranks in Apothecary. Ranked: Yes
As a maneuver, the character may brace himself. This
allows the character to remove j per ranks in Brace
from the next skill check on changing conditions,
inclusive weather, unstable or steep surfaces (like the
walls of a skyscraper) that would make a skill check
more difficult.
Bullrush Extra Ammo
Activation: Incidental Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When your character makes a Brawl or Melee combat You cannot run out of ammo due to a d. Items with
check after using a maneuver to engage target, you Limited Ammo quality run out of ammo as normal.
may spend or to use this talent to knock the target
prone and move them up to one range band away from Finesse
your character. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Call ‘Em When making a Brawl or Melee check, your character
Activation: Passive may use his Agility instead of Brawn.
Ranked: No
Do not add j to combat checks due to the use of the Good Cop
Aim maneuver. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Catfall May spend aa from a Charm or Negotiation check
Activation: Passive to upgrade a single ally’s social interaction check
Ranked: Yes against the target number of times equal your ranks in
When rolling Athletics or Coordination to reduce Good Cop.
damage from falling, add j. In addition, reduce
damage and strain from a fall by 1 per ranks in Catfall. Grit
Activation: Passive
Clever Retort Ranked: Yes
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Each rank of Grit increases your character’s strain
Ranked: No threshold by one.
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
to add automatic hh to another character’s social Hamstring Shot
skill check. Activation: Action
Ranked: No
Desperate Recovery Once per round, your character may use this talent to
Activation: Passive perform a ranged combat check against one non-
Ranked: No vehicle target within range of the weapon used. If the
Before your character heals strain at the end of an check is successful, halve the damage inflicted by the
encounter, if his strain level is more than half of his attack (before reducing by the target’s soak). The
strain threshold, he heals two additional strains. target is immobilized until the end of its next turn.

Duelist Hidden Storage

Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character adds j to his Melee combat checks, Gain Hidden Storage in vehicles or equipment that
while engaged with a single opponent. He adds j to holds items with total encumbrance equal to ranks in
his Melee combat checks while engaged with three or Hidden Storage.
more opponents.
Jump Up
Durable Activation: Incidental
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Once per round during your character’s turn, your
Your character reduces any Critical Injury result they character may use this talent to stand from a prone or
suffer by 10 per ranks in Durable, to a minimum of 01. sitting position as an incidental.
Knack for It Parry
Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
When you purchase this talent for your character, When your character suffers hit from a melee combat
select one skill. Your character removes jj from any check, after damage is calculated, but before soak is
checks he makes using this skill. Each additional time applied, your character suffers 3 strain to use this
you purchase this talent, you select two more skills. talent to use this talent to reduce the damage of the hit
You can’t choose any combat skill for this talent. by two plus his ranks in Parry. The character must be
wielding a melee weapon to use this talent.
Know Somebody
Activation: Incidental Physician
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Once per session, when attempting to purchase a Ranked: Yes
legally available item, your character may use this When making a medicine check to help a character
talent to reduce its rarity by one per ranks in Know heal wounds, the target heals 1 additional wound per
Somebody. ranks in Physician.

Knowledge Specialization Precision

Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When acquired, choose one Knowledge skill. When When making a Brawl or Ranged check, your
making that skill check, may spend a t result to gain character may use Cunning instead of Brawn and
additional s equal to ranks in Knowledge Agility.
Proper Upbringing
Let’s Ride Activation: Incidental
Activation: Incidental Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No When your character makes a social skill check in
Once per round during your character’s turn, your polite company (as determined by the GM), he may
character may use this talent to mount or dismount suffer a number of strain to use this talent to add an
from a vehicle, or move from one position in a vehicle equal number of strain to use to add an equal number
to another (such from the steering wheel to the of a to the check. The number may not exceed your
passenger’s seat) as an incidental. In addition, if your character’s ranks in Proper Upbringing.
character suffers a short range fall from a vehicle, he
suffers no damage and lands on his feet. Quick Draw
Activation: Incidental
Painful Blow Ranked: No
Activation: Incidental Once per round on your character’s turn, he may use
Ranked: No this talent to draw or holster an easily accessible
When your character makes a combat check, you may weapon or item as an incidental. Quick Draw also
voluntarily increase its difficulty by one, to use this reduces the item’s Prepare rating by one, to a
talent. If the target suffers one or more wounds from minimum of one.
the combat check, he suffers 2 strain each time he
performs a maneuver until the end of the encounter. Quick Strike
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Your character adds j for each rank of Quick Strike
to any combat check he makes against any target that
have not yet taken their turn in the current encounter.
Rapid Reaction Solid Repairs
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranks: Yes
Your character may suffer a number of strain to use The character repairs +1 hull trauma per rank of Solid
this talent to add an equal number of s to Vigilance Repairs whenever he repairs a vehicle.
or Cool check he makes to determine initiative order.
The number may not exceed your character’s ranks in Specialist Knowledge
Rapid Reactions. Activation: Passive
Ranks: Yes
Rapid Recovery When you purchase this talent, select a specific area of
Activation: Passive exercise for your character. When making a
Ranked: Yes Knowledge check which pertains to that area of
When healing strain after an encounter, you heal 1 knowledge, reduce the difficulty of the check once.
additional strain per rank in Rapid Recovery.
Street Slang
Respected Activation: Incidental
Activation: Passive Ranks: Yes
Ranked: Yes When making a social skill check in criminal or
When first acquired, choose a social group. The dubious company, you may suffer a number of strain
character may downgrade the difficulty of checks to no higher than your ranks in Street Slang to add an
interact with members of that group number of times equal number of a to the check.
equal to his ranks in Respected. The social group
affected must be approved by the GM. Surgeon
Activation: Passive
Second Wind Ranked: Yes
Activation: Incidental When your character makes a Medicine check to heal
Ranked: Yes wounds, the target heals one additional wound per
Once per encounter your character may use this talent your rank in Surgeon.
to heal an amount of strain equal to his ranks in
Second Wind. Tavern Brawler
Activation: Passive
Signature Vehicle Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character adds a to Brawl checks and combat
Ranked: Yes checks when using improvised weapons.
Choose one vehicle with a silhouette 3 or lower that
your character owns. This vehicle is the character’s Toughened
“signature vehicle”. Upgrade the ability of all Activation: Passive
Mechanics checks made to work on that vehicle once. Ranked: Yes
If the vehicle is ever lost or destroyed, the character Your character gains +2 to Wound Threshold per rank
may apply Signature Vehicle to a new vehicle that in Toughened.
meets the requirements.
Smooth Talker Activation: Incidental
Activation: Incidental Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Once per turn your character may suffer 2 strain to
When first acquired this talent, choose 1 skill: Charm, disengage from engaged adversaries.
Coercion, Deception or Negotiation. When making
checks with that skill spend t to gain additional s
equal to ranks in Smooth Talker.
Wheel and Deal Confidence
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
When selling a legal item, you gain 10% more cash. You may decrease the difficulty of Discipline checks
to avoid fear by 1 per rank in Confidence, to a
minimum of Easy k.
Tier 2
Adroitness Coordinated Assault
Activation: Passive Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When first acquired this talent, choose one general Once per turn, your character may use this talent to
skill. When making a check with that skill, reduce the have number of allies engaged with your character
time required by 25%. equal to your ranks in Leadership add a to all combat
checks they make until the end of your character’s
Barrage next turn. The range of this talent increases by one
Activation: Passive band per rank of Coordinated Assault beyond the first.
Ranked: Yes
Add 1 point per rank in Barrage to 1 hit at successful Counteroffer
attack, if you use Ranged (heavy) or Gunnery skill at Activation: Action
long and extreme range. Ranked: No
Once per session, your character may use this talent to
Basic Military Training choose one non-nemesis adversary within medium
Activation: Passive range and make an opposed Negotiation versus
Ranked: No Discipline check. If successful, the target becomes
Athletics, Ranged (heavy) and Resilience are now staggered until the end of his next turn. At your GM’s
career skills for your character. discretion you may spend t on this check to have the
adversary become an ally until the end of the
Blackmail encounter. However, the duration of this may be
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn shortened or extended whether your GM feels your
Ranked: No offer is appealing to the adversary and whether your
When an NPC exceeds his strain threshold, you may character follows through on his offer.
spend 1 Story Point to convince that NPC to perform a
single task of your choice instead. Cutting Question
Activation: Incidental
Burly Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per encounter, when making a Coercion skill
Ranked: Yes check, the character may use Deception skill instead.
Reduce any weapon’s Cumbersome quality and
Encumbrance rating with a number equal to your Daring Driver
ranks in Burly to a minimum of 1. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes
Command Before your character makes a Driving or Piloting
Activation: Passive check, he may add number of h to the results to use
Ranked: Yes this talent to add an equal number of s. The number
Add j per rank in Command when making Leader- may not exceed your character’s ranks in Daring
ship checks. Affected targets add j to Discipline Driver.
checks for the next 24 hours.
Defensive Stance Fan the Hammer
Activation: Maneuver Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Once per round, your character may suffer a number Once per encounter before making a combat check
of strain no greater than his ranks in Defensive Stance with a pistol, your character may use this talent to add
to use this talent. Then, until the end of your the Autofire quality to the pistol when resolving the
character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all check. If your character does so, the weapon runs out
melee combat checks targeting your character number of ammo exactly as with an Out of Ammo result.
of turns equal the number of strains suffered.
Fancy Paint Job
Dirty Tricks Activation: Passive
Activation: Incidental Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased the Signature
After your character inflicts a Critical Injury on an Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Upgrade all
adversary, he may use this talent to upgrade the Charm, Deception and Negotiation checks made in the
difficulty of that adversary’s next check. presence of the Signature Vehicle.

Disorient Fearsome
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
After hitting with combat check, you may spend aa When an adversary becomes engaged with the
to disorient target for number of rounds equal to ranks character, the character may force the adversary to
in Disorient. make a fear check with the difficulty equal to your
ranks in Fearsome.
Distracting Behavior
Activation: Maneuver Fine Tuning
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Make a Distracting Behavior maneuver and suffer Ranked: Yes
strain no greater than your ranks in Cunning. Until the When reducing the system strain a vehicle suffers,
beginning of your next turn, equal number of engaged reduce 1 additional strain per rank in Fine Tuning.
NPC’s suffer h on checks. Range increases with
additional ranks. Flash of Insight
Activation: Passive
Dual Wielder Ranked: No
Activation: Maneuver When your character generates t at a Knowledge
Ranked: No skill check, roll jj and add the results to check, in
Your character may use this talent to decrease the addition to spending the t as usual.
difficulty of the next combined combat check (two
weapon fighting) he makes during the same turn by Go Without
one. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Dynamic Fire Once per session, your character counts as having the
Activation: Incidental right tools for the job, when performing the next skill
Ranked: No check in the turn.
When making a ranged attack while engaged with an
opponent, may suffer 2 strain to reduce the ranged Grapple
modifier by 1. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Your character may suffer 2 strains to use this talent.
Until the start of his next turn, enemies must spend
two maneuvers to disengage from your character.
Hard Headed Know the Enemy
Activation: Action Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When staggered or disoriented, perform the Hard May use an appropriate Knowledge skill when making
Headed action; Make a Daunting (kkkk) Discipline checks to determine initiative.
check to remove status. Difficulty reduced per rank in
Hard Headed to a minimum of Easy. Know It All
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Heightened Awareness Once per session, perfectly recall an important fact
Activation: Passive
previously learned as if a Story Point has been sent.
Ranked: No
Allies within short range of your character add j to
their Perception and Vigilance checks. Allies engaged
Known Schematic
Activation: Maneuver
with your character add jj instead.
Ranked: No
Once per session may use the Known Schematic
Heroic Recovery
maneuver; make a Hard (kkk) Knowledge (local).
Activation: Incidental
Success means familiarity with the building’s design.
Ranked: No
When your character requires this talent, choose one
characteristic. Once per encounter, you may spend one
Story Point to use this talent to have your character Activation: Passive
heal strain equal to the rating of the chosen Ranked: No
characteristic. When an ally engaged with the character makes a
successful Charm, Deception or Negotiation check,
the character adds a per rank in Coercion to the ally’s
Hold Together
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: No
Spend 1 Story Point to perform a Hold Together
Lucky Strike
incidental immediately after your vehicle suffers Activation: Incidental
damage, and turn the damage into system strain. Ranked: No
When your character purchases this talent, choose one
characteristic. After your character makes a successful
Impaling Strike
combat check, you may spend one Story Point to use
Activation: Incidental
this talent to add damage equal to your character’s
Ranked: No
ranks in that characteristic to one hit to the combat
When your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
melee weapon, until the end of the target’s next turn
he may use this talent to immobilize the target (in
addition to the other effects of the critical injury).
Multiple Opponents
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Inspiring Rhetoric
Your character adds j to his Brawl and Melee combat
Activation: Action
checks when engaged with multiple opponents. This
Ranked: No
includes single groups of multiple minions.
The character may use this talent to make an Average
(kk) Leadership check. For each s the check
generates, one ally within short range heals one strain.
Physical Training
For each a, one ally benefiting from Inspiring Activation: Passive
Rhetoric heals one additional strain. Ranked: Yes
Add j per rank of Physical Training to Athletics and
Resilience checks.
Pride and Joy Scathing Tirade
Activation: Passive Activation: Action
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Choose one vehicle the character owns; it becomes his Your character may use this talent to make an
“pride and joy” vehicle. The vehicle must cost more Average (kk) Coercion check. For each s the check
than 1000 dollars, or have a rarity value over 4. generates, one enemy within short range suffers 1
Upgrade the ability of all social checks your character strain. For each a one enemy affected by Scathing
makes while short range of the vehicle once. Tirade suffers one additional strain.

Quick Draw (Improved) Selective Detonation

Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Quick Draw When using a weapon with the Blast quality spend a
talent to benefit from this talent. He may use Quick to exclude 1 target that would be affected by the
Draw twice per round. This also allows you to reduce explosion, up to ranks in Selective Detonation.
the prepare rating by 2 to a minimum of one.
Sense Emotions
Reckless Charge Activation: Passive
Activation: Incidental Ranked: No
Ranked: No Add j to all Charm, Coercion and Deception checks.
After using a maneuver to move engage an adversary,
your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. He Shortcut
then add sshh to the results of the next Brawl or Activation: Passive
Melee combat check he makes this turn. Ranked: No
During a chase, add j per rank in Shortcut to any
Reconstruct the Scene checks made to catch or escape an opponent.
Activation: Action
Ranked: No Side Step
Perform the Reconstruct the Scene action; make a Activation: Maneuver
Hard (kkk) Perception check to identify the physical Ranked: Yes
characteristics of a person present at the scene within Once per round your character may suffer a number of
24 hours. strain no greater than his ranks in Side Step to use this
talent. Until the end of his next turn, upgrade the
Researcher difficulty of all ranged combat checks targeting your
Activation: Passive character a number of times equal to the strain
Ranked: Yes suffered.
On a successful Knowledge check, character and allies
gain automatic a per rank of Researcher on checks to Stalker
act on those facts until end of his next turn. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Resist Disarm Add j per rank of Stalker to all Stealth and
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Coordination checks.
Ranked: No
Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have Strong Arm
weapon damaged or destroyed. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Treat thrown weapons as if they had 1 greater range.

Stunning Blow
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
While making Melee checks, you may inflict damage
as strain instead of wounds. This doesn’t ignore Soak.
Suppressing Fire Backstab
Activation: Passive Activation: Action
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
The character and each ally within short range may Your character may use this talent to attack an
spend a on their failed combat checks to inflict 1 unaware adversary using a melee weapon. A backstab
strain to the target per rank of Suppressing Fire. Each is a melee attack and follows the normal rules for
character can only activate this effect once per round. performing a combat check, using the character’s
Skulduggery skill instead of Melee. If the check
Time to Go succeeds, each uncanceled s adds +2 to damage
Activation: Maneuver (instead of the usual +1).
Ranked: No
The character may spend 1 Story Point to perform a Bad Press
Move maneuver as an incidental to attempt to move Activation: Action
into cover or out of the blast range of a weapon or an Ranked: No
explosion. Once per session choose an organization and make a
Hard (kkk) Deception check. On success,
organization members have their strain thresholds
Unarmed Parry
reduced by 1 plus 1 per sss, until the end of the
Activation: Passive
session. When he does this, the player must explain,
Ranked: No
how the PC disseminated the propaganda such that it
May parry while unarmed. Reduce strain cost to Parry
has affected his targets. The chosen organization must
while unarmed by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
be narrow and cohesive enough to be affected by bad
Uncanny Senses
Activation: Passive
Blind Spot
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Add jj per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Perception
Ranked: No
and Vigilance checks.
Your character and allies within short range, add
automatic a to combat checks, while benefiting from
Unstoppable cover.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
If a critical injury roll is 1 or reduced to 1, the
Body Guard
character does not receive critical injury. Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: Yes
Once per round your character may suffer strain no
Tier 3 greater than his ranks in Body Guard to use this talent.
Choose one ally engaged with your character; until the
end of your character’s next turn, upgrade the
Activation: Maneuver
difficulty of all combat checks targeting that ally a
Ranked: No
number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Once per round while benefiting from cover, you may
make the Ambush maneuver. Add damage equal to
Stealth skill to one hit of next successful combat check Capital Sendoff
against a target within short range before the end of Activation: Action
the turn. Ranked: No
Take a Capital Sendoff action targeting two vehicles
at Close range; make a Hard (kkk) Cool check to
cause the targets a minor collision.

Combat Veteran
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Add j to Brawl and Discipline checks.
Confidence (Improved) Daring Turn
Activation: Passive Activation: Maneuver
Ranged: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Confidence When an opponent has gained the advantage on a
talent to benefit from this talent. May spend a on a vehicle being driven, may spent 2 strain; perform a
fear check to steady the nerves of allies making the Daring Turn maneuver to remove the effects.
same fear check. If the character does so each ally
within short range who make the fear check adds Disarm
automatic successes equal to the character’s rank in Activation: Passive
Confidence. Ranked: No
May spend t or aa with a successful Brawl or
Congenial Melee check to disarm opponent.
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes Disarming Smile
You may suffer a number of strain to downgrade Activation: Action
difficulty of Charm and Negotiation checks or upgrade Ranked: Yes
the difficulty, when target by Charm or Negotiation Take the Disarming Smile action; succeed at an
checks, by an equal number Strain suffered this way opposed Charm check against a target withing short
cannot exceed the ranks in Congenial. range to lower all defenses by ranks in Disarming
Smile until the end of the encounter.
Constant Vigilance
Activation: Passive Dodge
Ranked: Yes Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
You may always use Vigilance, when making checks Ranked: Yes
to determine initiative. When your character is targeted by a combat check
(ranged or melee), he may suffer a number of strain no
Counterattack greater than his ranks in Dodge to use this talent.
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Then, upgrade the difficulty of combat check targeting
Ranked: No your character a number of time, equal to the strain
The character must have purchased the Improved suffered.
Parry talent to benefit from this talent. When your
character uses the Improved Parry talent to hit an Double or Nothing
attacker, he may also activate an item quality of the Activation: Incidental
weapon he used, as if he had generated aa on a Ranked: No
combat check using that weapon. Suffer 2 strain to perform the Double or Nothing
incidental to increase the difficulty of the next check
Creative Killer by one. Then, after canceling opposing symbols,
Activation: Passive double the amount of remaining a.
Ranked: No
Reduce the critical rating of improvised weapons by 2 Dual Strike
(to a minimum of 1). Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Customized Cooling Unit When resolving a combined check to attack with two
Activation: Passive weapons in a melee combat, your character may suffer
Ranked: Yes 2 strain to use this talent to hit with the secondary
Your character must have purchased the Signature weapon (instead of spending aa).
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the
System Strain Threshold of signature vehicle by 2 per
rank of Customized Cooling Unit.
Eagle Eyes Fire Control
Activation: Incidental Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter before making a ranged combat As the driver of a vehicle, take the Fire Control
check, you may use this talent to increase your maneuver; all combat checks made from that vehicle
weapon’s range with one range band (to a maximum count their target’s silhouette as one higher than
of extreme range). This lasts for the duration of the normal until the end of the next turn.
combat check.
Form on Me
Encouraging Words Activation: Passive
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Ranked: No
Ranked: No Allies equal to ranks in Leadership in short range gain
After an engaged ally fails a check, may suffer 1 strain the benefits of the Gain the Advantage action.
to assist that ally’s next check this encounter as an out
of turn incidental. Fortified Structure
Activation: Passive
Eye for Detail Ranked: Yes
Activation: Incidental Your character must have purchased the Signature
Ranked: Yes Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the
After making a Mechanics check, may suffer strain up Hull Trauma Threshold of signature vehicle by 1 per
to ranks in Eye for Detail to convert that many s to rank in Fortified Structure.
Frenzied Attack
Fearsome Reputation Activation: Incidental
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a
Add a to results of Coercion checks equal to ranks in number of strain to upgrade the attack an equal
Fearsome Reputation. number of times. The strain suffered may not exceed
ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Activation: Passive Full Throttle
Ranked: Yes Activation: Action
Spend t or aaa generated on a missed melee Ranked: No
attack to upgrade difficulty of opponent’s next attack While driving or flying, your character may use this
targeting character by ranks in Feint. talent to make a Hard (kkk) Driving or Piloting
check. If successful, the top speed of the vehicle
Feral Strength increases by one (to a maximum of 6) for a number of
Activation: Passive rounds equal to your character’s Cunning.
Ranked: Yes
Add 1 damage per rank in Feral Strength to one hit of Greased Palms
successful attacks made using Brawl or Melee skills. Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: Yes
Field Commander Before making a social skill check, you may spend up
Activation: Action to 50$ per rank in Greased Palms to upgrade the
Ranked: No ability of the check once per every 50$ spent.
Your character may use this talent to make an
Average (kk) Leadership check. If successful, a
number of allies equal to your character’s Presence
may immediately suffer 1 strain to perform one
maneuver (out of turn). If there is any question, which
allies take their maneuvers first, your character is the
final arbiter.
Grenadier Interjection
Activation: Incidental Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When your character makes a ranged combat check After another character makes a social skill check,
with a weapon that has the Blast item quality, you may suffer 3 strain to take an Interjection incidental make
spend 1 Story Point to use this talent to trigger the an Average (kk) Vigilance check to add s or f
weapon’s Blast quality instead of spending a, even if equal to s, and a or h equal to a to the check.
the attack misses. In addition, your character treats
grenades as having a range of medium. Intimidating
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Hard-Boiled Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty
Ranked: Yes of Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when
When recovering strain after an encounter, may spend targeted by Coercion checks, by an equal number.
a up to ranks in Hard-Boiled to recover one wound Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in
per a spent. Intimidating.

Heroic Resilience Iron Body

Activation: Incidental Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
Point to use this talent to have your character ignore Remove j per rank of Iron Body from Coordination
the effects of all Critical Injuries on any skill checks and Resilience checks. Reduce the critical rating of
using those two characteristics until the end of the unarmed attacks by 1 per rank of Iron Body (to a
current encounter. (Your character still suffers the minimum of 1).
Critical Injuries; he just ignores their effects.)
Lethal Blows
Hindering Shot Activation: Passive
Activation: Incidental Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical
Spend 1 Story Point and increase the difficulty of the Injury results inflicted on opponents.
next Ranged or Gunnery check against a vehicle by 1.
If check deals damage, target vehicle suffers system
Life or Death
strain when it moves for a number of turns equal to
Activation: Passive
ranks in Hindering Shot.
Ranked: No
When your character suffers wounds equal to his
Informant Wound Threshold or greater, add j to all combat
Activation: Incidental checks he makes.
Ranked: No
Once per session, may reveal a contact who can shed
light on a chosen subject.
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) When your character purchases this talent, choose two
Activation: Passive skills. Once per session, your character may use this
Ranked: No talent to reroll one skill check that uses one of those
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring two skills.
Rhetoric talent to benefit from this talent. Allies
inspired by your character’s Inspiring Rhetoric add j No Escape
to all skill checks they make for a number of rounds
Activation: Passive
equal to your character’s ranks in Leadership.
Ranked: No
May spend aa from a Coercion check or hh from
a foe’s Discipline check; that target cannot perform a
free maneuver during his next turn.
Nobody’s Fool Pinning Fire
Activation: Passive Activation: Action
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
May upgrade difficulties of incoming Charm, Select a target within range of your currently wielded
Coercion or Deception checks once per rank in ranged weapon and make a Pinning Fire action. Until
Nobody’s Fool. the end of your next turn, the targeted character adds
j to his checks for each rank of Pinning Fire, and
Opportunist suffers 1 strain.
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes Plausible Deniability
When your character purchases this talent, choose one Activation: Action
non-combat skill. When you roll a check using this Ranked: No
skill, you may suffer strain up to ranks in Opportunist Take a Plausible Deniability action makes a Hard
to convert that many s to a. (kkk) Coercion check to convince one bystander
equal to your Willpower to depart quietly.
Outside the Box
Activation: Passive Point Blank
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Choose one characteristic when purchasing this talent. Ranked: Yes
Once per session, make one skill check using that Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to damage of
characteristic rather than the characteristic linked to one hit of successful attack while using Ranged
that skill. (heavy) or Ranged (light) skills at short range or
Painkiller Specialization
Activation: Passive Powerful Blast
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
When your character uses painkillers, the target heals Ranked: Yes
one additional wound per rank in Painkiller Increase Blast damage dealt by +1 per rank of
Specialization. The sixth painkiller and beyond on Powerful Blast.
each day has no effect.
Preemptive Avoidance
Parry (Improved) Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Ranked: No
Ranked: No May spend 1 Story Point to disengage from engaged
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent enemy as an out-of-turn incidental.
to benefit from this talent. When your character
suffers a hit from a melee combat check and uses Pressure Point
parry to reduce the damage from that hit, after the Activation: Incidental
attack is resolved, you may spend d or hhh from Ranked: No
the attacker’s check to use this talent. Then, your When your character makes an unarmed Brawl check
character automatically hits the attacker once with a targeting a living opponent, he may use this talent to
Brawl or Melee weapon he is wielding. The hit deals deal strain damage instead of wound damage, and
the weapon’s base damage, plus any damage from the inflict additional strain damage equal to his ranks in
applicable talents or abilities. Your character cannot Medicine.
use this talent, if the original attack incapacitates him.
Pride and Joy (Improved)
Pin Activation: Passive
Activation: Action Ranked: No
Ranked: No While inside of your character’s Pride and Joy,
Take Pin action; make an opposed athletics check to recover +1 strain whenever recovering strain and
immobilize an engaged opponent until the end of the spend a on checks made to recover strain to allow an
character’s next turn. Spend t to extend duration one ally also within the vehicle to recover 1 strain.
Scathing Tirade (Improved) Tricky Target
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have received the Scathing Count vehicle driven as having a silhouette 1 lower
Tirade talent to benefit from this talent. Enemies when being attacked.
affected by your character’s Scathing Tirade add j to
all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your Trust the Captain
character’s ranks in Coercion. Activation: Action
Ranked: Yes
Sense Advantage Make a Hard (kkk) Leadership check. If successful,
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn for the rest of the encounter allies within short range
Ranked: No increase their ranks in Discipline by an amount equal
Once per session may add jj to 1 NPC’s skill check. to ranks in Trust the Captain.

Shortcut (Improved) Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters

Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Shortcut Your character must have purchased the Signature
talent to benefit from this talent. When engaging in a Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase
chase or race, may suffer 2 strain to add s equal to handling of signature vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned
ranks of Shortcut to the check. Maneuvering Thrusters.

Sound Investments Twisted Words

Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
At the beginning of each session, gain 100$ for each When incoming social check generates hh or d,
rank of Sound Investment. may suffer 1 strain as an incidental to inflict strain
equal to ranks in Coercion on speaker.
Studious Plotting
Activation: Passive Valuable Facts
Ranked: No Activation: Action
When making a Streetwise or Survival check to Ranked: No
navigate, the character may use the Intellect instead of Once per encounter, perform a Valuable Facts action:
Cunning. make an Average (kk) Knowledge check. If
successful, add t to one ally’s skill check during that
Stunning Blow (Improved) encounter.
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No Well Rounded
Your character must have purchased the Stunning Activation: Passive
Blow talent to benefit from this talent. When dealing Ranked: No
strain damage with Melee and Brawl checks, may Choose any 2 skills. They permanently become career
spend t to stagger target for 1 round for each t. skills.

Time to Go (Improved) Tier 4

Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: No Back to Back
The character must have purchased the Time to Go Activation: Passive
talent to benefit from this talent. When activating Ranked: No
Time to Go, allow 1 engaged ally to also perform an When engaged with one or more allies, add j to
out-of-turn Move maneuver as an incidental to attempt combat checks. If one or more allies are engaged with
to move into cover or out of the blast range of a your character also have Back to Back, the effects are
weapon or explosion. cumulative to a maximum of jj.
Body Guard (Improved) Commanding Presence
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Body Guard Once per session, may take a Commanding Presence
talent to benefit from this talent. Once per session, action; make an opposed Cool versus Discipline check
when an ally is protected by the Body Guard to force the target to leave the encounter.
maneuver suffers a hit, you may suffer the hit instead.
Comrades in Arms
Brilliant Evasion Activation: Action
Activation: Action Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per encounter, make a Hard (kkk) Discipline
Once per vehicle encounter, your character may check. If successful, your character plus one ally per
perform the Brilliant Evasion action. Select one s within medium range gains +1 defense for the
opponent and make opposed Driving or Piloting check remainder of the encounter. Effects end if the affected
to stop opponents attacking the character for a number targets move beyond medium range.
of rounds equal to Agility.
Can’t We Talk About This? Activation: Incidental
Activation: Action Ranked: No
Ranked: No After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
Your character can use this talent to make an opposed ranged weapon and rolls the result, he may suffer 2
Charm or Deception versus Discipline check targeting strain to use this talent. Then, you may select any
a single non-nemesis adversary within medium range. Critical Injury of the same severity to apply to the
If the check succeeds, the target cannot attack your target instead.
character (or perform any hostile action against your
character) until the end of his next turn. You may Deadly Accuracy
spend aa to increase the length of the effect by one
Activation: Passive
additional turn and spend t to extend the benefits to Ranked: Yes
all his identified allies within short range. The effect When acquired, choose 1 combat skill. Add damage
ends immediately, if your character or a known ally of equal to ranks in that skill to one hit of successful
him attacks the target. In addition, the GM may rule attack made using that skill. You may not choose the
that some targets are immune to this ability. A watch same skill more than once.
dog, for example, has no interest to resolve the
conflict through talking, nor would someone
consumed by rage and the desire for revenge against Death Rage
your character. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character adds +2 damage to melee attacks for
Capital Sendoff (Improved) each Critical Injury they are currently suffering. Your
Activation: Passive GM may also impost additional penalties on social
Ranked: No skill checks your character makes, if he is suffering
Your character must have purchased the Capital Critical Injuries due to his frenzied behavior.
Sendoff talent to benefit from this talent. When
performing a Capital Sendoff, the targets suffer a
major collision instead.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Careful Planning Each rank of Defensive increases your character’s
Activation: Action Melee and Ranged Defense by one.
Ranked: No
Once per session, you may introduce a “fact” into the
Defensive Driving
narrative as if a Story Point had been spent.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Increase the defense of any vehicle your character
drives by one per rank of Defensive Driving.
Discredit Field Commander (Improved)
Activation: Action Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, take the Discredit action; make a Your character must have purchased the Field
Hard (kkk) Deception check to upgrade the Commander talent to benefit from this talent. When
difficulty of one character’s social checks once, plus your character uses the Field Commander talent, he
once per every aa, until the end of the encounter. affects a number of allies equal to twice his Presence.
In addition, you may spend t to allow one ally to
Distracting Behavior (Improved) suffer 1 strain to perform an action instead of
Activation: Passive maneuver.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Distracting Finesse (Improved)
Behavior talent to benefit from this talent. The Activation: Passive
Distracting Behavior inflicts hh on NPC’s checks, Ranked: No
when the NPC’s targets are the character’s allies. The character must have purchased the Finesse talent
to benefit from this talent. Because you can rapidly
Don’t Shoot! strike with surgical precision, use Agility instead of
Activation: Action Brawn for determining base damage for Brawl and
Ranked: No Melee attacks.
Once per session, as an action, make a Hard (kkk)
Charm check. If successful, your character cannot be Flurry of Blows
target of combat checks or until making a combat Activation: Maneuver
check. Ranked: No
Perform the Flurry of Blows maneuver, suffering
Double or Nothing (Improved) strain up to your ranks in Coordination to gain the
linked quality with a rating equal to the amount of
Activation: Passive
strain suffered on your next Melee or Brawl check this
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Double or
Nothing talent to benefit from this talent. When
performing a Double or Nothing incidental, after Fortune Favors the Bold
canceling opposing symbols, also double the amount Activation: Incidental
of remaining s. Ranked: No
Once per session as an incidental, suffer 2 strain to flip
Double-Talk one GM Story Point to a Player Story point.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Full Throttle (Improved)
Spend aa or t from a successful Charm or Activation: Action
Deception check to disorient a number of opponents Ranked: No
within short range equal to your character’s Presence Your character must have purchased the Full Throttle
for the remainder of the round and the next two talent to benefit from this talent. Suffer 1 strain to
rounds. attempt Full Throttle as a maneuver and decrease its
difficulty to Average (kk).
Activation: Passive How Convenient!
Ranked: Yes Activation: Action
Each rank of Enduring increases your character’s Soak Ranked: No
value by one. Once per session, your character may use this talent to
make a Hard (kkk) Mechanics check. If successful,
one device involved in the current encounter (subject
to your GM’s approval) spontaneously fails due to
your character’s actions.
Improvised Position Life or Death (Improved)
Activation: Action Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may make a Hard (kkk) Mechanics Your character must have purchased the Life or Death
check and spends 12 hours constructing a secure talent to benefit from this talent. When your character
position that can contain the group and its vehicles. suffers wounds equal to half of his Wound Threshold
The position provides cover and can add additional or greater, upgrade the ability of all combat checks he
narrative benefits at the GM’s discretion. Your makes once. This replaces the normal effect of Life or
character can spend aa or t from the check to
increase the ranged defense the position provides to 2.
Moving Target
Activation: Passive
In the Know
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Action If the character already acted in this round, increase
Ranked: No ranged defense by 1 per rank of Moving Target.
Once per session make an opposed Deception versus
Vigilance check with a difficulty downgraded a
number of times equal to your ranks in Deception to
Not Today
have a target NPC believe specific false intelligence. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Signature
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme)
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Once per
Activation: Incidental
session, spend a Story Point to save signature vehicle
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring from destruction.
Rhetoric talent to benefit from this talent. Your
character may suffer 1 strain to use Inspiring Rhetoric Overbalance
as a maneuver instead of as an action. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
It’s Not That Bad Whenever an enemy engaged with the character
Activation: Action makes a combat check, after the attack is resolved, the
Ranked: No character may spend d or hhh to stagger the
Once per session, when an ally would suffer a Critical attacker until the attacker’s next turn.
Injury, you may take an It’s Not That Bad action;
make a Hard (kkk) Medicine check to stop the ally Pinning Fire (Improved)
from gaining the Critical Injury. Activation: Action
Ranked: No
Jury Rigged Your character must have purchased the Pinning Fire
talent to benefit from this talent. When making a
Activation: Passive
Pinning Fire action you may affect a number of targets
Ranked: Yes
equal to ranks of Pinning Fire.
The character chooses one personal weapon per rank
of Jury Rigged. He may increase the damage of the
weapon by one; decrease the a cost of its critical, or Precise Aim
any single effect by one to a minimum of one. Activation: Incidental
Alternatively, he can decrease the encumbrance of the Ranked: Yes
item by one. The bonus only applies so long as the Once per round in the character’s turn, when the
character uses the item. If the item is lost or destroyed, character performs an Aim maneuver before
the character may apply Jury Rigged to a new item. attempting a combat check, you may suffer a number
of strain. The number of strain cannot exceed your
character’s ranks in Precise Aim. He then decreases
the target’s defense (ranged and melee) by one per
strain suffered for that combat check.
Prey on the Weak Scathing Tirade (Supreme)
Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Add +1 damage to one hit of successful combat Your character must have purchased the Scathing
checks against disoriented target per rank in Prey on Tirade talent to benefit from this talent. Your character
the Weak. may choose to suffer 1 strain to use the Scathing
Tirade talent as a maneuver, instead of as an action.
Pride and Joy (Supreme)
Activation: Incidental Second Chances
Ranked: No Activation: Incidental
Your character must have purchased the Pride and Joy Ranked: Yes
talent to benefit from this talent. Once per session Once per encounter choose a number of positive equal
while inside of your character’s pride and joy vehicle, to ranks in Second Chances and reroll them.
reduce its silhouette by 2 (to a minimum of 0) for the
remainder of the round and the following round. Seen a Lot of Things
Activation: Passive
Prime Positions Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Whenever your character fails a Knowledge check, he
Ranked: Yes may spend aaa to roll the check again during his
When your character or an ally within short range next turn.
takes cover, he increases Soak against ranged attacks
by 1 per rank of Prime Positions until he leaves that Showboat
cover. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Prophetic Aim When making a check in a vehicle, may suffer 2 strain
Activation: Passive to gain t on success or d on failure.
Ranked: No
While benefiting from an Aim maneuver, d from the Sorry About the Mess
character’s Ranged check doesn’t cause hit on allies. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Rain of Death Decrease the critical rating of weapon by 1 (to a
Activation: Maneuver minimum of 1) against targets that have not yet acted
Ranked: No this encounter.
Perform a Rain of Death maneuver to ignore the
increased difficulty due to the Auto-fire quality of Spitfire
attacks made in this turn. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Resolve After a successful combined check with two combined
Activation: Passive Ranged (light) weapons, additional hits can be
Ranked: Yes allocated to other targets within range of the weapon.
When a character involuntarily suffers strain, he
suffers 1 less strain per rank of Resolve to a minimum
Steady Aim
of 1.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Savvy Negotiator Your character doesn’t lose the benefits of the Aim
Activation: Action maneuver, if he performs other maneuver (including
Ranked: No move) or actions. Your character loses the benefits of
While engaged in a debate or argument, make a Hard the Aid maneuver if the encounter ends.
(kkk) Negotiation check. If successful, a number of
bystanders or observers equal to your presence sees
one of the opponent’s points (chosen by your
character) as maliciously unreasonable.
Street Smarts Biggest Fan
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Once per session, may take a Street Smarts action; Once per session, you may take a Biggest Fan action;
make a Formidable (kkkkk) Streetwise check to make a Hard (kkk) Charm check to turn one NPC to
learn one vital clue from the GM. Reduce difficulty the character’s biggest fan. The exact effects vary
once per rank of Street Smarts. depending on the NPC and the situation. They can
include drastically decreasing the difficulty of social
Supporting Evidence interaction skill checks the character makes targeting
Activation: Passive his biggest fan; the fan being willing to perform minor
Ranked: Yes or even significant favors for the character, or the
When supporting an ally with a successful Charm, character even becoming a reoccurring ally in the
Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, add narrative. At the GM’s discretion, this talent may not
automatic a per rank of Supporting Evidenace. be able to target certain NPCs whose adversarial
nature is vital to the plot, or who would be unable to
appreciate the character’s work.
Trust No One
Activation: Out-of-Turn
Ranked: No
Body Guard (Supreme)
When targeted by a social check, suffer 1 strain to add Activation: Passive
automatic f to the check. If the check fails with d, Ranked: No
your character immediately may perform a maneuver Your character must have purchased the Body Guard
as an out-of-turn incidental. talent to benefit from this talent. Body Guard
maneuver may protect a number of engaged characters
up to ranks in Resilience.
Tier 5
Coordination Dodge
Altered Deal Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Activation: Action Ranked: No
Ranked: No When targeted by a combat check, may spend 1 Story
Once per session make a Hard (kkk) Coercion check Point to add f equal to ranks in Coordination to
to radically change a previous deal or bargain to the check.
character’s advantage.
Crucial Point
Baleful Gaze Activation: Incidental
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per session, your character may introduce to
When targeted by a combat check from within negotiations one potential concession that an opponent
medium range, may spend a Story Point to upgrade will do nearly anything to obtain.
the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to
your ranks in Coercion. Crushing Blow
Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Once per session, after rolling a melee attack but
before resolving the check, your character may suffer
4 strain to use this talent. By resolving the check, the
weapon gains the Breach 1 and Knockdown item
qualities, and destroys one item the target is wielding
that does not have the reinforced quality.
Dedication Let’s Talk This Over
Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Each rank of Dedication increases one of your Once per session, when a combat encounter against
character’s characteristics by one. This talent cannot one or more human beings is about to begin, the
increase a characteristic above 5. You cannot increase character makes a Daunting (kkkk) Charm check. If
the same characteristic with Dedication twice. successful, the combat encounter instead becomes a
social encounter, with the PCs attempting to convince
Double or Nothing (Supreme) their opposition to back down, come around to their
viewpoint, or accept a compromise. The GM is the
Activation: Passive
final arbiter, how the situation resolves without
Ranked: No
violence (or how the combat encounter continues, if
Your character must have purchased the Double or
the check fails).
Nothing talent to benefit from this talent. When
performing the Double or Nothing incidental, also
double the t or d. Life or Death (Supreme)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Full Throttle (Supreme)
Your character must have purchased the Life or Death
Activation: Passive
talent to benefit from this talent. The effects of Life
Ranked: No
and Death activate when your character takes wounds
Your character must have purchased the Full Throttle
equal to one quarter of his Wound Threshold, instead
talent to benefit from this talent. When performing
of half.
Full Throttle, top speed increases by 2 instead of 1.

Activation: Incidental
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
When you purchase this talent for your character,
Once per encounter, when your character would be
choose one skill. Once per round, your character may
incapacitated due to exceeding his Wound or Strain
suffer 2 strain to use this talent to reduce the difficulty
Threshold, you may spend a Story Point to use this
of the next check he makes using that skill by two, to a
talent. Then, he is not incapacitated until the end of his
minimum of Easy (k).
next turn. If your character reduces his wounds or
strain below his threshold until the end of his next
turn, he is not incapacitated at all. Master Demolitionist
Activation: Incidental
Inspiring Leadership Ranked: No
When resolving an attack from a personal scale
Activation: Action
explosive or ordinance weapon, your character may
Ranked: No
spend, or to have the weapons Blast quality affect all
Make a Hard (kkk) Leadership check. If successful,
characters within short ranged (rather than engaged).
a number of allies not exceeding your character’s
If the weapon normally would affect all characters
Presence within a short range add s to their next skill
within short range, it is increased to medium range

Just Kidding!
Activation: Incidental
Master Driver
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Once per round, as an incidental spend one Story
Once per round, when driving, piloting, or operating a
Point to ignore one d generated on a social skill
vehicle, may suffer 2 strain to perform any action as a
check by the character or any ally within short range.
Master Grenadier Superhuman Reflexes
Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Decrease the a cost to activate the Blast quality on Once per session, after generating d on a Driving or
any attack by 1 to a minimum of 1. Piloting check cancel the d and add s equal to ranks
in Cool.
Master Merchant
Activation: Incidental Whirlwind
Ranked: No Activation: Action
When buying or selling goods, may suffer 2 strain to Ranked: No
sell for 25% more or to buy for 25% less. Your character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to
make a Brawl or Melee attack against the engaged
Retribution adversary who is hardest to hit (as determined by the
Activation: Incidental, Out-of-Turn GM), increasing the difficulty by one. If the combat
Ranked: No check succeeds, each adversary engaged with the
Once per round, when an adversary attacks an ally character suffers one hit from the attack, that deals
within medium range, your character may spend one base damage plus equal to the total s scored on the
Story Point to use this talent to automatically hit that check.
enemy with a weapon your character is wielding, if
the enemy is within the weapon’s range. The attack Zealous Fire
causes the weapon’s base damage plus any damage Activation: Action
from applicable talents and abilities. Ranked: No
Each times the Game Master spends a Story Point,
your character heals 2 strain.
Chapter 3:
On the following pages is a list of equipment available settings of Genesys, we highly recommend to use this
in the 1930-1960 time period. Since our setting takes list instead of the modern day equipment list in the
place in a time period before the normal modern day Genesys Core Rulebook.

Ranged Weapons
Pistols and revolvers
Colt Detective Ranged (light) 5 4 Medium 2 150 3
S&W Model10 Ranged (light) 5 4 Short 2 200 3 Accurate 1
Colt M1911 Ranged (light) 6 3 Medium 2 250 3
.357 Magnum Ranged (light) 7 3 Medium 3 400 5 Accurate 1
Pump action Ranged (heavy) 8 3 Short 3 400 4 Blast 3, Knockdown,
Vicious 2
Blast 3, Knockdown,
Double Barrel Ranged (heavy) 8 3 Short 3 500 4 Limited ammo 2, Linked
1, Vicious 3
Accurate 1, Limited
Hunting rifle Ranged (heavy) 7 3 Long 4 800 4
ammo 4, Prepare
Accurate 2, Prepare 1,
Springfield 1902 Ranged (heavy) 8 3 Long 4 900 6
Limited ammo 5
Thompson 1928 Ranged (heavy) 6 3 Medium 4 700 6 Auto-fire, Inaccurate 1
Thompson M1A1 Ranged (heavy) 6 3 Medium 4 900 6 Auto-fire
MP-40 Ranged (heavy) 5 4 Medium 4 700 8 Auto-fire
Grease Gun Ranged (heavy) 5 3 Medium 4 800 6 Auto-fire
Sturmgewehr-44 Ranged (heavy) 7 3 Long 5 1000 8 Auto-fire
Heavy weapons
Auto-fire, Cumbersome
Browning B.A.R. Ranged (heavy) 8 3 Long 6 1200 6
2, Pierce 1, Vicious 2
Auto-fire, Cumbersome
MG-42 Gunnery 10 3 Long 7 2000 9
2, Pierce 1, Vicious 2
Blast 5, Breach 2,
Cumbersome 3, Limited
Bazooka Gunnery 20 3 Long 8 4000 9
ammo 1, Pierce 2,
Prepare 1
Flamethrower Gunnery 10 3 Short 8 1500 7 Blast 3, Burn 4
Thrown weapons
Grenade Ranged (light) 8 3 Short 1 100 5 Blast 4, Limited ammo 1
Blast 6, Burn 3, Limited
Molotov cocktail Ranged (light) 6 3 Short 1 30 2
ammo 1, Prepare 1
Brawl & Melee Weapons
Brawl weapons
Boxing gloves Brawl +0 5 Engaged - 10 2 Disorient 2, Stun Damage
Brass knuckles Brawl +1 4 Engaged - 10 2 Disorient 1
Melee weapons
Axe Melee +3 3 Engaged 2 25 3 Vicious 1
Baseball bat Melee +2 4 Engaged 2 25 2
Cleaver Melee +3 3 Engaged 1 20 2 Vicious 1
Crowbar Melee +3 3 Engaged 2 20 2
Knife Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 20 2
Saber Melee +3 2 Engaged 1 50 5 Pierce 1
Cumbersome 2,
Sledgehammer Melee +3 4 Engaged 3 100 4
Sword Melee +3 2 Engaged 1 200 5 Defensive 1
Chapter 4:

Vehicles play an important role in all Dirty Streets devices the characters move from point A to point B
campaigns. Because most campaigns take place in with. Vehicular actions like car ceases or car races are
American cities, the vehicles characters meet are an integral and spectacular part of the games.
mostly civilian cars, motorbikes, and trucks. Military Since Dirty Streets is designed to be played in
vehicles are rarely or never involved. However, different tiers of the 20th century, the vehicles in this
vehicles in Dark Streets should be far more then chapter are sorted also into decades.

Harley-Davidson EL Knucklehead
Vehicles of the 1930s Harley-Davidson has been on the market with it’s
strong and reliable bikes since the beginning of the
century. The Knucklehead is a robust and reliable
Brough Superior SS100 machine, a real king of the roads. It can be equipped
Since it is one of the fastest motorbikes worldwide, with sidecar.
which is still easy to maneuver, the Brough Superior is
rare and expensive machine.

1 5 -1 1 3 0
0 0 0 0
2 4 4 5
Control Skill: Driving (light) Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 0 Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: None Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 4 Encumbrance: 6
Price/rarity: 2000 $/4 Price/rarity: 1000 $/2
Hard Points: 0 Hard Points: 1
Indian 101 Scout Norton 16H
This bike has been in production for long. It is a This mundane motorcycle has been in production
reliable and easy-to-handle model, which can be used since 1911. It is quite chip, and it can be bought
by everyone. practically everywhere.

1 3 +1 1 3 0

0 0 0 0

2 4 2 4
Control Skill: Driving (light) Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 1 Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: None Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 4 Encumbrance: 4
Price/rarity: 300 $/1 Price/rarity: 250 $/1
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 1

Indian Big Chief Triumph 500 Speed Twin

The Indian’s largest motorbike has been in production Fast and handy, the Triumph 500 is a typical racing
since 1923. Technically it resembles the Harley- bike. Sadly, it was in production just for two years,
Davidson Knucklehead, but it’s a cultic machine due thus it is very rare and expensive.
it’s unmistakable appearance. The Big Chief is also
used by police forces.

1 4 -1
0 0
3 5
1 3 -1
0 0 Control Skill: Driving (light)
4 5 Passenger Capacity: 0
Control Skill: Driving (light) Consumables: None
Complement: 1 driver Encumbrance: 4
Passenger Capacity: 1 Price/rarity: 2000 $/4
Consumables: None Hard Points: 0
Encumbrance: 6
Price/rarity: 1000 $/2
Hard Points: 2
Auburn 851SC Boattail Chevrolet Master
The supercharged engine is a new innovation in this Reliable full sized sedan, that has been sold in great
speedster, that has the most impressive top speed of numbers. Federal agents use black painted Masters
hundred miles per hour. from the mid-thirties.

2 4 +1
0 0
2 3 +1

Control Skill: Driving (light) 7 8

Complement: 1 driver Control Skill: Driving (light)
Passenger Capacity: 1 Complement: 1 driver
Consumables: None Passenger Capacity: 3
Encumbrance: 10 Consumables: None
Price/rarity: 2500 $/4 Encumbrance: 10
Hard Points: 1 Price/rarity: 800 $/2
Hard Points: 1
Cadillac V-16
A luxury car used by rich businessmen, politicians, Chrysler Airflow
and also crime lords. The innovative airflow engine is able to operate at an
enormous speed of 90-100 miles per hour, so this not
too impressive looking car is eventually one of the
fastest civilian vehicles in the middle of the 1930s

2 4 +1
0 1
9 10
2 4 +2
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver 0 0
Passenger Capacity: 3
Consumables: None
7 10
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Encumbrance: 10
Complement: 1 driver
Price/rarity: 800 $/2
Passenger Capacity: 3
Hard Points: 1
Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 1000 $/3
Hard Points: 1
Chrysler Airstream Duesenberg Model J / SJ
Although less innovative than the Airflow, it is still an Duesenberg has never been produced in great
upper class personal car. numbers. It is a rare and expensive car, and a very fine
and strong machine as well – the “standard” version’s
top speed is 110 miles per hour, while the Sporting
version is able to operate at 120 miles per hour – this
last version is also used by racing pilots. There are no
two similar Model Js, for all exemplars have been
custom made. This also means that a Duesenberg
rarely has too many hard points for post-factory
customization, but the manufacturer has been ready to
2 3 +2
0 0 satisfy even the most uncommon customer demands
SILHOUETTE SPEED HANDLING HT THRESHOLD SS THRESHOLD without a question. Most customizations are optical
7 9 changes, but there are achievements that change the
Control Skill: Driving (light) car’s characteristics. For example, it is possible that
Complement: 1 driver you meet Model J with armored body, or with
Passenger Capacity: 3 improved passenger capacity.
Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 900 $/3
Hard Points: 1

Cord 810 Beverly

An exotic looking and technically impressive car. The
front wheel drive, the hidden pop-up lights and the
luxurious cabin make this car a very specific machine.
Sadly, it has not been produced in great numbers, so
this luxury car is a rare sight on the streets.

2 5 +1

2 3 +0
0 0 0 0

10 10 10 11
Control Skill: Driving (light) Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 3 Passenger Capacity: Variable
Consumables: None Consumables: Variable
Encumbrance: 10 Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 2000 $/6 Price/rarity: 10.000 $/6
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 2
Ford Model T Ford Model B
A little outdated, but sturdy car of the 1910s and With the Model B the Ford reached a top speed typical
1920s. The Model T had been produced in huge for the middle class cars of the new decade.
numbers and in many different variants until 1927,
and many of them are still in use in the 1930s.

2 3 +1
0 0
2 2 0
0 0 6 9
Control Skill: Driving (light)
5 7
Complement: 1 driver
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Passenger Capacity: 3
Complement: 1 driver
Consumables: None
Passenger Capacity: 3
Encumbrance: 10
Consumables: None
Price/rarity: 800 $/2
Encumbrance: 10
Hard Points: 1
Price/rarity: 900 $/3
Hard Points: 1
Ford V8
Ford Model A It has been the last model of the Ford between the
middle of the 1930s and the World War 2.
The Model A was produced between 1929 and 1931.
It was a little more secure and a very little faster than
the old Model T.

2 3 +1
0 0
7 9
2 2 +1
0 0 Control Skill: Driving (light)
6 8 Passenger Capacity: 3
Control Skill: Driving (light) Consumables: None
Complement: 1 driver Encumbrance: 10
Passenger Capacity: 3 Price/rarity: 825 $/2
Consumables: None Hard Points: 1
Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 700 $/3
Hard Points: 1
Hudson Terraplane Oldsmobile Six
A sturdy and good car of the second half of the 1930s. A middle price automobile, no more, no less.
It has been used also by the police forces.

2 3 +2 2 3 +1
0 0 0 0
9 9 8 8
Control Skill: Driving (light) Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 3 Passenger Capacity: 3
Consumables: None Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 10 Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 900 $/3 Price/rarity: 900 $/3
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 1

Hupmobile Packard Twelve

Chip shopping car designed especially for women.
A luxury car for those who love to drive.

2 2 0

2 4 +1
0 0
5 6
Control Skill: Driving (light)
10 10
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver
Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 1
Passenger Capacity: 4
Consumables: None
Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 10
Encumbrance: 10
Price/rarity: 400 $/2
Price/rarity: 9000 $/5
Hard Points: 1
Hard Points: 1
Studebaker Dictator Stout Scarab
A very popular upper-middle class car through the A family minivan with low top speed and enormous
1930s. In the early thirties, it has been the typical car inner space.
of the federal agencies.

2 2 -1
0 0
2 4 +1
7 10
8 10 Control Skill: Driving (light)
Control Skill: Driving (light) Complement: 1 driver
Complement: 1 driver Passenger Capacity: 6
Passenger Capacity: 4 Consumables: None
Consumables: None Encumbrance: 20
Encumbrance: 10 Price/rarity: 800 $/5
Price/rarity: 2000 $/5 Hard Points: 1
Hard Points: 1

Willys Americar Ford Model 67 Pickup

A small, low price car for everyone. A little better A pickup used everywhere. It has also van and flatbed
than the Hupmobile. variants.

2 2 +2

2 2 -1
0 0 0 0
5 5 7 9
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 1 Passenger Capacity: 1
Consumables: None Consumables: 1 day
Encumbrance: 10 Encumbrance: 250
Price/rarity: 400 $/2
Price/rarity: 625 $/2
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 1
Ford Model AA Fairchild 45
The Ford’s truck, that has been produced in a lot of “Chip” civilian airplane for four persons.
variants, from heavy pickup and flatbed truck to
delivery and emergency cars.

3 4 +1
0 0
15 16
3 2 -1
0 0 Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 1 pilot
14 20 Passenger Capacity: 3
Control Skill: Driving (heavy)
Consumables: 1 day
Complement: 1 driver
Encumbrance: 600
Passenger Capacity: 1
Price/rarity: 15.000 $/4
Consumables: 1 day
Hard Points: 1
Encumbrance: 1500
Price/rarity: 800 $/4
Hard Points: 1
Douglas DC-1
Transportation plane. It has a range of 1000 miles,
which means kind of intercontinental range.
Buick Flxible
Classic omnibus for passenger transporting in and
between cities.

4 4 -2
0 0
25 20
Control Skill: Piloting

3 1 -2
Complement: 1 pilot
0 0 Passenger Capacity: 15
Consumables: 1 day
16 20 Encumbrance: 2000
Control Skill: Driving (heavy)
Price/rarity: 50000 $/4
Complement: 1 driver
Hard Points: 1
Passenger Capacity: 16
Consumables: 1 day
Encumbrance: 1500
Price/rarity: 1500 $/7
Hard Points: 1
Triumph TR5 Trophy
Vehicles of the 1940s Sporty and secure multipurpose motorbike from

Harley-Davidson WLA
The American armed forces’ motorbike. It had been
used on all theatres of war. Technically, it is nearly
similar to the EL Knucklehead.

1 4 0
0 0
2 4
1 3 -1
0 0 Control Skill: Driving (light)
4 5 Passenger Capacity: 1
Control Skill: Driving (light) Consumables: None
Complement: 1 driver Encumbrance: 6
Passenger Capacity: 0 Price/rarity: 500 $/5
Consumables: None Hard Points: 1
Encumbrance: 6
Price/rarity: 1000 $/5 Vincent HRD-1000 Black Shadow
Hard Points: 1 For some years it was the fastest motorbike of the
world with its top speed of 125 miles per hour. Rare
Harley-Davidson FL Panhead Springer and expensive bike.
The first post-war Harley-Davidson model. It is faster,
and more comfortable than the earlier Harleys.

1 4 -1 1 6 -1
0 0 0 0
4 5 3 5
Control Skill: Driving (light) Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver Complement: 1 driver
Passenger Capacity: 1 Passenger Capacity: 1
Consumables: None Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 6 Encumbrance: 6
Price/rarity: 1200 $/5 Price/rarity: 2000 $/7
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 1
Cadillac Series 62 Lincoln Continental
Elegant luxury car from the Cadillac. It is popular Elegant, but not too expensive car from the Lincoln. It
among the rich and the famous. has been produced in many variants.

2 4 0
0 0
2 4 +1
15 15 0 0
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver
20 17
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Passenger Capacity: 4
Complement: 1 driver
Consumables: None
Passenger Capacity: 4
Encumbrance: 50
Consumables: None
Price/rarity: 6500 $/5
Encumbrance: 50
Hard Points: 1
Price/rarity: 900 $/4
Hard Points: 1
Dodge Custom
Middle price car that has been produced from 1941 to
Willys MB Jeep
The Jeep is a light military transportation vehicle. It
can be equipped with a weapon: a machinegun, a light
anti tank cannon or a grenade launcher.

2 4 0
0 0
12 16
2 4 +1
Control Skill: Driving (light) 0 0
Passenger Capacity: 4 15 18
Consumables: None Control Skill: Driving (light)
Encumbrance: 50 Complement: 1 driver
Price/rarity: 750 $/3 Passenger Capacity: 3
Hard Points: 1 Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 150
Price/rarity: 650 $/6
Hard Points: 1
Chevrolet AK Series North American P-51 Mustang
A new pickup by the Chevrolet. American escort fighter plane. It is fast,
maneuverable. It is equipped with 6 .50 cal
machineguns (Skill: Gunnery; Damage: 12 Critical: 3;
fire arc: forward. Special: auto-fire; linked 6, pierce 2
Personal scale.)

2 3 -1
0 0
15 18
Control Skill: Driving (light)
2 5 +2
Complement: 1 driver 0 0
Consumables: None 8 8
Encumbrance: 250 Control Skill: Piloting
Price/rarity: 800 $/3 Complement: 1 pilot
Hard Points: 1 Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: None
Ford/GMC CCKW 352 Encumbrance: 250
Military truck of the United States army. It can be Price/rarity: 40000 $/8
equipped with a .50cal heavy machinegun (Skill: Hard Points: 1
Gunnery; Damage: 12 Critical: 3; fire arc: any. It is a
personal scale weapon) Focke-Wulff FW-190
It is the German airplane the Mustang pilots meet
most often. If you want to play a war scene, this is the
perfect choice. An FW-190 is equipped with four wing
mounted heavy machine guns: (Skill: Gunnery;
Damage: 12 Critical: 3; fire arc: forward. Special:
auto-fire; linked 4, pierce 2 Personal scale.)

3 3 -2
0 0
25 20
2 5 +2
Control Skill: Driving (heavy)
Complement: 1 driver 0 0
Passenger Capacity: 1+15
9 8
Consumables: None
Control Skill: Piloting
Encumbrance: 3000
Complement: 1 pilot
Price/rarity: 8000 $/7
Passenger Capacity: 0
Hard Points: 1
Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 250
Price/rarity: NA
Hard Points: 1
Chevrolet Corvette C1
Vehicles of the 1950s The Chevrolet’s sporting car is a luxurious beauty.

1952 Ford
The Ford’s mainline car in the early fifties.

2 5 +2
0 0
12 17
2 3 +1
0 0 Control Skill: Driving (light)
14 12 Passenger Capacity: 1
Control Skill: Driving (light) Consumables: None
Complement: 1 driver Encumbrance: 250
Passenger Capacity: 3 Price/rarity: 6500 $/5
Consumables: None Hard Points: 1
Encumbrance: 250
Price/rarity: 800 $/3 Ford Thunderbird
Hard Points: 1 Besides the mainline car the Ford has manufactured a
high price and high performance vehicle – it is the
Chevrolet Bel Air Thunderbird, a sporty and elegant car.
A beautiful design from the Chevrolet. It is also used
by the police forces.

2 4 +1

0 0
2 5 +1

15 16 0 0
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Complement: 1 driver 13 16
Control Skill: Driving (light)
Passenger Capacity: 3
Complement: 1 driver
Consumables: None
Encumbrance: 100 Passenger Capacity: 3
Price/rarity: 1000 $/4 Consumables: None
Hard Points: 1 Encumbrance: 100
Price/rarity: 3000 $/4
Hard Points: 1
Hudson Hornet Porsche 356
The Hornet is a superior model for a very good price. The Porsche 356 is a very popular German sporting
car licensed to American manufacturers. It is also used
as a racing car.

2 4 +2
0 0

2 5 +2
17 20 0 0
Complement: 1 driver 15 20
Passenger Capacity: 3 Control Skill: Driving (light)
Consumables: None Complement: 1 driver
Encumbrance: 100 Passenger Capacity: 1
Price/rarity: 900 $/4 Consumables: None
Hard Points: 1 Encumbrance: 100
Price/rarity: 7500 $/6
Cadillac Series 75 Fleetwood Hard Points: 1
The Fleetwood is the ultimate limousine of the
Cadillac. It is equipped with all comforts. Chevrolet Advanced Design
A popular pickup of the fifties. It is produced in a lot
of variants.

2 4 0
0 2
3 3 -1

Control Skill: Driving (light) 22 20

Complement: 1 driver Control Skill: Driving (light)
Passenger Capacity: 5 Complement: 1 driver
Consumables: None Passenger Capacity: 1
Encumbrance: 100 Consumables: None
Price/rarity: 9000 $/6 Encumbrance: 500
Hard Points: 1 Price/rarity: 700 $/3
Hard Points: 1
Chapter 5:
Adversaries on the following pages are typical Police Officer (rival)
opponents and supporting characters the PCs may Police officers are more experienced policemen, who
meet during a Dirty Streets campaign. wear civilian clothes instead of uniform. They are
working in pairs.

Law enforcement 3 2 2 2 2 1
Policemen, federal agents, and other members of the
law enforcement are important characters in most
stories – their roles depend on the side of the
3 11 0 0
characters. If the player characters are criminals, they Skills: Coercion 2, Driving 2, Leadership 2, Brawl 2,
are one of the most dangerous threats, the characters Ranged 2
have always to be afraid of. If the PCs are law Talents: None
enforcers themselves, these NPCs are important Abilities: None
supporting forces, they can always rely on. Equipment: Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage
5; Critical 4; Range [Medium])
Street Cop (minion)
Uniformed cops are that face of the police a
Police Driver (rival)
commoner meets most often. They are patrolling on Some investigators or federal agents may operate with
the streets in their cars and react to any crimes they talented drivers together. These cops are very
meet. Every cop has a side weapon, but if there is a dangerous opponents.
bigger threat, they can also rely on more effective
2 3 2 2 2 1
3 2 2 2 1 2 BRAWN AGILITY
3 5 0 0 Skills: Cool 2, Coordination 3, Driving (heavy) 4,
Driving (light) 4, Ranged (light) 3
Skills: Coercion, Driving, Melee, Ranged (light), Talents: Full Throttle
Ranged (heavy) Abilities: None
Talents: None Equipment: Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage
Abilities: None 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium])
Equipment: Club (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged])
Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage 5; Critical 4;
Range [Medium])
Investigator (nemesis) Street Tough (minion)
Investigators are higher ranked policemen, who never Street toughs are small time criminals, who use their
go to patrol, instead they are solving crimes mostly by physical strength to intimidate and rob out citizens.
investigation. Street toughs are dangerous if they are in overstrength;
in these cases they even dare to attack other criminals.

2 2 3 3 3 2
3 2 2 2 1 2


3 5 0 0
Skills: Charm 2, Coercion 2, Discipline 3, Perception
3, Streetwise 3, Ranged (light) 3 Skills: Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (light), Resilience,
Talents: Savvy Streetwise
Abilities: None Talents: None
Equipment: Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage Abilities: None
5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]) Equipment: Club (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged])
Federal Agent (nemesis) Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage 5; Critical 4;
Federal agents are working independently of local Range [Medium])
police. They are well-trained and well-equipped.

3 4 4 3 2 1

3 14 17 0 0
Skills: Charm 2, Coercion 2, Discipline 3, Perception
3, Ranged (heavy) 3, Ranged (light) 3, Streetwise 3,
Vigilance 3
Talents: Savvy
Abilities: None
Equipment: Colt Detective (Ranged (light); Damage
5; Critical 4; Range [Medium])
Thompson M1928 (Ranged (heavy); Damage 6;
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Auto-fire; Inaccurate 1)
Pump-action shotgun (Ranged (heavy); Damage 8;
Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 3; Knockdown;
Vicious 2)

As organized crime is a main topic in any Dirty
Streets campaign, criminals are the most typical
opponents a party should meet. Certainly, the
following characteristics are just examples. Most of
them – especially minions and rivals – match up to
most campaigns. However, we encourage you to
create your own crime bosses.

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