Lesson Plan For SEEL Chapter 1

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SEEL Lesson Plan

Grade IX

Theme: Exploring Happiness and Wellbeing

Sub-Theme Objectives/Outcomes/Co Strategy/Activities Resources/ Duration
re Components Material

Exploring Students will: Preparation before session 1. SEEL Introducti

Interdepen • Engage in the practices Teacher’s role Journals on 5 mins
dence and of heedfulness, Formation of a group of 3-4 members 2. Chart
Systems mindfulness, and (based on the class size) and together Papers Insight
Thinking monitoring awareness with the students assigning the roles 3. Markers Activity-
• Describe the for the group. Students may play 15-20
experience of paying multiple roles as per requirement. mins
attention to things on Following are the roles that the
the inside (our body, members will be required to play: Concluding
sensations, and mental Introduction- 1 member activity-
experiences) Activity- All members 10-15
• Describe strategies for Reflection- 1 member mins
catching impulses Group’s role
before they cause us 1. Understanding the lesson plan Reflective
problems and meeting with the work- 5 mins
teacher/counsellor to discuss the
theme. Total
2. Identifying relatable examples for duration-
Primary Core
the discussion. 40 mins
Appreciating 3. Have a basic example of
Interdependence, learn interdependence web to share.
more about community 4. Informing their classmates/class
and global engagement before the session about the
materials that they are supposed to

Conduction of the session

Teacher’s Role- To oversee the
conduction of the session and
prompt/guide the discussion if and
when required.
Group’s Role
Introduction (1 member)-The session
will start by the group having drawn a
stick figure or written the words
“Human Being” in the center of the
board. One member of the group will
then draw a circle around it. And
-Write the prompt: “What does a
human being need to survive and be
- the group member will then invite
multiple students from the class to
answer the prompt and member write
the answers on the board. Group
members will draw lines connecting
related things.
The group will ask classmates to take a
guess about the topic for the session.
Once they receive a few answers. The
following introduction will be given by a
“Along with common humanity, another
aspect of our shared human reality is
-What is interdependence?
Interdependence refers to the fact that
everything that exists – including all
objects, events or people – exists in
dependence on other things and in
relationship to other things.
-Why might it be important to explore
Exploring interdependence can be a
powerful tool for recognizing how we
depend on others and others depend on
us; it can underscore the importance of
reciprocity; it can serve as a foundation
for gratitude and a feeling of
connectedness to others.
Activity (4 students)- After introducing
the topic, group members will lead the
class to the activity using the following
guiding language:
To explore the idea of interdependence,
we’ll be working in small groups to
create an interdependence drawing. The
web of interdependence can include
drawings and/or words that illustrate all
the things that students will choose. A
group members will be providing the
instructions below.
1. ”Choose an accomplishment, event,
or object that can contribute to a
person’s well-being and happiness. This
is your starting object (or starting
event).Draw and label it in the middle
of the piece of paper.
Note: Group can have a list of starting
objects/item/accomplishment as an
example for the class. (in SEEL
2. Add other things or events around it
that your starting object depends on.
Draw lines to connect them to your
starting object. Keep adding more
and more things until you can’t think
of any more.This is your first circle of
3. Now look at your first circle of
What do they themselves depend on?
Add additional items around those
things, connected by lines.
Note: Group can have a basic example
ready to share. So as to help any small
group struggling.
4. Look at all the things in your
drawing. What people are needed for
these things to exist or happen? Add
any people or groups of people that
are necessary.
5. Add up the total number of people
on your drawing and write this number
on the sheet. This is your estimate of
the total number of people needed for
your starting object or event to exist.
6. When you’re done, sign your
drawing with the names of each group
Concluding Activity- 1 group member
will encourage each group to take turns
and share their drawings. Group
member will ask classmates to share
responses to following questions-
a. What was your starting event?
b. Were there connections you noticed
that you were never aware of before?
(Item/event/people wise)
c. What did you realize about yourself
and others through this activity?

Reflection (1 member)- to start the

reflection one group member says the
following words- “ The activity we just did
can be used to investigate any event or
object. Scientists have found that we
have a tendency to think in very
immediate terms. We can see what’s
right in front of us, but it’s harder for us
to see the connections between things,
especially when they are distant in terms
of time or space. We tend to think things
just exist or happen by themselves. But in
reality, everything happens through
complex chains of causation.

The session will be concluded by one

group member by assigning the following
reflective task to the students to be done
by them later in their SEEL journals.

‘Since a recognition of interdependence

allows us to see things more holistically
and realistically, it can contribute to our

understanding of happiness and

well-being by showing how our happiness
and well-being depend on many causes
and conditions. With an understanding of
interdependence, we know our happiness
and well-being depend on others or on
our environment. We also understand
how our actions impact the happiness
and well-being of others’.

Reflect on the above quote and the

process of creating an interdependence

1. How might an understanding of

interdependence inform your personal
decisions on a day to day basis?

2. How might your decisions impact the

larger systems?”

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