MK Ix - Health (Demo)

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Semi - Detailed Lesson Plan in PE Grade - IX

March 15, 2019

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Analyzes the risk factors related to intentional injuries (H9IS-IVe-h-33)
2. Demonstrate ways to prevent and control Intentional Injuries.
3. Understand once feeling of others by sympathizing.

II. Subject Matter: Injuries

1. Topic/s: Intentional Injuries: Types & Characteristics
2. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing & Understanding
3. Values Integration: Understand once feeling of others by sympathizing.
4. Materials: Pen, Paper, Chalk, Video/Photos & book or other re source materials; Using
the Activity “Intentional Injuries: Types & Characteristics”, Reference: PE and Health,
Grade 9 Learner’s Module (page 374-375), Curriculum Guide (Page 85)

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Arrangement of Chairs
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Posting of Objective

1. Overview for the Lesson
- The teacher will recall the previous
lesson tackled as succession of this
topic. The students will recall some of the activities
and ideas from the previous topic related to
- Discussion of Course objective for it.
today’s lesson proper (Intentional
Injuries: Types & Characteristics) The student will learn the objective for
today’s activity.
2. Raising Motive Question
- What is the meaning of the word
- How can an injury be classified as The student will be motivated on the
Intentional or not? questioned raised.

3. A. Unlocking of Difficulties
Find the meaning of the word/s
- Intentional
- Peers The students will define the following terms
- Parasuicide for them to understand better the upcoming
- Stalking topic while enjoying


1. The teacher will group the class into
5, give topics that will be assigned to
the students thru drawlots which is
in succeeding pages of this module.
The teacher will also guide the
students to the guide questions and The students will form group and perform the
answer them after you finish instruction of the activity properly.
reading your assigned topic.
(Topics & Guide Questions as follows)
Topic/s per group
1 – Suicide and Parasuicide
2 – Domesticated violence
3 – Bullying, stalking & extortion
4 – Gang & Youth violence, Illegal
Fraternity-related violence,
kidnapping and abduction, and acts
of terror
5 – Verbal and Sexual Abuse (incest,
molestation and rape)

Guide Question
a. What is its meaning/Definition?
b. What are its
c. How will recognize this kind of
injury? What are the indicator? The student will prepare for the next activity.
d. What are its effect to the victims?

2. The teacher will show the follow-up

Conceptual Framework to help the
students and make the learning
more vivid.
The student will have a discussion supervised
POST READING ACTIVITY by the teacher by telling them to brainstorm,
1. Skill Development Activity use all the possible means in researching
The teacher will also tell the some data on the topic given/raffled.
student to be ready on random
picked reporting and regarding on
how they will present the topic that Selected student shall able to explain their
they just have read. collaborated work.

- Charade, Rap, Collage, Reporting &

Skit Series output is a must and
members must also acquire the
topics research and it must be, on
collaboration-based result. The students will express their teamwork and
2. Topic Extenders
- The teacher will raise question
questions to clarify discussion and
checking for the responses and
knowledge gained by the learners.
(Question may vary depending on the The students will understanding the general
range and depth of the data information on the topic.
gathering of the students.)
The students will actively present their
E.) EVALUATION gathered Data on the Topic-assigned.
1. The teacher will present a short (Students will give their presentation,
worksheet, and fill-up the What I student’s output may vary depending on their
Know and What I Want to Know different interpretation and analysis)
columns regarding all the
intentional injuries that will be
presented by the other groups. The student can also clarify thing if they find
some difficulties in understanding by filling
up the worksheet.

Intentional Injuries
What I know What I Want to What I’ved
Know Learned
The students will answer the activity posted
as additional on their learnings.

The teacher will then collect the outputs

and check the presentation by scoring
based on the rubrics for Creative
Presentation. The student will submit their paper.

(Criteria is attached on the back.)

The students will check, jot down and refine

their ideas after checking.
IV. Assignment
Newspaper Clipping. Look for a newspaper clipping that shows intentional injury/ies.
Cut and paste this on your notebook.

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teacher

School Head
Rubric for Creative Presentation
Excellent Good Fair Poor
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 points)
All contents were All contents were Most of the content Not all contents
covered and covered. were covered. were covered.
Content students
presented the
content creativity
Students are Student seems The students are Student do not
completely pretty prepared somewhat seems at all
Preparedness prepared and but might have prepared but it is prepared to
have obviously needed a couple clear that rehearsal present.
rehearsed. more rehearsals. was lacking.
Student stoop up Students stood up Few students stood Student were
straight, looked straight. They up straight. Some distracted being
relax and were not were distracted or distracting
confident. They distracted or being distracted or and/or does not
Posture and Eye were not being distracted being distracting. look at people
Contact distracting. They or being Not all of the during the
established eye distracting. They student presentation
contact with established eye established eye
everyone in the contact with contact with
room during the everyone in the everyone in the
presentation. room during the room during the
presentation. presentation.
Volume was loud Volume was loud Volume was loud Volume was
enough to be enough to be enough to be heard often to be heard
heard by all heard by most by some all. Students did
Volume throughout the throughout the throughout the not spoke
presentation. presentation. presentation. clearly.
Students spoke Students spoke Students spoke
clearly all the clearly most of the clearly sometimes.
time. time.
Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial expressions Very little use
and body and body and body language facial
language language were used expressions or
Enthusiasm generated a sometimes generated a strong body language.
strong interest generated a interest and Did not generate
and enthusiasm strong interest enthusiasm about interest and
about the topic in and enthusiasm the topic in others. enthusiasm
others. about the topic in about the topic
others. in others.
Students were Student were Student at tempted Student were not
creative in their somewhat to be creative in creative in their
Creativity presentation, and creative in their their presentation presentation but
were able to presentation and but failed to failed to engage
engage the engaged the engage the the audience.
audience. audience. audience.


21 to 24 Advance (P)

17 to 20 Proficient (A)

13 to 16 Approaching Proficiency (AP)

9 to 12 Developing (D)

6 to 8 Beginning (B)

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