Task 3 - Documento para Entrega - Oral Production 3 UNIT 3
Task 3 - Documento para Entrega - Oral Production 3 UNIT 3
Task 3 - Documento para Entrega - Oral Production 3 UNIT 3
Code: 202412493
1. When visiting China, it's essential to respect local 9. While bargaining is a common practice in markets
customs and traditions. One must refrain from public and street vendors, it's essential to do so respectfully
displays of affection, as it's considered inappropriate in and without being overly aggressive. Remember, both
many parts of the country. parties should feel satisfied with the transaction.
2. It's obligatory to follow the rules and regulations, 10. It's advisable for visitors to China to be cautious
especially regarding photography in sensitive areas like when using public Wi-Fi networks, as they may not be
military installations or government buildings. Always secure. Using a virtual private network (VPN) is
Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
seek permission before taking photos in such places. recommended to protect personal data.
3. As a sign of respect, one should never discuss 11. Visitors should refrain from touching or pointing
sensitive topics such as politics, religion, or Taiwan's at objects or people with their feet, as feet are
status in public settings. These topics can be touchy considered the lowest part of the body in Chinese
and may lead to uncomfortable situations. culture. It's a sign of disrespect.
4. Visitors should be aware that it's forbidden to 12. When visiting someone's home, it's polite to bring
engage in behaviors that disrupt public order, such as a small gift, such as fruit or tea, as a token of
littering or creating excessive noise in residential areas. appreciation. This gesture is considered obligatory and
Keeping the environment clean and maintaining demonstrates thoughtfulness.
quietness is crucial.
5. It's obligatory to greet others with respect, 13. It's important to adhere to dress codes, especially
especially elders, by using appropriate titles like "lao" when visiting religious sites or formal occasions.
for elderly people and "xiansheng" for men or "nüshi" Modest attire is preferable, and one should avoid
for women. This shows courtesy and politeness. wearing revealing or overly casual clothing.
6. When dining in China, it's customary to wait for the 14. As a piece of advice, always carry cash in smaller
host to invite you to start eating before you begin. This denominations, as many places may not accept credit
demonstrates patience and consideration for the host's cards or larger bills, especially in rural areas or small
role. establishments.
7. It's essential to be mindful of chopstick etiquette. 15. Lastly, it's obligatory to be mindful of personal
One must not stick chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice space and queues in crowded places like public
as it resembles funeral rituals and is considered highly transportation or tourist attractions. Respect others'
disrespectful. personal boundaries and wait your turn patiently.
8. As a piece of advice, learning a few basic Mandarin
phrases like "ni hao" (hello) and "xie xie" (thank you)
can go a long way in fostering positive interactions
with locals.
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