Bio F111

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

Hyderabad Campus


Course Handout - Part II

Date: 09.1.2024

In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses) printed on Page 1 of the timetable book; this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

Course No: BIO F111

Course Title: General Biology

Instructor-in-Charge: K. N. MOHAN

Instructors (Lectures): K. N. Mohan, Pragya Komal, Amartya Sanyal, Nishith Gupta

Instructors (Tutorials): Amartya Sanyal, Debashree Bandyopadhyay, Kavi Devaraj, Sankar Ganesh, Pragya Komal,
Ruchi Jain, Shuvadeep Maity, Suprati, Ghosh

Course Description: This is an introductory/ foundation level course, where students are expected to learn about
living systems and their properties, major biological compounds, basic biochemical and physiological processes.
Students will also get introduced to genetics and recombinant DNA technology and their applications in daily life.
While designing the course, care has been taken to relate the principles of biology with other science and engineering
disciplines, wherever possible.

Scope and Objective: Some students question the need for a course in biology, especially when their area of study
is not related to biology (or science). However, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the nature of
science and fundamental biological concepts for any person, regardless of his or her occupation. In this context,
through this course it has been intended to impart knowledge on biological system with respect to nature, behavior
and functioning of the cell. Further, this course has also been designed to make the student understand intricate
relationship that living organisms have with their environment, at the molecular level, so that impact of modern
biological research can be understood and appreciated by them. It is expected that at the end of this course, students
would become aware of the influence of biology in almost every aspect of their lives.

Intended Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to but not limited to:

 Comprehend various aspects of biology

 Understand biomolecules, and enzymes
 Outline cell structure and function
 Appreciate biochemical pathways
 Explain molecular basis of heredity and genetic diversity
 Apply biotechnology to some aspects of daily life
 Compare and contrast material exchanges in human body
 Examine human body’s control mechanism including reproduction

Text Book: TB: Simon, E.J. et. al. Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology (5th edition). Noida: Pearson India
Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016.

Reference Books: RB1: Eldon D. Enger, Frederick C. Ross and David B. Bailey, Concepts in Biology, 14th Edition
(BITS Pilani, Custom Edition) Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2012.
RB2: Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson, Jonathan B. Losos, Susan R. Singer Biology, 7th Edition. WBC McGraw
Hill, 2005.
RB2: C. Starr, Biology: Concept and application, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning.

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Course Plan:

Lecture Learning Topics to be covered Chapter

No. Objectives No.
Getting introduced to the Orientation to the course content; the scientific method;
1 course properties of life, Science and Theories in Science and TB:1
(10-01-2024) Classification RB1: 1
Class Notes
Organic chemistry of living Building blocks; proteins; carbohydrates; lipids; nucleic TB:3, 5
2-4 things and nutrition acids; RB1: 3, 5
(11-01-2024 – Class Notes
Cell theory; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; brief TB:4
5-7 Cell Structure and Function overview RB: 4
(18-01-2024 – of cellular organelles; membrane transport mechanisms Class Notes
8-11 Bioenergetics; Respiration: ATP; enzymes; Basic concepts of nutrition TB:6
(30-01-2024 – Harnessing biochemical energy Biochemical Pathways - Cellular respiration: three stages RB: 6
07-02-2024) of generating ATPs; process of fermentation Class Notes
12-13 Bioenergetics; Photosynthesis: Biochemical Pathways - Photosynthesis: light reactions, TB:7
(13-02-2024 – Obtaining energy from sunlight Calvin cycle; autotrophs and heterotrophs RB: 7
14-02-2024) and conversion to biochemical Class Notes
14-16 Cellular functions at Molecular DNA structure and its discovery, DNA replication; the TB:10
15-02-2024 – level (DNA as genetic material genetic code; transcription; eukaryotic RNA processing; RB: 8
21-02-2024) and expression of genes) translation; mutations; viruses Class Notes
17 Controlling the cellular functions How and why genes are controlled? TB:11
(22-02-2024) (Genetic regulation) RB: 11.3 - 11.5
Class Notes
18 The process of cloning Cloning plants and animals; stem cells TB:11
(27-02-2024) organisms RB: 11.3 - 11.5
Class Notes
19-20 Biotechnology and its Techniques of DNA manipulation; GMOs; DNA TB:12
(28-02-2024 – Applications Fingerprinting; bioinformatics; forensic science; RB: 11.1 – 11.2
29-02-2024) biotechnology ethics
21-24 Cell cycle and Mitosis; stages of mitosis; cancer and cell TB:8,11
(05-03-2024 – Cell Division - Proliferation and cycle; Meiosis - stages and generation of genetic RB: 9
19-03-2024) Reproduction diversity; chromosomal abnormalities; the genetic basis Class Notes
of cancer
25-27 Mendelian genetics - laws of heredity; extensions to TB:9
(20-03-2024 – Patterns of Inheritance Mendel; other influences on phenotype RB1: 10
26-03-2024) Class Notes
28-29 Genetic diversity within species Speciation; Gene pool concept; Hardy-Weinberg RB1: 12.1-12.4,
(27-03-2024 – equilibrium and its applications 13.1-13.5, 13.9
28-03-2024) Class Notes

30-33 Unifying Concepts of Animal Regulating internal body environment; Human TB: 13,14,15
(02-04-2024 – Structure and circulatory, respiratory, digestive (including nutritional RB1: 24, 25
16-04-2024) Function requirements) and excretory systems Class Notes

34-35 Organization of the nervous system; nerve signal TB:19

(18-04-2024 – Nervous System transmission; central and peripheral nervous systems RB1: 26.1-26.2
23-04-2024) Class Notes
36-37 TB:16
(24-04-2024 – Body’s defense strategies Innate immunity; lymphatic system; adaptive immunity RB1: 26.7
25-04-2024) Class Notes
38 Hormonal system Different hormones, their production sites, and modes of TB:17
(30-04-2024) action RB1: 26.3
39-40 Human reproduction and Human Reproduction, Sex and Sexuality - TB:18
(01-05-2024 – embryonic development gametogenesis; male and female reproductive systems – RB1: 27
02-05-2024) hormonal controls; Class Notes
pregnancy and early human development

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Note: A few topics may be given for self-study, if deemed appropriate by the course team. These topics may also be
used for evaluation.

Evaluation Scheme:

Evaluation component Duration Weightage % (Marks) Date and Time Nature of the Component
Mid-Semester Examination 1.5 hours 25% (75M) Closed Book
(2:00-3:30 PM)

Announced Quizzes Closed Book, MCQ-based

30 min 30% (90 M) TBA
(Best 3 out of 4) questions

08-05-2024 Closed Book (15%) +

Comprehensive Examination 3 hours 35% (105 M)
(AN) Open Book (20%)
MCQ-based questions,
End of the class evaluation Variable 10% (30 M) Continuous
closed book*

* Questions will be asked at the end of the class (lecture and tutorial) itself. Student who has not attended the
lecture/tutorial is not eligible to participate in this component of evaluation. No makeup is given under any condition.

Questions for evaluation: Objective and descriptive questions won’t be limited to the textbook but from the content
taught (e.g. Class notes).

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced by the respective lecture/tutorial section instructor.

Grading Policy: Award of grades will be guided in general by the histogram of marks. Decision on border line cases
will be taken based on individual’s sincerity, student’s regularity in attending classes, and the section instructor’s
assessment of the student. If a student is completely absent for any one of the components (listed in the Evaluation
Scheme above), his/her performance in the course may be reported as ‘NC’ (Not Cleared).

Make-up Policy: No make-up would be considered for Quizzes under any circumstances. Make-up for other evaluation
components may be given only in genuine (medical emergency) cases of absence and only after consulting the team of
faculty members in the course. The campus doctor’s opinion is crucial in this process. If the absence is anticipated,
before the examination, prior permission of the Instructor-in-charge is necessary. Request for make-up should reach
the Instructor-in-charge at the earliest. Also, refer to Clause 4.07 of BITS Academic Regulations for more details.

Notices: All notices/ announcements regarding this course shall be displayed in Course Management System (CMS).

Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the students
throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.

Instructor In-charge
BIO F111

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