Syllabus BSCGEOLG NEP2023-2024
Syllabus BSCGEOLG NEP2023-2024
Syllabus BSCGEOLG NEP2023-2024
1. Introduction
One of the major initiatives of University Grants Commission (UGC) for quality
improvement in higher education system is the curriculum revision. National Education
Policy (NEP) 2020 recognizes the important role of higher education in promoting human as
well as societal well-being and in developing India.NEP recommends that the undergraduate
(UG) programmes will be of either 3 or 4-year duration with multiple entry and exit options
within this period. The recommended programme certifications are: UG certificate after
completing 01 (one) year, or a UG diploma after 02 (two) years of study; or a bachelor degree
after 03 (three) years and a bachelor degree (with honours/ honours with research) after 04
(four) years.
In accordance with the NEP 2020, the UGC has formulated a new student-centric
Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes (CCFUP) incorporating a
flexible choice-based credit system, multidisciplinary approach, and multiple entry and exit
options. This will facilitate students to pursue their career path by choosing the subject/field
of their own interest.
Geology as a discipline falls within the special category of science with a
multidisciplinary approach. The present syllabus for geology at undergraduate level under the
CBCS has been framed in compliance with curriculum and credit framework given by the
UGC following NEP. The goal of the syllabus is to equip students with the fundamental
knowledge of the diverse fields of earth science. The geology programmes integrate field
trips with classroom learning to give the hands-on experience, which is often required to
succeed. These opportunities develop the technical skills using measuring instruments and
laboratory equipment. Thus, more emphasis has been given on skill enhancement courses.
The ultimate goal of the syllabus is to equip students with knowledge, skills, values,
attitudes, leadership readiness/qualities and learning. Hence, at the end, the students will be
able to secure very good opportunities as per their own choices.
Abbreviations used:
AEC- Ability Enhancement Courses (e.g., English language, MIL, Equivalent Course from
SWAYAM etc.); DSC - Department Specific Core Course; ESE – End Semester
Examination; IA – Internal Assessment; L – Lecture, P/Pr.- Practical; SEC – Skill
Enhancement Course; T – Tutorial Th. – Theoretical; CVA – Common Value-Added Course
(e.g., Environmental Science / study).
2. Semester-wise credit distribution in different UG programmes of Geology with a single major
Category of Courses (Credit of each course** x No. of courses)
Minor Multi- Research wise total
Year Semester AEC CVA Internship/
Major(DSC) Discipline disciplinary SEC Project/ credits (No.
Course Apprenticeship
Dissertation of courses)
I (4x1) = 4 (4x1) = 4 (3x1) = 3 (2x1) = 2 (3x1) = 3 (4x1) = 4 -- -- 20(6)
II (4x1) = 4 (4x1) = 4 (3x1) = 3 (2x1) = 2 (3x1) = 3 (4x1) = 4 (4x1) = 4## - 20(6)
Total credits (courses) up to
8(2) 8(2) 6(2) 4(2) 6(2) 8 (2) 4 (2)## 40 (12)
2nd Semester
III (5x2) = 10 (4x1) = 4 (3x1) = 3 (2x1) = 2 (3x1) = 3 - (2x1) = 2 - 22(6)
nd IV (5x3) = 15 (4x1) = 4 - (2x1) = 2 - - (2x1) = 2## - 21(5)
Total credits (courses) up to
33 (7) 16 (4) 9(3) 8(4) 9(3) 8(2) 4## - 83 (23)
4th Semester
V (5x3) = 15 (4x1) = 4 - - - - (2x1) = 2 - 21 (5)
rd VI (4x4) = 16 (4x1) = 4 - - - - - 20 (5)
Total credits (courses)up to
64(14) 24 (6) 9(3) 8(4) 9(3) 8(2) 2 (1) - 124 ((33)
6th Semester
VII (6x4) =24 (4x1) = 4 - - - - - - 28 (5)
(6x1) = 6 $$
VIII (4x1) = 4 - - - - - 12 22 (3/5)
(4x3) = 12@
Total credits (courses) up to
4th 8th Semester for UG Hons. 94 (19) 32 (8) 9(3) 8(4) 9(3) 8(2) 2 (1) 12$$ 174 (41)
with research
Total credits (courses)up to
8th Semester for UG Hons. 106 (22) 32 (8) 9(3) 8(4) 9(3) 8(2) 2 (1) 174 (43)
without research
Credit of each course: Major courses (DSC) – 4 / 5 / 6; Minor discipline – 4; Multidisciplinary – 3; AEC – 2; SEC – 3; CVA – 4; Internship/Apprenticeship – 2 and
Research Project//Dissertation – 12.
Additional requirement (to be acquired during first year and/or second year summer term), if a student wants to get UG Certificate or UG Diploma programme
Required if a student opt for certification of B. Sc. (Honours) after 4th year and not required if a student is eligible and opt for B. Sc. (Honours with Research) after 4th
Required only for students who opt for B. Sc. (Honours with Research), instead of 03 (three) DS courses with a total of 12 credits
3. Semester-wise detailed course curriculum
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL1011 Major Earth System Science 4 3 1 0 75 60 0 15
GEOL1021 Minor* Earth System Science 4 3 1 0 75 60 0 15
GEOL1031 Multi-disciplinary-1* Introduction to Geology 3 2 1 0 50 40 0 10
AEC [L1-1 MIL] Arabic/Bengali/Hindi/Sanskrit/ 2 2 0 0 50 40 0 10
Santali/Urdu or equivalent
Course from SWAYAM
GEOL1051 SEC-1 Techniques in Field Geology 3 2 1 0 50 30 10 10
Common Value 4 3 0 1 100 60 20 20
Environmental Science /
Added (CVA)
Total in Semester- I 20 400
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Skill based vocational course (additional 4 Cr) during summer term for 8 weeks, who will exit after securing
40 Cr
For UG Certificate 40 Cr + Additional 4 Cr (work based vocational course) = 44 Cr students are allowed to
re-enter within 3 years within the stipulated maximum period of 7 years.
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL3013 Major Elements of Geochemistry 5 4 1 0 75 40 20 15
GEOL3014 Major Structural Geology 5 3 0 2 75 40 20 15
Minor* Intermediate Level Course 4 3/ 1/ 0/1 75 60/40 0/20 or 15
(Voc.Edn. & Training 3 0 60
GEOL3033 Multi-disciplinary-3* Introduction to Geomorphology 3 2 1 0 50 40 0 10
AEC [L1-2 MIL] Arabic/Bengali/Hindi/Sanskrit/ 2 2 0 0 50 40 0 10
Santali/Urdu or equivalent
Course from SWAYAM
GEOL3053 SEC-3 Field Work (Basic Field 3 0 0 3 50 0 40 10
Total in Semester- III 22 375
Skill based vocational course (additional 4 Cr) during summer term for 8 weeks, who will exit after securing
83 Cr
For UG Certificate 83 Cr + Additional 4 Cr (work based vocational course) = 87 Cr. students are allowed to
re-enter within 3 years within the stipulated maximum period of 7 years.
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL5018 Major Palaeontology 5 3 0 2 75 40 20 15
GEOL5019 Major Petrology Lab 5 0 5 75 0 60 15
GEOL50110 Major Geodynamics 5 4 1 0 75 60 0 15
GEOL5023 Minor Introduction to Palaeontology 4 3 0 1 75 40 20 15
Internship (for all 2 0 0 2 50 Project-30 + Viva-20
Total in Semester- V 21 350
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL60111 Major Introduction to economic 4 3 1 0 75 40 20 15
geology & Indian Mineral
GEOL60112 Major Fuel Geology 4 3 1 0 75 40 20 15
GEOL60113 Major Advanced Structural Geology 4 0 0 4 75 0 60 15
GEOL60114 Major Geomorphology, Remote 4 3 0 1 75 40 20 15
Sensing & GIS
Minor* Intermediate Level Course 4 3/ 1/ 0/1 75 60/40 0/20 or 15
(Voc. Edn. & Training 3 0 60
Total in Semester- VI 20 350
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL70115 Major Principles of Stratigraphy & 6 5 1 0 75 60 15
Stratigraphy of India
GEOL70116 Major Ore Geology 6 4 0 2 75 40 20 15
GEOL70117 Major Field Geology (Geological 6 0 0 4 75 60 15
mapping, Structural Geology /
Economic Geology)
GEOL70118 Major Hydrogeology 6 5 0 1 75 40 20 15
GEOL7024 Minor* Groundwater Geology 4 3 0 1 75 40 20 15
Total in Semester- VII 28 375
With Research
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
Pr. /Tuto/
Theory IA
GEOL80119 Major Exploration Geology/Mining 6 5 1 0 75 60 15
GEOL8025 Minor* Invertebrate Palaeontology 4 3 0 1 75 40 20 15
GEOL8091 Dissertation 12 0 0 12 225 Seminar Presentation,
Preparation & submission of
Project/Dissertation-135 +
Total in Semester- VIII 22 375
Without Research
Distribution of Marks
Full Marks
COURSE Practical/
Detailed Syllabus
This course aims to explore, understand, communicate, and teach the Earth as a planet, its
complex processes, past and future evolution and interactions with the society. The main
objective is to study the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, including their interaction
and interrelationships with the biosphere.
Upon completion of this course the students will be able to (a) analyse the interactions between
biological, chemical, and physical processes that shape and define the earth system; (b) correlate
between the past Earth’s evolution and its current changes; and (c)develop effective
communication skills to help diffusing major current environmental problems.
Unit 4: Tectonics and magmatism in the Earth
Elementary idea of the concept of continental drift, sea-floor spreading and plate tectonics;
Concept of plates and plate boundaries. Definition of important geodynamic elements of the
Earth e.g., Mid Oceanic Ridges (MOR), trenches, transform faults, island arcs, volcanic islands;
Oceanic plateau; Origin of mountain belts and rift valleys. Earthquake – its causes and effects;
Earthquake belts of the Earth; Scales of measurement of earthquake; Prevention and mitigation
of earthquake; Prediction of earthquake; Volcanoes - types, products and their distribution,
origin; Concept of geodesy and isostasy.
Suggested Readings
Duff, P. M. D., & Duff, D. (Eds.). (1993). Holmes' principles of physical geology. Taylor
& Francis.
Emiliani, C. (1992). Planet earth: cosmology, geology, and the evolution of life and
environment. Cambridge University Press.
Gross, M. G. (1977). Oceanography: A view of the earth.
Tarback, E. J. and Lutgens, F.K. (2006). Earth Science. Pearson Prentice Hall. New
Grotzinger, J., Jordan, T.H., Press, F and Siever, R. (2007) Understanding Earth (Fifth
Edition). W. H. Freeman and company. New York.
Environmental Science – Earth as a Living Planet. By – Daniel B. Botkin & Edward A.
Keller, John Wiley & Sons.
Multidisciplinary course
[Cr. 3 (L:2 T:1 P:0)]
Unit 1: Introduction
Introduction to geology: its scope, different branches, and relationship with other branches of
Unit 6: Introduction to the concept of time in geological studies
Age of the Earth; Radioactivity and its application in determining the age of the Earth; Absolute
and relative time in geology; Geological Time Scale; Concept of Uniformitarianism; Basic laws
of stratigraphy.
Suggested Readings
Introduction of field equipment required for geological fieldwork; Concept of scale of maps;
Geographical and topographical maps; Topographic map indexing; Reading of topographic
sheet: Study of contour pattern and slope interpretation based on contour spacing; Distance,
height and pace approximation in the field; Use of clinometer and Brunton compasses: Use of
other instruments in measuring geological data in field; Methods of fixing location in
topographic sheet by taking back-bearing, using natural and man-made features; How to take
field note and Report writing.
[DSC: Cr. 4 (L:3 T:1 P:0)]
[MINOR: Cr. 4 (L:3 T:1 P:0)]
(i) Course objectives:
This course helps to understand the fundamentals of crystallography and structural chemistry of
minerals along with descriptive mineralogy. The students will be able to learn the optical and
crystallographic properties of the minerals and their occurrences. The course provides better
understanding of crystallography, mineralogy and optical mineralogy and their application
involved during the origin and evolution of the rocks.
After studying the course, the students will be able to (a) describe and recognize various physical
properties of minerals, including lustre, cleavage, hardness, density etc. as well as optical
properties; and (b) explain different symmetry elements of the crystals and how these relate to
crystal systems.
Unit 1: Crystallography
Concept of crystalline and amorphous matter; Definition of crystal, Crystal faces and edges;
Form and zone; Elementary ideas about crystal morphology in relation to internal structures;
Crystal lattice and concept of space group; Classification of crystals into crystal systems and
classes; Stereographic projection of crystal faces, symmetry elements and forms; Hermann
Mauguin notation.
Unit 4: Optical Mineralogy
Optical behaviour of crystals - isotropic and anisotropic minerals; Uniaxial and biaxial minerals;
Relation between crystallographic and optic axes of crystals; Optical microscope; Nicol prism
and its principle of construction; Polaroid in microscope; Refractive index/indices of minerals;
Pleochroism and pleochroic scheme; Interference and interference colour; Birefringence;
Extinction and extinction angle; Optical indicatrix; Study of interference figure, optic sign of
uniaxial and biaxial minerals; Variation of optical and physical properties with chemical
composition of mineral groups.
Suggested Readings
Klein, C., Dutrow, B., Dwight, J., & Klein, C. (2007). The 23rd Edition of the Manual of
Mineral Science (after James D. Dana). J. Wiley & Sons.
Verma, P. K. (2010). Optical Mineralogy (Four Colour). Ane Books Pvt Ltd.
Deer,W. A., Howie, R. A., &Zussman, J. (1992). An introduction to the rock-forming
minerals (Vol. 696). London: Longman.
Nesse, W. D. (2011). Introduction to Optical Mineralogy (Fourth Edition). Oxford
University Press.
Putnis, A. (1992): Introduction to Mineral Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Klein and Hurlbut, Manual of Mineralogy, 21stEdn.
Studying the basics of mineralogy and petrology helps in understanding and building the overall
knowledge in Geology
The students will be able to identify common rock-forming minerals in hand specimens as well
as in thin sections. Besides, they will familiarise themselves with Bavarias crystal lattice and
crystal systems. The course deals with the study of minerals, their chemistry and identification in
hand specimen. Further, it also deals with the study of crystals with respect to their morphology,
symmetry and the normal crystal classes.
Unit 1: Mineralogy
Definitions of minerals Study of crystals; Physical properties of minerals; Optical properties of
minerals; Chemical properties of mineral; Classification of minerals based on their chemistry;
Origin of minerals; Occurrence of minerals. Introduction to petrological microscope.
Unit 2: Petrology
Rocks-Definitions; Types of rock – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic;
Igneous Rocks – Modes of occurrence; Structure and texture; Forms of igneous bodies; Magma
and its formation within the Earth, consolidation and emplacement; Classification.
Sedimentary Rocks – Modes of formation; Structure and texture; Classification.
Metamorphic Rocks –Agents of metamorphism; Metamorphic grade; Progressive and
retrogressive metamorphism; Concept of metamorphic facies; Structure and texture;
Suggested Readings
Course Content:
Unit 1: Study of physical properties of minerals in hand specimen: Study of physical properties
of minerals in hand specimen - (a) quartz, feldspar, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, actinolite and
tremolite, muscovite, biotite, garnet, andalusite, silIimanite, kyanite, staurolite, beryl, tourmaline,
serpentine, talc, nepheline, zeolite asbestos, (b) chert, chalcedony, agate, jasper, amethyst (c) pyrite,
chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite barite and gypsum; magnetite, haematite, ilmenite, chromite, pyrolusite
and psilomelane, graphite, corundum, bauxite; fluorite, calcite, dolomite, apatite.
Sedimentary: Conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, limestone, shale, mudstone
Unit 4: Study of some important minerals in thin section under microscope: Study of optical properties of common
rock-forming minerals: quartz, orthoclase, microcline, plagioclase, perthite and antiperthite, nepheline, olivine,
orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, actinolite and tremolite, staurolite, garnet, muscovite, biotite, calcite,
kyanite, sillimanite and andalusite.
Total Cr. 4
Programme Outcome
A. Graduate Attributes: The quality and feature or characteristics of an individual, including
the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that are expected to be acquired by a graduate
through studies at the higher education institution.
B. Qualification descriptors: The generic outcomes and attributes expected for the award of a
particular type of qualification (for e.g. a bachelor's degree or a bachelor’s degree with honours).
(a) Demonstrate (i) a systematic, extensive and coherent knowledge and understanding of an
academic field of study as a whole and its applications, and links to related disciplinary
areas/subjects of study; including a critical understanding of the established theories,
principles and concepts, and of a number of advanced and emerging issues in the field of
study; (ii) procedural knowledge that creates different types of professionals related to the
disciplinary/subject area of study, including research and development, teaching and
government and public service; (iii) skills in areas related to one’s specialization and current
developments in the academic field of study, including a critical understanding of the latest
developments in the area of specialization, and an ability to use established techniques of
analysis and enquiry within the area of specialization.
(d) Use knowledge, understanding and skills for critical assessment of a wide range of ideas and
complex problems and issues relating to the chosen field of study.
(e) Communicate the results of studies undertaken in an academic field accurately in a range of
different contexts using the main concepts, constructs and techniques of the subject(s) of
(f) Address one’s own learning needs relating to current and emerging areas of study, making
use of research, development, and professional materials as appropriate, including those
related to new frontiers of knowledge.
(g) Apply one’s disciplinary knowledge and transferable skills to new/unfamiliar contexts and
to identify and analyze problems and issues and seek solutions to real-life problems.
(h) Demonstrate subject-related and transferable skills that are relevant to some of the job trades
and employment opportunities.
Programme Specific Outcome
The student graduating with the Degree B. Sc. (Honours) Geology should be able to
A) Acquire
ii. procedural knowledge that creates different types of professionals related to the
disciplinary/subject area of Geology, including professionals engaged in research and
development, teaching and government/public service.
iii. skills in areas related to one’s specialization area within the disciplinary/subject area of
Geology and current and emerging developments in the field of Geosciences.
(B) Demonstrate the ability to use skills in Geology and its related areas of technology for
formulating and tackling geosciences-related problems and identifying and applying
appropriate geological principles and methodologies to solve a wide range of problems
associated with geosciences.
(C) Recognize the importance of RS&GIS, mathematical modeling simulation and computing,
and the role of approximation and mathematical approaches to describing the physical
(D) Plan and execute Geology-related experiments or investigations, analyze and interpret
data/information collected using appropriate methods, including the use of appropriate
software such as programming languages and purpose-written packages, and report
accurately the findings of the experiment/investigations while relating the
conclusions/findings to relevant theories in Geology.
language related to Geology and ability to translate them with popular language when
needed; e) ICT skills; f) personal skills such as the ability to work both independently and
in Teams
Demonstrate professional behaviour such as being objective, unbiased, and truthful in all aspects
of work and avoiding unethical, irrational behaviour such as fabricating, falsifying or
misrepresenting data or committing plagiarism; b) the ability to identify the potential ethical
issues in work-related situations; c) appreciation of intellectual property, environmental and
sustainability issues; and d) promoting safe learning and working environment.