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BS Session: 2022-2023
(BS Session: 2020-2021, 2021-2022)
Four-Year Integrated
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Degree in Disaster Science and Climate Resilience
January 2023
Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience (DSCR)
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Dhaka (DU)
Curriculum for B.S. Honours in DSCR
(Semester-System Course Structure)
On the first day of July 1921 the University of Dhaka opened its doors to students with Sir
P.J. Hartog as the first Vice-Chancellor of the University. The University was set up in a
picturesque part of the city known as Ramna on 600 acres of land. At present, the University
consists of 13 Faculties, 83 Departments, 13 Institutes, 20 residential halls, 3 hostels, and 56
Research Centres.
Among them is the Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, which was
renamed in January, 2022 from Department of Disaster Science and Management that in turn
started its journey in 2012. The evolution of the department's name is a reflection of the
importance given to climate change studies, along with hazard science and disaster
management. The aim is to integrate earth science, social science, and engineering in order to
generate multidisciplinary and comprehensive knowledge and skills, to understand and
address complex risk and emergency scenarios and eventually create a resilient society. The
Department runs with the vision to provide international standard and high quality education,
engage in collaboration and has particular focus on basic and applied research.
Under the Semester System, the four-year B.S. Honours (integrated) Degree in Disaster
Science and Climate Resilience (DSCR) at the University of Dhaka is a program comprised
of eight semesters. The duration of the BS Honours program is four years, where each
semester consists of six months.
2.3 Eligibility for admission:
Student can apply for admission through KA-Unit admission test as per university rules.
Students who have passed the admission test also need to secure minimum 12 out of 30 each
in physics, chemistry and math parts to become eligible for the program. In addition with this,
a candidate must obtain minimum grade B in physics, A in mathematics and B in chemistry
in their HSC or equivalent exam.
Disasters are no longer seen as the hazardous events created entirely by natural or man-made
processes rather as manifestations of unresolved problems of development. Climate change
further intensified the risk as the hazards become more frequency and severe. In the current
paradigm shift from the response and recovery to the disaster risk management, attention has
been given to holistic approaches. The paradigm shift makes sure that the scientific and
technological application and innovation are crucial for risk reduction, develop resilience and
aware of sustainable development. The advancement of knowledge on scientific and social
aspects to resilient crisis management has also evolved as an imperative for sustainable
Giving due attention on the paradigm shift, which directs disaster management and climate
resilience to evolve as a Discipline, the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree
has been designed.
Students are required to attend the entire program equivalent to 147 credit hours in Disaster
Science and Climate Resilience (DSCR) Honours program. Out of total courses, theory
courses involve 101 credit hours; laboratory, field and project work involve 36 credit hours,
and viva vocé includes 8 credit hours.
*(For Lecture, Seminar and Other theory Course Activities 1 hour face to face learning
per week for 14 weeks, For Lab 1.5-hour face to face learning per week for 14 weeks and
for Fieldwork/Research Project 2 hours per week for 14 weeks is equivalent to 1 credit)
Each semester shall be of 20 weeks
● 14 weeks for class teaching
● 2 weeks for preparation
● 4 weeks for holding the semester final examination (Including Lab and Viva)
The duration of annual DSCR Field Works for two-credit equivalent Field Work courses will
range between 05-10 workdays in the field.
The course and credit over eight semesters are illustrated below:
4. Assessment System:
Theory courses
Marks Distribution
Class attendance 05%
Class Assessment
In-course and/or Assignment 25%
Course Final Examination 70%
Total 100%
Laboratory courses
Marks Distribution
Class Attendance 10%
Class Assessments
Continuous Assessment 30%
Lab final Examination 60%
Total 100%
Field Work
Marks Distribution
Field Assessment 40%
Final Report 60%
Total 100%
Project Work
Marks Distribution
Research Proposal 10%
Proposal Defense 10%
Written Dissertation 60%
Final Defense 20%
Total 100%
Class Attendance
Five percent of total marks will be awarded for class attendance in theory courses. And, ten
percent of total marks will be awarded for class attendance in laboratory courses.
Marks of attendances
Attendance % Marks (Theory) Marks (Laboratory)
90 and above 5 10
85 to 89 4 8
80 to 84 3 6
75 to 79 2 4
60 to 74 1 2
Less than 60 00 00
Twenty five percent marks in theoretical course will be added from in-course tests and/or
assignments. Assessment may be done by taking class test and/or by giving assignments.
The Class Test(s) for in-course assessment will be taken usually after covering 40% of the
course topics and the course teacher will announce the dates of in-course examinations at the
beginning of the course. For each semester, the Departmental Academic Committee (AC)
may fix an ―In-course Examination/Class Test Week‖ for conducting the tests. The concerned
course teacher will be responsible to assess the students of his/her course. There will be 1/2
test for each course to be determined by the course teacher. In theoretical courses assignment
will be selected from the course syllabus or from topics related to course syllabus. The
assignment may consist of written report or presentation or both.
For laboratory courses, forty percent marks shall be allocated for continuous class assessment
where the course teacher will award marks based on student performances in the laboratory
For appearing in the semester final examination, every student is required to have authorized
examination admit card supplied by the Controller of Examination on payment of dues (for
each semester).
● Student having 75% or more attendance on average (collegiate) are eligible to appear in
the final examination.
● Student having 60-74% attendance are considered to be non-collegiate and will be
eligible to sit for the final examination on payment on fine tk. 1,000/= (One thousand).
● Student having attendance less than 60% will not be allowed to sit for the final
examination but may seek readmission in the program.
● Student must have at least 30% attendance for readmission.
All academics activities (classes, class assessment etc) will have to be completed before 15
days of semester final exam for smooth functioning of the exam (exam registration,
submitting class assessment, and preparation of students for exam). AC can reduce the time
only in special circumstances.
Duration of Exam
2 credit course 2.5 hours
The duration of laboratory examinations will be 4 hours. The duration of Viva Voce will be
10-30 minutes.
In the final examination, each theory course will be evaluated by two teachers of the
department or outside (who may be either from DU or outside DU). In a single teacher
course, the semester final test scripts must be evaluated by two teachers, one of whom must
be the course teacher, and another, a suitable second examiner who may be either from DU or
outside DU.
In the semester final examination if the difference of final exam marks in any course is more
than 20% (out of 70), the script will be evaluated by a third examiner. The final marks will be
average of the third examiner‘s marks and one of the two examiner‘s marks which has the
least difference.
Evaluation of laboratory courses will be done by the course teacher/teachers. No option for
second or third examination is allowed in laboratory courses.
For field works evaluation will be done the field work coordinator/coordinators. Field Report
will be evaluated by field trip coordinator/coordinators.
The written proposal, proposal defense, and the final defense will be evaluated by the
Examination Committee. The written Project Report shall be evaluated by the Project
Supervisor or Co-supervisor and an assigned Expert (assigned by the academic committee).
Marks distribution has been shown above.
Viva voce
Viva shall be evaluated by the Examination Committee of the semester at the end of the
semester final exam.
At the time of evaluation all marks will be entered in numerical form. Only at the time of
submitting the final grade sheet and while finalizing the results in the tabulation sheet,
grades will be entered in both numerical and letter grade form.
Marks can be given in fraction up to two decimals. If the total marks of a course are in
fraction. They should be raised to the higher whole number. GPA and CGPA can be in
fraction up to two decimals. The second decimal will be raised to the next higher number if
the third decimal number is 5 or above.
Transcript issued to the students will include Letter Grades, Grade Point (GP), Grade Points
Average (GPA), and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Transcript will not include
numerical grades. Numerical Grades, Letter Grades, and Grade Point Averages (GPA), and
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be given according to the following scale:
CGPA of Year One
Final Exam
Midterm Exam
Course teacher will decide about question type and duration etc. Question can be either
objective type or descriptive.
Laboratory Exam
All final laboratory exams will be in 60 marks. There may be written parts in laboratory exam
based on course curriculum. Number of questions will be selected based on course
curriculum. In laboratory courses 40 marks will be added from class assessments.
Viva voce
All viva voce will be in 100 marks. Viva marks will be given by averaging the viva board
member‘s marks.
5. Promotion
Promotion will be year wise. Minimum CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) 2.00 is
needed only for promoting from second semester to third semester. Minimum CGPA 2.25 is
needed for promoting from fourth to fifth semester, and minimum CGPA 2.50 is needed for
promoting from sixth to seventh semester. For final degree a student must have to secure
minimum CGPA 2.50.
Promotion from first to second semester, third to fourth semester, fifth to sixth semester and
seventh to eighth semesters will be automatic for those students having sixty percent
6. Final Degree
For BS Honours degree a student need to complete 140 credit hours without F grade in any
course, has to secure minimum CGPA 2.50 and complete the program within six consecutive
academic years including the year of first admission into the program.
Improvement of grade/grades is applicable only for the students who get promoted.
A student securing GPA C+ (2.50) or lower in any course may improve his/her grades by
retaking the examination/examinations of the course/courses only once in the following
session. In this case, marks of the initial class assessment will be added to the improved (if)
final exam marks for final grading.
Retaking or improvements are not allowed in laboratory and field works based courses.
A student with F grade in any course/courses will be allowed to improve the grade/grades by
retaking the final examination/examinations of the concerned course/courses for the second
If a student has CGPA 2.50 in year four (7th and 8th semesters combined) but having F Grade
in any semester, his/her result will be graded as incomplete (I). To get the degree the student
shall have the opportunity to improve his/her grade by retaking the courses.
In addition to the usual fees, a fine will be imposed for each course to be retaken as per the
university rules or the decision of the academic committee of the department.
The same rules will be applicable in the case of any student having an F grade due to being
absent in any course/courses.
8. Readmission
A student failing to get the requisite grade points for promotion to the next year may seek re-
admission with the following two batches.
For re-admission, a student should apply within one month after the publication of result of
the concerned year. On re-admission, grades obtained earlier by a student in the class year of
re-admission shall be cancelled and the student shall have to retake all the courses and
A student may take readmission only two times. If required a student may take readmission
twice to the same class and thus remain in the same class for three years, but the degree must
be completed within twelve semesters, i. e. six years.
In case of W in any course, he/she must go for readmission to continue in a class. The AC of
the department must be convinced of the genuineness of his/her absence.
9. Drop out
A student failing to get a minimum CGPA required for readmission two times in a row to the
particular semester of the same year will be dropped out of the program.
If a student getting F in any course fails to improve his/her grade even after retaking the
examination twice will not be given any further chance for improvement and will be dropped
out from the program.
The course teacher shall submit class assessment marks (attendance, mid-terms, presentation,
and assignment), two copies to the chairman of the examination committee, and one copy to
the controller of the examination at least fifteen days before semester final exam.
The course teacher and second examiner will submit two copies of mark-sheets (final exam)
to the chairman of the examination committee, and one copy to the controller of the
The semester coordinator will prepare routines, arrange and monitor classes and attendances,
ensure smooth functioning of the academic work, and help the chairman in getting questions
from the question setters, holding examination, preparing exam routines, and publishing
examination results.
Ensure submission of all class assessments of a particular semester fifteen days before the
semester final exam. The semester coordinator will arrange posting of relevant notices on
notice board.
In case of the semester coordinator falling sick, going on leave, or is unwilling to continue,
the academic committee will nominate a substitute.
For field trip courses field trip coordinator/coordinators shall be finalized at the beginning of
the semester by AC. The coordinator will fix location and timeframe of the fields. All
arrangements of field visits shall be carried out by the supervision of Field trip coordinator.
The selected course coordinator by the AC of the department may be a member of the
examination committee, for smooth functioning of the program.
He/she will be responsible for getting questions from the course teachers, moderating and
printing the questions, holding of examinations, and publication of results. If the chairman
desires, he/she may request the course coordinator to collect questions from the course
The chairman of examination committee will take necessary initiatives (formulating exam
routines, issuing letter for seeking class assessment marks from course teachers, seeking
question papers from examiners etc) of semester final examination at least one month before
the starting of final examination.
The course teacher and second examiner will submit two copies of mark-sheets (final exam)
to the chairman of the examination committee, and one copy to the controller of the
The course teacher will submit class assessment marks (attendance, mid-terms, presentation,
and assignment), two copies to the chairman of the examination committee, and one copy to
the controller of the examination at least fifteen days before semester final exam.
The two tabulators will enter the class assessment marks and semester final marks (average of
first and second examiner) in to tabulation sheets and process the examination results.
In the semester final examination if the difference of final exam marks in any course is more
than 20% (out of 70), the script will be evaluated by a third examiner. The final marks
obtained will be average of the third examiner‘s marks and the nearest examiner‘s marks.
The tabulator will help the controller office to prepare three copies of computerized
tabulation sheets. The controller‘s office will send one copy to the chairman of the
department for preservation.
The controller‘s office will publish the examination results at the end of semester and issue
the transcripts.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and violation of academic and student conduct rules.
It is regarded as stealing of intellectual properties. It is punishable with failing grades or
possibly more severe action.
Referencing is the process of acknowledgement of the sources (words and ideas of another
author) used in easy, assignment, dissertation or anything else.
18. Dean’s Award
Students who have obtained CGPA 3.75 without having any improvement, no F grade, no
academic loss and readmission, no disciplinary action throughout eight semesters and having
at least 90% attendance ―Dean‘s Award‖ shall be presented to him/her.
Course Structure: B.S. (Honours) in Disaster Science and Climate Resilience
Course ID 5th Semester Credit Course ID 6th Semester Credit
DSCRHT 301 Mitigation, Prevention and 2 DSCRHT 309 Climate Resilience and 3
Preparedness Development: Economic
DSCRHT 302 Vulnerability and Risk 3 DSCRHT 310 Seismic Risk Reduction 3
Assessment Approach
DSCRHT 303 Community Based Risk 2 DSCRHT 311 Hydro-meteorological Risk 3
Assessment and Planning Reduction Approach
DSCRHT 304 Geophysical Application: 3 DSCRHT 312 Population, Migration and 2
Principal and Practices Shelter Management
DSCRHT 305 Geotechnical Application: 3 DSCRHT 313 Inequalities and Disasters 2
Principal and Practices
DSCRHT 306 Urban and Regional 2 DSCRHL 314 Hazard Analysis and Risk 2
Planning: Risk Mitigation Reduction Lab
DSCRHL 307 Geotechnical and 2 DSCRHF 315 Field Work 2
Engineering Geophysics
DSCRHL 308 Risk Sensitive Landuse 2 DSCRHV 316 Viva Vocé 2
Planning Lab
Total Credit 19 Total Credit 19
DSCRHT 401 Crisis Planning, Response 3 DSCRHT 408 Damage, Loss and Need 2
and Recovery Assessment
DSCRHT 402 Disaster and Climate 2 DSCRHT 409 Disaster in Agriculture and 2
Resilience: Institutions Food Security
and Instruments
DSCRHT 403 Climate Risk Modelling 3 DSCRHT 410 Mainstreaming Disaster 2
and Resilience Management and Climate
DSCRHT 404 Research Methodology 3 DSCRHT 411 Project Planning, Monitoring 2
and Knowledge and Evaluation
DSCRHT 405 Prediction and Early 3 DSCRHL 412 Damage, Loss and Need 2
Warning Assessment
DSCRHL 406 Numerical Simulation and 2 DSCRHP 413 Research project 6
Machine Learning Lab
[Note: Of the DSCR Majors, each Theory course is denoted by four-letter code DSCRHT (i.e., DSCR Honours
Theory), Laboratory/Lab course by the DSCRHL (i.e., DSCR Honours Lab), Field Works course by the
DSCRHF (i.e., DSCR Honours Field), Project work by the DSCRHP (i.e., DSCR Honours Project) and viva
vocé by the DSCRHV (i.e., DSCR Honours Viva vocé) followed by a three-digit number.]
Detailed Contents of the Courses
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 101 Introduction to Earth System and Disaster
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Disasters are no longer considered isolated events but are now addressed as complex
phenomena with multidisciplinary dimensions. Over the years, the frequency and intensity of
disasters have increased multifold. With the growing population, more and more
infrastructures are being developed; creating more elements at risk and, sometimes, creating
new risks as well. To understand the risks of disasters, it is essential to understand the earth
system and the processes governing the planet. The earth and its components can act as a
source of hazards as well as the elements at risk. This course offers the concept and
framework of modern scientific approach for studying disasters, its key components and
terminologies, and its integrated relationship with the earth system.
Specific Objectives:
A student is expected to learn the multidisciplinary approach to the concept of modern
disaster management, its evolution, its key components and subcomponents. The course aims
at portraying the different aspects of disasters an how these are integrated with the earth
system. The course also allows the earth materials to be studied from both hazard source as
well as elements exposed to hazards. It also emphasizes the content in Bangladesh
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Earth System: Origin of the earth and the solar system; spheres of the earth system;
interior of the earth.
Topic 2: Earth Materials: Definitions, types and physical properties of rocks and minerals.
Topic 3: Earth‘s Surface Processes: Weathering, erosion, denudation, and deposition.
Topic 4: Natural Agents: Glacier, running water and wind.
Topic 5: Geomorphology: Fluvial, glacial, aeolian and coastal processes and their major
geomorphic features
Topic 6: Global Tectonics: Isostasy, continental drift, seafloor spreading, and plate tectonics.
Topic 7: Geological Structure and Succession: Folds, faults, discontinuities, geological time
Topic 8: Relation of earth science with disaster.
Topic 9: Disaster: Definitions of terminologies; a four-phase approach of disaster
management, paradigm shift, disaster trends.
Topic 10: Hazards: Natural hazards (geological, meteorological, hydro-meteorological,
biological, and climatic hazards); technological and man-made hazards; hazard
identification and hazard profiling.
Topic 11: Risk: Components of risk (likelihood, consequence, and trends); risk evaluation;
risk acceptability, and alternatives; disaster risk reduction and disaster risk
Topic 12: Vulnerability: Physical profile; social profile; environmental profile; economic
profile; risk factors influencing vulnerability; risk perceptions.
Topic 13: Fundamental approach of disaster management in Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● The earth system, earth materials and the earth processes
● The fundamentals of geology, geomorphology, plate tectonics and their application in
disaster science
● The multidisciplinary approach to understanding disasters and its trends
● The disaster management cycle and its components
● The fundamental components e.g. risk, hazard, vulnerability, exposure, capacity,
resilience etc. and their subcomponents
● Paradigm shift and the evolution of disaster management
● Disaster management in the context of Bangladesh
● Scope of earth science in understanding disasters
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on learning is
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Leet L.D. et al (1982) Physical Geology. Prentice-Hall. USA.
2. Turbuck E.J., Lutgens F. K. and Tasa D.S. (2013) An Introduction to Physical Geology.
13th Edition. Prentice Hall. US.
3. Plummer C., Carlson D. and Hammersley L. 2014. Physical Geology. 15th Edition.
McGraw Hill. US.
4. Berry L.G. and Mason B. (1968) Elements of Mineralogy. Greenwood Press. US.
5. Tyrrell G.W. (1952) The Principles of Petrology: An Introduction to the Science of
Rocks. Dutton and Company Inc. New York. Billings M.P. (1972) Structural Geology. 3rd
Edition. Prentice Hall. US.
6. Hugget R.J. (2007) Fundamentals of Geomorphology. Routledge Publication
7. Imam B. (2005) Energy Resources of Bangladesh. University Grants Commission.
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
8. Khan F.L. (1991) Geology of Bangladesh. The University Press Limited. Dhaka.
9. Reimann K-U (1993) Geology of Bangladesh. Gebruder Borntraeger
Verlagsbuchhandlung, Science Publishers, Berlin
10. Philip Kearey et al (2009) Global Tectonics, Wiley-Blackwell Publication
11. Coppola D.P. (2007) Introduction to International Disaster Management. Elsevier. UK.
12. Cees Westen et al (2011) Multi-hazard Risk Assessment. Public Works
13. Paul B.K. (2011) Environmental Hazards and Disasters: Contexts, Perspectives and
Management. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
14. Pinkowski J. (2008) Disaster Management Handbook. CRC Press. US.
15. Smith K. and Petley D.N. (2009) Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing
Disaster. Routledge. New York.
16. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) (2004) Living
with Risk: A Global Review of Disaster Reduction Initiatives. Geneva: United Nations.
17. Wisner B. (2004) At Risk: Natural Hazards, People‘s Vulnerability and Disasters.
Routledge. US.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 102 Basics of Climatology and Meteorology
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Basics of Climatology and Meteorology is an introductory course for learning various
physical process that determine climate and weather. In this course, students will learn the
basic concept of atmospheric sciences, learn to classify world into different climatic region.
Introduction to different climatic extremes and Bangladesh perspectives of climate and
weather will also include in this course.
Specific Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of different atmospheric processes and long term climatic
processes. This will also help understand the basic of climate change phenomenon.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Climatology and Meteorology: Basic concepts of climatology and meteorology.
Topic 2: Earth and Its Atmosphere: Earth as a system; overview of Earth‘s atmosphere; vertical
structure of the atmosphere.
Topic 3: Energy: Warming and Cooling of Earth and the Atmosphere: Energy, temperature, and
heat; heat transfer in the atmosphere; incoming solar energy; radiation, absorption,
emission, and equilibrium; annual and daily energy balances.
Topic 4: Seasonal and Daily Temperatures: The physical controls of temperature; Why earth has
seasons; local seasonal variations; daily temperature variation; the geographic controls
of temperature; air temperature data; air temperature and human comfort; measuring air
Topic 5: Atmospheric Humidity: Circulation of water in the atmosphere; the many phases of
water; evaporation, condensation, and saturation; humidity.
Topic 6: Condensation: Dew, fog, and clouds: - the formation of dew and frost; condensation
nuclei; haze; fog; clouds.
Topic 7: Stability and Cloud Development: Atmospheric stability; determining stability; cloud
Topic 8: Precipitation: Precipitation processes; precipitation types; measuring precipitation.
Topic 9: Air Pressure and Winds: Atmospheric pressure; surface and upper-level charts;
newton's laws of motion and forces; forces that influence the horizontal winds, winds
and vertical air motions.
Topic 10: Winds at Different Scales-Small and Local: Scales of motion; microscale winds
interacting with the environment; local wind systems; large-scale thermal circulations;
determining wind direction and speed.
Topic 11: Wind, Global Systems and Air Fronts: General circulation of the atmosphere; jet
streams; atmosphere-ocean interactions; Air masses; fronts.
Topic 12: Middle-Latitude Cyclones: Polar-front theory; where do middle-latitude cyclones tend
to form? vertical structure of deep dynamic lows; upper-level waves and middle-
latitude cyclones; the necessary ingredients for a developing middlelatitude cyclone;
vorticity, divergence, and developing middle latitude cyclones.
Topic 13: Weather Forecasting: Acquisition of weather information; weather forecasting tools,
weather forecasting methods; weather forecasting using surface charts.
Topic 14: Thunderstorms and Tornadoes: Thunderstorms; tornadoes; tornado formation; severe
weather and doppler radar; waterspouts.
Topic 15: Hurricanes: Tropical Weather; Anatomy of a hurricane; hurricane formation and
dissipation; naming hurricanes and tropical storms; devastating winds, flooding, and
the storm surge; hurricane watches, warnings, and forecasts; modifying hurricanes.
Topic 16: Earth's Changing Climate: Reconstructing past climates; prehistoric climates; climate
during the past 1000 years; temperature trends from measurements; possible causes of
climate change; current and future climate change.
Topic 17: Global Climate: A world with many climates; climatic classification; the global pattern
of climate.
Topic 18: Air Pollution: A brief history of air pollution; types and sources of air pollutants; air
pollution: trends and patterns; factors that affect air pollution; air pollution and the
urban environment; acid deposition.
Topic 19: Light, Color, and Atmospheric Optics: White and colors; white clouds and scattered
light-nonselective scattering; blue skies and hazy days-Rayleigh and Mie scattering;
red suns and blue moons-effects of Rayleigh and Mie scattering; refraction, twinkling,
and twilight; mirage: seeing is not believing; the green flash; halos, sundogs, and sun
pillars; rainbows; coronas, glories.
Topic 20: Basic concepts of climate resilience.
Learning Outcomes:
Atmospheric structure and how atmospheric parameter vary with time and space.
Learn global circulation of wind and temperature and how it contributes on local and
global weather and climate.
How atmospheric observation and measurements is done
Weather and climate of Bangladesh and how it varies over time and space
Able to classify world into climatic region
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Ahrens, C. D., Jacson, P.L., and Jackson, C.E. J. (2012): Meteorology Today: An
Introduction to Weather, Climate, and The Environment, First Edition. Nelson Education.
2. Allaby M. (2007) Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate. Vol I and II. Facts on File Inc.
3. Barry R. G. and Chorley R.J. (1987) Atmosphere, Weather and Climate. Methuen. UK.
4. Byers H.B. (1974) General Meteorology. 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill Co. US.
5. Hartman D.L. (1994) Global Physical Climatology. International Geophysics Series.
Volume 56. PP. 412. Academic Press. US.
6. Hidore J.J. and Oliver J.E. (2009) Climatology: An Atmospheric Science. 3rd Edition.
Prentice Hall. US.
7. Miller A. and Anthes R.A. (1980) Meteorology. C. E. Merrill Publishing Company. US.
8. Rohli R.V. and Vega A.J. (2007) Climatology. Jones and Bartlett Learning. Wall Street.
9. Franklyn W. Gole and Donn. Introduction to Meteorology
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 103 Introduction to Environment and Ecosystem
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Knowledge of environment and ecosystem is important to understand the surrounding nature.
Mechanism of environment and ecosystem will help to study disaster science scientifically.
Studying Environment and Ecosystem involves sustainable development: Renewable energy
sources, Soil conservation, high-efficiency irrigation, organic agriculture, Pollution reduction,
Habitat and species protection, Recycling, Fighting global climate change.
Specific Objectives:
This course will prepare students to understand the principles of geography, four spheres of
the environment, and their interaction with different biogeochemical cycles to gain greater
depth of knowledge on environment. Make them familiarize with earth system and how to
deal with major biogeochemical cycles, hydrologic cycle, atmospheric elements and factors,
ecological components, ecosystem diversity, different kinds of pollution and pollutants etc
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Environment: definition of environment; components of environment: biotic and
abiotic; four spheres of earth: lithosphere/geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
Topic 2: Fundamental of Geography: basic concepts in geography (themes in geography, world
physical and human regions); modes of explanation in geography
Topic 3: Soil Formation: soil forming factors, soil forming process; soil profile characteristics
of different soils; physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils
Topic 4: Ecosystem: definition of ecology and ecosystem; component of ecosystem; food chain
and food web; energy pyramid; trophic level; Autotrophs, Heterotrophs, Herbivores,
Carnivores, Decomposers, etc
Topic 5: Biomes: definition of biomes; types and distribution of biomes (terrestrial, aquatic)
Topic 6: Biodiversity: definition; types (species diversity; genetic diversity; ecosystem
diversity; functional diversity); conservation of biodiversity (in-situ, ex-situ).
Topic 7: Major Biogeochemical Cycles: Laws of thermodynamics, oxygen cycle; carbon cycle;
nitrogen cycle; phosphorus cycle.
Topic 8: Pollution and Pollutants: Definition; types of pollution and pollutants (air, water, soil,
noise, and thermal pollution); point source pollution, non-point source pollution
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
Explain environment and its major components and their interactions.
Understand basic concepts of geography.
Understand soil forming processes and its relation to ecosystem.
Understand different realms and their components with different zones with specific
Explain ecosystem and their components and how it works.
Understand biodiversity and biochemical cycles.
Evaluate various kinds of pollution, its causes and remedy technologies
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on learning is
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Botkin D. B. and Keller E. A. (2000) Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 3rd
Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
2. Enger E. and Smith B. (2008) Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationship.
McGraw Hill. US.
3. Keller E.A. (1985) Environmental Geology. CBS Pub and Distributor. India.
4. Merritts D. et al (1998) Environmental Geology: An Earth System Science Approach. W.
H. Freeman and Company. US.
5. Miller G.T. and Spoolman S. (2012) Environmental Science. 14th Edition. Cengage
Learning. India.
6. Park C. C. (2001) The Environment: Principles and Application. Routledge. US.
7. Pickering K.T. and Owen L.A. (1997) An Introduction to Global Environmental Issues.
Routledge. US.
8. Ruth F. Weiner (2003) Environmental Engineering. Elsevier PublicationBradshaw M.,
White G.W. and Chacko E. (2004) Contemporary World Regional Geography, 2nd
Edition. McGraw Hill. US.
9. Bradshaw M.J. et al. (1978). The Earth‘s Changing Surface. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
10. Brady N.C. and Weil R.C. 2008. The Nature of Properties of Soils. 14th Edition.
Pearson. US
and minima.
Topic 4: Integrals: Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals; techniques of integration; definite
integration using antiderivatives.
Topic 5: Definite integrals a limit of a sum; the fundamental theorem of calculus; integration
by reduction.
Topic 6: Application of Integration: Plane areas; solids of revolution. volumes by cylindrical
shells; volumes by cross-sections. Arc length and surface of revolution.
Topic 7: Applications of calculus in disaster and climate-related problem solving.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
Basic concept of calculus
Able to solve basic differential equations
Use derivatives to analyses and creating graphs for algebraic and transcendental functions
Able to apply integration to determine volumes, areas and averages etc.
Developed skill to solve technical problems using calculus
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Anton H. et al. (1988) Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
2. Bers L. and Karal F. (1976) Calculus. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. US.
3. Lang S. (1998) A First Course in Calculus. 5th Edition. Springer. Netherlands.
4. Swokowski E.W. (1992) Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Wadsworth Publishing Co
Inc. California. US.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 105 Surveying and Mapping Lab
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Mapping and surveying are some of the important lab techniques to reconnaissance field
conditions to design a project. This course introduces surveying methods and techniques. In
the field of disaster risk reduction map can aid in different way in all phases of disaster
management. This course is designed to teach students about theoretical background of
cartography. The student will also learn how to prepare, read, and use maps.
Specific Objectives:
This course enables students to how to carry out different types of survey and mapping
techniques. A prime objective is to learn map-making, map reading and map use. This course
will also familiarize them with various types of survey equipment, their setups, and the
principal of operational procedures.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Definition of Surveying: Type of survey: (geodetic and plane).
Topic 2: Surveying as the Basis of Large-Scale Maps: The framework of topographical maps;
principles of triangulation; types of triangulations.
Topic 3: Methods of Surveying: Chain and tape:- equipment; recording of field data; tie line;
principles and uses; open and closed traverse surveying; measuring against obstacles;
drawing procedures; advantages and disadvantages of chain and tape survey; Plane
table surveying:- equipment, method of preparation; open and closed, traverse
surveying; advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey; Prismatic Compass:-
equipment, data recording and plotting; advantages and disadvantages of the survey;
Total Station Survey: Basics of the machine; setting up the machine; methods of
angle measurement; methods of coordinate measurement; principles of operation.
Topic 4: Maps: Definition, history, basic elements of map, aesthetics of map; map projections.
Topic 5: Scale: Definition, types, and use; construction of scale- linear, comparative and
Topic 6: Map Reading and Interpretations; Map Reproduction-Enlargement and Reduction at
different scales; bearing, azimuth, distance, plotting of location and data.
Topic 7: Map Design and Symbology: Principles of map design; cartographic design;
international color scheme; theory; models and perception; typographic map
Topic 8: Thematic map: Definition and concept; methods of thematic mapping- choropleth,
isopleths, dot, flow, proportional symbol, isothermal and diagrammatic method;
Topic 9: Contour maps construction; study of topographic maps, classification of maps and
their applications (weather maps, geological maps, etc.).
Topic 10: Determination of dip and strike; plotting structural data on a map; construction of
geological cross-sections of representative geological map exercise, interpretation of
SOB topographic maps.
Topic 11: Map reading and cross-section (topographic, geologic, and geomorphic).
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to learn:
Learn theory and basic concept of cartography
Survey with topographical, geologic and geomorphic maps
Understand the framework of Topographical Maps; Principles of Triangulation; Types of
Perform methods of surveying such as traversing, chain and tape, plane table, plotting etc.
Able to perform angle measurement, coordinate measurement and do the cross sections of
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture; Presentation; Hands-on study; online learning, software learning
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Blyth F.G.H. (1965) Geological Maps and their Interpretation. E. Arnold. UK.
2. Keats J.S. (1973) Cartographic Design and Production. Longman. UK.
3. Monkhouse F.J. and Wilkinson H.R. (1971) Maps and Diagrams. 3rd Edition. Methuen.
4. Robinson A.H. (1953) Elements of Cartography. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
5. Shingh R.L. and Dutt P.K. (1979) Elements of Practical Geography. Students‘ Friends.
6. Punmia B.C. Surveying Volume 1. India
7. Punmia B.C. Surveying Volume 2. India
8. Punmia B.C. Higher Surveying Volume 3. India
9. Basak N. N. Surveying and Levelling (1994). Tata McGraw-Hill. India
10. Aziz M.A. A Textbook of Surveying (1982) 3rd Edition, Bangladesh
members evaluate the performance of a student individually and discretely; the average of
which is the number that is awarded to the student and is graded accordingly.
Provided in the individual course contents.
The ability to identify lithology, and structures which are essential to describe different
natural hazards
The geomorphic processes and agents
Different landforms that are controlled by major structural nits
Drainage pattern, Stream types and their relation to the lithology
Plate tectonics and associated hazards
The formation of sedimentary rock and its impact on hazard characteristics
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on learning is
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Plummer C., Carlson D. and Hammersley L. 2014. Physical Geology. 15th Edition.
McGraw Hill. US.
2. Turbuck E.J., Lutgens F. K. and Tasa D.S. (2013). An Introduction to Physical Geology.
13th Edition. Prentice Hall. US.
3. Berry L.G. and Mason B. (1968) Elements of Mineralogy. Greenwood Press. US.
4. Tyrrell G.W. (1952) The Principles of Petrology: An Introduction to the Science of
Rocks. Dutton and Company Inc. New York. Billings M.P. (1972) Structural Geology. 3rd
Edition. Prentice Hall. US.
5. Boggs S. (2012) Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Prentice Hall. US.
6. Pettijohn F.J. (1975) Sedimentary Rocks. Harper and Row. US.
7. Tyrrell G.W. (1952) The Principles of Petrology: An Introduction to the Science of
Rocks. Dutton and Company Inc. New York.
8. Bradshaw M.J. et al. (1978). The Earth‘s Changing Surface. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
9. Brady N.C. and Weil R.C. 2008.The Nature of Properties of Soils. 14th Edition.
10. Leet L.D. et al (1982) Physical Geology. Prentice-Hall. USA.
11. Hugget R.J. (2007) Fundamentals of Geomorphology. Routledge Publication
12. Imam B. (2005) Energy Resources of Bangladesh. University Grants Commission.
Dhaka. Bangladesh
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction to the atmosphere: atmospheric behavior, mechanisms influencing
atmospheric behavior, composition and structure, radiative equilibrium, the global
energy budget, the layers of the atmosphere, variation of pressure with height in the
atmosphere, spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric processes.
Topic 2: Atmospheric thermodynamics: the ideal gas law, atmospheric composition,
hydrostatic balance, entropy and potential temperature, parcel concepts, the available
potential energy, moisture in the atmosphere, the saturated adiabatic lapse rate, the
tephigram, cloud formation.
Topic 3: Atmospheric radiation: basic physical concepts, the radiative-transfer equation, basic
spectroscopy of molecules, transmittance, absorption by atmospheric gases, heating
rates, the greenhouse effect.
Topic 4: Basic fluid dynamics: mass conservation, the material derivative, continuity equation,
the equation of state for the atmosphere, the Navier–Stoke‘s equation, rotating frames
of reference, geostrophic and hydrostatic approximations, pressure coordinates and
geopotential, the thermodynamic energy equation.
Topic 5: Stratospheric chemistry: thermodynamics of chemical reactions, chemical kinetics,
bimolecular reactions, photo-dissociation, stratospheric ozone, the transport of
chemicals, the Antarctic ozone hole.
Topic 6: Properties of atmospheric aerosol: the size distribution function, aerosol chemical
composition, vertical variation.
Topic 7: Atmospheric stability and pollution dispersion: atmospheric diffusion theories, dry
and wet deposition.
Topic 8: Spectral measurements of atmospheric radiation; polarisation effects;
monochromators, detectors and standards; general characterization of
spectroradiometers; measurement errors.
Topic 9: Remedial measures: remedial measures against the pollution of atmospheric
Learning Outcomes:
The student will be able to learn:
Physical processes in the atmosphere
Thermodynamics and fluid dynamics
How to measure atmospheric radiation
Remedial measures
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Holton, J.R. and Hakim, G.J. (2012). Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 5th Edition,
Academic Press.
2. Hess, L.S. (2012). Introduction to Theoretical Meteorology, Wiley Online Library.
3. Roisin, B.C. and Beckers J.M. (2009). Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics,
Academic Press, 2009.
4. Wallace, J.M. and Hobbs, P.V. (2006). Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey
(2nd Ed), An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology, R.B. Stull
5. Seinfeld, J.H. and Pandis, S.N. (2016). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air
Pollution to Climate Change.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 109 Introduction to Hydrology and Water
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Hydrological hazards constitute a large portion of the disasters and often result in massive
damage and loss. To better understand the hazards, it is essential to understand different
components of the water cycle and the processes the drive them. The course focuses on the
fundamentals of surface and subsurface hydrology including terminologies, process,
chemistry and anthropogenic influences. The course also incorporates the water resources of
Bangladesh and the importance of Integrated Water Resource Management to reduce disaster
Specific Objectives:
The course aims at explaining the different components of the water cycle, their behavior and
the processes that govern them. The course offers an in depth understanding of surface
hydrology, that is required to explain, describe, characterize and evaluate floods, storm
surges, waterlogging and other hazards having surface water flow. The course also focuses on
hydrogeology; studying the terminologies, processes, chemistry so as to characterize
subsurface hydrological hazards. The course also incorporates study of the water resources in
Bangladesh, which are often elements that are in risk in terms of different hazards and the
importance of IWRM to ensure sustainable and resilient system.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Hydrosphere, Hydrologic cycle and its components, Weather and hydrology,
Precipitation, Rainfall-runoff relations, Evaporation, Transpiration and Infiltration
Processes and their Measurements;
Topic 2: Hydrograph; Unit Hydrograph; Streamflow type and Velocity; River-Stage and
Topic 3: Hydrologic routing, Statistical methods in hydrology.
Topic 4: River Pattern and Morphological processes, Behaviour of alluvial rivers, River
training and bank protection works, Sediment movement in river channels, bed forms
and flow regimes.
Topic 5: Coast and coastal features, coastal zone processes
Topic 6: Groundwater; Origin, Occurrence and distribution of Groundwater; Rock and
sediments properties affecting Groundwater (physical and hydraulic properties);
Geologic Formations as Aquifers; Groundwater Movement-- Darcy‘s Law; Types of
Aquifers and Aquifers vulnerability; Isotope Hydrology; Groundwater contamination
and Pollution; Saline water intrusion in aquifers;
Topic 7: Groundwater and Surface water Resources of Bangladesh: IWRM approach.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
The hydrologic cycle, their components and the process that govern the movement of
Surface hydrology; its terminologies, assessment of different parameters
Hydrogeology; concept, types of aquifers and their properties, groundwater movements
and their characteristics
Chemistry of water; water pollution
To understand different hydrological hazards
Water resource evaluation in term of both source and exposed elements for disaster
IWRM and its impact on reducing disaster risk
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Chow V.T. (1964) Handbook of Applied Hydrology. McGraw Hill. US.
2. P. Jaya Rami Reddy. (2011) A Text Book of Hydrology. Laxmi Publications (pvt) Ltd,
New Delhi, India.
3. K. Subramanya. (2014) Engineering Hydrology. McGraw Hill. US.
4. Kazmann R.G. (1972) Modern Hydrology. Joana Cotler Books. New York. US.
5. Matthess G. (1982) The Properties of Groundwater. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
6. Raghunath H.M. (1990) Groundwater Hydrology. Wiley Eastern Ltd. India.
7. Todd D.K. (1980) Groundwater Hydrology. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
8. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (1982) Ground Water Survey: The
Hydrogeological Conditions of Bangladesh. UNDP Technical Report. US.
9. Ward and Robinson (1975) Principals of Hydrology, Mcgraw Hill Publication
10. CEM: Coastal Engineering Manual. Contributor, United States. Army. Corps of
Engineers. Publisher, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2002.
where students will focus on different thematic areas of disasters governance and society,
using case study disasters and climate resilience from Bangladesh and all around the world.
Specific Objectives:
This course, Society and Disasters tends to provide students with critical perspectives to
examine this natural disasters/society interface, to focus on natural and manmade disasters
being better understood as social disasters with natural triggers, to develop an understanding
how forms of social vulnerability to hazards emerge and shape subsequent situation of
climate resilience, and to examine how disasters and climate change are disrupting events that
can critically jolt and shape future social, economic and political outcomes in the context of
governance and politics.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Evolution of Human Society, Civilization and Disaster, Agricultural Revolution,
Industrial Revolution.
Topic 2: Social Sciences Issues of Disaster: Social Structure, Institution, Change, Problems,
Control, Legislation, Stratification etc.; Unequal Distribution of Resources and
Opportunities, Role and Status Conflict; Gender and Social Disparity.
Topic 3: Social Philosophy of Disaster Management: Human Rights and Social Justice
Perspectives as Indicated in different National and International Conventions; The
Constitution of Bangladesh; NGO, Civil Society and Corporate Social Responsibilities.
Ethical Considerations in Disaster.
Topic 4: Social Protection for Community Resilience: Resource Mobilization and Resilience,
Social Security and Safety Net Programs (Case Study: Bangladesh and Southeast
Asia), Interventions of Family, Neighbors, Kin, Community and Religion. Local
Government, Voluntarism.
Topic 5: Role of Media in Disaster.
Topic 6: Bangladesh Studies: Evolution of Bangladeshi Society, Natural and Human Resources
of Bangladesh, Government and Politics, Settlements (Urban and Rural).
Topic 7: Community Responses to Disaster: Disaster Recovery and Community Change, Victim
and Non-Victim Responses to Disaster.
Topic 8: Disaster Mythology and Sources of Disaster Myths in Society (Bangladesh
Topic 9: Socio-Political context of Disasters: Understanding Vulnerability and Risk from a
Social and Political Perspective: Developed and Developing Nations; Poverty. Key
Stakeholders, Interests and Activities. Climate Change and Urbanization,
Understanding Vulnerable Groups from a Social and Political Perspective: Discussion
of Age, Gender, Social Capital and Ethnicity.
Topic 10: Framing Disasters and Resilience from a Social and Political Perspective.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will be able to:
● Understand and critically evaluate the natural disasters/society interface.
● Analyze the key concepts and terminology commonly used in climate resilience.
● Explain the main principles and values of the social philosophy of disaster management.
● Explore and critically evaluate the demographic issues and how it works, especially in
disasters/society context.
● Be familiar with and critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of the policy makers.
● Use the Psycho-Social Interventions of disasters in their work.
● Apply the needs of proper disaster management from different societal perspectives.
● Explore and critically evaluate different approaches, in order to apply ‗best practice‘ in
terms of possible response/s to climate resilience.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Anthony G. (2013) Sociology, Polity Press, UK
2. Bankoff G. (2004) Cultures of Disaster: Society and Natural Hazard in the Philippines.
Routledge. US.
3. Barker R.L. (2008) The Social Work Dictionary. NASW Press. US.
4. Engels F. (2000) The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
5. Kottak (2014) Introductory Anthropology
6. Moran E.F. (2010) Environmental Social Science: Human Environment Interactions and
Sustainability. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
7. Sapir D.G. and Santos I. (2013) The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters. Oxford
University Press. UK.
8. Shafie H. (2009) Endowed Wisdom: Knowledge of Nature and Coping with Disaster in
Bangladesh. CDMP. Dhaka.
9. Fischer, Henry W., III. 1998. Response to Disaster: Fact Versus Fiction and It‘s
Perpetuation. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, Inc.
10. Oliver-Smith, Anthony. 1999. The Angry Earth: Disaster in Anthropological Perspective
edited by Anthony Oliver-Smith and Susanna M. Hoffman. New York: Routledge.
Topic 2: System of Linear Equations: System of linear equations (homogeneous and non-
homogeneous) and their solutions, application of matrices and determinants for
solving system of linear equations, Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan eliminations,
applications of linear systems: Network analysis (traffic flow), electrical circuits.
Topic 3: Vector Spaces: Real vector space, subspace, sum and direct sum of subspaces, linear
independence and dependence, basis, dimension, solution space and null space, row
space, column space, and null space, rank, and nullity.
Topic 4: Linear Transformations: Linear transformation from Rn to Rm, properties of linear
transformations, matrix representation of linear transformations.
Topic 5: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Definition of eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
diagonalization. Cayley- Hamilton theorem, applications of Eigenvalues and
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Solve systems of linear equations using multiple methods, including Gaussian elimination
and matrix inversion.
Carry out matrix operations, including inverses and determinants.
Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of vector space and subspace.
Demonstrate understanding of linear independence, span, and basis.
Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors and solve eigenvalue problems.
Apply principles of matrix algebra to linear transformations.
Demonstrate understanding of inner products and associated norms.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Anton H. and Rorres C. (2000) Linear Algebra with Applications. 8th Edition. Wiley-
Blackwell. US.
2. G. and Strang, G. (1993) Introduction to linear algebra (Vol. 3). Wellesley, MA:
Wellesley-Cambridge Press.
3. Greub W.H. (1967) Linear Algebra. Springer. Netherlands.
4. Singh, K. (2013) Linear algebra: step by step. OUP Oxford.
5. Ron Larson (2015), Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th Edition, CENGAGE Learning.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 112 Basic Statistics and Probability
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course will begin with an overview of data types and descriptive Statistics. There will be
extensive coverage of probability topics along with an introduction to discrete and continuous
probability distributions. The course also includes some discussion on linear regression and
estimation using confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
Specific Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide an understanding for the undergraduate student on
statistical concepts to include measurements of location and dispersion, probability,
probability distributions, sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation
analysis, multiple regression and forecasting.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Statistics – definition and scope: definitions of statistics - past and present, its nature
and characteristics, population and sample, descriptive and inferential statistics, scope
and applications of statistics, abuse of statistics, sources of statistical data, primary
and secondary sources.
Topic 2: Processing of Data: measurement scales, variables, attributes, tabulation, frequency
distribution, graphical presentation of data, details of different types of graphs and
charts with their relative merits and demerits, stem-and-leaf plot.
Topic 3: Characteristics of Statistical Data: measures of location, central tendency and their
types, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis and their properties, moments, box-and-
whiskers plots.
Topic 4: Basic Concepts of Probability: different approaches of defining probability –
classical, axiomatic, empirical and subjective, laws and theorems of probability,
conditional probability, Bayes‘ theorem and its uses and importance in statistics.
Topic 5: Random Variable and its Probability Distribution: discrete and continuous random
variables, probability mass function, probability density function, distribution
function, function of random variable and its distribution, joint distribution,
marginal and conditional distributions, independence of random variables, detailed
study of binomial, Poisson and normal distribution.
Topic 6: Correlation and Regression Analysis: bivariate data scatter diagram, simple
correlation, Pearson‘s correlation coefficient, basic concept of regression, regression
model, estimation of parameters (OLS method) in regression model.
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this course the student will learn to perform the following:
How to calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion -- grouped
and ungrouped data cases.
How to apply discrete and continuous probability distributions to various business
Perform Test of Hypothesis as well as calculate confidence interval for a population
parameter for single sample and two sample cases. Understand the concept of p-values.
Learn non-parametric test such as the Chi-Square test for Independence as well as
Goodness of Fit.
Compute and interpret the results of Bivariate and Multivariate Regression and
Correlation Analysis.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, assignments and presentations.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Islam M.N. 2010. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability. Book World.
2. Davis C.J (2002) Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, Wiley and Sons
3. Newbold P., Carlson W. and Thorne B. (2012) Statistics for Business and Economics.
8th Edition. Prentice-Hall. US.
4. Ross S.M. (2008) A First Course in Probability. 8th Edition. Pearson. US.
5. Roy M.K. (2004) Fundamentals of Probability and Probability Distribution. Romax
Publications. Bangladesh
6. Roy M.K. and Paul J.C. (2012). Business Statistics. First Edition. Dhaka
3. Pettijohn F.J. (1983) Sedimentary Rocks. 3rd Edition. Harpercollins. UK.
4. Read H.H. (1962) Rutley‘s Elements of Mineralogy. Thomas Murby and Co. UK.
5. Tyrrell G.W. (1973). The Principles of Petrology. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
Creation of a geological map using the collected data
Identification of different geomorphic features
Application of the social surveying tools
Identification of hazards from the field observations
Interpretation of the field data
Integration of different field components; creation of a comprehensive report
Instructional Strategies:
The theoretical part of the courses conducted in two parts: firstly through presentations just
before the fieldwork and secondly during the fieldwork through lectures, Question asking,
discussions. The teaching method for theory part of the course is lectures, exercises,
assignments, and presentations. The faculty members will provide the materials. For the
fieldwork, the students are divided into groups in order to develop team rapport. However,
students are to document the data and prepare the report individually. Students are to collect
the data at different stations through observation and field equipment. Field subcomponents
are conducted simultaneously for each station within the study area. A base map, provided by
the department, is to be used to create a geological map. Each student is to submit a
comprehensive report after the completion of the fieldwork.
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Black J.A. and Champion D.J. (1976) Methods and Issues in Social Research. Wiley-
Blackwell. US.
2. Compton R.R. (1962) Manual of Field Geology. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
3. Low J.W. (1957) Geological Field Methods. Harper. US.
4. May T. and Williams M. (1996) An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Research.
UCL Press. UK.
5. Moser C.A. and Kalton G. (1971) Survey Methods in Social Investigation. 2nd Edition.
Heinemann Educational. UK.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Solutions: Order and degree of an ordinary
differential equation, classification of differential equations, solutions of differential
equations, formation of differential equations, Initial value problems, Boundary value
problems (definitions and examples), Basic existence and uniqueness theorems
(statement and illustration).
Topic 2: Solution of First Order Equations: Separable equations, homogenous equations, exact
differential equations, linear and Bernoulli equations, Special integrating factors,
Substitutions and transformations, modeling with 1st order differential equations
Topic 3: Solution of Higher Order Linear Differential Equations: Basic theory of linear
differential equations, reduction of order, homogeneous linear equations with constant
coefficients, Non homogeneous equations (method of undetermined coefficients,
variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler differential equations).
Topic 4: Systems of Linear Differential Equations: Homogeneous and non-homogeneous
systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will know how to create and analyze mathematical models
using first order and higher order differential equations.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Zill D.G. (2009) A First Course in Differential Equations with Applications. 9th Edition.
Cengage Learning. India.
2. Bronson, R., and Costa, G. B. (2014). Schaum's outline of differential equations. McGraw-
Hill Education.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 202 Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards
Credit and Credit Hours: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Among the different types of disaster, the geological and hydro-meteorological hazards are
the most commonly occurring as well as most devastating in terms of damage and loss.
Climate change has further deteriorated the situation causing an increase in the amplitude for
the hazards. The course has been designed to better understand the basic characteristics of
these hazards; frequency, magnitude and intensity variability, types, spatial and temporal
distribution, impacts etc. After the completion of the course, the student will be able to
identify; characterize and analyze these hazards. The assessment of hazard is an essential
component for risk assessment, and consequent sustainable disaster risk reduction measures.
Hence, the course addresses different aspects of the earthquake, landslide, subsidence, flood,
tsunami, erosion etc. Due to the geographic location, tectonic settings the above-mentioned
hazards pose serious threat; this course briefly incorporates the present status of these hazards
in different parts of Bangladesh.
Specific Objectives:
A student is expected to learn the basics of specific geological and hydrometeorological
hazard, hazard characterization and profiling, process, procedures and assumptions used for
hazard analysis. Understanding, analyzing, evaluating and creating connects between the
hazards in terms of magnitude, intensity and frequency shall allow a student to better
understand the disaster risk framework.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction to Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards.
Topic 2: Earthquakes: concept, causes, characteristics, relation to geology, types and effects of
Topic 3: Volcanoes: concept, origin, types of volcano, volcanic eruption types and products,
different volcanic hazards
Topic 4: Tsunami: concept, tsunami generation, characteristics, Seiches, coastal effects and
Topic 5: Landslide, Avalanche: causes, mechanism, classification, measurement and effects
Topic 6: Land subsidence and sinkholes
Topic 7: Flood: definition, hazard characteristics, causes, types, mitigation measures (structural
and non-structural), Flood Action Plan (FAP)
Topic 8: Riverbank erosion: causes and effects, mechanism, types and relation to lithology,
mitigation measures, early warning
Topic 9: Coastal erosion and storm surge: coastal geomorphic features, beach erosion and
replenishment, storm surge characteristics
Topic 10: Salinity intrusion: cause, mechanism, mitigation measures
Topic 11: Arsenic contamination: concept, mechanism, mitigation measures
Topic 12: Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards in Bangladesh
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course students will be able to:
Understand basics of specific geological and hydrometeorological hazard,
Types, mechanism, temporal and spatial variability of these hazards
hazard characterization and profiling, process, procedures and assumptions used for
hazard analysis.
Understanding, analyzing, evaluating and creating connects between the hazards in terms
of magnitude, intensity and frequency in order to better understand the disaster risk
Correlation between hazards and tectonics, petrology and other branches of earth
Present context of the hazards in Bangladesh
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on learning is
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Hyndman D. and Hyndman D. 2010. Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd Edition. Cengage
Learning. India.
2. Bell F.G. (1999) Geological Hazards. CRC Press. US.
3. Bird E. (2008) Coastal Geomorphology. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
4. Kusky T.M. (2005) Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences. Infobase Publishing. New York. US.
5. Lutgens F.K. and Tarbuck E.J. (2013) Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology. 11th
Edition. Pearson. USA.
6. Plummer C., Carlson D. and Hammersley L. (2014) Physical Geology. 15th Edition.
McGraw Hill. US.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 203 Climatic Hazards and Climate Change
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
In the course ―Basics of Climatology and Meteorology‖ students get the basic ideas about
atmospheric processes that determine weather and climate. In this course student will use
their knowledge from ―Basics of Climatology and Meteorology‖ to learn the causes,
description, distribution of different climatic/hazards elaborately. Student will also learn
climate change: causes, evidences, impact, response as well as global political issues
regarding climate change.
Specific Objectives: To learn atmospheric extremes and climate change issues.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Climatic and Meteorological Hazards: origin, life cycle, types, effects and
measurement: extreme temperature, drought, fog, polar vortex, wildfire (forest fire
and land fire), tropical cyclone, extra-tropical cyclone, local severe storms:
thunderstorms, nor‘westers, tornadoes.
Topic 2: Climatic and Meteorological Data Source (National and International): Bangladesh
Meteorological Department (BMD) and Bangladesh Space Research and Remote
Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), WMO, etc.
Topic 3: Introduction to climate change: definition, scope, multidisciplinary approaches
Topic 4: Science of Climate Change: milankovitch cycle, natural and anthropogenic factors,
greenhouse gases (GHG) and greenhouse effects
Topic 5: Evidence of climate change: past (proxy data), present (human perception, marker
species, instrumental data), future (climate modeling)
Topic 6: Global Atmospheric and oceanic circulation: general circulation model, El-Nino and
La-Nina and climate change
Topic 7: Impact of Climate Change: sector issues in regional and international context
(agriculture, energy budget, society and culture, indigenous people, disease, extreme
events and climatic hazards, sea-level change, climatic induced international
migration etc)
Topic 8: Response to climate change: adaptation and mitigation measures, loss and damage
issue in global climate change dialogue, climate change and green recovery
Topic 9: National, Regional and International Response to Climate Change: International
Treaties, Protocols, IPCC, and UNFCCC (COP: historical development, success and
Topic 10: Climate Change and Climate Politics: grouping among countries (Annex I, Annex II,
Non- Annex, OECD, EIT, AOSIS, LDC, etc), Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM), carbon trading, national and individuals interest, climate ethics and justice
Topic 11: Climate Change in the Context of Bangladesh: Climate Change and Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Climate Change Strategic and Action plan, National Adaptation Program
of Action (NAPA), Climate Fund Use and Misuse : National and International
(BCCTF: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund, BCCRF: Bangladesh Climate
Change Resilient Fund)
Learning Outcomes:
What are the atmospheric extremes
Causes, structure, distribution of the atmospheric extremes
Causes, evidences, impact, response as well as global political issues regarding climate
Causes, structure, distribution of the atmospheric extremes and climate change issues of
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving, and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Asian Development Bank (ADB) (1994) Climate Change in Asia: Bangladesh Country
Report. Manila. Philippines.
2. Bankoff G., Frerks G.and Hilhorst D. (2004) Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters,
Development, and People. Earthscan. UK.
3. Barrie Pittock (2009) Climate Change: the science, impacts and solutions, CSIRO
4. Cook, K.H. (2013) Climate Dynamics. Princeton University Press.
5. Donner L., Schubert W.andSomerville R. 2011. The Development of Atmospheric
General Circulation Models: Complexity, Synthesis and Computation. Cambridge
University Press. UK.
6. Erda L., Bolhofer W.C., et al. (1996) Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in
Asia and the Pacific. Springer. Netherlands.
7. Farmer G.T. and Cook J. (2013). Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis.
Springer. Netherlands.
8. Hyndman D. and Hyndman D. (2010). Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd Edition.
Cengage Learning. India.
9. Knight C.G. and Jäger J. 2009. Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate
Change. Cambridge University Press. UK.
10. O‘Neil B.C. et al (2001) Population and Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
11. Pittock A. 2009. Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solution. 2nd Edition.
Routledge. US.
12. Savindra Singh (2005). Climatology. Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad, India
13. Willium James Burroughs (2007) Climate Change-A Multi-disciplinary Approach,
Cambridge University Press
Assess industrial safety and potential risk, terrorist activity and their causes including geo
politics, socio economic, cultural influences.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Carson P. and Mumford C. (1994) Hazardous Chemicals Handbook. Butterworth-
Heinemann. Oxford. UK.
2. Davamani V. (2012) Technologies for Sustainable Green Environment. NIPA. India.
3. Dickenson et al (1999) Fire Service Emergency Care, Prentice Hall
4. Kevin Cassedy (1953) Fire Safety and Loss prevention, BH Publication
5. Jeremy Stranks (2012) Health and Safety at Work, Kogan Page
6. Macaulay T. (2008) Critical Infrastructure: Understanding its Component Parts,
Vulnerabilities, Operating Risks, and Interdependencies. CRC Press. US.
7. Paul B.K. (2011) Environmental Hazards and Disasters. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
8. Schlager N. (1995) Breakdown: Deadly Technological Disasters. McGraw-Hill. US.
9. Shah V. (2009) Emerging Environmental Technologies. Springer. Netherlands.
10. King, R. W., and Magid, J. (2013). Industrial Hazard and Safety Handbook: (Revised
Impression). Elsevier.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 205 Climate Resilience and Public Health
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
This course encompasses climate resilience and public health. Identification, personal
protective equipment, symptoms of exposure and abatement of biological hazards are covered
in great detail in this course. This course is intended to familiarize students with a wide range
of biological hazards that may be encountered in community- and work environments,
including commercial, nonindustrial, industrial and health care settings. Also, this course is
designed to provide an overview of public health and from the perspective of climate
resilience covering topics such as the legal basis and history of public health, public health
structure, communications and interactions, and epidemiology. Emphasis will be placed on
the role of the public health core functions, its role in policy development, infectious disease,
climate resilience issues, emergency preparedness, global issues, and public health research.
Specific Objectives:
This course, Climate Resilience and Public Health tends to provide the basic concepts, types
and causes behind biological hazards; to apply the concepts of bio/medical-safety and risk
assessment to analyze some practical problems of human epidemics in the context of climate
change; to select relevant knowledge elements obtain solutions for some common problems
towards control and monitor of public health, which is relevant in climate resilience; and to
demonstrate reflective practice in the areas of public health.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Biological hazards and its impact on climate and health.
Topic 2: Public health and climate change.
Topic 3: Epidemiology and climate resilience.
Topic 4: Environmental epidemiology and impact of climate change on health.
Topic 5: Public health and its role in disaster management: an integrated approach (COVID-
19 situation as case study).
Topic 6: Epidemiological approach of public health.
Topic 7: Psychosocial needs and stress management in mass emergency and disaster
Topic 8: Management of water-borne and vector-borne diseases.
Topic 9: Health policy and management: public health surveillance, public health
Topic 10: Child-Centered health adaptation for climate resilience.
Topic 11: One World, One Health Approach: concept, components and its importance
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will be able to:
Outline the biological agent risk groups.
Identify ways in which community people are exposed to biological agents leading to
epidemics in different environments.
Recognize the types of health effects of climate change.
Describe how to carry out risk assessment in the public health and climate resilience
Analyze the measures used to safeguard public health practices during emergencies in
large populations.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Aschengrau, A., and Seage, G. (2018). Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health.
Jones and Bartlett Learning.
2. Fallon, L., Fleming, J. F., and Zgodzinski, E. (2012). Essentials of Public Health
Management. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
3. Filho, W. L., Azeiteiro, U., and Alves, F. (2016). Climate Change and Health. Springer
International Publishing.
4. Levy, B., and Patz, J. (2015). Climate Change and Public Health. Oxford University
5. Noji E.K. (1996) The Public Health Consequences of Disasters. Oxford University press.
6. Schneider, M. J. (2020). Introduction to Public Health. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
7. Seabert, D., McKenzie, J., and Pinger, R. (2021). McKenzie's An Introduction to
Community and Public Health. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
8. Somerville, M., Kumaran, K., and Anderson, R. (2016). Public Health and Epidemiology
at a Glance. Wiley-Blackwell.
Building Code.
2. Chan A.P.C. and Cheung E. 2014. Public Private Partnership in International
Construction. Taylor and Francis Group. US.
3. Douglas J. and Ransom B. 2013. Understanding Building Failures. 4th Edition. Taylor
and Francis. US.
4. Johnston S.A., Nicholas S.S. and Parzeen J. 2013. The Guide to Greening Cities. 2nd
Edition. Island Press. US.
5. Punmia B.C., Jain A.K. andJain A.K. 2005. Comprehensives Basic Civil
Engineering. Laxmi Publications. India.
6. Tymkow P., et al. 2013. Building Services Design for Energy Efficient Buildings.
Routledge. UK.
7. Dowrick D.J. 2009. Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk reduction. 2nd Edition.
Wiley- Blackwell. US.
1. Harvard Shielt (1997) Teach Yourself C, Mcgraw Hill
2. Martin H. Trauth (2015) Matlab Recipe for Earth Sciences, Springer
3. The MathWorks, MathLab Simulink Student version manual (2020) - MathLab online
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. WHO (2011). Guidelines for drinking-water quality. WHO chronicle, 38(4), 104-108.
2. Vesilind, P. A., and DiStefano, T. D. (2006). Controlling environmental pollution: An
introduction to the technologies, history and ethics. DEStech Publications, Inc.
3. Peirce, J. J., Vesilind, P. A., and Weiner, R. (1998). Environmental pollution and control.
4. Rao, C. S. (2007). Environmental pollution control engineering. New Age International.
5. Alloway, B., and Ayres, D. C. (1997). Chemical principles of environmental pollution.
CRC press.
6. Harrison, R. M. (Ed.). (2012). Handbook of air pollution analysis. Springer Science and
Business Media.
7. Li, Y., and Migliaccio, K. (Eds.). (2010). Water quality concepts, sampling, and
analyses. CRC Press.
Topic 9: Seismic Sensors: Seismometers, accelerometers; sensor calibration; seismic networks
and data formats
Topic 10: Geodesy: Basic concepts of geodesy, scope of geodesy, GPS: DGPS/cGPS; InSAR;
GPS constellation and signals; satellite clocks and time, error sources, geodetic
coordinate system, integration of datasets: seismology and geodesy
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to understand:
● Seismicity and wave propagation
● Earthquake characteristics
● Earthquake mechanism
● Earthquake measurement and prediction
● Geodesy and the integration of geodesy and seismology
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Kramer S.L. (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice Hall.UK.
2. Stein, S. and Wysession, M. (2009) An introduction to seismology, earthquakes, and earth
structure. John Wiley and Sons.
3. Lee W.H.K. and et al. (2002) International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering
Seismology. Academic Press. UK.
4. Leon Reitter (1991) Earthquake Hazard Analysis: Issues and Insights. Columbia
University Press, New York
5. Müller J.and Torge W. (2012) Geodesy. De Gruyter. Germany.
6. P. Borman (2002) New Manual on Seismological Observatory Practice. A GFZ
7. Seth Stein and Michael Wyssession (2012) An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes
and Earth Structures. Blackwell Publication
8. Smith J.R. (1997) Introduction to Geodesy: The History and Concepts of Modern
Geodesy. Petersfield. UK.
9. Yeats R.S., Sieh K. and Allen C.R. (1996) The Geology of Earthquakes.Oxford
University Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 210 Numerical Analysis and Sampling
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course: This course will introduce students to a wide range of statistical
sampling techniques that are used to make inferences about a population. The part on
numerical analysis will present a broad range of numerical methods for solving mathematical
problems that arise in Science and Engineering.
Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of this course are twofold. Firstly it is to provide
a deep understanding on how to implement sampling designs that are more complex than a
simple random sample. And secondly, it also aims to provide a basic understanding of the
derivation, analysis, and use of these numerical methods, along with a rudimentary
understanding of finite precision arithmetic and the conditioning and stability of the various
problems and methods.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction: Basic concepts of sampling, sampling frame, sample versus census,
requirements of a good sample, selection bias, measurement bias, sampling and non-
sampling errors, probability and non-probability samples, types of probability
Topic 2: Simple Random Sampling: Simple random sampling, estimates of population
characteristics and their standard errors, confidence intervals, sampling for
proportions, sample size estimation for means and proportions.
Topic 3: Systematic sampling: estimating population characteristics, systematic sampling in
some special populations.
Stratified Sampling: Definition and basic ideas, theory of stratified sampling,
allocating observations to strata, defining strata.
Cluster sampling with equal probabilities: Notation for cluster sampling, one-stage
cluster sampling, two-stage cluster sampling, designing a cluster sample.
Topic 4: Concept of Numerical Mathematics: Difference table, finite difference operators,
interpolation and extrapolation.
Topic 5: Interpolation and inverse interpolation: uses of Newton's forward and backward
interpolation formula; Lagrange's formula, subdivision of intervals, divided
Numerical integration: Simpson's rule, Weddle's rule, trapezoidal rule, Gauss's
quadratic formulae.
Topic 6: Solution of transcendental equations: method of interpolation or of false position,
Newton-Raphson method, method of iteration.
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this course the student will learn to perform the following:
● Students will learn when to use and how to implement sampling designs that are more
complex than a simple random sample.
● They will also understand why the sampling design used to collect data determines how
we choose to graph the data, estimate certain parameters, and quantify the uncertainty in
these estimates with a margin of error. .
● Students will be able to choose, develop and apply the appropriate numerical techniques
for their problem, interpret the results, and assess accuracy.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, assignments and presentations.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
Texts (Sampling Techniques)
1. Cochran W.G. (1977) Sampling Techniques. 3rd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.US.
2. IslamM.N.(2008)AnIntroductiontoSamplingMethods.BookWorlds.Bangladesh.
3. Levy P.S. and Lemeshow S. (2008) Sampling of Populations: Methods and
Applications.4thEdition. Wiley-Blackwell.US.
4. Singh D. and Chaudhury F.S. (1987) Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey design.
Wiley- Blackwell.US.
Texts (Numerical Analysis)
1. Scarborough J.B. (1955) Numerical Mathematical Analysis. Johns Hopkins
2. Mallick S.A. and Uddin M. A. (2007) Numerical Mathematics.
3. Hildebrand F.B. (1987) Introduction to Numerical Analysis. Dover
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 211 Bangladesh Studies and Climate Resilience
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course: The course will look into the topics related to the history of
Bangladesh and the evolution of the disaster management practices throughout the history.
There will be comparative discussions between the approaches of colonial, post colonial and
post liberation periods. It will also shed light on the administrative structure and working
modalities of the government of Bangladesh.
Specific Objectives: This course has been designed to help the students in obtaining a
comprehensive idea about the history, culture and heritage of Bangladesh. It will introduce
students to the economy, society, politics, diplomacy and foreign policy of Bangladesh.
Students will learn about the challenges and potentials of Bangladesh in shaping its peaceful
and sustainable future. It will also assist the students in assessing roles and contribution of
Bangladesh in the regional and international bodies which are dedicated to achieve
sustainable development.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: History of disaster management in different periods: Early Bengal (AD 600–c.1538),
The Mughal Empire (c.1550–1764), Bengal under British rule (1764–1911), The
heritage, language and culture of Bangladesh.
Topic 2: Evolution of Disaster Management in post colonial period Bangladesh: Post Colonial
Nationalist Resistance: Pakistan Period and the Growth of Nationalism, Relation of
Disaster Management with historical evolution of Bangladesh (from specific focus on
1970s Cyclone).
Topic 3: Emergence of Bangladesh: Liberation War of 1971, Political changes in Bangladesh
since 1975; the role of Bangladesh in world affairs; political development and
democratic transitions in the country, evolution of disaster management approaches
during the period.
Topic 4: Constitution of Bangladesh: Draft, Basic Features and Amendments, aspects of
disaster management in the constitution, guidelines of the constitution for the national
development and resilience
Topic 5: Public Administration in Bangladesh Structure and function of the Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary in Bangladesh. History of the Disaster Management
Ministry and Interlinked Responsibilities of Line Ministries: Flow Diagram of
Disaster Management History, Disaster Management Act and Bureau, Linked
Responsibilities of 19 Line Ministries regarding DRR ,Details of SOD. Detailed
Discussion on Cyclone Preparedness Programme of Bangladesh: Focused on its
Topic 6: Development planning in Bangladesh: Disaster Management Approach in 5th and 6th
Five Years Plan of Bangladesh, Details of Comprehensive Disaster Management
Programme (CDMP) I and II.
Topic 7: Components of Flood Action Plan (FAP) in Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● The social system and cultural heritage of Bangladesh.
● The evolution of disaster management practices in the country.
● The challenges of colonial, postcolonial and post liberation period for disaster
● The administrative structure and working modalities of government.
● The development planning system for disaster management in Bangladesh.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands-on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Ahmad Q.K. (1994) Bangladesh: Past two Decades and the Current Decade. Dhaka:
Bangladesh unnayan parishad. Bangladesh.
2. Badrul Imam (2003) Energy Resources of Bangladesh, a UGC Publication
3. Baquee A. (1998) Peopling in the Land of Allah Jaane: Power, Peopling and Environment:
The Case of Char-lands of Bangladesh. University Press Limited. Dhaka.
4. Brammer H. (1997) Agricultural Development Possibilities in Bangladesh. University
Press Limited. Dhaka.
5. Brammer H. (2000) Agroecological Aspects of Agricultural Research in Bangladesh.
University Press Limited. Dhaka.
6. Brammer H. (2002) Land Use and Land Use Planning in Bangladesh. University Press
Limited. Dhaka.
7. Choudhury G. W. (1993) The Last Days of United Pakistan. University Press Limited.
8. Faaland J. and Parkinson J.R. (1976) Bangladesh: The Test Case for Development.
University Press Limited. Dhaka.
9. Gritzner C.F. Bangladesh: Modern World Nations. Chelsea House Publishers.US.
10. Novak J.J. (1993) Bangladesh: Reflection on the Water. University Press Limited.
Dhaka.Rasheed K.B.S. (2008) Bangladesh: Resource and Environmental Profile. A. H.
Development Publishing House. Dhaka
1. Understanding the principles of remote sensing
2. Learning the typology of remote sensing
3. Mechanism and processing of data
4. Application of remote sensing in disaster management
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction; Scope; Concepts and Principles of Remote Sensing; Air- and Space-
Topic 2: Electromagnetic Radiation and Its Interaction with Atmosphere and Earth Surface
Topic 3: Sensors, Sensor Types and Sensor Characteristics
Topic 4: Pre-processing: Visualization and Radiometric Operation; Image Enhancement,
Correction Data for Imperfection of Sensor, Atmospheric Correction
Topic 5: Visual Image Interpretation; Digital Image Classification
Topic 6: Rectification and Terrain Analysis; Georeferencing, Geocoding , DEM and DSCR
Topic 7: Remote sensing application in Disaster Science Climate Resilience
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to understand:
● The principles of remote sensing and different types
● Sensor mechanism and their variations
● The preprocessing, processing and post processing of the data
● Interpretation of the analysis
● Different applications in disaster management
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture; Presentation; Hands-on study; online learning, software learning
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Lillesand T.M., Kiefer R.W. and Chipman J.W. (2004) Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation. 5th edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
2. ITC (2010) A Core Book Of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation: A System
based Approach.
3. Rashed T. and Jurgens C. (2010) Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban Areas.
Springer. Netherlands.
4. Weng Q. (2009) Remote Sensing GIS Integration: Theories, Methods and Applications.
McGraw Hill. US.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 213 Geographic Information System and Database
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course is for introducing the students with the state-of-the-art technology and tools
called Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for spatial planning. GIS is a system for
geospatial data capturing, editing, manipulating, storing, analyzing and presentation. GIS
plays a major role in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change studies by
answering the five questions – 1. Location what is at..? 2. Situation/Condition where does it
exist? 3. Trends what has changed since...? 4. Patterns what spatial patterns exist? 5.
Modeling What if...?
Specific Objectives:
This course assists students to learn about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) basic and
its application in the field of Disaster Management and Climate Resilience studies. This
course also gives an introductory idea of spatial and non-spatial database concept.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction to GIS: Development of GIS, Scope
Topic 2: Data and Information: Data Type, Typology: Spatial Relationship
Topic 3: Map Projection and Coordinate System: Reference Surface for Mapping, Map
Projections, Coordinate Transformations
Topic 4: Data Entry and Preparation: Data Acquisition, Digitizing from Existing Documents,
Data Preparation, Map Standards and Design
Topic 5: Data Quality: Accuracy Precision
Topic 6: Introduction to Database Management and Database Management Systems
Topic 7: Data types, Tables, Relational Data Model
Topic 8: Query with SQL: Data fetching, inserting and manipulating
Topic 9: Entity relationship diagrams: Data models and problem solving
Topic 10: Schema conversion and Normalisation
Topic 11: Network and Network Analysis
Topic 12: Vector Analysis: Overlay: Intersect, Clip Overwrite; Neighborhood Operation: Buffer
and Thiessen Polygon
Topic 13: Raster Analysis: Measurement: Location, Distance, Area Size, Classification,
Overlay: Arithmetic Operation, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators,
Conditional Expressions, Decision Tables
Topic 14: Applied Perception, Visualization, Presentation, WebGIS
Topic 15: Application of GIS in Disaster Management
Learning Outcomes:
● Understand Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geospatial Data, Projection,
● Work with commercial and open source GIS software.
● Know what georeferencing of spatial datasets is.
● Create projection and change coordinate systems of spatial datasets.
● Create vector data by digitizing Hardcopy map / Satellite image / Google Earth, GPS
● Understand data editing, topology building, data processing storing and linking spatial
data with non-spatial data
● Analyze spatially for extracting new information and decision making.
● Create symbol and make map (cartography) for presentation
● What is database Table and data type?
● Apply Structured Query Language (SQL) for data fetching, inserting and manipulating.
● Apply GIS tools for disaster risk reduction / post disaster management with hazard
/disaster related in-situ and satellite data.
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on Exercises, and Lab work.
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Bonham-Carter G.F. (1991) Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists: Modeling
with GIS. Elsevier. UK.
2. Decker D. 2001. GIS Data Sources. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
3. ITC (2010) A Core Book of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation: A System
based Approach.
4. Tasha W. Shelly S. (2006) A to Z GIS: An Illustrated Dictionary of Geographic
Information Systems / Edition 1, RIC International
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction to ERDAS Imaging
Topic 2: Projection and coordinate system
Topic 3: Georeferencing
Topic 4: Preprocessing of image: composite, mosaic, atmospheric correction and image
Topic 5: Image classification: supervised, unsupervised and hybrid classification
Topic 6: Accuracy assessment
Topic 7: Change detection
Topic 8: Application of remote sensing in disaster and climate science
Learning Outcomes: The hands on study of the earth materials will allow the student to
● Different remote sensing software
● Different data acquisition methods
● Data preprocessing
● Visual Image Interpretation; Digital Image Classification
● Rectification and Terrain Analysis; Georeferencing, Geocoding , DEM DSM
● Data Analysis techniques; classification, interpolation, etc.
● Data Interpretation
● Data Visualization
● Different aspects if Remote sensing application in Disaster Management
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture; Presentation; Hands-on study; online learning, software learning
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging. (2006). ERDAS IMAGINE: Tour Guides
2. Nayak, S., Zlatanova, S. (Eds.). (2008). Remote sensing and GIS technologies for
monitoring and prediction of disasters. Springer Science Business Media.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 215 Disaster Statistics Lab
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The lab will cover material that complements and enriches the content covered in DSCR 112
and DSCR 210. Lab sessions early in the semester will review some of the statistics that will
be needed in the course. The lab will also provide an introduction to the R statistical
programming package, which the students will use in future courses.
Specific Objectives:
The lab specifically aims to teach about the R statistical programming package which will be
used to practically calculate and analyze the statistical concepts the students learned from
mainly DSCR 112 and partially from DSCR 210.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Descriptive Statistics
Topic 2: Processing of Data
Topic 3: Testing the characteristics of statistical data
Topic 4: Calculating probability and probability distributions
Topic 5: Correlation analysis
Topic 6: Regression analysis
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this lab the student will learn to perform the following:
● Frequently work with the core packages of R
● Attach R with github and, push or pull the data easily
● Calculate and estimate the parameters from real life data
● Plot and analyze the statistical data
● Clean large scale data sets in R
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on Exercises, Field work and Lab works
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Grolemund, G., Wickham, H. (2017). R for Data Science. O‘Reilly Media.
2. Wickham, H. (2017). Advanced R. Routledge
3. Field A., Miles, J., Field, Z. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. Sage Publishers.
remotely sensed historical data to identify and analyze hotspots; assess the overall the hazard
scenario, vulnerability and exposure using remotely sensed historical data, field observation,
measurements, social surveying and geographical information systems in order to finally
analyze the risk for the specific hazard.
Specific Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to strengthen the students‘ knowledge of hazard
characterization, remote sensing and GIS through satellite image acquisition, processing,
analyzing, ground-truthing, field observation and data collection using different equipment
and social surveying followed by analysis through different GIS tools. The course will allow
the students to design, co conduct a fieldwork that focuses on GIS-RS tools for hazard and
risk assessment under the supervision of faculty members.
Number of Days: 05 to 10 days
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Preparation for Field Work
Topic 2: During Field Work: Field observation, data collection using different equipment,
recognition of reliable secondary data sources, social surveying and finally analysis.
Topic 3: After Field Work: Lab analysis of primary and secondary data for standard field report
Learning Outcomes:
● The highest order of cognitive learning through designing and investigation of the study
area in terms of hazard, vulnerability, exposure and risk
● Remote sensing: satellite image acquisition, preprocessing, processing, analyzing,
● Field observation, ground truthing the remotely sensed data, field measurements, Social
● Application of GIS tools: analysis, interpretation
● Visualizing the output
● Integration of different components; creation of a comprehensive report
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Assessment of Field Knowledge (40%)
Field Report (60%)
1. Bonham-Carter G.F. (1991) Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists: Modeling
with GIS. Elsevier. UK.
2. ITC (2010) A Core Book of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation: A System
based Approach.
3. Weng Q. (2009) Remote Sensing GIS Integration: Theories, Methods and Applications.
McGraw Hill. USA.
4. Hyndman D. and Hyndman D. (2010) Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd Edition.
Cengage Learning. India.
5. Moser C.A. Kalton G. (1971) Survey Methods in Social Investigation. 2nd Edition.
Heinemann Educational. UK.
6. Chang, K. T. (2006). Introduction to geographic information systems. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education. USA.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 302 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course: Vulnerability is the degree of loss to a given element at risk (or
set of elements) resulting from a given hazard at a given severity level. The distinction
between this definition and that of risk is important to note. Risk combines the expected
losses from all levels of hazard severity, taking account also of their occurrence probability.
The ‗intangible‘ aspects of vulnerability will often be as important as the quantifiable aspects.
The vulnerability and risk assessment is considered the one of the most important, if not the
most important core of disaster management framework. Disaster management has seen a
shift in paradigm from being crisis management focused to risk management focused. Risk
assessment portion of the risk management framework consists of Risk analysis and Risk
evaluation. Risk analysis generally contains the following steps: hazard identification, hazard
assessment, elements at risk/exposure analysis, vulnerability assessment and risk estimation.
The course has been preceded by hazard assessments and will be succeeded by sector wise
Risk treatment/control to identify hazard-type wise risk reduction measures for
conceptualization of the sustainable risk management framework.
Specific Objectives: This course, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment tends to:
1. Provide students with critical perspectives to understand the disaster management
2. Help the students develop a clear understanding of different components of vulnerability-
both tangible and intangible and ability to conduct exposure analysis; vulnerability
assessment; risk estimation and, consequently, risk assessment for a specific hazard
3. Aid the students to develop multi hazard risk assessment for a specific area/ region
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Scope of vulnerability and risk assessment
Topic 2: Hazard identification tools, hazard assessment, natural and technological hazard
Topic 3: Vulnerability assessment, components and characteristics of vulnerability, conceptual
frameworks of vulnerability, vulnerability assessment methods.
Topic 4: Elements at risk, types of elements at risk, exposure analysis
Topic 5: Risk evaluation, risk perception, risk transfer
Topic 6: Uncertainty: aleatory and epistemic uncertainty
Topic 7: The purpose of risk assessment, qualitative and quantitative approach of risk
assessment/risk estimation
Topic 8: Risk modeling: concept and steps, risk modeling tools (e.g. HAZUS, CAPRA,
Topic 9: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Hazard
Impact Assessment (HIA), Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) Framework and
Topic 10: Hazard specific vulnerability risk assessment procedures; multi-hazard risk
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students will be able to:
● Conceptualize, analyze and evaluate disaster risk management framework
● Conduct exposure and vulnerability assessment
● Identify both tangible and intangible vulnerabilities
● Calculate risk estimation and, consequently, risk analysis for specific hazard for a specific
area/ region
● Conduct multi hazard risk assessment for a specific region
● Explore and critically evaluate risk, in order to identify the ‗best practice‘ in terms of
disaster risk reduction measures.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used alongside whiteboard writing to present lectures. All
the course materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Birkmann J. (2013) Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Towards Disaster
Resilient Societies. United Nations University Press. Japan.
2. Macaulay T. (2008) Critical Infrastructure: Understanding its Component Parts,
Vulnerabilities, Operating Risks, and Interdependencies. CRC Press. US.
3. Ostrom L.T. Wilhelmsen C.A. (2012) Risk Assessment: Tools, Techniques and Their
Application. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
4. Schneider S.K. (2011) Dealing with Disaster: Public Management in Crisis Situations. 2nd
Edition. M.E. Sharpe. US.
5. Schumann A.H. (2011) Flood Risk assessment and Management. Springer. Netherlands.
6. Wisner B. (2004) At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's Vulnerability and Disasters.
Routledge. US.
7. Westen et al (2011), A Guidebook of Multi-hazard Risk Assessment, Public Works
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 303 Community based Risk Assessment and
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Bottom-up approach of planning in case of disaster management is considered as a better
option for building community resilience. Accordingly, assessment of the risk by the
community and devising risk reduction initiatives by themselves gives better results.
Considering the scenario, this course is designed to make the students understand and apply
the concept of risk assessment by the community itself.
Specific Objectives:
This course is designed to perform field level community risk assessment. The students will
be devised with techniques and methods to carry out field level risk assessment sessions with
community people.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Most Vulnerable People in Disaster: Issues and Concerns, Social Exclusion and
Topic 2: Social Exclusion Analysis Framework, Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Risk
Reduction Measures.
Topic 3: Tools of Community Based Risk Assessment (CBRA): Hazard Mapping, Social
Mapping, Community Rural Appraisal, Transect Walk, Seasonal Calendars, Historical
Timeline, Focus Group Discussion, Venn diagram, Vulnerability Matrix.
Topic 4: Introduction and Purpose of Urban Risk Reduction (URA). Difference between URA
and CRA.
Topic 5: Participants of URA, Steps of URA Framework for URA.
Topic 6: Participation of Stakeholders in CBRA, Role of Local authority in Community based
Disaster Risk Management.
Topic 7: Bottom-Up Inclusive Participatory Approach, Stakeholder Participation, PGIS,
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI).
Topic 8: Application of GIS and RS techniques in Citizen Science.
Topic 9: Case Studies of CBRA: Best Practices.
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course students will be able to:
● Understand the Community Risk Assessment as a participatory process for assessing
hazard, vulnerably, risks, ability to cope, preparing coping strategies.
● Conduct FGD sessions in the field.
● Analyze community risk reduction options and implementation plan
● Apply RS and GIS in a participatory way to prepare a community risk map.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments, presentations and field work. Question and answer sessions, and report writing
will be used to increase participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in
the classroom activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. ADPC, Plan Bangladesh Islamic Relief Worldwide. (2010) Urban Risk Assessment: A
Facilitator‘s Guidebook.
2. Ministry of Food Disaster Management, Government of the People‘s Republic of
Bangladesh. (2009) Practicing Gender and Social Exclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction.
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
3. Map Action (2011) Field Guide to Humanitarian Mapping
4. UN-HABITAT (United Nations Human Settlement Program) (2007) Enhancing Urban
Safety and Security: Global Report on Human Settlements 2007. EarthScan Publication.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 304 Geophysical Application: Principal and
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Geophysical tools are becoming increasingly popular to better understand the subsurface
scenario. The information is essential to understand the behavior of natural hazards through
the subsurface, occurrence of a hazardous event within the subsurface, and the subsurface
characteristics so that human infrastructures can be built accordingly without generating
newer and higher risk.
Specific Objectives:
This course has the following deliverables: Understanding the principles of geophysical tools,
the behavior of earth materials under these investigations, the range of different materials,
comparisons and complementing different tools and techniques, learning different
investigation tools and interpretation techniques.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction: Scope and objectives of geophysics, disciplines of geophysics, active
and passive methods
Topic 2: Physical properties of earth materials: Stress and strain, Young‘s modulus, shear and
bulk modulus, Poisson‘s ratio, P and S waves, surface waves, seismic velocity,
acoustic impedance, ground acceleration, etc.
Topic 3: Basic Concepts of the Seismic Method: Snell‘s law; wavefronts; ray paths, reflection
and transmission coefficients, elastic constants
Topic 4: Seismic Refraction –Basic Theory
Topic 5: Physical basis of refraction: Head waves; critical angle, travel time equation for
simple plane horizontal layer model, extension of travel time equation to multiple
layers, ambiguities arising from dipping layers
Topic 6: Seismic Reflection: Basic theory
Topic 7: Geometry of Reflection: Travel-time equation; normal and deep move out, reflection
records, seismic sections
Topic 8: Principles and scope: Principles and scope of gravity, magnetic, electrical and
resistivity methods
Topic 9: Theory and Applications: Theory and applications of GPR, PS logging, MASW,
microtremor etc.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to understand:
● Geophysics as a subject and its disciplines; application in disaster science
● Principles, scope and application of different geophysical tools
● Basics of investigation tools; mobilization, mechanism, data collection, data processing
and data interpretation
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment/Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Burger H.R. Burger D.C. (1992) Exploration Geophysics of the Shallow Subsurface.
Prentice Hall. US.
2. Dobrin M.B. (1988) Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
3. Howell B.F. (1959) Introduction to Geophysics. McGraw-Hill. US.
4. Keller C.V. Frischnecht F.C. (1966) Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting.
Pergamon. Oxford.
5. Kearey and Brooks (1984) An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, Blackwell
6. Milsom J.J. and Eriksen A (2011) Field Geophysics. 4th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
7. Reynolds J.M. (1997) An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. Wiley-
Blackwell. US.
8. Stacey F.D. Davis P.M. (2008) Physics of the Earth. 4th Edition. Cambridge University
Press. UK.
9. Telford W.M., Geldart L.P. Sheriff R.E. (1990) Applied Geophysics. 2nd Edition.
Cambridge University Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 305 Geotechnical Application: Principles and
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
This Course will provide different theory and available tools in area engineering geology and
geotechnical engineering to deal with the geotechnical hazards.
Specific Objectives:
This course will help to acquire knowledge of the mechanical properties and stability of the
rocks and sediments that will carry engineering structures. Increase the students‘ ability to
understand the need to anticipate the impact of subsidence, rains, floods, landslides,
volcanoes and earthquakes on the foundations that bear these structures.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction: Introduction and scope, origin of soil and grain size, weight–volume
Topic 2: Plasticity and Structure of Soil: Liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, liquidity
index and consistency index, activity and soil structure
Topic 3: Classification of Soil: Textural classification, classification by engineering behavior,
AASHTO classification system and unified soil classification system
Topic 4: Soil Compaction: Compaction—general principles, standard proctor test, factors
affecting compaction, modified proctor test, compaction of organic soil and waste
materials, evaluation of soils as compaction material
Topic 5: Seepage: Introduction, Laplace‘s equation of continuity, continuity equation for
solution of simple flow problems, flow nets, seepage calculation from a flow net,
flow nets in anisotropic soil, mathematical solution for seepage
Topic 6: In Situ Stresses: Stresses in saturated soil without seepage, stresses in saturated soil
with upward and downward seepage, seepage force, heaving in soil, effective stress
in partially saturated soil, capillary rise in soils, effective stress in the zone of
capillary rise
Topic 7: Stresses in a Soil Mass: Normal and shear stresses on a plane, the pole method of
finding stresses along a plane, stresses caused by a point load, vertical stress caused
by a vertical line load horizontal line load vertical strip load embankment loading
center of a uniformly rectangular loaded area
Topic 8: Compressibility of Soil: Contact pressure and settlement profile, fundamentals of
consolidation, normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays, calculation of
settlement from one-dimensional primary, correlations for compression index,
correlations for swell index, secondary consolidation settlement, time rate of
consolidation, calculation of consolidation settlement under a foundation
Topic 9: Shear Strength of Soil: Introduction, Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, inclination of
the plane of failure caused by shear, laboratory test for determination of shear
strength parameters, stress path.
Topic 10: Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, Coulomb and curved failure surface
Topic 11: Slope Stability: Factor of safety, stability of infinite slopes, infinite slope with
steady-state seepage, finite slopes—general, analysis of finite slopes with plane and
circular failure surfaces, ordinary method of slices, Bishop‘s simplified method of
Topic 12: Soil Bearing Capacity: Soil bearing capacity for shallow foundations
Topic 13: Soil Improvements: Densification techniques, reinforcement techniques,
grouting and mixing techniques, drainage techniques, verification of soil
improvement, retaining walls
Topic 14: Site Characterization (Subsoil Exploration): Planning for soil exploration, in situ
geotechnical tests; geotechnical soil classification, boring methods, common
sampling methods sample disturbance, correlations for standard penetration test
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the Course students will be able to:
● Understand index and dynamic properties of soil.
● Understand strength and nature of construction materials in terms of normal, shear and
tensile strength.
● Explain soil and rocks mechanical behaviors
● Apply different techniques for soil improvements, measure bearing capacity and to detect
engineering bedrock.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment/Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Das, B.M. (2021) Principles of geotechnical engineering. Cengage learning.
2. Chen W.F. Lui E.M. (2006) Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design. CRC
Press. US.
3. Coduto D.P., Yeung M.C. Kitch W.A. (2011) Geotechnical Engineering. 18th
Edition. Pearson. US.
4. Kramer S.L. (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice Hall. US.
5. Kumar K. (2008) Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. New age International
Publishers. India.
6. McDowell P.W., Barker R.D., et al. (2002) Geophysics in Engineering Investigations.
Geological Society of London and CIRIA. UK.
7. Paul D.K. Sharma M.L. (2006) Earthquake Engineering. Elite Publishing House. India.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 306 Urban and Regional Planning: Risk
Mitigation Concept
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course: This course will introduce the basic concept of urban and
regional planning issues to the student in context of disaster risk mitigation. Students will
also learn current issues of urban and regional planning and development.
Specific Objectives: To learn basic concept of urban and regional planning and risk
mitigation concept in urban area.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Definition, objective and scope of urban planning. Urban functions, activities and land
use components. Modern principles of planning—town centre, residential area,
recreational area, industrial area, commercial area, transportation network,
metropolitan region, satellite town, new town, special areas like airport, seaport,
railway station, bus terminal.
Topic 2: Distinction between urban and rural areas. Analysis of rural settlement patterns. Social
and cultural characteristics of rural communities. Meaning of rural development. The
concept, nature and scope of integrated rural development. Integration of functional
and spatial aspects in the context of rural development. Planning procedures for
integrated rural development
Topic 3: Regionalization and the delineation of planning region, Levels of planning - national,
regional, sub-regional and local. Need and scope of regional planning. Steps of
Topic 4: Risk Components in Urban and Rural Planning
Topic 5: Risk Reduction Issues in Urban and Rural Planning, Integration of Risk Information
into planning
Topic 6: Disaster Risk Reduction Enhanced Land Use Planning (LUP), Importance of Disaster
Risk Information in LUP, Steps adopted in Disaster Risk Sensitive Land Use Planning
(DRSLUP) -identifying the existing land use pattern, disaster risk assessment,
vulnerability assessment, hazard characterization, consequence analysis, risk
estimation, risk evaluation, mainstreaming disaster risk assessment result in LUP,
Land use planning options, Enabling environment for incorporating disaster risk
information in LUP, Application of GIS and RS in LUP mapping.
Topic 7: Urban Resilience and its implication in Urban Risk Management.
Learning Outcomes:
Student will learn
● Basic concept of urban and regional planning, history of cities and planning
● Urban and regional planning process
● Development of contemporary cities
● Transport planning
● How Risk can be mitigated, and resilience can be achieved in urban area?
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving, and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Dewberry L.N. Davis. (2008) Land Development Handbook. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill.
2. George C.K. (2007) Basic Principles and Methods of Urban and Regional Planning. 3rd
Edition. Libro-Gem Books. Lagos.
3. Hall P. Jones M.T. (2010) Urban and Regional Planning. 5th Edition. Routledge. UK.
4. Institution of Civil Engineers. (1995) Megacities: Reducing Vulnerability to Natural
Disasters. Thomas Telford. UK.
5. Vale L.J. Campanella T.J. (2005) The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from
Disasters. Oxford University Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 307 Geotechnical Engineering and Geophysics
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course lab will introduce various geotechnical lab tests and geotechnical investigations
to determine the index and dynamic soil properties.
Specific Objectives:
The main objective of this lab is geotechnical site characterization. The specific objectives
are determination of physical / index properties of soils, soil shear strength parameters and
dynamic soil parameters.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Physical / Index Property Tests on Soils: a) Field identification test, b) Moisture
content determination test, c) Determination of specific gravity of coarse-grained and
fine-grained soils, d) Sieve analysis, e) Hydrometer analysis, f) Determination of
Atterberg limits of fine-grained soils (Determination of liquid limit, plastic limit, and
shrinkage factors), g) Determination of in situ dry density.
Topic 2: Engineering Property Tests on Soils: a) Determination of coefficient of permeability of
soils (Constant head permeability test and Variable head permeability test), b)
Determination of compaction characteristics of soils, c) Direct Shear Test, d)
Unconfined compression test, e) Triaxial Compression Test (UU, CU, and CD), f)
Consolidation test.
Topic 3: Data acquisition, processing, and interpretation: a) Downhole seismic test, b) MASW,
c) Microtremor, and d) GPR.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this lab the student should able be to operate proficiently basic
geotechnical and geophysical instruments to design and carry out geotechnical and
geophysical surveys. After accomplishing hands-on exercise in the geotechnical engineering
and geophysics lab, students will be able to measure
● Moisture content, specific gravity, grain size, liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage
factors and dry density of soil sample.
● Shear strength parameters, angle of internal friction and cohesion
● Shear wave velocity, fundamental period
● In addition, identify buried utility services
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on/Practical Exercises, Lab works, Assignment, Discussions
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Punmia B.C. (2005), Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg., 16th Edition Laxmi
2. Publications Co., New Delhi.
3. 2.Lambe T.W., Soil Testing for Engineers, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Head K.H., (1986), Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, Vol. I, II, III, Princeton Press,
5. London.
6. Bowles J.E. (1988), Engineering Properties of Soil and Their Measurements, McGraw
7. Hill Book Co. New York.
8. Coduto, Donald P. (1999), Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices, 2nd ed.,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey
9. US Army (2001), Engineering Manual (EM) 110-1-1804: Engineering and Design,
Geotechnical Investigations
10. US Army (1997), Field Manual (FM) 5-410: Military Soils Engineering.
11. Coduto D.P., Yeung M.C. Kitch W.A. (2011) Geotechnical Engineering. 18th Edition.
Pearson. US.
12. Kramer S.L. (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice Hall. US.
13. Kumar K. (2008) Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. New age International
Publishers. India
14. Burger H.R. Burger D.C. (1992) Exploration Geophysics of the Shallow Subsurface.
Prentice Hall. US.
15. Dobrin M.B. (1988) Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
16. Howell B.F. (1959) Introduction to Geophysics. McGraw-Hill. US.
17. Kearey and Brooks (1984) An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, Blackwell
18. Milsom J.J. and Eriksen A (2011) Field Geophysics. 4th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
19. Reynolds J.M. (1997) An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. Wiley
Blackwell. US.
20. Telford W.M., Geldart L.P. Sheriff R.E. (1990) Applied Geophysics. 2nd Edition.
Cambridge University Press. UK.
21. McDowell P.W., Barker R.D., et al. (2002) Geophysics in Engineering Investigations.
Geological Society of London and CIRIA. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 308 Risk Sensitive Landuse Planning
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Due to population growth and development land use planning is becoming a very important
issues nowadays. It is important of assess risk of land before initiation of any development
work otherwise development will increase risk of disaster. In this course student will learn to
know how risk factors are instigated with land use planning and how we can use it to achieve
Specific Objectives:
To learn preparation of risk sensitive land use maps and use of those maps in planning.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Disaster Risk Reduction Enhanced Land Use Planning (LUP)
Topic 2: Importance of Disaster Risk Information in LUP
Topic 3: Steps adopted in Disaster Risk Sensitive Land Use Planning (DRSLUP) -Identifying
The Existing Land Use Pattern; Integration of Disaster Risk Assessment, Vulnerability
Assessment, Hazard Characterization, Impact Analysis, Risk Evaluation in LUP,
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Assessment Result in LUP, and Land Use Planning
Topic 4: Enabling environment for incorporating disaster risk information in LUP
Topic 5: Overview of the risk sensitive land use policies; policy implications and the lack
Topic 6: Application of GIS and RS in LUP mapping.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn:
● Theory of land use planning
● How to prepare land use maps
● How to intergrade risk factors in land use maps
● Use of spatial tools and techniques to prepare risk sensitive land use maps
Instructional Strategies: Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on Exercise and Assignment,
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Hall P. Jones M.T. (2010) Urban and Regional Planning. 5th Edition. Routledge. UK.
2. Institution of Civil Engineers. (1995) Megacities: Reducing Vulnerability to Natural
Disasters. Thomas Telford. UK.
3. Vale L.J. Campanella T.J. (2005) The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from
Disasters. Oxford University Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 309 Climate Resilience Development: Economic
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The course has three major focus areas. Firstly, it will discuss about the issues of the
evolution of development ideas and the changing patterns of development paradigms in the
context of climate change and sustainable development. Secondly, it will shed light on the
basic concepts of micro and macro economics. Finally, a comparative discussion of the
economic and development thoughts will be made in the context of Bangladesh.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objectives of the course are to develop the deep insight among the learners about
the changing patterns and challenges of development paradigms, introductory concepts of
economics and the development regime of Bangladesh. This course will help them to
critically think about the social, political and economic issues happening around the
contemporary world.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction; Basic understanding of development; Evolution of development
theories, sustainable development, human development; Vulnerability and
underdevelopment; Relationship between development, climate change, resilience.
Topic 2: The fundamentals of economics; Introducing economic way of thinking; Applying
graphs to economics; Production possibilities and opportunity cost; Market demand
and supply; Markets in action; Markets and government in a modern economy.
Topic 3: Microeconomics fundamentals; Applications of supply and demand; Demand and
consumer behavior; Elasticity of demand and supply; Demand and consumer
behavior; Theory of production and analysis of cost; Market structures (Perfect
competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition and oligopoly).
Topic 4: Macroeconomics fundamentals; Measuring the size of national economy; Business
cycle and economic growth; Inflation and growth; Macroeconomic theory and policy
(Monetary policy, fiscal policy); Growth, development and the global economy;
Unemployment, inflation and economic policy.
Topic 5: Human development index; Basic concept of Human development; Calculation of the
individual and gross index; Evolution of the index.
Topic 6: Climate change, resilience development industry in Bangladesh; Impact of disaster on
microeconomic and macroeconomic indicators of Bangladesh; Cost-benefit analysis
of disasters, long and short time impacts of climate change.
Topic 7: Global development strategies and disaster management, SDGs, SFDRR;
International development and humanitarian industry.
Topic 8: Case Study of some costly disasters: Bhola cyclone (1970), Cyclone Gorky (1991),
Bangladesh, Flood (1988, 1998,2007), Kobe Earthquake (2005), Sichuan Earthquake
(2008), The Great East Japan Earthquake(2011), Northridge Earthquake (1994),
Hurricane Katrina (2005).
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● The development theories and their current state of evolution
● The role of environment and climate change in the development thinking
● The introductory theories of micro and macro economics
● The disaster development nexus and its current status in Bangladesh
● The economic growth and development regime in Bangladesh and the globe.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) (2012) Natural Disasters and Development
(Module 2). Regional Training Course on Pre-Disaster Natural Hazard Loss Estimation.
Bangkok. Thailand.
2. Collins A.E. (2009) Disaster and Development. Routledge. UK.
3. Hansjurgens B. Antes R. (2008) Economic Management of Climate Change: Risk,
Mitigation Adaptation. Springer. Netherlands.
4. Oliver M.J. Aldcroft D.H. (2007) Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century. Edward
Elgar publication. UK.
5. Tietenberg T. Lewis L. (2009) Economic Development and Environmental Gain. 6th
Edition. Prentice Hall. US.
6. Chiang, Alpha. C and Waignwright (2005), Fundamental Methods of Mathematical
Economics. 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
7. Samuelson, Paul A., and Nordhaus, William (2001), Economics, 17th Edition. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
8. Salvatore, Dominick (2004), Microeconomic Theory. Schaum‘s Outline Series. 3rd
Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill,
9. Bankoff G. (2004) Cultures of Disaster: Society and Natural Hazard in the Philippines.
Routledge. US.
10. Gilbert Rist. (2004) The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global
Faith. Zed Books. Chicago
11. Todaro M.P. Smith S.C. (2015) Economic Development. 12TH Edition. Pearson Higher
Education. USA.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 310 Seismic Risk Reduction Approach
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Earthquake disasters account for the highest damage and loss. It is essential that the policy
and the infrastructures are developed considering earthquake risks. The earthquake itself
cannot be controlled but there are different approaches to reduce the associated risks. This
course builds on the courses titled ―Seismology and Geodesy‖ and ―Vulnerability and Risk
Specific Objectives:
This course has the following deliverables; Understanding different aspects of earthquake
vulnerability and risk, seismic response of soils and structures, the concept of seismic risk-
sensitive structure design and earthquake risk modeling, and risk management.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Earthquake risk reduction: Introduction, Earthquake risk and hazard, The social and
economic of earthquakes consequences, Earthquake consequences and their
acceptability, Economic consequences of earthquakes, Earthquake risk reduction
Topic 2: Seismic Hazard Analysis: Deterministic and probabilistic
Topic 3: Structural Dynamics: SDOF and MDOF; Seismic Response of Soils and Structure
Topic 4: Earthquake tips: Introduction and scope, seismic effects on structures, seismic effects
on buildings architectural features, why buildings twist, seismic design philosophy,
open-ground storey buildings, short columns effects, shear walls, base isolation and
seismic dampers etc.
Topic 5: Costs of Earthquakes: Preparedness for earthquakes, the earthquake emergency
Topic 6: Earthquake Resistance of Buildings: Strong and weak building types, building response
to earthquakes, how buildings resist earthquakes, structural form and earthquake
resistance, choice of structural materials, codes of practice for engineered buildings,
improving the resistance of non-engineered buildings, strengthening existing buildings,
repair and strengthening of historical buildings
Topic 7: Earthquake Risk Modelling: Loss estimation, definition of terms, vulnerability
assessment, the psi scale of earthquake ground motion, the HAZUS methodology,
human casualty estimation, applications of loss estimation, uncertainty in loss
Topic 8: Liquefaction: Liquefaction hazard analysis and its counter measure
Topic 9: Slope: Seismic slope stability analysis and its counter measure
Topic 10: BNBC: Bangladesh National Building Code
Topic 11: Case study : An Optimized Retrofitting of Soft Storey RC Buildings in Nepal -A
Socio-Technical Approach using Numerical Optimization, Japan seismic risk reduction
approach before and after of 1995 Kobe earthquake, 2015 Nepal earthquake, 1985
Mexico earthquake
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to understand:
● The different aspects of earthquake hazard, vulnerability and risks
● Assessing seismic response of soils and structures
● Different components of seismic hazard analysis, i.e. analysis of slope stability,
liquefaction, etc.
● Considerations in the design and construction works; different techniques developed to
minimize the risk
● Scenario-based earthquake risk modeling and potential damages
● Earthquake risk management
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment/Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Murty, C.V.R. (2005) Earthquake tips. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
2. Coburn, A. and Spence, R. (2003) Earthquake protection. John Wiley Sons.
3. Day, R.W. (2012) Geotechnical earthquake engineering handbook: with the 2012
International building code. McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Balassanian S., Cisternas A. Melkumyan M. (2000) Earthquake Hazard and Seismic
Risk Reduction, Series: Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research.
Springer. Netherlands.
5. Bozorgnia and Bertero. Earthquake Engineering: From Engineering Seismology to
Performance based Engineering, CRC Press
6. Dowrick D. (2009) Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk Reduction. 2nd Edition.
Wiley- Blackwell. US.
7. Kramer S.L. (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice Hall. US.
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Hydro-meteorological hazard modeling risk assessment: An introduction
Topic 2: Physical, social, economic and environmental vulnerability of flood, drought, cyclone
and river bank erosion
Topic 3: Flood/ Riverine hazard
People and livelihood related to river and flood consequences of development in flood
plains, recurrence period/flood frequency curves
Flood types; their characteristics and associated vulnerabilities, causes of flood, flood
modelling, impacts of climate and rainfall, soil, catchment hydrology and water
balance model
Elements at risk, flood risk assessment, risk reduction: structural and nonstructural
Watershed management integrated river basin management, integrated flood
management, implementation plan and monitoring, trans-boundary international river
laws, policies and organizations, FAP, water policy of bangladesh, Farraka Barrage
and Bangladesh, flood forecasting
Topic 4: Riverbank Erosion: causes, contributing factors, types of failures, riverbank
protection measures, riverbank erosions in Bangladesh: scenario and practices
Topic 5: Coastal hazards (tsunami, coastal flooding, coastal storms, coastal erosion, accretion,
saline water intrusion, sea level rise, land subsidence), required dataset, frequency,
coastal hazard vulnerability assessment, mitigation measures, early warning,
integrated coastal zone management.
Topic 6: Introduction to mountainous hazards, overview of mountainous
Vulnerability assessment and risk reduction.
Estimating the probability of landslides, estimating the consequences, landslide
vulnerability assessment, and evaluation and quantifying landslide risks.
mountainous risk reduction methods (structural and nonstructural: monitoring,
prediction and early warning; engineered structures; geophysical tools in
mountainous hazard investigation; education, capacity building and public
Landside risk reduction initiatives in Bangladesh
Topic 7: Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater of Bangladesh and Mitigation options
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● Risk assessment of hydro-meteorological hazards.
● Generic and Scenario-based risk modeling
● Risk estimation for different scenarios in case of hydro-meteorological hazards
● Identification of different Structural and Nonstructural Risk Reduction measures
● Evaluation of different risk reduction measures through from different aspects, i.e. Cost-
benefit analysis
● Risk visualization for different hazards
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Bird E. (2011) Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
2. Cicin-Sain B. et al. (1998) Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: Concepts and
Practices. Biliana. Island Press. US.
3. Diaz H.F. Markgraf V. (2000) El Niño and the Southern Oscillation: Multiscale
Variability and Global and Regional Impacts. Cambridge University Press. UK.
4. Finkl C.W. (Ed.) (2013) Coastal Hazards. Springer. Netherlands.
5. Glade T. et al (Ed.) (2005) Landslide Hazard and Risk. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
6. Lee E.M. Jones D.K.C. (2004) Landslide Risk Assessment. Thomas Telford
Publication. UK.
7. Ministry of Water Resources, Government of the People‘s Republic of Bangladesh.
(2005) Bangladesh Coastal Zone Policy. Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka.
8. Sassa K. Canuti P. (2008) Landslides-Disaster Risk reduction. Springer. Netherlands.
9. The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment, 2000.
The Hidden Costs of Coastal Hazards: Implications for Risk Assessment and
Mitigation. Island Press. US.
10. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). (2005) Assessing Coastal
Vulnerability: Developing a Global Index for Measuring Risk.
11. Wallendorf L. et al. (2011) Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2011. ASCE Publications. US.
12. Westen C.J. et al: Multi-hazard Risk Assessment, ITC
13. WMO ( 2008). Guide to Hydrological Practices, WMO.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 312 Population, Migration and Shelter
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course will introduce population issues, concepts, theories and methods by
encompassing the entire field of demography, including principle and practice. It offers an
overview of various aspects of demographic growth and transition relating to changes in
health and mortality, fertility, migration, age structure, urbanization, family and household
structure. This course also examines the relations between population and development and
their potential consequences from a social, economic and geographical perspective.
Moreover, this course will provide an overview of the different perspectives of migration and
refugee numbers and trends, causes of population movements, the impact of environmental
migration, and promotes the formulation of innovative and practical responses to population
movements and shelter management issues of migrants and refugees. Other topics include
global variation in population size and growth, various demographic perspectives and their
modern implications, environmental impacts, and population policy.
Specific Objectives:
This course will help students to learn fundamentals regarding the key components of
demography: fertility, mortality and migration and their societal implications; understand the
mechanisms underlying the demographic transition theory; be able to identify and manipulate
key demographic components that range from the local to the global spatial scales and for
different population segments, to appreciate the complexity of contemporary processes of
migration from a range of different perspectives, to analyze key principles (legal, political
and ethical) related to refugees, forced and environmental migration, to apply a critical
perspective to the shelter management towards resilience.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1 Demographic factors and processes: fertility, mortality, migration, marriage and
nuptiality, life expectancy, birth rate, death rate etc.
Topic 2 Population distribution and density: population distribution, population density, factors
affecting population density and distribution (physical, economic, political and social).
Topic 3 Population growth, demographic theories and model: population growth, malthus
theory, demographic transition model, optimum population theory etc.
Topic 4 Population and resources: population resource or burden, optimum population, over -
population, under population.
Topic 5 Migration: types of migration (internal migration, external migration, emigration,
immigration, voluntary migration, population transfer or involuntary or forced
migration, impelled or reluctant or imposed migration, return migration, seasonal
migration), people who migrate (emigrant, immigrant, refugee, internally displaced
person or idp) determinant or factors of migration (push factors and pull factors:
environmental, political, economic, cultural), rural-urban migration, impact of
migration: diffusion, assimilation, acculturation,; migration theories.
Topic 6 Urban and rural population, population policies, population and disaster.
Topic 7 Environmental migration: definitions, types & patterns.
Topic 8 Environment induced internal and international migration: disaster and migration, the
characteristics of migrants, changing livelihoods, IDPs- Asian & African cases and
effects of migration on urbanization: examples of Bangladesh.
Topic 9 Climate change induced migration and its impacts: population response and way
towards resilience.
Topic 10 Climate change induced environmental migration and shelter management (Bangladesh
Perspective): population response to cyclones, floods, and river bank erosion and
landslides: examples of Bangladesh.
Topic 11 Gender dimension of environmental migration: the impacts of climate change on
women and gender specific migration behaviour.
Topic 12 Refugee: definition, causes behind refugee, shelter management of refugees and
environmental refugees.
Topic 13 Managing migration- role of different organizations (UNHCR, IOM, ILO, BMET,
Topic 14 Causes behind refugee in Bangladesh and refugee management in Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the Course students will be able to:
Learn fundamentals regarding the key components of demography: fertility, mortality and
migration and their societal implications; understand the mechanisms underlying the
demographic transition theory; be able to identify and manipulate key demographic
components that range from the local to the global spatial scales and for different
population segments.
appreciate the complexity of contemporary processes of migration from a range of
different perspectives;
Critically analyze key principles (legal, political and ethical) related to refugees and
forced migration;
Explain the causes of international migration, drawing from both theory and empirical
Assess the positive and negative impacts of international migration on source, transit, and
destination countries;
Describe the international legal frameworks that set out the rights of migrants and
refugees and the responsibilities of states;
Develop an inter-agency shelter response and advocacy strategy, using current
humanitarian shelter and settlements standards, principles, and approaches.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Afifi T. & Jager J. (2010) Environment, Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability.
Springer. UK.
2. Clarke J.I. (1965) Population Geography. Pergamon Press. Oxford. UK.
3. Edwards A. & Ferstman C. (2010) Human Security and Non-Citizens: Law, Policy
and International Affairs. Cambridge University Press. UK.
4. Finnemore M. & Sikkink K. (1998) International Norm Dynamics and Political
Change. International Organization, 52, pp. 887-917.
5. Guinness P. (2002) Migration: Access to Geography. Hodder & Stoughton. UK.
6. Hornby W.F. &Jones M. (1993) An Introduction to Population Geography.
Cambridge University Press. UK.
7. Lucas D. & Meyer P.A. (1994) Beginning Population Studies. Australian National
8. Preston S., Heuveline P. &Guillot M. (2001) Demography: Measuring and Modeling
Population Processes. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
9. Thomas B. (1972) Migration and Urban Development. Methuen and Co. Ltd. UK.
compare the ways in which social groups differ in experiencing natural disasters and climate
change to apply a critical perspective to the ways in which social inequality is related to
disaster and climate change induced vulnerability. This course will help students to employ
social science inquiry, particularly sociological and anthropological theory and methods of
research, to analyze the effects of disasters on socially marginalized populations. The
objective here is to contrast the ways in which leading social theories of vulnerability help to
understand the principles of social justice which can be used to reduce vulnerability among
socially marginalized populations.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1 Inequalities in Societies: definition, theory and causes of inequalities, (economic,
gender, disabilities, political, socially exclusive groups, ethnicity, religion, minority,
class and caste system, age, nationality etc.).
Topic 2 Social stratification: definition, causes and consequences, theory: Marxist, Weber‘s
Topic 3 Disasters & gender: concepts & definitions, gender-disaster relationship: spatial,
social, and economic, causes of gender vulnerability, gender in DRR and DRM,
mainstreaming gender in climate resilience, women in culture and society, assessing
women‘s disaster resilience, gender vulnerability to natural hazards: social
vulnerability & economic vulnerability, impact of different disasters from gender
perspective: floods, cyclones, river bank erosion, draughts, landslide, earthquakes, fire
hazard etc., disaster and health (reproductive & communicable): during and after
disaster, disaster and security: personal security, food security & economic security,
gender in coping and resilience: immediate strategy and long-term strategy, gender in
policy framework (international and Bangladesh perspective).
Topic 4 Disabilities (mental and physical) and disaster.
Topic 5 Social inclusion perspective: socially exclusive groups and disaster.
Topic 6 Class and caste system (race/ethnicity, religion, minority) and Disaster.
Topic 7 Age inequality and disasters.
Topic 8 Inequalities and health issues in disaster (mental and physical).
Topic 9 Social inequalities and responses, relief and rehabilitation in disaster.
Topic 10 Inequalities and disaster risk reduction measures: pre, during and post disaster phase;
mainstreaming inequality issues in disaster risk reduction.
Topic 11 Social safety net/socio-economic safety net program.
Topic 12 Policy, planning and legal aspects of inequality issues in disasters.
Topic 13 Intersectionality: definition, intersectional justice, forms and key concepts and practical
Topic 14 Theoretical interpretations of inequality: from classical to post-modern approach.
Topic 15 Measurement of inequality in societies.
Topic 16 Inequality, poverty and disasters.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the Course students will be able to:
1. Understand the leading social theories of disaster vulnerability and the ways in which
they construct ―vulnerability‖.
2. Compare the ways in which social groups differ in experiencing natural hazards and
3. Critically analyze the relationship between social inequality and disaster vulnerability.
4. Employ social science data and theories to analyze the effects of disasters on socially
marginalized populations.
5. Explore the principles of social justice, which may be employed to reduce
vulnerability among socially marginalized populations.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Babones S.J. (2009) Social Inequality and Public Health. Policy Press. UK.
2. Brunsma D.L., et al. (2007) The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a Modern
Catastrophe. Rowman & Littlefield. Maryland. US.
3. Butler T. & Watt P. (2006) Understanding Social Inequality. Sage. UK.
4. DeFronzo J. (2011) Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements. 4th Edition.
Westview Press. US.
5. Ennals R. (2007) From Slavery to Citizenship. Hoboken. US.
6. Kerbo H. R. (2009) Social Stratification and Inequality. McGraw-Hill. US.
7. Marger M. (2013) Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes. 13th Edition. McGraw-
Hill. US.
8. Neckerman K. (2004) Social Inequality. Russell Sage Foundation. US.
9. PPRC & UNDP. (2011) Social Safety Nets in Bangladesh, Review of Issues and
Analytical Inventory: Volume I. Dhaka. Bangladesh
10. Price T.D. & Feinman G.M. (1995) Foundations of Social Inequality (Fundamental
Issues in Archaeology). Vol. 1. Springer. US.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 314 Hazard Analysis and Risk Reduction Lab
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The disasters have increased multifold over the years. For a sustainable solution and carrying
out risk management and crisis management activities, Understanding and accurately
analyzing hazard is essential. The scientific approach to studying and analyzing hazards can
lead to better understanding of the phenomenon and, it provides a framework for suitable
actions and decisions for the policymakers. There has been a paradigm shift in disaster
management approach from being crisis management oriented towards risk management
focused. This course comprises of risk reduction approaches developing the generic and
scenario based risk modeling of the major natural hazards as well as for major man-made
hazards. With the completion of the course, the students will be able to make an application-
oriented vulnerability and risk assessment and develop a hazard specific as well as multi-
hazard risk reduction/mitigation plans.
Specific Objectives:
The course is designed to allow the students to use different tools and techniques for hazard
identification, distribution, profiling, categorized map etc. for different hazards. The course
incorporates conduction of different statistical and spatial analyses for different parameters of
different hazards. The course also offers basic hazard modeling and simulation for some of
the hazards. The course is designed to allow the students to use different tools and techniques
for risk assessment for specific hazards as well as for multihazards; identify potential risk
reduction measures; conduct cost benefit analysis and determine their suitability.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Hazard Analysis: frequency analysis, intensity and magnitude determination, hazard
profiling, analysis of physical hazard parameters, f-n curve, technological hazard
Topic 2: Element-at-risk mapping (high resolution image, OSM, census, etc.)
Topic 3: Vulnerability assessment and vulnerability mapping; spatial multi-criteria analysis
Topic 4: Risk assessment
Topic 5: Multi-hazard risk assessment
Topic 6: Damage mapping
Topic 7: Rapid disaster mapping (flood, landslide, etc.)
Topic 8: Cost-benefit analysis
Learning Outcomes:
The hands on study of the earth materials will allow the student to learn:
● Different tools and techniques for hazard identification, distribution, profiling,
categorized map etc. for different hazards.
● Different hazard parameters and characteristics determination
● Different statistical and spatial analyses for different parameters of different hazards.
● Basic hazard modeling and simulation for some of the hazards.
● To assess vulnerability and conduct exposure analysis for specific hazards
● Assess risk for specific hazards as well as, multihazards and risk visualization
● Identify Suitable risk reduction measures
● Cost benefit analysis of the measures
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture; Presentation; Hands-on study; software based analysis.
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Westen et al. (2011), Multi-hazard Risk Assessment: Risk City Exercise Book 2011.
United Nations University – ITC School on Disaster Geo-information Management
2. ITC. (2018). ILWIS: User's Guide. University of Twente
fieldwork allows a higher order of cognitive learning, directly develops the psychomotor
learning and inspires affective learning. Field studies require integration of content
knowledge, observation and interpretation, analysis, experiment and theory and all their
representations. All lines of evidence need to come together to form a coherent, internally
consistent interpretation. Practices that are emphasized in the field instruction such as
question-asking, observation, representation, and communication are important to the
formative training of the students. This course mainly comprises field activities
complimented by theory classes. The fieldwork is carried out in one of the hazard prone areas
of Bangladesh, preferably in a coastal district that faces salinity, drinking water scarcity as
well as being exposed to strong storm surges caused by cyclones. The field incorporates the
extensive characterization of hazards from the remotely sensed historical data to identify and
analyze hazard hotspots. The field strongly emphasizes in-depth vulnerability and exposure
analysis and consequent risk assessment through different social surveying tools
complemented by field observation for multi hazard scenarios. The course helps the students
identify possible risk reduction measures and evaluate them.
Specific Objectives:
The objective of the field works is to prepare vulnerability and risk maps based on the field
investigations and using GIS and RS as well as proposing risk reduction measures (structural
and non-structural) considering the gravity of the risk. Also, the students will perform
Community Based Risk Assessment in this fieldwork to have insights about social aspects of
DRR and Climate Resilience.
This fieldwork builds on theory and practical courses taught up to the 6th Semester with an
emphasis on hazard assessment, vulnerability assessment, exposure analysis and consequent
risk assessment using different social investigation tools for disaster risk management.
Learning Outcomes:
● The highest order of cognitive learning through designing and investigation of the study
area in terms of hazard, vulnerability, exposure and risk.
● Understand different dimensions of vulnerability.
● Social Investigation tools: field designing, sampling and data collection, data processing
and analysis using different software.
● Multi hazard risk assessment for the study area.
● Identify risk reduction measures and evaluate.
● Visualizing the output.
● Integration of different components; creation of a comprehensive report.
Instructional Strategies:
For the fieldwork, the students are divided into groups in order to develop team rapport.
However, students are to document the data and prepare the report individually. Students are
to collect the data through observation, surveying and field equipment. A base map, to be
created by each student from the satellite image, is to be used to design the field and analyze.
Each student is to submit a comprehensive report after the completion of the fieldwork.
The students are continuously monitored and their performances are assessed throughout the
theory class component and the fieldwork. Students have to face a viva voce/present their
findings to the Field Committee. The continuous assessment and the viva/presentation totals
50% of the marks. The field report, submitted after completion of the fieldwork, accounts for
the remaining 50% of the total marks.
1. Bonham-Carter G.F. (1991) Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists: Modeling
with GIS. Elsevier. UK.
2. ITC (2010) A Core Book of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation: A System
based Approach.
3. Weng Q. (2009) Remote Sensing GIS Integration: Theories, Methods and Applications.
McGraw Hill. USA.
4. Hyndman D. and Hyndman D. (2010) Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd Edition.
Cengage Learning. India.
5. Moser C.A. Kalton G. (1971) Survey Methods in Social Investigation. 2nd Edition.
Heinemann Educational. UK.
6. Chang, K. T. (2006). Introduction to geographic information systems. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education. USA.
7. Westen et al (2011) Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Guidebook. Public Works. ITC.
Provided in the individual course contents.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 401 Crisis Planning, Response, Recovery and
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
Emergency Management is complex but important. Planning is done based on various
context - Emergency Management Context, Public Policy Context and Jurisdictional Context.
Again Emergency management differs from Emergency operation. Emergency and crisis
planning deals with preparedness, recovery and emergency communications etc. This course
covers planning aspects of emergency for effective emergency operations and deals with
crisis management and discusses the framework, approaches, best practices of crisis
management (response and recovery).
Specific Objectives:
This course is designed to teach how to plan for emergencies and how response, recovery and
rehabilitation is achieved.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Aims, purpose and scope of planning: types of crisis plans, standards and structure of
a plan
Topic 2: Plan development and its activation: process of planning, dissemination of plan, need
for revising plan, testing plan implementing capacity, integration of plans, multi-
agency collaboration, disaster declaration process in Bangladesh (DM act)
Topic 3: Contingency planning: generic and scenario-based
contingency plan for major responding organization
Topic 4: Emergency communications: guidelines for crisis communication, situational
awareness, and emergency operations center (EOC) and Procedures.
Topic 5: Incident Command System (ICS) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Topic 6: Crisis Management Essentials
Topic 7: Framework and Approaches of Response and Recovery
Topic 8: Recognition of pre-disaster actions: warning and evacuation, pre-positioning of
resources and supplies, last-minute mitigation and preparedness measures.
Topic 9: Recognition of post disaster actions: needs assessment, search and rescue, evacuation,
First Aid, medical treatment, provision of relief (food and non-food items), health and
disease monitoring, WASH, safety and security, critical infrastructure resumption,
emergency social services, donations management, dead body management, debris
management, volunteer management, media and private sector role.
Topic 10: Recovery and reconstruction planning: short-term measures, logistical constraints,
restoration of services, reconstruction of damaged structures, long term recovery plan,
build back better.
Topic 11: Emergency management training: the cause and effect model, the concept based
approach, scenario based methods.
Topic 12: Dimension of disaster recovery: psychological recovery, environmental-, housing-,
educational-, business-, agricultural-sector recovery.
Topic 13: Examples: response and recovery plan failures and successes around the world
Learning Outcomes:
● Understand the concept of emergency and crisis planning. Planning tactics and strategies.
● Prepare an emergency and crisis plan for particular hazard or for multiple hazards.
● Understand the crisis management
● Manage Response, Recovery and Rehabilitation after a disaster event.
● Handle debris, evacuation, search and rescue.
● Know the functions of Incident Command System.
● Be involved in cluster activities of development partner, GoB, NGO/INGO.
● Analyze the prepositioning options.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Haddow D., Bullock J. Coppola D.P. (2013) Introduction to Emergency Management. 5th
Edition.Butterworth-Heinemann. UK.
2. Alexander D. (2002) Principles of Emergency Planning and Management. Oxford
University Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 402 Disaster and Climate Resilience: Institutions
and Instruments
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The course has two major focus areas. Firstly, it will discuss the conceptual issues of
institution and institutional theories. This part will discuss the ideas about the evolution of
institutional theory, new institutionalism, good governance etc. The second part is applied as
it focuses on the institutional aspects of disaster management and climate resilience in the
country. This latter part will discuss the role of different formal and informal, government
and nongovernment, national and international institutions in the context of Bangladesh and
their roles in disaster and climate resilience.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objectives of the course are to develop the deep insight among the learners about
the changing patterns of institutional theory and the need of good governance in bringing the
institutional transformations required to achieve sustainable development in the country. This
course will also help them know in-details about the different types of institutional structures
and their roles in the context of disaster and climate resilience of Bangladesh.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Theoretical aspects of Institutions and Governance; Institutional Theory, why
institutions matter in Climate Resilience, types of Institutions and their Roles in
Disaster Management and Climate Resilience, Principles of Good Governance.
Topic 2: Governmental Disaster Management Agencies; Government Emergency
Management Structures: Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, Emergency
Management and Civil Protection, Emergency Medical Services, Public Health, The
Military and other Institutions.
Topic 3: Bilateral Disaster Management Assistance: Different types of Foreign Assistance,
How governments provide Bilateral Assistance, Monetary Assistance, Equipment
and supplies, Expertise.
Topic 4: Government Agencies Involved in Bilateral Assistance: Overseas Diplomatic
Missions, International Development Agencies, National Disaster Management
Agencies, Other Government Agencies and Military Resources.
Topic 5: Nongovernmental Organizations: Types of Nongovernmental Organizations involved
in Emergency Management, The Emergency Management role of Nongovernmental
Organizations, The Private Sector, Academia
Topic 6: Nongovernmental Emergency Management Operations: Funding, Coordination,
NGO / Military Cooperation, Standards of Conduct, Case Study (The International
Federation of Red Cross / Red Crescent Societies).
Topic 7: Multilateral Organizations: Multilateral Organizations Explained, Regional
International Organizations, The Emergency Management role of Multilateral
Topic 8: The United Nations: The United Nations System, United Nations Agencies and
Programs, The United Nations role in Emergency Management, The Consolidated
Appeals Process, Disaster Management Act, Law, Plan and Policy: their Guidelines.
International Instruments: Hyogo Framework for Action, SAARC Framework for
Action, UNHABITAT, Disaster Management Act, Law and Policy in Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● The institutional theories and their current state of evolution
● The role of good governance in achieving sustainable development.
● The role of different formal and informal institutions in the disaster management of
● The international institutional context of disaster management and climate resilience.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands-on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Ansell J. and Wharton F (1992) Risk: Analysis, Assessment, and Management. Wiley-
Blackwell. US.
2. Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2005) Review of Asian Development Bank Policy and
Assistance. Manila.
3. Asian Disaster Reduction Center (2005) Total Disaster Risk Management: Good
4. Broadleaf Capital International (1999) The Australian and New Zealand Standard on Risk
Management. Broadleaf Capital International. Pymble. Australia.
5. Commonwealth of Australia (2004) Emergency Risk Management: Applications Guide.
2nd Edition. Emergency Management Australia. Australia.
6. Coppola D.P. (2011) Introduction to International Disaster Management. 2nd Edition.
Butterworth Heinemann Press. US.
7. Ministry of Disaster Management Relief, Government of the People‘s Republic of
Bangladesh (2010) National Plan for Disaster Management. Dhaka.
8. National Disaster Management Legal Frameworks: Plan, Policy, Act and SOD
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 403 Climate Risk Modelling and Resilience
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
This course is designed to introduce different models used in Atmospheric science and
climate change study to the students. Adaptation to climate change is also discussed in this
course as well.
Specific Objectives:
To get introductory ideas about climate model and learn resilience strategies to climate
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introducing climate modeling: types of climate models- energy balance climate model,
one dimensional radiative-convective climate model, and dimensionally constrained
climate model, general circulation models, paleoclimatic model, and projections of
future climate change.
Topic 2: Processes of climatic model development: sensitivity of climate model, model
Topic 3: Hands-on climate risk modelling
Topic 4: Bias correction, statistical downscaling
Topic 5: Climate change impacts and types of Adaptation
Topic 6: Technologies options for adaptation: in coastal zones, for water supplies, agriculture,
health, infrastructure.
Topic 7: Adaptive capacity and its determinants: economic resources, technologies, information
and skills, infrastructure, institution, equity, endowed knowledge inclusion in
Topic 8: Climate change mitigation, carbon trading, climate change and green recovery
Topic 9: Climate resilient cities and livelihoods.
Learning Outcomes:
● Details of Climate Models
● Use of Climate Models
● Climate Risk Modeling
● Achieving resilience to Climate Change
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. McGuffie K. Henderson-Sellers A. 2013. A Climate Modelling Primer. 3rd Edition.
Wiley-Blackwell. US.
2. Erda L. 2009. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific.
Kluwer. Netherlands.
3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2006. Technologies for
Adaptation to Climate Change. Bonn. Germany.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 404 Research Methodology and Knowledge
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
The goal of Research Methodology is to learn how research is being done, and to put that
knowledge into practice. The primary objective of this course is to reacquaint students with a
variety of research traditions and related methodological and epistemological issues. First, the
course will look at what it means to do research, the role of power in research relationships,
and challenges posed by quantitative and qualitative data as well as critical research practices
and mixed methods approaches. Second, the course aims to offer students an opportunity to
address current methodological issues as they pertain to their own research interests thereby
providing each with the potential to knowledgeably justify and explain her or his chosen
methodology and method.
Specific Objectives:
This course will help students to understand research terminology, be aware of the ethical
principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes, to describe quantitative,
qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research, to identify the components of a
literature review process and to critically analyze published research.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Science, Research and Scientific Enterprise.
Topic 2: Concept Measurements, Challenges and Constraints in Conducting Research.
Topic 3: Literature Review.
Topic 4: Formulating Problems, Objectives and Questions; Assumption and Hypothesis.
Topic 5: Research Methods: Pre-field work, Field Work, without Field Work.
Topic 6: Citation and Reference List; Bibliographic Engines e.g., Mendeley.
Topic 7: Critical Reading and Technical Writing, Argumentation.
Topic 8: Ethics and Professionalism in Science.
Topic 9: Ethics and Professionalism in Science.
Topic 10: Data and Data Collection Methods:
Data, Measurement Scale, Sampling Methods, Type of Data (Primary and Secondary),
Sources of Data (Primary and Secondary), Data Collection Methods Quantitative,
Qualitative (Observation Methods, Questionnaires, Methods, Interview, RRA/PRA,
FGD); Quantitative Data Analysis, Interpretation and Result Validation Methods:
(Univariate Methods, Bivariate Methods, Time Series Analysis, Signal Processing,
Spatial Analysis, Image Processing, Multivariate Analysis and Directional Data
Topic 11 Research Proposal Writing for Research Project.
Topic 12 Research Proposal Presentation.
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student should be able to:
● Describe how to design, collect and analyze data in qualitative and quantitative projects.
● Use appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of different data sets, interpret and
present findings from statistical analyses in a clear, concise, and logical manner.
● Identify problems caused by systematic errors, bias and confounding in interpreting
research data.
● Describe and discuss key characteristics of qualitative data collection methods and reflect
on their main advantages and challenges.
● Describe key characteristics of main qualitative analysis methods including the role of the
researcher in the process of analysis.
● Assess strengths and limitations of different sources of quantitative and qualitative data.
● Compare qualitative and quantitative approaches and understand when these are best used
singly or in combination.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment/Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Dawson C. (2007) Laboratory Research Methods: A User-friendly Guide to Mastering
Research Techniques and Projects. 3rd Edition. How to Books Ltd. UK.
2. D.G. Rossiter (2011) Research Skills and Methods, An ITC Publication
3. Fernandez I.B., Gonzalez A. and Sabherwal R. (2003) Knowledge Management and KM
Software Package. Prentice Hall. US.
4. Rodriguez H. et al. (2006) Hand Book of Disaster Research (Handbooks of Sociology and
social Research). Springer. Netherlands.
5. Singleton Jr. R.A. and Stratis B.C. (2009) Approaches to Social Research. 5 th Edition.
Oxford University press. UK.
6. Williams M. May T. 1996. Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Research. UCL
Press. UK.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 405 Prediction and Early Warning
Credit: 03
Introduction to the Course:
The risk management includes preparedness which leads to warn people for any impeding
disaster to mitigate damage and losses. So prediction and early warning is vital in the disaster
management cycle. This course actually covers all the aspects to establish a people-centered
robust early warning system to reach the community/household at the last mile. The course
also clearly demarcate between community managed and community based Early Warning
System (EWS).
Specific Objectives:
This course is to give clear idea about the existing Early Warning System in Bangladesh and
what are the resources needed and how to establish an end-to-end EWS.
Number of Classes: 28
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Understanding Early Warning System: defining early warning system (ews),
community based/managed early warning system, essential features of community
based early warning systems, early warning practices and systems, the gap between
warning and heeding.
Topic 2: Application of technologies for monitoring and warning of hazards.
Topic 3: Modeling techniques for early warning (flood, landslide, tsunami, flash flood,
Topic 4: Community-based early warning (case study: landslide)
Topic 5: Key elements of early warning systems; risk knowledge, monitoring and warning,
dissemination and communication, response capabilities
Topic 6: Essentials of EWS; effectiveness, efficiency, equity, legitimacy
Topic 7: Cross cutting issues; effective governance and institutional arrangements, a multi
hazard approach, cultural diversity and gender perspectives, involvement of local
Topic 8: Role of Government, Media, NGOs in early warning system.
Topic 9: Electronic warning system: sensors, alarms information networks; role of
communications system in early warning system of impending disasters; wire lines
and wireless communication application.
Topic 10: Awareness development through education, seminar, conference, Olympiad, poster,
media etc.
Topic 11: Early warning systems in Bangladesh.
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course students will be able to:
● Familiar with EWS of BMD and FFWC
● Understand Prediction and Early Warning concept and its modeling
● Formulate the community managed EWS.
● Apply RS and GIS and other modern technologies in newly developed EWS or update
existing one.
● Know how to incorporate cross-cutting issues in EWS which is presently absent in most
of the system
● Devise checklist or indicators to monitor and evaluate an existing EWS.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments, presentations and field work. Question and answer sessions, and report writing
will be used to increase participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in
the classroom activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Bell F.G. (1999) Geological Hazards. Taylor and Francis. US.
2. Gasparini P. et al. (ed.) 2007. Earthquake Early warning System. Springer. Netherlands.
3. Glade t., et al. (Ed.) 2005. Landslide Hazard and Risk. Wiley-Blackwell. US.
4. Nayak S. 2008. Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Monitoring and Prediction of
Disasters. Sringer. Netherlands.
5. Nemec Jr.J. et al. (Ed.) 1993. Prediction and Perception of Natural Hazard. Springer.
6. Sene K. (2008) Flood Warning, Forecasting and Emergency Response. Springer.
7. Shafie H. (2009) Endowed Wisdom: Knowledge of Nature and Coping with Disaster in
Bangladesh. CDMP. Dhaka.
8. Tankut A.T. (Ed.) 2009. Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Springer. Netherlands.
9. Zschau J. Kèuppers A.N. 2003. Early Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Reduction.
Springer. Netherlands.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 406 Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course lab will cover machine learning basics, evaluation metrics, various algorithms
and deep learning, for example, ANN, BNN and CNN. Game theory, agent-based modeling
and simulation and different type‘s optimization technique will also be covered. In addition to
machine learning different numerical methods (AEM, FEM, FVM, FDM, BEM, and DEM)
will be addressed in this lab.
Specific Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to present the application of various numerical simulation (AEM,
FEM, FVM, FDM, BEM, and DEM) and machine learning (Supervised, Unsupervised and
Reinforcement) tools in the field of disaster science and climate resilience.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Machine Learning Basics: Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement, bias-variance
trade-off, overfitting and underfitting, data tuning and augmentation, gradient descent
(batch, stochastic), resampling methods (bootstrapping, cross-validation), linear
discriminant analysis (IDA), principal component analysis (PCA)
Topic 2: Evaluation Metrics: AUC, precision, recall, specificity, sensitivity, mean absolute
percentage error, root mean square error.
Topic 3: Algorithms: Linear regression (usually performed through OLS), Logistic regression,
Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors, K means clustering, Classification and regression
trees (CARTs), Support vector machines, AdaBoost, Random-forest, ARIMA,
Decision Trees, ID3, CHAID, C4.5, C5.0, Hierarchical Clustering.
Topic 4: Deep Learning: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Bayesian neural network (BNN),
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
Topic 5: Miscellaneous: Game theory and its applications, Agent-based Modeling and
Simulation, Optimization for linear programming (LP), mixed-integer linear
programming (MILP), quadratic programming (QP), second-order cone programming
(SOCP), nonlinear programming (NLP), constrained linear least squares, nonlinear
least squares, and nonlinear equations.
Topic 6: Numerical Simulation Basics: a) Introduction to applied element method (AEM),
finite element method (FEM), finite volume method (FVM), finite difference method
(FDM), boundary element method (BEM), and discrete element method (DEM)
Topic 7: Applications: a) Solution of simultaneous equations using MATLAB, b) Modeling of
first and second-order hydraulic systems, c) Applications of curve-fitting to
experimental data, d) Applications of numerical integration to evaluate moments of
inertia, friction work, and volumetric fluid flow
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this lab, students will be able
● to analyze and identify significant characteristics of data sets, develop an understanding
of training a learning algorithm including over-fitting, noise, convergence, and stopping
● to apply machine learning tools in the field of disaster science and climate resilience, for
example, liquefaction hazard assessment or Vs estimation using AI
● to apply numerical method in the field disaster risk reduction, for example, FEM based
2D seismic site response analysis, numerical simulation of direct shear test by DEM
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on/Practical Exercises, Lab works, Assignment, Discussions
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Bishop, Christopher. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780198538646.
2. Duda, Richard, Peter Hart, and David Stork. Pattern Classification. 2nd ed. New York,
NY: Wiley-Interscience, 2000. ISBN: 9780471056690.
3. Hastie, T., R. Tibshirani, and J. H. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data
Mining, Inference and Prediction. New York, NY: Springer, 2001. ISBN:
4. MacKay, David. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780521642989. Available on-line here.
5. Mitchell, Tom. Machine Learning. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1997. ISBN:
6. Cover, Thomas M., and Joy A. Thomas. Elements of Information Theory. New York,
NY: Wiley-Interscience, 1991. ISBN: 9780471062592.
7. P.E. Lewis and J.P Ward, The finite element method; Principles and Application,
AddisonWesley, 1991.
8. Zienkiewicz and K. Morgan, Finite Elements and approximations, John Wiley and Sons.
9. C.F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
10. M.A. Celia and W.G. Gray, Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall
Int. Inc.
11. G.D. Smith, Numerical solution of Partial differential equations, Clarendon press,
Oxford, 1978
12. Stephen C. Chapra, McGraw Hill, 2010. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for
Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition.
13. Cleve Moler, Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Electronic edition: The
MathWorks, Inc.,
14. Natick, MA, 2004, http://www.mathworks.com/moler. Print edition: SIAM, Philadelphia,
15. L. V. Fausett, Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB® 2/E, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
16. S. Nakamura, Numerical Analysis and Graphic Visualization with MATLAB®, 2/e,
Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN:01306548921
A. Gilat and V. Subramaniam, Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, John
Wiley Sons, Inc., 2008, ISBN: 9780471734406
17. J. H. Mathews and K. D. Fink, Numerical Methods Using MATLAB®, 3rd ed, Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN: 0130652482
18. J. Kiusalaas, Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB® , Cambridge
University Press, 2005, ISBN: 0521852889
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 407 Geoinformatics and MIS in Disaster
Management and Climate Change
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This lab has two main focus areas. The major focus area of the lab is Geoinformatics.
Geoinformatics, which includes Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System, Global
Positioning Systems, and Internet Mapping Services, provides the most powerful technology
for all phases of disaster management i.e. hazard mapping, monitoring, risk assessment,
emergency response and reconstruction including early warning. Secondly, this lab will also
discuss about the application of Management Information System (MIS) for disaster
management and climate change. Major topics would include database management,
effective utilizations of natural resources database in event of disaster and building decision
support system for better administration.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objectives of this lab are to provide hands-on training on Geoinformatics so that
the students can learn the latest in web mapping, remote sensing/UAV, location intelligence,
spatial analytics, and more.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction to Geoinformatics
Topic 2: Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), Geospatial platform and database management, Web
Topic 3: Remote sensing for disaster management
Topic 4: Pre-processing and Information Extraction from LiDAR, RADAR, UAV Image
Topic 5: Spatial modeling
Topic 6: Introduction to information systems
Topic 7: MIS for decision making
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this lab the student will learn to perform the following:
● Explore mapped data
● Relate GIS with remote sensing technologies
● Analyze spatial data, using GIS analysis tools
● Develop and manage geodatabases
● Apply Python as a GIS computer language
● Create maps, images and apps to communicate spatial data in a meaningful way to others
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on Exercises, Field work and Lab works
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. Brimicombe A. (2009) GIS for Environmental Modeling and Engineering. 2nd Edition.
CRC Press. US.
2. Campagna M. (2005) GIS for Sustainable Development. CRC Press. US.
3. Karimi H.A. (2008) Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics. Information Science
Reference, New York. US.
4. Oosterom P.V. et al. (Ed.) (2005) Geo-Information for Disaster Management. Springer.
5. Shamsi U.M. (2005) GIS Applications for Water, Waste Water and Stormwater Systems.
CRC Press. US.
6. Weng Q. (2009) Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods, and
Applications. McGraw-Hill. US.
7. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon. (2008). Management Information Systems
Managing the Digital Firm (10th Economy Edition).
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 408 Damage, Loss and Need Assessment
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The course has three major focus areas. They are the damage, loss and need assessment in the
post disaster context. This course discusses about the established methods of damage and loss
assessment and their application in different socioeconomic sectors. The sector specific
damage and loss assessment follows the post-disaster need assessment.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objective of this course is to introduce the students with the established methods
for disaster damage, loss and need assessment. Several agencies of the UN and some other
international bodies have developed some toolkits on this purpose. This course aims to teach
about these toolkits and talk about them by providing practical examples.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Introduction: Concept of disaster damage and losses; Factors causing increase in
damage and losses;
Topic 2: Damage and Loss Measures: Assessment versus estimation; Concept of Post-disaster
Needs Assessment (PDNA); Concept of disaster damage and loss assessment (DaLa);
Concept of pre-disaster loss estimation (PDLE).
Topic 3: Assessment Methodology: ECLAC, DaLa, PDNA.
Topic 4: Steps in the Application of ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin American and
Caribbean region) Methodology.
Topic 5: Conducting Damage and Loss Assessments by Sector: Economic Sector, Social
Sector, and Infrastructure and Cross Cutting sectors.
Topic 6: Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA): From Losses to economic Recovery Plan,
From Damage to reconstruction Needs.
Topic 7: Link between Risk Assessment and Damage Assessment
Topic 8: Latest Loss Estimation Modeling and Disaster Impact Analysis for Effective Policy F
ormation: Cost Benefit Analysis, Applied Technology Council (ATC-13), HAZUS
(Hazard in USA) Methodology, the ACM (Advanced Component Method), CatSim
(Catastrophe Simulation) Model, Input-Output Model, Computable General
Equilibrium (CGE) Model, the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Method and
Econometric Model.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● The damage, loss and need assessment techniques
● The methods for developing context specific disaster assessment toolkits.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Chakrabarti D. Bhat M.R. (2006) Micro-finance and Disaster Risk Reduction.
Knowledge World. India.
2. Coppola D.P. (2007) Introduction to International Disaster Management. Elsevier. UK.
3. Hansjurgens B. Antes R. (Ed.) (2008) Economic Management of Climate Change Risk
Mitigation Adaptation. Springer. Netherlands.
4. The World Bank. (2010) Damage, Loss and Needs Assessment: Guidance Notes.
Washington DC.
5. GFDRR. (2013) Post Disaster Need Assessment Guidelines: Volume A.
6. GFDRR. (2008) Disaster Damage, Loss and Need Assessment: Training Guidelines.
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 409 Disaster in Agriculture and Food Security
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Smallholder farmers in Bangladesh are heavily rely on their local environments and natural
resources i.e. land, water and energy for agricultural production and livelihoods. Thus, these
vital resources provide the backbone of many rural livelihoods and their stability is key to
securing the wellbeing of their entire communities. This course will equip with knowledge
on protecting people‘s agriculture-based livelihoods from shocks and strengthening their
capacity to absorb the impact of, and recover from, disruptive climatic events. This is a
necessary ingredient for sustainable food and nutrition security. This course is also in line
with the UN-led sustainable development goal. The present course aims to fill the current
knowledge gap on the nature and magnitude of impacts of disasters triggered by natural and
human-induced hazards on the agriculture sector and its subsectors (crops, livestock fisheries
and forestry) in Bangladesh and other developing countries. The course will take an
innovative approach to design well-informed risk reduction strategies and mitigation
measures within the agriculture sector; several challenges also will be addressed to improve
the information systems on the impact of farm production.
Specific Objectives:
● Understanding the basic concept of agriculture, it‘s development and food security.
● Exploring climate change issues and their impact on farm productivity.
● Analyzing the major risk of farm production systems due to climate change and disaster
and its measures for sustainable agricultural growth and food security.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Evolution of Agriculture (Domestication of Plants and Animals; Civilization,
Agriculture and Disasters).
Topic 2: Famine, the Great Famine Ireland (Potato Famine), the Great Chinese Famine,
Famine in British India and Bangladesh (Bengal Famine of 1770, The Great Bengal
Famine of 1943, The Famine of 1974).
Topic 3: Green Revolution
Topic 4: Basic Concept of Agriculture (Classification of Agriculture, Factors of Agriculture,
Cropping Pattern, Cropping Intensity, Crop Rotation, Irrigation, Crop Calendar,
Carrying Capacity, Cropping Methods etc.).
Topic 5: Agriculture of Bangladesh, Agro-ecological Zone of Bangladesh.
Topic 6: Agriculture and Disaster (Natural and Human-Induced)
Topic 7: Insect pest management
Topic 8: Food Security
Topic 9: Climate Change, Food Security and Agricultural Risk Reduction in Bangladesh
Topic 10: Disaster Risk Reduction Measures in Agriculture
Topic 11: Early Warning System and Agricultural Risk Reduction
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to define and differentiate the key concepts and
understand the different issues on agricultural development, farm production, food security
and climate change. Understanding these concepts will play an important role to assess the
disaster risks and multi-sectoral strategies and methods for adaptation of climate-smart
agriculture. They will gain knowledge on agricultural intervention on improved technologies
for higher production and sustainable food security. This course will further contribute to
enhancing the knowledge of the students on the government‘s agricultural policies, plans and
development objectives to promote the agricultural sector to meet the UN-sustainable
development goal.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to give lectures.
Teaching methods will be lectures, group discussions, exercises, case studies, assignments,
and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role-playing, question and
answer sessions will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem-solving and
hands-on field learning example is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment /Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Brammer H. (1996) The Geography of Soil of Bangladesh. University Press Limited.
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
2. Brammer H. (2012) The Physical Geography of Bangladesh. University Press Limited.
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
3. Datta M. et al. (2008) Climate Change and Food Security. New India Publishing. India.
4. Hossain A. (2010) Fundamentals of Irrigation and On-farm Water Management: Volume
1. Springer. Netherlands.
5. Hossain A. (2011) Practices of Irrigation On-farm Water Management: Volume 2.
Springer. Netherlands.
6. Lal R. (2010) Climate Change and Food Security in South Asia. Springer. Netherlands.
7. Rasheed K.B.S. (2008) Bangladesh: Resource and Environmental Profile. A. H.
Development Publishing House. Dhaka.
8. Rasheed K.B.S. (2008) Water Resources Management: With Examples from Bangladesh.
A H Development Publishing House. Dhaka.
9. Yu W.H. (2010) Climate Change Risks and Food Security in Bangladesh
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 410 Mainstreaming Disaster Management and
Climate Resilience
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
The course has two major focus areas. Firstly, it will discuss the cross cutting issues of
concerns in the disaster risk reduction agenda. And secondly, it focuses on the integration of
these concerns into the development policy planning.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objective of this course is to develop insights on disaster risk reduction, climate
change adaptation, gender issues etc., and their integration into the national level and
development activities. The learners will come to know across the variety of concerns
surrounding the mainstreaming disaster risk reduction agenda.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Mainstreaming Disaster Management Framework: Fundamental Concepts of
Mainstreaming, Process and Challenges of Mainstreaming, Techniques of
mainstreaming, Advocacy and Entry Points.
Topic 2: Disaster Risk Assessment: Hazard Characterization and Frequency Analysis,
Consequence Analysis, Risk Estimation, Risk Prioritization.
Topic 3: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Assessment Results in Plan Formulation: Analyzing the
Risk Impact to the Land use and Physical Framework, Identifying Development
Issues, Goals, Objectives and Targets based on the Risks, Identifying DRR Measures,
and Identifying Intervention Measures to Respond to Disaster Risk.
Topic 4: Mainstreaming Gender issues in Disaster Management (From Bangladesh
Perspective): GAD Approach.
Topic 5: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the
development planning (Land use planning, Education, Environment and Natural
Resources and Housing).
Topic 6: Mainstreaming DRR in Investment Programming, Budgeting, Project Monitoring and
Evaluation: Post Plan Formulation Mainstreaming, Investment Programming,
Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction into National and Local Government
Development Planning, Intra-government Horizontal and Vertical Integration.
Topic 7: Mainstreaming Direct and Indirect Impact of Natural Disaster in SAARC and
ASEAN countries.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to learn:
● How to mainstream the disaster risk reduction agenda into the development planning
● Cross cutting issues and challenges in mainstreaming the disaster risk reduction agenda.
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia alongside whiteboard writings will be used to present lectures.
All the materials will be provided. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion,
exercises, case studies, assignments and presentations. The techniques of experiential
learning like role play, question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing
will be used to increase participation. In addition, problem solving and hands-on field
learning is encouraged.
Formative (30%): Incourse Examination/Assignment
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) (2010) Urban Governance and Community
Resilience Guides: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction. Manila. Philippines.
2. The Provention Consortium. (2007) Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction:
Guidance Notes for Development Organizations. Provention Consortium. Switzerland.
Benson C. Twigg J.
3. The Provention Consortium. (2009) Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into
Development: Challenges and Experience in the Philippines. Switzerland. Benson C.
4. UNDP-UNEP. (2011) Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaption into Development
Planning. A Guide Book for Practitioners.
5. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2010) Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
reduction in sub national Development: land use/physical planning in Philippines.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHT 411 Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This course aims at equipping the students with some applied knowledge of project
management. All the disaster risk mitigation and reconstruction work demand formulation of
projects and their regular monitoring and evaluation. The course focuses on the project life
cycle approach to development, and provides the tools for good project planning, monitoring
and evaluation. The environmental and social safeguard policy and compliance issues
included in the course, provides the tools for mitigating conflicts with the affected
communities and for better outcome.
Specific Objectives:
In this course the students will be able to understand the concept of project and programme
management, to know the steps-by-step methods of project planning, development of project
proposal and its appraisal processes, to build competence in designing monitoring and
evaluation frameworks and plans and to explore the core concept of Environmental and
Social Impact Assessments.
Number of Classes: 19
Course Contents:
Topic 1 Basic Concepts: Definition Characteristics of a Project and Program, Difference
between Project and Program, Project and Programme Managers Role; Project
Classification their Differences, Understanding Project Objective.
Topic 2 Project Life Cycle, Aspects and Activities of Different Phases, Project Generation and
Topic 3 Project Planning and Proposal Development: Definition, Purpose, Processes, Steps,
Tips, Elements, Project Processing and Procedure in Bangladesh, Guidelines for
Planning, Project Proformas, Uncertainty and Risk in Project Planning, Reason behind
Project Failure.
Topic 4 Project Appraisal: Different Aspects of Project Appraisal-Technical Aspect,
Managerial Aspect, Social Aspect, Economic Aspect, Financial Aspect. Determination
of Investment Worth, Cash Flow in a Project. Steps Involved in Approval Process of
Investment Projects Project Processing and Procedure in Bangladesh, Guidelines for
Planning, Project Proformas, Uncertainty and Risk in Project Planning, Reason behind
Project Failure.
Topic 5 Logical Framework Approach in Project Management: Definitions and Use, Nine
Different Steps in LFA, Building a Logframe Matrix, Elements of Project
Topic 6 Project Monitoring Evaluation: Definitions, Purpose and Objectives, Elements and
Components of a Good ME System, ME Plan and Results Framework. Characteristics
of a Good Indicator, Monitoring Report, Methods and Types of Evaluation.
Topic 7 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Rapid
Environmental Assessment (REA) etc: History, Steps and Procedures, Assessment
Methods and Parameters, Categories of Environmental Screening, Components of a
EIA Reporting Outline, Environmental Management Plan, =Benefits, Challenges,
Bangladesh Key Environmental Concerns.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will be able to:
● Differentiate between project and programme management, describe the step-by-step
methods of project planning.
● Acquire the required competencies for the development of a good project proposal,
Logframe and Results Framework.
● Have clear understanding of purposes, processes, standards and guiding principles for
planning, monitoring and evaluation that can be applied to all development work.
● Develop a critical awareness of the importance of environmental and social impact
assessments in making better informed decisions, improve outcomes, assess and resolve
conflicts between social, environmental, economic, urban and rural developments, inform
and empower people (including marginalized), increase social value/return on social
Instructional Strategies:
Visual aids like Multimedia will be used to present lectures. All the materials will be
provided in soft copies or hard copies. Soft copies will be provided through a common group
email account. Teaching methods will be: lectures, group discussion, exercises, case studies,
assignments, and presentations. The techniques of experiential learning like role play,
question and answer sessions, practical research and report writing will be used to increase
participation. Students are expected to be enthusiastically involved in the classroom
activities. In addition, problem solving and on-line discussions will be highly appreciated.
Formative (30%): In course Examination/Assignment/Presentation
Summative (70%): Course Final Examination
1. Chadha S. (1989) Managing Project in Bangladesh. University Press Limited. Dhaka.
2. Choudhury S. (1993) Project Management. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi
3. Dingle J. (1997) Project Management: Orientation for Decision Makers. John Wiley-
Blackwell. US.
4. International Labor Organization. (2000) Project Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring,
Evaluation: User‘s Hand Book. Dhaka.
5. NORAD. (1999) The Logical Framework Approach. Oslo.
6. Young T. (2003) The Project Management Manual. Penguin books. New Delhi.
Course Number and Title: DSCRHL 412 Damage and Need Assessment Lab
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
This lab mainly aims to draw the conceptual aspects from DSCRHT 408 and practically
apply them with real world data. This will talk about the application of damage, loss and need
assessment tools in different socioeconomic sectors.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objective of this lab is to train the students with the practical knowledge of
conducting damage, loss and need assessments in mainly post-disaster context.
Contact Hour: 42 Hours
Course Contents:
Topic 1: Damage, loss and need assessment for social sectors
Topic 2: Damage, loss and need assessment for physical sectors
Topic 3: Damage assessment: Cyclone Sidr
Topic 4: Damage assessment: Cyclone Aila
Topic 5: Econometric tools for damage, loss and need assessment
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this lab the student will learn to perform the following:
● Assess the damage, loss and needs in any kind of post-disaster situation
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture, Presentation, Hands-on Exercises, Field work and Lab works
Formative (40%): Attendance, Laboratory work, Submission of assignment/Lab notebook
Summative (60%): Practical Examination
1. The World Bank. (2010) Damage, Loss and Needs Assessment: Guidance Notes.
Washington DC.
2. GFDRR. (2013) Post Disaster Need Assessment Guidelines: Volume A.
3. GFDRR. (2008) Disaster Damage, Loss and Need Assessment: Training Guidelines.
Dhaka. Bangladesh
Course Number and Title: DSCRHV 414 (Viva vocé)
Credit: 02
Introduction to the Course:
Viva vocé (―living voice‖), by tradition, is an oral examination that is carried out not as a
substitute, but to complement the written exam. The course is designed to ensure the
development of the student‘s ability to apply, analyze, evaluate and create using the acquired
knowledge along with the ability to remember and understand. This course is unique in a
sense that it does not have a scheduled class time but the all the courses up to 3 rd semester
and before constitutes the syllabus. Also, this course is designed to ensure a comprehensive
understanding of the subject as a whole with clear a conceptual framework which can help
the students explain, evaluate and create the correlations among the individual courses.
Specific Objectives:
This semester mainly focuses on vulnerability assessment and risk reduction and crisis
response and preparedness. This course addresses both part of the disaster management cycle
in detail. The course deals with the most delicate aspect of vulnerability assessment leading
to risk mitigation and reduction as well as the post-disaster humanitarian approach
considering mainly the emergency issues related particularly to the development and
disparity aspects of disaster; post disaster damage assessment and planning for immediate and
long term management of the crisis through the mobilization of humanitarian agencies and
the community at risk
Course Contents:
The course contents include the courses taught up to 7th and 8th Semester with an emphasis on
the present Semester.
Learning Outcomes:
With the completion of the course, the students will be able to make an application-oriented
vulnerability and risk assessment and develop a hazard specific as well as multi-hazard risk
reduction/mitigation plan with both technical and community-based early warning measures.
the students will learn from the past how to develop post-disaster plan to coordinate complex
operations that must be solved within the stipulated timeframe and efficiently following the
cycle of crisis management. Moreover, the students will be familiar with the responsibility of
the national and international players responding to humanitarian assistances.
The oral examination process itself can allow a student to grow in the following aspects:
● Develop and demonstrate oral communication ability;
● Provide experience with the communications identified as most challenging in the
workplace, i.e., interaction with a superior;
● Help students develop explanatory skills, powers of persuasion, oral poise and self-
● Understand and demonstrate the principles of audience-centered message adaptation;
● Locate, use, and correctly cite appropriate evidence in supporting their claims;
● Demonstrate communication behaviors appropriate for effective comprehensive and
supportive listening;
Instructional Strategies:
Questions and Answers; Establishing Rapport; Discussion on topics; Problem solving;
Speech on given topics.
The oral examination is to be conducted by the 8th Semester Examination Committee for the
respective session. The committee consists of four faculty members led by a chairman of the
Examination Committee. The members evaluate the performance of a student individually
and discretely; the average of which is the number that is awarded to the student and is
graded accordingly.