L2 Components

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MULTIMEDIA L2 International


How is the course structured?

You will complete 4 units of work, each unit of work consists of
3 or 4 tasks or elements.
Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 10
Pearson Set Digital Video Podcast Advertising
Assignment Production Production Production

How will I be assessed?

Tasks & units are graded PASS, MERIT, DISTINCTION.
In order to be awarded a L2 Certificate you must complete all 4
units, & achieve a PASS or above in each task. If you achieve a
PASS in each task then you will gain a PASS for that unit & so
on. Overall qualification grades are PP, MP, MM, DM, DD, D*D
& D*D*.
To calculate your overall grade, you need to do some simple
maths. At unit level a PASS is 4 points, a MERIT is 6 & a
DISTINCTION is 8 points. Multiply the number of points for
your unit grade by the number of Guided Learning Hours for
each unit (6). So if you get a PASS in Unit 1, you will have
4x6=24 points.
Add up all of your points across the units to calculate your
overall qualification grade.
96 114 132 150 168 174 180

Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 10 TOTAL

24 36 36 48 MM
Certificate PEARSON SET U1
In this unit, you will learn about research methods, & use them to conduct
research into products & audiences. You will use this to develop & propose an
idea in response to a client brief in an appropriate format.

Unit Introduction
Ideas for successful media products don’t come from nowhere. They are usually
the result of a long process of research to under what the audience likes & what
makes products successful.
It is very important in all media sectors that people are able to communicate
effectively to express ideas with clarity & accuracy to others, for example,
Proposing an idea for a digital media product is a key part of the process of
gaining approval for the product to go into production.
In this unit, you will learn & apply research methods to conduct audience,
product & market research that will help you generate ideas for your own digital
media product in response to a client brief. You will select an idea & develop the
skills to enable you to propose the idea effectively.
This unit is a Pearson Set Assignment which means that it is a core unit that all
learners in the world must complete. Pearson produce & release the set
assignment for you to follow & complete according to the assessment criteria


A.D1 Plan & conduct effective
Learning Aim A: Use research methods to inform ideas for a digital
media product research to inform ideas for
a digital media product,
A.P1 Conduct product & A.M1 Plan & conduct competent presenting relevant findings
audience research. research to inform ideas for clearly & effectively.
A.P2 Make basic use of methods a digital media product,
to record findings. summarising findings
Learning Aim B: Develop ideas for a digital media product B.D2 Consider research findings
B.P3 Use basic ideas generation B.M2 Make appropriate use of & make effective use of
techniques to generate ideas generation techniques different ideas generation
ideas for a digital media to generate ideas for a techniques to generate &
product. digital media product & refine ideas for a digital
select an idea which media product, justifying the
B.P4 Select an idea for a digital selection of an idea which
media product with some appropriately links to the
brief. effectively links to the
links to the brief. requirements of the brief.
Learning Aim C: Propose an idea for a digital media product C.D3 Develop & use detailed
materials to propose an
C.P5 Develop basic materials to C.M3 Develop & use appropriate idea effectively using a
propose an idea. materials to propose an structure & engaging
C.P6 Propose an idea using a idea competently using a presentation format.
basic presentation format. suitable presentation
Certificate DIGITAL VIDEO U4
In this unit, you will explore the features of digital video for different purposes &
platforms. You will use your findings to inform the planning, production &
exhibition of a digital video product for a specific purpose.

Unit Introduction
Digital video production covers a wide range of film & video making from films,
news, music videos, promotional videos to tutorials & viral videos. These videos
may have been made by one person with a camera or a cast & crew of
hundreds. However, the common factor they all share is the use of media
language to communicate effectively with the target audience.
You will use camerwork, mise-en-scene (setting, locations, props, costumes &
make-up), lighting, sound & editing to create a video product for a specified
purpose, which you will publish to a digital platform.

You will work as a team but each member will be responsible for the
development, planning, pre-production & production of 1 minute of the project.
You will then individually edit and publish your final product to a digital platform.


Learning Aim A: Explore the purposes, features & platforms of digital A.D1 Analyse how the features of
video products digital video products are
used for different purposes
A.P1 Describe purposes & A.M1 Explain purposes & features to attract audiences across
features of digital video of digital video products, different platforms, using
products. using appropriate examples. detailed discussion of well-
A.P2 Describe how different A.M2 Explain how different chosen examples.
platforms attract audiences. platforms attract audiences,
using appropriate examples.
Learning Aim B: Plan & shoot footage for a digital video BC.D2 Carry out effective pre-
B.P3 Carry out basic pre- production planning &
B.M3 Carry out competent pre- management that fully
production planning for a production planning that
video shoot. supports the production of
supports the production of a a digital video,
B.P4 Set up & operate the digital video. demonstrating effective
camera to shoot basic B.M4 Competently set up & camerawork, mise-en-
footage for a digital video. operate the camera, & scene & editing to fulfill an
manage mise-en-scene, to intended purpose.
shoot footage for a digital
Learning Aim C: Edit & publish a digital video
C.P5 Carry out basic editing of C.M5 Select & edit footage to
footage for a digital video convey an intended
product. purpose for a digial video
C.P6 Export footage in a digital product.
format. C.M6 Export footage in an
appropriate format to
publish to a digital platform.
Certificate PODCAST U5
In this unit, you will develop the knowledge, skills & understanding to plan &
record an audio podcast production.

Unit Introduction
Audio podcasting is flourishing because, put simply, podcasts are a powerful way
to tell stories & connect with people. Audio podcasts are an opt-in medium;
you have to choose what to listen to & when to listen, which means they build a
very close relationship with their listeners. Whether you want insight,
information or amusement, there’s a podcast for you to listen to & when you
find a new podcast, it’s like finding a new friend.
In this unit, you will explore audio podcast formats & features & the relationship
between different podcasts & their listeners. You will develop skill sin podcasting
by developing an idea for your own podcast & learning how to plan, record &
edit an episode of that podcast.
You will work individually to develop, plan, produce & edit your podcast but you
may choose to work with a host, guest voice actors &/or an interviewee.


Learning Aim A: Explore audio podcast formats, features & A.D1 Analyse the formats &
audiences features of different audio
podcasts, showing a good
A.P1 Describe the features of A.M1 Explain the formats & understanding of how they
different audio podcasts. features of audio podcasts, are used to appeal to their
A.P2 Demonstrate a basic showing an appropriate listeners & fulfill different
understanding of the understanding of the purposes.
relationship between relationship between
different audio podcasts & different audio podcasts &
their listeners. their listeners.

Learning Aim B: Plan an audio podcast production BC.D2 Produce effective

B.P3 Produce basic planning for B.M2 Produce competent planning & a clear identity
a new audio podcast. planning for a new audio for a new podcast, plan &
podcast & plan & write write engaging content &
B.P4 Write basic content for an make good use of
episode of the podcast. suitable content for an
episode of the podcast. recording equipment,
audio editing & mixing
techniques to create an
Learning Aim C: Record & edit an audio podcast production effective audio podcast
C.P5 Make basic use of recording C.M3 Make appropriate use of episode.
equipment & audio editing recording equipment &
techniques to create a audio editing & mixing
straightforward audio techniques to create a
podcast episode. competent audio podcast
Certificate ADVERTISING U10
In this unit, you will explore advertising production techniques in different
mediums & plan & produce an advert in a chosen medium.

Unit Introduction
Advertising & the media are inseparable. Advertising exists in some shape or
form in every medium, including TV, film, radio, the press & the internet.
Advertising allows companies to reach a wide audience throughout the country
or even the world, with particular areas of growth being social media & amongst
social media influencers in the form of endorsements & sponsorship. The
advertising industry has diverse & adapted to keep pace with the changing
digital platforms which consumers use & the methods & techniques used are
both subtle & explicit. Whichever medium is used, advertisers seek to gain
maximum exposure for their products with clear messages & persuasive
In this unit, you will learn how different techniques are used to persuade &
engage consumers. You will develop ideas for an advert & then plan & produce
an advert to appeal to a particular audience.


Learning Aim A: Explore the features of media advertising A.D1 Analyse the types, purposes
& audiences of different
A.P1 Describe the types, A.M1 Explain the types, purposes adverts, showing a good
purposes & audiences of & audiences of different understanding of the use of
different adverts. adverts, showing an advertising features &
A.P2 Demonstrate a basic appropriate understanding techniques.
understanding of of the use of advertising
advertising features & features & techniques.
Learning Aim B: Plan & develop ideas for an advert BC.D2 Make good use of
planning, an effective
B.P3 Produce basic planning for B.M2 Make appropriate use of proposal, engaging
an advert in a chosen planning & produce a content & editing
medium. competent proposal for an techniques to produce an
B.P4 Produce a basic proposal advert in a chosen medium. effective advert in a
for an advert. chosen medium, that is
clearly fit for audience &
Learning Aim C: Produce an advert purpose.
C.P5 Produce a basic advert in a C.M3 Produce appropriate
chosen medium for an content & make competent
identified audience. use of editing techniques to
produce a competent
advert that is suitable for the
identified audience.

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