Egyptian Informatics Journal
Egyptian Informatics Journal
Egyptian Informatics Journal
Keywords: Business intelligence can play a significant role in improving the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations
Health care generate massive amounts of data, including patient information, financial data, and operational data. The tools
Analytics can help healthcare organizations to analyze and utilize this data to improve their operations, reduce costs, and
Business intelligence
provide better patient care. Business intelligence technologies can be used to analyze this data and improve
Frame work
operational and clinical efficiency. However, healthcare organizations need to assess their readiness and develop
Maturity model
an overall the strategy to effectively use the data. This research proposes a framework for developing a domain
specific maturity model, that meets specific healthcare industry. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of this
framework by applying it to the development of maturity model in healthcare. The results indicate framework is
able to guide the development of a BI maturity model that is acceptable to expert practitioners field. Our research
is important because it addresses the need for a domain specific BI maturity model in healthcare. While there are
generic models available, they may not be suitable for the specific needs of the healthcare industry. The proposed
framework can be used by healthcare organizations to assess their BI readiness and develop a BI strategy that is
tailored to their specific needs. Overall, this research has practical implications for healthcare organizations
looking to leverage their data through Business intelligence technologies. By using the proposed framework to
develop a domain specific Business intelligence maturity model, organizations can improve their operational and
clinical efficiency and ultimately provide better patient care.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Tarakaramu), [email protected] (M. Ijaz Khan).
Received 3 September 2023; Received in revised form 1 December 2023; Accepted 17 January 2024
Available online 30 January 2024
1110-8665/© 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Ramalingam et al. Egyptian Informatics Journal 25 (2024) 100438
industries like healthcare. The BI Focus on Healthcare Industry in capture methods [8,9,10].
existing BI maturity models are discussed with a specific focus on their The present paper represents an extended version of the research
inadequacy in addressing the needs of complex industries, such as initially presented at the 14th International Conference on Informatics
healthcare. The importance of having domain-specific BI maturity in Economy (IE 2015). The conference took place from April 30 to May
models, especially in industries with unique complexities like health 3, 2015, in Bucharest, Romania. The authors of this paper have
care. The need for tailored approaches rather than relying solely on expanded upon their previous work, building upon the foundations and
generic models. findings presented during the conference. By providing an extended
Big data is a significant challenge in the current landscape. It refers to version, the author’s likely aim to delve deeper into the topic, address
the massive volume, velocity, and variety of data generated from various additional aspects, present further analysis, incorporate additional data
sources. Dealing with Big Data requires specialized tools and techniques or case studies, or refine their methodology. The Deep matching
to store, process, and analyze the vast amounts of information effec network and CT based work has developed [11,12,13]. The extended
tively. In Memory technology is a new innovation in the field of Business version offers an opportunity to present a more comprehensive and
Intelligence. It involves storing data in the computer’s main memory, detailed account of their research, incorporating feedback and insights
enabling faster data retrieval and analysis compared to traditional disk gained from the conference presentation and subsequent discussions
based storage systems. In Memory technology enhances the speed and [14,15,16]. China’s medical manufacture, surgical instrument localiza
performance of data processing, enabling organizations to gain real time tion and three stage DEA model was introduced [17,18,19].
insights and make quicker decisions. We see in Fig. 1 in big data analytics supports the emerging field of
Analytics is an essential use case in leveraging data for decision precision medicine. By integrating genomics data, clinical data, and
making. It encompasses the techniques and methodologies used to patient characteristics, healthcare analytics models can enable tailored
analyze data and extract meaningful insights. Analytics involves pro treatment plans, personalized therapies, and targeted interventions
cesses such as data exploration, statistical analysis, data mining, pre based on individual patient profiles.
dictive modeling, and machine learning. By applying analytics, Business analytics is increasingly being used in the healthcare sector
organizations can uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within their to improve patient outcomes, optimize operational efficiency, and
data to make informed decisions and drive business growth. The chal reduce costs. Here are a few examples of how business analytics can be
lenges of Big Data, introduces the In Memory technology as a new applied in the healthcare sector:
approach to Business Intelligence, and highlights the significance of Patient analytics: By analyzing patient data, including electronic
Analytics as a crucial use case in leveraging data for decision making health records, wearable device data, and other sources, healthcare
[1,2,3]. providers can gain insights into patient behavior, preferences, and
The global data production is projected to experience a remarkable outcomes. For example, patient analytics can be used to identify patients
surge of 4,300 percent by the year 2020, escalating from 2.52 zettabytes who are at high risk of developing a particular condition or to track
in 2010 to an estimated 73.5 zettabytes. This exponential growth in data patient progress over time [20,21,22,23].
reflects the increasing digitalization of various sectors and the prolifer Operational analytics: Business analytics can be used to optimize
ation of connected devices, resulting in an unprecedented amount of healthcare operations, including scheduling, resource allocation, and
information generated and stored worldwide [4,6,7]. inventory management. By analyzing data on patient flow, staffing
The study emphasizes the immense volume of data encountered levels, and equipment usage, healthcare providers can identify in
daily in a hospital setting such as Charité [5]. The perpetual influx of efficiencies and take steps to improve operational efficiency [24,25,26].
data assumes paramount importance, underscoring the critical need to Clinical analytics: Clinical analytics can be used to improve the
methodically collect, filter, control, and repurpose this information for effectiveness of medical treatment by analyzing data on patient out
multifaceted purposes such as patient care, education, and research. comes, treatment effectiveness, and medication adherence. By tracking
Particularly within the medical field, there exists an imperative to shift patient outcomes, healthcare providers can identify which treatments
away from the overwhelming dependence on paper-based records, are most effective and make datadriven decisions about patient care
which frequently inundate healthcare professionals. Instead, the pri [27,28,29]. To encompass diverse facets concerning the utilization of
mary emphasis should pivot towards the adoption of electronic data artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of remote sensing, emphasizing
S. Ramalingam et al. Egyptian Informatics Journal 25 (2024) 100438
S. Ramalingam et al. Egyptian Informatics Journal 25 (2024) 100438
5. The lifecycle of Big data involves several stages communication, and enhancing the overall patient experience.
Fraud Detection: With the help of business analytics, healthcare
5.1. Data Collection organizations can identify and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in their
operations. This can include detecting fraudulent claims, overbilling,
Pros: Collection of large, varied datasets from multiple sources offers and other unethical practices. The use of business analytics in the Indian
diverse information for analysis. healthcare sector has the potential to improve patient outcomes, in
Cons: Collection might involve ethical and privacy concerns. Gath crease efficiency, and reduce costs. As the healthcare sector continues to
ering and processing diverse data formats can be challenging. grow and evolve, the adoption of advanced analytics technologies will
become increasingly important for success. The Indian healthcare sector
5.2. Data processing and Analysis has played a crucial role in responding to the COVID19 pandemic, both
in terms of managing the spread of the virus and in treating those who
Pros: Advanced analytics tools and techniques enable deeper insights have been infected. Here are some of the key contributions of the Indian
and pattern recognition. healthcare sector in the fight against COVID19.
Cons: Ensuring data quality and dealing with the sheer volume and Testing: The healthcare sector in India ramped up COVID19 testing
velocity of data can be overwhelming. capabilities early on in the pandemic, with both government and private
labs working together to increase testing capacity. This has helped
5.3. Implementation and decision Making identify those who are infected with the virus and isolate them to pre
vent further spread.
Pros: Informed decision making, product innovation, and improved Treatment: Healthcare facilities across India have treated COVID19
services. patients, providing critical care and support to those who have been
Cons: Ethical and privacy considerations, potential biases in decision infected. In addition, healthcare providers have worked to adapt exist
making. ing treatment protocols and develop new treatments to help improve
outcomes for patients.
5.4. Ongoing Challenges The Fig. 3. Insights derived from the analytic pipelines are visualized
in a meaningful way using charts, graphs, dashboards, and other visual
Pros: Continuous improvement and innovation based on feedback representations. This makes it easier for healthcare professionals and
and analysis. decision makers to interpret and understand the findings. The visualized
Cons: The need for ongoing data quality, security, and ethical con insights are used to inform decision making processes in healthcare.
siderations persists. They provide actionable information for healthcare providers, admin
From Fig. 2 we emphasizes the idea that the purpose of analytics is to istrators, and policymakers to optimize healthcare options, improve
provide valuable insights and information to individuals or groups, ul patient outcomes, and reduce costs.
timately benefiting people. Analytics involves the systematic analysis of The framework for developing a domain specific BI maturity model
data to uncover patterns, trends, and meaningful information that can in healthcare involves important key steps:
inform decision-making and improve outcomes. Analytics in healthcare Scope and objectives of the BI maturity model: This involves
can lead to personalized treatment plans, improved patient outcomes, defining the specific domain (healthcare) and the objectives of the BI
and more efficient healthcare delivery. By analyzing patient data, maturity model. The scope should be broad enough to capture all rele
healthcare professionals can make better-informed decisions and pro vant aspects of BI in healthcare, but also focused enough to be
vide more personalized care. manageable.
Population health management: By analyzing data on entire pa This involves identifying the key BI capabilities that are required to
tient populations, healthcare providers can identify trends, predict achieve the objectives of the BI maturity model. These capabilities
healthcare needs, and develop targeted interventions to improve pop should be specific to the healthcare industry and may include data
ulation health. For example, population health management analytics quality, analytics, reporting, and data governance, among others. We
can be used to identify areas of high risk for certain conditions, such as developing a tool that can be used to assess the maturity of healthcare
diabetes or heart disease, and to develop targeted prevention programs organizations in each of the identified BI capabilities. The tool should be
to reduce the risk of these conditions. based on the maturity criteria and should be easy to use and interpret.
Overall, business analytics has the potential to transform the The validating the maturity model by testing it with expert practi
healthcare sector, improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and tioners in the healthcare industry. The feedback from these experts can
increasing efficiency. be used to refine the model and ensure that it is both relevant and
The Indian healthcare sector has immense potential to leverage effective. The proposed framework provides a structured approach for
business analytics for improving patient outcomes, optimizing resource developing a domain specific BI maturity model in healthcare. By
utilization, and driving operational efficiency. Here are a few areas following these steps, healthcare organizations can assess their BI
where business analytics can contribute to the Indian healthcare sector: readiness and develop a BI strategy that is tailored to their specific
Predictive Analytics: Healthcare organizations can use predictive needs. Overall, the paper has important implications for healthcare or
analytics to identify patients who are at high risk of developing chronic ganizations and other industries looking to leverage BI technologies. By
diseases or other health conditions. By analyzing large volumes of pa following the proposed framework, organizations can assess their BI
tient data, hospitals and clinics can identify patterns and trends that can readiness and develop a BI strategy that is tailored to their specific
help prevent illnesses and improve health outcomes. needs. This can lead to improved operational and clinical efficiency and
Resource Optimization: Business analytics can help healthcare or ultimately better patient care.
ganizations optimize resource allocation by analyzing patient flow,
resource utilization, and demand patterns. This can help healthcare 5.5. Integration into Framework
providers make better decisions around staffing, equipment procure
ment, and capacity planning, which can lead to improved efficiency and From Table 1 encompass a diverse range of applications within the
cost savings. healthcare sector. These use cases could be integrated into a compre
Patient Satisfaction: By analyzing patient feedback and other data, hensive framework designed to optimize healthcare operations, enhance
healthcare organizations can identify areas for improvement in their patient care, and streamline administrative processes. A tailored
operations, such as reducing wait times, improving patient framework might encompass the following components:
S. Ramalingam et al. Egyptian Informatics Journal 25 (2024) 100438
Fig. 3. The workflow of big data analytics in healthcare typically involves several stages.
Optimization of key SAP Patient Healthcare Industry Optimizing 5.8. Financial Optimization and Fraud Prevention
Management transactions for Transaction
enhanced acceleration. Process Components such as Determination of Copayment Rates, Prevention
Comprehensive Support for Indian Government Increased patient
Clinical Research in Cancer hospitals satisfaction
of Fraud and Abuse, and Prevention of Claims Rejection emphasize the
Patient Care. financial aspects and fraud prevention within the healthcare system.
Segmentation of Patient Groups Healthcare Payers and Cost savings for Integrating these components into the framework aims to ensure effi
Health Insurances hospitals cient financial planning, fraud detection, and claims management.
Analytics for Health Plan Healthcare Payers and Real time analysis
Optimization Health Insurances
Integrated Resource Planning Healthcare Service Time saving for 5.9. Clinical decision support and outcome management
Across Multiple Channels Providers planning
Outcome Analysis of Medical Healthcare Service Better outcome The Evidencebased Medicine, Treatment Outcome Analysis, and
Interventions Providers management Health Plan Analytics focus on evidence based decision making,
Evidence-Informed Healthcare Healthcare Service Improved clinical
Practices Providers decision making
outcome analysis, and realtime analytics. These aspects could be inte
Product Recall for Healthcare Service Efficient recall grated into the framework to enhance clinical decision support, improve
Pharmaceuticals Providers procedures outcomes, and enable realtime data analysis for healthcare planning.
Surveillance and Tracking of Healthcare Service Efficient
Medical Product Logistics Providers counterfeit
5.10. Supply chain and risk Management
Fraud and Abuse Prevention Healthcare Payers Enhanced fraud
prevention The components related to Drug Recall and Track & Trace of Medical
Real-Time Patient Tracking and Healthcare Providers Real time Products highlight the importance of supply chain management and
Monitoring monitoring efficient recall and counterfeit prevention procedures. Incorporating
Setting Co-payment Rates Direct Health Insurance Streamlined
Coverage for Insured Budget Planning
these elements into the framework ensures enhanced risk management
Individuals or Patients and supply chain security.
Avoidance of Claims Rejections Healthcare Providers Efficient claims The integration of these use cases into a comprehensive framework
management would provide a structured approach to address various facets of
healthcare, emphasizing efficiency, patient satisfaction, financial opti
mization, clinical decision making, and supply chain security.
5.6. DataDriven transactional efficiency
An additional use case has been included: “Investigation of Potential
Payer Investigation Cases.” This use case aims to help medical control
The acceleration of transaction processing, as exemplified by the
lers or physicians identify cases that may be subject to a payer investi
acceleration of SAP Patient Management transactions, could be inte
gation, such as the MDK (Medizinischer Dienst der
grated into a framework focusing on optimizing and streamlining
Krankenversicherung) in Germany. The potential customers for this use
administrative and operational processes within healthcare organiza
case are healthcare providers. The key benefit is the early identification
tions. This component emphasizes the importance of swift and efficient
of cases that exhibit discrepancies between claims and medical facts, as
data processing.
well as other characteristics like length of stay and age. This enables
proactive measures to be taken to address potential investigations and
5.7. PatientCentric care enhancement mitigate any issues.
The patients’ knowledge about their healthcare is often limited
The Clinical Research Support for cancer patients and real time Pa compared to their understanding of food choices during breakfast.
tient Monitoring highlight the significance of patient satisfaction and However, IT platforms have the potential to simplify healthcare
S. Ramalingam et al. Egyptian Informatics Journal 25 (2024) 100438
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