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Ayurveda is a science of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized

medicine. It is one of the oldest medical systems, which comprises thousands of
medical concepts and hypothesis. Interestingly, Ayurveda has ability to treat many
chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and asthma, which are
untreatable in modern medicine. Unfortunately, due to lack of scientific validation
in various concepts, this precious gift from our ancestors is trailing. Hence,
evidence-based research is highly needed for global recognition and acceptance of
Ayurveda, which needs further advancements in the research methodology. The present
review highlights various fields of research including literary, fundamental, drug,
pharmaceutical, and clinical research in Ayurveda. The review further focuses to
improve the research methodology for Ayurveda with main emphasis on the fundamental
research. This attempt will certainly encourage young researchers to work on
various areas of research for the development and promotion of Ayurveda.

Keywords: Ayurvedic research and methodology, personalized medicine, Rasayana,

traditional medicine
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Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system remains the most ancient yet
living traditions with sound philosophical and experimental basis. It is a science
of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. It is known
to be a complete medical system that comprised physical, psychological,
philosophical, ethical, and spiritual health.[1] In Ayurveda, each cell is
considered to be inherently an essential expression of pure intelligence hence
called self-healing science.[2] In addition, to the self-healing concept, the use
of herbal treatment is equally important in this Indian traditional system of

According to the World Health Organization, about 70–80% of the world populations
rely on nonconventional medicines mainly of herbal sources in their healthcare.[3]
Public interest for the treatment with complementary and alternative medicine is
mainly due to increased side effects in synthetic drugs, lack of curative treatment
for several chronic diseases, high cost of new drugs, microbial resistance, and
emerging diseases, etc.[4]

Ayurvedic treatment is although highly effective; proper mode of action,

pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacovigilance of many important Ayurvedic
drugs are still not fully explored. Moreover, the comprehensive knowledge of the
basic ideologies of Ayurveda is poorly acceptable scientifically due to lack of
evidence. In the modern time, when the Western medicinal system is reached almost
at the top because of validated research and advanced techniques, there is an
urgent need to validate basic principles as well as drugs used in the ayurvedic
system of medicine with the help of advanced research methodology. Therefore,
advancements in the ongoing research methodology are highly required for the
promotion of Ayurveda.

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Why Ayurvedic System of Medicine Lagging Behind?
Undoubtedly, in comparison to allopathic treatment, Ayurvedic treatment is more
effective in most of the chronic diseases. However, the popularity of Ayurveda is
rather lesser as the majority of the global population prefers modern medicine
because of its ability to give fast relief from diseases as compared to Ayurvedic
treatment. Recently, the awareness and thus fear of toxicity to allopathic drugs
and the high cost of healthcare are causing an increasingly large number of people
to seek alternatives. Rather than competing and veering towards the Western
medicine, the Ayurvedic scientists should work to enhance the core competency of
Ayurveda without compromising its fundamental principles.[5] Some major points
which are responsible for trailing the Ayurveda are as following.
Young Ayurvedic scholars, although enthusiastic, are not clear about their views on
the future of Ayurveda. Moreover, they are not even very clear that how to expose
their valuable research outputs on Ayurveda

Only a few organizations have well-established research infrastructure for

exclusive research in Ayurveda. Experienced researchers with knowledge of modern
technologies are required to conduct advance and quality research in Ayurveda

There is a lack of cooperation and willingness of Biomedical Scientists who are

often unduly skeptical and carry prejudice

More than a thousand Ayurvedic postgraduates pass out each year and enter into the
streamline of academics and practice. Among them, only a few choose their
profession as researcher in Ayurveda

Neither has the Ayurvedic teaching changed in the last 50 years nor have the
textbooks enriched with new research methodologies.

These are some of the following major points those should be highly needed to
consider in the Ayurvedic research for its advancement.

Improvement in research methodology

Research methodology is a way to systematic collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data to solve a research problem. India does not need to prove
the validity of Ayurveda to its people, authorities, and own scientific community
because it is a recognized traditional medical system of the country. There is a
need of fundamental research on Ayurveda to refresh and upgrade the tremendous
knowledge diluted through time particularly during the British rule. This kind of
research will certainly upgrade the fundamental knowledge of Ayurveda, which will
be benefitted not only to Indian but also to foreign nationals. This will assure
Ayurveda to be practiced with its whole potential and allowed to gain wide
recognition. Research is a process that converts data into information, information
into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom. In the present scenario, Ayurvedic
researches are failing in this aspect as these are unable to disseminate the
knowledge gained from the exercises.[6]

The glorious past of the research methodology of Ayurveda is based on the tools of
examination known as Pareeksha and inspired from the philosophical term Pramaana,
which refers to the evidence.[7] These tools of the examination include (i) the
direct observation (Pratyaksha), (ii) the inference (Anumana), and (iii) the
authoritative testimonies or literature (Aptopadesha). The modern day research also
depends on these three basic tools whose efficacy has been augmented by the utility
of the scientific and technological innovative devices. These methods of
investigations have been planned to develop the backbone of the Ayurveda system in
the form basic principles under the fundamental research. The quality researches on
Ayurveda basics with advanced scientific techniques can expand the knowledge and
path of current medical science. Predominantly, drug researches done in the field
of Ayurveda in the last six decades have not enriched the Ayurvedic understandings
or Ayurvedic concepts. However, these researches have created a better
understanding of Ayurveda by the modern medical fraternity.

Now, it is the time to define Ayurveda itself that whether the use of herbs is
Ayurveda or the use of herbs and other treatment modalities as per Ayurvedic
principles is Ayurveda. The research methodology should be planned and adopted
accordingly. At the time of deciding research methodology in Ayurveda following
things should be kept in mind.[8]

Basic differences between Ayurveda and modern science should be taken into account
when designing the research protocols

The main concern must be given to the classical approach of Ayurveda

Research protocols should be designed on the basic concepts of Ayurveda, i.e.,

Prakriti, Agni, Dhatu, Srotas, Rasayana, Shatkriyakala, Agnibala, Ojabala,
Manobala, etc.

The research work should involve experts both from Ayurveda and biomedical

The holistic and integrative approach involving body, mind, and spirit should be
considered for research

Before starting the clinical studies; a complete knowledge about diagnosis of the
disease, materials to be used, process to be adopted, and accurate dosage form is
highly needed

The approach of personalized medicine should be followed during treatment.

Research methodology in the advancement of Ayurveda varies with each assignment or

project. The major areas of research can be divided into five major areas, namely,
literary, fundamental, drug, pharmaceutical, and clinical research. Although there
is no single way to conduct research, certain methods and skills can make research
efforts more efficient and effective.

Encouragement of research on Ayurvedic fundamentals

Fundamental research needs to be done in the fields of Ayurvedic physiology,
pathology, pharmacology (fundamental and clinical), and pharmaceuticals. The basic
concept of Srotovijnana (knowledge of channels) as a main matrix of Ayurvedic
biology has been highlighted both by fundamental and applied knowledge.[9] A living
body is a system which comprised innumerable channels designed as an inner
transport system for a variety of functions. The health and disease depend on the
system of Srotas, which is prone to lose its function by various factors including
erroneous food and lifestyle. Ayurveda developed a therapeutic technology for
Samshodhana (biopurification) familiarly known as Panchakarma therapy. Ayurveda can
be better understood through philosophy and physics rather than modern biology
because the study of the full spectrum of the Srotas can help to define the
phenomenon of relationships in structural and functional biology.[10] Moreover, the
fundamental concept of Ayurveda for a perfect health including restoration and
maintenance can also be understood through quantum theory.[11,12]

The fundamental research in Ayurveda caters demands of the society and the medical
fraternity; the modern scientific research has been initiated in Ayurveda in the
field of basic principles. The aim of basic research in Ayurveda is to explore the
scientific innovations and opportunities in fundamental concepts of Ayurveda. The
fundamental research includes replacement of faith and suppositions with the
scientific reasoning complimented with the facts and figures. The objectives of the
investigation in the fundamental research are categorized into the human body
(Purusha), the disease (Vyadhi), the medicine (Aushadha), and the right time for
action (Kriyakala).[13]

Validation of Ayurvedic drugs with reverse pharmacology

The reverse pharmacology refers to reversing the routine clinic practice to the
laboratory examination for the proper validation of a traditional medicinal system.
[14] It is an interesting and important scientific approach to develop new drug
candidates or formulations from already known facts in traditional medicines
through sound preclinical and clinical researches.[15]
Previous researches, particularly for the past few decades, validated a few
concepts of herbal drugs by reverse pharmacology, which is obviously tremendous
work for Ayurveda. These researches also supported the use of crude drugs rather
than plant isolates or purified fractions for clinical trials due to the combined
effects of phytoconstituents. Such researches generated a lot of interest in
researchers towards herbal medicines and consequently, in the last decade a demand
of Ayurveda and other traditional medicines has increased in the medical world.

In addition, the reverse pharmacology approach can help in reducing failure rates
of clinical implication of the herbs or their formulations which are already
described in Ayurveda. This approach gives an opportunity to seek new synergistic
combinations and improvements in bioavailability and innovative strategies that can
play a significant role in drug development. Various previous studies on piperine
revealed that its combination improves the bioavailability of synthetic drugs such
as propranolol, theophylline, and rifampicin.[16]

Day by day, drug industry is facing serious challenges, as the drug discovery
process has become extremely expensive, riskier, and critically inefficient.
Postmarketing failures of blockbuster drugs and a serious innovation deficit are
the major concerns of big pharma companies. Consequently, there has been a
remarkable shift in favor of single to multitargeted drugs, especially for
polygenic syndrome based on the traditional medicinal knowledge.

Evidence-based benefits of traditional approaches

There are many evidences, which supported Ayurveda performances better than Western
medicine, mainly in case of chronic diseases, but it needs to validate with
advanced scientific procedures. Ayurveda recommends the use of copper pot for
water-purification as copper pot has antibacterial effect against important
diarrheagenic bacteria including Vibrio cholerae, Shigella flexneri,
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica
typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, which is scientifically validated.[1,17] Ayurveda
also has the ability of wound healing via a topical route with the help of various
preparations.[18] Moreover, many Ayurvedic formulations and Rasayanas have
scientifically validated in various in vivo models. In this connection, Amalaki, an
Ayurvedic Rasayana, and Rasa Sindoora, an organometallic derivative of mercury are
effective in longevity, development, fecundity, stress tolerance, and heterogeneous
nuclear ribonucleoprotein levels of Drosophila melanogaster.[19]

On the other hand, Bhasma, an ash obtained through incineration of plants and
animal derivatives (horns, shells, feathers, etc.), metallic, and nonmetallic
minerals, etc., is another example of traditional approach in which the starting
material undergoes an elaborate process of purification (Shodhana), followed by the
reaction phase, which involves the incorporation of some other mineral and herbal
extracts.[20] Bhasma preparation is similar to the present-day nanotechnology
having nano-size (25–50 nm) particles. Although Bhasmas are complex materials,
physicochemical analysis using modern techniques can be most attractive for the
standardization of Bhasma medicines. This can be certainly helpful in building
confidence in the use of such products for medication by ensuring safety, efficacy,
and batch to batch uniformity.[21]

Encouragement of interdisciplinary research

There is a need of involving all basic sciences such as Physics, Chemistry,
Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology together with Ethnopharmacology, Ayurvedic
Drug Discovery, Pharmacoepidemiology, Reverse Pharmacology and various other areas
for the better understanding, and optimistic outcome of Ayurveda research. In the
past few years, the interdisciplinary concept of research is also introduced in
Ayurveda mainly for integrative medicine.[8]

In Western countries, the multidimensional approach by combining traditional and

modern medicine is growing day by day. The clinical efficacy of many traditional
medications for a variety of diseases has been found comparatively better than that
of modern medicine.[22] The Ayurvedic system of medicine is very safe that can help
in reducing the enormous burden of mortality and morbidity caused by the various
side effects of conventional prescribed drugs. This traditional system is also
found effective against various diseases where pathogens developed antibiotic
resistance. Thus, interdisciplinary researches are highly needed to fight against
most chronic diseases.

Improvement in quality of herbal drugs

Most of the Ayurvedic Rasayanas (Medhya, Jeevaniya, and Lekhaniaya, etc.) are based
on the herbal products. Many herbs such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal.),
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.)
Miers), Amalaki (Embellica officinalis Gaertn.), and Bhallataka (Semecarpus
anacardium Linn.) are well-known Ayurvedic Rasayanas, which ar

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