A Comparative Analysis of Water Influx M
A Comparative Analysis of Water Influx M
A Comparative Analysis of Water Influx M
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In petroleum exploration and development, one thing of particular interest to the reservoir
engineer is accurate reserves estimates for use in the financial reporting to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) (for the USA), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) (for
Nigeria) and other corporate bodies. An accurate description of the volume of fluid present is
very important in quantifying the resources and selection of production techniques, rates and
overall management of the reservoir. The information obtained is also the basis for resource
development and plan making hence the need for cross examination to mitigate inherent problem
resulting from overestimation or under estimation due to the use of inappropriate aquifer models
and other inherent source of errors. In this work, oil originally in place and aquifer volumes of
reservoirs E-1000X and G-9200Y in the Niger Delta, were estimated using Hurst-van
Everdingen-Modified, Fetkovich steady state, Fetkovich semi-steady state and the Carter-Tracy
aquifer models by performing a non linear regression of average pressure against cumulative oil
production, possible causes for variance in the models also, has been highlighted. What has been
presented in this study is not really the first globally, but is, on Niger Delta oil fields; at
providing the reservoir engineers and production managers a means of determining an
appropriate aquifer model to use when calculating water influx and performing reserve
estimation and as such; cannot be said to be conclusive. Consequently, the study recommends
that the Hurst-van Everdingen-Modified model should be used and that the model should be
compared with the Carter-Tracy model.
N p [ Bo + ( R p −Rs ) Bg ]=N B oi
[ B oi (
( B o−Boi ) + ( R si −Rs ) Bg represents
+m g −1 the
B gi ) C S +C
+ ( 1+m ) { w wcof thef }∆
P + ( gas
1−S wc ]
W e −W p ) B w
¿ ( 1+m ) B oi
( 1−S wc )
C w S wc+ C f
a) Failure to account for a weak water sensitive than other methods in establishing
negative slope on the Cole (for gas) He further highlighted that material balance
and Campbell (for oil) plots has is excellent at history matching production
plots than the commonly used plots, which happens to be the domain of
Dake (1978) further highlighted that in an measured flowing bottom hole pressures
attempt to use the equations (2.13) and (FBHP) to average pressures at a particular
(2.14) in water drive reservoirs to match the time with the accurate knowledge of the
production and pressure history of a flow rates at that time. However, while the
reservoir, the greatest uncertainty is always method has proven to be very good, it is
the determination of the water influx, We. limited to a constant flow rate and fails
when the flow rate varies. Unfortunately,
Carlos et al. (2007) observed the combined most oil reservoirs follow a varying flow
effects of pressure and PVT uncertainties in rate pattern (i.e. Pseudo-steady state and
material balance calculations and their unsteady state flow patterns/conditions).
analysis revealed that the oil originally in
place uncertainty increased for reservoirs Matter L. and Anderson (2005), went further
with the following specifications and the on to obtain an extension of the Flowing
error increases with increasing gas cap and Material Balance method. It was termed
“Dynamic Material Balance” and it is
applicable to both constant and variable flow
rates and is based on the same initial 3. Fetkovich semi-steady state model
principle. 4. Carter-Tracy model
Brief description of field G-9200Y of oil and gas from the reservoir. The three
G-9200Y is a saturated oil reservoir also drives dominant in the reservoir are water
located in the Niger Delta, currently under influx (red), pore volume compressibility
production from a total of four wells. The (green) and the fluid expansion (blue). It is
seen that the water influx is the dominant
drive with high contributions from fluid syste
expansion. m
Outer 4.7961 4.2524 4.4381 4.7821
/inner 9 3 2 5
Calc. 39722. 37895 41486. 39194.
aquife 2MMft MMft3 8MMft 7MMf
3 3
r t3
Encro 160.00 187.27 171.11 160.93
Figure 5-Analytic method result for G- achm 4 3 3 4
9200Y ent
Table 2A- comparison of estimated OIP and (degr
other reservoir parameters by aquifer models ees)
for field E-1000X Aquif 9.0152 10.812 6.0486 9.0389
Para E-1000X er 8md 2md 4md 4md
meter perm.
s Domi Water Water Water Water
Hurst- Fetkov Fetkov Carter nant influx influx influx influx
van ich ich -Tracy Drive
Everdi Steady Semi-
ngen State Steady
OIP 195.21 239.87 239.94 193.81
Aquif Radial Radial Radial Radial
Table 3B- comparison of estimated OIP and er md 1md 8md
other reservoir parameters by aquifer models perm.
for field G-9200Y Domi Water Fluid Fluid Water
Para G-9200Y nant influx expans expans influx
meter Drive ion ion
Hurst- Fetkov Fetkov Carter-
van ich ich Tracy
Discussion and comparison of Aquifer
Everdi Steady Semi-
Models for fields E-1000X and G-9200Y
ngen State Steady
From table 1, it is observed that reservoir E-
1000X has a geological estimated STOIIP of
206MMSTB. From table 2A, after the
OIP 364.10 450.37 444.56 373.83
modeling and history matching; it is shown
that the Hurst-van Everdingen-Modified
aquifer model gave a STOIIP of
Radial Radial Radial Radial
195.218MMSTB; the Fetkovich steady-state
Outer 8 4.3019 7.9663 7.9782
model gave 239.878MMSTB; Fetkovich
/inner 7 2 5
semi-steady 239.948MMSTB, and the
Carter-Tracy aquifer model an estimated
Calc. 20987 72138. 25406 21242
STOIIP of 193.81MMSTB.
aquife 3MMft 7MMft 0 92MM
r 3 3
ft3 It is observed also, for reservoir G-9200Y
volu from table 1 that the geological estimated
me STOIIP is 350MMSTB. And from table 2B,
Encro 360 352.79 358.56 279.69 the -van Everdingen-Modified aquifer model
achm 1 9 8 gave a STOIIP of 364.106MMSTB;
ent Fetkovich steady-state model gave
angle 450.371MMSTB, Fetkovich semi-steady an
(degr estimated STOIIP of 444.561MMSTB, and
ees) the Carter-Tracy aquifer model a STOIIP of
Aquif 35md 40.42 35.993 48.873 373.835MMSTB.
The slight difference in the estimated 1971). But this is only true for the Fetkovich
STOIIP of the Hurst-van Everdingen- steady state aquifer model and not always
Modified and the Carter-Tracy aquifers as the case for the Fetkovich semi-steady state.
observed from table 2A and 2B agrees with This trend is shown in the calculated aquifer
Carter R.D and Tracy G.W (1960) on their volumes obtained from the modeled and
work where they highlighted that “the history matched parameters in tables 2A and
principal difference between the Carter- 2B for reservoirs E-1000X and G-9200Y.
Tracy method and that of Hurst is that, over The Fetkovich steady state model gave a
finite intervals of time, constant oil- calculated aquifer volume of 37985MMft3
production rates are assumed by Hurst which was lesser than the Hurst-van
whereas constant water influx rates are Everdingen-Modified model’s
assumed in the presently described method. 39722.2MMft3 and the Carter-Tracy’s
Hence, the slight difference in estimated 39194.7MMft3 for reservoir E-1000X
volumes of Oil in Place and calculated confirming Fetkovich’s statement to be true.
aquifer volume for the history matching”. Whereas the Fetkovich semi-steady state
Joao B. M and Osvair V. T (2007), alerted model’s larger calculated aquifer volume of
on the inadequacy of the use of the 41486.8MMft3 proved the statement not to
Fetkovich aquifer model when the ratio be true and all encompassing. For reservoir
between the radius of the aquifer and the G-9200Y; the Fetkovich steady state model
radius of the reservoir (outer/inner radius gave a calculated aquifer volume of
ratio) is below 12. This confirms the large 72138.7MMft3, whereas the Hurst-van
STOIIP estimates the Fetkovich steady and Everdingen-Modified and Carter-Tracy
semi-steady aquifers models give and the models gave calculated aquifer volumes of
large disparity with the geologic estimated 209873MMft3 and 212429.2MMft3
STOIIP as shown in the tables 2A and 2B respectively. Similarly, the Fetkovich semi-
for reservoirs E-1000X and G-9200Y. steady aquifer model gave a large calculated
However, because Fetkovich neglects the aquifer volume of 254060MMft3.
early transient time period in these Van Everdingen and Hurst (1949) in their
calculations, the calculated water influx will work stated that their model is basically a
always be less than the values predicted by solution of the radial diffusivity equation;
the previous two models (Fetkovich M.J.: hence, it yields an accurate estimate of water
encroachment for practically all flow system of chart to model various reservoirs.
regimes, provided that the flow geometry is Also, the boundary conditions chosen are in
actually radial. This therefore, confirms and sync with the space-time relationship that
serves as reason for the model being better characterizes the diffusivity equation. The
at water influx calculation and consequently conditions are - constant terminal rate and
reserve estimation since it agrees with constant terminal pressure. For the constant-
Ahmed .T; (2000) on his opinion on terminal-rate boundary condition, the rate of
“reservoirs with active water drive, water water influx is assumed constant for a given
influx into the reservoir contributes the period and the pressure drop at the reservoir-
highest primary drive mechanism to aquifer boundary is calculated. For the
production”. constant-terminal-pressure boundary
condition, a boundary pressure drop is
The Hurst-van Everdingen-Modified and
its Variations assumed constant over some finite time
period, and the water influx rate is