Water Drive Material Balance: Cole & Campbhell Plot
Water Drive Material Balance: Cole & Campbhell Plot
Water Drive Material Balance: Cole & Campbhell Plot
This paper was prepared for Task of Reservoir Engineering STT Migas Balikpapan
drives. Knowledge of the cumulative
In this paper oil and gas production
water influx is also important to the
needs energy, sufficient to drive the
reservoir engineer. This study also
produced hydrocarbon to the surface
goes ahead to add to aquifer detection
of the well. Usually some of this
and characterization, the cumulative
required energy is supplied by nature.
water influx of each reservoir.
The hydrocarbon fluids are under
The whole process entailed analyzing
pressure because of their depth. The
reservoirs using the method proposed
gas and water in petroleum reservoirs
by Cole and Campbell. The plots
under pressure are the two main
showed a weak water drive for all
sources that help move oil to the well
bore and sometimes up to the surface.
The water influx for all the reservoirs
Depending on the original
were calculated and results obtained.
characteristics of hydrocarbon
The Cole and Campbell plots were
reservoirs, the type of drive energy is
proven to be more accurate method of
different. The material balance
detecting and characterizing aquifer
equation has been a very useful tool in
and water drive strength.
analyzing these mechanisms. If none
of the terms in the material balance
equation can be neglected, then the
reservoir can be described as having a
Successful reservoir management
combination drive in which all possible
relies on the ability to
sources of energy contribute a
generate reliable reservoir
significant part in producing the
performance behavior. The
reservoir fluids, and determining the
primary questions that reservoir
primary recovery factor. For this to
engineers are expected to
happen, the water must be produced
answer are given in the following, in
from an aquifer.
order of priority:
The aquifer water expands slightly,
1. What are the expected quantities of
displacing the oil or gas from the
original oil and gas
reservoir towards the borehole as
in place (OOIP and OGIP)?
pressure drops around the borehole.
2. How much oil and gas can be
Most literatures have been able to call
economically recovered
attention to the analysis of strong and
given the associated probabilities and
partial water drive. This study was able
to bring to light the aquifer
characteristics based on weak water
3. How can a newly discovered field be production, expressed as an
developed, underground withdrawal to the
followed by implementation of the expansion of the fluids in the reservoir
reservoir management resulting from a finite
plan and monitoring and evaluation of pressure drop.6
reservoir performance? Evaluating the volume balance in
reservoir barrels, he
1.1. Natural Producing Mechanisms obtained;
There are natural sources of energy in Underground withdrawal (rb) =
oil reservoirs that Expansion of oil +
control reservoir performance. These originally dissolved gas (rb) +
include the following: Expansion of gascap gas (rb)
· Liquid and rock compressibility drive + Reduction in HCPV due to connate
· Solution gas or depletion drive water expansion and
· Gascap drive decrease in the pore volume (rb).
· Aquifer water drive
· Gravity segregation drive
· Combinations of above'
· Drive mechanisms in gas reservoirs
are as follows:
· Gas expansion or depletion drive
· Aquifer water drive
· Combinations of above Reserve Estimation
Many petroleum engineers spend a
1.2. Aquifer Water Drive major part of their
When an oil or gas reservoir is in professional lives developing
communication with a estimates of reserves and
surrounding (bottom or edge) active production capabilities, along with new
aquifer, production from methods and
the reservoir results in a pressure drop techniques for improving these
between the reservoir and the aquifer. estimates. To understand the
confidence levels and risks of the
1. 3. Material Balance Method estimates, a clear and
The material balance equation (MBE) consistent set of reserve classifications
has been used by must be used. The
reservoir engineers for a long time as confidence level and the techniques
the basic tool for implemented by the
interpreting and predicting petroleum engineer depend on the
performance. When properly quantity and the maturity
applied, the MBE can be used to; of the data available. The data quality,
Estimate initial hydrocarbon volumes therefore, establishes
in place. the classification assigned to the
Predict future reservoir performance. reserve estimates and
Predict ultimate hydrocarbon recovery indicates the confidence one should
under various types have in the reserve
of primary driving mechanisms.2 estimates.
Schilthuis in 1941 was the first to Reserves are classified as proved,
present the general form proved developed,
of the material balance equation. The proved underdeveloped, probable and
equation is derived as a possible reserves.
volume balance which equates the Reserve estimation is simply
cumulative observed evaluating or assessing a
particular reservoir.
One major reason for the estimates of hydrocarbon. Failure to account for a
reserves is for weak water drive can
management decisions which are seen result in significant material-balance
in the formation of errors. So the study will
policies for; show an acceptable method of
1. Exploration and development of oil identifying strong, moderate
and gas properties. and weak water drives.
This study will be carried out with
respect to gas and oil
reservoirs. The two types of reservoirs
therefore will involve
two different methods of approach to
detect and characterize
the aquifer.
Campbell Plot
For oil reservoirs, the Campbell plot is
the counterpart to
the modified Cole plot for gas. From
the generalized material
balance equation;