2017 q1 Regular Buffet
2017 q1 Regular Buffet
2017 q1 Regular Buffet
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Cah daging cabai ijo
Bakwan malang
Daging crispy balado batokok
Laksa ayam Jakarta
Rendang daging kentang
Sup pindang daging / seafood
Selat solo
Sup rollade ayam udang
Bistik lidah sapi
S u p s e n e r e k M a ge l a n g
Soto ayam Sokaraja
Soto khas betawi
Cap cay oriental
Tumis brokoli wortel tiga jamur
MAIN COURSE I (HALF) Tumis buncis daging cincang
Nasi putih Tumis musim semi R E C O MM E N D E D
Nasi merah Urap kecipir sayur bumbu bali C O MB IN A T IO N
Sambal goreng tiga warna
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Cah daging bumbu tausi
Bakwan malang
Daging crispy balado batokok
Krengsengan daging
Empal gepuk semut
Rawon daging Surabaya
Lidah sapi lada hitam
Sup buntut
Rendang daging kentang
Sup pindang daging / seafood
Selat solo
Soto khas betawi
TRADITIONAL DELIGHT Cap cay daging seafood
Gado gado Jakarta Tumis brokoli udang tiga jamur
Pempek khas Palembang Tumis buncis udang printil
Rujak pengantin Sambal goreng tiga warna R E C O MM E N D E D
Toge goreng
Sate campur + lontong Puding cocktail buah
Gula malaka crème brulee
MAIN COURSE I (HALF) Lapis legit premium plum
Lu m p i a u d a n g t e l u r a s i n
Sus aneka rasa
Nasi putih Kare puff pastry
Nasi merah COLD DELIGHT R a wo n d a g i n g S u r a b a y a
Es dawet mutiara hitam Pempek khas palembang
MAIN COURSE II (HALF) Es leci blewah N a s i p u t i h ( H A LF )
Bihun goreng sambal ebi Es timun selasih lidah buaya
M i e g o r e n g b a l a c a n e b i ( H A LF )
Mie goreng balacan ebi
DESSERT Ayam lombok daun jeruk
Nasi goreng balacan udang
Nasi goreng kepiting Fresh fruit platter Cumi kelapa lada garam
Nasi goreng daging betawi
BEVERAGE Daging crispy balado batok ok
Brokoli udang tiga jamur
CHICKEN Es teh jeruk limau
Es teh leci
Gula malaka crème brulee
Ayam panggang bumbu minang F r e s h fr u i t p l a t t e r
Es teh melati
Ayam panggang cabai madu Soft drink / Jus buah Ju s b u a h
Ayam bakar bumbu balacan
Ayam berempah ketumbar
Ayam berempah woku Sambal + kerupuk
Sambal + kerupuk
Ayam masak lombok daun jeruk Air mineral
Sate ayam jamur kacang mede
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.
D is h S e le c tio ns (1 pe r C a te g o r y )
Complete table layout with skirting, food warmers, and beverage dispensers ■ Full set of cutleries & serviette provided ■ Increment of order must be in multiple of 5 pax ■ FREE
delivery for Greater Jakarta area ■ Transportation fee of RP 100,000 per trip for Jakarta outskirts area ■ Price subject to 10% additional service charge ■ Additional charges may be
applicable for any extra table settings and decorations outside our standard settings ■ Food is best consumed within 3 hours ■ We reserve the right to change any particular dish to
another of equivalent value without prior notice due to seasonality ■ Any changes in order must be informed within 48 hours and within office hour, prior to the event ■ Cancelation
charge of 30 % from grand total may apply ■ Any changes in number of pax ordered must be informed within 24 hours prior to event ■ IMPERIA has the rights to change the Terms &
Conditions without notice.