CSTP 2 Benitez 42824

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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
communicates behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and responsibility with reflection and ongoing
expectations for fair and commitment to fairness respectful student students for resolving improvement of the
respectful behavior to and respect in interactions. Assists conflict and creating and caring community based
support social communications with students to resolve maintaining a caring on respect, fairness, and
development. students about language conflicts. classroom community. the value of all members.
and behavior. Incorporates cultural Supports students in
Promoting social Seeks to understand awareness to develop a taking leadership in
Development and cultural perceptions of positive classroom developing a caring
responsibility within caring community. climate. community that is Students take leadership
a caring community responsive to the diverse in resolving conflict and
where each student Some students share in Students participate in Students demonstrate cultural norms of creating a fair and
is treated fairly and responsibility for the occasional community efforts to be positive, identities of all students. respectful classroom
respectfully classroom community. building activities, accepting, and respectful community where
designed to promote of differences. Students take student’s home culture is
caring, fairness, and responsibility resolving included and valued.
respect. conflicts and maintaining Students communicate
a caring classroom with empathy and
community. Students understanding in
promote respect and interactions with one
appreciation for another.
Evidence Exploring-Students are Applying-Reinforces
given an advisory class positive, responsible, and
where activities are respectful student
provided to demonstrate interactions. Assists
the importance of our students to resolve
core values, along with conflicts. Incorporates
caring for their fellow cultural awareness to
peers and their develop a positive
community. classroom climate.
Evidence: An example of Students demonstrate
some of the activities that efforts to be positive,
help reinforce our accepting, and respectful
school's core values is of differences.
going into the Boystown Evidence: The core values
skills, with a particular of our school:
emphasis of a skill of the Pride
week, as seen in these Respect
PowerPoint slides(LINK). Integrity
Here, we connect this Determination
with socio-emotional Empathy
skills to help students are used in both content
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
learn how to care for lessons whenever
their fellow peers and by possible and are
extension, their reinforced with lessons in
community. the advisory classes from
Monday to Thursday.
Exploring-Models fair Cultural lessons are
and respectful behavior. implemented with hands-
Demonstrates on activities such as book
commitment to fairness club) that students get to
and respect in synthesize the cultures of
communications with different people and how
students about language that can impact their live.
and behavior. Seeks to They answer questions to
understand cultural show their understanding
perceptions of caring using Google Docs with
community. documents such as
Students participate in this(LINK).
occasional community
building activities, Applying-Reinforces
designed to promote positive, responsible, and
caring, fairness, and respectful student
respect. interactions. Assists
Students practice how to students to resolve
use the Boystown skills conflicts. Incorporates
during a redirection in cultural awareness to
class. For example, if a develop a positive
student blurts out an classroom climate.
answer instead of raising Students demonstrate
their hand, we talk to the efforts to be positive,
student in a positive tone, accepting, and respectful
remind them of the of differences.
Boystown skill (Ask a Evidence: With our
Question), have the students at our school, we
student practice in the have been able to
moment, and remind emphasize the school’s
them that this is not a core values (Pride,
punishment, but a skill Respect, Integrity,
needed both inside and Determination, Empathy)
outside the classroom. to be used both inside
and outside our school. In
addition, real life
application lessons with
hands-on activities such
as creating a poster to
honor Asian
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Islanders) that students
get to synthesize how the
cultures of the world can
be relevant to us all.
Students share their
reflections with
documents such as
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of and integral to environments enhance
Is aware that structured are taught in single structures for interaction instruction. learning and reflect
interaction between lessons or sequence of during learning activities diversity within and
Creating physical or
students can support lessons to support that ensures a focus on Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning
learning. student learning. and completion of structures for interaction
environments that
learning tasks. that engage students Selects from a repertoire
promote student
constructively and of structures for
learning, reflect
productively in learning. interaction to ensure
diversity, and
accelerated learning for
the full range of students.
constructive and
Some students use Students use resources Students use a variety of Students routinely use a
available resources in provided in learning resources in learning range of resources in Students participate in
interactions among
learning environments environments and environments and learning environments monitoring and changing
during instruction. interact with each other interact in ways that that relate to and enhance the design of learning
to understand and deepen their instruction and reflect environments and
complete learning tasks in understanding of the their diversity. structures for
single lessons or content and develop Students share in interactions.
sequence of lessons. constructive social and monitoring and
academic interactions. assessment of
interactions to improve
effectiveness and develop
a positive culture for
Evidence Emerging-Is aware of the Exploring-Classroom is Applying- Develops
importance of the designed to be a physical environments
physical and/or virtual welcoming environment that reflect student
learning environments for all students. Various diversity and provide a
that support student resources are available range of resources for
learning. Is aware that that not only promote learning. Utilizes a variety
structured interaction academic work but also of structures for
between students can social development. interaction during
support learning. Some Evidence: Classroom was learning activities that
students use available designed to be a ensures a focus on and
resources in learning welcoming environment. completion of learning
environments during Posters reflecting positive tasks. Students use a
instruction. reinforcement are placed variety of resources in
Evidence: Classroom has around the room, along learning environments
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
additions that reflect with a place for student and interact in ways that
various resources that work to be displayed. deepen their
students have used in Student drawings or understanding of the
learning within the school mementos are also content and develop
year. However, there isn’t pinned on a corkboard. constructive social and
much technology used to Posters that emphasize academic interactions.
reinforce these our school’s core values: Date: April 2024
technologies often, with Pride, Respect, Integrity, Evidence: Students have a
things such as this slide Determination, Empathy highly structured lesson
deck being demonstrated are found in the that includes different
to our students via classroom. Resources on modes of instruction
PowerPoint to go over the Boystown restorative following the UDL model
sudden changes in our practices model are for lesson plans “I do, we
learning environment for displayed in the do, you do.” Students have
a lock-down(LINK). This classroom. several ways to share
goes with ISTE standard Exploring-Experiments information, where if
2.3c Teach Safe, Legal, with and/or virtual cold-called, discussing
Ethical Practices: mentor learning environments information with a
students in safe, legal and that support student partner or when having
ethical practices with learning. Structures for whole group debates,
digital tools and the interaction are taught in with these lessons seen in
protection of intellectual single lessons or this week’s lesson plans
rights and property sequence of lessons to on Ancient Rome (LINK)
because it helps students support student learning.
know what they need to Students use resources
do when the classroom provided in learning
environment becomes environments and
unsafe. That way, they interact with each other
know what is needed to to understand and
do so that all students can complete learning tasks in
get through the event that single lessons or
is causing the room to be sequence of lessons.
unsafe and know that all Evidence: Classroom has
adults are ready to varying student-work
protect them. samples to be a
welcoming environment.
Posters that promote
positive reinforcements
are placed around the
room, along with
information on the
Boystown social
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the emotional safety using about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the multiple strategies that viewpoints. physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. include examining biases emotional environment
as they arise. in the learning focused on high quality
environment and and rigorous learning.
curriculum. Engages in reflection on
Establishing and
Explores strategies to their own language and
maintaining learning
establish intellectual and Models and provides behavior that contributes
environments that
emotional safety in the instruction on skills that to intellectual and
are physically,
classroom. develop resiliency and emotional safety in the
intellectually, and
support intellectual and classroom.
emotionally safe
emotional safety. Students demonstrate
Students are aware of resiliency in
required safety Students follow teacher Students develop and perseverance for
procedures and the guidance regarding Students take risks, offer practice resiliency skills academic achievement.
school and classroom potential safety issues for opinions, and share and strategies to strive Students maintain
rational for maintaining self or others. alternative perspectives for academic intellectual and emotional
safety. achievement, and safety for themselves and
establish intellectual and others in the classroom.
emotional safety in the
Evidence Exploring-Students are Students are being Integrating- Integrates
guided in terms of their reinforced on how to support for students to
learning environment interact with their peers take risks and offer
with the use of Boystown and adults, with the respectful opinions about
as one of our restorative Boystown system being divergent viewpoints.
practices. one of the main Engages in reflection on
Date: September 2022 restorative practices as their own language and
Evidence: Here is one of we enter our second year behavior that contributes
the lesson activities that of using Boystown as the to intellectual and
helps students main form of addressing emotional safety in the
comprehend what non-positive behaviors. classroom. Students
Boystown skill we will The application of the develop and practice
practice along with the Boystown restorative resiliency skills and
importance of the skill model are implemented strategies to strive for
through a video within the lessons in academic achievement,
embedded in the advisory and core and establish intellectual
PowerPoint slides and content, which reflect and emotional safety in
connecting the both positive and the classroom.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
importance of emotions negative behaviors both Date: April 2024
to have a safe learning from teacher-student Evidence: Students are
environment(LINK) along with student- accustomed to Boystown
student. This is and our restorative
Exploring-Recognizes and embedded when justice model to cultivate
addresses safety issues reviewing information, positive behaviors and
regarding materials, such as expectations that redirect non-positive
student interactions, and go with Boystown, such behaviors. By applying
the organization of the as asking for help, with the use of Boystown, we
learning environments. this form reflected on this can ensure our students
Explores strategies to done on Google feel welcomed and that
establish intellectual and Docs(LINK). This goes the redirects are not just
emotional safety in the with ISTE standard 2.6a, disciplinary in nature. For
classroom. Students Foster Student example, we have
follow teacher guidance Ownership of Learning- instituted the use of a
regarding potential safety foster a culture where behavior tracker with a
issues for self or others. students take ownership specific student so that
Evidence: Students are of their learning goals and the student knows we
informed on how to outcomes in both want their behavior to be
interact with their peers independent and group contributing to a great
and adults, with the settings because many of class environment and
Boystown system being our students have to not just to single them out
one of the main become accustomed to (LINK).
restorative practice. This ask for help in all of their
is done in a positive, classes. As I teach 6th
restorative form so that grade students, many are
students recognize that used to having only 1
this is not punitive, but teacher, one that they
rather meant to cultivate spend all day with and
positive forms of are often checked in. In
behavior in and out of the contrast, students have
classroom. multiple teachers now,
 Level of Development: which may make it
Exploring-Recognizes and difficult for some to ask
addresses safety issues for help when needed. By
regarding materials, using Google Docs and
student interactions, and gathering direct input
the organization of the from each student, we can
learning environments. see if students
Explores strategies to understand the
establish intellectual and importance of asking for
emotional safety in the help. Then, we apply what
classroom. Students we observe in the class to
follow teacher guidance see if students are
regarding potential safety learning this skill or if
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
issues for self or others. more lessons are needed
so all students develop
this skill.

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment learning environment throughout the learning learning environment in
accuracy of answers and that includes accuracy, that includes accuracy, environment that values which students take
completion of learning understanding, and the analysis, problem solving, accuracy, analysis, and leadership in learning.
tasks. importance of meeting and appropriate levels of critical reading, writing Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the targeted learning goals. challenge. and thinking. research, analysis and
importance of Works to maintain high Holds high expectations Integrates strategic purposeful use of
maintaining high expectations for students for students. Has an scaffolds and learning.
Creating a rigorous
expectations for students. while becoming aware of understanding of technologies throughout Supports students to
achievement patterns for achievement patterns, instruction that support utilize an extensive
environment with
individuals and groups of and uses scaffolds to the full range of learners repertoire of
high expectations
students. address achievement in meeting high differentiated strategies
and appropriate
gaps. expectations for to meet high
support for all
achievement. expectations.
Some students ask for Some individuals and Students engage in a
teacher support to groups of students work variety of differentiated Students actively use Students take
understand or complete with the teacher to supports and challenges supports and challenges responsibility to fully
learning tasks. support accuracy and in ways that promote to complete critical utilize teacher and peer
comprehension in their their accuracy, analysis, reading, writing, higher support, to achieve
learning. and problem solving in order thinking, and consistently high levels of
learning. problem solving across factual and analytical
subject matter. learning.

Exploring-Lessons are Applying-Develops a Integrating- Integrates

designed to meet a rigorous learning rigor throughout the
rigorous learning environment that learning environment
environment by including includes accuracy, that values accuracy,
several different activities analysis, problem solving, analysis, and critical
that use critical thinking and appropriate levels of reading, writing and
skills along with challenge. Holds high thinking.
Evidence historical thinking skills. expectations for Integrates strategic
Evidence: Discussing the students. Has an scaffolds and
lesson plans with a coach understanding of technologies throughout
allows for adjustment on achievement patterns, instruction that support
the understanding and and uses scaffolds to the full range of learners
important learning goals address achievement in meeting high
set for these students. gaps. Students engage in a expectations for
Feedback is provided on variety of differentiated achievement. Students
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
the lesson materials and supports and challenges actively use supports and
lesson plans, with an in ways that promote challenges to complete
example of feedback left their accuracy, analysis, critical reading, writing,
for a set of lessons(LINK) and problem solving in higher order thinking,
that both confirm that the learning. and problem solving
content is rigorous, has Evidence: Students are across subject matter.
supports included for all expected to create a claim Date: April 2024
students and provides a on a key question for a Evidence: Lesson plans
point of clarity so that the writing prompt that are creating with the
high expectations are requires students to use evaluation of the
clear to the students. primary or secondary students’ abilities and
sources to defend and skills in terms of social
Exploring-Strives for a expand their claim, which studies. Different
rigorous learning is reviewed and discussed historical thinking skills
environment that with a coach. Students are used, where students
includes accuracy, will be expected to use have open-ended
understanding, and the this information they questions that students
importance of meeting wrote on paper for the can answer using text-to-
targeted learning goals. first draft and type their text or text-to-world
Works to maintain high final drafts on Google connections. With these
expectations for students Docs, with this essay expectations established
while becoming aware of checklist posted on in lesson plans each
achievement patterns for Google Classroom(LINK) week, I hosted a
individuals and groups of detailing the expectations professional development
students. Some of the students. meeting at our school on
individuals and groups of curriculum and rigor as
students work with the seen in this PowerPoint
teacher to support (LINK). This aligns with
accuracy and the NBPTS standard IV
comprehension in their for social studies:
learning. Standard IV
Evidence: Having a post- Instruction
observation debrief with Accomplished social
the coach a coach allows studies–history teachers
for adjustment on the recognize that
understanding and excellent instruction
important learning goals depends on skilled
set for these students. organization and creative
Feedback is provided on interweaving of curricula,
the lesson materials and varied instructional
lesson plans, with an strategies, meaningful
example of feedback left assessment, and
for a set of lessons(LINK) supporting resources that
that both confirm that the engage students with
content is rigorous, has content, provide
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
supports included for all meaningful and
students and provides a instructive feedback, and
point of clarity so that the promote
high expectations are a love of learning, as the
clear to the students. way that rigor is built in
where all students can
experience success will
help students remain
engaged with both what
is being taught and how
the information is taught,
a key cornerstone of my
teacher leadership

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
rules, and consequences with some student including culturally expectations, positive environment using
for individual and group involvement. responsive instruction to supports, and systems that ensure
behavior. Communicates, models develop and maintain consequences for students take an active
and explains expectations high standards for individual and group role in monitoring and
for individual and group individual and group behavior within and maintaining high
behavior. behavior. across learning activities. standards for individual
Developing, and group behaviors.
communicating, and Refers to standards for Reviews standards for Utilizes routine Guides and supports
maintaining behavior and applies behavior with students in references to standards students to self-assess,
high standards for consequences as needed. single lessons or for behavior prior and monitor, and set goals for
individual and group sequence of lessons in during individual and individual and group
behavior anticipation of need for group work. behavior and
reinforcement. participation.

Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
following them. behaviors. make improvements. unique identities.

Applying-Our school’s Integrating-Integrates

core value system allows equitable expectations,
students to take positive supports, and
Evidence accountability if any of consequences for
their actions are not individual and group
reflecting those values. behavior within and
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
The use of Boystown across learning activities.
allows students to be Guides and supports
informed of their students to self-assess,
expected behavior at a monitor, and set goals for
high standard. Students individual and group
are reminded of the steps behavior and
undertaken with participation. Students
Boystown depending on a respond to individual and
positive or negative group behaviors and
behavior. encourage and support
Evidence: Students can be each other to make
asked if the behavior they improvements.
are demonstrating is Date: April 2024
reflective of any of our Evidence: With students
core values, and once the now more familiarized
student acknowledges if with Boystown as the
their behavior is positive school year progresses,
or negative, we can students are given
discuss how to continue multiple opportunities to
the positive behavior or self-assess and see if
take corrective steps to they’re demonstrating the
change a negative five core values (Pride,
behavior to a positive Respect, Integrity,
one. The use of Boystown Determination, Empathy)
allows me to guide a without the need for a
student to keep redirect from a teacher.
promoting positive Other students can
behaviors in the observe the positive
classroom, such as the behaviors and seek to
expectation about how to commit to the same
work with others is met. positive norms their
fellow classmates are
Applying-Uses multiple showing.
strategies including
culturally responsive
instruction to develop
and maintain high
standards for individual
and group behavior.
Utilizes routine
references to standards
for behavior prior and
during individual and
group work. Students
follow behavior
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
expectations, accept
consequences and
increase positive
Evidence: One on one
conversations are had
with a student to have
them reflect if they are
following the core values
of our school. After the
student shares their
views, we talk about how
we want them to be an
exemplar with their
positive behavior or
adjust their behavior to
one that reflects our core
values. Boystown helps
frame the conversation to
ensure these positive
outcomes are the goals
for both student and

Applying-Uses multiple
strategies including
culturally responsive
instruction to develop
and maintain high
standards for individual
and group behavior.
Utilizes routine
references to standards
for behavior prior and
during individual and
group work. Students
follow behavior
expectations, accept
consequences and
increase positive
Evidence: Reinforcing
our Boystown values
allows me to guide a
student to keep
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
promoting positive
behaviors in the
classroom, such as the
expectation about how to
work with others is met.
However, there isn't too
much technology
implemented for these
skill building and
implementation. A new
system, called
C.H.A.M.P.S, does have
more use that is
embedded with
technology. These
C.H.A.M.P.S expectations
can be seen on many
slides on this
PowerPoint(LINK), which
is gone over at each point
so students understant
their behavior
expectations whether
working individually or
with others.

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Employing classroom Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines, procedures, routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and reflecting participating in
norms, and supports single lessons to support single lessons or that are culturally on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
for positive behavior student learning. sequence of lessons with responsive and engage and norms in ways that and adjusting routines
to ensure a climate in some student students in the are culturally responsive. and procedures focuses
which all students involvement. development and Maintains a quality on maximizing learning.
can learn monitoring of norms. learning climate that Classroom climate
builds on student integrates school
strengths. standards and culturally
Seeks to promote positive Provides positive relevant norms.
Responds to disruptive behaviors and responds behavior supports. Promotes positive
behavior. to disruptive behavior. Responds appropriately behaviors and Promotes positive
to behaviors in ways that consistently prevents or behaviors and establishes
lessen disruptions to the refocuses behaviors preventions and a
learning climate. disruptive to the learning positive classroom
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Students participate in climate. climate that eliminate
routines, procedures, and most disruptive behavior.
norms and receive
reinforcement for
Students are aware of Students receive positive behaviors.
procedures, routines, and correction for behavior Students are involved in Students share
classroom norms. that interferes with Students receive timely assessment and responsibility with
learning, and positive and effective feedback monitoring of routines, teacher for managing and
reinforcement in and consequences for procedures, and norms in maintaining a positive
following routines, behaviors that interfere ways that improve the classroom climate that
procedures, and norms. with learning. learning climate. promotes learning.

Evidence Exploring-Routines are Integrating- Engages

used in the development Applying-Maintains students in monitoring
of my lesson plans. regular use of routines and reflecting on
Students have both oral and procedures that are routines, procedures, and
reminders of the routines culturally responsive and norms in ways that are
as well as visual engage students in the culturally responsive.
reminders of the development and Maintains a quality
expectations of each monitoring of norms. learning climate that
lesson. Provides positive builds on student
Evidence: Certain behavior supports. strengths. Promotes
routines are established Responds appropriately positive behaviors and
into the way our school to behaviors in ways that consistently prevents or
functions (such as using lessen disruptions to the refocuses behaviors
Boystown to both learning climate. Students disruptive to the learning
promote positive participate in routines, climate. Students are
behaviors as well as to procedures, and norms involved in assessment
restoratively address any and receive and monitoring of
negative behaviors. When reinforcement for routines, procedures, and
students share answers, I positive behaviors. norms in ways that
do my best to compliment Students receive timely improve the learning
students for sharing the and effective feedback climate.
answer, even if the and consequences for Date: April 2024
answer might not be behaviors that interfere Evidence: Students take
correct. with learning. summative assessments
Level of Development: Evidence: This is an area using the Kahoot
Exploring-Develops that doesn't have a lot of software(LINK), where all
routines, procedures, and technology embedded. students have their
norms in single lessons or However, when we take responses affirmed. I also
sequence of lessons with summative assessments make sure to hype up
some student using the Kahoot students who are on
involvement. Seeks to software(LINK), I make answer streaks and/or
promote positive sure that students are took their time to
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
behaviors and responds affirmed with their complete a particularly
to disruptive behavior. answer choice. I also tough question. For non-
Students receive make sure to hype up tech development in this
correction for behavior students who are on category, the routines
that interferes with answer streaks and/or have been further
learning, and positive took their time to developed so that
reinforcement in complete a particularly students understand
following routines, tough question. For non- classroom norms (such as
procedures, and norms. tech development in this being at the right volume
category, Routines have level) and what they need
Evidence: The new been developed based on to do to complete certain
routines with Boystown date from the prior school activities that are done in
being implemented this year so that students any and all lessons.
year (with Boystown understand classroom
being the main reference norms (such as being at
for both positive the right volume level)
behaviors and and what they need to do
redirections of negative to complete certain
behaviors) are being activities that are done
reinforced within my often within each lesson.
class. I make sure to
always share and
commend students for
sharing answers not only
when volunteering, but
for those who I call with
equity sticks as well, no
matter what answer is

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Using instructional Paces instruction based Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
time to optimize on curriculum guidelines. some consideration of students to provide include ongoing facilitates instruction and
learning Develops awareness of lesson type, adjustments adequate time for assessment of student daily activities.
how transitions and for sufficient student instruction, checking for learning. Supports
classroom management work time and transitions understanding, students in the
impact pacing and to optimize learning. completion of learning monitoring of
lessons. activities and closure. instructional time.

Some students complete Students complete Students participate in Students use their Students monitor their
learning activities in time learning activities and, as and complete a variety of instructional time to own time, are engaged in
allotted. needed, may receive learning activities in the engage in and complete accomplishing learning
some adjustments of time time allotted with options learning activities and are goals, and participate in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
allotted for tasks or for extension and review. prepared for the next reflection, self-
expectations for sequence of instruction. assessment, and goal
completion. setting.

Exploring-Lessons are Applying-Maintains Integrating-Paces

designed with certain regular use of routines instruction to include
activities (such as Do and procedures that are ongoing assessment of
Nows) to be rather short, culturally responsive and student learning.
and other activities to engage students in the Supports students in the
provide more of the class development and monitoring of
for students to achieve. monitoring of norms. instructional time.
Lessons are discussed Provides positive Students use their
with a coach to ensure the behavior supports. instructional time to
time allocated in a day Responds appropriately engage in and complete
(100 minutes for a block to behaviors in ways that learning activities and are
and 49 minutes in an all- lessen disruptions to the prepared for the next
day schedule) are used learning climate. Students sequence of instruction.
effectively. participate in routines, Date: April 2024
Date: September 2022 procedures, and norms Evidence: Students have
Evidence: This and receive now experienced six
PowerPoint slide reinforcement for different units where the
deck(LINK) shows how a positive behaviors. skills learned from
large assessment, in this Students receive timely previous units have
case a 4 paragraph essay, and effective feedback spiraled together to
Evidence is spread out between the and consequences for continue to improve key
normal 100-minute block behaviors that interfere skills such as how to read
day schedule and a 49 with learning. informational texts,
minute all day schedule Date: October 2023 annotating readings and
with specific routines and Evidence: Lessons are writing responses in a
supports so that all designed to effectively tone appropriate for
students can learn and meet the essential social students. In
write the essay within the question for the unit addition, each lesson plan
allotted time. through strategies that also focuses on specific
promote historical skill historical thinking skills
Exploring-Paces building and common such as chronological
instruction with some core standards. All the reasoning or compare
consideration of lesson week's lesson plan can be and contrast, that can be
type, adjustments for seen in this seen here (LINK), which
sufficient student work PowerPoint(LINK), with students have been able
time and transitions to the essay planned for this to develop and
optimize learning. week being the end of demonstrate with the
Students complete unit summative formative assessment’s
learning activities and, as assessment. Some essays at the end of each
needed, may receive assignments, such as unit (excluding unit 1).
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
some adjustments of time essays, may expand into
allotted for tasks or multiple days of a lesson
expectations for to permit all students to
completion. complete the assignment
Date: March 2023 within the allotted time. If
Evidence: Lesson students have extra time,
plans(LINK) are made they will continue to use
that detail the breakdown technology to advance
of the different activities their skill learning such
and assessments done as in how to decode
within a class. This is vocabulary using the text,
spread out during the which they will complete
regular 100-minute block on Google Docs.
schedule or the 49 minute
Friday schedule, with
built-in routines being
reinforced from the
previous semester.

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