CSTP 5 Benitez 42824
CSTP 5 Benitez 42824
CSTP 5 Benitez 42824
Level of Development:
Applying-Uses a variety
of assessment data to set
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Applying-Models and
scaffolds student self-
assessment and goal
setting processes for
learning content and
academic language
development. Guides
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Applying-Uses technology
to design and implement
assessments, record and
analyze results, and
communicate about
student learning with
colleagues, families, and
students. Ensure that
communications are
received by those who
lack access to technology.
Date: April 2024
Evidence: A routine has
been established where
updates to student
learning can be cross-
checked with data from
their assessments, and
adjustments to their units
follow their results. In
addition, I follow through
with using software like i-
Ready or Membean
(LINK) to continue to
track the progress
students have made in
their growth within
mathematics and English-
Language Arts. If there
has not been any growth
demonstrated, the
software and pinpoint
which are the areas of
most concern, and as an
educator, I would focus
on reteaching that
concept to help all
diverse learners.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and
assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing
required summative assessments from single strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible
assessments. lessons or sequence of strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about
lessons. Seeks to provide academic achievement. in ways that support individual student
5.7 Using assessment Notifies families of feedback in ways that increased learning. progress and ways to
information to share student proficiencies, students understand. Provides opportunities provide and monitor
timely and challenges, and behavior for comprehensible and Communicates regularly support.
comprehensible issues through school Communicates with timely two-way with families to share a
feedback with mandated procedures. families about student communications with range of assessment
students and their progress, strengths, and families to share student information that is
families needs at reporting assessments, progress, comprehensible and
periods. Contacts families raise issues and/or responsive to individual
as needs arise regarding concerns, and guide student and family needs.
struggling students or family support.
behavior issues.
students with clear and
timely information about
strengths, needs, and
strategies for improving
academic achievement.
Provides opportunities
for comprehensible and
timely two-way
communications with
families to share student
assessments, progress,
raise issues and/or
concerns, and guide
family support.
Date: April 2024
Evidence: Each scholar
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning