Step Standards 3-5

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy

Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

Rhyming Assessment
With this assessment, I point to a picture and ask children to tell me a word that rhymes. For example, if I point to
frog, the child should say “log” or “hog” or any rhyming word. If a child struggles with naming rhyming words,
then I will switch to asking the child to point to a picture that rhymes with that word (example, “show me a word
that rhymes with cake” (snake). The first method is more challenging. The second method also works better with
children with speech and language difficulties. Circle the pictures they rhymed successfully.

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%)

Proficient 4

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Partially Proficient 8
Minimally Proficient 6
(69% and below)
Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class
Based on the data above, I would modify the assessment to meet the lower students. I would add
a pre-assessment that the students can see pictures of rhyming words and match them up.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

After adding in the rhyming words matching assessment the students understood the learning
goal better.

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.
Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.
Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in the
STEP process.

Grade Level: Pre-K

Unit/Subject: Language Arts (Rhyming Words)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

National/State Learning LL.P.2.4.5 LL.P.2.4 LL.P.2.4.3 LL.P.2.4.1 LL.P.2.4.4
Standards Listen to rhyming words Identify words Identify by Identify two words Make up words
List specific grade-level that rhyme pointing to two that rhyme and names words
standards that are the focus
of the lesson being
objects that rhyme that rhyme
Specific Learning The students will hear songs We will make a The students will The students will The students will
Target(s)/Objectives that they will be able to pick chart with listen to a story be giving a cut and glue
Based on state standards, out the rhyming words in it different rhyming and clap their worksheet to match rhyming words on
identify what is intended to
be measured in learning.
words that the hands when they up pictures of a worksheet
students will make hear rhyming rhyming words
up words

Academic Language Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Rhyming Words
General academic Cat/Sat Ham/Sam Hop/Pop Day/Play Bat/Cat
vocabulary and content- Dog/Log Can/Fan Cup/Pup He/Me Mouse/House
Big/Wig Net/Pet Ball/Wall Him/Jim Bee/Tree

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specific vocabulary included
in the unit.

Unit Resources, Song: I Love to Rhyme Chart Paper, Book: Hop on Pop Match up rhyming Rhyming words
Materials, Equipment, Markers, and by Dr. Seuss word pictures worksheet, glue,
and Technology pictures of rhyming worksheet and scissors, and pencils
List all resources, materials, words markers
equipment, and technology
to be used in the unit.
Depth of Knowledge What are rhyming words? Strategic Thinking: Recall words from Skill/Concepts: Extended Thinking:
Lesson Questions the story:
What questions can be posed How do we know they are Show pictures and Can we make up a Do all words rhyme?
throughout the lesson to rhyming words? ask: What words was song with the words
assess all levels of student rhyming words in that rhymes on the After doing the
understanding? Do these pictures the story? worksheet? worksheet:
 Level 1: Recall rhyme?
 Level 2: Skill/Concepts
Can you tell me
 Level 3: Strategic
Ask what else another word that
rhymes with this rhymes with the
 Level 4: Extended
picture? pictures?
Anticipatory Set The students sing songs The students sing The students sing The students sing The students sing
How will students’ prior throughout the day that rhymes songs throughout songs throughout songs throughout the songs throughout the
knowledge be activated as for an Ex: A Tisket a Tasket I the day that rhymes the day that rhymes day that rhymes for day that rhymes for
well as gain student interest Know My NAME is IN the for an Ex: A Tisket for an Ex: A Tisket an Ex: A Tisket a an Ex: A Tisket a
in the upcoming content? Basket a Tasket I Know My a Tasket I Know My Tasket I Know My Tasket I Know My
NAME is IN the NAME is IN the NAME is IN the NAME is IN the
This will help build on the Basket Basket Basket Basket
rhyming words and understand
other words that rhyme. This will help build This will help build This will help build This will help build
on the rhyming on the rhyming on the rhyming on the rhyming
words and words and words and words and
understand other understand other understand other understand other
words that rhyme. words that rhyme. words that rhyme. words that rhyme.

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Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of The content will be presented by The content will be The content will be The content will be The content will be
Representation using songs, hands on, visual presented by using presented by using presented by using presented by using
Describe how content will be aids, and activities songs, hands on, songs, hands on, songs, hands on, songs, hands on,
presented in various ways to visual aids, and visual aids, and visual aids, and visual aids, and
meet the needs of different activities activities activities activities
Multiple Means of For ELL students I will have the For the students that For the students who For ELL students I For ELL students I
Representation video in their language. The cannot remember need more help, I will have the will have the
Differentiation song will be presented in large any rhyming words will have a small worksheet in their worksheet in their
Explain how materials will group. If any student needs to put on the chart, I group and reread the language if needed. I language if needed.
be differentiated for each of more help about rhyming words will have pictures story and guide the will have two I will have some
the following groups: from the song, they can watch it with the name of the students as they will different worksheets, pictures already cut
 English Language again and sing along during pictures in English clap their hands for students who so the student will
Learners (ELL) centers using the tablets. and in other when they hear need a little more only have to match
 Students with
language for them rhyming words. If help they will get a up the rhyming
special needs
to say the name of needed for ELL worksheet with less words.
 Students with gifted
abilities the pictures that student I will have pictures on it. Help will be
Early finishers (those who rhyme and then we the story read to Help will be available as needed
finish early and may need can add it to the them from YouTube available as needed
additional sources/support) chart in their language.

Application of Content
Multiple Means of The students will hear songs The students will The students will The students will The students will
Engagement that will help them make a chart with listen to a story be giving a cut and glue
How will students explore, understand rhyming words different rhyming and clap their worksheet to match rhyming words on
practice, and apply the
words that the hands when they up pictures of a worksheet
students will make hear rhyming rhyming words
up words

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Multiple Means of For ELL students I will have the For the students that For the students who For ELL students I For ELL students I
Engagement video in their language. The cannot remember need more help, I will have the will have the
Differentiation song will be presented in large any rhyming words will have a small worksheet in their worksheet in their
Explain how materials will group. If any student needs to put on the chart, I group and reread the language if needed. I language if needed.
be differentiated for each of more help about rhyming words will have pictures story and guide the will have two I will have some
the following groups: from the song, they can watch it with the name of the students as they will different worksheets, pictures already cut
 English Language again and sing along during pictures in English clap their hands for students who so the student will
Learners (ELL) centers using the tablets. and in other when they hear need a little more only have to match
 Students with
language for them rhyming words. If help they will get a up the rhyming
special needs
to say the name of needed for ELL worksheet with less words.
 Students with gifted
abilities the pictures that student I will have pictures on it. Help will be
Early finishers (those who rhyme and then we the story read to Help will be available as needed
finish early and may need can add it to the them from YouTube available as needed
additional sources/support) chart in their language.
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of As the students are in large group, they As the students are in As the students are in As the students are in As the students are in
Expression will learn a new song “I Love to large group, they will large group, they will large group, I will have large group, I will have
Formative and summative Rhyme”. I will be checking and seeing discuss the new rhyming listen to a story “Hop on pictures hanging up pictures hanging up
assessments used to monitor which students are knowing the words from the new Pop”. As they are around the area. I will ask around the area. I will ask
student progress and modify rhyming words in the song. Next, we song “I Love to Rhyme”. listening, they are asked the students to match up the students to match up
will get into groups of 3 and discuss the I will be checking and to clap their hands when each picture that rhymes. each picture that rhymes.
rhyming words in the song. Last, in a seeing which students they hear words they I will be checking to see I will be checking to see
small group I will check to see if the can name some rhyming rhyme. I will be which students can get which students can get
student can sing some of the rhyming words from the song. checking and seeing them right without help. them right without help.
words in the song. Next, I will show some which students are Next, we will get into Next, we will get into
rhyming words with clapping after I say the groups of 3 and work on a groups of 3 and work on
pictures on them to help rhyming words. Next, we picture match up a picture cut and paste
the students with the will get into groups of 3 worksheet. Last, in a worksheet. Last, in a
chart. Last, in a small and discuss the rhyming small group I would small group I would
group I will check to see words that we heard in check to see if the student check to see if the student
if the students can make the story. Last, in a small matched up all picture cut and paste the right
a list of rhyming words group I will check to see right. If not, we will talk rhyming pictures
or point to the pictures if the student can clap about each picture, so together. If not, we will
of rhyming words. when they hear the they can understand it talk about each picture,
rhyming words as I read better. so they can understand it
the story again. better.

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Multiple Means of I will be using a lot of visual I will be using a lot I will be using a lot I will be using a lot I will be using a lot
Expression aids throughout the lesson. of visual aids of visual aids of visual aids of visual aids
Differentiation throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
Explain how materials will lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
be differentiated for each of
the following groups:
 English Language
Learners (ELL)
 Students with
special needs
 Students with gifted
Early finishers (those who
finish early and may need
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any Draw a picture of two thing that Draw a picture of Draw a picture of Draw a picture of Draw a picture of
extension activities or rhymes. We will go over the two thing that two thing that two thing that two thing that
homework tasks as pictures during circle time. rhymes. We will go rhymes. We will go rhymes. We will go rhymes. We will go
appropriate. Explain how over the pictures over the pictures over the pictures over the pictures
the extension activity or
during circle time. during circle time. during circle time. during circle time.
homework assignment
supports the learning
targets/objectives. As
required by your instructor,
attach any copies of
homework at the end of this

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10-minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation: The lesson that was taped was in a small group setting. We are
working on rhyming words. The students will say the name of each picture, then match it up with
the bottom picture that rhymes it. Next the students will cut out the pictures, I will help them as
needed. We are going to go back over the name of each pictures and put glue on their paper. As
we are going back over the pictures the students are matching the picture on the paper to the
picture they cut out and pasting them on their paper. Last, the students will color their rhyming
word pictures.

Summary of Student Learning: The students were engaged and excited about doing the activity.
In the beginning of the activity there were two students who was unsure which picture went
together. After going over the pictures as the students was pasting them on their paper and saying
the name of the picture, I could tell they understood which ones rhymed. In the group of five
students 3out of 5 students could name and match up all the rhyming words on their paper.

Reflection of Video Recording: I felt that the video went very well. All the students were involved
and wanted to do all the words till they were finished. After watching the video, I could tell the
students were excited about doing the activity. The only part that felt a little overwhelming to me
was all the background noise from the other students in centers.

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