Evidence Knowing that everyone The students have I try to provide a variety of ways to I have student work
learns differently, means become more self- interact during lessons whether its samples all over my
having a learning dependent when it small group conversation or sharing
environment that comes to using the their annotations with their peers on
classroom, over a wide
supports all learning resources around actively learn 05/2023 range of cultures. There
styles, having various them help with their are also multiple
ways to get information learning but they still Knowing that everyone learns moments within my
across to students is a need reminders. differently, means having a learning lessons that I allow
big way in in supporting 05/2023 environment that supports all learning
student learning. And styles, having various ways to get
students to share and
setting at atmosphere information across to students is a big exchange ideas.
that welcomes open way in in supporting student learning. Students are constantly
academic conversation. And setting at atmosphere that using the resources in
07/2023 welcomes open academic the classroom such as
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
conversation. BookCreator is a tool dictionaries, chrome-
that allows my students to collaborate books, their peers, as
with each other and it reflects diversity
in the classroom and students are able
well as me. 04/2024
to give each other constructive
feedback. 12/2023
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the emotional safety using about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the multiple strategies that viewpoints. physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. include examining biases emotional environment
as they arise. in the learning Engages in reflection on focused on high quality
Establishing and Explores strategies to environment and their own language and and rigorous learning.
maintaining learning establish intellectual and curriculum. behavior that contributes
environments that Students are aware of emotional safety in the to intellectual and
are physically, required safety classroom. Models and provides emotional safety in the Students demonstrate
intellectually, and procedures and the instruction on skills that classroom. resiliency in
emotionally safe school and classroom develop resiliency and perseverance for
rational for maintaining support intellectual and Students develop and academic achievement.
safety. Students follow teacher emotional safety. practice resiliency skills Students maintain
guidance regarding and strategies to strive intellectual and emotional
potential safety issues for for academic safety for themselves and
self or others. Students take risks, offer achievement, and others in the classroom.
opinions, and share establish intellectual and
alternative perspectives emotional safety in the
I try to be mindful about We go over safety rules, The supports we
the types of materials I such as earthquake drills, integrate into our
present to my students to fire drills with our lessons in order for
make sure that they are students. As well as students to take risks
age appropriate. I also classroom safety rules.
and offer respectful
like to be mindful of the Like not standing on
types of conversations tables, or leaning in the
opinions is doing
that may arise because of chairs. The teachers took pretalks before we get
the materials I choose. So an Active shooter training into more sticky
Evidence that I can intentionally course. I also have conversations. We let
plan for any redirection posters in my classroom students know to
or mediation of promoting a safe respect someone else’s
conversation.05/2023 community. We post our opinion even if they
classroom norms on the don’t agree with them.
walls in the room and 04/2024
often refer back to them
when students are not
following norms.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Focuses the rigor Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous learning Integrates rigor throughout the Facilitates a rigorous learning
of the learning learning environment environment that includes learning environment that values environment in which students
environment on that includes accuracy, accuracy, analysis, problem accuracy, analysis, and critical take leadership in learning.
accuracy of understanding, and the solving, and appropriate levels reading, writing and thinking. Fosters extended studies,
answers and importance of meeting of challenge. Integrates strategic scaffolds and research, analysis and
Creating a completion of targeted learning goals. Holds high expectations for technologies throughout purposeful use of learning.
rigorous learning tasks. Works to maintain high students. Has an instruction that support the full Supports students to utilize an
learning Is aware of the expectations for understanding of achievement range of learners in meeting high extensive repertoire of
environment importance of students while patterns, and uses scaffolds to expectations for achievement. differentiated strategies to meet
with high maintaining high becoming aware of address achievement gaps. high expectations.
expectations expectations for achievement patterns Students actively use supports
and students. for individuals and Students engage in a variety of and challenges to complete Students take responsibility to
appropriate groups of students. differentiated supports and critical reading, writing, higher fully utilize teacher and peer
support for Some students challenges in ways that order thinking, and problem support, to achieve consistently
all students ask for teacher Some individuals and promote their accuracy, solving across subject matter. high levels of factual and
support to groups of students analysis, and problem solving analytical learning.
understand or work with the teacher in learning.
complete to support accuracy
learning tasks. and comprehension in
their learning.
We hold our students to high We hold our students to high Recently we did a poetry
expectations based on their expectations based on their project where students were
current “Capabilities”. i.e. we current “Capabilities”. i.e. we have in charge of analyzing a poem
have SWE’s in our gen ed SWE’s in our from the Harlem renaissance,
classes, who need extensive general education classes, who as well as from immigrant
support to do “less” than their need extensive support to do groups and they had to
counterparts. For those “less” than their counterparts. For analyze the figurative
students they are still putting those students they are still language that ws used. Some
in the same amount of effort, putting in the same amount of students realized that they had
even if they aren’t producing effort, even if they aren’t
Evidence the same level of work, and so producing the same level of work,
to do some research in order
to understand what the writer
we hold them to the same and so we hold them to the same
might have been feeling
expectation that they will expectation that they will provide
provide the same amount of the same amount of effort, but we during that time. They did this
effort, but we don’t expect the don’t expect the same work. For in groups, and we paired them
same work. 05/2023 example we would normally strategically so some students
grade students on a full standard, had to take the lead that have
however with our SWE's we only never had to lead before.
grade them on a specific part of 04/2024
that standard. 12/2023
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes Develops expectations with Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
expectations, rules, some student involvement. including culturally expectations, positive supports, environment using
and consequences Communicates, models and responsive instruction to and consequences for individual systems that ensure
for individual and explains expectations for develop and maintain high and group behavior within and students take an active
group behavior. individual and group behavior. standards for individual and across learning activities. role in monitoring and
group behavior. maintaining high
Refers to standards Reviews standards for Guides and supports students to standards for individual
for behavior and behavior with students in Utilizes routine references to self-assess, monitor, and set and group behaviors.
high standards
applies single lessons or sequence of standards for behavior prior goals for individual and group
for individual
consequences as lessons in anticipation of need and during individual and behavior and participation. Students demonstrate
and group
needed. for reinforcement. group work. positive behavior,
Students respond to individual consistent participation
Students are aware Students know expectations Students follow behavior and group behaviors and and are valued for their
of classroom rules for behavior and consequences expectations, accept encourage and support each unique identities.
and consequences. and respond to guidance in consequences and increase other to make improvements.
following them. positive behaviors.
Every week we send
home student progress
reports, we also provide
students with weekly
tutoring opportunities
to get help if they want
to improve their grade.
We teach students that
it is their responsibility
to take control of their
grades. If they are
absent we don’t go and
tell them what work
Evidence they missed, they know
it is their responsibility
to ask us what they
Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes procedures, Develops routines, procedures, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for and norms in single lessons or routines and procedures that monitoring and reflecting participating in
single lessons to sequence of lessons with some are culturally responsive and on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
support student student involvement. engage students in the and norms in ways that and adjusting routines
learning. development and monitoring of are culturally responsive. and procedures focuses
Seeks to promote positive norms. Maintains a quality on maximizing learning.
Responds to disruptive behaviors and responds to learning climate that Classroom climate
behavior. disruptive behavior. Provides positive behavior builds on student integrates school
supports. strengths. standards and culturally
, norms,
Students are aware of Students receive correction for Responds appropriately to relevant norms.
procedures, routines, behavior that interferes with behaviors in ways that lessen Promotes positive
and classroom norms. learning, and positive disruptions to the learning behaviors and Promotes positive
for positive
reinforcement in following climate. consistently prevents or behaviors and establishes
behavior to
routines, procedures, and norms. Students participate in routines, refocuses behaviors preventions and a
ensure a
procedures, and norms and disruptive to the learning positive classroom
climate in
receive reinforcement for climate. climate that eliminate
which all
positive behaviors. most disruptive behavior.
Students are involved in
can learn
Students receive timely and assessment and Students share
effective feedback and monitoring of routines, responsibility with
consequences for behaviors that procedures, and norms in teacher for managing and
interfere with learning. ways that improve the maintaining a positive
learning climate. classroom climate that
promotes learning.
We have a daily routine that we As I have come accustomed to At the beginning of the
do so students understand the the procedures of the school I quarter, or after a long
flow of class. We have a set of have been able to be more break we have our
class norms, and if there are effective in these areas. In students to reflect on our
topics that are a bit heavier, we mornings everyday except for class norms and
set norms for those specific Tuesdays and Wednesdays it is procedures students
lessons. i.e. one time I had a our Advisory time where we do think about whether or
Evidence lesson and we watched a video SEL activities, as well as not they individually or
about a person whose dad activities about different as a class followed our
basically disowned him for being cultures. For example this norms and procedures,
gay, we had to let our students month students are focusing on and then we come up
know the norms for watching Asian Pacific Americans and the with ways to make sure
this video and our expectations Women in their culture that that we do. 04/2024
for them to be mature about the have made great impacts in
content 07/2022 America. 05/2023
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Depending on what we
are doing in class, we will
ask our students if they
need more time or if its
okay that we move on,
Evidence just so that people have
the opportunity to get all
the information that they
need to be successful.
05/2023 04/2024