Year 9 Mathematics White Rose Core Marking Scheme

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Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

Draws correct graphs as shown

Award 1 mark for 𝑦 = 𝑥 correct.
Condone no label and slight inaccuracy
𝑦 =3
1 if the intention is clear.

Award 1 mark for 𝑦 = 3 correct.

1 Condone no label and slight inaccuracy
1 if the intention is clear.

(3, 3) Follow through their point of

1 intersection provided at least one
graph is of the correct form.
Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018
Indicates 9 + 2𝑎 = 23 Accept any clear indication – circle,
underlined etc.
𝑡=3 Award 2 marks for fully correct
method with one arithmetical error
Award 1 mark for correct first step e.g.
5𝑡 − 12 = 3 or 7𝑡 − 15 = 2𝑡
𝑤>1 Award 1 mark for evidence of correct
method e.g. multiplying out brackets
and rearranging, or dividing both sides
by 3, or 𝑤 = 1
Draws a rectangle 1 cm by 2 cm e.g. Allow anywhere on the grid.

Draws correct plan view e.g. Allow anywhere on the grid.

Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018
Draws accurate perpendicular bisector of AB with 2 Award 1 mark for any correct method
4 construction lines clearly visible if incomplete, or within 2 mm.
5𝑥 + 15 − 2𝑥 + 8 Award 1 mark for each correct
≡ 3𝑥 + 23 3 expansion, 3rd mark for complete
5 simplification.
𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 4𝑥 + 12 Award 1 mark for any three terms
𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 12 correct.
Completes table correctly Award 1 mark for two correct.

6 C 2

Indicates true with fully correct working e.g. 105 ÷ 15 = 7 Award 1 mark for attempt to find
7 Both rectangles are 15 cm by 7 cm so they are congruent 2 unknown length in either rectangle.
Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018
𝑐+𝑏 Accept any equivalent form e.g. 𝑎 =
2 𝑐 𝑏
2 2
8 2 Award 1 mark for correct first step
𝑏 𝑐
2𝑎 = 𝑏 + 𝑐 or 𝑎 − =
2 2
(0, 1) 1
3 1 Do not accept e.g.
Fully correct net with correct dimensions e.g. Award 2 marks for
• correct shape and at least all
rectangles correct
• correct shape and triangles

10 Award 1 mark for

• correct shape
• at least one correct face.
Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018
Draws any correct net for a cylinder e.g.

33 929 or 10 800𝜋 Allow rounding to 3sf or better.
Award 2 marks for fully correct
Award 1 mark for at least one correct
area e.g. 𝜋 × 402 or 𝜋 × 80 × 95 seen
or implied.
120 Award 1 mark for correct process to
find volume e.g. 144 × 25 × 250

Award 1 mark for converting either

volume of pool to litres or volume of
12 4
bucket to litres

Award 1 mark for (their volume of the

pool) divided by (their volume of 1
Year 9 Autumn Core Mark Scheme A2 – Spring 2018
e.g. the locus of the points from the endpoints should be Any reasonable explanation.
Award two marks for correct locus 2
cm away from AB.
2 Award 1 mark for correct shape.
Year 9 Autumn Core Paper Mark Scheme B – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

1 Triangular prism 1
Award 1 mark for base correct and top square
on right hand side.

2 2

2 2 1 Do not accept ‘False’ without correct

3 False, e.g. of the spinner is grey, ≠ 1
6 6 2 reasoning.
17.5 m Award 1st mark for 35 × 50 seen or implied.
Award 2nd mark for process to convert cm to
4 3 m seen or implied.
or Award 1st mark for 0.35 seen or implied.
Award 2nd mark for 0.35 × 50 seen or implied.
e.g. Reflex angle must be indicated. Accept other
orientations of 215° from A
5 1

𝑦 2 + 10𝑦 + 9 Award 1 mark for any three correct terms

6 2 from 𝑦 2 + 𝑦 + 9𝑦 + 9 seen.
Year 9 Autumn Core Paper Mark Scheme B – Spring 2018
Award 1 mark for evidence of starting correct
process to construct perpendicular bisector
but not completed accurately.

7 2

3 ( ) + 4 = 7.6 Need conclusion for both marks.
5 6
6 Award 1 mark for substitution of into either
8 10 − 2 ( ) = 7.6 2 5
equation correctly evaluated.
Both lines go through ( , 7.6)
1311 mm3 1
Award 1 mark for (7.6 + 12.4) × 9.5 seen or
9 3 implied.
Award 1 mark for 13.8 × “their area cross-
c. £25 1
e.g. For every mile travelled the cost of the journey Accept any correct reasonable explanation that
increases by £1.50 1 uses the context of the question. Do not
10 accept e.g. “1.5 is the gradient”
e.g. the fixed cost of the taxi fare. Accept any correct reasonable explanation that
1 uses the context of the question. Do not
accept e.g. “3 is the 𝑦-intercept”
Year 9 Autumn Core Paper Mark Scheme B – Spring 2018
Award 1 mark an accurate locus of points from
either A or B (semicircle)
Award 1 mark for accurate locus points parallel
11 3
(above and below) to the line AB
Allow ± 1 mm

14 Award 1 mark for forming expressions for the

ages e.g. 𝑥, 3𝑥 and 𝑥 −4
12 4 Award 1 mark for correct equation
e.g. 6𝑥 − 4 = 21
Award 1 ft mark for solving 𝑥 (Aisha’s age) = 5
2070.25 Award 1 mark for correctly evaluating either
𝑞 = −7 or 𝑝 = 6.5
13 3
Award 1 mark for correctly substituting their
values into (𝑝𝑞)2
𝑎 = −3 1
14 𝑏 = 11 Award 1 mark for forming equation
13 = 2𝑥 − 9 and attempting to solve
e.g. Accept any pair of isosceles triangles that have
both triangles show the same side lengths and
angle but are not congruent.
15 1

𝑦 = −3𝑥 1 Accept any equivalent form e.g. 𝑦 + 3𝑥 = 0

16 e.g. 𝑦 = −3𝑥 + 4 , 𝑦 = 4 − 3𝑥 etc. Accept any equation of the form 𝑦 = −3𝑥 + 𝑐
where 𝑐 > 0
Year 9 Autumn Core Paper Mark Scheme B – Spring 2018
17 0.452 2 Accept awrt 0.452 or exact equivalent
Award 1 mark for attempt to use 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
3.77 2 Accept awrt 3.77 or exact equivalent
Award 1 mark for finding curved surface area
and at least one other face of the cylinder
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

Indicates √144 Accept any clear indication – circle, underline,

1 1
tick etc.
𝑝 = 225
𝑞 = 4.2 Award 1 mark for correct first step to solve
e.g. 63 = 15𝑞, 2.8= 𝑞 −1.4
115o 1
Alternate angles are equal 1
Award 1 mark for each correct drawing

If neither correct, award 1 mark for two

correct drawings from plan, side elevation and
front elevation seen in the wrong grids
4 2

8 Award 1 mark for correct method e.g.

2 attempting to list factors or draw factor tree
5 for both numbers
192 Award 1 mark for listing multiples of both 24
and 64 or attempt to use prime factors
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
82.9% Award 1 mark for 29 ÷ 35 or 0.8285… seen
6 2

Award 1 mark for any translation of the triangle

to the left and up


5 Award 1 mark for “translation” stated with

Translation by ( )
−4 2 incorrect vector, or correct column vector
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
𝑎2 + 2𝑎 − 35 Award 1 mark for expansion with 3 out of 4
8 2 terms 𝑎2 , −5𝑎, 7𝑎, −35 correct

32.6 Award 1 mark for forming equation

9 3 8𝑚 + 5 + 2𝑚 – 3 = 180
Award 2nd mark for 𝑚 = 17.8 seen or implied
Award 1 mark for arc with radius 5 cm ± 2
mm from A
Award 1 mark for arc with radius 3 cm ± 2
10 3 mm from B
Award 1 mark their overlap region shaded

e.g. “Carpet Co. because £82.64 is less than £87.91” Award 1 mark for either £82.64 or £87.91seen
Award 2nd mark for both £82.64 or £87.91seen
11 3 Award 3rd mark for correct conclusion and
No marks for just Carpet Co.
504𝜋 mm3 or 1583.36… mm3 Award 1 mark for 𝜋 × 62 × 14
Award 2nd mark for 504𝜋 or 1583.26… seen or
12 3
implied e.g. by 1580
Award 1 mark for mm3
𝑎 = 2.525 Award 1 mark for correctly substituting 𝑥 =
2.8 into equation of the line
13 2
Condone rounding if evidence of substitution
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
£900 Award 1 mark for 65% = £585 seen or implied
(e.g. a bar model)
14 3
Award 2nd mark for correct method to find
306 m Award 1 mark for correct use of Pythagoras’
15 3 theorem e.g. 1452 − 172 seen
Award 2nd mark for AB = 144
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

1 1
2 5 1
5 𝑘
Award 1 mark for any fraction of the form
8 2 8
3 where 𝑘 ≠ 5
e.g. 31 is not a multiple of 8 1 Accept any correct explanation.
𝑥 = 2.7 1 Accept any equivalent answer
𝑦=5 Accept any equivalent answer e.g. 5.83̇
Award 1 mark for a correct first step to solve
4 2 the equation seen or implied.
𝑦 7 10 5
e.g. = or 𝑦 − =
5 6 3 2
𝑧 > 12.5 Award 1 mark for any correct first step to solve
the inequality e.g. 25 > 2𝑧 or 5 < 𝑧 − 2.5
e.g. “True, 1 is a factor of every integer” Accept equivalent correct explanations.
5 1 Do not award mark for ‘True’ chosen with no
or incorrect explanation.
e.g. “3 units right and 2 units down” Award 1 mark for either component described
6 2 correctly.
Allow e.g. “3 squares right, 2 squares down”
𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 − 28 Award 1 mark for any three correct terms from
7 2
𝑥 2, −7𝑥, +4𝑥, −28
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
Award 1 mark for correct rotation in the wrong
Condone missing label N.


e.g. “True, they are the same shape and size” Accept equivalent correct explanations.
1 Do not award mark for ‘True’ chosen with no
or incorrect explanation.
£180 Award 1 mark a complete correct method to
9 2 reduce the price of the coat by 28%
e.g. 250 × 0.72 or 250 − (0.28 × 250)
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
£150 Award 1 mark equating 72% to108 and
2 attempting to find 100%
e.g. Accept other complete correct approaches.
180 – 142 = 38 Award 1 mark for correct first step to find 𝑎
because angles on a straight line sum to 180° e.g. 38° seen (could be on diagram)
10 180 – 90 = 90 because co interior angles sum to 180° 3 Award 2nd mark for correct numerical value of 𝑎
90 − 38 = 52
𝑎 = 52° Award 3rd mark for complete correct reasons
Accept a fully correct construction in any
Award 1 mark for one side drawn accurately
with one construction arc accurately drawn.
(±1 mm)
11 2 Condone missing side length label

or equivalent
90𝜋 cm3 or 282.7.. cm3 Award 1 mark for correct method to find the
12 3 volume of the cylinder i.e. 𝜋 × 32 × 10
Award 1 mark for correct answer (awrt 283)
Award 1 mark cm3
£6955.64 Award 1 mark for correct method to add on 3%
13 3
at least once
Year 9 Spring Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
Award 2 marks for complete correct method
seen or implied. e.g. 6000 × 1.035
Ignore rounding errors
𝑦 =𝑥+4 Award 1 mark for either correct gradient found
14 2
or 𝑦 = 𝑘𝑥 + 4 where 𝑚 ≠ 1
13 cm Award 1 mark for correct use of Pythagoras’
660 cm2 Award 1 mark for correct area at least two
faces seen
Award 2nd mark for complete correct method
to find total surface area
e.g. (30 × 2) + (20 × "13") + (20 × 12) +
(20 × 5)
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

1 D 1
31 or 37 1 Condone both answers given
304 1
8.3 × 108 1
0.000057 1
4 120 1
Draws a circle of radius 4 cm and shades the inside of Allow circle of radius 3.9 cm to 4.1 cm
the circle.
Accept circle shaded or unshaded, but do not
5 accept outside the circle shaded
16𝜋 or 50.3
2 Award 1 mark for 𝜋 × 42 seen or implied.
Accept awrt 50.3
5 1
6 (0, −4) Must be expressed as a coordinate, do not
accept just −4
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
𝑛 ≥ −1 1
Award 1 mark for correct first step to solve
inequality e.g. 2𝑥 < −8 or 𝑥 + 4.5 < 0.5 seen
7 Award 1 mark for correct solution seen 𝑥 < −4
3 Award 1 mark for clear circle and correct
arrow orientation plotted above their solution.
Follow through their solution (provided still <)
for the 3rd mark
0.3445 Accept any equivalent fraction, decimal or
percentage condoning rounding
8 2 Award 1 mark for 0.53 × seen or implied or
0.47 × = 0.3055 or equivalent
e.g. Award 1 mark for correct use of Pythagoras’
352 + 122 = 1369 theorem seen.
9 2 Award full marks for fully correct working.
372 = 1369
352 + 122 = 372 so the triangle is right-angled
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
Award 1 mark for correct enlargement
incorrectly positioned or two vertices of their
enlarged rectangle correctly plotted

10 2

Award 1 mark for a correct horizontal or

vertical translation performed or four out of
five vertices correctly positioned.

11 2
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
Chooses Bargain Hut with working e.g. Award 1 mark for correct total price from
Bargain Hut: 20 × 3.99 = 79.80 either shop
Mega Saver: 30 × 3.99 × 0.8 = 95.76 Award 2nd mark for correct total price from
12 3
so Bargain Hut is cheaper both shops
Award full marks for fully correct working with
855.32 Award 1 mark for attempt to 800 × (1.034)2
seen or implied or complete attempt to increase
13 2 800 by 3.4% once
Answer must be rounded to the nearest penny
but condone rounding errors
831 Award 1 mark for correctly finding the area of
at least one triangle (36 mm2)
14 3
Award 1 mark for finding the area of at least
two rectangular faces (345, 161 and 253 mm2)
Finds ∠WPY = 49° Award 1 mark for forming a correct equation
15 3 e.g. 𝑥 + 𝑥 + 82 = 180
Award 2nd mark for finding ∠ZPX = 49°
625 g Award 1 mark for 120 % = 750 g seen or
16 3
Award 1 mark for correct method to find
normal size e.g. 750 ÷ 1.2
3.98 Award 1 mark for correctly finding the volume
of the cuboid i.e. 80 ÷ 0.67 = 119.4029 …
17 3 Award ft 1 mark for correct method to find the
height of the cuboid i.e. “119.4029” ÷ (3 × 10)
Award final mark for awrt 3.98
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

e.g. Allow ±2°
Could be above or below the line.
Angle must be indicated.
1 Must be from A and not from B

2 Indicates (3, −11) 1 Accept any clear indication

2 × 2 × 3 × 23 Allow factors in any order, exponent form etc.
Do not allow 1s within the product
3 2
Award 1 mark for method that produces at least
two correct prime factors
e.g. Allow anywhere on the grid
Award 1 mark for correct enlargement by any
other scale factor except 1 OR incomplete
shape with at least two sides correct
4 2

1 Accept any clear indication

Indicates √1, √4 and
5 2 Award 1 mark for two correct and no extras.
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
Condone dotted line.
Must extend at least as far as (4, 5) and (4, −5)
If more than one line drawn, final choice must
be clearly labelled

6 1

Award 1 mark for any rotation of shape X by


7 2
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
13 Award 1 mark for correct method e.g. valid
8 attempt to solve 2𝑎 + 15 = 41 or attempt to
subtract 15 from 41 and halve the result seen
119 Award 1 mark for complete correct method e.g.
9 2 77.35 ÷ 0.65 or attempt to find 1% and multiply
the result by 100 seen
𝑥 > −2 Allow −2 < 𝑥
Award 1 mark for −2 seen e.g. 𝑥 = −2
Follow through from their solution provided this
is a strict inequality

Indicates “Yes” with justification e.g. Award 1 mark for attempt to use Pythagoras’
43.22 + 57.62 = 5184 theorem.
11 2
722 = 5184 Units must be consistent for both marks.
43.22 + 57.62 = 722
Indicates “True” with justification e.g. Accept any clear explanation in words or using
3 × 1.73 = 5.1 × 1.7 × 1.7 calculations.
Shows they are not equal e.g. Accept any clear explanation e.g. “The faces of
6 × 1.72 = 17.34 the cuboid have 14 squares with sides 1.7 cm,
12 5.1 × 1.7 × 4 + 2 × 1.72 = 46.24 three cubes would have 18”
3 × 17.34 ≠ 46.24 2
Award 1 mark for clear attempt to work
out/compare the surface areas of the cuboid and
three cubes
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
e.g. Full workings and reasons must be seen for both
∠XYZ = 42° (base angles in an isosceles triangle are marks.
equal) Award 1 mark for attempt to use both angles in
13 138° + 42° = 180° so ZY is parallel to WX (co- 2 an isosceles triangle and co-interior angles (even
interior angles add up to 180°) if terms not seen)
So WXYZ is a trapezium (it has a pair of parallel
120 1
14 16 Award 1 mark for correct method i.e. using a
scale factor of 0.4 or equivalent
Award 1 mark for at least two values correct


135 Accept any equivalent form.

400 Follow through from their Venn diagram.
Indicates “No” with justification e.g. Award 1 mark for correct method to find speed
16 2
Speed = 34 ÷ (29 ÷ 60) = 70.3…> 70 seen
£21 500 Award 2 marks for full correct method e.g.
0.2 × 37 500 + 0.4 × 35 000
17 3
Award 1 mark for at least one element correct
e.g. 0.2 × 37 500 or 0.4 × 35 000 seen
Year 9 Summer Core Paper Mark Scheme B2 – Spring 2018
125 g Must include units for all three marks, allow any
equivalent answer e.g. 0.125 kg
Award 1 mark for attempt to find scale factor
18 3
e.g. converting 0.75 m = 75 cm and 75 ÷ 30 =
2.5 or equivalent
Award 1 mark for “their 2.5” × 50 seen

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