Y4A Practice Book Answers White Rose Maths Edition

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a) 520 560 530 590 580

Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 1 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (1)
500 550 600

Unit 1 – Place value – b)b) 230 210 240 270 280

4-digit numbers (1) 200

3. a) 150, 450, 650

250 300

1 Represent and partition b) 525, 550, 575

4. a) 200ml
numbers to 1,000 b) 950ml

Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 2

c) 520ml
➜ pages 6–8 5 d) 750ml
Estimate the position of each number on the number line.

1. a) 121 5. 229 215 249 271 285

b) 203
c) 144
200 250 300
d) 230
6. Children should have drawn a number line in tenths
2. Children should show or draw base ten equipment as 6 with
Draw amost
number orline
intervals labelled in hundreds,
0 to 1,000.
with some way of marking
Estimate the position of the numbers the relevant
on your numbernumbers
a) 1 × 100, 3 × 10, 5 × 1
in approximately the correct places between the
b) 3 × 100, 1 × 10, 5 × 1 24 475 725 be999
intervals. 24 should a quarter of the way between
c) 3 × 100, 5 × 10, 1 × 1
first and second intervals, 475 three quarters of the
3. a) 2 tens way between 500 and 600, 725 a quarter of the way
b) 2 hundreds between 700 and 800 and 999 immediately before the
c) 2 ones 1,000 marker.
4. a) 8 hundreds, 9 tens, 2 ones
b) 7 hundreds, 0 tens, 5 ones Reflect
5. a) 462 = 400 + 60 + 2 Reflect
b) 555 = 500 + 50 + 5 Expect
What to issee
number some
in the ofofthe
middle following:
a number line? the number in the

6. a) 452 middle is half-way between the two end numbers; the

b) 973 middle number depends on the first and last numbers;
c) 320 these numbers can often end in 5, 50 or 500.
d) 807
e) 603
f) 790
3 Multiples of 1,000 11

g) 60
h) 900 ➜ pages 12–14
i) 70
j) 700 1. a) 4,000 cups
b) 5,000 cups
7. a) 500, 410, 401, 320, 302, 311, 230, 203, 221, 212, 203,
140, 131, 122, 113, 104 2. a) 2,000
b) Have a system, starting with 5 in the hundreds, b) 10,000
then four and so on.
__________________________________________________________________________ Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 2 c) 8,000
d) 6,000
Number line to 1,000
e) 9,000
➜ Textbook 4A p12

1 Reflect
Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 3
Write the missing numbers.
3. a) 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
0 1,000
4 b)Find 10,000 9,000of 8,000
all the multiples 1,000. 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000
206, 216, 226, 236, 246, 256, 266, 276, 286, 296
4. 6 0 1 7 0 4 0 6 0 0 5 7 0 0 0 5

4 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 6 0 8 0 0
2 Number line to 1,000
600 700 0 2 0 7 3 0 4 0 3 0 0 7 4 0 6 4

0 5 8 2 2 8 9 0 0 5 4 0 0 1 4 0
➜c)pages 9–11 8 0 1 0 0 3 4 5 0 8 3 8 2 7 0 6
650 660 0 0 4 0 6 0 8 5 4 5 0 1 0 3 0 0
1. a) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1 9 7 8 9 3 0 1 5 0 0 2 4 0 0 5
b) 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 1 0 3 0 0 9 0 5 0 0 0 4 2 3 6 0
2 c)Join
650 651
each 652to653
number 654 place.
the correct 655 656 657 658 659 660 0 3 0 5 4 1 0 2 8 4 7 9 0 0 8 6
2. a)a) 520 560 530 590 580 0 9 5 0 0 5 6 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 0

500 550 600 5 2,000 of these pencils are red and

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
5,000 are blue. The rest are green.
Show how you can work out how 1,000 1,000 1,000
b) 230 210 240 270 280
many green pencils there are.
1,000 1,000 1,000

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200 250 300 1
Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 1 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (1)

5. 3,000 are green 5 Partition 4-digit numbers

Children could draw two rows of 5 boxes, colouring in
two red, and five blue, leaving three boxes to colour ➜ pages 18–20
green. 3 × 1,000 = 3,000 green pencils. Some children
may show that there are 10 × 1,000 = 10,000 pencils 1. a) 2 thousands 3 hundreds 2 tens 4 ones
altogether. 10,000 – 2,000 – 5,000 = 3,000. 6 thousands 2 hundreds 8 tens 1 ones
6. a) 10 hundreds 4 thousands 4 hundreds 2 tens 7 ones
b) 30 hundreds 9 thousands 9 hundreds 8 tens 8 ones
c) 5 thousands b) 5,237
d) 7 thousands 2,894
2. a) 3,511
Children may notice that the child who starts the count b) 5,393
only says the odd multiples of 1,000 and their partner c) 7,935
only says the even multiples. They may like to reflect on d) 9,357
what happens with 3 people or 4 people. e) 4,517 = 4,000 + 500 + 10 + 7 Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 5

f) 5,417 = 5,000 + 400 + 10 + 7 Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 5
3 Use a tick to show the value of each underlined digit.
g) 1,574 = 4 + 70 + 500 + 1,000
4 4-digit numbers
Date: __________________________________________________________________________ Unit 1: Place value – 4-digit numbers (1), Lesson 4
3 h)Use 4a,141
tick to=show
15+ 40
the + 100 4,000
50 of+each
value 500 5,000
underlined digit.
4-digit numbers 3. 5 50 500 5,000
➜ Textbook 4A p20

➜ pages 15–17 5,235

1 Match the pairs.
1,555 


Join pairs.
matching 
2,133 4. 2,068
4 Join matching pairs. 2,000 + 800 + 6

2,608 2,000 +
6,000 + 800
800 +
+ 26

2,806 6,000
2,000 ++ 800
60 ++82

2,680 2,000+ +600
2,000 60 ++ 80
6,820 2,000 +
6,000 + 800
600 +
+ 20

2 Write each number. 6,820

6,802 6,000
2,000 ++ 800
600 ++ 20

2. a)
a) 2,231
Th H T O 5.
5 a) 4,000each
Partition + 400 2,000additions.
number into place value + 600 + 8
b) 2,322 1,000 1,000 100 100 10 10 10 1

b) 4,000 + 40
a) 4,400 = d) 3,030 =
b) 4,340
Th H T O
5 Partition each number into place value additions.
c) 4,000 + 4
b) 4,040 = e) 1,010 =
d) 2,104 1,000 1,000 100 100 100 10 10 1 1
a) 4,400
3,000=+ 30 d) 3,030 =

3. a)
c) 2 × Th
1,000 2H× 100 T 2 × 10 O 3 × 1 e)
b) 1,000
4,040 =+ 10
4,004 = f) 6,060 =
e) 1,010 =

b) 2 × 1,000 1 × 100
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 100 100 10 10 10
2 × 10 1 × 1
f) 6,000
c) 4,004 = + 60 f) 6,060 =
d) 2 × Th
1,000 H T
2 × 10 O 1 × 1 6. 6,368, 4,246 and 2,124 are the possible solutions
d) 2 × 1,000
1,000 1,000 100
2 × 10 1 1 1 1 which children should show using place value 19

4. a) 9,988 9,898 9,889 15

8,899 8,989 8,998
5 5,601. Reflect
5 and 6 is the only one-digit factor pair for 30;
6 – 5 = 1, so diamond is 6 and triangle is 5. Children should use the ideas in Question 5 Challenge as
6 – 0 = 6 so heart = 0. 6 – circle – 0 = 5 so circle = 1. a model to write their own puzzle. They should be using
the terminology relating to the value of the thousands,
hundreds, tens, ones digits.
Children should reflect that only the tens digit is hidden
and could be any digit from 0 to 9, so 5,605 through to

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 1 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (1)

6 Partition 4-digit numbers 2. Number 1000 more 100 less 10 more

in digits
flexibly 4,407 5,407 4,307 4,417
3,241 4,241 3,141 3,251
➜ pages 21–23 2,225 3,225 2,125 2,235
758 1,758 658 768
1. Various options are possible, depending on which
3. a) 1,000 more than 4,879 is 5,879.
place values children choose to partition, such as
b) 100 less than 4,879 is 4,779.
1,000 + 1,300 + 20 + 1
c) 10 more than 4,869 is 4,879.
2,000 + 200 + 120 + 1
d) 1 more than 4,879 is 4,880.
1,000 + 1,200 + 121
e) 3,921 is 1,000 more than 2,921.
2. a) 8,535 f) 100 less than 752 is 652.
b) 5,724
4. a) 1 more than 2,875 is 2,876.
c) 3,044
b) 5,783 + 1,000 = 6,783
d) 2,621
c) 100 less than 3,580 is 3,480.
e) 7,399
d) 4,000 – 10 = 3,990
f) 4,286 = 4,000 + 200 + 86
e) 5,999 + 1,000 – 10 = 6,989
g) 9,147 = 9,000 + 147
f) 7,950 + 10 – 100 = 7,860
h) 7,565 = 7,500 + 65
g) 7,500 is 1,000 less than 8,500.
i) 5,535 = 5,000 + 500 + 20 + 15
j) 6,177 = 6,000 + 170 + 7 5. 7,775. Reverse the operations:
6,865 + 10 – 100 + 1,000 = 7,775
3. £750
4. 4,000 + 800 + 10 + 6
4,816 – 10 = 4,806 Reflect
4,816 – 4,000 = 816
4,816 – 800 = 4,016 Children should explain that only the 1,000s digit will
4,816 – 6 = 4,810 change unless, when adding 1,000, that digit is 9.

5. a) 6,177 – 100 = 6,077

b) 4,800 + 150 = 4,950 8 1,000s, 100s, 10s and 1s
c) 5,834 – 30 = 5,804
d) 2,440 + 11 = 2,451 ➜ pages 27–29
e) 3,054 – 54 = 3,000
f) 1,100 + 725 = 1,825 1. a) 1,400
g) 4,275 – 270 = 4,005 b) 1,600
h) 1,500 + 6,005 = 7,505 c) 2,500
6. a) 3,000 + 600 + 152 d) 3,500
b) Various answers possible, depending on how e) 4,100
children partition each place value. 2. a) 37 hundreds 3,700.
b) 38 hundreds 3,800.
Reflect c) 39 hundreds 3,900.
d) 40 hundreds 4,000.
Various answers are possible, ranging from the 3. The total mass is 1,300 g.
simple 3,000 + 700 + 50 to more complex such as
4. a) 10 lengths measure 100 m.
2,000 + 1,500 + 150 + 100.
b) 50 lengths measure 500 m.
c) 100 lengths measure 1,000 m.
7 1, 10, 100, 1,000 more or less d) 110 lengths measure 1,100 m.
e) 150 lengths measure 1,500 m.
f) 160 lengths measure 1,600 m.
➜ pages 24–26
g) 200 lengths measure 2,000 m.
h) 175 lengths measure 1,750 m.
1. a) 1,000 more than 3,767 is 4,767.
b) 100 more than 5,870 is 5,970. 5. 2,150.
c) 10 less than 2,950 is 2,940. 20 × 100 + 14 × 10 + 10 × 1 =
d) 1,000 less than 10,000 is 9,000. 2,000 + 140 + 10 = 2,150

Children should explain that ten hundreds equal one
thousand, so twenty hundreds will equal two thousand.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 1 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (1)

My journal
➜ page 30

The number shown is 4,563. Children could represent

this using place value counters or a variety of number
lines. They may explain that the number has four
thousands, five hundreds, six ten and three ones.
They could describe it using 1,000 / 100 / 10 / 1 more
or less than a given number.

Power play
➜ page 31

In order to use all six counters and have at least

one counter in each column, there are only two
combinations: 1, 1, 1 and 3 or 1, 1, 2 and 2. This gives
these ten possible 4 digit numbers: 3,111, 1,311, 1,131,
1,113, 2,211, 2,121, 2,112, 1,221, 1,212, 1,122.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

Unit 2 – Place value – 5. 4,501

4-digit numbers (2) 4,997

1 Number line to 10,000 Reflect

The previous multiple of a thousand has the same
➜ pages 32–34
1,000s digit as the number itself and the next
multiple of a thousand has one more thousand
1. a) 6,000
than the number.
b) 4,700
c) 3,250
2. a) 940 950 960 970 980 990 1,000 1,010 3 Estimate on a number line
b) 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000 2001 2,002 2,003
c) 1,560 1,570 1,580 1,590 1,600 1,610 1,620 1,630
to 10,000
d) 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200
➜ pages 38–40
3. a) 5,000 5,100 5,200 5,300 5,400 5,500
5,600 5,700 5,800 5,900 6,000 1. Children’s answers may vary but should be close to
b) 1,100 1,110 1,120 1,130 1,140 1,150 these approximations:
1,160 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,200
a) approximately: 400  3,800 7,100 9,900
c) 8,990 8,991 8,992 8,993 8,994 8,995
b) approximately: 2,160 2,420 2,690 2,920
8,996 8,997 8,998 8,999 9,000
2. a) 3,500 half-way between 3,000 and 4,000
4. a) 8,000 mm
4,100 just after 4,000
b) 6,000 mm
4,900 just before 5,000
c) 9,000 mm
7,500 half-way between 7,000 and 8,000
5. a) 4,800 5,000 5,200 5,700 6,000 7,600 just after half-way between 7,000 and 8,000
b) 7,020 7,050 7,090 8,010    8,030 b) 1,050 half-way between 1,000 and 1,100
6. 700 ml is added (1,900 – 1,200) 1,190 just before 1,200
1,500 on 1,500
1,550 half-way between 1,500 and 1,600
Reflect 1,750 between 1,700 and 1,800
Children should explain that Max has counted in 1s so 1,790 just before 1,800
the final interval is incorrect. The count is in 10s. c) 6,201 just after 6,200
6,210 on 6,210
6,245 half-way between 6,240 and 6,250
2 Between two multiples 6,272 just after 6,270
6,289 just before 6,290
➜ pages 35–37 3. a) Half-way between 1,000 ml and next marker up
b) Just under 2,000 ml
1. A: 3 numbers between 1 and 999 c) Just over half-way between 1,000 ml and the
B: 3 numbers between 2,001 and 2,999 marker below it
C: 3 numbers between 9,001 and 9,999 d) Just above the half-way marker between 1,000 ml
2. A: 3 numbers between 1,101 and 1,199 and 2,000 ml
B: 3 numbers between 1,501 and 1.599 4. a) Approximately 6,500 g
C: 3 numbers between 1,901 and 1,999 b) Approximately 2,500 g
3. A: 3 numbers between 4,601 and 4,609 5. a) 1,500 g is half-way between 1,000 g and 2,000 g.
B: 3 numbers between 4,661 and 4,669 As each interval is 200g, this will be half-way
C: 3 numbers between 4,681 and 4,689 between the 1,400 g and 1,600 g markers.
4. a) 4,000 4,916 5,000 d) 0    820 1,000 b) This should be left of centre.
2,000 2,837 3,000 5,000 5,630 6,000 6. Children’s answers may vary but should be close to
9,000 9,201 10,000 0 16      1,000 these approximations:
b) 4,900 4,916 5,000 e) 900 990      1,000 a) approximately 7,500 mm
2,800 2,837 2,900 1,000 1,040 1,100 b) approximately 5,900 mm
9,200 9,201 9,300 0 99 100 c) approximately 6,400 mm
c) 4,910 4,916 4,920 f) 890    894     900
2,830 2,837 2,840 9,990 9,999 10,000
9,200 9,201 9,210 0    1      10

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

4. a) Marks should be either side of the 1,000 marker

Reflect representing between 500 and 1,499.
b) Marks should be either side of the 5,000 marker
Children should realise that once they have said their
representing between 4,500 and 5,499.
first number, keeping the 1,000s digit the same will
make it harder for their partner to get three in a row. 5. Isla: any of the digits 0–9
The first player has the advantage. Zac: any of the digits 5–9
Aki: 5
4 Compare and order numbers
to 10,000 Reflect
Children should refer to the 100s digit and to the
➜ pages 41–43 previous and next multiple of a thousand.
A 100s digit of 4 or less rounds down to the previous
1. a) 5,015
multiple of a thousand. A 100s digit of 5 or more rounds
b) 6,751
up. 500 rounds up to the next thousand.
c) 4,781
d) 1,003
e) 9,248
f) 3,162
6 Round to the nearest 100
2. a) 3,560 < 3,650 ➜ pages 47–49
b) 2,886 < 2,888
c) 2,846 < 2,848 1. a) 515 rounded to the nearest 100 is 500.
d) 3,560 < 3,660 b) 538 rounded to the nearest 100 is 500.
e) 2,686 < 2,886 c) 560 rounded to the nearest 100 is 600.
f) 2,848 < 2,851 d) 581 rounded to the nearest 100 is 600.
3. Various answers are possible, such as: e) 1,725 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,700.
a) 4,578 < 4,592, 100s digit is 5 or less. f) 1,746 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,700.
b) 7,819 < 7,824, 10s digit in the first number is less g) 1,754 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,800.
than the 10s digit in the second number. h) 1,798 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,800.
c) 5,041 < 5,042, 1,000s digit is 5 or more. 2. a) 300 320 400
4. 6,421 6,536 6,541 b) 300 350 400
c) 1,200 1,290 1,300
5. a) 4,502 kg 4,314 kg 4,099 kg 3,821 kg d) 2,400 2,447 2,500
b) 8,120 m 8,032 m 7,909 m 7,830 m 812 m e) 4,000 4,005 4,100
6. a) Max swam the furthest. 3. a) 768 rounds up to 800
b) Richard ran the second shortest distance. b) 402 rounds down to 400
c) 7,850 m 7,855 m 7,995 m c) 199 rounds up to 200
7. 4,326 4,335 4,344 d) 84 rounds up to 100
e) 951 rounds up to 1,000
f) 12 rounds down to 0
Reflect g) 420 rounds down to 400
Children should generate at least four numbers and h) 1,001 rounds down to 1,000
order then greatest to smallest. 4. Children should explain that, according to the rules of
rounding, for the nearest 100, 50 and above rounds
5 Round to the nearest 1,000 up so neither Richard nor Bella is correct.
5. 453 (rounds up) or 534, 543 (rounds down)
➜ pages 44–46 6. 4,453

1. a) 2,345 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 2,000.

b) 7,480 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 7,000. Reflect
c) 2,800 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 3,000.
Children should explain that when rounding to the
2. a) next nearest 100, the 10s digit is the important digit. A 10s
b) previous digit of 4 or less rounds down to the previous hundred
c) next and a 10s digit of 5 or more rounds up to the next
3. Paris: 9,000 hundred. Children may also refer to the 2-digit number
Sydney: 9,000 made by the 10s and 1s digits, saying that 49 or less
Pisa: 5,000 rounds down and 50 and above rounds up.
New York: 4,000

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

7 Round to the nearest 10 3. 32 rounds to 30

198 rounds to 200
➜ pages 50–52 2,425 rounds to 2,430
4. 8 10 0 0
1. 132 rounds to 130 to the nearest 10. 988 990 1,000 1,000
137 rounds to 140 to the nearest 10. 1,899 1,900 1,900 2,000
2. a) 50 57 60 9,999 10,000 10,000 10,000
b) 10 12 20 5. a) smallest 8,500 greatest 9,499
c) 130 136 140 b) smallest 1,350 greatest 1,449
d) 500 502 510 c) smallest 815 greatest 824
3. a) 18 to the nearest 10 is 20. d) smallest 5,450 greatest 5,454
b) 28 to the nearest 10 is 30. 6. Any number from 1,995 to 2,004 inclusive.
c) 81 to the nearest 10 is 80. 7. 8,341: 8,000 8,300 8,340
d) 82 to the nearest 10 is 80. 6,892: 7,000 6,900 6,890
e) 124 to the nearest 10 is 120.
Any number between 8,570 and 8,979 which has
f) 126 to the nearest 10 is 130.
7 tens: the nearest 100 and 10 will depend on the
g) 368 to the nearest 10 is 370.
chosen number.
h) 995 to the nearest 10 is 1,000.
Any number between 5,451 and 5,459: the nearest
4. a) 41, 102, 333, 902, 981 round down to the nearest
1,000 and 10 will depend on the chosen number.
15, 78, 209, 457, 765 round up to the nearest 10. 6,097 or 6,107: 6,000 6,100 6,100
b) Any two 4-digit numbers that round down to the
nearest 10 and any two 4-digit numbers that round Reflect
up to the nearest 10.
Children should refer to the relevant digits for each
5. a) 76 80 176 180 376 380
rounding, explaining that 5 or above rounds up, 4 and
b) 1,024 1,020 1,124 1,120 1,324 1,320
below rounds down.
c) 1,715 1,720 2,715 2,720 3,715 3,720
d) 1,704 1,700 5,704 5,700 8,704 8,700 To round to the nearest 10, look at the 1s digit (9).
So 3,539 rounds up to 3,540.
6. a) 78 or 81.
b) 78 or 81. To round to the nearest 100, look at the 10s digit (3).
So 3,539 rounds down to 3,500.
7. 4 rounds to 0 to the nearest 10.
5 rounds to 10 to the nearest 10. To round to the nearest 1,000, look at the 100s digit (5).
45 or 54 rounds to 50 to the nearest 10. So 3,539 rounds up to 4,000.
543 rounds to 540 to the nearest 10.
5,445 or 5,454 rounds to 5,450 to the nearest 10.
My journal
Reflect ➜ page 56
Children should explain that if the 10s digit is 9 and the
1s digit is 5 or above, then the 100s digit could change 1. When rounding to the nearest 1,000, you need to
too. In extreme examples such as 9,996, then rounding to focus on the 100s column.
the nearest 10 results in 10,000 so all the digits change. 2. When rounding to the nearest thousand, the 1,000s
column either stays the same or goes up or down
by 1. All other digits after the 1,000s are replaced
8 Round to the nearest 1,000, by zeros. For example, 6,435 rounded to the nearest
100 or 10 1,000 is 6,000.

➜ pages 53–55
Power puzzle
1. Potatoes: 9,451 9,000
➜ page 57
Carrots: 9,050 9,000
Parsnips: 5,500 6,000
This game can produce a wide variety of answers,
Turnips: 3,900 4,000
depending on the roll of the dice. Some children may
2. Manchester: 8,498 8,500 need their answers checking in order to score points.
Leeds: 7,849 7,800
Birmingham: 8,805 8,800

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction

Unit 3 – Addition and 3. a) Max has lined the digits up incorrectly.

b) 3,452 + 42 = 3,494
subtraction 4. 6,498
5. a) 1,143
1 Add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s, b) 3,071 + 4,816
1,000s c) 2,741
d) 2,542 + 6,430
➜ pages 58–60 6. Children should show column addition lined up
correctly or explain that they added each place value
1. a) 4,137 + 2 = 4,139 digit separately.
b) 4,137 + 20 = 4,157 a) 1,045 + 2,331 = 3,376
b) 4,521 + 432 = 4,953
2. a) 6,666 + 2 = 6,668
6,666 + 20 = 6,686 7. There are many possible answers. Children may
2,000 + 6,666 = 8,666 randomly produce solutions or use a systematic
b) 6,666 – 200 = 6,466 approach. For example, 1,111 + 8,888, 1,118 + 8,881,
6,666 = 6,866 – 200 1,181 + 8,818, 1,818 + 8,181.
6,666 – 2 = 6,664
3. a) 3,154 + 500 = 3,654 Reflect
b) 500 + 4,351 = 4,851
c) 9,786 – 4,000 = 5,786 Children should show 2,512 + 5,105 = 7,617 set out and
d) 7,568 = 7,968 – 400 calculated correctly.
e) 1,134 + 1,000 = 2,134
f) 521 + 4,000 = 4,521
g) 4,014 – 10 = 4,004
3 Add two 4-digit numbers –
h) 5,001 – 5,000 = 1 one exchange
4. a) £6,999
b) £500 ➜ pages 64–66
5. 7,333 – 3,333 is a related inverse fact to 1. a) They ran 2,925 m in total.
3,333 + 4,000 = 7,333, so 7,333 – 3,333 = 4,000. b) Bella ran 3,375 m.
6. One solution is: c) They ran 2,490 m in total.
3,334 + 700 – 600 = 3,434 2. a) 1,475 + 3,711 = 5,186
3,334 – 800 + 900 = 3,434 b) 5,992 = 3,029 + 2,963
3,934 – 100 – 400 = 3,434 c) 6,148 = 1,054 + 5,094
3,434 – 200 – 300 + 500 = 3,434 d) 179 + 2,608 = 2,787
Another solution:
3. a) 1,575 + 5,520 = 7,095
3,334 + 700 – 600 = 3,434
b) 1,630 + 3,197 = 4,827
3,334 – 800 + 900 = 3,434
c) Both use the answer to a). 4,520 + 1,575 is 1,000
3,934 – 200 – 300 = 3,434
less and 1,565 + 5,510 is 20 less than 7,095.
3,434 – 100 – 400 + 500 = 3,434
4. a) 1,139
b) 1,633
5. Various answers are possible. The ones digit needs to
be 1 or more for an exchange, so the tens digit then
Children could show the subtraction 9,167 – 5,167,
needs to be 0, 1, 2 or 3 to avoid another exchange,
explaining that only the thousands digit has changed so
The hundreds can be 7 or less including 0 and the
the answer is 4,000. They could show it in counters on a
thousands digit 8 or less including 0. 8,739 is the
place value grid.
largest number that would work to involve only one
exchange of 1 ten for 10 ones. 1,001 is the smallest
2 Add two 4-digit numbers 4-digit number, 101 the smallest 3-digit number and
11 the smallest 2-digit number.
➜ pages 61–63
1. They have saved £2,846 altogether.
Various answers are possible, ensuring that:
2. a) 3,105 + 3,511 = 6,616
b) 5,131 + 3,051 = 8,182 a) 1s digits add to 10 or more, with 10s digits adding
to 8 or less (taking into account the carried 10), and
100s and 1,000s digits adding to 9 or less.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction

b) 1s digits add to 9 or less, 10s to 10 or more, 100s 6. Odd:

to 8 or less (taking into account the carried 10) and 9,999 – 6,655 = 3,344
1,000s to 9 or less. 9,999 – 6,565 = 3,434
c) 1s and 10s digits add to 9 or less, 100s to 10 or 9,999 – 5,665 = 4,334
more and 1,000s to 8 or less (taking into account Answers are all even: odd – odd = even.
the carried 10). Even:
9,999 – 5,566 = 4433
9,999 – 5,656 = 4343
4 Add with more than one 9,999 – 6,556 = 3443
exchange Answers are all odd: odd – even = odd.
I noticed that when you subtract an odd number from
➜ pages 67–69 another odd number, you always get an even number,
and when you subtract an even number from an odd
1. a) 3,821 number, you always get an odd number.
b) 4,127
2. a) 1,257 + 189 = 1,446 Reflect
b) 2,000 = 1,011 + 989
3. a) 654 + 2,999 = 3,653 Children should write a story involving a single step
b) 4,999 + 2,999 = 7,998 subtraction. 5,455 – 2,123 = 3,332. An example: Over a
weekend there were 5,455 visitors to a museum. 2,123
4. a) 3,405 + 1,726 = 5,131 went on Saturday. How many people went on Sunday?
3,405 + 199 = 3,604
1,726 + 1,283 = 3,009
1,726 + 199 = 1,925 6 Subtract two 4-digit numbers
1,283 + 199 = 1,482
b) Various numbers and answers are possible. – one exchange
Children should think carefully about the sum of
the digits in each column. ➜ pages 73–75
5. 1,234 + 766 = 2,000
4,371 + 4,629 = 9,000 1. a) 4,362 – 247 = 4,115
7,001 + 1,999 = 9,000 b) 1,454 – 1,270 = 184
c) 2,350 – 1,530 = 820
6. a) 1,766
b) 8,001 2. 1,356 – 349 = 1,007
c) 5,679 Bella lives 1,007 m further away.
3. a) 9,375 – 8,293 = 1,082
b) 82 = 8,375 – 8,239
Reflect c) 9,375 – 8,239 = 1,136
d) 7,375 – 239 = 7,136
Answers will vary. Children should think carefully about
the sum of the digits in each column. 4. a) 2,139
b) 1,620
5. a) 1,872 – 1,144 = 728
5 Subtract two 4-digit numbers b) 2,891 – 1,941 = 950
c) 3,716 – 1,262 = 2,454
➜ pages 70–72 d) 7,789 – 3,661 = 4,128

1. a) 4,325 – 2,114 = 2,211

2. a) 3,110
b) 2,411 Children should write a subtraction where the 10s digit
c) 2,241 in the number being subtracted is more than the 10s
d) 2,401 digit in the number it is being subtracted from,
3. £1,408 e.g. 3,456 – 1,173.
4. a) 8,855 – 4,545 = 4,310
b) 4,999 – 2,550 = 2,449
c) 9,099 – 2,066 = 7,033
5. The digits are not lined up correctly in the place value
grid. The correct answer is 9,321.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction

7 Subtract two 4-digit numbers This is correct except for the 10s digit in the answer
line should be 8 not 9.
– more than one exchange
Th H T O
➜ pages 76–78 2
3 91
0 91
0 8 1

1. 2,335 – 418 = 1,917 – 1 4 1 9

Isla scored 1,917 points. 1 5 8 9
2. a) 2,292 – 1,199 = 1,093
b) 1,990 = 3,150 – 1,160 All correct.
c) 1,251 – 182 = 1,069
Th H T O
d) 3,150 – 225 = 2,925
1 1 1 1
2 0 2 3
3. The smallest digit has been subtracted from the
largest digit in each case, rather than the bottom digit – 4 1 9
from the top.
1 6 0 4
3,412 – 1,651 = 1,761.
4. a) 1,258 litres – 163 litres = 1,095 litres 5. a) 7,002 – 1,359 = 5,643
b) 5,392 kg – 1,628 kg = 3,764 kg b) 3,006 – 2,478 = 528
c) £3,215 – £329 = £2,886 c) 5,011 – 827 = 4,184
d) 6,500 km – 2,970 km = 3,530 km d) 9,023 – 3,624 = 5,399
5. Various answers are possible. Either the 1s or the 6. a) 1,771
100s, not both, need to have an exchange, as the 10s b) 2,728
already involve one of the two exchanges required.
For example, 1,458 – 289 or 1,158 – 287.
6. Children should work out the difference
between the weights of the cat and the rabbit
Children should refer to exchanging 1 hundred for
(2,455 g – 1,689 g = 766 g) and the rabbit and
10 tens, then exchanging 1 of those tens for 10 ones,
the guinea pig (1,689 g – 949 g = 740 g) to show
leaving 9 tens in the tens column.
that the rabbit is closer to the guinea pig’s mass
because 740 g < 766 g.

Reflect 9 Efficient methods

Answers will vary. Children should pay close attention ➜ pages 82–84
to the value of the digits in each place.
1. a) 1,957 + 1,000 = 2,957
8 Exchange across two 1,957 + 999 = 2,956
b) 3,175 + 1,000 = 4,175
columns 3,175 + 999 = 4,174
c) 1,957 – 1,000 = 957
➜ pages 79–81 1,957 – 999 = 958
d) 3,175 – 1,000 = 2,175
1. a) 2,502 – 1,359 = 1,143
3,175 – 999 = 2,176
b) 4,506 – 1,482 = 3,024
c) 3,026 – 573 = 2,453 e) 2,048 + 1,000 = 3,048
d) 8,017 – 1,928 = 6,089 2,048 + 999 = 3,047
f) 8,858 + 1,000 = 9,858
2. 1,401 – 225 = 1,176 words 8,858 + 999 = 9,857
3. 5,048 – 2,362 = £2,686 g) 2,048 – 1,000 = 1,048
4. The hundreds digit 5 needs to be crossed out and 2,048 – 999 = 1,049
replaced with a small 4. The tens digit 0 also needs to h) 8,858 – 1,000 = 7,858
be crossed out and replaced with a small 9. 8,858 – 999 = 7,859
2. a) 1,582 + 1,999 = 3,581
Th H T O
b) 3,999 + 1,672 = 5,671
4 9 1
3 5 0 7 c) 4,316 – 2,999 = 1,317
– 4 1 9
d) 7,072 – 5,999 = 1,073

3 0 8 8

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction

3. 8,124 + 9 = 8,133 11 Estimate answers

8,124 + 99 = 8,223
8,124 + 999 = 9,123 ➜ pages 88–90
8,124 – 9 = 8,115
8,124 – 99 = 8,025 1. a) 3,987 rounds to 4,000
8,124 – 999 = 7,125 5,123 rounds to 5,000
4. a) 3,251 – 6 = 3,245 Counting back 6 Estimate: 4,000 + 5,000 = 9,000
b) 5,051 – 5,047 = 4 Counting back 4 Lexi’s score is roughly 9,000 points.
c) 3,251 – 3,246 = 5 Counting on 5 b) Estimate: 4,000 – 3,000 = 1,000
d) 4,982 = 4,982 – 0 Counting on 0 Max has roughly 1,000 points now.
5. a) 8,708 c) Lexi’s exact score: 9,110 points.
b) 1,197 Max’s exact score: 883 points.
c) 108 2. 2,101 – 998 2,100 – 1,000
d) 2,082 1,975 + 2,010 2,000 + 2,000
1,998 + 3,101 2,000 + 3,000
2,925 – 975 3,000 – 1,000
2,998 – 1,998 3,000 – 2,000
Children should consider what they are comfortable 3. a) 6,152 + 3,025 = 9,177
with and what they have been practising in this lesson. Estimate: 6,000 + 3,000 = 9,000
Children could choose near multiples of 10, 100 or 1,000 6,452 – 2,005 = 4,447
or using single digits for the mental method. Estimate: 6,500 – 2,000 = 4,500
b) Children should explain their rounding based
on the proximity of each number to the closest
10 Equivalent difference 100 or 1,000.
4. 6,491 – 2,725 = 3,766
➜ pages 85–87 Nearest 1,000 = 6,000 – 3,000 = 3,000
Nearest 100 = 6,500 – 2,700 = 3,800
1. a) 95 – 7 = 88
Nearest 10 = 6,490 – 2,730 = 3,760
b) 96 – 8 = 88
Estimating to the nearest 10 is the most accurate.
c) 97 – 9 = 88
d) 98 – 10 = 88
e) They all have the same answer. Reflect
98 – 10 is probably the easiest.
2. 299 – 140 = 159 Children could show 2,000 – 1,000 = 1,000 or
1,900 – 1,000 = 900 or 1,920 – 1,020 = 900.
3. Children should continue the pattern: The nearest 10 is no more accurate than the nearest 100.
236 – 99, 237 – 100, 238 – 101, 239 – 102. 1,915 – 1,019 = 896.
Jan’s tower is 137 cm taller.
4. 1,434
5. Children may choose to make a column subtraction
12 Check strategies
with no exchanges or use a number line.
a) 2,950 – 850 = 2,100 ➜ pages 91–93
b) 2,875 – 1,989 = 886
1. a) 2,341 + 1,151 = 3,492 Incorrect
c) 3,011 – 2,997 = 14
b) 550 + 451 = 1,001 Correct
d) 8,001 – 4,567 = 3,434
c) 6,789 + 2,189 = 8,978 Incorrect
e) 6,626 – 6,618 = 8
f) 9,009 – 10 = 8,999 Part-whole models should have the number being
subtracted and the answer as the parts and the first
number in the subtraction as the whole.

Reflect 2. £1,899 + £995 = £2,894 with £2,894 as the whole in

the part-whole model.
Children should show a different method such as £2,894 – £1,899 = £995 or £2,894 – £995 = £1,899
999 – 954 (column method, no exchanges) or a number 3. Children should show working for:
line counting on from 955 to 1,000. 1,000 – 955 = 45. a) 5,555 – 995 = 4,560
b) 5,555 + 995 = 6,550
c) 5,555 – 4,560 = 995
d) Answers will vary, e.g. 5,555 – 995 = 4,560.

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4. Dexter has rounded to the nearest 1,000 but this
has made both numbers significantly smaller so his
estimate is too small. It would be better to round to
Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition
Reena and subtraction
the nearest 100. This would give 4,500 + 3,500 = 8,000.
5. Estimate: 2,600 + 2,600 = 5,200 Column addition: 1,500 + 250 = 1,750
Exact answer: 2,599 + 2,599 = 5,198 Luis has 1,750 stickers in total.
4. Dexter’s estimate to the nearest 1,000 is correct but it 2. Lee collects 151 more shells that Mo.
2. B suits this problem as it involves comparing two
is not accurate. He should estimate to the nearest 100
Reflect B suits this
amounts, problemthem.
not combining as it involves comparing two
for a more accurate answer: 4,500 + 3,500 = 8,000. 576 – 425 not
amounts, = 151combining them.
Estimation: 600 +1,600 = 2,200
Inverse operation 2,098 – 1,599 = 499 3. 1,500
Reflect Both checks show that the answer 2,098 is incorrect.
It should be 2,198. 750
Max 500
Children should suggest rounding to the nearest 100:
600 + 1,600 = 2,200, 12: to
Rounding Problem solving
the nearest 10 gives –
the Isla
same estimation.addition and subtraction (1)
paint Isla used
➜ pages 97–99 500 + 750 = 1,250 Isla used 1,250 ml of paint.
500 + 750 = 1,250
13 Problem
1. a) solving
5,600 2,500 +– one
3,100 = 5,600 step Isla used 1,250 ml of paint.
Year 4 Practice Book 4A Unit 3: Addition and subtraction
They poured 5,600 ml of water altogether.
➜ pages 94–96b) 2,500
2,500 5,000 – 2,500 = 2,500 4. Bar models may vary.
Ambika has 2,500 ml of water le now.
4. Bar models may vary. Lesson 15: Problem
1. a) 5,600 ml Bella addition and subt
b) 2,500 ml
Aki’s new number 1,374 ➜ pages 106–108
2. a) She has 1,100 m left to cycle.
4 1. a) Write in parts of 1,228, 1,5
b) He travels 4,150
© Pearsonm altogether.
Education 2018
Aki 499 diagrams
3. a) b) 1,228 + 1,517 = 2,745
7,750 245 2,745 + 483 = 3,228
5,000 – 3,228 = 1,772
Andy Class 2 collected1,772 bot
? 483 < 1,228 < 1,517 <1,772
3,750 4,000
499 + 875 = 1,374 Class 2 collected the most
499 +– 245
1,374 875= 1,129
= 1,374 2. Box over arrow = 1,700
b) 4,000 1,374
The – 245between
difference = 1,129Bella’s number and Andy’s
3,985 – 1,700 = 2,285 Ro
number is 1,129. 3,985 + 2,285 = 6,270
The difference between Bella’s number and Andy’s
There are 6,270 fans in total.
3,750 250 number is 1,129.
Reflect 3. 1,502 + 3,116 = 4,618 so the d
4,618 – 4,586 = 32 so the ham
Explanations will vary. Children may say that they draw The hamster weighs 32 g.
4. Cloud = 2,500 Reflect
a comparison bar model when the problem involves
4. Answers will vary
Triangle = 2,000 comparing amounts. They draw a single bar model when
e.g. A school is comparing ho
finding a part or the whole of an amount.
Explanations will vary. Children may say that they draw
Heart = 1,500 houses this year. The total po
Star = 500 a comparison bar model when the problem involves 1 earned 950 fewer points th
Lesson 14: Problem solving –
comparing amounts. They draw a single bar model when 1,900 points. How many did C

finding a partand
or thesubtraction (3)
whole of an amount. Reflect
➜ pages 103–105 Children explain how they use ba
Children complete the bar model and write a story 15
1. a) Problem
2,250 + 500 = 1,750 solving – two steps
problem for 1,050 + 950 = 2,000 or 2,000 – 950 = 1,050. 1,750 + 1,250 = 3,000
➜ The total distance was 3,000 m.
pages 100–102 End of unit check
b) Bar model has parts 2,500 and 4,750 and 750

14 Problem solving – 2,500 + 4,750 = 7,250 and

1. a) 8,000
4,000 m = 750
– 7,250
➜ pages 109–111

comparison Alternatively 8,000 – 2,500 = 5,500 and 5,500 –

Children may work out 2,250 + 500 first or
4,750 = 750 My journal
2,250 +explain
c) Children 1,250 thefirst.
order in which they did the
calculations. Likely answer is: first they added 2,500
➜ pages 97–99 b) Write 2,500, 4,750 and ? as the parts:
+ 4,750. Then they subtracted this sum from 8,000.
1. Children estimate 2,000 + 6,5
1,900 + 6,700 = 8,600, and 2,0
The 8,000 – 2,500
was the=remaining
5,500 distance that Would expect that the secon
1. a) 1,020 – 820 = 200 not
was 5,500 – 4,750
running = 750
or cycling. number greater than 6,800.
Ebo has 200 more stickers. 2. Either 325 + 450 = 775 and 1,200 – 775 = 425 or
8,634 – 1,889 = 6,745 so 1,849
1,200 – 450 = 750 and 750 – 325 = 425 9,000 – 2,026 = 6,974 (which i
The 2,500 + middle
of the 4,750 section
= 7,250 of the tower is 2,026 = 9,000 – 6,974
b) Reena 1,500 cm.8,000 – 7,250 = 750
425 2. 8,699 – 4,875 = 3,824. The diff
3. Bar model drawn to show 650 + 1,100 = 1,750 Lee’s score is 3,824.
? She swam 750 m. The difference between Aki’s
Ebo 1,020 4. Bar models drawn to support working:
2. 435
a) Amycmhas more money now. The difference is £25.
So Aki is wrong. His score is 1
1,500 – 1,020 = 480 Evelyn
b) 1,200has – 450 = 750Noah has £1,000.
than it is to Lee’s score.
Ebo has 480 fewer stickers than Reena. 750 – 325 = 425
c) Column addition: 1,500 + 250 = 1,750 Or: Power puzzle
Luis has 1,750 stickers in total. 450
Teacher + 325
checks = 775bar model totalling 2,050, e.g.
Puzzle A
1,000, 1,000 and 50
1,200 – 775 = 425 Cloud = 1,750 Star = 1,250

The middle section is 425 m. Puzzle B

Heart = 1,050 Star = 150 Clou
© Pearson Education 2018 5

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction

3. Primary Secondary My journal

650 650 1,100 ➜ page 106–107

The total number of children is 2,400. 1. Children estimate 2,000 + 6,500 = 8,500 or
4. a) Amy has more money now. 1,900 + 6,700 = 8,600; and 2,000 = 9,000 – 7,000.
1,275 – 550 = 725 Based on these estimations, they should expect that
750 – 725 = 25 the second calculation has a missing number greater
Or: than 6,800.
550 + 750 = 1,300 8,634 – 1,889 = 6,785 so 1,849 + 6,785 = 8,634
1,300 – 1,275 = 255 (which is not greater than 6,800).
The new difference is £25. 9,000 – 2,026 = 6,974 so 2,026 = 9,000 – 6,974
b) Evelyn has £1,800 and Noah has £1,000. (which is greater than 6,800).
2. 8,699 – 4,875 = 3,824. The difference between Aki’s
Reflect score and Lee’s score is 3,824.
The difference between Aki’s score and Jamilla’s score
Children should draw a single bar model where the parts is 3,823.
add to 2,050.
So Aki is wrong. His score is 1 point closer to Jamilla’s
score than it is to Lee’s score.
16 Problem solving – multi-step
Power puzzle
➜ pages 103–105
➜ page 108
1. a) Write in parts of 1,228, 1,517 and 483 into both
Puzzle A Cloud = 1,750
b) 1,228 + 1,517 = 2,745
Star = 1,250
2,745 + 483 = 3,228
5,000 – 3,228 = 1,772
Puzzle B Heart = 1,050
Class 2 collected 1,772 bottles. Star = 150
483 < 1,228 < 1,517 < 1,772 Cloud = 1,800
Class 2 collected the most bottles. Triangle = 600
2. United

Rovers 2,285

3,985 – 1,700 = 2,285
There are 2,285 Rovers fans.
3,985 + 2,285 = 6,270
There are 6,270 fans in total.
3. 1,502 + 3,116 = 4,618, so a small dog weighs 4,618 g.
4,618 – 4,586 = 32, so a hamster weighs 32 g.
The hamster weighs 32 g.
4. Answers will vary.
 example: A school is comparing class points
earned this year. The total points earned is 4,000.
Class 1 earned 950 fewer points than Class 3. Class 3
earned 1,900 points. How many did Class 2 earn?

Answers will vary, but children could discuss the number
of elements in a problem and how many values they
need to work out.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 13

Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 4 – Measure – area

Unit 4 – Measure – 3 Count squares

area ➜ pages 115–117

1 What is area? 1. a) Desk: 10

Chair: 5
➜ pages 109–111 Wardrobe: 18
Mat: 6
1. The answer will depend on the size of the counters Bookshelf: 7
and whether the children place them correctly as an Bed: 21
array with no spaces between counters b) Answers will vary based on the size of the object
the children have drawn.
2. a) The area of this quadrilateral is about 9 dominoes.
b) The area of this triangle is about 15 buttons. 2. Rectangle A has an area of 18 squares.
Rectangle B has an area of 10 squares.
3. The space inside a shape
Area of A + B = 18 squares + 10 squares = 28 squares
4. a) to c) The answer will depend on the size of the The whole shape has an area of 28 squares.
counters the children are using.

3. Answers will vary but should include the two areas
5. Tick added together.
No tick 4. 32 squares
Tick 5. There should be 5 shapes, each with an area of
6. a) Mo has used two different sizes of sticky notes. 3 squares. 15 squares divided into 5 = 3 squares.
 area in smaller sticky notes is 42 notes.
b) The
The area in larger sticky notes is approximately Reflect
10 notes.
Children should explain that they could count the
Reflect squares, including the ones hidden by the ink splash or
use multiplication: 3 × 5 = 15 or = 5 × 3 = 15.
Children should use shapes of the same size, placing
them close together.
4 Make shapes
2 Measure area using squares ➜ pages 118–120

➜ pages 112–114 1. Answers will vary.

2. Various shapes are possible but should be
8 3 6  5 7 rectilinear so 2 × 10, 4 × 5 or a combination of
2. a) A: 5 B: 4 C: 9 D: 6 E: 9 two rectangles together.
b) Shapes C and E have the same area. 3. a) 16
3. The area of the piece of paper is 8 squares. b) 4
c) 9
4. Ebo has not placed the squares right next to each d) 6
other. He has spaces between the squares.
4. Answers will vary based on the letters the children
5. T A B L E T O P   (8, 1, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6, 7) have used and how they are drawn.
a) 1 4 9 16 5. Answer will vary based on the children’s designs.
b) The
 areas of the next 3 shapes will be 25, 36
and 49.
c) Use
 multiplication: The first 4 shapes are Reflect
1 × 1, 2 × 2, 3 × 3 and 4 × 4, so the next 3 will
be 5 × 5, 6 × 6, 7 × 7. Children should refer to multiplication and division
facts to make rectangles. For example: 4 x 5 and 3 x 6.
Moving one square at a time can be helpful to make
Reflect different shapes.
Check that a shape is not the same as another shape by
Children should mention some of the following. Squares turning it around to see if it matches any other of their
are good for measuring area because they have straight shapes. Children should remember that two rectangles
edges and each edge is the same length. They fit closely can be placed together to make a rectilinear shape.
together, with no gaps.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 4 – Measure – area

5 Compare area My journal

➜ pages 121–123 ➜ page 124

1. a) Children could guess any of the three children as 1. Answers will vary.
the shapes look similar in size. 2. Answers will vary but children should mention
b) Abdul: 52 squares multiplication or division facts.
Bryony: 38 squares
Chloe: 50 squares
c) Abdul has won as his shape has the largest area. Power puzzle
2. a) The shape with the smallest area marked A is the
T shape at the bottom left (7 squares). ➜ page 125
b) The
 shape with the greatest area marked B is the
shape which covers the top and the right side of a)
the board (11 squares).
c) The area of the whole board is 9 × 5 = 45 squares.
3. a) 5 squares and 4 squares, left shape shaded.
b) 3 squares and 1 square, left shape shaded.
c) 9 squares and 10 squares, right shape shaded.
d) 7  squares and 7 squares, neither shape shaded.
Children may shade both shapes.
4. This
 shape has an area of 15 shapes. b) The areas of the chocolate bars are 16 squares and
2 × 15 = 30, so the rectangle should have an area 25 squares.
of 30 squares. For example, 3 × 10 or 5 × 6. c) Answers will depend on whether a child likes
chocolate. For example: I would choose the bar with
Reflect 25 squares as it has a larger area so more chocolate.

Children should give examples. It is sometimes true

because a 1 × 1 square has a smaller area than a
1 × 2 rectangle, but a 3 × 3 square has a larger area
than a 3 × 2 rectangle. A 6 × 6 square has the same
area as a 9 × 4 rectangle

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 5 – Multiplication and division (1)

Unit 5 – Multiplication 3 6 times-table and division

and division (1)
➜ pages 132–134
1 Multiples of 3
1. a) 12, 18, 24, 30
➜ pages 126–128
2. a) 3 × 6 = 18
b) 4 × 6 = 24
1. a) Various diagrams are possible but should show
c) 6 × 3 = 18
clearly 3 groups of 5.
b) Various
 diagrams are possible but should show 3. a) 18 f) 0 k) 2
clearly 5 groups of 3. b) 6 g) 4 l) 5
c) 3 × 5 = 15 15 ÷ 3 = 5 c) 36 h) 54 m) 7
5 × 3 = 15 15 ÷ 5 = 3 d) 72 i) 1 n) 10
e) 60 j) 4 o) 66
2. a) 2 × 3 = 6 6÷3=2
3 × 2 = 6 6÷2=3 4. a) 24, 30, 36, 48
b) 54, 48, 42, 30, 24, 18
b) 6 × 3 = 18 18 ÷ 3 = 6
3 × 6 = 18 18 ÷ 6 = 3 5. 13 × 6 = 72 + 6 = 78
13 × 6 = 78
3. The number at the top of the triangle is 27.
9 × 3 = 27 6. a) 2 × 6 > 10 d) 18 ÷ 6 < 24 ÷ 6
3 × 9 = 27 b) 36 ÷ 6 < 30 e) 9 × 6 = 6 × 9
27 ÷ 9 = 3 c) 5 × 6 < 7 × 6 f) 15 × 6 > 6 × 12
27 ÷ 3 = 9 7. 8 × 6 = 8 x 5 + 8 = 40 + 8 = 48
4. a) 9 ÷ 3 = 3
b) 24 ÷ 3 = 8 Reflect
5. a) 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27

b) Children should notice the multiples are on a Children should complete the 6 times-table, circling the
diagonal and that there are two unshaded squares facts they are not sure of.
in between each multiple of 3. 0   6   12  18
24  30  36  42
Reflect 48  54  60  66
27 is the only multiple of 3 because 9 × 3 = 27. A number
with a 1s digit of 3 is not often a multiple of 3 (although 4 Multiply and divide by 9
there are some, e.g. 33 and 63).
➜ pages 135–137
2 Multiply and divide by 6 1. 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90

➜ pages 129–131 2. a) 5 × 9 = 45 There are 45 hearts.

b) 7 × 9 = 63 There are 63 spades.
1. a) 3 × 6 = 18 3. 18 ÷ 9 = 2
b) 5 × 6 = 30 4. 27 ÷ 9 = 3
c) 10 × 6 = 60
5. £72 ÷ £9 = 8
2. 24 ÷ 6 = 4 8 children handed in money.
3. a) 4 × 6 = 24 6. a) 2 × 10 = 20 2 × 9 = 18
b) 7 × 6 = 42 b) 6 × 10 = 60 6 × 9 = 54
4. 48 ÷ 6 = 8 c) 4 × 10 = 40 4 × 9 = 36
He can make 8 hexagons. d) 8 × 10 = 80 8 × 9 = 72
5. 12 × 6 = 72 7. 12 × 3 = 36 36 ÷ 9 = 4
The length of the new shape is 72 cm. Rowan can make 4 towers of 9 cubes.

Reflect Reflect
Children should write and solve a story problem using Children should write a story problem using the division
× or ÷ by 6. fact £45 ÷ 9 = £5.

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 5 – Multiplication and division (1)

5 9 times-table and division 3. Children should choose which numbers to write in the
diagram. All multiples of 9 are also multiples of 3 so
facts should be written in the overlap and the right-hand
circle will remain empty.
➜ pages 138–140
4. All
 multiples of 9 are multiples of 3 True
All multiples of 3 are multiples of 9 False
1. a) 4 × 9 = 36 36 ÷ 9 = 4
b) 2 × 9 = 18 18 ÷ 9 = 2 All multiples of 3 are even False
c) 8 × 9 = 72 72 ÷ 9 = 8 Some multiples of 6 are odd False
2. 36, 45, 63, 72, 81, 99, 108 5. a) 4 × 3 = 2 × 6
3. a)
10 × 3 = 5 × 6
b) 3 × 3 = 1 × 9
c) 15 ÷ 3 = 30 ÷ 6
21 ÷ 3 = 42 ÷ 6
30 ÷ 3 = 60 ÷ 6
b) 6 × 9 = 54 54 ÷ 9 = 6
9 × 6 = 54 54 ÷ 6 = 9 d) 36 ÷ 9 = 24 ÷ 6
45 ÷ 9 = 30 ÷ 6
4. a) 63 g) 3 63 ÷ 9 = 42 ÷ 6
b) 0 h) 1
c) 81 i) 6
d) 45 j) 4 Reflect
e) 108 k) 99
f) 9 l) 90 Children should choose facts that they find difficult
to remember.
5. Children
 should play the game in pairs to practise
their 9 times-table facts.
7 Multiply and divide by 7
➜ pages 144–146
9 × 9 = 81 6 × 9 = 54 8 × 9 = 72 7 × 9 = 63
9 × 9 = 81 9 × 6 = 54 9 × 8 = 72 9 × 7 = 63 1. a) 4 × 7 = 28
81 ÷ 9 = 9 54 ÷ 9 = 6 72 ÷ 9 = 8 63 ÷ 9 = 7 There are 28 cars.
81 ÷ 9 = 9 54 ÷ 6 = 9 72 ÷ 8 = 9 63 ÷ 7 = 9 b) 2 × 7 = 14
There are 14 cubes.
Note that there are only 2 distinct facts for a square
number (e.g. 81). c) 7 packs circled
2. 21, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70
6 The 3, 6 and 9 times-tables 6 weeks 9 weeks 7 weeks 11 weeks

➜ pages 141–143
49 days 63 days 77 days 42 days
1. a) 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
b) 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60 4. 7 × 8 = 56
c) 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90 5. a) 11
2. Multiples of 3 Multiples of 9 b) 2
79 ÷ 11 = 7 r 2
6. 3 × 7 = 21
3 35 – 21 = 14
6 18 14 ÷ 7 = 2
A bag of popcorn costs £2.
Children should write and solve a story problem
using 5 × 7.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 17

Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 5 – Multiplication and division (1)

8 7 times-table and division 9 11 and 12 times-tables and

facts division facts
➜ pages 147–149 ➜ pages 150–152

1. 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 77 1. a) 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99
2. a) 4 × 7 = 28 b) 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108
7 × 4 = 28 2. a) 12 × 6 = 72 dots
28 ÷ 7 = 4 b) 6 × 12 = 72 eggs
28 ÷ 4 = 7 c) 11 × 4 = 44 dots
b) 3 × 7 = 21 3. a)
7 × 3 = 21 132 22
21 ÷ 7 = 3
21 ÷ 3 = 7
110 12 2 55
3. a) 28 h) 8
10 5
b) 14 i) 11
c) 35 j) 1 11 1 11 7 77
d) 70 k) 4
e) 0 l) 9 11 8
f) 77 m) 21 121 0 9 88
g) 6 n) 84
4. a) 8 × 5 = 40
0 99
8 × 2 = 16
40 + 16 = 56 b)
8 × 7 = 56
b) 9 × 7 = 8 × 7 + 7 = 56 + 7 = 63 0 48

5. 24 0 4 108
70 21
2 9
63 10 3 7 132 11 12 3 36
9 1 12 5
14 2  7 6 42 144 7 1 60
4 5 84 12
28 0 8 35

0 56 4. a) 44, 55, 66, 88, 99, 110

b) 24, 48, 72, 96, 108
6. Any
 odd number multiplied by 7. c) 120, 108, 96, 84, 72
For example: 1 × 7 = 7, 3 × 7 = 21, 5 × 7 = 35. d) 121, 110, 99, 88, 77
5. a) 6 × 12 = 72
Reflect 72 ÷ 12 = 6
b) 88 ÷ 11 = 8
Children should notice that whoever starts the count 88 ÷ 8 = 11
says the odd multiples of 7 and their partner says the
even multiples. 3 = 36 ÷ 12
36 = 12 × 3
d) 132 ÷ 12 = 11
11 × 12 = 132

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 18

Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 5 – Multiplication and division (1)

Reflect 11 Divide by 1 and itself

➜ pages 156–158
× 7 3 2 5 10 11 9 6 8 1 12 4
10 70 30 20 50 100 110 90 60 80 10 120 40 1. a) 6 ÷ 1 = 6
The person receives 6 sweets.
11 77 33 22 55 110 121 99 66 88 11 132 44
b) 6 ÷ 6 = 1
1 7 3 2 5 10 11 9 6 8 1 12 4
Each person receives 1 sweet.
4 28 12 8 20 40 44 36 24 32 4 48 16
2. Amelia has confused division with subtraction
5 35 15 10 25 50 55 45 30 40 5 60 20 (4 – 4 = 0).
6 42 18 12 30 60 66 54 36 48 6 72 24 However, 4 ÷ 4 = 1 because 4 things shared among 4
people means one each.
2 14 6 4 10 20 22 18 12 16 2 24 8
3. Children should circle: 8 ÷ 8, 5 ÷ 5, 16 ÷ 16, 7 ÷ 7,
12 84 38 24 60 120 132 108 72 96 12 144 48
150 ÷ 150.
7 49 21 14 35 70 77 63 42 56 7 84 28
a) 3    
4    5
3 21 9 6 15 30 33 27 18 24 3 36 12 10  14  20
9 63 27 18 45 90 99 81 54 72 9 108 36 When you divide a number by 1, the number
does not change.
8 56 24 16 40 80 88 72 48 64 8 96 32
b) The answers are all 1. When you divide a number
by itself, the answer is always 1.
5. a) 11 d) 1 g) 0
10 Multiply by 1 and 0 b) 1 e) 12 f) 8
c) 1 f) 70
➜ pages 153–155
6. Children should tick:
1. Children should draw lines to match the pictures with • The square is greater than the pentagon.
the following multiplications: • When you divide a number by 1, the number does
a) 4 × 0 = 0 not change. So, if square ÷ 1 > pentagon ÷ 1, then
b) 2 × 3 = 6 square > pentagon.
c) 1 × 4 = 4
d) 5 × 1 = 5 Reflect
e) 2 × 0 = 0
2. a) 4 × 1 = 4 There are 4 counters in total. In each calculation both numbers are the same,
b) 4 × 3 = 12 There are 12 pencils in total. e.g. 12 ÷ 12 = 1, 6 ÷ 1 = 6.
c) 4 × 0 = 0 There are 0 cubes in total.
3. Children should circle: 3 × 0, 0 × 10, 15 × 0, 0 × 5, 1 × 0.
All of the multiplications include a 0.
12 Multiply three numbers
4. a) 0 ➜ pages 159–161
b) 9
c) 15 1. a) 4 × 2 × 4 = 8 × 4 = 32
d) 0 b) 5 × 3 × 3 = 15 × 3 = 45
5. 0 2. Children should draw two boxes with 24 shapes
arranged in an array of 4 by 6 or 8 by 3.
Reflect 3. 7 x 9 = 63.
Multiplying 63 by 2 is easier than multiplying 14
With × 0, any number can be put in the first box but the (the total of 2 × 7) by 9 or 18 (the total of 2 × 9) by 7.
answer will always be 0. 4. 5 × 11 × 2 = 5 × 2 × 11 = 10 × 11 = 110.
With × 1, whatever goes into the first box is also the There are 110 candles in total.
answer in the second box. When you multiply a number
5. a) 48
by 1, the number does not change.
b) 80
c) 100
d) 105
e) 72
f) 144

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 19

Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 5 – Multiplication and division (1)

6. a) 4 2. Problems that involve multiplication: A, D.

b) 5 Problems that involve division: B, C.
c) 2 Children should explain that A and D require a
d) 3 multiplication and that B and C require a division.
e) 7 × 0 × [any digit] = 0 A: 6 × 7 = 42
f) 1 7 books cost £42.
7. Some children will spot that there is a zero as a B: 48 ÷ 6 = 8
multiplier, so the answer will be zero without any Each child receives 8 sweets.
need to work anything out. C: 90 ÷ 9 = 10
4×5×7×6×0×3×2×1=0 I can buy 10 board games.
8. 2 × 5 × 6 or 3 × 4 × 5 (digits can be in any order). D: 2 × 9 × 9 = 18 x 9 = 162
9 bags weigh 162 kg.
Power puzzle
2 × 8 × 5 = 16 × 5 = 80
2 × 8 × 5 = 2 × 40 = 80 ➜ page 164
2 × 8 × 5 = 10 × 8 = 80
Children will probably choose 40 × 2 or 10 × 8 as the 1. Children should note how long it took them.
most efficient method. Teacher to check answers.
2. Children should note how long it took them.
My journal Teacher to check answers.
Order of numbers along the top of the grid:
➜ pages 162–163 2, 7, 9, 4, 8, 1, 11, 6, 5, 10, 12, 3.
Order of numbers down the side of the grid:
1. There are 27 possible combinations: 4, 10, 2, 1, 8, 6, 12, 3, 7, 11, 9, 5.
Teacher to supervise checking of answers in grids
Large Med. Small Large Med. Small designed by children.
5 0 0 1 0 12
4 1 1 0 7 1
4 0 3 0 6 3
3 3 0 0 5 5
3 2 2 0 4 7
3 1 4 0 3 9
3 0 6 0 2 11
2 4 1 0 1 13
2 3 3 0 0 15

Large Med. Small

2 2 5
2 1 7
2 0 9
1 6 0
1 5 2
1 4 4
1 3 6
1 2 8
1 1 10

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