TDS - Nitocote BCS300 - India-1
TDS - Nitocote BCS300 - India-1
TDS - Nitocote BCS300 - India-1
Epoxy and Polyurethane based multi-coat Below 350C the pot life and over coating times are longer.
protection system for concrete surfaces
The coverage rates given above are for guidance only. The
Uses actual coverage depends on surface conditions like surface
texture, porosity of the substrate, application methods etc.
This is a chemical and Ultraviolet ray resistant high build mul- Specification Clauses
ticoat protective coating system for bridge decks, RCC girders
and other atmospherically exposed RCC structures. The protection system shall be Nitocote BCS 300, a multicoat,
anticorrosive, epoxy polyamide system approved by CECRI,
Advantages with redoxide primer at a DFT of 50 microns micaceous iron
Excellent resistance to chemicals and Ultraviolet rays oxide middle coat at 110 microns, titanium dioxide topcoat
Excellent adhesion to concrete substrates at a DFT of 100 microns. The finish coat shall be aliphatic
polyurethane at a DFT of not less than 40 microns capable
Economical and durable
of providing ultraviolet resistance. The total dft of the system
Easy application
shall not be less than 300 microns. The cured film shall pro-
Available in selected colours vide a smooth surface.
Application Instructions
Surface preparation
Nitocote BCS 300 is a multi coat, anticorrosive, Epoxy and
Polyurethane system, approved by CECRI (Central Electro- Surface to be coated must be structurally sound dry and
chemical Research Institute) specially formulated to provide a free from loose material. All surface contamination must be
durable chemical and Ultraviolet resistant coating for exposed removed. Grease and oil should be grit blasted. Any lait-
surfaces with a total dry film thickness of about 300 microns. ence must be removed from concrete surface by etching with
The system consists of 4 products. Reebaklens then washed off and dried. New concrete should
be allowed to cure for at least 28 days prior to priming. It is
Nitocote EP50 : Two component, Red oxide primer based essential that Nitocote BCS 300 system is applied to sound
on epoxy - polyamide applied at a wet film thickness of 100 clean dry substrate in order to achieve maximum adhesion
microns. between coating systems and the substrates.
Nitocote EP110 : Two component, Micaceous Iron oxide middle Mixing
coat based on epoxy - polyamide applied at a wet film thick-
ness of 175 microns. Before mixing, the contents of each can should be thoroughly
stirred to disperse any settlement which may have taken place
Nitocote EP100 : Two component, Titanium dioxide top coat during storage. The base and hardener are emptied into a
based on epoxy - polyamide applied at a wet film thickness of suitable container and the material is thoroughly mixed for
175 microns. at least 3 minutes. Mechanical mixing using a slow speed
Dekguard PU : Two component, Aliphatic polyurethane based (300 - 500 rpm) flame proof, drill fitted with a mixing paddle
finish coat applied at a wet film thickness of 110 microns. is recommended.
The company provides a technical advisory service supported Apply the mixed material to the dry prepared substrate making
by a team of specialists in the field. sure continuous film is achieved using a standard paint brush,
good quality lambs wool roller or spray equipment at the wet
Properties film thickness recommended in the table .
Product Pot life Ovecoating WFT DFT Coverage
at 350C time (microns) m2/L
Nitocote BCS300
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Nitocote® BCS300
Cleaning Storage
Tools and equipments should be cleaned with Nitoflor Sol im- Shelf Life
mediately after use.
All the above products have a shelf life of 12 months if stored
Temperature limitations in unopened containers below 350C.
Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office
Embassy Point, No. 150,
2nd Floor, Infantry Road, telephone fax e-mail
Bangalore 560 001,
Karnataka +91 80-42521900 +91 80-22281510 [email protected]
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