To Study The Optimum Quenching PH For Galvanized Product

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Date: 22nd March 2023


To study the optimum Quenching Tank pH for galvanized product.


Chromate quenching is a process used in the galvanizing industry to prevent the formation of
zinc oxide on the surface of newly galvanized steel. During the galvanizing process, the freshly
galvanized steel is typically immersed in a bath of chromate solution. The chromate solution
forms a thin protective film on the surface of the zinc coating, which helps to prevent the
formation of zinc oxide, also known as "white rust."

Zinc oxide can form on the surface of the newly galvanized steel when it is exposed to moisture
in the air. This can lead to a loss of adhesion between the zinc coating and the steel substrate, as
well as a reduction in the corrosion resistance of the galvanized coating. Therefore, chromate
quenching is an important step in the galvanizing process, as it helps to ensure that the
galvanized coating has good adhesion and corrosion resistance.


1. 1000 ml of chromate solution from Quenching Tank 2 were kept in a sample bottle and
pH was verified as pH 4.9.
2. 500 ml of chromate solution was poured from sample bottle into a beaker and labelled as
Beaker A.
3. The pH of beaker A was adjusted to pH 3.9 by adding Nitric Acid solution.
4. 500 ml of chromate solution was poured from sample bottle into another beaker and
labelled as Beaker B.
5. Two pieces of freshly galvanized product sample was prepared without going through the
chromate quenching process and label as Sample A and Sample B.
6. Sample A was inserted into Beaker A, and Sample B was inserted into Beaker B.
7. Within seconds, Sample A and B was taken out and kept at exposed area and observed.



Opticoat STI takes two months’ time to produce desired results, which is to reduce zinc coating
thickness. Based on Ms. Liew observation on the product weight, it also helps to reduce the zinc
consumption. However, based on our own product, guardrail and post packer, it found difficult to
maintain the zinc coating thickness according to AASHTO M180 Type 2 which is 86 microns
for guardrail. Those products rinsed at Rinse Tank 1 with Opticoat STI required longer dipping

Besides that, the wastewater with Opticoat STI released from Rinse Tank 1 to Equalization
Sump also looks clearer compared to Rinse Tank 2. This also may fulfil the benefits of Opticoat
STI which is the rinse water can be used continuously for a very long period. Nevertheless, we
need more time to collect evidence to study the effect of Opticoat STI on wastewater treatment.


Opticoat STI as an additive to rinse water is able to reduce zinc coating thickness of galvanized

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