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Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences Vienna 2019 Volume 112/2 221-247 DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2019.


Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section

for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian
Basin (Romania)

Dániel BOTKA1)*), Imre MAGYAR2,3), Vivien CSOMA1), Emőke TÓTH1), Michal ŠUJAN4), Zsófia RUSZKICZAY-RÜDIGER5), Andrej
CHYBA6), Régis BRAUCHER7), Karin SANT8), Stjepan ĆORIĆ9), Viktória BARANYI10), Koraljka BAKRAČ10), Krešimir KRIZMANIĆ11),
István Róbert BARTHA12), Márton SZABÓ13), & Lóránd SILYE14)
Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, 1117 Budapest, Hungary;
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc., Október huszonharmadika utca 18, 1117 Budapest, Hungary;
MTA-MTM-ELTE Research Group for Paleontology, Ludovika tér 2, 1083 Budapest, Hungary;
Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Comenius University, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia;
Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budaörsi út 45,
1112 Budapest, Hungary;
Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 38 Bratislava, Slovakia;
CNRS-IRD-Collège de France-INRA, CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Univ., 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France;
Paleomagnetic Laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands;
Department of Sedimentary Geology, Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Vienna, Austria;
Department of Geology, Croatian Geological Survey, Sachsova 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
INA Industrija nafte, d.d., Exploration and Production, Rock and Fluid Analysis, Lovinčićeva bb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
Department of Geology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, 1117 Budapest, Hungary;
Department of Palaeontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Ludovika tér 2, 1083 Budapest,
Department of Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
Corresponding author: [email protected]

KEYWORDS Miocene, Lake Pannon, chronostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, authigenic 10Be/9Be dating

The Neogene Transylvanian Basin (TB), enclosed between the eastern and southern Carpathians and the Apuseni
Mountains in Romania, is a significant natural gas province with a long production history. In order to improve the (bio)
stratigraphic resolution, correlations and dating in the several 100-m-thick upper Miocene (Pannonian) succession of
the basin, the largest and most fossiliferous outcrop at Guşteriţa (northeastern part of Sibiu) was investigated and set
as a reference section for the Congeria banatica zone in the entire TB. Grey, laminated and massive silty marl, deposited
in the deep-water environment of Lake Pannon, was exposed in the ~55-m-high outcrop. The uppermost 25 m of the
section was sampled in high resolution (sampling per metres) for macro- and microfossils, including palynology; for au-
thigenic 10Be/9Be dating and for magnetostratigraphy; in addition, macrofossils and samples for authigenic 10Be/9Be iso-
topic measurements were collected from the lower part of the section as well. The studied sedimentary record belongs
to the profundal C. banatica mollusc assemblage zone. The upper 25 m can be correlated to the Hemicytheria tenuistriata
and Propontoniella candeo ostracod biozones, the uppermost part of the Spiniferites oblongus, the entire Pontiadinium
pecsvaradense and the lowermost part of the Spiniferites hennersdorfensis organic-walled microplankton zones. All sam-
ples contained endemic Pannonian calcareous nannofossils, representing the Noelaerhabdus bozinovicae zone. Nine
samples were analysed for authigenic 10Be/9Be isotopic measurements. The calculated age data of six samples provided
a weighted mean value of 10.42 ± 0.39 Ma. However, three samples within the section exhibited higher isotopic ratios
and yielded younger apparent ages. A nearly twofold change in the initial 10Be/9Be ratio is a possible reason for the
higher measured isotopic ratios of these samples. Magnetostratigraphic samples showed normal polarity for the entire
upper part of the outcrop and can be correlated with the C5n.2n polarity chron (11.056–9.984 Ma, ATNTS2012), which
is in agreement with the biostratigraphic data. Based on these newly obtained data and correlation of the biozones
with other parts of the Pannonian Basin System, the Guşteriţa section represents the ~11.0–10.5 Ma interval, and it is a
key section for correlation of mollusc, ostracod, dinoflagellate and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphic records
within this time interval.

Open Access. © 2019 BOTKA et al., published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under the Creative 221
Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Unauthenticated
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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

1. Introduction 2. Geographic and geological settings

The Transylvanian Basin (TB) is one of the largest gas The TB is surrounded by the chains of the eastern and
provinces of Eastern Europe with a long production southern Carpathians. It is separated from the PB by the
record (Ștefănescu et al., 2006). The upper Miocene Apuseni Mountains (Fig. 1a–b) and has a relatively high
sedimentary sequence of the basin fill has an average present-day altitude of 300–500 m above the mean sea
thickness of ca. 300 m, but it can reach ca. 1400 m thick- level.
ness in the central part of the basin, in the surroundings The Cenozoic evolution of the TB was controlled by the
of Sighişoara (Ciulavu et al., 2000; Sanders et al., 2002; Carpathian orogeny. Synchronously with the uplift of the
Krézsek and Filipescu, 2005; Krézsek and Bally, 2006; Til- Carpathians, a more than 3500-m-thick middle to upper
iţă et al., 2013). The upper Miocene deposits in the TB are Miocene sedimentary sequence accumulated in the TB.
present in a more or less contiguous area throughout the Exhumation and erosion of the infilled basin started at
central, southwestern, and eastern part of the basin, in an the end of the Miocene (Krézsek and Bally, 2006), which
area of ca. 7500 km2 (representing about one-third of the resulted in the erosion of younger than 9–8 Ma depos-
total basin area) (Fig. 1c). Fossils from the upper Miocene its (Sanders et al., 1999, 2002). Lower Pannonian sands,
sedimentary record of the TB are largely identical with the marls and conglomerates are the youngest of the pre-
endemic molluscs, ostracods, and algae that once lived in served sediments in the TB; however, Pliocene brack-
Lake Pannon, an enormous and long-lived lake that cov- ish-water deposits can be found in the small basins of the
ered most of the intra-Carpathian Pannonian Basin (PB) in Eastern Carpathians (Brașov-Baraolt, Ciuc and Gheorghe-
the late Neogene. Therefore, it was inferred long ago that ni Depressions – Fielitz and Seghedi, 2005; László, 2005).
in the late Miocene, the TB was part of Lake Pannon, and At the end of the middle Miocene (end of Sarmatian),
the regional chronostratigraphic term “Pannonian” can connection with the Eastern Paratethys ceased due to
be applied for these sediments (Lőrenthey, 1902). the uplift of the Carpathians, and Lake Pannon was born.
Lake Pannon was a large, deep (more than 1000 m deep Brackish- and freshwater endemic faunas evolved in the
in some parts) lake with brackish-water conditions (salini- lake (Lubenescu, 1981; Magyar et al., 1999a; Müller et al.,
ty: 5–12‰). Like most long-lived lakes, a diverse endemic 1999). Older theories suggested continental environment
fauna and flora (molluscs, ostracods, fishes, dinoflagel- and erosion around the Sarmatian–Pannonian transition
lates, acritarchs, diatoms and calcareous nannoplankton) (Vancea, 1960; Marinescu, 1985; Magyar et al., 1999a). Ac-
evolved in the lake (Kázmér, 1990; Müller et al., 1999; cording to Marinescu (1985), the oldest Pannonian litto-
Neubauer et al., 2016). ral mollusc biozone (Congeria ornithopsis zone) is totally
The biostratigraphic subdivision and chronostrati- missing from the TB. More recent studies, however, indi-
graphic framework of this several hundred-meter-thick cated that the sedimentation was continuous through
sequence in the TB, representing ~2.5 Ma, are still rela- the Sarmatian–Pannonian boundary, as witnessed by the
tively poorly developed and imply much uncertainty. The deep-water facies of the Oarba de Mureş (ODM) sections
mollusc and ostracod biozonations were largely based located in the depocenter of the TB (Sztanó et al., 2005;
on the biostratigraphy of shallow-water deposits of the Sütő and Szegő, 2008; Vasiliev et al., 2010; Filipescu et al.,
Vienna Basin developed many decades ago (Papp, 1951, 2011).
1953). The results of some recent magnetostratigraphic At the beginning of the late Miocene (beginning of
studies are available (Vasiliev et al., 2010; de Leeuw et al., Pannonian), a deep-lacustrine environment formed in
2013), but their interpretations are partly debatable (see most parts of the basin. Unlike in the PB, deep-water
the Discussion section). Radiometric age measurements sediments can be studied in surface exposures due to
have never been published from the Pannonian of the TB. the subsequent erosion that uncovered them. Deep-wa-
Our main objective was the development of a com- ter fans are preserved in the southwestern part, while in
prehensive Pannonian biochronostratigraphy in the the southeastern part, some 100-m-thick shallow-water
TB; therefore, we conducted integrated stratigraphic (delta), freshwater-paludal and continental (fluvial) for-
research in the most fossiliferous Pannonian outcrop of mations can be found. In the latter region, Pliocene vol-
the TB, the Guşteriţa clay pit, in Sibiu. We investigated canics cover and protect the loose Pannonian rocks from
various fossil groups; identified and correlated mollusc, erosion (Krézsek et al., 2010). In the eastern part of the
ostracod, dinoflagellate cyst and calcareous nannoplank- basin, deep-water turbiditic successions are preserved
ton biozones; performed magnetostratigraphic research (Bartha et al., 2016).
and experimented with the authigenic 10Be/9Be dating Deposition in the TB probably lasted until the end of
method. the Miocene, but most of the shallow-lacustrine, conti-
Our study has relevance not only in the TB but also in nental-fluvial deposits were eroded during the Pliocene
the PB, where surface distribution of the coeval deep-wa- to Quaternary. According to apatite fission track thermo-
ter sediments is confined to the eastern and southern chronological analyses on borehole samples and numeri-
margins of the basin, whereas they are usually deeply cal flexural-isostatic 3-D modelling, it is likely that at least
buried and comprise hydrocarbon source rocks and res- a 500-m-thick sedimentary succession was eroded (Sand-
ervoirs in other parts of the PB. ers et al., 1999, 2002).

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 1: Geographic and geological maps of the Transylvanian Basin in the intra-Carpathian realm. a: Geographic map indicating the two basins in
Europe (PB: Pannonian Basin and TB: Transylvanian Basin). b: DEM of the Pannonian Basin System. c: Geological map of the Transylvanian Basin and geo-
graphic situation of the discussed localities in this study (GUS: Guşteriţa, OdM: Oarba de Mureş). Legend: Pg: Paleogene, M1: lower Miocene, Ba: Badenian,
Sm: Sarmatian and Pa: Pannonian. 1–2: Units of the Carpathians and the Apuseni Mountains (1. Metamorfics, 2. Mesozoic sediments), 3. Paleogene, 4.
lower Miocene, 5. middle Miocene (Badenian), 6. middle Miocene (Sarmatian), 7. upper Miocene (Pannonian), 8. Neogene volcanic and volcano-sedi-
mentary rocks and 9. Quaternary (modified after Săndulescu et al., 1978). DEM: digital elevation model.
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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

The Pannonian lithostratigraphy of the TB is not uni- represent the transgressive system tract of the early Pan-
form. Beside formations, informal units are used as well, nonian (Krézsek et al., 2010).
and due to the heterogeneity of lithofacies, different Guşteriţa is one of the largest outcrops and perhaps
classifications are created for different parts of the ba- the most fossiliferous site of the deep-water Pannonian
sin. The Lopadea Formation (Lubenescu and Lubenescu, formations in the TB. The Pannonian macrofauna of the
1977) comprises sandy–clayey layers in the western basin locality was examined by some earlier authors, but their
margin. In the eastern part, the Ocland Formation (Rado faunal lists contain a relatively low number of taxa (Ack-
et al., 1980) was erected for the deltaic, sandy-marly de- ner, 1852; Lőrenthey, 1893; Koch, 1876, 1895; Bielz, 1894;
posits. Sediments of the Guşteriţa and Vingard forma- Lubenescu, 1981). Plant remains from the outcrop were
tions (Lubenescu, 1981), as well as the pebbly Săcădate described by Givulescu (1969).
Member, are located in the southern-southwestern part
of the basin. The clayey-marly deposits and fauna of the 3. Material and methods
Guşteriţa Formation provide evidence for a deep-water, Samples were collected from four different section
profundal environment, while the sand and fauna of the parts of the Guşteriţa clay pit. In October 2015, macro-
Vingard Formation indicate shallow-water, littoral depo- fossils and marl samples for authigenic 10Be/9Be isotopic
sition. The conglomerate and sand of the Săcădate Mem- measurements were collected from the lower, middle
ber contain a mixed Sarmatian–Pannonian fossil fauna and upper parts of the mine (Guşteriţa 1, 2 and 3) (Fig.
(Lubenescu, 1981; Chira et al., 2000). These formations 2a). Later, in June 2017, the uppermost 25 m of the quarry
can be paralleled with the Pannonian formations of the (Guşteriţa 4) was sampled (Fig. 2b). Samples were collect-
PB. Deep-water marls of the Guşteriţa Formation corre- ed for macro- and microfossils (ostracods, dinoflagellates
spond to the Endrőd Marl Formation (Juhász, 1997). The and calcareous nannoplankton), for magnetic polarity
turbiditic succession of the Lopadea Formation is similar measurements (per metre) and for authigenic 10Be/9Be
to the Szolnok Sandstone Formation (Juhász et al., 1997). dating (per 5 m). In addition, numerous trace fossils (Fig.
The Săcădate Member resembles the Békés Conglom- 2d), thecamoebians, fish teeth, otoliths, some partial fish
erate Formation (Gajdos et al., 1997). In the case of the skeletons and fossil plant remains were found.
regressive sediments (Vingard Formation, Ocland Forma-
tion and the unassigned sequences in the eastern part of 3.1 Biostratigraphy
the basin), the correlation is less straightforward, because Altogether 1295 mollusc specimens were determined.
their fossil content is somewhat different from their PB The bulk of the studied material was collected by the au-
relatives. thors from various parts of the clay pit (Guşteriţa 1, 2, 3
A sequence stratigraphic framework of the Pannonian and 4). The studied material also comprised the collec-
of the TB was proposed by Krézsek and Filipescu (2005) tions of the Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, Romania, and the
and Krézsek et al. (2010), using the original three-system Paleontology-Stratigraphy Museum of the Babeş-Bolyai
tract model of Vail et al. (1977). They divided the middle University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The collected molluscs
to late Miocene sedimentary succession of the basin into were prepared in the laboratory of the Department of Pa-
minimum eight different sequences based on seismic laeontology of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hun-
profiles and well logs. The Pannonian sediments includ- gary. Polyvinyl butyral and polyvinyl acetate were used
ed the following system tracts: TST7, HST7, LST8, TST8, for solidifying the thin and fragile shells.
HST8 and LST9 (Krézsek and Filipescu, 2005; Krézsek et A total of 25 micropalaeontological samples were exam-
al., 2010). ined from the upper part of the outcrop (Guşteriţa 4). The
The Wienerberger clay pit and brickyard of Gușterița microfossils with carbonate shells were processed with
(German: Hammersdorf, Hungarian: Szenterzsébet) is hydrogen peroxide (10%) from about 250 g of air-dried
located along the southern rim of the TB, in the north- sediments. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) im-
eastern part of Sibiu (German: Hermannstadt, Hun- ages were made with a Hitachi S-2600N Variable-Pressure
garian: Nagyszeben) (45°48′20.23″N, 24°11′47.30″E) Scanning Electron Microscope at the Botanical Depart-
(Fig. 1c). The exposed thick (~55 m) Pannonian marl has ment of the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Buda-
been mined here for more than a century (Oebbeke and pest. The ecological limits of the Pannonian ostracods are
Blanckenhorn, 1901) (Fig. 2a–b). Light grey, laminated or based on recent analogies with taxa that are still living;
massive, highly calcareous (~75%), silty marl layers and in the case of the extinct forms, the co-occurring faunal
thin, very fine-grained, cross-laminated sand intercala- elements, sediment type and previous ostracod studies
tions are observed in the mine (minor Bouma-type: Tc were referred to.
sandy turbidites) (Fig. 2c). Based on sedimentological Palynological analysis was carried out on 25 samples
investigations and surface gamma-ray logging, the marl collected from the uppermost 25 m of the quarry. Stan-
can be a product of background sedimentation, with dard palynological processing techniques were used
occasional low-density turbidites (sand intercalations), to extract the organic matter (e.g. Moore et al., 1991;
which is a characteristic of inner fan overbank depos- Wood et al., 1996). The samples were treated with so-
its as well as outer fan lobes (Tőkés, 2013; Tőkés et al., dium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7), cold HCl (15%) and HF
2015). Based on seismic interpretation, the locality can (40%), removing carbonates and silica. Heavy liquid

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 2: Clay pit of Gușterița. a: The mining site, with view from the upper part (GUS3). The three sampled levels are indicated by the captions. b: The
25-m-high Guşteriţa 4 section (uppermost part of the mine). Numbers indicate terraces; each one is ca. 5 m high. Its detailed sedimentary log can be
seen on the right side. c: Very fine-grained, cross-laminated sand lenses cropped out in the upper part (GUS3). d: Light grey, carbonate- and Diplocrate-
rion isp. trace fossil-bearing bedding plane in the upper part of the quarry.

(ZnCl2, density >2.1 kg/l) was used to separate the or- 1000× magnification at the Department of Sedimentary
ganic matter from the undissolved inorganic compo- Geology, Geological Survey of Austria, Vienna, Austria.
nents. The organic residue was sieved through a 10 mm Quantitative data were obtained by counting at least 300
mesh. Palynological slides were mounted in glycerin for specimens from each smear slide.
palynofacies analysis and in silicon oil for palynomorph
analysis. Microscopic analyses were performed using 3.2 Magnetostratigraphy
Olympus BH-2 and Leitz Aristoplan microscopes. Pho- Guşteriţa 4 section was sampled for magnetostrati-
tomicrographs were taken using an AmScopeTM camera graphic purposes by drilling 26 marl samples from
adapter connected to the AmScope v.3.7 camera soft- the quarry. Measurements were carried out in the Fort
ware and an Olympus DP25 camera connected to the Hoofddijk Paleomagnetic Laboratory of the Utrecht
Olympus Stream Motion software. The samples, organic University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Magnetic suscepti-
residues and palynological slides were curated at the bility measurements were made on an AGICO MFK1-FA
Department of Geology, Croatian Geological Survey, Multi-Function Kappabridge automatic device, using the
and at the Rock and Fluid Analysis, INA Oil Industry Plc., Saphyr6 software. For the alternating field (AF) measure-
Zagreb, Croatia. ments, a laboratory-built automated AF-coil-interfaced
The calcareous nannoplankton distribution was studied measuring device with a 2G cryogenic magnetometer
in 25 samples from the Guşteriţa 4 section. Smear slides was used (Mullender et al., 2016). The following field
were prepared for all samples using standard proce- steps were used: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27, 30, 32, 35, 40, 45,
dures described by Perch-Nielsen (1985) and examined 50, 60 and 80 mT. The thermal (TH) measurements were
under a light microscope (cross and parallel nicols) with carried out with a manually operated 2G Enterprises DC

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

SQUID cryogenic (He-cooling) magnetometer, operating where R(t) is the measured 10Be/9Be isotopic ratio, R0 the
using the Cryo2Go software. Heating of samples took initial 10Be/9Be isotopic ratio, l the decay constant of 10Be
place in a magnetically shielded cylindrical metal oven, isotope (l = (4.997 ± 0.043) × 10-7 a-1) and t the elapsed
controlled by the Oven2Go software. The following tem- time.
perature steps were applied: 20, 80, 120, 170, 200, 220, The initial 10Be/9Be isotopic ratio (R0) is usually deter-
240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340 and 370°C. During heating, mined from recent sediment representative of the former
a conservative heating profile, 25°C linger time and 7°C environment and assuming constant deposition process-
T-tolerance were used. In order to avoid coil drift, samples es and source areas through time.
were always placed in the same line-up. Then, a calibra- For authigenic 10Be/9Be isotopic dating, ~40 g air-dried
tion phase with two blank measurements was executed marl from each sample was grinded in an agate hand
with the empty sample holder. Every measurement was mortar and oven-dried. The sample preparation followed
performed in two positions. Zijderveld projections were the procedure of Bourlés et al. (1989) and Carcaillet et
interpreted to understand the magnetic behaviour and al. (2004), adopted by Šujan et al. (2018). Approximately
to determine the magnetic directions of the samples (Zi- 1.5 g of each sample was leached in a solution of acetic
jderveld, 1967). Principal component analysis was used acid and hydroxylammonium hydrochloride. After lixiv-
to fit regression lines onto the measured values. All the iation, aliquots for 9Be measurements were taken and a
samples showed strong magnetic characteristics; there- beryllium carrier was added (~0.3 g of a 1000 ppm ICP
fore, no quality groups were separated. All measured standard beryllium solution). The beryllium was separat-
declination values were corrected for the present-day ed from other elements using ion chromatography (Mer-
declination at the study location (MSL=450 m; day of chel and Herpers, 1999). Purified samples were oxidised
sampling: 20 June 2017), with the help of the magnetic at 800°C and cathoded for accelerator mass spectrome-
field calculator of the National Centers for Environmental try (AMS) measurements of their 10Be/9Be ratio. AMS mea-
Information, USA ( surements were performed at the French national facility
ASTER (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France). The concentra-
3.3 Authigenic 10Be/9Be dating tions of 9Be were determined by AAS in CEREGE (samples
Authigenic 10Be/9Be isotopic dating method was applied ODM and GUS1, 2, 3) and by ICP-MS in the laboratory of
on altogether eleven marl samples, nine from four sec- the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
tions of the Gușterița clay pit (Gușterița 1, 2, 3, and 4) and Bratislava, Slovakia (Šujan et al., 2018; samples G01–G25).
two from the ODM A section (ODM-15.2 and ODM-28). The comparability of both 9Be measurement approaches
Samples were collected from the most clayey parts of the was tested using replicated measurements. The 10Be con-
outcrops. Physical preparation of the samples was carried centrations were corrected according to chemical pro-
out in the laboratory of the Department of Palaeontology cessing blank values (Table 1). The weighted mean ages
of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, while chemi- were calculated using the KDX software by Spencer et al.
cal preparation was performed in the research institute (2017).
of the Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement
des Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE), Aix-en- 4. Results
Provence, France (samples ODM and GUS1 to GUS3) and
in the laboratory of the Department of Geology and Pale- 4.1 Molluscs
ontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Universi- Altogether 23 mollusc taxa were determined, repre-
ty in Bratislava, Slovakia (samples G01 to G25). senting 13 genera and 19 species (Suppl. S1). The as-
The method is based on the radioactive decay of the semblage consisted of brackish-water bivalves (Congeria
initial 10Be/9Be ratio after the sediment deposition. The banatica, Lymnocardium undatum, Paradacna lenzi and
stable 9Be is derived from chemical weathering of rock Paradacna syrmiense), pulmonate (Gyraulus ponticus, Gy-
massifs, whereas the radionuclide 10Be is produced by raulus tenuistriatus, Orygoceras levis, Undulotheca halav-
spallation reactions induced by cosmic rays in the atmo- atsi, Undulotheca nobilis and Velutinopsis velutina) and
sphere (Bourlés et al., 1989). Since beryllium is strongly prosobranchiate snails (Micromelania striata and Prosos-
chemically reactive, it adsorbs abruptly to the surface thenia sundecici) (Fig. 3). They represented seven families
of sediment particles in a water column, and after their (Dreissenidae, Cardiidae, Sphaeriidae, Planorbidae, Hyd-
deposition, the initial 10Be/9Be ratio is determined. Hence, robiidae, Lymnaeidae and Valvatidae). The most frequent
if the system is chemically closed, the ratio decreases only bivalve species of the deep-water fossil fauna was the
by the decay of 10Be (with the half-life of 1.387 ± 0.012 Ma; dreissenid C. banatica, which sometimes formed coqui-
Chmeleff et al., 2010; Korschinek et al., 2010). Then after na-like monospecific accumulations on bedding planes
the determination of the actual 10Be/9Be ratio, the dep- (Fig. 3k). Pulmonate snails were strongly dominant
ositional age of a sediment can be calculated using the amongst gastropods (Fig. 3e–j and l).
equation of radioactive decay, which is given as follows: The mollusc biostratigraphy of the offshore deposits
of Lake Pannon is poorly developed. For the time being,
R(t) = R0 × e–λt, only three biozones are distinguished: the Lymnocardium

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BOTKA et al.

Sample ID Depth (m) Be (at.g-1) × 1016

Be (at.g-1) × 105
Natural 10Be/ Age - R0-lacus (Ma) Age - R0-ODM-28 (Ma) Age - R0-ODM-15.2 (Ma)
Be × 10−11
ODM-28 28 3.41 ± 0.04 5.76 ± 0.41 1.69 ± 0.12 12.05 ± 0.9 11.62 ± 1.18 10.7 ± 1.11
ODM-15.2 15.2 3.41 ± 0.04 3.63 ± 0.26 1.07 ± 0.08 12.97 ± 0.99 12.54 ± 1.29 11.62 ± 1.22
GUS1 52.7 ± 2.5 5.99 ± 0.03 11.59 ± 0.76 1.93 ± 0.13 11.78 ± 0.82 11.35 ± 1.11 10.43 ± 1.04
GUS2 47.7 ± 2.5 4.11 ± 0.03 13.02 ± 0.69 3.17 ± 0.17 10.79 ± 0.62 10.36 ± 0.94 9.44 ± 0.87
GUS3 32.7 ± 2.5 3.98 ± 0.05 9.83 ± 0.58 2.47 ± 0.15 11.29 ± 0.72 10.86 ± 1.02 9.94 ± 0.95
G01 25 2.26 ± 0.03 7.56 ± 0.31 3.34 ± 0.14 10.69 ± 0.51 10.25 ± 0.87 9.34 ± 0.8
G06 19.8 1.95 ± 0.03 15.53 ± 0.57 7.98 ± 0.32 8.94 ± 0.4 8.51 ± 0.70 7.59 ± 0.63
G10 15 1.92 ± 0.02 11.01 ± 0.37 5.73 ± 0.2 9.61 ± 0.39 9.17 ± 0.74 8.26 ± 0.66
G14 11 2.56 ± 0.03 16.96 ± 0.65 6.64 ± 0.27 9.31 ± 0.42 8.88 ± 0.74 7.96 ± 0.66
G20 5 2.05 ± 0.05 5.81 ± 0.27 2.83 ± 0.15 11.02 ± 0.62 10.59 ± 0.95 9.67 ± 0.87
G25 0 2.25 ± 0.07 10.69 ± 0.55 4.76 ± 0.28 9.98 ± 0.63 9.55 ± 0.90 8.63 ± 0.81
Table 1: Authigenic Be/ Be isotopic data from the Oarba de Mureş A outcrop and from the Gușterița quarry. ODM-15.2 and ODM-28 indicate the
10 9

samples taken from the ODM “A” outcrop. Gușterița 1, 2 and 3 represent the lower, middle and upper part of the mine. G01 to G25 samples are from the
Gușterița 4 section. R0-lacus: (6.97 ± 0.14) × 10–9, R0-ODM-28: (5.61 ± 0.41) × 10–9 and R0-ODM-15.2: (3.55 ± 0.26) × 10–9. Blank sample for ODM and GUS samples:
2.32 × 10–15. Blank sample for G01 to G25 samples: 1.18 × 10–14. Abbreviations: GUS: Guşteriţa and ODM: Oarba de Mureş.

praeponticum or Radix croatica zone, the C. banatica zone the species name U. nobilis instead. V. velutina (usually
and the “Dreissenomya” digitifera zone (for a summary, smooth, more whorled form) is also a common form in
see Magyar et al., 1999b). In the mollusc biostratigraph- the Pannonian of the TB. In Gușterița, we found spec-
ic system developed for the TB by Lubenescu (1981), the imens slightly different from the type. The shell surface
deep-water sediments were subdivided into the old- of this species is usually completely smooth, while in the
er C. banatica and the younger C. prezujovici zones. In case of some specimens, slightly bulged growth lines are
both stratigraphic schemes, the molluscan record from observed, which are not strong enough to call them ribs.
Gușterița 1 to 4 belonged to the C. banatica zone, based These specimens may represent a transitional form be-
on the presence of C. banatica throughout the entire tween V. velutina and U. nobilis. Similar specimens from
section. Beočin, Serbia, were described by Gorjanović-Kramberg-
The stratigraphic distributions of other species from er (1901) as Velutinopsis rugosa.
Gușterița were either not known or not narrow enough to
be used for further subdivision of the C. banatica zone. The 4.2 Ostracods
only exception was the Radix–Velutinopsis–Undulotheca– Samples from the Gușterița 4 section produced a rela-
Provalenciennesia­–Valenciennius evolutionary lineage of tively diverse benthic ostracod material. The preservation
lymnaeid snails, which was characterised by progressively is moderate and sometimes poor (with a lot of broken
larger shell size, widening of the aperture, reduction of valves and carapaces). There are more adult specimens
whorl number and appearance and strengthening of than juvenile ones. Altogether 18 euryhaline benthic os-
transversal ribs (e.g. Gorjanovič-Kramberger, 1901, 1923; tracod taxa were identified belonging to eight species,
Moos, 1944). The morphotypes of this lineage are good eleven genera, five families and one order (Podocopida)
candidates for high-resolution biostratigraphic markers, (Fig. 4 and Suppl. S2).
but only after their taxonomy, nomenclature and strati- Older strata of the section Gușterița 4 (samples G1 to
graphic range of individual taxa are revised. G9) are characterised by the specimens of Candona sp.,
In the Gușterița material, we recognised that the names Candona (Propontoniella) sp., Candona (Thaminocypris)
Velutinopsis nobilis (Reuss, 1868) and Undulotheca pancici sp., Candona (Thaminocypris) aspera, Candona (Thamino-
(Brusina, 1893) refer to the same species (Fig. 3h–i). The cypris) transylvanica, Candona (Thyphlocypris) sp., Hemi-
difference between the two types is probably due to cytheria sp. and Hungarocypris sp. (Fig. 4c–d and f–h). The
the different direction of compaction that affected the dominance of the thin-shelled Candoninae suggests a
shells after burial. The type specimen of V. nobilis is lat- sublittoral to profundal depositional environment.
erally compacted, while the name U. pancici is used for The fauna of the younger layers (samples G10 to
dorsoventrally compacted specimens. According to our G25) contains the specimens of Bakunella sp., Candona
observations and opinion, these two forms belong to (Propontoniella) candeo, C. (T.) aspera, C. (Thaminocypris)
one species, because otherwise they are characterised by transylvanica, Euxinocythere naca, Hemicytheria croati-
the same morphological traits (large aperture, reduction ca, Leptocythere sp., Leptocythere (Amnicythere) stanche-
in number of whorls and strong rounded ribs) (Fig. 3h–i). vae, Loxoconcha granifera, Loxoconcha rhombovalis and
Applying the priority rule, the valid species name would Pseudocandona sp. (Fig. 4a–e, g and i–j).
be V. nobilis, but because of the rounded ribs charac- Modern Bakunella lives at salinities of 11.5 to 13.5‰
teristic for the genus Undulotheca, we propose to use in sublittoral to profundal depths of the central and

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

Figure 3: Dominant mollusc species of the Gușterița clay pit. a: Congeria banatica R. Hörnes, 1875, Gușterița 3. b: Lymnocardium undatum (Reuss, 1868),
Gușterița 3. c: Paradacna syrmiense (R. Hörnes, 1874), Gușterița 3. d: Paradacna lenzi (R. Hörnes, 1874), collection of the Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, in-
ventory number: 49.383–49.384. e: Gyraulus ponticus (Lőrenthey, 1893), Gușterița 3. f: Gyraulus tenuistriatus (Gorjanović-Kramberger, 1899), Gușterița 3.
g: Orygoceras levis Gorjanović-Kramberger, 1890, Gușterița 3. h: Undulotheca nobilis (Reuss, 1868), Gușterița 2, dorsal view. i: U. nobilis (Reuss, 1868),
Gușterița 3, lateral view. j: Undulotheca halavatsi Gorjanović-Kramberger, 1901, Gușterița 3, dorsal view. k: C. banatica-dominated coquina-like accumu-
lations on a bedding plane, note the orientation of the specimens, collection of the Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, inventory number: 48.892. l: Velutinopsis
velutina (Deshayes, 1838), collection of the Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, inventory number: 48.919, dorsal view.

southern Caspian Basin (Gofman, 1966; Boomer et al., et al. 2008). Recent Hemicytheria and Loxoconcha live
2005). Euxinocythere is not only known from brackish en- mainly on algae in the littoral zone (Puri et al., 1969), and
vironment but also tolerates freshwater littoral to deep their fossil representatives are known from mesohaline
limnic conditions (e.g. Pipík and Bodergat, 2004; Cziczer lacustrine environments (Gross, 2002; Witt, 2010). The

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 4: Pannonian ostracods from the Gușterița quarry. Abbreviations: LV = left valve and RV = right valve. a: Hemicytheria croatica Sokač, 1972,
RV in lateral view, sample G25. b: Euxinocythere naca (Méhes, 1908), LV in lateral view, sample G12. c: Candona (Thaminocypris) aspera (Héjjas, 1894), RV
in lateral view, sample G06. d: Candona (Thaminocypris) transylvanica (Héjjas, 1894), RV in lateral view, sample G06. e: Loxoconcha rhombovalis (Pokorný,
1952), RV in lateral view, sample G25. f: Candona (Propontoniella) sp., RV in lateral view, sample G11. g: C. (T.) aspera juv. (Héjjas, 1894), LV in lateral view,
sample G06. h: Candona (Thyphlocypris) sp. juv., LV in lateral view, sample G18. i: Leptocythere (Amnicythere) stanchevae (Krstić, 1973), LV in lateral view,
sample G25. j: Loxoconcha granifera (Reuss, 1850), RV in lateral view, sample G25.

ostracod assemblages of the younger strata indicate P. candeo marks the bottom of the P. candeo zone (sam-
meso- to pliohaline (5–16 ‰) sublittoral depositional ple G10 in our section). Krstić (1985) also claimed that C.
environment with a few littoral elements transported (Thaminocypris) transylvanica is restricted to zones older
from the margins. In the uppermost layer (sample G25), than the P. candeo zone. In our material, there is a slight
nearshore faunal elements become dominant beside the overlap between the stratigraphic ranges of the older C.
common sublittoral forms. transylvanica and the younger P. candeo (samples G10–
Two successive ostracod biozones were identified in the G14). Nevertheless, we mark the boundary between the
studied Gușterița 4 section, based on the system of Krstić older H. tenuistriata and the younger P. candeo zones be-
(1985): the Hemicytheria tenuistriata (samples G1 to G9) tween the samples G9 and G10, with the first occurrence
and P. candeo zones (samples G10 to G25). According to of P. candeo.
Krstić (1985), the older E. naca and L. rhombovalis overlap In the system of Krstić (1985), both zones belong to the
in their stratigraphic ranges with the younger L. granifera lower Pannonian Slavonian Substage. The appearance
exclusively within the H. tenuistriata and P. candeo zones. of H. croatica was unexpected in the uppermost sample
Within this interval, the first appearance of the species (G25), because this form is the index fossil of the younger

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

H. croatica zone (Serbian Substage of the Pannonian). diverse dinocyst assemblage in distal settings, including
This phenomenon requires further discussion, because membranous Spiniferites types, Spiniferites maisensis,
H. croatica was also found by Rundić in ter Borgh et al. S. oblongus, P. pecsvaradense and various Virgodinium
(2013) in older “Slavonian” strata in Beočin. The strati- species (Bakrač et al., 2012), which is a good match for
graphic range of H. croatica thus seems to be wider than the association in samples G22–G25. It has to be noted
supposed by Krstić (1985), so its stratigraphic marker role though that the differences in dinocyst species compo-
should be reconsidered. sition might be also related to changes in environmen-
tal parameters, e.g. salinity variation from incoming river
4.3 Palynology runoff, nutrients and/or hydrodynamic conditions sug-
The Guşteriţa samples yielded a moderately diverse but gesting slightly different environmental conditions for
excellently preserved dinocyst assemblage and several the uppermost part of the section.
other aquatic (prasinophytes, acritarchs and green algae)
and terrestrial palynomorph groups (spores and pollen) 4.4 Calcareous nannoplankton
(Fig. 5 and Suppl. S3). The majority of the dinocysts are All samples from the Guşteriţa section contain very
endemic Pannonian taxa belonging to the genera Spin- well-preserved and common calcareous nannoplankton
iferites, Impagidinium and Virgodinium (Fig. 5a–e, j-l and assemblages (Fig. 6). Endemic calcareous nannofossils are
o). The common occurrence of the Badenian–Sarmatian represented by the species Isolithus semenenko, Isolithus
taxa (e.g. Polysphaeridium zoharyi, Cleistosphaeridium pla- pavelici, Noelaerhabdus jerkovici, Noelaerhabdus bozi-
cacanthum, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, Nematos- novicae and Praenoelaerhabdus banatensis. The genus
phaeropsis sp., Homotryblium sp.) indicates the reworking Isolithus dominates the assemblages in the lower part of
of older Miocene sediments into the lake. the section, in samples G1–G2, G6–G8, G10–11 and G14
The dinocyst assemblages through the Guşteriţa 4 sec- (Fig. 6j, o and q). In contrast, the upper part of the section
tion have allowed three biozones to be identified. Sam- (samples G14–G25) is characterised by the dominance
ples G1–G9 reveal a rich assemblage with Spiniferites of Noelaerhabdus, which occurs in increasing number
pannonicus and Spiniferites oblongus and are assigned from G4 to the top of the section (Fig. 7), reaching the
to the S. oblongus zone. The zone is characterised by the highest values in samples G21 (97.8%) and G24 (86.3%).
high abundance of S. pannonicus and S. oblongus in the Species of genus Noelaerhabdus are characterised by
Hungarian part of the Pannonian Basin System (PBS), possession of a central spine placed vertical on the bas-
while the zone is defined as ranging from the first ap- al plate. The shape ending of the central spine is a cru-
pearance date of S. oblongus to the first appearance date cial feature for distinguishing various species within the
of Pontiadinium pecsvaradense in Croatia (Bakrač et al., genus. Upon this criterion, all Noelaerhabdus specimens
2012). Similar associations are known from the entire PBS from the Guşteriţa 4 section can be assigned to N. bozi-
and have been recorded from Serbia (Rundić et al., 2011) novicae and N. jerkovici. During preparation, the central
and Austria (e.g. Kern et al., 2013) as well. spine was usually broken, and the original shape of fossils
The first occurrence of P. pecsvaradense is recorded in could not be always reconstructed. Therefore, coccoliths
sample G10, and it remains common throughout the without spine were counted separately (Noelaerhabdus
section with higher abundance ratios in the uppermost spp.) from coccoliths with spine. This group also included
samples (G21–G24). The P. pecsvaradense biozone is endemic nannofossils described as P. banatensis. Cocco-
characterised by the common occurrence of the spe- liths with spine in the central field (N. bozinovicae and N.
cies P. pecsvaradense and P. obesum together with var- jerkovici) were grouped in Noelaerhabdus spp. and sub-
ious proximate cysts, such as Impagidinium spp. and divided into three morphotypes according to the length
Virgodinium spp. in Hungary (Sütő-Szentai, 1988, 2000). of the spine: 3–7 mm, 7–15 mm and >15 mm (Suppl. S4).
Bakrač et al. (2012) defined this zone as an interval from In assemblages from the middle and upper parts of the
the first occurrence of P. pecsvaradense to the first occur- section, Noelaerhabdus spp. with longer spine (7–15 mm
rence of Spiniferites bentorii coniunctus in distal and/or and >15 mm) dominated. These changes in the length of
Spiniferites validus in proximal settings. In the Guşteriţa the spine can be caused by changes in the palaeoecolog-
4 section, samples G10–G21 are assigned to the P. pecs- ical conditions. Blooms of ascidian spicules (Perforocalci-
varadense zone. nella fusiformis) in samples G2–G5 and G13 and in high
The dinocyst composition of samples G22–G25 is sim- amounts in samples G13, G16 and G20–G21 may point
ilar to the dinocyst assemblage of the lower part of the to periods when sediment transport was more effective.
Spiniferites hennersdorfensis zone (Sütő-Szentai, 1988, Non-endemic Miocene calcareous nannofossils are rep-
2000; Soliman and Riding, 2017) in Hungary and the resented by taxa, which have their first occurrence in the
distal association of the S. validus zone (Sve) in Croatia early/middle Miocene and the last occurrence in the up-
(Bakrač et al., 2012) by the common occurrence of Spin- per Miocene/Pliocene. Among them, Coccolithus pelagi-
iferites specimens with membranous crests, especially S. cus and Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus are common,
hennersdorfensis. S. validus is not recorded in Guşteriţa, and they are accompanied by Calcidiscus leptoporus, He-
although its absence is explained by the more distal dep- licosphaera carteri, Helicosphaera wallichi, Sphenolithus
ositional setting in the TB. The Sve zone has a rich and heteromorphus, Umbilicosphaera jafari, Umbilicosphaera

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 5: Photomicrographs of selected organic-walled microplankton from the Guşteriţa 4 section. Each scale bar represents 10 mm. Sample and slide
numbers are indicated in the brackets. a: Spiniferites pannonicus (Sütőné Szentai, 1986; Soliman and Riding, 2017), lateral view (G1/1). b: S. pannonicus,
lateral view (G4/1). c: Spiniferites oblongus (Sütőné Szentai, 1986; Soliman and Riding, 2017), right lateral view (G24/2). d: S. oblongus, right lateral view
(G10/1). e: Spiniferites maisensis (Sütő Zoltánné, 1994), right lateral view (G14/2). f: Nematosphaeropsis bicorporis (Sütő-Szentai, 1990), right lateral view
(G14/1). g: Pontiadinium pecsvaradense (Sütőné Szentai, 1982), right lateral view (G10/1). h: Pontiadinium obesum (Sütőné Szentai, 1982), lateral view
(G25/2). i: P. pecsvaradense, lateral view (G17/2). j: Virgodinium asymmetricum primus (Sütő-Szentai, 1988; Sütőné Szentai, 2010), lateral view (G1/1). k:
Virgodinium pelagicum (Sütőné Szentai, 1982; Sütőné Szentai, 2010), lateral view (G10/1). l: V. asymmetricum primus, lateral view (G6/1). m: Spiniferites
hennersdorfensis (Soliman and Riding, 2017), lateral view (G17/2). n: S. hennersdorfensis, lateral view (G21/1). o: Impagidinium spongianum (Sütő-Szentai,
1985), lateral view (G15/1). p: Bitectatodinium tepikiense (Wilson, 1973) (G20/1). q: Chytroeisphaeridia tuberosa (Sütőné Szentai, 1982) (G2/1). r: Sele-
nopemphix sp. (G5/1). s: Indeterminate palynomorph (HdV type 128 van Geel) (G2/1). t: Mendicodinium mataschenensis (Soliman and Feist-Burkhardt,
2012), dorsal view (G2/1).

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

Figure 6: Calcareous nannoplankton from the Gușterița 4 section. a–e, h–i, l–n and v: Praenoelaerhabdus banatensis (Mihajlovic, 1993) (1–5 and 8–9:
sample G23; 12–14 and 22: sample G25). f: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877; Schiller, 1930), sample G12. g and t: Noelaerhabdus bozinovicae (Jerkovic,
1970), sample G25. j and o: Isolithus semenenko (Lyul’eva, 1989), sample G10. k: Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray and Blackman, 1898; Loeblich and Tappan,
1978), sample G20. p and u: Noelaerhabdus jerkovici (Bóna and Gál, 1985), sample G23. q: Isolithus pavelici (Ćorić, 2006), sample G10. r–s: Perforocalcinella
fusiformis (Bóna, 1964) (18: sample G4 and 19: sample G5).

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 7: Distribution and ratio of calcareous nannoplankton taxa within the Guşteriţa 4 section. Numbers indicate the sampling levels (G01 to G25).

rotula, etc. Non-endemic (normal marine) Miocene nan- 4.5 Trace fossils and other remains
nofossils are common in sample G1 (30.7%), but then During the collection and preparation of molluscs, sev-
absent in the lower part of the section (samples G2–G4), eral remains of other fossil groups were unearthed (Sup-
reaching a maximum in sample G12 with 49.8%. The oc- pl. S2). Two types of trace fossils were frequent. One of
currence of these species is varying throughout the sec- them was a few centimeter long residence tube of proba-
tion (Fig. 7). Most of the clearly redeposited nannofossils bly annelid worms, such as Pectinaria. This tube was lined
are from the Cretaceous (Micula stauropora, Watznaueria (agglutinated) with calcareous shell fragments of tiny ani-
barnesiae, etc.), Eocene/Oligocene (Reticulofenestra um- mals (ostracods and/or bivalve embryos, shell fragments)
bilicus, Cribrocentrum reticulatum, etc.) and lower/middle or with mineral grains during the life activity of the worm.
Miocene (S. heteromorphus, Helicosphaera ampliaperta, This trace fossil can be easily recognised by the regular
etc.) with a maximum in sample G1 (5.4%) (Fig. 7). As all and tight positions of the tiny shells. Jámbor and Radócz
samples contain also plant remains, it seems that all nor- (1970) distinguished and described several morphotypes
mal marine long-range taxa are reworked too. In addi- based on the composition of the tubes from drill cores
tion, there is a correlation between the amount of normal in the PB. We were able to distinguish and identify two
marine long-range forms and the amount of reworked of them, Pectinaria ostracopannonicus and Pectinaria
Badenian (NN5) specimens, suggesting that these long- gigantea. The first one was made of almost exclusively
range (non-endemic) nannofossils are also redeposited carapaces of ostracods (Fig. 8c), and the latter consisted
(Fig. 6f and k). of bivalve embryos and shell fragments (Fig. 8e). Anoth-
The correlation between endemic calcareous nanno- er frequent trace fossil was Diplocraterion isp. These ap-
fossils and standard nannofossil zones is still not clear peared as dumbbell-like forms on the bedding planes,
(see Mărunţeanu, 1997; Chira, 2006; Chira and Malacu, but in fact they were U-shaped burrows (Fig. 8d). Their
2008). Mărunţeanu (1997) investigated the evolution creators were probably crustaceans (Fürsich, 1974).
trends in Pannonian endemic calcareous nannofossils Fishes are represented by a relatively large number of
and erected three biozones: P. banatensis, N. bozinovicae teeth, a few otoliths and further unidentifiable elements.
and Noelaerhadus bonagali zones. Sediments from the Teeth of Morphotype 1 are the most characteristic among
Guşteriţa clay pit can be attributed to the N. bozinovicae all. The high, curved base is circular in cross-section, bear-
zone, based on the presence of N. bozinovicae, N. jerkovi- ing a fine apicobasal striation. The slightly reclined tip
ci and the absence of N. bonagali in the investigated is lanceolate and usually translucent. Morphologically
samples. identical teeth were published by Brzobohatý and Pană

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

Figure 8: Other fossil remains from the Gușterița quarry. a1: Partial fish skeleton, a2: otolith and a3: Congeria banatica (R. Hörnes, 1875), Gușterița 3.
b: Silicoplacentina cf. majzoni Kőváry, 1956, Gușterița 2. c: Pectinaria ostracopannonicus (Jámbor and Radócz, 1970), Gușterița 3. d: Diplocraterion isp.,
Gușterița 3. e: Pectinaria gigantea (Jámbor and Radócz, 1970), Gușterița 2.

(1985) as teeth of indeterminate gadid fishes (Figs. 9a–d). and subtropical water (Froese and Pauly, 2019). Recent
Teeth of Morphotype 2 include simple recurved teeth, Sciaenidae members are generally bottom-dwelling fish,
circular in cross-section. The small, shiny and smooth cap living in the neritic zone of temperate and warm shallow
is separated from the apicobasally striated base (Fig. 9e). seas and estuaries, playing a key role in estuarine ecosys-
Teeth of Morphotype 3 are of simplest morphology. The tems (Carnevale et al., 2006).
teeth are minute, narrow and shiny, tapering to the tip, In the micropalaeontological samples, plant remains,
bearing no surface striations. They are also weakly bent bone fragments, fish scales, fish vertebra and thecamoe-
to the supposed lingual direction. The taxonomic iden- bians were common together with some reworked older
tification of these isolated teeth is very problematic due Miocene fossils (foraminifers and bryozoans). During the
to their simple, almost featureless morphology; however, preparation process, a specimen of a regular, oval the-
here we tentatively attribute them to family Gadidae or camoebian, similar to Silicoplacentina majzoni (Kőváry,
Gobiidae (Fig. 9) (see Brzobohatý and Pană, 1985; Kram- 1956; Fig. 8b), and a partial fish skeleton (Fig. 8a) were
er et al., 2009; Berkovitz and Shellis, 2017). These forms found in the Gușterița 2 section.
frequently occur in late Miocene deposits of the PB. Two
generally poorly preserved otoliths were also unearthed, 4.6 Magnetostratigraphy
both representing the family Sciaenidae (after Schwar- From the Guşteriţa 4 section, two types of palaeomag-
zhans, 1993; Bosnakoff, 2008). netic measurements (TH demagnetisation and AF de-
Since the collected fish material is isolated and only magnetisation) were performed on 26 samples. Suppl. S5
hardly identifiable (only at the family level), it is less contains the results of TH measurements, while Suppl. S6
important regarding the paleoenvironmental recon- includes the outcomes of AF measurements.
structions. Families Gadidae, Gobiidae and Sciaenidae The investigated samples had good magnetic charac-
occur in fresh-water, brackish-water and normal marine ters; thus, only one quality group was created. We chose
conditions as well (see Froese and Pauly, 2019). Modern four TH samples to figure them on Zijderveld diagrams.
members of Gadidae are found in circumpolar water and Two different T-sessions were separated (T1: orange and
temperate water. Most gadid species are demersal or T2: black) based on the measured values (Fig. 10a–d).
benthopelagic, feeding mainly on fish and invertebrates. A total of 24 samples were chosen for AF measurements.
Extant gobiids are distributed mostly in tropical water We chose four AF samples to figure them on Zijderveld

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BOTKA et al.

Figure 9: Fish teeth and otolith from the Gușterița quarry. a–d: Fish tooth morphotype 1 (Gadidae). e: Fish tooth morphotype 2 (Gadidae or Gobiidae).
f–h: Fish tooth morphotype 3 (Gadidae or Gobiidae). i: Sciaenidae otolith (inner face).

diagrams. Two different F-sessions were separated The palaeomagnetic signal was interpreted as primary or
(F1: orange and F2: black) based on the measured values penecontemporaneous with deposition.
(Fig. 10e–h). In the case of some samples, gyroremanent
magnetisation was observed, which means the effect 4.7 Authigenic 10Be/9Be dating
of increased random direction that can happen above The initial ratio, which is essential for the age calcula-
35 mT (Fig. 10e and g). Owing to this phenomenon, the tion, could be determined either by the analysis of recent
given sample could not be properly demagnetised. It equivalents of the studied depositional environment or
usually predicted the presence of greigite (Fe3S4) in the by independent dating of a sample taken from the same
sample (Babinszki et al., 2007); however, no rock thermo- basin and depositional environment. In first calculations
magnetic analyses were carried out. of this study, the lacustrine initial ratio (6.97 ± 0.14) × 10-9
All the results show normal polarity for the entire sec- (R0-lacus) from Šujan et al. (2016) was applied providing
tion, i.e. all the samples gave positive inclination and ages apparently slightly older compared to the biostra-
declination values above 270° (Suppl. S5–S6). It must tigraphic age proxies (Table 1). Hence, to test the validity
be tested whether this normal polarity is in the primary of the lacustrine initial 10Be/9Be ratio, it was decided to
or near-primary direction and may be used for correla- calculate independently the initial ratio relevant to the
tion to the global time scale. To check if they represent eastern part of Lake Pannon. The ODM “A” outcrop, which
a present-day overprint, the mean inclination and decli- is located in the central TB and represents an equivalent
nation of the samples were compared to the present-day of the Gușterița locality in terms of depositional environ-
magnetic field in the study area. Present-day magnetic ment, contained a tuff layer dated at 11.62 ± 0.12 Ma by
field values were the following on the day of sampling the 40Ar/39Ar method (Vasiliev et al., 2010). Two samples
at the locality: declination 5.467° and inclination 63.004°. (ODM) were taken from a horizon above the tuff layer.
The mean inclination of the samples was clearly differ- The sample ODM-28 was chosen for the calculation of
ent from the present-day field direction, and thus inter- the initial ratio due to its proximity to the tuff horizon.
preted as a sub-recent viscous component; however, the Its estimated age was 12.05 ± 0.9 Ma based on the R0-lacus.
mean declination was similar to the present-day value. The resulting initial 10Be/9Be ratio (R0-ODM) of (5.61 ± 0.41) ×

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

Figure 10: Zijderveld diagrams of the TH and AF demagnetisation results from the Gușterița 4 section. Orange numbers and points mark the T1 (F1)
phase. Black numbers and points indicate the T2 (F2) phase. Sample numbers are indicated in the right upper corners. Filled dots are declination values.
Empty dots are inclination values. Lowermost numbers mean stratigraphic levels. Green lines are regression lines fitted to the T2 (F2) declination values.
Red lines are regression lines fitted to the T2 (F2) inclination values. Abbreviations: TH: thermal, AF: alternating field, N: north, W: west, dec: declination,
inc: inclination, int: intensity, MAD: maximal angular deviation and GRM: gyroremanent magnetisation.

Figure 11: Results of the authigenic 10Be/9Be isotopic measurements of the Gușterița clay pit. a: Depth chart of the natural 10Be/9Be ratios of the
measured samples. b: Depth chart of the ageR0-lacus data (Ma), estimated with the help of an initial lacustrine isotopic ratio. c: Depth chart of the
ageR0-ODM data (Ma), estimated with the help of the 40Ar/39Ar age of the Oarba de Mureș tuff. Age of deposition based on biostratigraphy and mag-
netostratigraphy of the Gușterița section is marked with yellow stripes.

10-9 was then used for the age calculations of all samples GUS2 and GUS3 from Gușterița 1, 2 and 3 sections and
taken from the Guşteriţa locality. samples G01, G20 and G25 from the Gușterița 4 section)
The authigenic 10Be/9Be ages of the samples from the attained ages in agreement with other geochronological
Gușterița outcrop were calculated using both the initial proxies with a weighted mean age of 10.83 ± 0.26 Ma
ratio determined by Šujan et al. (2016) for lacustrine fa- using R0-lacus and 10.42 ± 0.39 Ma using R0-ODM. These two
cies (R0-lacus) and the new initial ratio based on the ODM ages are statistically identical within uncertainties. We
sample ODM-28 (R0-ODM) (Table 1 and Fig. 11). Two groups consider the ages calculated by the local initial ratio
of samples could be distinguished. Six samples (GUS1, (R0-ODM) to be the best estimates of the deposition age of

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the sediment succession at Gușterița; thus, these are dis- stressed environment. This assemblage is only found at
cussed in the following. some localities in the central and eastern parts of the TB
The remaining three samples (G06 to G14 from the (Sztanó et al., 2005; Magyar, 2010). The younger assem-
Gușterița 4 section), however, exhibited higher isotopic blage is the C. banatica association, which indicates pro-
ratios and yielded ages between 9.17 ± 0.74 Ma and 8.51 fundal water depth and a stable environment, and it can
± 0.70 Ma (R0-ODM). The estimated age of these samples be found in the entire PBS as well. Characteristic species
overlapped within uncertainties with a weighted mean of the C. banatica biozone are the dominant C. banatica;
of 8.84 ± 0.42 Ma (N0-ODM), considerably younger than the thin-shelled cardiids, such as P. lenzi and P. syrmiense; L.
mean age calculated using the other six samples. undatum; pulmonate gastropods, such as G. tenuistriatus
and G. praeponticus; the tiny scaphopod-like Orygoceras;
5. Discussion Micromelania and lymnaeid snails. The index fossil of the
youngest profundal Pannonian mollusc zone in the PBS,
5.1 Depositional environment “Dreissenomya” digitifera, has not been recovered from
The abundant and diverse benthic life, represented by the TB so far (Fig. 12).
the body and trace fossils of the Gușterița outcrop, in- The age of the C. banatica zone was assessed by correla-
dicates oxygen-rich bottom conditions. Sand intercala- tion with dinoflagellate and polarity zones in various lo-
tions and the silt grain size suggest weak, but continuous cations (Magyar et al., 1999b; ter Borgh et al., 2013). Lying
flows, probably events of low-density turbidity currents, directly above the very thin, basal Pannonian (i.e. basal
which maintained the permanent dissolved oxygen lev- upper Miocene, <11.6 Ma) L. praeponticum or R. croatica
el. The occurrence of partial fish skeletons may indicate zone, the bottom of the C. banatica zone can be dated
short periods of dysoxia, but there seems to be no distur- as ca. 11.4 Ma, whereas its top is younger than the top of
bance in the permanent benthic life. C5n chron (9.7 Ma), so it is ca. 9.6 Ma (Fig. 12).
The recovered fossil fish fauna refers to a warm to Pannonian ostracods have been poorly document-
temperate water. It is composed of euryhaline taxa (tol- ed from the TB. The published data were mainly taxon
erating a wide range of salinities) with variable habitat lists with a brief biostratigraphic evaluation (Chintăuan,
preferences. 1971; Clichici et al., 1980; Popescu et al., 1995; Filipescu,
The mollusc and ostracod fauna consist of mostly 1996; Filipescu et al., 2011; de Leeuw et al., 2013). The
deep-water or offshore species that live well below the first Pannonian ostracod assemblages, however, were
storm wave base as suggested by their very thin shells. described as early as in the 19th century (Héjjas, 1894).
Extant relatives of some of the ostracod taxa live at sa- The most comprehensive work was published by Kovács
linities of 11.5–13.5‰ in sublittoral to profundal depths et al. (2016) from the western margin of the TB (Gârbo-
of the central and southern Caspian Basin. Based on va de Jos, Gârboviţa, Mihalţ, Tău, Cunţa, and ODM) with
the available and observed sedimentological and fau- a detailed study of biostratigraphic and palaeoecological
nal characteristics, the depositional environment of the distributions.
locality could be around the toe of slope (Krézsek et al., The biostratigraphic subdivisions based on ostracods
2010). are different within the territory of Lake Pannon, depend-
ing on the local character of the depositional environ-
5.2 Biostratigraphy ment (e.g. Pokorný, 1944; Kollmann, 1960; Sokač, 1972;
In general, the early Pannonian mollusc fauna is quite Krstić, 1985; Jiřiček, 1985; Szuromi-Korecz, 1992; Olteanu,
uniform across the PBS, suggesting that a large lake ex- 2011; Rundić et al., 2011). In the TB, no comprehensive
isted in the intra-Carpathian region at the beginning of ostracod zonation has been established yet; therefore,
the Pannonian (late Miocene). The overall appearance of various biostratigraphic schemes were applied at differ-
the TB fauna shows great similarity to the early Panno- ent localities (cf. Filipescu, 1996; de Leeuw et al., 2013;
nian mollusc fauna of northern Croatian and northern Kovács et al., 2016). In this study, we tentatively use the
Serbian outcrops, e.g. Vrapče (Gorjanović-Kramberger, most detailed Pannonian biozonation, erected by Krstić
1890), Londžica (Gorjanović-Kramberger, 1899), Kostan- (1985) in the southern part of the PB, which takes into
jek/Podsused (Vrsaljko, 1999), Beočin (Stevanović and consideration some basic differences in the depositional
Papp, 1985; ter Borgh et al., 2013) and drilling cores from environment. Data on the numerical ages of these zones,
Hungary, e.g. Lajoskomárom-1 (Jámbor et al., 1985). however, are not available in the literature.
In the early Pannonian offshore sediments of the TB, Organic-walled microplankton assemblages, in particu-
two clearly different mollusc assemblages occur. The lar dinocysts, are extensively used for the biostratigraph-
older one is the L. praeponticum assemblage, which ic subdivision of late Miocene sediments in the PBS.
contains small-sized pioneer mollusc species, such as L. Dinocysts are the hypnozygotic resting cysts of the di-
praeponticum, Gyraulus vrapceanus, G. tenuistriatus, Gy- noflagellates representing a eukaryotic plankton group
raulus praeponticus, O. levis and Orygoceras fuchsi brusi- (Fensome et al., 1996). The majority of the late Miocene
nai. A similar association is present in the entire PBS, dinocysts from the PBS are endemic taxa that originate
probably representing a short time interval and a rela- from marine dinocysts (e.g. Soliman and Riding, 2017).
tively deep- (sublittoral or profundal) and brackish-water The brackish-water conditions of Lake Pannon initiated

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

Figure 12: State-of-the-art stratigraphic chart of Lake Pannon deposits, with magneto-, mammal, organic-walled microplankton, mollusc, ostracod and
calcareous nannoplankton stratigraphy. Some organic-walled microplankton zone names are changed based on the revision of Soliman and Riding
(2017). Biozone boundaries indicated by dashed lines are uncertain. Highlighted zones are recognised in the fossil assemblages of the Gușterița clay pit
(modified after Magyar and Geary, 2012).

a remarkable radiation among organic-walled dinofla- The S. oblongus zone is correlated to the upper part of
gellates after the connection to the Eastern Paratethys C5r polarity zone and the lower part of C5n polarity zone
and the Mediterranean region ceased around 11.6 Ma indicating an age of ca. 11.3–10.8 Ma for the entire bio-
ago. Most of the newly emerged Pannonian taxa are ex- zone from the Hungarian part of the PBS (Magyar et al.,
clusively known from the Central Paratethyan areas, the 1999b; Magyar and Geary, 2012). The overlying P. pecs-
late Miocene sedimentary successions of the PBS and varadense zone is magnetostratigraphically correlated
the Pliocene of the Dacian Basin in Romania, but some to C5n chron (Magyar et al., 1999b). This zone is usually
of them (e.g. Spiniferites cruciformis) are closely related thin, representing a relatively short time interval in the
to dinocysts occurring in the Pliocene–Pleistocene of Hungarian and Croatian parts of the PBS; therefore, it was
the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (e.g. Richards et al., tentatively dated between 10.8 and 10.6 Ma (Magyar and
2018). The rapid morphological changes formed the ba- Geary, 2012). The base of the S. hennersdorfensis zone
sis of several regional biozonation schemes developed (former S. paradoxus zone) cannot be younger than the
for the Hungarian and Croatian parts of the PBS (e.g. Pannonian sequence of the name-giving Hennersdorf
Sütő-Szentai, 1988, 2000; Bakrač et al., 2012). The biozo- outcrop. The age of the latter was estimated by Harzhaus-
nation is primarily based on the different morphological er et al. (2004) as 10.3–10.4 Ma based on the vertebrate
variants of the Spiniferites Mantell, 1850 complex. The fauna of Hennersdorf, Vösendorf and Inzersdorf (Dax-
endemic nature of these dinocyst assemblages prohib- ner-Höck in Harzhauser et al., 2004) and cyclostratigraph-
its correlation to the Miocene–Pliocene dinocyst zones ic considerations (Harzhauser et al., 2008). Data on the
of the Mediterranean region or beyond (Magyar and numerical ages of endemic nannoplankton biozones
Geary, 2012). Similarly, the taxonomy of Lake Pannon have not been published yet.
dinocysts is not without its problems due to the varied
morphology of the cysts and is currently under revision 5.3 Dating and integrated stratigraphy
(e.g. Soliman and Riding, 2017; Mudie et al., 2018). Here, In the TB, the age of both the oldest and the young-
the nomenclature of Sütő-Szentai (1988, 2000) updated est Pannonian sediments is debated. Based on magne-
with the most recent taxonomical developments from tostratigraphic correlations, Vasiliev et al. (2010) dated
Soliman and Riding (2017) is applied. In particular, the the Sarmatian–Pannonian boundary at 11.3 Ma, and de
term Spiniferites paradoxus zone of Sütő-Szentai (1988, Leeuw et al. (2013) suggested an age of 8.4 Ma for the
2000) is eliminated and changed to S. hennersdorfen- youngest erosional top of the Pannonian.
sis zone since S. paradoxus was renamed (Soliman and In the central part of the TB, however, where the Sarma-
Riding, 2017). tian–Pannonian boundary is characterised by continuous

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sedimentation in deep water (Sztanó et al., 2005; Sütő All magnetostratigraphic samples from the Guşteriţa
and Szegő, 2008; Filipescu et al., 2011), the 11.62 and 4 section show normal polarity, i.e. positive inclination
11.65 Ma 40Ar/39Ar age data gained from an andesitic tuff values and declination values more than 270°. This signal
from the uppermost part of the more than 1-km-thick may be the primary palaeomagnetic component accord-
Sarmatian at ODM (Vasiliev et al., 2010) is a very solid ar- ing to the inclination values. Based on the biostratigraph-
gument in favour of a ca. 11.6-Ma-old boundary (similar ic data mentioned earlier, the section can be correlated
to other parts of the PBS established by e.g. Paulissen with the C5n.2n normal polarity magnetic chron (11.056–
et al., 2011 and ter Borgh et al., 2013). The 8.4 Ma age is 9.984 Ma; ATNTS2012 – Hilgen et al., 2012) (Fig. 13).
based on the combination of palaeomagnetic measure- The authigenic 10Be/9Be dating of the GUS1-3, G01, G20
ments from Viforoasa and Șoimușu Mic and seismic stra- and G25 samples gave a weighted mean age of 10.42 ±
tigraphy (de Leeuw et al., 2013), but for the time being, 0.39 Ma (N0-ODM), indicating that the outcrop is younger
no fossil remains younger than 9.0 Ma and no deep-water than 11 Ma. The considerable scatter (0.61 Ma) of the
fauna younger than 9.6 Ma are known from the TB to con- ages did not enable to identify a trend of increasing age
firm this hypothesis. with depth. This is indicative of sedimentation rates at
Although we are aware that the chronostratigraphic which the age difference between the bottom and top of
value of Lake Pannon biozones requires further testing the studied succession remains within the uncertainties
and confirmation in the future, here we use them as bio- of the authigenic 10Be/9Be method.
chronozones with supposedly synchronous boundaries Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios of the three samples from
across the entire PBS. The mollusc record of the Gușterița Gușterița 4 (G06 to G14) differ from the remaining sam-
outcrop indicates the C. banatica zone (11.4–9.6 Ma, ac- ples (Fig. 11). This discrepancy might be explained by a
cording to Magyar and Geary, 2012). The presence of the change in the initial isotopic ratio within the depositional
S. hennersdorfensis zone in the uppermost layers of the environment or by a post-depositional transport of beryl-
Gușterița outcrop indicates that the top of the Gușterița lium isotopes. The basin floor environment with turbidite
sequence cannot be younger than 10.5 Ma, because the flows is prone to mixing of various sources of sediment,
long-known and well-studied Pannonian sublittoral clays depending on the depositional system proximity and
representing the S. hennersdorfensis zone at Vienna (So- river drainage basin pattern. The continuous growth of
liman and Riding, 2017) have recently been dated be- the authigenic rims around the clay particles causes that
tween 10.5 and 10.3 Ma (Harzhauser et al., 2004, 2008). the duration of a particle transport (sediment-source

Figure 13: Magnetostratigraphic summary chart of the Guşteriţa 4 section (uppermost 25 m of the quarry). Declination, inclination, and average inten-
sity per sample values, with polarity pattern, sedimentary log, and Central Paratethyan stratigraphic chart. All the samples showed normal polarity, i.e.
positive inclination values and declination values above 270°. The section can be placed into the C5n.2n long normal polarity magnetic chron, and based
on biostratigraphic considerations, its age is ~11.0–10.5 Ma (ChRM: Characteristic remanent magnetization, TH: Thermal demagnetization results, and
AF: Alternating field demagnetization results).

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Integrated stratigraphy of the Guşteriţa clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)

proximity) also affects the resulting isotopic ratio (Wit- Based on this age model and supposing that the
tmann et al., 2017). The gained results indicate that a ~0.11 m/kyr average sedimentation rate was more or less
change in beryllium isotopic input might appear within constant during deposition of the sequence, we have the
the studied sedimentary section. opportunity to estimate, for the first time, the age of the
A backward calculation of the initial ratio of the samples boundaries between the S. oblongus and P. pecsvaradense
G06 to G14 assuming their age to be in agreement with dinoflagellate zones, the H. tenuistriata and P. candeo os-
the weighted mean of the rest of the samples of the same tracod zones (both ~10.75 Ma) and the P. pecsvaradense
set (10.42 ± 0.39 Ma) yielded initial ratios between (14.6 and S. hennersdorfensis dinoflagellate zones (~10.65 Ma).
± 0.80) × 10-9 and (10.05 ± 0.53) × 10-9, with a mean value
of (12.39 ± 2.07) × 10-9, what differs from both applied 6. Conclusions
initial ratios by a factor of ~2. Although the fossils and the The 55-m-thick, highly fossiliferous sedimentary se-
sedimentary facies do not indicate any major change, a quence exposed in the clay pit of Gușterița (Sibiu, Ro-
study of sediment provenance may prove the hypothesis mania) was deposited in the deep-water zone of Lake
of change in sediment source as the cause of observed Pannon during the late Miocene. It can be considered as
discrepancy in 10Be/9Be concentrations. a reference section for the “C. banatica beds”, widely dis-
Another possible explanation for the change in the ini- tributed in the TB as well as in the neighbouring PB.
tial ratio in a water column during sedimentation could The upper 25 m of the profile displays normal magnetic
be an overall rise of the water level of Lake Pannon, which polarity. As the authigenic 10Be/9Be dating of six samples
attained its largest extent at ~10 Ma (Magyar et al., 1999a). gave a weighted mean age of 10.42 ± 0.39 Ma (initial ratio
This transgression was probably related to flooding and based on independent 40Ar/39Ar dating of an analogous
retrogradation of a depositional system, causing increase profile at ODM), the outcropping sequence can be cor-
in distality of the sediment source and decrease in the 9Be related most probably with the C5n.2n normal polarity
input. A significant change in precipitation, which would chron (~11.1–10.0 Ma). While the entire sequence rep-
affect the delivery of 10Be, is not expected in the studied resents the C. banatica profundal mollusc biozone, the
time period. upper 25 m belongs to three dinoflagellate zones, two
The calculated mean initial ratio of samples G06 to G14 ostracod zones and one regional calcareous nannoplank-
provides an important insight into the variability of the ton zone. Because the S. hennersdorfensis dinoflagellate
initial isotopic ratios within the depositional environment zone, dated elsewhere as 10.5–10.3 Ma, occurs only in the
of sediment gravity flows on a basin floor. Nevertheless, topmost layers of the outcrop, the age of the Gușterița
the changes observed in the studied depositional re- sequence can be constrained between 11.0 and 10.5 Ma;
cord could be considered as not significant in the light the section thus represents a time interval of maximum
of the high variability of 10Be/9Be ratios in recent conti- 500 kys. Supposing that the (at least) ~0.11 m/kyr aver-
nental environments reaching the value of 3.5 × 10-8 to age sedimentation rate was more or less constant during
1.55 × 10-10 (e.g. Brown et al., 1992; Graham et al., 2001; deposition of the sequence, the age of the boundaries
Wittmann et al., 2012; von Blanckenburg et al., 2012). The between the H. tenuistriata and P. candeo ostracod zones,
Be/9Be record of the Gușterița section implies that ana- the S. oblongus and P. pecsvaradense dinoflagellate zones
lysing of higher number of samples might be useful to ef- (both ~10.75 Ma) and the P. pecsvaradense and S. henners-
fectively determine fluctuations of isotopic ratios, which dorfensis dinoflagellate zones (~10.65 Ma) can be sub-
should be expected in comparable depositional settings. stantiated for the first time. These new data are valuable
The approach of independent calculation of the initial contributions to the high-resolution biochronostratigra-
isotopic ratio could substitute its determination from the phy of the PBS.
recent samples, which would be problematic in sedimen-
tary successions similar to those of Lake Pannon in the Acknowledgements
TB. The circumstances that call for using the above-men- Lilla Tőkés, Orsolya Sztanó, Soma Budai, Nikolett Csorvási,
tioned approach are as follows: (1) there is no recent Ildikó Dávid and Zsuzsa Fülöp (Eötvös Loránd University,
equivalent of turbiditic depositional environment and (2) Budapest, Hungary) are thanked for field assistance. Ferenc
major changes appeared in the petrology of the drainage Wanek (Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania,
basins since the late Miocene, mostly because of the lat- Cluj-Napoca, Romania) supported our work with his wide
est Miocene to Quaternary volcanism (Fielitz and Seghe- knowledge of field geology and by offering some hardly
di, 2005) in the catchment areas of the incoming rivers. obtainable pieces of Romanian literature. Collection of old
Although ages calculated using the R0-lacus determined literature could not have happened without our librarians,
by Šujan et al. (2016) in Holocene lakes in the western PB Monica Baciu (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Roma-
provided statistically similar results, the ages calculated nia) and Tímea Szlepák (Mining and Geological Survey of
by the local, 40Ar/39Ar-based initial ratio (R0-ODM) are sug- Hungary, Budapest, Hungary). Assistance in the collections
gested to be the best estimate authigenic 10Be/9Be age of of the Paleontology-Stratigraphy Museum, Babeș-Bolyai
the studied sediments. University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Brukenthal Muse-
The 55-m-high Gușterița section thus represents a time um, Sibiu, Romania, was provided by Liana Săsăran and
interval of 500 kys at most (between 11.0 and 10.5 Ma). Nicolae Trif. We would like to thank the help of Krisztina

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BOTKA et al.

Buczkó (Botanical Department of the Natural History Mu- Földtani Közlöny, 146/3, 257–274. (in Hungarian, with
seum, Budapest, Hungary) in making the SEM images. English abstract)
Special thanks to Oleksandr Kovalchuk (National Acad- Berkovitz, B., Shellis, P., 2017. Chapter 4 – Bony fishes. In:
emy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine) and Mariann Berkovitz, B., Shellis, P. (eds), The teeth of Non-Mammali-
Bosnakoff (Hvolsvöllur, Iceland) for the advices regarding an Vertebrates. Academic Press, Cambridge, pp. 43–111.
the fish fauna. We are grateful to Wout Krijgsman (Paleo- Bielz, A., 1894. Pontische Ablagerungen in Sieben-
magnetic Laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University, bürgen. Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Sie-
Utrecht, the Netherlands), who kindly provided the equip- benbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu
ment and staff of his laboratory, and to Dan Palcu for his Hermannstadt, 43, 94–96.
great help in the laboratory, warm welcome and guidance Blanckenburg, F. von, Bouchez, J., Wittmann, H., 2012.
during Dániel Botka’s stay in Utrecht. Adrian Barbus, plant Earth surface erosion and weathering from the 10Be
manager of the Wienerberger clay pit of Gușterița, Sibiu, (meteoric)/9Be ratio. Earth and Planetary Science Let-
Romania, is acknowledged for the permission of sampling ters, 351–352, 295–305.
and collecting in the mining area. Special thanks to Wout epsl.2012.07.022
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manuscript. Georges Aumaître, Didier L. Bourlès and Karim Bosnakoff, M., 2008. Late Miocene (Pannonian) sciaenid
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BOTKA et al.

Received: 11 09 2019
Accepted: 10 12 2019

Dániel BOTKA1)*), Imre MAGYAR2,3), Vivien CSOMA1), Emőke

Andrej CHYBA6), Régis BRAUCHER7), Karin SANT8), Stjepan
ĆORIĆ9), Viktória BARANYI10), Koraljka BAKRAČ10), Krešimir
KRIZMANIĆ11), István Róbert BARTHA12), Márton SZABÓ13),
& Lóránd SILYE14)
Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány
Péter sétány 1/C, 1117 Budapest, Hungary;
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc., Október huszonharmadika utca 18,
1117 Budapest, Hungary;
MTA-MTM-ELTE Research Group for Paleontology, Ludovika tér 2, 1083
Budapest, Hungary;
Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Comenius University,
Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia;
Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Research
Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budaörsi út 45, 1112 Budapest,
Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9,
845 38 Bratislava, Slovakia;
CNRS-IRD-Collège de France-INRA, CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Univ., 13545
Aix-en-Provence, France;
Paleomagnetic Laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University, Buda-
pestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands;
Department of Sedimentary Geology, Geological Survey of Austria,
Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Vienna, Austria;
Department of Geology, Croatian Geological Survey, Sachsova 2,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
INA Industrija nafte, d.d., Exploration and Production, Rock and Fluid
Analysis, Lovinčićeva bb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
Department of Geology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter
sétány 1/C, 1117 Budapest, Hungary;
Department of Palaeontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural
History Museum, Ludovika tér 2, 1083 Budapest, Hungary;
Department of Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University, Strada Mihail Kogăl-
niceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
Corresponding author: [email protected]

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