Nador Et Al 2011
Nador Et Al 2011
Nador Et Al 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Four drill cores and a clay pit section have been examined in the southern part of the Körös plain to
Received 22 February 2010 understand the history and controls on alluvial sedimentation for the last ~ 40 ka. Four facies groups were
Received in revised form 13 September 2010 identified, such as channel, channel margin, floodplain and floodbasin with seven distinctive facies. Magnetic
Accepted 19 September 2010
susceptibility and mineralogy have further characterized the sedimentary facies indicating shifts in humidity
Available online 25 September 2010
conditions, variations in sediment flux and pedogenesis. Detailed pollen analysis of a 7.5 m thick clayey
succession indicated climatic variability within the MIS 3 period. The spatial distribution of the different facies
Alluvial facies allowed outlining alluvial architecture of the study area. Three depositional units composed of various facies
Depositional history were identified based on OSL and radiocarbon data. These packages correspond to three major phases of
Magnetic mineralogy channel activity: (F-I) pre-LGM period (N 30 ka to 24 ka), (F-II) post-LGM interstadial (18–16 ka), and (F-III)
Neotectonics Late Glacial b15 ka to ~ 10 ka). The pre-LGM and post-LGM “interstadial” phases are characterized by
Pannonian basin meandering river patterns, while the Late Glacial fluvial activity is characterized by a braided system in the
area. Higher sediment supply feeding this braided river was probably caused by neotectonic uplift of the
southern margin of the basin, documented by a significant stratigraphic gap between 25 and 14 ka.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Last Glacial Maximum. This paper complements the previous research in
three major aspects. Firstly, the study area has been extended further to
The Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) in the central part of the Pannonian the south, involving remote-sensing based geomorphological mapping
basin within the Alp–Carpathian chain occupies an area of about and logging of a clay pit section thus providing new data on flood-
100 000 km2, and forms one of the largest alluvial plains in Europe. Late plain and floodbasin stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental changes.
Neogene subsidence of several sub-basins coupled with uplift of Secondly, detailed pollen records along with new radiocarbon and OSL
marginal areas in the Pannonian region (basin inversion cf. Horváth data from the clay pit supplement our interpretations. Thirdly, a detailed
and Cloetingh, 1996) facilitated the accumulation of fluvial sequences in analysis of sedimentary facies as well as their temporal and spatial links
considerable thicknesses in many parts of the Great Hungarian Plain has been integrated with magnetic characterization of sediments
(Fig. 1). The area is a key locality in understanding fluvial processes in a demonstrating their utility as palaeoenvironmental indicators. Such an
continental intramontane setting in response to climatic and tectonic integrated approach has provided a robust reconstruction of fluvial
forcing. The Late Pleistocene drainage pattern development of the GHP history, facies development and palaeoenvironment in the Körös plain
and its allogenic controls have been reviewed and discussed recently by back to ~ 40 ka.
several authors (Gábris, 1998; Gábris and Nagy, 2005; Timár et al., 2005;
Gábris and Nádor, 2007; Nádor et al., 2007; Nagy et al., 2007). 2. Regional geology and geomorphology
Recent work on the Körös alluvial plain, eastern part of the GHP
(Nádor et al., 2007) outlined fluvial landscape development using Back-arc style extension of the Pannonian basin system initiated in
airphoto-based geomorphological mapping and drill core interpretation the Early to Middle Miocene times, coeval with the thrusting of the
focusing on reconstruction of drainage pattern development since the Carpathian belt (Royden and Horváth, 1988). Between Late Miocene
and Pliocene, a gradually diminishing brackish to freshwater lake
(Lake Pannon) occupied the depression. The uplift and erosion of the
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +36 1 267 1428; fax: +36 1 251 0703. surrounding Alpine–Carpathian mountain belt supplied a significant
E-mail address: (A. Nádor). amount of sediments through large fluvio-deltaic systems into the
0031-0182/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
Fig. 1. Index map shows the major geotectonic setting of the Pannonian basin within the Carpathian arc (after Bada and Horváth, 2001). Neotectonic basin inversion led to the
formation of several actively subsiding basins and uplift of the basin margin areas. GHP: Great Hungarian Plain, DaB: Danube Basin, SB: Sava basin, DB: Drava basin. The location map
shows major alluvial fans and subsiding sub-basins of the Great Hungarian Plain; the box marks the study area shown in detail in Fig. 2.
Lake Pannon (Bérczi and Phillips, 1985; Bérczi et al., 1988; Juhász, grained sediments transported by the palaeo-Danube from the
1991, 1994) which got filled up by the Pliocene (Magyar et al., 1999). northwest, and by fine-grained sediments transported by the
The syn- and post-rift subsidence of the Pannonian basin has been palaeo-Tisza from the northeast, depositing a 700–800 m thick
interrupted by several compressional events. A late-stage compres- sedimentary succession (Franyó, 1992). Two other depressions
sional basin inversion started ca. 9.5 Ma ago (Bada et al., 2006; Sztanó (Körös and Jászság basins) were smaller with a maximum subsidence
et al., 2007) and resulted in the gradual uplift of the hilly areas in the of 500 metres during the Pleistocene. They were both filled with fine-
western part of the Pannonian basin (Transdanubia) and at the basin grained sandy–silty sediments brought by the ancestral Körös Rivers
margins, while former basins (Great Hungarian Plain, Danube basin, and by the smaller rivers and creeks draining from the North
Drava- and Sava basins) continued to subside at various rates (Fig. 1). Midmountains, respectively. A major re-arrangement of the rivers
The subsiding basins were filled up by fluvial sediments, which were governed by local subsidence along the margins of the Great
carried by the rivers draining from the uplifted areas. Hungarian Plain led to the development of the present-day drainage
Differential subsidence of the Great Hungarian Plain, both spatially system (Gábris and Nádor, 2007).
and temporally, had a major control on drainage development, and The study area on the southeastern part of the Great Hungarian
consequently, on basin-scale facies distribution. There were three Plain covers the southern part of the Körös basin and the adjoining
main subsiding areas during the Pleistocene (Fig. 1) which promoted northern foreland of a large alluvial fan (Fig. 1), built up by the
the progradation of alluvial fans from the slightly elevated basin ancestral Maros River, a major eastern tributary of the axial Tisza
margins. The largest and deepest was the Makó trough, which served during the Pleistocene.
as the main depocentre of the entire GHP during the Early and Middle Earlier work on the central and northern part of the Körös basin
Pleistocene. This depression was mainly filled up by the coarse- area involving detailed palaeo-drainage network analysis, subsurface
A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14 3
stratigraphy through shallow cores, OSL dating and heavy mineral scale, LANDSAT TM images and various filtering of the Shuttle Radar
analysis for reconstruction of ancient transport directions showed Topography Mission (SRTM) dataset (Rabus et al., 2003) which has a
that landscape development of the area was controlled by two vertical resolution of 1 m thus providing a detailed picture of the
distinctive river systems during the Late Pleistocene (Fig. 2) (Nádor et topography of a nearly flat alluvial plain, such as the Körös plain. The
al., 2007; Thamó-Bozsó et al., 2007a). The northern part of the Körös geomorphic and topographic features derived from these complex
plain showed remnants of kilometer-size meander belts with fining image processing were supplemented by lithological information from
upward point bar sequences. These were interpreted as remnants of 1:100 000 scale geological maps of the Geological Institute of Hungary.
the palaeo-Tisza River which flowed through this region until 14 ka Late Quaternary stratigraphy in the southern part of the Körös
ago, controlled by active subsidence along a northeast–southwest plain has been extended to ~ 40 ka through the analysis of a clay pit
trending sinistral strike-slip zone. The southern part of the Körös plain section at Wienerberger (W, see Fig. 2 for location). The section was
shows remnants of braided channels and bars. Although this area is excavated and logged in the field. Further, ten drill cores from the
adjacent to the Maros alluvial fan to the south, heavy mineral adjoining area in the Körös plain were available at the Geological
composition of the cross-stratified, fine- to medium grained sand Institute of Hungary, some field description and age data for which
sheets in the shallow subsurface indicated that material was have been published earlier (Nádor et al., 2007). We have selected
transported from the east and southeast from the Apuseni Mountains four of these cores from Gyomaendrőd (Gye-2 and Gye-4), Hunya
catchment area by the ancestor of the Fekete- and Fehér Körös Rivers (Hu-1) and Kétsoprony (Ks-1) (see Fig. 2 for location) for a detailed
(Nádor et al., 2007; Thamó-Bozsó et al., 2007a). facies description and study of magnetic characteristics in order to
evolve the regional alluvial stratigraphy in the study area. Facies
3. Materials and methods classification and characterization followed the scheme of Miall
A geomorphological map (Fig. 2) of the studied area showing Luminescence data were obtained at Geological Institute of Hungary
important alluvial geomorphological features was compiled on the basis using a RISØ TL/OSL automatic reader with a calibrated 90Sr/90Y beta
of integrated interpretation from airborne photographs at 1:60 000 source. Sample collection and preparation procedure is described in
Fig. 2. Major geomorphic units in the southern part of the Körös basin based on mapping of alluvial features from satellite images, airborne photos and a detailed analysis of SRTM
data. This figure shows the palaeochannel belts SE of the present-day Kettős Körös River and the transect from where the cores and clay pit section have been studied.
4 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
detail elsewhere (Thamó-Bozsó et al., 2007a, b). The SAR (Single-Aliquot geomorphic units are recognized: (1) channel belt (Ch), (2) proximal
Regenerative dose) protocol (Murray and Wintle, 2000, 2003) was used floodplain (FP) and (3) distal floodplain or flood basin (FB). The main
for equivalent dose determination. Dose rates were calculated based on channel belt in the central part of the study area primarily comprises
the results of high-resolution gamma spectrometry measurements of the remnants of an extended braided river system entering the
the surrounding sediments, performed in the laboratory of the Eötvös southern part of the Körös plain from the southeast. The main channel
Loránd Geophysical Institute, Hungary. zone is diverging into several branches, its northernmost part has
Shell and soil samples from one representative section at been already mapped and interpreted as remnants of the braided
Wienerberger were collected for AMS radiocarbon dating done at ancestral Fekete and Feher-Körös Rivers by Nádor et al. (2007). The
the Center for Applied Isotope Studies at University of Georgia braided channel belt merges with a belt of small to medium sized
following standard procedure (Vogel et al., 1984). The quoted (~2 km in wavelength) meander belt towards the NW part of the
uncalibrated dates have been given in radiocarbon years before study area. These paleo-meanders have been interpreted as the
1950 (years BP). Data has been corrected for isotope fractionation. Use remnants of the paleo-Tisza flowing from NE the abandonment of
of the corrected data assumes the material originally had a δ13C which was nearly coeval with the appearance of the braided channel
composition of −25‰. belt (Nádor et al., 2007). This explains the gradual transition of the
For magnetic mineralogy, representative samples from each facies morphology of the paleochannels from braided to meandering within
in cores and exposed sections were measured for magnetic suscep- the channel belt in a SE to NW direction. Two cores (Hu-1 and Ks-1)
tibility using a Bartington MS2B sensor at IIT Kanpur for low frequency are located in this geomorphic unit and, as will be shown later, the
(0.465 KHz) and high frequency (4.65 KHz) applied fields. The key lithostratigraphy of these cores conforms to their geomorphic setting.
parameters derived from this analysis are low frequency susceptibility Apart from this central channel belt, a smaller channel belt is also
(χlf), which indicates the bulk magnetic mineral content of the mapped at the SW corner of the study window. Although a large
sample, and the frequency-dependent susceptibility (χfd), for which channel network is mapped in this part, a meaningful interpretation
high values (in percent) reflect the proportion of very fine of this belt would require the mapping of a larger area further to the
ferromagnetic grains (Collinson, 1987). Further, a Vibrating Sample south. The central channel belt is flanked by elongated floodplains
Magnetometer (VSM) at IIT Kanpur was used to run two experiments: (FP) on both sides where remnants of older fluvial activity could be
(1) hysterisis loop generation and (2) Isothermal Remanent Magne- also observed on airborne photographs as disconnected drainage lines
tization (IRM) measurements. Small cylindrical pellets of 0.5 g were and menders. These features do not connect to generate a coherent
subjected to magnetic fields from −1 T to + 1 T with variable step size drainage pattern but they do suggest an active fluvial regime in the
to generate the hysteresis loop. Some key parameters such as past. The modern rivers, Kettős-Körös and Sebes-Körös drain the
Saturation magnetization (Ms), Saturation remanence (Mrs) and northern part of this unit and the combined flow of these two forms
coercive force (Bc) were extracted directly from the hysteresis loop. the Körös river which flows further west. Several of the meander scars
IRM is the remanence acquired by the sample when exposed to an are related to the modern channels of the Körös system but the
external magnetic field at room temperature. The IRM curve was frequent scars within the interfluve region of the Sebes-Körös and
generated by combining the positive IRM (0 to 1 T, forward direction) Kettős-Körös must belong to an older network. The same is true for
and negative IRM (0 to −1 T, backfield direction) measurements. Two the area south of Gyomaendrőd from where two cores (Gye-2 and
important parameters, Bocr and SIRM were derived from the IRM plot. Gye-4) have been used for this study. The floodplain unit on the
Pollen data has been generated for the clay pit section at southern side of the channel belt has much lesser frequency of
Wienerberger while attempts to recover any pollen from the cores paleochannel traces and, contrary to the northern part, most of them
failed. The 7.5 m thick clayey section was sampled at a 10 cm interval, occur as isolated drainage lines rather than meander scars. A third
and 5 cm3 of material was used from each sample for pollen analysis. geomorphic unit mapped in the study area is the distal floodplain or
Laboratory preparation for pollen analysis followed the acetolysis flood basin (FP) located at the northernmost and SE ends of the study
method normally used for peat samples (Berglund and Ralska- window. Topographic data confirm that these are low-lying areas
Jasiewiczowa, 1986). Pollen concentration of the samples was where the infrequent meander scars and isolated drainage lines are
calculated using Lycopodium tablets (Stockmarr, 1971). The pollen marked. The southern part of this unit has a few clay pits and one of
grains were identified by using the keys of Faegri and Iversen (1989), these clay pits at Wienerberger was used for this study. In the
Moore et al. (1991) and the pollen atlas of Reille (1992, 1995), as well northern part, a part of the modern channel of the Körös drains
as special descriptions of Komárek and Jankovská (2001). Calculation through this unit and an earlier work by Nádor et al. (2007)
of pollen percentages, plotting pollen diagrams and the multivariate recognized an extensive flood basin in this part extending further
analyses (principal component analysis, rarefaction analysis, age– north of the study window.
depths calibration) were performed using POLPAL software (Walanus
and Nalepka, 1999; Nalepka and Walanus, 2003). 5. Facies characterization
The Great Hungarian Plain is monotonously flat; the highest point Seven facies were identified in the cores and clay pit sections
is 186 m asl in the northern part, while the lowest point is 68 m asl at (Table 1). Channel facies (C), divisible into C1 and C2, are composed of
the base level of the modern Tisza River in the southernmost part of discrete fine to medium grained sand bodies up to 2 m thick, and are
the plain (Fig. 1). Thus, the total elevation difference is about 100 m interpreted to represent former channel deposits. Channel-margin
within an extent of about 200 km. The Körös plain is one of the lowest facies (CM) consists of sandy silt to silty sand with abundant, shell
parts of the GHP with an average elevation of 84–85 m asl. The surface fragments in sandy layers and fine laminations in silty parts. Two
elevation gradually increases towards the Maros alluvial fan to the groups of fine-grained facies have been termed as floodplain facies
south, where the surface is about 10 m higher covered by eolian (FP) and floodbasin facies (FB). The floodplain facies is subdivided
reworked sands and silts, compared to the lower lying surrounding into FP1 and FP2 based on grain size, organic matter and shell
alluvial plains of the Körös- and Tisza Rivers, where surface sediments fragments. Similarly, the floodbasin facies FB1 and FB2 are distin-
are mostly fine-grained fluvial deposits. guished on the basis of sedimentological characteristics and organic
The composite geomorphic map of the study area based on air content. Facies nomenclature and major characteristics of each facies
photographs and SRTM DEM is shown in Fig. 2. Three distinct are described in Table 1.
A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14 5
Table 1
Facies description of drill cores and clay pit section, Körös plain.
C1 Fine to medium sand Light brown, loose, up to 2 m thick with abundant muscovite Channel deposits of moderate size rivers
mica grains, mottling rare Gye-2 (unit I), Gye-4 (unit II), Ks-1 (unit II)
C2 Fine sand Light brown, loose, up to 2 m thick, laminated with faint Channel deposits of moderate to small size rivers; may either
grey mottles represent the reduction in flow during the same fluvial phase
(Gye-2: unit I, Gye-4: unit II, Ks-1: units II, III), or a distinct
fluvial phase (Hu-1: unit III, W: unit III)
CM Sandy silt to silty sand Light to dark brown, up to ~ 1 m thick with frequent Channel-margin facies associated with moderate or small
occurrences of yellow to brown coloured mottles, carbonate channels; episodic flows from the adjoining channels, frequent
nodules present and mica grains abundant, shell fragments exposure and occasional ponding
common in sandy layer and fine laminations in silty part Gye-2 (unit II), Gye-4 (unit II), Hu-1(unit III), Ks-1 (unit II)
FP1 Silty clay to clay Light grey to grey, only as thin layers of 10–20 cm thickness, Floodplain deposits of occasional floods
light to dark brown mottles, no carbonate, patches of organic W (unit I)
accumulation, occasional fine laminations
FP2 Silty clay Light to dark brown, up to ~ 1.5 m thick, commonly overlying Distal floodplain deposits accumulating in reducing
the channel or channel-margin facies, faint mottles with environment (ponding); significant exposure and pedogenesis
carbonate-coated roots (b1 mm thick and ~ 0.5 cm long), Gye-2 (units I, II), Gye-4 (unit II), Hu-1 (unit II), Ks-1 (unit I),
broken shell fragment abundant, prominent patches of very W (unit I)
dark colour organic matter accumulations
FB1 Silty clay Light to dark brown with brown mottles and shell fragments Floodbasin deposits forming in distal floodplains in oxidizing
(bivalves and planispiral mollusks), up to ~ 2 m thick, well environment; mark a sharp change in facies as commonly
laminated, frequent carbonate nodules and organic matter overlain by channel deposits; repeated ponding and exposure
accumulations, clay translocation features common; Gye-2 (unit II), Gye-4 (unit I), Hu-1 (unit I), W (unit II)
commonly occurring below the channel deposits
FB2 Silty clay Light to dark grey thickness may exceed several meters, Floodbasin deposits in highly reducing environment (prolonged
dark brown mottles, variable concentration of organic matter, ponding)
highly fossiliferous (shell fragments), laminations are absent, Gye-2 (unit II), Gye-4 (unit I), Hu-1 (unit I), W (unit I)
isolated carbonate nodules, smaller carbonate nodules are
also common at places
5.2. Magnetic characterization of facies magnitude of SIRM and χlf are independently sensitive to concentration,
whereas their ratios are sensitive to grain size. The S-ratios of channel
Magnetic characteristics of representative samples of different facies facies are high (N −0.7) and therefore indicate a coarse (multi-domain)
from cores as well as clay pit sections are summarized in Table 2. We use ferrimagnetites whereas those of FP and FB facies show intermediate
two bivariate plots to analyse the results, (a) Day et al. (1977) plot to values (−0.5 to −0.65) suggesting finer (single-domain) ferrimagnetites.
understand the magnetic grain size distribution, and (b) SIRM versus χlf
plot (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986) to assess the ferrimagnetic 6. Depositional units
concentration. The Day plot (Fig. 3a) clearly shows that a large number
of samples from different facies fall in coarser SD-PSD domain except for a Isochronous time-lines based on OSL and radiocarbon data bound
sizable number of sample from FB facies which fall in finer MD-SP three major depositional units in the drill core and clay pit sections
domain. The bivariate plot of SIRM versus χlf (Thompson and Oldfield, (Fig. 4). Each unit is composed of variable facies, depicting clearly the
1986) indicates high ferrimagnetic concentration in all the facies (Fig. 3b). depositional history of the alluvial plain to be discussed later.
While the individual facies are not easily distinguishable in this plot, some Table 3 lists the chronological data from four cores and a clay pit
samples from floodbasin (FB) and channel (C) facies show the highest section in the Körös basin. Most of the OSL data from the cores have
values of SIRM, and the floodplain (FP) facies show the lowest SIRM already been reported by Nádor et al. (2007). Three new C-14 AMS
values which is primarily a function of concentration and grain size of data from the Wienerberger clay pit are 30.74 ± 0.57 ka, 28.0 ± 0.4 ka
magnetic minerals, particularly ferrimagnets. The avarage bulk suscep- and 24.34 ± 0.25 ka and they are all beyond the calibration range of
tibility (χlf) of 11.80 × 10−8 m3/kg and 17.85 × 10−8 m3/kg for the radiocarbon data. We have also obtained a new OSL age from the top
channel facies are the highest, suggesting significant detrital flux of of the Wienerberger clay pit (14.1±1.5 ka). The age data from the
detrital ferrimagnetic minerals. Although the avarege χfd values for most cores primarily bracket the dated channel sand bodies in three time
facies are quite low (b5%), some samples of FB and FP facies show χfd periods: (1) 28–24 ka, (2) 18–16 ka and (3) 15–10 ka. The upper part
values in excess of 10% which are interpreted to have significant of the Wienerberger section fall in the age bracket of 15–10 ka but the
concentration of fine-grained superparamagnetic (SP) magnetite. The lower parts are older than 25 ka.
Table 2
Summary of magnetic parameters for different facies.
Facies Klf χlf χhf χfd% SIRM SIRM/χlf SIRM/Klf Mr/Ms Bocr Bc Bocr/Bc S-ratio
(10−5) (10−8 m3/kg) (10−8 m3/kg) (10−5Am2/kg) (kA/m) (mT) (mT)
C1 52.25 11.80 5.52 1.73 442.90 539.39 11.06 0.07 46.79 21.42 2.77 −0.71
C2 54.00 17.85 5.49 2.62 715.60 232.48 10.39 −0.21 44.20 17.81 3.21 −0.72
CM 28.50 7.09 3.25 1.68 429.45 139.64 13.39 −0.12 39.29 12.83 3.42 −0.72
FP1 14.75 1.52 1.45 4.35 68.67 45.98 4.76 0.01 62.50 4.72 13.51 −0.56
FP2 18.95 3.73 2.05 3.51 293.49 125.49 13.62 −0.11 46.44 12.54 4.48 −0.64
FB1 14.27 2.04 1.52 2.99 158.41 95.45 10.58 −0.37 38.07 6.67 6.42 −0.65
FB2 20.66 2.51 2.13 4.20 836.08 310.98 32.80 −0.01 45.60 14.03 4.72 −0.68
6 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
Fig. 3. Bivariate plots showing magnetic mineral assemblage for different facies. (a) Day plot illustrating magnetic grain size distribution of different facies. (b) SIRM vs. χlf plot based
on Thompson and Oldfield (1986). The magnitudes of SIRM and χlf are sensitive to concentration of ferromagnetic minerals while their ratio is sensitive to grain size.
Unit I (Fig. 4) represents the pre-LGM (N24 ka) fluvial activity. This is dark grey FB facies with dark brown mottles and isolated carbonate
recorded in Gye-2 core by a major sand body (C1 facies) of ~ 26 ka at the nodules with some organic matter and a few shell fragments overlain by
base fining upward to C2 facies and capped by FP2 facies. These are CM facies and then by floodplain (FP2) facies. The Hu-1 core represents
interpreted as point bar successions showing the lateral migration of solely a floodplain (FP2 facies) with ~1 m thick light brown mottled silty
meandering channels. The other cores record floodplain or floodbasin clay which contains large (~3 cm long) isolated rhizoconcretions, sparse
facies in this depositional unit. The thickest (~7 m) sequence of FP and shell fragments and frequent unweathered mica grains. Patches of iron
FB facies of this unit is exposed at Wienerberger. The lower parts of this accumulations are common and some of the root passages are also filled
section consists of dark grey, organic-rich clay to silty clay sediments with iron oxides suggesting chemical alteration and iron mobilization.
(FB2 facies, N4 m thick) and are also very rich in pollen. Thin layers of Variable degree of pedogenesis is interpreted in these muds as
light grey silty clay layers with brown mottles are recorded in this suggested by carbonate accumulations along the root passages. The
package suggesting partial exposure. The upper parts of this unit consist Ks-1 core also shows channel activity (CM, C1 and C2 facies)
of floodplain facies (dominantly FP2) which contain disseminated corresponding to ~15 ka in its upper part. A thin layer of sticky silty
calcrete nodules (coated with iron oxides) and pockets of planispiral clay (FB1 facies) with no laminations but with brown mottles and some
molluscs. The uppermost part of this unit has 80-cm thick brown clayey shell fragments characterize Unit II at Wienerberger.
silt layer (FB2 facies), and marks a sharp contrast with the underlying Unit III (post-15 ka) in Hu-1 and Ks-1 cores is represented by
greyish parts. It is highly fossiliferous with abundant molluscs dominantly sandy facies (C1 and C2 facies). In Hu-1 core, the sand
suggesting ponding in a floodbasin environment. body (C2 facies) N2.5 m thick is underlain by ~0.8 m thick channel-
Unit II (~24–15 ka) shows a significant lateral variability of various margin facies recording channel activity of ~ 13 ka. In Ks-1 core, C1
channel sand deposits. A major FUP cycle in Gye-4 core is consisting of and C2 facies alternate to make up a sand body N 2 m thick and suggest
C1 and C2 facies (a thin layer of CM facies in between) of ~18 ka repeated channel filling events between ~15 and 10 ka. This unit is
followed by FP2 facies with abundant shell fragments. The lower sandy represented by a 50-cm thick brown fine sand layer with grey patches
body (C1 facies) is N1.5 m thick and shows frequent root passages with in Wienerberger recording channel activity around 14 ka. Due to the
light grey clay translocation features, as well as carbonate nodules. The lack of age data, it's uncertain whether the upper parts of floodplain
upper fine sand body (C2 facies) is ~1 m thick with frequent carbonate facies of Gye-2 and Gye-4 cores correspond to this depositional unit,
nodules. The adjoining Gye-2 core shows a ~1 m thick dark brown to or they rather form part of Unit II.
A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14 7
Fig. 4. Lithostratigraphy of drill cores and clay pit sections along the studied transect in the Körös basin (see Table 1 for details of the facies scheme). The available OSL and
radiocarbon data are shown (see Table 3 for details). Based on the facies associations and FUP cycles, the cores and clay pit section have been subdivided into three major depositional
units. For discussion see the text.
7. Palaeoenvironmental interpretations Discussion section), which was lacking for this part of the Pannonian
basin. This analysis has been supplemented with magnetic charac-
For a detailed palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the alluvial terization of the different facies of core samples and the clay pit
succession of the Körös basin, we have used pollen analysis of the section. Subtle changes in magnetic susceptibility and magnetic
Wienerberger clay pit. This analysis has provided information on mineralogical characteristics have allowed us to infer paleoenviron-
subtle environmental changes of the pre-LGM period (see in the mental conditions and pedogenic intervals in the alluvial successions.
Table 3
Chronology of drill cores and clay pit section, Körös basin, Hungary.
Site Sample Sample descriptions Depth from surface Technique Dose rate Dose Age
(m) (Gy/ka) (Gy) (ka)
Gye-2 Gye-2.1 Core sample; fine to medium sand 5.60 OSL 0.81 ± 0.06 21.0 ± 1.0 25.9 ± 2.3
Gye-2.2 -do- 6.45 OSL 0.92 ± 0.06 24.2 ± 1.3 26.5 ± 2.4
Gye-4 Gye-4.1 Core sample; fine sand 2.60 OSL 1.80 ± 0.12 32.3 ± 1.7 17.9 ± 1.6
Gye-4.2 -do- 3.60 OSL 1.77 ± 0.12 31.7 ± 2.8 18.0 ± 2.1
Hu-1 Hu-1.1 -do- 1.50 OSL 1.68 ± 0.12 20.7 ± 1.3 12.4 ± 1.2
Hu-1.2 -do- 2.50 OSL 1.61 ± 0.11 21.4 ± 0.9 13.3 ± 1.1
Hu-1.3 Core sample, silty clay, organic-rich 6.50 C-14 NA NA 27.9 ± 0.3
Ks-1 Ks-1.1 Core sample; fine sand 1.50 OSL 1.48 ± 0.10 15.4 ± 1.3 10.4 ± 1.2
Ks-1.2 Core sample; fine to medium sand 2.50 OSL 1.38 ± 0.10 18.8 ± 0.7 13.7 ± 1.1
Ks-1.3 -do- 1.50 OSL 1.21 ± 0.08 18.6 ± 0.8 15.4 ± 1.3
Wienerberger W-1 Clay pit, fine sand layer 0.50 OSL 1.35 ± 0.09 19.0 ± 1.55 14.1 ± 1.5⁎
W-3A (02332) Clay pit, shell fragments 4.80 C-14 AMS NA NA 24.34 ± 0.25⁎
W-2 (02331) Clay pit, soil sample 2.50 C-14 AMS NA NA 28.00 ± 0.40⁎
W-1B (02330) -do- 4.8 C-14 AMS NA NA 30.74 ± 0.57⁎
⁎ This work; all other age data is from Nádor et al. (2007). All C-14 ages are in radiocarbon years before 1950 (years BP) and beyond calibration range.
8 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
Fig. 5. Pollen diagram for the Wienerberger section. Pollen concentration of certain taxa is shown as percentage of the total pollen content. Full dark areas refer to real calculated
pollen concentration, single lines refer to a 10× exaggeration to visualize low pollen concentrations. Based on the variations in the pollen assemblage, altogether 8 zones were
separated (for discussion see the text).
7.1. Pollen zones the presence of low coercivity soft magnetities. The Bcr/Bc ratio suggests
them to be coarse-grained PSD magnetite. The detrital flux of silicate
Eight pollen zones (called Local Pollen Assemblage Zones — LPAZ) minerals also increases in the uppermost Zone C. In Hu-1 core located in
have been identified in the Wienerberger section (Fig. 5) and their channel belt (Fig. 7), Zones B and D are quite distinctive showing high
characteristics are summarized in Table 4. Six pollen zones (LPAZ 1–6) χfd (N8%) and an increase in SIRM suggesting significant enhancement
are identified in depositional unit I (pre-LGM time) itself, where LPAZ in fine-grained magnetite. These are interpreted as pedogenic intervals.
1–4 zones record environmental changes within the lowermost The Wienerberger clay pit section represents a floodbasin setting and
floodbasin facies (FB2), LPAZ 5 represents a dominantly floodplain displays five distinct magnetic zones (Fig. 8). The Zone B dominated by
environment, and LPAZ 6 shows a transition from a floodplain to FB2 facies shows the highest, ferromagnetic concentration and fluctuat-
floodbasin. LPAZ 7 represents a transition between depositional units I ing S-ratio in this zone suggesting repeated oxidation of magnetite to
and II, and LPAZ 8 roughly corresponds to unit III mainly a channel high coercivity minerals apparently due to repeated ponding and
facies recording Late Glacial fluvial activity (Figs. 4, 8). The pollen drying events. Several prominent peaks of χfd% coupled with low
material of some layers between 440–420 cm and 120–110 cm was so coercivity suggest horizons of fine-grained magnetite in the section.
poor that it hindered interpretation in these depth intervals. It is In Zone C, a very distinctive peak of high Bcr and intermediate S-ratio
important to note that pollen assemblages in all zones contain a (~−0.6) suggests highly oxidizing (perhaps arid) conditions. The upper
mixture of arboreal (tree) and non-arboreal pollens (herbaceous parts of the section with C2 facies are mica-rich reflecting high energy
steppe plants), as well as reworked pollens representing the Tertiary conditions and more humid climate. Variations in magnetic parameters
origin e.g. Tsuga sp. in the studied core and clay pit sections showed that they record
subtle environmental changes especially within floodbasin and flood-
7.2. Magnetic zones plain facies, and thus provide a useful tool in palaeoenvironmental
We have used the magnetic susceptibility and mineralogical
characteristics of two representative cores (one each from channel 8. Discussion
belt and floodplain settings) and one clay pit section to understand
the sedimentary environment and post-depositional changes. In 8.1. Pre-LGM palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Gye-2 core located in floodplain setting, three distinct magnetic zones for the Körös plain
are recognized out of which the middle Zone B shows a higher
magnetization (Fig. 6) marked by high χfd and low χlf values; both SIRM Data presented from cores and a clay pit section from the Körös
and S-ratio are quite low. Coercivity (Bc) remains b10 mT throughout basin span from ~ 40 ka (base of the Wienerberger clay pit section) to
the core and coercivity of remanence (Bcr) is always b40 mT indicating 13–10 ka (last phase of fluvial activity, documented in Hu-1 and Ks-1
A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14 9
Table 4
Summary of the main components of the pollen zones (see Fig. 5).
cores), thus primarily covering Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3 and 2. America with a mixture of deciduous trees within a coniferous wood.
Numerous palaeoclimatic reconstructions for the Late Weichselian A low percentage of the non-arboreal pollen suggests that this forest
period have been already published by Willis et al. (1995, 2000), might have extended to the lowland areas, too with no evidence of
Sümegi and Krolopp (2002), Sümegi et al. (1999) and references any aquatic environment. Based on one radiocarbon datum from an
therein. The Pannonian basin was located in a periglacial climate zone upper horizon, this zone may be ~ 40 ka old. Low concentration of
(Vandenberghe and Pissart, 1993), where discontinuous permafrost is magnetic minerals is also indicative of less humid conditions. An
likely to have occurred only during extremely cold periods. Late increased amount of herbaceous taxa in pollen Zone 2 suggests
Weichselian palaeoenvironment was mosaic-like where the land- cooling and drying in the lowland area at the expense of the forests.
scape was characterized by closed mixed taiga spots with coniferous This period was followed by an expansion of the forest in a warm
trees and pockets of deciduous trees associated with treeless steppe and more humid climate as suggested by the more frequent
elements, in agreement with BIOME model simulations (Haxeltine occurrence of deciduous tree pollens in Zone 3. The aquatic
and Prentice, 1996). In order to study climatic controls on alluvial environment could have been represented by an oxbow lake or
sedimentation, palaeoenvironmental changes in the Pannonian basin floodbasin, characterized by Nymphaea. Zone 4 is the only zone which
during the last ~ 23 ka, comprising changes in mean July palaeotem- almost certainly represents an autochthonous (in-situ) deposition,
peratures, humidity, vegetation and aeolian processes were summa- shown by the lighter coloured and better preserved pollen grains and
rized by Gábris and Nádor (2007). However, no palaeoenvironmental richer pollen assemblage. Based on the high percentage of Picea and
data were available so far from fluvial sequences in Hungary from the few deciduous tree pollens, it represents an environment with
MIS 3 period. coniferous wood with spruces and pine trees. The age of Zone 4 is
Pollen data and magnetic parameters from the Wienerberger clay ~ 30 ka based on radiocarbon datum. Pollen Zones 3 and 4 show a
pit section have allowed us to interpret the major climatic oscillations good agreement with the palaeoenvironmental interpretations of
in the study area for the pre-LGM period (Figs. 4 and 8, Table 4). Sümegi and Krolopp (2002) for this period reconstructing a
Taking the age of the base of the Wienerberger clay pit section as thermophilous malacofauna and assuming mean July palaeotempera-
~ 40 ka, our data from this section primarily covers a part of Marine tures of 18–19 °C for the southern parts of the Great Hungarian Plain.
Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The lowermost pollen Zone 1 represents an The pollen Zones 2–4 correspond to the magnetic Zone B and the
assemblage for which there is no modern equivalent in Europe; its magnetic assemblage have been interpreted to be manifesting
closest analogues are found along the eastern coastal area of North repeated wet–dry cycles during this period (Fig. 8).
10 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
Fig. 6. Lithostratigraphy and magnetic characteristics of the Gye-2 core. Three major magnetic zones are interpreted which broadly correspond to the major facies assemblages. Zone
A is dominated by C1/C2 dominant facies and shows high χlf but low SIRM suggesting high concentration of magnetic minerals but with lower magnetization. Zone B with
dominantly FB2 facies is characterized by high χfd and low χlf values, both SIRM and S-ratio are low and Bcr/Bc ratio is ~ 7; these characteristics suggest MD+SP domain and higher
magnetization but low magnetic concentration. Zone C, dominated by CM facies is weakly magnetic with low concentration of PSD to MD grains.
A 40 cm thick stratum between pollen Zones 4 and 5 did not and drying is suggested by the increase of herbaceous plants as well as
contain pollen, so the lower boundary of Zone 5 is uncertain, but by the occurrence of Ephedra at 360 cm and Helianthmum at 340 cm.
poorly preserved pollen grains suggest cooling and deforestation and The age of this pollen zone is ~ 28–30 ka based on radiocarbon datum
possibly some erosion of the underlying strata in this period. Cooling (Fig. 4). The presence of an aquatic environment is shown by pollens
Fig. 7. Lithostratigraphy and magnetic characteristics of the Hu-1 core. Six major magnetic zones interpreted in this core. Zone A with dominant FB1 facies has very low magnetic
concentration while Zones B, D and E show an increase in χfd (6–8%) suggesting the presence of SP magnetites. Zone C with Bcr of 50 mT and S-ratio of ~ −0.15 mT suggests partial
oxidation of magnetites. The uppermost Zone F is dominated by CM and C2 facies, both χlf and SIRM increase and Bcr/Bc ~ 4 suggesting coarse-grained PSD-MD magnetites.
A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14 11
Fig. 8. Lithostratigraphy and magnetic characteristics of the Wienerberger clay pit section. Five major zones interpreted in this core show significant variability in all magnetic
parameters. The lower three zones, A, B and C, are dominated by FB2 facies. Zone A with low χlf and SIRM; Bc of ~ 10 mT, S-ratio of ~ 0.8 and Bcr of ~ 40 mT is interpreted to have low
concentration of MD-PSD magnetites. Zone B shows a jump in SIRM values, fluctuating S-ratio, Bcr N 40 mT and Bc N 20 mT; these characteristics suggest repeated oxidation of
magnetite to high coercivity minerals. Zone C has a distinctive peak of high Bcr, χlf and SIRM are low, S-ratio is ~ −0.6 suggesting a highly oxidizing condition. Zone D is similar to C
magnetically but with a higher mica content and the topmost zone (E) shows surface enhancement high χfd% (N10%), high SIRM and low coercivity. A reasonable correspondence is
observed with the pollen data and subtle climatic fluctuations are recorded (see text for discussion).
of Sparganium/Typha angustifolia, Typha latifolia, Myriophyllum and where thick organic-rich grey mud accumulated. These muds provide
Pediastrum. The corresponding magnetic Zone C (Fig. 8) shows a some indications of climatic fluctuations during this period as
transition from a cool–dry climate to warm–humid climate. reconstructed form pollen and magnetic signatures. Two distinct dry
This period was followed by a significant deforestation, shown by and cool periods are recorded in the Wienerberger section: (1) before
the decreased number of arboreal pollen in Zone 6 corresponding to ~33 ka (pollen Zones 1 and 2) and (2) 28–25 ka (pollen Zones 5 and 6)
~ 28–25 ka. The co-existence of an aquatic environment in the study in agreement with palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on
area is reflected by a large number of algae (Pediastrum). The aquatic changes in the malacofauna (Sümegi and Krolopp, 2002). These dry
vegetation suggests a sudden flooding of the area by water, as periods were interrupted by a warmer and humid phase centered
Pediastrum kawrayskii sp. favors cooler oligotrophic waters. This is in around 30 ka. Both of these dry periods are marked by decrease in forest
agreement with the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of Sümegi expanse and decrease in ferromagnetic mineral concentration. They also
and Krolopp (2002) showing a major cool and dry period when July record the presence of carbonate segregations, and oxidizing conditions
palaeotemperature dropped to 14 °C in the southern parts of the Great are reflected in high coercivity magnetic minerals thereby suggesting
Hungarian Plain with the co-existence of aquatic relict spots under arid conditions (Fig. 8). The warm and humid phase is marked by a
favourable microclimatic conditions between 27 and 25 ka BP. much higher concentration of detrital ferromagnetic minerals with
The palaeoenvironmental interpretation of pollen Zones 7 and frequent pedogenic horizons reflecting high concentration of fine-
8 (~24 ka and younger) are hindered by poor preservation and re- grained magnetite. Although these wet–dry oscillations are clearly
deposited pollen grains. However, the forest assemblage shows a archived in the floodbasin sequence through pollen and magnetic
warmer climate as shown by warm-preference taxa such as Tilia. mineral proxies, such variations were not detectable in the channel
environment (Gye-2), most probably because these environmental
8.2. Alluvial history and stratigraphic development changes were not significant enough to trigger differences in sediment
supply. This highlights the importance of floodplain and floodbasin
The drill cores and the clay pit section in the Körös basin have sequences as palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives in the
revealed alluvial stratigraphic development during the Late Quater- fluvial environment.
nary. Three main phases of fluvial activity are inferred from this study: As neither extensive palaeosols indicating regional subaerial
(F-I) pre-LGM period (N30 ka to 24 ka), (F-II) post-LGM interstadial exposure, nor stratigraphic unconformities are seen in the strati-
(18–16 ka), and (F-III) Late Glacial b15 ka to ~10 ka). graphic record between depositional units I and II (except for the very
The pre-LGM fluvial activity (F-I) is recorded in all cores and the likely incision of the channels into the underlying floodbasin and
Wienerberger clay pit (Figs. 4 and 9). The major channel, most likely a floodplain sediments), no major hiatus is supposed in sedimentation.
meandering belt of the palaeo-Tisza (Nádor et al., 2007) was located at However the intensity of fluvial activity might have decreased
Gye-2 around 26 ka, which is interpreted from a major sand body at its significantly during the cold and dry LGM, as no dated fluvial
bottom (base not exposed). The duration of this fluvial activity is not sediments can be directly linked to this time interval.
ascertained but it certainly ceased during the LGM period as is evidenced During the post-LGM interstadial (18–16 ka), the channel activity
from the FUP cycles at Gye-2. The Gye-4 and Hu-1 cores remained in the (F-II) shifted towards east–southeast as manifested in thick channel
floodplain position during this activity. The Wienerberger location sands recorded in the Gye-4 core. The Hu-1 location remained in
remained under floodbasin environment during most of this period floodplain situation which probably extended to Ks-1. Magnetic
12 A. Nádor et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (2011) 1–14
river system was probably caused by an increased slope gradient, caused The studied cores and clay pit section do not reveal an
by neotectonic uplift, documented at Wienerberger section. unambiguous correlation between millennial scale climate changes
Summarizing MIS 3 fluvial activity in Europe, van Huissteden and and fluvial styles. The pre-LGM and post-LGM phases of fluvial activity
Pollard (2003) concluded that fluvial response to climate variations (both can be regarded as “interstadials” but with fluctuations) are
during stage 3, characterized by minor differences in precipitation characterized by meandering river patterns, as recorded by FUP cycles
between stadial and interstadials was not uniform. There was no one-to- in the cores. The Late Glacial fluvial activity, comprising the Bolling-
one correlation between aggradation/degradation cycles or changes in Allerod interstadial and the Younger Dryas stadial is characterized by
fluvial facies and stage 3 climatic cycles either. Fluvial responses were a braided system in the area. The higher sediment supply feeding this
more pronounced in southern Europe than in northern Europe. In low- braided river system was probably caused by an increased slope
gradient lowland valleys in northern Europe stage 4 was generally gradient, in response to neotectonic uplift of the southern margin of
marked by a downcutting phase, followed by valley floor aggradation the basin, documented by a significant stratigraphic gap between 25
during stage 3. In large river valleys, mainly channel deposits of gravelly and 14 ka at the Wienerberger section.
braided rivers have been preserved in terrace deposits, while in smaller
lowland valleys fluvial successions contain sand beds (channel, levee,
crevasse splay deposits) intercalated with peat and silt beds (back- Acknowledgements
swamp sediments) deposited by anastomosing rivers. A general trend
was the decrease of organic backswamp deposition and increase of The authors profusely thank the Hungarian–Indian intergovern-
sandy sediments after ~36 ka (van Huissteden et al., 2001). Various mental S&T cooperation programme for supporting this research and
fluvial responses to MIS 3 climate changes over Europe are explained by for providing us an opportunity to develop this collaboration. This
differences in vegetation and sediment supply by van Huissteden and research was also supported by the Hungarian National Research Fund
Pollard (2003). Vegetation changes in northern Europe between stage 3 (OTKA) T. 46307. We are thankful to the Advanced Center for Material
cold and warm episodes were minor, restricted to changes between Science (ACMS) at IIT Kanpur for providing us the VSM facility for
various types of open treeless tundra and steppe (e.g. Rousseau, 1987; magnetic analysis. Students, Swati Sinha and Ananda Sankar Dasgupta,
Ran, 1990). This precludes major shifts in sediment production or helped us with the magnetic analysis and contributed to the
evapotranspiration in the drainage basin. On the other hand climate thoughtful discussions. Their help is thankfully acknowledged. The
induced slope processes (e.g. solifluction) and sediment production in manuscript benefited from the critical comments of anonymous
the periglacial zone could have increased during interstadials which reviewers which are also greatly acknowledged.
may have contributed to varied response of fluvial systems. In southern
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vegetation consisting of changes between open steppe and woodlands
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