Astm e 1448 - 92
Astm e 1448 - 92
Astm e 1448 - 92
E 1448
calibration sites are analyzed to determine an equation to ment of longitudinal profile can be made using static or
estimate the standard roughness index from an RTSN. dynamic methods. The method for measuring shall comply
4.3 The estimate of the standard roughness index made by with the requirements below for the resolution of the elevation
transforming an RTSN is subject to three types of error: data and for the precision and bias of the computed standard
4.3.1 Random Error of the Response-Type-System roughness index, based on guidelines in World Bank Technical
(Repeatability)—This error includes operator error and vari- Paper No. 46.3
ability in the response of the vehicle and other components of 5.3.1 Resolution—The method used to determine the pro-
the response-type system. It can be reduced by performing file, measured as the sequence of vertical elevation points
repeated measurements with the response-type system and spaced at 12.0 in. (300 mm) intervals or less, shall have a static
averaging the individual measurements to estimate the true resolution (minimum discernable change in the output of the
RTSN for a site. Appendix X1 describes a test method for device) within the minimum requirements shown below:
determining the magnitude of in-use repeatability error. Minimum Valid Roughness
Static Resolution, in. (mm)
in./mile IRI (m/km IRI)
NOTE 1—The length of the site or sites used to estimate in-use 0 (0) #0.01 (0.25)
repeatability shall be equal to the minimum length of the test sections to 30 (.5) #0.02 (0.50)
be surveyed by the response-type system. This may require test sites that 63 (1) #0.04 (1.0)
are longer than those profiled for the calibration. 190 (3) #0.08 (2.0)
317 (5) #0.12 (3.0)
4.3.2 Bias Error in the Calibration Equation—Estimates of 444 (7) #0.16 (4.0)
the standard roughness index are biased if the calibration NOTE 2—If the profile measuring device does not meet the resolution
equation is incorrect or if no calibration equation is used. The required in the lowest ranges over which the calibration is to be
purpose of this standard practice is to reduce bias to a performed, the calibration will not normally comply with the precision
negligible level. If desired, the magnitude of bias remaining requirements over these ranges. A note identifying the range over which
after calibration can be estimated from data collected in the the profile resolution requirements do not comply with this practice must
calibration. be included in the calibration report.
4.3.3 Standard Error of the Estimate (Error Due to Inter- 5.3.2 Precision of Computed Standard Roughness Indices—
actions Between Site Effects and Response-Type System The precision of the standard roughness index values computed
Effects)—This error is constant (a bias) for a particular com- from the profile for each calibration site shall be within 5 %
bination of response-type system and site, but it is random with (coefficient of variation). When a static method is used it shall
site selection. Ultimately it limits the accuracy of the estimate have been demonstrated that it complies with the requirement.
of the standard roughness of a site made with a response-type When a dynamic method is used the precision shall be
system. The error can be estimated from data collected in the determined through repeat measurements.
calibration. 5.3.3 Bias of Computed Standard Roughness Indices—The The standard error of the estimate estimates the error bias of the standard roughness index values computed from the
due to physical differences in response between a particular profile shall be either within 5 % of the “true” standard
response-type system and the standard roughness index. It roughness index or within 3.5 % of the standard roughness
cannot be reduced by a mathematical transform. index determined by Class 1 measurements (See Note 3). Three physical variables that are controllable and NOTE 3—For the purposes of this practice, the computation of the
that influence the standard error of the estimate are vehicle test standard roughness index values from Class 1 measurements may be made
speed, shock absorber damping stiffness, and vehicle tire using methods such as described in Test Method E 1364.
pressure. For most vehicles, maximum reproducibility of
standard roughness index estimates is obtained by adopting a 6. Selecting Calibration Sites
test speed of 50 mph (80 km/h), by equipping the vehicle with 6.1 General Considerations—This practice requires that
stiff shock absorbers, and by maintaining a standard tire calibration sites have roughness properties representative of the
pressure. (See also 8.2.) pavements routinely surveyed with the response-type system.
4.4 Periodic verification is essential to ensure that the Select calibration sites having minimum variation in longitu-
calibration remains valid. dinal roughness transversely, and that have approximately
5. Apparatus constant roughness over their length. Locate calibration sites
on pavements that are not likely to be repaired during their
5.1 Calibration of the response-type system involves the period of use. Do not select pavements with potholes or
response-type system being calibrated and additional apparatus extensive localized patching. Mark calibration sites clearly so
to measure longitudinal profiles of the calibration sites. they can be easily identified. In addition, all measurements
5.2 Response-Type System—All response-type systems should be made on dry pavement.
shall meet the requirements of Test Method E 1082. When a 6.2 Number and Length of Calibration Sites—All sites shall
road meter is mounted in a car or truck, the host vehicle shall be the same length, and that length shall be at least 0.2 mile
also meet the requirements of Test Method E 1082. When a (300 m) and no greater than 1.0 mile (1600 m). The number of
road meter is mounted in a trailer, the trailer shall meet the sites required depends on the length, as shown below:
requirements of Test Method E 1215, and although the actual
configuration of the tow vehicle is not critical, the same towing 3
International Road Roughness Experiment “Guidelines for Conducting and
vehicle should always be used between calibrations. Calibrating Road Roughness Measurements,” World Bank Technical Paper, ISSN
5.3 Pavement Profile Measuring Device—The measure- 0253-7494, Number 46, p. 54, 1986.
E 1448
Minimum Number ing one or more of the recommended standard roughness
Site Length, mile (m)
of Sites indices. (The availability of the software may be a practical
0.2 (300) 14
0.3 (500) 10
criterion for selecting the specific standard roughness index.)
1.0 (1600) 8 Care should be taken to locate the profiling device over the
NOTE 4—The residual standard deviation associated with the regression established wheeltrack(s) whenever the longitudinal profile of
analysis improves as the site length increases from 0.2 mile (300 m) to 1.0 a calibration site is measured. To reduce the effect of random
mile (1600 m). operator error in this measurement, at least five repeat tests
NOTE 5—The length of the calibration sites may be different from the shall be made. The average of the standard roughness index
length of the typical test sections to be surveyed by the response-type values is used as the true reference value or standard roughness
system. index for the calibration regression.
6.3 Roughness Range—Select calibration sites that cover NOTE 7—Repeat tests for estimating the standard roughness index may
the range of longitudinal roughness encountered during normal or may not be required for other profiling devices and should be addressed
use. The calibration is valid only over the range of roughness by the user.
covered by the calibration sites. Extrapolation beyond this
7.3 Measurement of Standard Roughness Index Using Static
range is discouraged.
Level Survey Methods—The procedure described in Test
6.4 Distribution of Roughness Among Sites—This calibra-
Method E 1364 (Class 1 or Class 2 measurements) shall be
tion method requires a uniform distribution of roughness
used to obtain pavement profile using the rod and level survey
among the calibration sites. Appendix X2 provides a guideline
method. Repeat measures are generally not required if the
for selecting sites to achieve this objective.
method includes a check for error during measurement and
6.5 Site Approach and Exit—Each calibration site shall have
data entry. Details for computing IRI are provided in Appendix
an approach at least 300 ft (90 m) in length and an exit portion
X1 of Test Method E 1364.
at least 50 ft (15 m) in length that have a roughness similar to
7.4 Measurement of Standard Roughness Index Using Other
the roughness of the site to ensure that the response-type
Static and Dynamic Profiling Devices—Other profiling devices
system is not responding to some nonuniformity in the road
(such as the APL, Dipstick, and South Dakota profiling device)
surface as it enters the calibration site and to allow for minor
may be used if they meet the requirements of 5.3.
variation in the starting and stopping points when profiling or
7.5 Determine the standard roughness index for each cali-
measuring their roughness. If a test speed other than 50 mph
bration site at least every twelve months. (More frequent
(80 km) is adopted, the minimum approach length shall be
determinations of the standard roughness index for calibration
adjusted to correspond to an approach time of at least 4 s.
sites may be required; see 8.5.2.) During that period do not
6.6 Geometry—Locate calibration sites on tangent sections
continue to use a site for calibration if the site has been altered
of pavement which do not include bridges, railroad crossings,
by maintenance work or there is evidence to indicate that the
or intersections. Only if unavoidable should even a slight
standard roughness index for the site has changed by more than
curvature of the roadway be accepted. There shall be no abrupt
5 %.
change in grade on the site or the approach.
NOTE 8—When new standard roughness index values are needed, old
7. Determining the Standard Roughness Index for sites may be used or new sites may be selected. Past usage is not a factor.
Calibration Sites However, the new sites must meet the requirements of Section 6.
7.1 Choice of Standard Roughness Index: 7.6 The simulated speed for the standard roughness index
7.1.1 For response-type systems with single wheels, the IRI shall be 50 mile/h (80 km/h), regardless of the test speed used
is recommended. The wheel of the trailer of the response-type for the response-type system.
system should follow precisely the wheeltrack that is profiled.
8. Determining the Response-Type System Numbers
7.1.2 For response-type systems based on two-track ve-
(RTSNs) for Calibration Sites
hicles (for example, passenger cars, vans, and two-wheeled
trailers) either, the average of the IRI in the right wheelpath and 8.1 Replace damaged tires or wheels on the response-type
the IRI in the left wheelpath, or the HRI may be used. system host vehicle and balance tire/wheel assemblies in the
manner specified in Test Method E 1082 prior to calibration.
NOTE 6—For similar pavement types, based on available data, the HRI 8.2 In order to obtain the best reproducibility and accuracy
and the average of the IRI in the right wheelpath and the IRI in the left
and to avoid errors contributed by hysteresis, equip the host
wheelpath are correlated. Typically, HRI values are lower than IRI-
average values due to the cancellation of out-of-phase displacements from vehicle of the response-type system with very stiff shock
the two wheeltracks, with the ratios being about 0.96 for rigid pavements, absorbers. If the RTSNs obtained on the calibration sites are
0.90 for composite pavements and 0.80 for flexible pavements and more than 20 % greater on the average than the standard
unpaved roads. The best post-calibration conversion of HRI values to roughness index on moderately rough calibration sites, then the
IRI-average values (that is, standard roughness) can be obtained using the shock absorbers should be replaced with stiffer shock absorbers
conversion factors specific to pavement type groups as indicated above. before calibration. The RTSN must be converted to correct
7.2 Determining the Standard Roughness Index with a engineering units for this comparison. The units are: total
Dynamic Profiling Device—If an inertial profiling device is inches (meters) of accumulated suspension travel (both direc-
used to measure pavement profile, operate the inertial profiling tions) divided by distance traveled in miles (kilometers) at 50
device as specified in Test Method E 950. Most dynamic mph (80 km/h). Shock absorbers mounted on trailers shall meet
profiling systems include software for automatically comput- the requirements of Specification E 1215. Re-calibrate a
E 1448
response-type system whenever shock absorbers are replaced. remaining bias error (See 4.3.2).
8.3 Verify the accuracy of the response-type system’s
NOTE 9—The standard deviation of the standard roughness index
speedometer readings prior to determining RTSNs by measur- estimate obtained with a calibrated response-type system is approximately
ing the time required to traverse an accurately measured the square-root of the sum of the variance of the repeatability error (see
(60.1 %) level and straight section of pavement at least 0.5 4.3.1) and the standard error of the estimate (see 4.3.3). Depending on the
mile (800 m) in length at a constant indicated speed. Verify the analysis procedure, the standard deviation of the residual error may be
speedometer readings at the speed or speeds planned to be either the total standard roughness index standard deviation, or the best
included in the calibration. A minimum of three test runs at reproducibility obtainable with the response-type system. If the regression
residuals do not include the repeatability error, the repeatability error
each speed shall be made for verification. The speed indicated should be added when estimating confidence intervals. (See the example
by the speedometer shall be within 6 2 mph (63 km/h) of the test method in Appendix X1.)
average measured distance/time for the three test runs.
8.4 Verify the accuracy of the response-type system’s dis- 10. Response-Type System Calibration Verification
tance measuring equipment prior to determining RTSNs by 10.1 The user is encouraged to verify the calibration equa-
determining the distance recorded after traversing an accu- tion(s) periodically. If the verification indicates that the vehicle
rately measured (60.1 %) level and straight section of pave- has changed and the calibration equation is no longer valid, all
ment at least 1.0 mile (1600 m) in length at a constant indicated data obtained since the last verification is suspect. Appendix
speed. Verify the distance measuring equipment at the speed or X3 gives an example of an acceptable verification procedure
speeds planned to be included in the calibration. A minimum of that may be followed.
three test runs shall be made at each speed. The average
NOTE 10—It is recommended that verification be performed at least
distance indicated by the distance measuring equipment for the
monthly when the system is in use, or after every 2000 miles (3000 km)
three test runs shall be within 1.0 % of the distance actually of operation. If possible, a daily control check should be made when the
traversed. system is in use, using a few control sites near the storage area for the
8.5 Operate the response-type system on dry pavement in equipment.
the manner specified in Test Method E 1082. 10.2 The calibration is rendered void if changes are made to
8.5.1 A single test speed is used throughout a single the response-type system that affect its response to road
calibration. If the response-type system is operated at different roughness. Such changes include, but are not limited to, the
test speeds, an independent calibration is required for each following: replacement of tire; shock absorber; other suspen-
speed. sion components; towing vehicle (in the case of a towed trailer
8.5.2 Pavement profile and roughness is known to change response-type vehicle); and vehicle damage.
seasonally and even by time of day. For a valid initial
calibration, the profiles of the calibration sites shall be the same 11. Report
when measured by the profiling device and when traversed by 11.1 Report the following information:
the response-type system. 11.1.1 Standard roughness index obtained for each calibra-
8.5.3 For each calibration site and at each test speed, tion site,
repeated measures are made with the response-type system. 11.1.2 Type of standard roughness index obtained,
The following minimum number of repeats are recommended, 11.1.3 Method used to obtain the standards roughness indi-
based on test length: ces for calibration sites,
Site Length − mile (m) Repeats 11.1.4 Roughness ranges indicated in 6.3 over which the
0.2 (300) 5 profile resolution requirements are not met,
0.5 (800) 3
1.0 (1600) 2 11.1.5 Date the calibration sites were profiled,
11.1.6 Ambient temperature at the time the calibration sites
Depending on the particular response-type system, more were profiled,
repeats may be advisable. The average of the repeated mea- 11.1.7 Individual RTSNs obtained by each response-type
sures for a calibration site is the estimated true RTSN for that system on each calibration site,
site. 11.1.8 Test speed and tire pressure associated with each
RTSN and the ambient temperature at the time each RTSN was
9. Regression Analysis and Error Estimation
obtained, and
9.1 Apply an established statistical procedure for least- 11.1.9 Average RTSN for each calibration site for each test
squares regression to the pairs of standard roughness index and speed,
RTSN obtained for each site. The regression should treat the 11.1.10 Calibration equation(s) for each response-type sys-
standard roughness index as the dependent variable (Y axis) tem calibrated,
and RTSN as the independent variable (X axis). Use conven- 11.1.11 Confidence interval (estimated error) associated
tional practice to estimate the confidence intervals (estimated with each calibration equation, and
errors) associated with future fitted values of the standard 11.1.12 Test speed, test temperature(s) and roughness range
roughness index obtained by the response-type system being associated with each calibration equation.
calibrated. Appendix X1 gives an example of acceptable 11.2 Report the results of all calibration verification tests.
least-squares regression and error estimation procedures which
may be followed. Optionally, confidence intervals can be 12. Keywords
computed for the regression line to estimate the magnitude of 12.1 calibration; response-type system; road roughness
E 1448
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Estimating the Repeatability of a Response-Type quadratic term. If it is insignificant, the simpler linear model should be
System—For one test speed, obtain at least ten RTSNs per site used.
on at least two test sites. Select test sites of a length equivalent NOTE X1.5—The value of the intercept A should be considerably less
than the mean value of SRI. A high value of A indicates a large systematic
to the smallest test section to be surveyed by the response-type
error in the response type system, that renders the device relatively
system. Determine the variance of the RTSNs on each test site insensitive to the road roughness input and therefore of doubtful validity.
and average the variances obtained to determine the variance
associated with the operation of the response-type system at the X1.3 Estimating the Variance Associated with the Regres-
test speed selected. Take the square root of the variance to sion Analysis—Calculate the residual standard deviation of the
obtain the repeatability error of the response-type system at test points associated with the linear regression described in
that test speed. X1.2. Square the residual standard deviation to obtain the
NOTE X1.1—Test sections may be calibration sites if they meet the variance associated with the regression analysis.
length requirements of 8.5.3. In this case, repeat measurements used for
regression analysis may also be used to estimate the repeatability of the X1.4 Estimating the 95 % Confidence Interval for the
response-type system. Response-Type System—Calculate the standard deviation of
X1.2 Obtaining a Response-Type System’s Calibration the total system error by taking the square root of the sum of
Equation—Obtain at least the minimum number of repeat the variance associated with the regression analysis (see X1.3)
RTSNs specified in 8.5.3 for each of the calibration sites. and the variance associated with the repeatability of the
Average the repeat RTSNs obtained on a site to estimate the response-type system (see X1.1):
true RTSN for the site at the calibration test speed. Pair the stotal 5 = s2rep 1 s2res (X1.3)
mean RTSN obtained for each calibration site with the corre-
Multiply the standard deviation by two to obtain an approxi-
sponding standard roughness index for the same site. Perform
mation of the 95 % confidence interval (two-sigma system
a regression analysis on all paired results for a given response-
error) associated with the calibration. A graphical representa-
type system and determine the coefficients for an equation in
tion of a sample regression analysis is provided in Fig. X1.1
the following form:
and a table of RTSNs, predicted SRI values, and error
SRI 5 A 1 B 3 RTSNx (X1.1) estimations is shown in Table X1.1.
SRI 5 the standard roughness index (IRI, HRI, or the
average of the IRI in the right wheelpath and the
IRI in the left wheelpath), and
RTSNx 5 the response-type system number obtained at a
selected test speed of X mile/h.
NOTE X1.2—The residual standard deviation associated with the re-
gression analysis improves as the number of repeat roughness measure-
ments increases from three to ten.
NOTE X1.3—The residual standard deviation associated with the re-
gression analysis improves as the length of the calibration sites increases
up to 1 mile.
NOTE X1.4—For some response-type systems, a better form for the
regression equation is quadratic. See World Bank Technical Paper No. 463
for computation details for an equation of the following form:
SRI 5 A 1 B 3 RTSNx 1 C 3 RTSNx2 (X1.2)
A t-test can be used to determine the statistical significance of the FIG. X1.1 Graph of Sample Regression Analysis
E 1448
TABLE X1.1 Sample Response-Type System Calibration Results
X2.1 First, identify the range of uncorrected RTSN data appropriate. Thus, each interval has a range of eleven counts
expected during normal operation, to determine the range per mile ([60 − 5]/5). The ranges for each interval are then
required for the calibration. Divide this range into three or defined as follows:
more intervals of roughness, from smooth to rough. If the Roughness Range
response-type system is used mainly on roads falling in a (“raw” units of
Interval counts per mile)
narrow band of roughness, three intervals are sufficient. If it is 1 5 to 16
used for a wider range of conditions, more than three may be 2 16 to 27
preferable. In terms of calibrated IRI values, the intervals 3 27 to 38
4 38 to 49
should not be smaller than 30 in./mile, nor wider than 100 5 49 to 60
in./mile. The candidate calibration sites are measured with the
response-type system. Sites are selected so that each roughness Three sites are selected for each range. After screening for
category is equally represented. roughness levels, the sites are chosen based on convenience of
their locations.
X2.2 This method is illustrated for an example. Consider a
response-type system that is used on all public highways and X2.3 After calibration, it is found that the roughness range
which has in the past produced uncorrected readings ranging of the test sites actually covered IRI roughness levels from 50
from five counts per mile to 60 counts per mile. Fifteen sites of to 250 in./mile. It is also found that several of the sites are
0.5 mile in length are to be used for the calibration. The range ranked differently by standard roughness index and RTSN.
of roughness seen by the system is considered to be broad by However, the distribution of roughness of the sites is approxi-
the user, and five roughness intervals are thought to be mately uniform with IRI.
E 1448
X3.1 Control Site Selection and Characteristics—For rou- TABLE X3.1 Factors for Computing Three-Sigma Control LimitsA
tine calibration verification select at least three control sites, Number of Factors for Control Limits
one site in the middle and at least one site each at the low and observations
in sample, n A2 D3 D4
high end of the calibration roughness range described in 6.3.
2 1.880 0 3.267
The sites selected shall be at least 0.2 mile (0.32 km) long and 3 1.023 0 2.575
meet the requirements of 6.1, 6.5, and 6.6. 4 0.729 0 2.282
5 0.577 0 2.115
NOTE X3.1—Control sites may be established in an area near the 6 0.483 0 2.004
operation of the response-type system. If a response-type system is being 7 0.419 0.076 1.924
operated near the calibration sites, then three of the calibration sites may 8 0.373 0.136 1.864
be used as control sites. 9 0.337 0.184 1.816
10 0.308 0.223 1.777
X3.2 Obtaining Initial Road Meter Numbers for Control Formulas
Sites—Within one week after calibration, obtain five road Three-Sigma
meter numbers for each control site by operating the response- Central Line Control Limits
type system in the manner specified in Test Method E 1082. Chart of averages X̄ X̄ 6 A2R̄
Chart of ranges R̄ D3R̄ and D4R̄
NOTE X3.2—Operating two or more response-type systems on the same A
Adopted from ASTM Manual on Quality Control of Materials.6
control sites is advisable and will provide an indication of whether the
response-type systems or the control sites are changing with time. If two
or three response-type system’s results are beyond acceptable limits in the (samples), each subgroup containing n 5 5 observed values.
same direction at the same time, that is strong evidence that the roughness (See ASTM STP 15D4 or NIST Handbook 915.)
characteristics of the control site have changed and that the calibration X3.4.2 The range, R of a sample is the difference between
equations for the response-type systems are still valid. If only one the largest observation and the smallest observation.6
response-type system is used and results are beyond acceptable limits, the
X3.4.3 For samples of size n 5 5, the control chart lines are
assumption must be made that the control site has not changed unless there
is physical evidence to indicate otherwise, and that the response-type as follows (see Table X3.1):
system’s calibration equation is no longer valid. Central
Line Control Limits
X3.3 Routine Control Tests: For averages, X̄ X̄ X̄ 6 0.577 R̄
For ranges, R R̄ 2.115R̄ (upper) and 0 (lower)
X3.3.1 At the desired interval (See 10) obtain five road
meter numbers on each control site with the same response- where:
type system(s) used in X3.2 and prepare mean and range X 5 the grand average of observed values of X for all
control charts from the road meter numbers obtained as samples:
described in X3.4. n1X̄1 1 n2X̄2 1 n3X̄3 1 n4X̄4 1 n5X̄5
X3.3.2 If the results of any one of the control tests are n1 1 n2 1 n3 1 n4 1 n5 (X3.1)
beyond acceptable limits, do not apply the calibration equa-
tion(s) for the response-type system in equation (see Note and:
X3.2). Recalibrate the response-type system as described in R̄ 5 average value of range R for the k individual samples:
Sections 8 and 9 and establish a new calibration equation(s).
After recalibration, repeat the calibration equation verification ~R1 1 R2 1 . . . 1 Rk!/k (X3.2)
procedures described in X3.2 and X3.3.
X3.4.4 Fig. X3.1 shows control charts for X and R based on
NOTE X3.3—Prior to recalibration, check the response-type system the sample data set presented in Table X3.2 for the sixth month
thoroughly and consider replacing shocks, tires or suspension hardware of test. The charts indicate that the unit tested should be
such as ball joints and wheel bearings. Replacing any of these components recalibrated. Charts similar to those shown should be prepared
renders the current calibration void, so it is best to make the change just
before calibration.
after each verification test.
E 1448
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.