IRI E1926.ssrt0435

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Designation: E1926 − 08

Standard Practice for

Computing International Roughness Index of Roads from
Longitudinal Profile Measurements1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1926; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E1082 Test Method for Measurement of Vehicular Response

1.1 This practice covers the mathematical processing of to Traveled Surface Roughness
longitudinal profile measurements to produce a road roughness E1170 Practices for Simulating Vehicular Response to Lon-
statistic called the International Roughness Index (IRI). gitudinal Profiles of Traveled Surfaces
E1215 Specification for Trailers Used for Measuring Vehicu-
1.2 The intent is to provide a standard practice for comput- lar Response to Road Roughness
ing and reporting an estimate of road roughness for highway E1364 Test Method for Measuring Road Roughness by
pavements. Static Level Method
1.3 This practice is based on an algorithm developed in The E1656 Guide for Classification of Automated Pavement
International Road Roughness Experiment sponsored by a Condition Survey Equipment
number of institutions including the World Bank and reported E2133 Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to
in two World Bank Technical Papers (1, 2).2 Additional Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Trav-
technical information is provided in two Transportation Re- eled Surface
search Board (TRB) papers (3, 4).
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 3. Terminology
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for 3.1 Definitions:
information only. 3.1.1 Terminology used in this practice conforms to the
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the definitions included in Terminology E867.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.1 International Roughness Index (IRI), n—an index
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- computed from a longitudinal profile measurement using a
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. quarter-car simulation (see Practice E1170) at a simulation
speed of 80 km/h (50 mph).
2. Referenced Documents Discussion—IRI is reported in either metres per
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 kilometre (m/km) or inches per mile (in./mile). (Note—1 m/km
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in = 63.36 in./mile.)
ASTM Test Methods
3.2.2 longitudinal profile measurement, n—a series of eleva-
E867 Terminology Relating to Vehicle-Pavement Systems
tion values taken at a constant interval along a wheel track.
E950 Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of Discussion—Elevation measurements may be taken
Traveled Surfaces with an Accelerometer Established
statically, as with rod and level (see Test Method E1364) or
Inertial Profiling Reference
inclinometer (see Test Method E2133), or dynamically, as with
an inertial profiler (see Test Method E950).
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E17 on Vehicle - 3.2.3 Mean Roughness Index (MRI), n—the average of the
Pavement Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E17.33 on
Methodology for Analyzing Pavement Roughness. IRI values for the right and left wheel tracks.
Current edition approved June 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approved Discussion—Units are in metres per kilometre or
in 1998. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as E1926 – 98 (2003). DOI: inches per mile.
The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the 3.2.4 traveled surface roughness—the deviations of a sur-
end of the text.
face from a true planar surface with characteristics dimensions
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
that affect vehicle dynamics, ride quality, dynamic loads, and
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on drainage, for example, longitudinal profile, transverse profile,
the ASTM website. and cross slope.

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E1926 − 08
3.2.5 true International Roughness Index, n—the value of 5.4 IRI is a useful calibration reference for response-type
IRI that would be computed for a longitudinal profile measure- systems that estimate roughness by measuring vehicular re-
ment with the constant interval approaching zero. sponse (see Test Method E1082 and Specification E1215).
3.2.6 wave number, n—the inverse of wavelength. 5.5 IRI can also be interpreted as average absolute slope of Discussion—Wave number, sometimes called spatial the profile, filtered mathematically to modify the amplitudes
frequency, typically has units of cycle/m or cycle/ft. associated with different wavelengths (3).
3.2.7 wheel track, n—a line or path followed by the tire of 6. Longitudinal Profile Measurement
a road vehicle on a traveled surface.
6.1 The longitudinal profile measurements can be obtained
4. Summary of Practice from equipment that operate in a range of speeds from static to
highway traffic speeds.
4.1 The practice presented here was developed specifically
for estimating road roughness from longitudinal profile mea- 6.2 The elevation profile measuring equipment used to
surements. collect the longitudinal profile data used in this practice must
have sufficient accuracy to measure the longitudinal profile
4.2 Longitudinal profile measurements for one wheel track attributes that are essential to the computation of the IRI.
are transformed mathematically by a computer program and
accumulated to obtain the IRI. The profile must be represented 7. Computation of International Roughness Index (IRI)
as a series of elevation values taken at constant intervals along 7.1 This practice consists of the computation of IRI from an
the wheel track. algorithm developed in the International Road Roughness
4.3 The IRI scale starts at zero for a road with no roughness Experiment and described in the World Bank Technical Papers
and covers positive numbers that increase in proportion to 45 and 46 (1, 2). Additional technical information provided in
roughness. Fig. 1 associated typical IRI values with verbal two TRB papers (3, 4).
descriptors from World Bank Technical Paper No. 46 (2) for 7.2 A Fortran version of this algorithm has been imple-
roads with bituminous pavement, and Fig. 2 shows similar mented as described in Ref (3).
associations for roads with earth or gravel surfaces. 7.2.1 This practice presents a sample computer program
“IRISMP” for the computation of the IRI from the recorded
5. Significance and Use longitudinal profile measurement.
5.1 This practice provides a means for obtaining a quanti- The computer program IRISMP is a general com-
tative estimate of a pavement property defined as roughness puter program which accepts the elevation profile data set as
using longitudinal profile measuring equipment. input and then calculates the IRI values for that profile data set.
5.1.1 The IRI is portable in that it can be obtained from A listing of the IRISMP computer program for the
longitudinal profiles obtained with a variety of instruments. computation of IRI is included in this practice as Appendix X2.
5.1.2 The IRI is stable with time because true IRI is based A provision has been made in the computer program
on the concept of a true longitudinal profile, rather than the listing (Appendix X2) for the computation of IRI from re-
physical properties of a particular type of instrument. corded longitudinal profile measurements in either SI or
inch-pound units.
5.2 Roughness information is a useful input to the pavement 7.2.2 The input to the sample IRI computer program is an
management systems (PMS) maintained by transportation ASCII profile data set stored in a 1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3 Fortran
agencies. format. In this format, the profile data appear as a multi-row,
5.2.1 The IRI for the right wheel track is the measurement two column array with the left wheel path profile data points in
of road surface roughness specified by the Federal Highway Column 1 and the right wheel path points in Column 2. The
Administration (FHWA) as the input to their Highway Perfor- profile data point interval is discretionary. However the quality
mance Monitoring System (HPMS). of the IRI values computed by this algorithm is a function of
5.2.2 When profiles are measured simultaneously for both the data point interval.
traveled wheel tracks, then the MRI is considered to be a better If the input to the IRI computer program is in SI
measure of road surface roughness than the IRI for either wheel units, the elevation profile data points are scaled in millimetres
track. with the least significant digit being equal to 0.001 mm.
NOTE 1—The MRI scale is identical to the IRI scale. If the input to the IRI computer program is in
inch-pound units, the elevation profile data points are scaled in
5.3 IRI can be interpreted as the output of an idealized inches with the least significant digit being equal to 0.001 in.
response-type measuring system (see Test Method E1082 and
Specification E1215), where the physical vehicle and instru- 7.3 The distance interval over which the IRI is computed is
mentation are replaced with a mathematical model. The units discretionary, but shall be reported along with the IRI results.
of slope correspond to accumulated suspension motions (for 7.4 Validation of the IRI program is required when it is
example, metres), divided by the distance traveled (for installed. Provision for the IRI program installation validation
example, kilometres). has been provided in this practice.

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E1926 − 08

FIG. 1 Road Roughness Estimation Scale for Paved Roads With Asphaltic Concrete or Surface Treatment (Chipseal)

7.4.1 The sample profile data set TRIPULSE.ASC has been 8. Report
provided in SI units in Appendix X2 for validation of the
computer program installation. 8.1 Include the following information in the report for this
7.4.2 Using the sample profile data set TRIPULSE.ASC as practice:
input to the IRI computer program, an IRI value of 4.36 mm/m 8.1.1 Profile Measuring Device—The Class of the profile
was computed for a profile data point interval of 0.15 m (0.5 ft) measuring device used to make the profile measurement as
and a distance interval equal to 15 m of the profile data set in defined in Test Method E950 and Test Method E1364 shall be
Appendix X2. included in the report.

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E1926 − 08

FIG. 2 Road Roughness Estimation Scale for Unpaved Roads with Gravel or Earth Surfaces

8.1.2 Longitudinal Profile Measurements—Report data from then results should be reported with two digits after the decimal
the profile measuring process shall include the date and time of point. If the units are in./mile, then the IRI results should be
day of the measurement, the location of the measurement, the reported to a resolution of 0.1 in./mile.
lane measured, the direction of the measurement, length of
measurement, and the descriptions of the beginning and ending 9. Precision and Bias
points of the measurement. The recorded wheel track (left, 9.1 The precision and bias of the computed IRI is limited by
right, or both) must also be included. the procedures used in making the longitudinal profile mea-
8.1.3 IRI Resolution—The number of digits after the deci- surement. Guidelines for measuring longitudinal profile are
mal point depends on the choice of units. If the units are m/km, provided in Test Method E950 and Test Method E1364.

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E1926 − 08
9.2 For the effects of the precision and bias of the measured
profile on the computed IRI, see precision and bias in Appen-
dix X1.
10. Keywords
10.1 highway performance monitoring system; HPMS; in-
ternational roughness index; International Roughness Index;
longitudinal profile; pavement management systems; pavement
roughness; PMS


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Precision: surement. Guidelines for measuring longitudinal profile are

X1.1.1 The precision of the computed IRI is limited by the provided in Test Method E950 and Test Method E1364.
procedures used in making the longitudinal profile measure- X1.2.2 IRI bias depends on the interval between adjacent
ment. Guidelines for measuring longitudinal profile are pro- profile elevation measures. An interval of 0.3 m (12 in.) or
vided in Test Method E950 and Test Method E1364. smaller is recommended. Shorter intervals improve precision
but have little effect on bias. More information about the
X1.1.2 IRI precision depends on the interval between adja-
sensitivity of IRI to the profile data interval is provided in Ref
cent profile elevation measures (see Test Method E950 and Test
Method E1364). Reducing the interval typically improves the
precision. An interval of 0.3 m (12 in.) or smaller is recom- X1.2.3 Many forms of measurement error cause an upward
mended. For some surface types, a shorter interval will bias in IRI. (The reason is that variations in profile elevation
improve precision. More information about the sensitivity of due to measurement error are usually not correlated with the
IRI to the profile data interval is provided in Ref (3). profile changes.) Some common sources of positive IRI bias
are: height-sensor round-off, mechanical vibrations in the
X1.1.3 IRI precision is roughly equivalent to the precision instrument that are not corrected and electronic noise. Bias is
of the slope obtained from the longitudinal profile reduced by using profiler instruments that minimize these
measurements, for distances ranging from approximately 1.5 m errors.
(5 ft) to about 25 m (80 ft). For example, a relative error on
profile elevation of 1.0 mm over a distance of 10 m corre- X1.2.4 Inertial profiler systems (see Test Method E950)
sponds to a slope error of 0.1 mm/m, or 0.1 m/km (6.3 in./mi). include one or more filters that attenuate long wavelengths
(low wave numbers). If the cut-off wavelength is too short,
X1.1.4 IRI precision is limited by the degree to which a then the IRI computed from the profile will have a negative
wheel track on the road can be profiled. Errors in locating the bias. A cut off wavelength of 91.4 m/cycle (300 ft/cycle) is
wheel track longitudinally and laterally can influence the IRI considered sufficiently long.
values, because the IRI will be computed for the profile of the
NOTE X1.1—Profiles obtained with static methods are generally not
wheel track as measured, rather than the wheel track as filtered, and therefore this source of bias is not relevant for them.
intended. These effects are reduced by using longer profiles.
X1.2.5 The measures from some inertial profilers are pro-
X1.1.5 Computational errors due to round-off are typically cessed during measurement to attenuate short wavelengths and
about two orders of magnitude smaller than those due to prevent aliasing. The effect is to smooth the profile measure-
limitations in the profile measuring process, and can be safely ment. If a smoothing filter is used and it affects wavelengths
ignored. longer than 1 m (3.3 ft), then the computed IRI will have a
negative bias.
X1.2 Bias:
NOTE X1.2—If the profiler includes a smoothing filter that affects
X1.2.1 The bias of the computed IRI is typically limited by wavelengths shorter than 1 m (3.3 ft) and longer than 250 mm (10 in.), no
the procedures used in making the longitudinal profile mea- more smoothing is required during the computation of IRI.

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E1926 − 08


X2.1 Included in this appendix is the coding in Fortran as prescribed by this practice. A sample main program is also
language for a computer subroutine, SUBROUTINE IRI, (see included, which when executed, prompts the user for the name
Fig. X2.1), which calculates the International Roughness Index of a data file containing the profile data to be processed and the

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

parameters needed by the subroutine to compute the IRI. The program, the maximum length road section that can be pro-
subroutine is called and returns the computed IRI values to the cessed is limited to 1058 sample pairs.
main program which then displays them.
X2.3 The sample data file shown in Fig. X2.2 and Fig. X2.3
X2.2 The sample program can process data files containing is in SI units (mm) and contains 101 profile data point pairs.
two profile tracks in either SI or inch-pound units. For SI data, The tracks are identical. The recording interval for the data is
the program assumes the input amplitudes are stored in 0.15 m.
millimetre units; if inch-pound, inches. For the sample

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.1 Sample Fortran Program Using Subroutine IRI to Compute International Roughness Index (continued)

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E1926 − 08

NOTE 1—Elevations are metric units (mm). The profile consists of identical right and left wheel tracks, each consisting of zero elevations everywhere
except the triangular ’pulse’ from 0.6 to 3.0 m peaking at 20.0 mm. The interval between elevations is 0.15 m and the total length is 15 m. This data
set may be used as a test of the user’s implementation of IRI standard computation.
FIG. X2.2 Sample Load Profile Input Data Set, TRIPULSE.ASC

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E1926 − 08

FIG. X2.3 Input/Output for RNSMP sample program using data input file ’TRIPULSE.ASC’


(1) Sayers, M.W., Gillespie, T.D., Queiroz, C.A.V., “The International (3) Sayers, M.W., “On the Calculation of IRI from Longitudinal Profile,”
Road Roughness Experiment,” World Bank Technical Paper , Number Transportation Research Record 1501, Transportation Research
45, 1986. Board, 1995, pp. 1–12.
(2) Sayers, M.W., Gillespie, T.D., Paterson, W.D.O., “Guidelines for (4) Sayers, M.W., “Two Quarter-Car Models for Defining Road Rough-
Conducting and Calibrating Road Roughness Measurements,” World ness: IRI and HRI,” Transportation Research Record 1215, 1989, pp.
Bank Technical Paper , Number 46, 1986. 165–172.

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