Assignment 2 Part 1

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Assignment 2

Supervised By

Dr Mohamed Abo Rizka

Prepared By
Saif Allah Mohamed Bakry
Compare Between AI & Machine learning & Deep learning &
Data science & Data Mining
Point of
AI Machine Learning Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) Machine learning is a Deep Learning, on the other
is the simulation of branch of artificial hand, is a subset of Machine
human intelligence in intelligence that allows Learning, which is a subset
machines that are systems to learn and of Artificial Intelligence.
programmed to think like improve based on their Artificial intelligence is a
humans and mimic their own experiences broad term for techniques
Definition actions. The term can without being explicitly that allow computers to
also refer to any machine programmed. Machine mimic human behavior
that exhibits human-like learning is concerned Machine Learning is a set of
characteristics like with creating computer algorithms that have been
learning and problem- programmes that can trained on data to enable all
solving access data and learn on of this
their own
Machine learning and Machine learning is a Deep Learning is a subset
deep learning are two of subset of AI that helps of machine learning that
Relation the many components you build AI-driven uses vast volumes of data
that make up artificial applications. and complex algorithms
intelligence. to train a model

Point of
Data Mining Data Science
Data mining is the process of Data science is the study of data in order
predicting outcomes by detecting to derive useful business insights. To
outliers, patterns, and correlations in analyze large amounts of data, it is a
Definition large data sets. You can use this data multidisciplinary approach that combines
to increase revenues, cut costs, principles and practices from
improve customer relationships, mathematics, statistics, artificial
reduce risks, and more intelligence, and computer engineering
It is a super set of Data Mining as data It is a subset of Data Science as mining
science consists of Data scrapping, activities which is in a pipeline of the
cleaning, visualization, statistics and Data science.
many more techniques.

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