Semester Qs Evs
Semester Qs Evs
Semester Qs Evs
IV&VI SEMESTER \ 1. a(i) Discuss the age-structure pyramid types for predicting population growth 10 marks
trend o f a nation with examples.
a(ii) Write the role of N M I S , ENVIS and GIS in dissemination o f 6 marks
GE 9261 - Environmental Science and Engineering Envirormiental information and management.
(Regulation -2008)
\ 2. a(i) Briefly discuss insitu and ex-situ conservation o f biodiversity. 10 marks
Time : 3 hours Max.Mark : 100
a(ii) What are hotspots o f biodiversity? Mention the criteria o f recognising 6 marks
hotspots. List out few global hotspots o f biodiversty.
Answer A L L Questions
J 3. a (i) Breifly discuss the sources, effects and control measures o f urban and 8 marks
2. What is rainwater harvesting?Mention its importance industrial solid wastes,
3. a (ii) Discuss the mitigation and disaster management o f a) cyclone b)floods 8 marks
What is Biomagnification?
4. What is Tsunami? How it occurs?
b (i) Discuss sources, causes, effects and control measures o f marine 8 marks
5. What do you mean by consumptive use value o f bio diversity?
6. What do you mean by extinct, endangered, vulnerable and rare species? 8 marks
b (ii) Give an account o f causes, effects and control measure o f nuclear
7. Write the different types o f ecological pyramids.
b(i) Explain the causes, effects and control o f land degradation and 8 marks
soil erosion..
b(ii) Write notes on the following 8 marks
a) Biomass energy
b) Solar energy and wind energy