PrEd 146 & 161n - Assessment in Learning
PrEd 146 & 161n - Assessment in Learning
PrEd 146 & 161n - Assessment in Learning
Levels Description Illustration Verbs Sample Objective
Observing Watching active mental identify, discern, Pick non-verbal
attention to a physical distinguish, differentiate, communication
activity describe, relate, select cues
Imitating Attempt to copy a Begin, explain, move, Recognize one’s
physical behavior display, proceed, react, limitations
show, state, volunteer
Practicing Performing a specific Bend, calibrate, construct, Operate quickly
activity repeatedly fasten, grasp, manipulate and accurately
Adapting Fine-tuning the skill and Organize, relax, shorten, Construct a new
making minor sketch, write, create, design scheme or
adjustments to attain sequence
∑ XY
N )(
NN )
√ −( ) √ N) −(
2 2 2 2
∑X ∑X ∑Y ∑Y
Pretest (X) Posttest (Y) 2 2 XY
3. Balance 5 8 25 64 40
A balanced assessment takes advantage of both traditional and 5 9 25 81 45
alternative assessment 6 6 36 36 36
A balanced assessment sets targets in all domains of learning or areas 6 5 36 25 30
of intelligence 7 9 49 81 63
4. Validity 7 10 49 100 70
the extent to which a test measure what it intends to measure 8 6 64 36 48
Face validity 8 8 64 64 64
accomplished by examining the physical appearance of the 9 9 81 81 81
instrument. 9 10 81 100 90
Content validity
done through a careful and critical examination of the ∑ X = 70 ∑Y = 80 ∑X
= 510 ∑Y
= 668 ∑ XY =
objective of assessment so that it reflects the curricular goals. 567
Criterion-related validity/concrete validity Solution:
( )( ) 10 ( 10 )( 10 )
established statistically such that the set of scores revealed by ∑ XY
∑Y ∑X 567 70 80
the measuring instrument correlates with the scores obtained in − −
another external predictor or measure NN N
two purposes: r= =
√ N N √ N N √ 10 10 √ 10 −(
−( ) −( ) −( )
2 2 2 2 2
predictive validity (present status of the individual ∑X ∑X ∑Y ∑Y 510 70 668
concurrent validity (future performance of an
Construct validity Questionable Reliability
statistically calculated by comparing psychological
characteristics and variables that potentially influence scores in
Types: 1. Difficulty index
Convergent validity (defines another trait other than Aka p-value
what is intended) Describes how easy or difficult the test items
divergent/discriminant validity (only the intended trait
can be described and not the other traits)
Pu+ P L
5. Reliability
Formula: Df =
consistency of the scores obtained
Test-retest method Where: Df = Difficulty Index
Equivalent forms
Split-half method
Pu = Proportion of the upper group who got the item correctly
Scorer consistency P L = Proportion of the lower group who got the item correctly
Internal consistency (Kuder-Richardson-21)
Range Interpretation Action
0.00 - 0.20 Very difficult Reject
0.90 and above = excellent reliability
0.81 - 0.90 = very good for a classroom test 0.21 - 0.40 Difficult Revise
0.71 - 0.80 = good for a classroom test 0.41 - 0.60 Moderately difficult Retain
0.61- 0.70 = somewhat low 0.61 - 0.80 Easy Revise
0.51 - 0.60 = suggest need for revision of test 0.81 - 1.00 Very Easy Reject
0.50 or below = questionable reliability 2. Discrimination index
Describes whether an item discriminates the students who belong in
Spearman-Brown Formula the lower group from those who are in the upper group
(-) = more from the lower group got the item correctly
2(rℎalf )
reliability of test = (+) = more from the upper group got the item correctly
1+ rℎalf Formula:Ds =Pu − PL
Where: rhalf = reliability of the half of the test
Where: D s
Compute the Spearman-Brown reliability index if the correlation Pu = Proportion of the upper group who got the item correctly
between the odd and even scores is 0.84.
Solution: Excellent
P L = Proportion of the lower group who got the item correctly
(+) = retain, (-) = reject
Range Interpretation Action
2(rℎalf ) 2(0.84 ) 1.68
reliability of test = = = =0.913043478 -1.00 to -0.50 Can be discriminate but item is questionable Reject
1+ rℎalf 1+0.84 1.84 -0.49 to 0.45 Non-discriminating Revise
0.46 to 1.00 Discriminating Retain
Kuder-Richardson Formula 21
[ { }]
Difficulty Index VS. Discriminating Index
K n( K − M ) Difficulty Index ( VS Discrimination Index Decision
K R 21= 1− Df ) ( Ds )
( K − 1) Ks
Reject vs Any decision REJECT
Where: K = no. of items on the test Revise vs Reject REJECT
M = mean of the test Revise vs Revise REVISE
s = variance of the test scores Revise vs Retain REVISE
n = no. of test takers Retain vs Reject REJECT
Example: Retain vs Revise REVISE
A 50 item test was administered to a group of 20 students. The mean Retain vs Retain RETAIN
score was 35 while standard deviation was 5.5. Compute the KR21
index of reliability.
Given: M = 35; n = 20; s = 5.5; K = 50 Negatively Skewed (high scores)
Positively Skewed (low scores)
Array: 72, 75, 80, 81, 86, 88, 88, 90, 92, 95, 98
Median= X =X =X 6=88( 6 th score )
( n +12 ) ( 11+1
2 )
There are five scores less than or equal to 88 points and there are five
scores greater than or equal to 88 points.
(If the number of scores is an even number, the median is the point
halfway between two middle scores)
Scores of students in their 2nd long exam in PrEd146
Array: 115, 118, 119, 120, 120, 124, 125, 127, 127, 128
Xn+Xn X 10 + X 10
2 2
+1 X 5+ X 5+1 X 5 + X 6 120
Median= = = = =
2 2 2 2
MEAN Interpretation:
the average Half of the students got 122 points and below while the other half got
Affected by outliers 122 points and above.
For interval and ratio data
(Ungrouped data) x=
Where: ∑x = sum of item values Students’ scores in Math 11 during midterm exam.
n = total number of items Scores f <cf Class Boundaries
∑ fx 120 -122 2 40 119.5 - 122.5
(Grouped data) x= 117 - 119 2 38 116.5 - 119.5
n 114 -116 2 36 113.5 - 116.5
Where: x = midpoint of the intervals 111 - 113 4 34 110.5 - 113.5
f = frequency of class intervals 108 - 110 5 30 107.5 - 110.5
n = total number of frequency 105 - 107 9 25 104.5 - 107.5
102 -104 6 16 101.5 - 104.5
99 - 101 3 10 98.5 - 101.5
The grades in Algebra of 10 students are 82, 85, 79, 78, 89, 87, 88, 89,
75, and 77. What is their mean grade? 96 - 98 4 7 95.4 - 98.5
Solution: 93 - 95 2 3 92.5 - 95.5
90 - 92 1 1 89.5 - 92.5
∑ x 82+85+ 79+78+89+87 +88+89+75+ 77 829
x= = = =82.9∨83 N = 40
n 10 10 Solution:
Interpretation: N 40
Most of the students’ scores are close to 83 points. Since = = 20, the median class interval was located through
Grouped: 2 2
Calculate the mean grade of 50 students in Physics cumulative frequency which is the closest of greater than 20.
Interval Frequency (f) Midpoint (x) fx Given: L = 104.5, F = 16, f = 9, N = 40, i = 3
( ) ( )
90 - 94 7 92 644 N 40
85 - 89 13 87 1,131 −F − 16
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
( i )=104.5+
( 3 )=104.5+
20 −16
9 (
50 416 4,135 Interpretation:
Solution: Half of the students got 106points and below while the other half got
∑ fx 4135 106 points and above.
x= = =82.7∨83
n 50
Most of the students’ scores are close to 83 points.
The most frequent score
May not occur in a data set
Nominal statistics
MEDIAN Formula:
The middle score (Ungrouped data)
Less affected by outliers The score in a set of scores that occurs most frequently.
An ordinal statistics (Grouped data)
Formula: Mode is taken at the midpoint of the class interval with the
(Ungrouped data) largest or highest frequency
( )
Median= X f mo − f 1
( n +12 ) M o=L+
2 f mo −f 1 − f 2
Xn+Xn Where: L = lower class boundary of the modal class
EVEN: 2 2
Median= i = class size
2 fmo = frequency of the modal class
Where: X is constant f1 = frequency of the class one step lower than the modal class
n = total number of students f2 = frequency of the class one step higher than the modal class
( )
N Unimodal is a score distribution that consists of one mode.
−F Bimodal is a score distribution that consists of two modes.
(Grouped data) 2
Md=L+ (i) Trimodal is a score that consists of three modes. It is also
f considered as multi-modal – a score distribution that consists
of more than two modes.
Where: Md = median
L = exact lower limit of interval containing the median
F = sum of frequencies below L
In the set of scores (3,5,5,7,8,8,8,10) the mode is 8 because it occurs more
f = frequency of interval containing the median
often than any other score.
N = number of cases
Raw scores: 97 93 90 95 91 92 98 88
i = class width/class size
90 90 91 94 96 90 90 87
Here, the value of 90 occurs five times, more frequently than any other
value. Hence, the mode is 90.
(If the number of scores is an odd number, the median is the middle
Scores f Class Boundaries
Scores of 11 students in their 1st long exam in PrEd146 are: 88, 81, 75,
95, 98, 88, 86, 72, 80, 90, 92, 95, 98. 40 - 44 4 39.5 - 44.5
45 - 49 5 44.5 - 49.5 Following are the observations showing the age of 50 employees
50 - 54 8 (f1) 49.5 - 54 5 working in 2 whole sale centers. Find the variance.
55 - 59 10 (fmo) 54.5 - 59.5 Scores f x fx x− x ( x − x )2 f( x − x )
60 - 64 7 (f2) 59.5 - 64.5
40 - 44 4 42 168 42 - 55 = -13 (4)(169) = 676
65 - 69 6 64.5 - 69.5 ( −13 )2=16
70 - 74 5 69.5 - 74.5 9
Solution: 45 - 49 7 47 329 47 - 55 = -8
( − 8 )2=¿ (7)(64) = 448
M o=L+
f mo − f 1
2 f mo −f 1 − f 2 ) (i) =54.5+
( 2 (10)− 8− 7 )
10 −8
(5) =
50 - 54 14 52 728 52 - 55 = -3
( −3 )2=¿ 9 (14)(9) = 126
( ) () ( 2 )2=¿ 4
55 - 59 11 57 627 57 - 55 = 2 (11)(4) = 44
2 2 10
L+ (5) = L+ (5) = =54.5+2=56.5∨57
20 −15 5 5 60 - 64 8 62 4496 62 - 55 = 7
( 7 )2 =49 (8)(49) = 392
It is estimated that about 22% (10 out of 45) of the observations are
65 - 69 6 67 402 67 - 55 = 12
( 12 )2=144 (6)(144) = 864
equal to 57 points. (Majority of the students got the score of 57 points.) Total 50 2750 2550
∑ fx 2750
x= = =55
n 50
2 ∑ f (x −x) 2550 2550
s= = = =52.04081633∨52
n−1 50 −1 49
The distance of the squared deviation from the mean is approximately 52.
(Higher value = higher variability/dispersion)
Most simple
Affected by extreme scores
Formula: R = HS - LS
Where: R = range
Square root of the variance
HS = highest score;
Especially useful for normal distribution
LS = lowest score Formula:
What is the range of the following group of scores ∑( x− x)
1,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,8,9? (Ungrouped data)s=
R = HS – LS n− 1
=9–1 2
(Grouped data) s=
∑ f (x −x)
The difference between the highest score and the lowest score is 8. n −1
VARIANCE Scores of students in PrEd146 quiz are:
How close the scores are to the middle of the distribution 9, 2, 5, 4, 12, 7, 8, 11, 9, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 4, 10, 9, 6, 9, 4
Formula: Solution: (refer to solution for ungrouped variance)
∑( x− x)
2 ∑ x 9+ 2+ 5+4 +12+7+8+11+9+3+7 +4 +12+5+4 +10
(Ungrouped data) s2= x= =
n− 1 n 20
2 2 2 2 2 2
Where: s2 = variance ∑ ( x i − x ) =( 9 −7 ) + ( 2− 7 ) + ( 5 −7 ) + ( 4 −7 ) + (12 −7 ) + ( 7 −7
√ √ √
x = individual score 2
∑( x− x) 178 178
x = mean s= = = = √ 9.368421053=3.0607
n = total number of cases n− 1 20− 1 19
2 Interpretation:
∑ f (x −x)
(Grouped data) s2= The distance of the square root of the squared deviation from the mean
n−1 is approximately 3
Where: s2 = variance Grouped:
f = frequency Following are the observations showing the age of 50 employees
x = individual score working in 2 whole sale centers.
x = mean Scores f x fx x− x ( x − x )2 f( x − x )2
n = total number of cases 40 - 44 4 42 168 42 - 55 = -13 (4)(169) = 676
EXAMPLE: ( −13 )2=16
Ungrouped: 9
Scores of students in PrEd146 quiz are: 45 - 49 7 47 329 47 - 55 = -8 (7)(64) = 448
9, 2, 5, 4, 12, 7, 8, 11, 9, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 4, 10, 9, 6, 9, 4 ( − 8 )2=¿
Solution: 64
Step 1. Work out the mean 50 - 54 14 52 728 52 - 55 = -3 (14)(9) = 126
( −3 ) =¿ 9
∑ x 9+ 2+ 5+4 +12+7+8+11+9+3+7 +4 +12+5+4 +10+9+ 6+9+ 114 =57140 627
x= = 55 - 59 =7 57 - 55 = 2 ( 2 )2=¿ 4 (11)(4) = 44
n 20 60 - 64 8 62
20 4496 62 - 55 = 7 (8)(49) = 392
Step 2. Then for each number: subtract the Mean and square the result. ( 7 )2 =49
This is the part of the formula that says: 65 - 69 6 67 402 67 - 55 = 12 2 (6)(144) = 864
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2( 12 ) =144
( 8 −7 )250
∑ ( x i − x ) =( 9 −7 ) + ( 2− 7 ) + ( 5 −7 ) + ( 4 −7 ) + (12 −7 ) + ( 7 −7 ) +Total
+ ( 11−7 )2750
2 2
)2 + ( 12− 7
+ ( 9 − 7 ) + ( 3 −7 ) + ( 7 −7 ) + ( 4 − 7 2550
Step 3. Then work out the mean of those squared differences. To work out the Solution:
mean, add up all the values then divide by n – 1.
∑ fx 2750
∑( x− x) 178
2 x= = =55
s= = =9.368421053∨9 n 50
n− 1 20 −1
√ √
∑ f (x −x) 2550 2550
The distance of the squared deviation from the mean is approximately 9
s= = = =√ 52.04081633=7.2139
n −1 50 −1 49
The distance of the square root of the squared deviation from the mean
is approximately 7.
i = position of the given quantile
Raw scores – least meaningful
For percentile:
Pi= ¿ th item
Quartile (75)(14) 1050
Divides the distribution into 4 equal parts, with one-fourth of the data P75= tℎitem= tℎitem=10.5 tℎ item
values in each part. 100 100
This means: (Notice that Q2 is also the median.) 45+46 91
about 25% of the data falls at or below the first quartile (Q1); between 10 tℎ∧11tℎ= = =45.5∨4
50% of the data falls at or below the 2nd quartile (Q2), and 2 2
75% falls at or below the 3rd quartile (Q3). Interpretation:
Formula: 75% of the students got 46 points and above, while the 25% of the
( )
¿ −<cf
(Grouped data) 4
Qi=L+ (C)
Decile (Ungrouped)
Divides the distribution into 10 equal parts Heights of Employees (inches) Number of Employees <cf
There are 9 deciles such that 10% of the distribution is equal 61 - 63 2 2
or less than decile 1, (D1), 64 - 66 5 7
20% of the distribution is equal or less than decile 2 (D2); and 67 - 69 12 19
so on. 70 - 72 15 34
Notice that D5 is also the median. 73 - 75 8 42
Formula: 76 - 78 5 47
( )
¿ −< cf
(Grouped data) 10
Di=L+ (C) Array of Scores: 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 45, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50
Percentile For quartile:
Divides the distribution into 100 equal parts
¿ (1)(50) 50
In the same manner, for percentiles, (Notice that P50 is also the Since
= = =12.5, class is located. (It must be
median) 4 4
there are 99 percentiles such that 1% of the scores are less than greater than or equal but closest to 12.5 in <cf.
the first percentile (P1),
( )
2% of the scores are less than the second percentile (P2), and ¿ −<cf
so on. 4
Formula: Qi=L+ (C)
¿ tℎ item f
(Ungrouped data) Pi =
( )
100 (1)(50)
( )
¿ −< cf
(Grouped data)
Q 1=66.5+
12.5 −7
1 ( ) (
Where: L = lower class boundary of the quantile class 25% of the students got 68 points and above, while the 75% of the
C = class interval students got 68 points and below.
<cf = cumulative frequency for the class interval preceding the quantile
class For decile:
f = frequency of the quantile class
n = total number of frequencies
¿ (5)(50) 250 Grade 11 to 12
= = =¿25, class is located. (It must be The average of the Quarterly Grade produces the semestral grades
10 10 GA = sum of all final grades / no. of learning areas
greater than or equal but closest to 25 in <cf. BASICS OF GRADING
( )
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 – Policy Guidelines on Classroom
¿ −< cf Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education
10 Formative Assessment
Di=L+ (C)
( )
D 5=69.5+
25 − 19
15 (
15 ) ( )
=69.5+1.2=70.7∨71 ( )
50% of the students got 71 points and above, while the 50% of the
students got 71 points and below.
For percentile:
¿ (78)(50) 3900
= = =¿39, class is located. (It
100 100 Summative Assessment
must be greater than or equal but closest to 39 in <cf.
( )
¿ −< cf
Pi=L+ (C)
( )
(78)( 50)
39 − 34
( 3)=72.5+
(3)=72.5+ (
8 ) ()
=72.5+1.875=74.375∨74 ( )
78% of the students got 74 points and above, while the 22% of the
students got 74 points and below.
1. Enhancing students’ learning
2. Reports to parents/guardians
3. Administrative and guidance uses
Describe grading procedures to students at the start of the class.
Clarify that grades will be based on achievement levels of intended
learning outcomes only. Obtain valid evidences.
Do not lower an achievement grade for particular misbehaviors.
Descriptors of Learner’s Progress
Below 75 Did Not Meet expectations
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory BASICS OF REPORTING
80-84 Satisfactory 85-89 Very Satisfactory Reporting
90-100 Outstanding The process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting information in a
Minimum grade = 60 → transmuted to 75 structured format to convey important details to a specific audience.
Kindergarten: For a Good Parent-Teacher Conference
No numerical grades Be positive in approach. Have a listening ear.
Use of checklist, anecdotal records, and portfolios Be objective.
Don’t project an “omniscient” image.
REPORTING OF GRADES AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Encourage parents to participate and share information.
Grade 1 to 10 Practice good communication and relation skills.
Average of the quarter grades produce the end of the year grade Don’t talk about other students.
The general average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by End with an encouraging note.
the total number of learning areas
Feedbacking, or providing feedback, is a fundamental aspect of
communication and growth in various contexts, including professional,
educational, and personal settings.
Feedback is information given to a person about their actions, behaviors, or
performance. It can be positive, negative, or neutral and is intended to
provide guidance, correction, motivation, or reinforcement.
Feedback helps individuals understand what they are doing well and
areas where they can improve.
Positive feedback can boost morale and motivation, while
constructive feedback can inspire change and growth.
Feedback clarifies expectations and helps individuals align their
actions with desired outcomes.
Relationship Building:
Constructive feedback fosters trust and strengthens relationships by
promoting open communication and understanding.
Types of Feedback:
Positive Feedback:
Acknowledges and reinforces desirable behaviors or outcomes. It
highlights strengths and accomplishments, encouraging repetition of
those behaviors.
Constructive Feedback:
Addresses areas for improvement or development. It focuses on
specific behaviors or actions and provides suggestions for
Negative Feedback:
Points out behaviors or actions that are not meeting expectations. It
should be delivered constructively to encourage improvement rather
than discourage.
Feedback Delivery:
Choose the Right Time and Place:
Provide feedback in a private setting and at a time when the recipient is
Use a Constructive Tone:
Deliver feedback in a constructive and non-threatening manner, focusing
on growth and development.
Encourage Dialogue:
Foster open communication by inviting the recipient to share their
perspective and discuss potential solutions.
Follow up on feedback to track progress, provide additional support, and
reinforce positive changes.