p2 Assessment Reviewer

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P1 Exam Reviewer

Guidelines In Choosing The Appropriate Test Format Guidelines In Choosing The Appropriate Test
Desired Learning Outcomes (DLOS)
• Objectives / Desired Learning outcomes
➢ Statement of what learners are expected to do or
• Level of thinking
• test matched or aligned with the course's
1. What are the objectives or DLO’s of the lesson DLOS
being assigned? • Are the items realistic to the students?

2. The level of thinking to be assessed Categories and formats of traditional tests

➢ important factor when designing your test
➢ guide you in choosing the appropriate test format. • Select-response tests
➢ If you intend to assess how much your learners are able - Multiple choice test
to identify, explain, apply. - True-False or Alternative response
➢ Bloom’s Taxnomy (old and revised) - Matching type test

3. Is the test matched or aligned with the course's • Constructed-response tests

DLOS and the course contents or learning - Short Answer Test
activities? - Essay Test
➢ This is important that you are clear about what DLOs are - Problem- Solving Test
to be addressed by your test and what course activities
or tasks are to be implemented to achieve the DLOS
• Prepare your reference materials
4. Are the items realistic to the students? (textbooks/internet sources)
➢ Test items should be meaningful and realistic to the
learners. They should be relevant or related to their • Construct a 2-way TOS in preparation for a 1
everyday lives. quarter exam
- Coverage of test:
Categories and formats of traditional tests - Number of Items

Select-response tests • You must determine the following

- Objectives of the test
➢ Do have choices - Number of items per topic
➢ require learners to choose correct answers or best - Weight of each topic
alternatives from several choices. - level of cognitive behavior
- item format
❖ Multiple Choice
➢ formal assessment • Your test must include a multiple choice
➢ most commonly used format i questions
➢ consists of a stem (problem), - multiple choice
one correct or best alternative (correct answer), - matching type
and three or more incorrect or inferior - true or false
alternatives(distractors) - fill in the blanks
- essay or problem solving for math
❖ True-False or Alternative response test subjects
➢ consists of a statement and deciding if the
statement is true (accurate/ correct) or false • Make sure you write legibly and follow the
(inaccurate/ incorrect) guidelines you learned in the previous
P1 Exam Reviewer

Guidelines For Writing Multiple-Choice Test

❖ Matching type test Items
➢ consists of two sets of items to be matched with each
other. • A. Content
➢ L-side = long responses, R-Side = short responses 1. Write items that reflect only one specific
➢ Flexible & versatile content and cognitive processing skills.

2. Do not lift and use statements form the

Constructed response tests textbook or other learning materials as test
➢ require learners to supply answers to a given question or questions

❖ Short Answer Test / Identification 3. Keep the vocabulary simple and

➢ open-ended questions / incomplete sentences requires understandable based on the level of
learners to create an answer for each item learners/ examinees
➢ which is typically a single word or short phrase.
4. Edit and proofread the items for
❖ Essay Tests grammatical and spelling errors before
➢ requires to write detailed responses to open-ended administering them to the learners/
questions, demonstrating their understanding, clear examinees.
communication, and critical thinking skills.
➢ These assessments involve longer written explanations • B. Stem
compared to other types of tests. 1. Write the directions in the stem in a clear
and understandable manner.
❖ Problem-Solving Test
➢ designed to evaluate an individual's ability to solve complex 2. Write stems that are consistent in form and
issues or problems. structure. That is, present all items either in
➢ use their analytical thinking, logical reasoning, and question or in descriptive or declarative
knowledge to find the most effective solutions in situations form.
that might not have clear-cut answers.

3. Word the stem positively and avoid double

Guidelines For Writing Multiple-Choice Test Items negatives, such as NOT and EXCEPT in a
stem. If a negative word is necessary,
• A. Content underline or capitalize the words for
• B. Stem emphasis
• C. Options
4. Refrain from making the stem too wordy or
containing too much information unless the
problem or question requires the facts
presented to solve the problem
P1 Exam Reviewer

C. Options
Guidelines for essay tests

1. Provide 3-5 options per item with one only being the correct 1, Clearly define the intended learning outcome to
answer or best alternative. be assessed by the essay test.
2. Write options that are parallel or similar in form and length
2. Refrain from using essay tests for intended
to avoid giving clues about the correct answer
learning outcomes that are better assessed by
3. Place options in logical order (alphabetically, shortest to
other kinds of assessments
4. Place correct responses randomly to avoid discernable 3. Clearly define and situate the task within a
patterns. problem situation as well as the type of thinking
5. Use None of the above carefully and only when there is one required to answer the question or test
absolutely correct answer such as in
spelling or in math. 4. Present tasks that are fair, reasonable and
6. Avoid all of the above as an option, especially if it is intended realistic to the students.
to be the correct answer. 5. Be specific in the prompts about the time
7. Make all options realistic and reasonable allotment and criteria for grading.
Types of essay tests:
Guidelines in writing matching-type items 1. Extended response-requires longer and
1. Clearly state directions the basis for matching the stimuli complex responses Example: How is
with the responses COVID 19 different from other Corona
2. Use simple and easy to understand statements Virus Strains? Support your answer with
3. Refrain from using negatives especially double negatives the details and information form the
4. Avoid the use of absolutes such as always and never article provided.
5. Express a single idea in each test item
6. Avoid the use of unfamiliar words or vocabulary A. Identify at least three actions that will
7. Avoid lifting statements from the textbook and other improve their demonstration.
learning materials B. Explain how each action will improve
the demonstration.
Variations of True or False Items:

1. TF Correction or Modified True-or-False Question. In this 2. Restricted-response-focused and

format a statement is presented with keyword or phrase restrained response Example: Student
that is underlined, and the learner has to supply the correct teachers are preparing for their
word or phrase demonstration at their cooperating
Example: Butterflies are mammals. schools.
2. Yes-No Variation. In this format, learner has to choose yes They need to know the teaching skills they
or no rather than true or false learned throughout their college years:
3. A-B Variation, in this format, the learner has to choose A or
B rather than True or False Guidelines for problem-solving test items

1. Identify and explain the problem clearly.

2. Be specific and clear of the type of
response required from the students.
3. Specify in the directions the bases for
grading students' answers/ procedures.
P1 Exam Reviewer

Variations on the quantitative problem-solving items: Ways:

1. Test- retest
1. One-answer choice
- type of question contains four or five options and - have a test
students are required to choose the best answer - administer to all examinees after not
more than 6 months, administer them
2. All possible answer choices AGAIN to SAME GROUP of examinees
- type of question has four or five options and students are responses on the test must be more or
required to choose all of the options that are correct. less
➢ 1-2 : Multiple choice - the same across two points in time
- applicable for tests that measure stable
3. Type-in answer variables (aptitude/psychomotor)
- type of question does not provide options to choose from Statistics used:
instead, the learners are asked to supply the correct correlation – linear rs is 2 variables from 1st and
answer. 2nd admin.
➢ Identification
Pearson product Moment – data are usually in
interval scale
- measure can be high or low, depending on the following
2. Parallel Forms
- the consistency of the responses to make sure under - there are two versions of a test; items
three conditions: need to exactly measure the same skill
1. when retested on the same person - each test version is called a FORM that
2. when retested on the same measure: and is administered one form at a time and
3. similarity of response across items that measure the the other form to another time to the
same characteristics. same group of participants
- responses of two forms should be more
1. The number of items in a test or less the same
- the more items a test has, the likelihood of reliability is - applicable if there are two versions of
high; the probability of obtaining consistent scores is high the tests; usually done when the test is
because of the large pool of items REPEATEDLY USED FOR DIFFERENT
GROUPS (entrance exams, licensure
2. The individual differences in participants exams)
- every participant possesses characteristics that affect
Statistics used:
their performance in a test
- such as fatigue, concentration, innate ability, - correlate the test results for the first
perseverance and motivation: form and the second form
- these individual factors change over time and affect the - significant and positive correlation
consistency of the answers in a test coefficient is expected
- the significant and positive correlation
3. External Environment indicates that the responses in the two
- may include room temperature, noise level, depth of forms are the same or consistent
instruction, exposure to materials, and quality of - Pearson r is usually used for this
instruction which would affect changes in the responses analysis
of examinees in a test
P1 Exam Reviewer

3. Split Half

- administer a test to a group of examinees items need to • When the direction if the scatter plot is
be SPLIT INTO HALVES usually using the odd-even directly proportional, the correlation
technique coefficient will have a negative value.
- get the sum of the points in the odd numbered items and • The statistical analysis used to determine
correlate it with the sum of the the points of the even- the correlation coefficient is called the
numbered items. Pearson r. Suppose that a teacher gave the
- each examinee will have two scores on coming from the spelling of two-syllable words with 20 items
same test; the sores on each set should be close or for Monday and Tuesday.
consistent • The teacher wanted to determine the
- split half is applicable when the test has a large number reliability of two sets of scores by
of items computing the Pearson r.
- HIGH & low

Statistics used: FORMULA

• correlate the two sets of scores using pearson r
• after correlation, use another formula called spearman-
brown coefficient
• both should be significant and positive to mean that the
test has internal consistency reliability EXAMPLES:
4. Test of Internal consistency

- involves determining if the scores for each item are

consistently answered by the examinees
- determine and record the scores for each item to see if
the responses are consistent with each other
- this will work when assessment tool has a large number
of items, for scales and inventories

Statistics used:
• Cronbach's alpha value 0.60 and above indicates that the
test items have internal consistency
• Kuder Richardson Difference between a positive and negative
• the above are used to determine the consistency of the correlation
test items
• Positive Correlation
- the value of correlation coefficient is
positive, it means that the higher the
scores on X, the higher the scores in Y

• Negative Correlation
- the higher the scores in X, the lower the
scores in Y and vice versa
- Pearson r correlation. The index of the linear regression
• Obtained.
is called a correlation coefficient. When the points in a
- two spelling scores, a positive
scatterplot tend to fall in a linear line, the correlation is
said to be strong.
P1 Exam Reviewer

• When the same test is administered to the

same group of participants, usually a positive
correlation indicates reliability or consistency
of the scores.

• statistical technique which is used for selecting
and rejecting the items of the test on the basis
of their difficulty value and discriminated power


To select appropriate items for the final draft

To obtain the information about the difficulty
value (D.V) of all the items
To provide modification to be made in some of
the items


1. Arrange the test scores from highest to lowest.

2. Include only in the analysis of item the upper
27% and lower 27% of the total number
3. Do not include the middle part of the test
4. Compute the difficulty Index
5. Compute the discrimination Index
6. Decide whether the item will be eliminated
7. Decide if the distracter be eliminated

• How easy or difficult the item was

• How well the item can distinguish high ability vs

low ability students

• The incorrect option should attract “more” of
the lower group than the upper group
P1 Exam Reviewer

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