Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
My Cooperating School, My Second Home
Name of Student:IRO NIEL D. PANOL
Course/Major: BCAED-4
At the end of this episode the student should be able to:
1. Describe the characteristics of the cooperating school that nurtures and inspire learner
2. Give examples and situations on how the vision, mission, goals, core values and expected
graduate attributes be integrated in daily lessons.
3. Demonstrate understanding of a supportive teaching environments that nurture and inspire
learner participation.
b. name of principal
c. number of faculty members
d. number of staff
e. number of students
f. academic/vocational offering
g. vision, mission statements, goals and graduate attributes
- Clarendon College endeavors to remain a premiere center of learning by uplifting the lives
of our people through the delivery of high-quality and inclusive education with compassion
and integrity.
-At Clarendon College, we believe that all students should experience high quality, holistic
and inclusive education that will result to personal transformation informed by Filipino
values. We remain committed to providing our learners a safe and positive environment to
reach their highest potential by developing them into leaders who are responsive to the needs
of local, national, and globa! communities.
-At Clarendon College we want families to recognize and help foster a culture t supports the
belief that education is a cooperative endeavor. All members of the school community must
model the cultural, professional, and educational standards of the school by working as
effective team members that meet deadlines and eccomplish clearly defined goals utilizing all
the talents and respecting the individual anferences of each member of the school community.
2. Complete the structured frame “I can concretize the school’s VMG by _____”
"I can concretize the school's VMG (Vision, Mission, and Goals) by aligning my
teaching practices and classroom activities with the overarching objectives outlined in the
VMG. This involves incorporating the values, principles, and objectives articulated in the
VMG into my lesson plans, instructional strategies, and classroom management approaches.
By consistently integrating the school's VMG into my teaching practice, I can contribute to
creating a cohesive and purposeful learning environment that reflects and advances the
school's vision, fulfills its mission, and achieves its goals."
3. Securing a sample lesson plan that shows how the school’s VMG is integrated.