Case Study BRD EMI Calc - Naman
Case Study BRD EMI Calc - Naman
Case Study BRD EMI Calc - Naman
Executive Summary
Fintech XYZ wants to develop a tool that can help prospective customers calculate Loan EMI
amounts and total loan amount based on their input i.e. interest rate, loan amount & tenure.
Business Context
Fintech XYZ wants to help people visualize their EMI planning and wants to build trust with
customers who might want to consider buying and investing in services of Fintech XYZ
Current State
Fintech XYZ does not have an automated tool that can help calculate Loan EMI.
Future State
Fintech XYZ aims at developing a tool that can calculate Loan EMI amounts that can aid in
financial planning.
Business Requirement
A tool that can serve customers in sorting out their EMI calculation needs as well as establish
Fintech XYZ as a recognized brand amongst other Fintech companies.
Scope : Calculation of EMI amount (monthly), Total interest amount and Total amount to be
paid ( principal + Interest amount ) based on input of Loan Amount , Interest Rate & Tenure.
Business Rules
1) The requirements are based on filling up a form and respective fields. This has been
divided in primary fields (FR01, FR02, FR03 & FR04) and secondary fields (FR05, FR06
& FR07). Only if the primary fields FR03(City) and FR04(Interest Fixed/Variable) are
filled with input will the fields FR05(Loan amount), FR06(Interest Rate),
F07(Tenure) be activated for INPUT!!
1.1) If input FR02 is done first, then FR03 must only display cities inside of
state selected (FR02), If input FR03 input is done first then FR02 must
automatically be set to the connected state.
2) After inputs for FR05, FR06, F07 are activated the user can provide inputs in them.
2.2) If in input FR02 the user has chosen ‘Karnataka’ or ‘Goa’ then he must be
exempted from paying the first EMI. (*Whether this is a complete exemption of
the amount or whether that amount has to be adjusted later is a question where
more clarity can be sought from Business. ** This rule can be understood more
clearly after interaction with the Business)
An input form needs to be designed which should have the flexibility to be later linked to a
database. (*Currently the data input must be saved until the RESET Button is not pressed )
FR01 Primary Name Free Flowing Text Field (99 Text field for user to enter
characters allowed) Name. (check next table i.e.
data dictionary for
characters allowed)
FR02 Primary State Drop Down menu - All To choose Name of the
states of India state where the user is.
FR03 Primary City Drop Down menu - 3 tier To choose Name of the city
and 2 tier cities of India where the user is.
Two scenarios for FR02 and FR03 input (business rule 1.1)
INPUT FR02 FIRST >> then FR03 must only display cities inside of state selected (FR02)
INPUT FR03 FIRST >> then FR02 must automatically set to the connected state
*Helpful if a database with State names with connected cities is kept. States can have
separate tables with 2 columns. One for serial number and other for name of city.
The secondary fields will be accessible to the user only if FR03 and FR04 have been filled.
Otherwise they can be displayed in grey color. (Business rule 1)
FR05 Secondary Loan Free flowing Text field (only To entere the amount of
Amount numeric input) Loan that the user wants
FR06 Secondary Interest Free Flowing Text Field To enter theInterest Rate
Rate (only numeric input) that the user would opt for
FR07 Secondary Tenure Free Flowing Text Field To enter the length of
(in (only numeric input) months the user wants the
Months) loan for.
FR09 Secondary Button Clickable button ‘Reset’ By clicking, all the fields will
‘Reset’ be set to blank.
FR10 Secondary Button Clickable button ‘Close By clicking the button the
‘Close Window’ window shall be closed.
Window’ The inputs in the fields shall
not be erased. By Clicking
okay the output window can
be opened again.
FR05 Numeric entry field Numeric data upto 12 characters long permitted (Max value
= 9999999999999, only numeric, no decimals no comma)
FR06 Numeric entry field Numeric data upto 5 characters long permitted(only
with 2 decimal numeric, decimals allowed, no comma)
points allowed
FR07 Numeric entry field Numeric data upto 3 characters long permitted(max valve
999, only numeric, no decimals no comma)
2 As the system it want to Given the user is inputting Once the user chooses the
know the state of the user his credentials, when the state, the city field should
so it can decide what user selects the state, the have entries only related to
criteria is to be applied entry should be accepted. that particular state.
while calculating EMI.
3 As the system it want to Given the user is inputting Only if the city has been
know the city of the user his credentials, when the input and the interest rate
so it can decide what user selects the city, the preference has been input
criteria is to be applied in entry should be taken. If should the secondary
EMI calculation. the city is filled out first credentials be available for
4 As the system it want to Given the user is inputting Only if the city has been
know the preference of his credentials, when the input and the interest rate
Loan type (Variable/Fixed) user selects the interest preference has been input
by the user so that it can rate preference as variable should the secondary
be taken into account or fixed, his input must be credentials be available for
while EMI calculator is accepted. input. This is business rule
done. 2.
5 As a user who has Given the user wants to The business would provide
entered his primary calculate the monthly EMI, the formula for calculating
credentials, I now want to interest amount and total the monthly EMI, interest
enter the loan amount so amount, when the user amount and total amount. It
that the EMI calculation enters the loan amount, should be used. Also
can be done by the then that input must be Business rule 2.1 and 2.2
system. used for calculation. must be followed.
6 As a user I want to enter Given the user wants to The business would provide
the interest percentage so calculate the monthly EMI, the formula for calculating
that the EMI calculation interest amount and total the monthly EMI, interest
can be done by the amount, when the user amount and total amount. It
system. enters the interest should be used.Also
percentage, then that input Business rule 2.1 and 2.2
must be used for must be followed.
7 As a user I want to enter Given the user wants to The business would provide
the tenure in months so calculate the monthly EMI, the formula for calculating
that the EMI calculation interest amount and total the monthly EMI, interest
can be done by the amount, when the user amount and total amount. It
system. enters the tenure in should be used.Also
months, then that input Business rule 2.1 and 2.2
must be used for must be followed.
Performance - The platform or solution where this tool will be deployed must be able to handle
100s of request at the same time. There should be no crashing.
Security - The details submitted by the users must be secure in the database and should not be
accessible without authorized access.
Scalability - If this solution needs to expanded to a much more detail analysis of EMI and case
by case comparison, it should be possible.
Portability - If a change in platform is desired in the near future, the solution should be in the
shape that it can be transferred onto a new platform without any change.
Usability - The solution must be usable by an average user. The flow and user experience must
be seamless. Instructions must be provided at places where there could be a gap in
understanding of the average user.
Maintainability - Over time the solution should stay operational. Regular checks of its being
operational and devoid of error state must be checked.
Users must have basic knowledge and understanding of how EMI’s are dependent on interest
rates and there are two types of interest rates fixed and variable.
Loan* Fixed
(* Following Business rule 1.If there is valid entry on ‘City’ field and ‘Loan Type’ field the below
fields shall be active ELSE they can be light gray color and not activated. Once activated they
can be in the normal black color. This Message is only for ref, wont be displayed in the actual
Close Window
** Sliders and graphs can be added for better visualization but currently this is
The user must be internet savvy to an extent that he can understand and operate this tool.