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Sample Key User Guide To Sap Fi

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Process note

1.Vendor Master Creation

2.Customer Creation

3.Defining the Exchange rate

4.Opening and closing posting periods

5.Info record maintaing

6. Master Data Upload through LSMW(Legacy system migration workbench)

7.House bank configuration

8. General Ledger A/C creation

9.Cost centre creation

10.Profit centre creation

11.Investment order creation

12.Budget allocation

13. Cash journal defining

14. Change in condition records

15. Defining Margin and tax as per vendor and Merchandising category
1.Vendor Master Creation-
The vendor master record contains all the information a company needs for its business
relationships with vendors. This data controls the posting transaction as well as the
processing of posting data. Both the accounting and purchasing departments use the
master record for this purpose. Vendor master records are centrally stored in the system.
This ensures that data is always consistent, up-to-date and without duplication.
In SAP we have to define every vendor related to its Account group(variant to define a
vendor).For that we use the external No.range. (user assigns the No.)

Vendors with their relevant A/C group-

Vendor Account Group

Vendor Account Group Description CoCode

Trade Domestic Vendors ZVTD

Non-trade Domestic Vendors ZVNT

Trade Import Vendors ZVTI

Non-trade Import Vendors ZVNI

CAPEX Domestic Vendors ZVCD

CAPEX Import Vendors ZVCI

Service Vendors ZVSE

Rental Vendors ZVRE

Trade - Group Companies ZVGT

Non Trade - Group Companies ZVGN

Employee Vendors ZVEM

First screen after entering T.code is-

1.vendor no.

2.Company code

3.Purchasing Organisation

4.Account Group and press enter

After entering the following parameters we need to fill the entire details of the
vendor like Name,Address,Search term,Postal code,city,Region,Contact no.,Email
id,Etc. on the following screen
Press enter and following screen will appear-

Vat no.,Service tax no.,PAN no.

Press enter and following screen will appear on which Reconciliation A/C no.Field
is Mendatory.

Reconciliation A/C no.

On the following screen Payment transaction details are filled.Payment term and
Payment method fields are mendatory.

1.Payment Terms

2.Payment Methods
In the following screen Correspondence related information is filled.No field is
mendatory here.
On the following screen Information related to withholding tax is filled like
withholding tax type,W/H tax code, and liable for tax.

Save the screen.

This is how the vendor is created In SAP.

1.order currency
Customer creation-


1.Account group-Institutional

2.New customer A/C no.

3.Company code-1000

4.Sales organization-1000

5.D.Channel-01 or 03

After maintaining all the parameters following screen will appear.

In address field we need to fill the

entire details related to customer
like Name,Address,Country,Region,
Postal code,PO box,Telephone
no.,Email id,Etc.
Now we have to fill the control data related to customer

Press control data Tab

If the customer is also a

vendor,we need to fill this
field with the respective
vendor code
After entering the control data payment transaction field is to be filled on the
following screen like bank details of the customer and name of account holder.
After entering all the parameters we have to go to the sales area data.

Select Sales area data

After selecting the sales area tab following screen will appear


Cust.pricing procedure-1(standard)
Select the shipping tab and maintain the following parameters.

Select shipping tab

1.Delivery priority-0

2Shipping conditions-01

3.Delivering site-Store code

Select the Billing Document Tab and maintain the following parameters-

Select Billing Document Tab


2.Terms of payment-Varies from

customer to customer

Taxes-Select tax category from the

menu,Country and Press enter
Select the Parter function field and press enter.following screen will appear-

Select Partner Functions


Select Partner function field

and it should be always

Now save the customer and one message will display like customer created with
Customer code #########
Define new exchange rate-
We have to define the exchange rate in SAP for the particular month on 1st of
every month.This we have to define on production client which is 300 in our


Menu path-SPRO in easy access command field SAP reference IMG or F5 SAP
netweaver General Settings Currencies Enter Exchange Rates

Enter SPRO
Following Screen will appear-

SAP Reference IMG

Following screen will appear on which we have to follow the particular path

Enter Exchange rates

Following screen will appear-

Press Position Tab or Shift+F7

Following screen will appear-

1.Exch.Rate Type-M

2.From Currency-USD/GBP/HKD

3.To currency-INR

Following screen will appear-

2.Select Copy TAB

1.Select the top most row

Following screen will appear-

1.Enter effective change exchange


2.Enter the new effective exchange



This exchange rate we have to define for 3 Currencies-



Opening and closing Posting periods-

On the first day of every month we need to open the Period First because without
opening the period system will not accept any entry for the same month.

On the easy Access Screen Press SPRO in Command Field and Press Enter

Enter SPRO and Press enter

Following screen Will appear-

Select SAP Ref. IMG or Press F5

Following Screen will appear-

Menu Path-Financial accounting(New)Financial Accounting Global

SettingsLedgersFiscal years and Posting PeriodsPosting PeriodsOpen and
Close Posting Periods

Select the ICON

Following Screen will appear-
Example-Like if we want to open the posting period for the month of September
only in 2010 then we have to change the period for each account type Like the
Following screen.6 stands for Septembers posting periods. In FROM field we have
to enter the period by which we want to enter the transactions and in TO field we
have to enter the current months period.

After Making all changes we have to save the screen.

Info Record Maintaining-

For Margin Uploading:-



To create condition records-


Following screen will appear in which we have to specify condition type which is

Condition type-
On the following screen select vendor if vendor is providing material for one
particular Co.
If vendor is selected than following screen will appear.

Select P.Org.-1000
In that we have to enter purchase Organization which is 1000 or 3000.

Details of Vendor and Amount(Basic amount) will be provided by the respective

brand dept.In bracket Valid From we have to enter the date on which margin is
uploaded.Press enter and Save.
To make changes in MRP-

MRP Uploading is done by respective brand dept.

To make any changes following procedure have to be followed.


Condition type-DMRP

After pressing enter following screen will appear in which we have to select
Article Info Record.
We nave to enter following parameters.

Vendor,Article,Purc.organization as shown in the below screen

In the following screen we have to change the margin in amount column.and will
have to mail the particular brand dept.for their approval.
Process Note For Tax Uploading


JIPS for local vendor

We have to select site/vendor/mdse cat as shown below.
On the following screen we have to specify site, vendor code, mdse cat., amount
which will be provided by Brand Dept. and in Valid From field we have to enter
the date on the tax is uploaded.

Save the Document

Uploading of ZVAT



Mention ZVAT in condition type.Press enter and following screen will appear.
Select Mdse cat/vendor/site.

Press enter
Following screen will appear on which we have to maintain the following

The following details will be provided by the Brand Dept.like Merchandise

Categogy,Vendor & Site. in Valid From field we have to enter the date on the tax
is uploaded.Than Save
For CST billing Tax Upload


Mention condition type as JIPC

On the following screen Select site/vendor/mdse cat.from the following options
We have to maintain the same parametes like we maintained for ZVAT condition

Select save.
For ZCST-T.code-MEK1


Enter ZCST in condition type.

Press Enter.Following screen will appear

Select & Save.

Master data upload through LSMW(legacy system Migration workbench)

We have to maintain the net price and input tax-M1 in the system for that we use
the LSMW tool to enter data in a lot.

Procedure for LSMW

Process for LSMW for creating Info Record for Consignment Article


Go to LSMW enter the following Inputs.

Project Name : ZME11_NEW

Subproject : ME11

Object : ME11
Then Click on Execute button

In Next Screen Select on Specify File Radio Button. Then Click on Execute

Click on
Select Execute
Click on the Path shown in next screen then Click on Change/Display button

First Click on this


Click here and then

double click on the
path to change Then
the double click on the Path, and then in next screen please specify the path of
the format file that you have created for uploading the Info Records.

Please specify the path of the file

which you have create for uploading
the Info record

Specify the name of the

file here with extension
Delimiter should be like filename.txt

Then click here

In the above screen you have to specify the path of the file which you have
created for uploading the Info record for consignment articles and in Name field
enter the file name with the extension like <filename>.txt, then in delimiter
section please select Tabulator and then click on tick button. After that you will be
Click on back button
on the earlier screen of LSM workbench Specify Files (Change)

Click on save then Click

on Back Button

Here click on save button then click on back button this will get you to the LSM
workbench screen. In this screen Assign files radio button will automatically
selected you just have to click on Execute. In the next screen just click
Change/Display Button then click on save and then back button. Now the next
radio button of Read Data will automatically selected. Click on Execute.

This will get you to the next screen of Import data here just click on execute. This
will get you to the screen with the number of articles read from the file that you
are uploading.
Then Click on Back button and on the next screen again click on back button this
will get back to the initial screen of the LSM Workbench. Now the next radio
button of Display Read Data will be selected automatically.
Now, here click on execute. In the next Screen click on tick button.

Click here

In next window just click on Back Button

Click here

When you clicked on Back button it will again get you to the Initial screen of LSM
Workbench here you will find that next radio button of Convert data is
automatically selected then click on Execute button. In next screen of LSM
Workbench; Convert data again click on Execute button.
In next screen click on back button then again click on back button.

Click here

When you clicked on Back button it will again get you to the Initial screen of LSM
Workbench here you will find that next radio button of Display Converted Data is
automatically selected here click on Execute button. In next window just click on
tick button.

Click here
In Next Screen Click on back button

Click here

When you clicked on Back button it will again get you to the Initial screen of LSM
Workbench here you will find that next radio button of Create Batch Input is
automatically selected here click on Execute button.

In next screen please click on execute button. This will throw a dialog box of batch
created just click on tick button.

Click here

When you clicked on Tick button it will again get you to the Initial screen of LSM
Workbench here you will find that next radio button of Run Batch Input session is
automatically selected here click on Execute button.
In Next Screen Select the latest session from the list and click on process button.
Step 2. Click on Process

Step 1. Select Latest

Session from here

When you click on Process button then one window of Process Session ME11 will
appear on the screen. Deselect the Dynpro standard size and select Extended
log and Expert Mode and you can the select one of the option of Foreground
processing and Background processing then click on Process Button. This will start
uploading the Info record.
Select extended log and
Expert mode

Deselect this option

Click on Process to start

uploading the Info
House Bank Configuration-

Whenever we open a A/C in new bank for that first we have to define the
house bank in Development server which is 110 in our organization.


Menu path-first click on command field and press SPRO.

Following screen would appear.

Click on SAP Reference IMG Tab
Following screen will appear on which follow the given path-

Menu path-Financial accounting (new)Bank AccountingBank

AccountsDefine house bank

Click on symbol
Insert 1000 and
press enter

Following screen will appear-

1.Select row

2.Select Copy
Following Screen will appear-

1.Insert House Bank No.and

Press Save option

Following screen will appear-

1.Enter the Bank Details

Following screen will appear-

Select bank account

Insert Bank A/C no.

G/L A/c no.which we have

to create Before Inserting
this Through FS00

After Pressing Save Option we should Check that every field is filled or
not.Account ID is always 01.

This entire procedure should be done on Client 110 and than it should be
transported To testing Server and After doing testing several times by user it
should be transported to Client 300.For that particular UAT(user acceptance Test)
has to be signed and submit it to IT Deptt.
General Ledger A/C creation-


On the Following screen we have to maintain the particular parameters.

1.New G/L a/c no. And Co.Code

5.Select control data

2.select account group

4.Give short and Long Text

3.Select check box

Following screen will appear-

3.Select Create/Bank/Interest


2.Select Both the Check boxes

Following screen will appear-

1.This is the mandatory field so

we have to select it as G001

2.Select Check box


After saving the following screen One message would be displayed like-

G/L account created with No.######

Cost Centre Creation-

Definition-Cost Center in SAP is an organisational unit within a company that is

used to track where costs occurred within the Organisation or it is divisions that
add to the cost of the organization, but only indirectly add to the profit of the
company. In our Organisation Cost centre is Our stores as well as the HO.

KS01-Creation of cost centre

KS02-Changes in cost centre

KS03-Display in cost centre

Menu-AccountingControllingCost centre accountingMaster DataCost

centreIndividual ProcessingKS01-Create

Press enter
On the following screen particular parameters have to be maintained.

Cost centre no.to be Created

Date from which cost centre is

to be affected to 9999

Press Enter
On the Following screen enter the following parameters

1.Enter the name and description

of cost centre

2.Name of the respective brand

3.Cost centre category should be

4.Hierarchy should be brand only
and co.code should be 1000

5.Currency should be INR and In

Profit centre field it should be
linked with particular Profit Centre
which is the same as cost centre
6.Select Control Tab
no.in our company
On the following screen select the particular check boxes

After entering all this save the screen.

Process note For Profit Centre Creation-

Profit centre is first created On development Client which is 110 In our respective
organization.Than the request is transported to Testing Client which is 130.There
it is tested Severally by User and if the user find that it is proper than it is Created
on Production client which is 300.

KE51-To create Profit Centre

KE52-To change Profit Centre

KE53-To display Profit Centre

Menu Path-AccountingFinancial AccountingGeneral LedgerMaster
RecordsProfit CentreIndividual Processing KE51 Create
On the following Screen In Controlling area fill PR00

Press Enter
On the Following screen Fill the Profit centre which we want to create like we are
creating 1751.Press enter
On the following screen maintain the particular parameters.

1.Analysis period should always be from

January to December,starting from the
current year till 9999.

2.Name and long text for particular Profit


3.Person Res.should be the Brand Itself

4.Pr.Ctr group is also according to Brand

5.Select Company code

Press Enter
On the Following Screen maintain the particular parameters.

1.Select the check box against


2.Press Basic Data tab

Save the following screen.

Investment order creation-


Enter PR10
Following screen will appear on which we need to maintain the following

3.Control Data


2.Select Investment

Profit centre-Store code

On the following screen maintain the currency and select statistical order and
commitment update check box


Order Category-1

Statistical order

Commitment profile


After maintain all the parameters system will generate a Order no.
Budget Allocation-


Mention the internal order

No.and press enter
On the following screen we have to maintain the amount which we want to
allocate to particular order.

Amount to be allocated to

Save the screen and Budget would be allocated.

Define Cash Journal-

Whenever In planet any new stores comes for that we have to create new cash
journal. We need to create this first on Development and transport it to Testing
client. After testing it several times we should transport it to production server.

Path->SPRO-Sap Reference IMG-Financial accounting(New)-Bank accounting-

Business transactions-Cash Journal-Set up cash journal

Set up cash journal

On the following screen we need to maintain the following parameters

New entries
Following screen will appear on which we need to maintain the following


2.Cash journal no-(Store No.)

3.G/L a/c No.-241501


5.DT gl a/c-SX

Save the screen and Transport the Request from 110(Development) to 130
(testing) and test the cash journal both payment and receipt and generate the
document no.After testing we have to Give the Duly signed UAT(user Acceptance
Test Form) to IT department with request no.they will Transport it to Production.

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