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FESTO PLC És IMO Kijelzı Egység Összekötése

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Connection of FESTO PLC and IMO display unit

The purpose of the description is to find it in the Help menu of the ConfigManager program
In addition to the tutorial instructional description and other descriptions, it should serve as
supplementary material for connecting the PLC and IMO display.

FESTO PLC settings:

Baud Rate: 9600

Data bits: 8 (automatic)
Stop bits: 1 (automatic)
Matches: NONE

Baud Rate, Parity data can be selected as desired, and other values can be set, but of course
the same settings must be used in the display.

Cable connection:

IMO Display 1 FESTO PLC 1

RX 2
TX 3 4

RTS 7 Connection leg 1
CTS 8 9

Of course, the communication is correct if the RUN LED on the FESTO PLC and the
communication LED on the IMO display indicate the communication.

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IMO display settings:

We currently enter a project name Project name: FESTO_proba , this

same name appears in the Location menu, where we can see the location
of the Windows file system. Instead of Slow or Fast serial , we have to
select the COM1 or COM2 port of the computer, through which we can
download our program to the display.

Select the type of display to be used by selecting the Add New Panel next
button . By choosing Disable Panel Beep , we can get the sound

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to cheat You can also connect to the display with Attach Now. Proceed _

before pressing the button, you can switch to programming mode by

pressing the Enter and ESC buttons on the HMI display at the same time
(it asks for a password first, enter it). After that , you can add a password
to our program, if you don't want it, choose the end:

By clicking on the FESTO_proba project and selecting the Expand tree function with
the right mouse button , the programmer tree structure can be expanded.

Setting up communication with FESTO PLC in the IMO program:

You can install new devices for the display unit by clicking on Port and
selecting New Device with the right mouse button . Choose FESTO.
By selecting the Next key:

For Device Type , select Festo FEC .

By clicking Finish, we installed the FESTO PLC for our display.
Now let's set up the communication of the serial
port: You can set the communication parameters by clicking on Port
with the right mouse button and in the Settings menu of Properties..

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Of course, this is the same as the communication parameters set within

If the PLC program is "bad", e.g. we want to move a contact with the
display unit that is already set as an output in the PLC program, then a
communication error occurs between the display and the PLC. The
communication LED on the display will not light up.

IMO display programming examples:

Task 1: Activate the F1.0 flag bit with the F1 key.

In the PLC, we assign output O0.0 to contact F1.3, then we can see the
For example, with the following small program written in FESTO PLC:
After selecting the Default Group point, select New Screen with the right
mouse button , then the finish button.

By clicking on the F1 key and selecting Toggle drive out with the right
mouse button , we see the following:

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Select the arrow to create a new label. Toggle state 1 and Toggle state 2
mean the two states that occur when the F1 key is pressed. In this case, 0
or 1. When F1 is pressed for the first time, 0 is written in the set word, and 1
is written (in decimal) the next time it is pressed.

Device: Select FESTO . The name of the Tag (label): F1.0 (can be anything
you like), you can write a comment below. When you press the Next key ,
you can select the type of word you want to program with the arrow next to
External Address

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Based on this , we have to select External Address: M0001 , but the

program accepts it even if entered manually. (Here we select a word .) After
that , we can choose Finish or keep pressing the Next key. Finally , press
Enter to confirm our program, and the original screen will appear.

The Flag memory area in the PLC corresponds to the M memory area in the
display. In this case, register M0001 corresponds to FW001.

If we want to see a specific text on the screen while running, then

a by selecting a key, we can write any text and place it on the display
unit with the help of the mouse.
After that, we can download our program to the display by selecting the
download button. By pressing the Enter-Esc keys on the display at the
same time, we can return to the RUN mode of the display and test our
program. After connecting to the PLC, by pressing F1, our program will
change bit 0 from the word FW0001 to F1.0 in the given contact. By selecting
any word, in the case of Toggle Drive out , bit 0 of the word is reached by
default. In case of setting M0004, 4.0.
In the case of M0006, bit F6.0 will respond. Accessing other bits within the
register will be discussed later.

Task 2: writing out the value of an internal register of the PLC, and decreasing
and increasing the value.

After creating a new project, select the Default Group point, select New
Screen with the right mouse button , and then the finish button.

Select the Add Point key. We write the desired label for the Point Tag, e.g.:
R_terulet , since we want to change the value of the R0 register.

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By clicking on the arrow and selecting the FESTO PLC, press the Next
key, we now set the R Table . (Register area R in the display also
corresponds to register area R in the PLC.)

After that , choosing finish and then enter.

It can be displayed on the display in the following image:

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By clicking on and next to the term Point Tag, you can choose chooses
between the existing tags.
Choose the already created Tag Name called R_terulet , you can enter the
width of the desired display value under Total Width . Let it be 5 values.

By selecting Finish and moving the mouse on the small 2×20 character
display, you can place it in the desired location.
By clicking on the F1 key with the right mouse button and entering the
Increment drive out command , we can specify that we want to increase this
value by setting the R_terulet label again with the previous choice .
Amount increment by indicates the amount of increase, which is 1 by default.
Although this procedure is executed with F2, this value can only be decreased
by selecting the Decrement drive out command.

By switching to the programming mode of the display, we can download and

test our program by pressing Esc and Enter together on the display.

Task 3: Turning on and off the 3rd and 0th bits in the FW0003 register at the
same time (F3.0 and F3.8).

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By clicking on the F3 key and selecting Toggle drive out with the right mouse button , set
the following: Name: FW0003_03_00, this is an arbitrary name because we want to set the
3rd and 0th bits of the word FW0003.

Toggle state 1: 0 means that when the button is pressed, the register will record 0 in the
first state.
Toggle state 2: 9 means that the next time the button is pressed, since we want to move bits
0 and 3, we send 9 to the word in decimal, since nine means 1001 in binary (2 on zero + 2
on 3). 9 in decimal means 1001 in binary Other examples: 8 in decimal means 1000 in binary;
6 means decimal san 0110 in binary

15.bit 14. bit 13.bit 12.bit 11.bit 10.bit 0 0 8.bit 7.bit 6.bit 5.bit 4.bit 3.bit 2.bit 1.bit 0.bit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

9.bit 0 1001 in binary = 9 in decimal

If the task is to toggle bits 11, 7 and 5

15.bit 14. bit 13.bit 12.bit 11.bit 10.bit 9.bit 8.bit 7.bit 6.bit 5.bit 4.bit 3.bit 2.bit 1.bit 0.bit
0 0 0 then
0 0 10010100000
0 1 in 0binary 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

= 1184 in decimal

If we have difficulties, we use the windows calculator to help.

By selecting the arrow again, we set the FESTO PLC (Device: FESTO), and then we can
also write a comment. By pressing the Next key:

The internal register FW0003 can be selected by entering M0003 on the display.

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After that, you can try our program by clicking on the Finish button or by
performing the well-known transfer procedure.

Task 4: Writing messages assigned to specific bits of internal register

FW0002 on the display.

Let's start a new project, after setting up communication with FESTO PLC,
start a new screen, in the already known way. After pressing it, open a new
label. Enter FW0002 (optional) for the Point Tag . After pressing the next key,
set the FESTO PLC (Device: FESTO) The external address is of course
M0002 . On and on and on. By clicking next to the bits of the given word with
the mouse, write the text assigned to the status there. Making sure not to use
accented letters. (The display does not even know how to handle accented

After that, by clicking finish, set the following:

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Point Attribute: Message means that text is set for display Total width:
9 means the length of the permitted text.
The F1 and F2 keys can be assigned to increase the area of FW0002 (increment
drive out, decrement drive out) , so we can see the change. By default, it will
of course write zero.

Some good advice:

1. The communication LED of the display unit will NOT light up in case of
properly set communication, if a contact has been programmed as an output in
the PLC and we want to change it with the off indicator.

2. If we are connected to the PLC via COM1 of the computer, and to the display
via COM2. Then there may be communication problems. Therefore, if you want
to break the communication with the display, you can disconnect from the
display by clicking on with the rightfrom
and item.
You the
then switch
tasks and monitor PLCs at your leisure. Creating a new connection can be done
by selecting Attach now from the Properties menu of this menu item .

The display is also capable of many other tasks, the description does not aim to
show all capabilities. These can only provide a basis for starting. The Tutorial
can be found in the Help menu of the ConfigManager program and, among
other descriptions, it serves as supplementary material for connecting the PLC
and IMO display.

Good luck to you:

Zoltán Takács

In case of problems, contact our company:

Yeruham Mÿvek Kft.

1133 Budapest, Vésÿ u. 9-11. Entrance: Süllÿ u. From
page 8 Phone: (1) 412-4161 Fax: (1) 412-4171

Zoltán Takács
[email protected]


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