BHS014 6 Assessment Brief 23-24-1
BHS014 6 Assessment Brief 23-24-1
BHS014 6 Assessment Brief 23-24-1
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
• Lectures and tutorials will cover content related to this assignment. In the scheduled lecturer and tutorial sessions, students learn
the theoretical part of this assignment such as transformation, industrial application of microbes, gene expression and
heterologous expression system.
• This practical session will provide an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding and skills in action.
• Tutorial classes will be used to discuss what is expected from individual portfolio entries. The example of Entry 3 will
be discussed in a tutorial session.
• This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of relevant microbiology techniques in the context of
overexpression and purification of recombinant proteins using bacterial expression vector and E. coli (DE3) host cells,
manuplation of microbes and the industrial application of microbes.
• Your submission should demonstrate your capability to appropriately present and analyse scientific data, by using
scientific language and IT resources to effectively communicate your findings.
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the
following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Assessment 3rd Class – 40-49% Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+
A satisfactory level A good level of data A very good data analysis Excellent data analysis and
of data analysis analysis and mostly and, thorough and is more accurate, thorough
Data handling and presentation. correct. Presentation is complete. Presentation is and complete. Excellent
and Some attempt is generally clear and very clear and more presentation and is very
presentation given to explain appropriate. appropriate with tables or accurate and appropriate
(30%) what is being figures and explained with figure legends. Clear
presented. appropriately. explanation of what is
being presented.
A satisfactory range of A reasonable range of A very good range of A broad range of literature
Use of relevant literature is relevant literature is literature is accessed including primary
literature and accessed, including accessed, including including primary sources is accessed.
referencing some primary source. important primary sources. sources. Correct UoB Discussed results with
(10%). In-text citations are In-text citations are used Harvard formatting of relevant literature and
used. appropriately and UoB citations and reference arguments put forward.
Harvard format is list used throughout. Correct UoB Harvard
generally correctly used. formatting of citations and
reference list used