Assignment 1 Instructions

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Module Code: Module Title: Module Lecturer:

HRM08018 Managing People Fionnuala Farrell
Assessment Title and Tasks: Assignment No. Supplementary
Case-study Analysis & Reflection
No. of pages submitted in total including this page: Word Count of submission
Completed by student Completed by student
Date Set: Submission Due Date: Return Date:
18 Feb 2020 18th Mar 2020

Part A: Record of Submission (to be completed by Student)

Extenuating Circumstances:
If there are any exceptional circumstances that may have affected your ability to undertake or
submit this assignment, make sure you contact the Module Lecturer prior to your submission

Fit to sit:
In submitting a document or presenting yourself for an assessment, are declaring that you are fit to
sit the assessment. You cannot subsequently claim that your performance in this assessment was
affected by extenuating factors.

Plagiarism and Unfair Practice Declaration:

By submitting this assessment, you declare that it is your own work and that the sources of
information and material you have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and
properly acknowledged/referenced using the Harvard Referencing protocol as required.
Additionally, the work presented has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also
understand that the School reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism or unfair
practice which, if proven, could result in a fail in this assessment and may affect your progress.

Details of Submission:
Work should be submitted through Moodle via the appropriate Turnitin Link. Work that is presented
for submission by any other means will not be accepted. Any submission after the deadline will not
be accepted nor marked. You are responsible for checking the method and particulars of

Student Number(s):
You are required to acknowledge that you
have read the above statements by writing
your student number (s) in the box:



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Part B: Marking and Assessment
(to be completed by Module Lecturer)
This assignment will be marked out of 100%
This assignment contributes to 15% of the total module marks.

Assessment Task:
The purpose of this task is to perform an effective case-study analyses on current issues and practices
facing managers and HR managers today in the area of Recruitment & Selection and to discuss amongst
your team whether the findings are applicable or not in your organisation(s) or managerial role(s).

The Task Specifics:

1) Select one journal article from those presented in the email attachment.
2) Conduct a Review and analysis of the journal under the following headings:
a. Introduction – (approx. 1 paragraph) Clearly introduce the focus area (eg e-recruitment;
new recruitment tools eg AI, or GDSS) of the journal and some general detail on the issue
faced by managers today in the recruitment and selection process.
b. Summary of the journal – (3-4 paragraphs) capture a summary of the key points in the
journal along with a limited number of examples. You may capture how the text is
organised. Note this is NOT a direct extract from the abstract/conclusion of the journal -
you need to write it in your own words to demonstrate your understanding.
c. Critique – (5-7 paragraphs) present a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths,
weaknesses and notable features of the article. Remember it is important that you critique
it based on specific criteria (see supporting document EDU_Critical Review_Tips). Include
at least a paragraph on positive aspects and another on the negative or limitations of the
study. You should capture where you think the article can be improved in terms of ideas,
research approach, theories or frameworks used. This section MUST be supported by
other research.
d. Contribution – (2-3 paragraphs) Describe the contribution the paper provides to our
knowledge in the field of recruitment and selection, in other words what do readers in
general (not you in particular) know as a result of the paper that they did not know
beforehand in this field of work
e. Conclusion – (2-3 paragraphs) Compare the findings presented in this paper with your own
experience in your own work environment – experience similar issues, ahead/behind
findings, not relevant to your organisation or role. Capture whether it is consistent amongst
the experience within the group. Comment on the ease of implementation in your
organisation, is it worth conducting research in this area due to its applicability for your
f. References – list all supporting documents which you had to research relative to your

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Learning Outcomes to be assessed (as specified in the validated module descriptor):

LO3: Conduct a review of advanced recruitment & selection methods.

Marking Scheme:
Marks Available Marks Awarded
Format of document submission, spelling, grammar, 10
referencing style and adherence to length
Ability to Summarize journal article 15
Ability to conduct effect critique 45
Quality of references used to support critique 10
Comparison with own work/organisation 20

Assessment Criteria:

Performance Level Criteria

Fail Very poor structure to the report, with little evidence or
understanding of the Journal and the specific focus area.
Limited supporting research and evidence of critical
analysis. Little or no comparison conducted on own
(40%-49%) Reasonable structure to the report, with evidence
demonstrating some understanding of the journal and focus
area. Fair critical analysis captured with some supporting
research evidence. Some comparison conducted on own
(50%-59%) Good structure to the report, with evidence demonstrating
good understanding of the journal and focus area. Good
critical analysis captured supported by good quality
research evidence. Appropriate comparison conducted on
own work/organisation.
(60%-69%) Very good structure to the report, demonstrating a good
understanding of the journal and specific focus area. Strong
critical analysis discussed with clear criteria and good
supporting high-quality research. Very well-articulated
comparison with own work environment.
(70% +) Excellent structure to the report, demonstrating a very good
understanding of the journal and specific focus area. Very
strong critical analysis presented with clear criteria and
relevant high-quality supported research. Strong
comparison with own work environment.

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Feedback/feed-forward (linked to assessment criteria): to be Completed by Lecturer

• Areas where the group has done well:

• Feedback from this assessment to help improve future assessments:

• Other comments

Mark: Marker’s Signature: Date:

Work on this module has been marked, double marked/moderated in

line with IT Sligo procedures.

Provisional mark only: subject to change and/or confirmation by the Assessment Board

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Part C: Reflections on Assessment
(to be completed by student – optional)
Please indicate which of the following you feel/felt applies/applied to your submitted work

• A reasonable attempt. We could have developed some of the sections


• A good attempt, displaying our understanding and learning, with analysis in

some parts.

• A very good attempt. The work demonstrates our clear understanding of

the learning supported by relevant literature and scholarly work with good
analysis and evaluation.

• An excellent attempt, with clear application of literature and scholarly work,

demonstrating significant analysis and evaluation.

What we found most difficult

about this assessment:

The areas where we would

value feedback:

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