Module 6 AFM Assignment 2

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Module code Foundation Year Research Module leader: Parminder Pannum

and title: Project (MGBBT0FYP)

Assignment Poster (1500 words) Assessment 50%

type: weighting:

Submission 7th October 2022 Before 2pm Feedback 3 weeks from submission
due dates: Target:

Assignment Overview

The assignment aims to take the generic research gathered and presented in task 1 and to apply it to a
particular example of an SME company, to create a poster that demonstrates the struggles the company
has faced, or can face, during a period of inflation and how this can be addressed.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Use information collected from a range of sources and use of appropriate methods to address the
stated aims and objectives of the investigation.

LO 2 Provide students with the basic skills and knowledge to be able to plan, execute, analyse findings,
and draw conclusions on a project related to accounting and finance.

LO 3 Enable students to communicate through written and visual presentation skills.

Assignment Task and Requirements


Building on the research you have carried out in assignment 1, design a Poster that informs us about
‘An SME that has been affected by inflation in the past and how they overcame this challenge’.
This task will require you to include all of the following:

1. Provide an overview of the company and their product/service.

2. Identify the period and causes of inflation that the company experienced in the past.
3. Include research from reliable sources that identifies the theories and models that can be used to
reduce the negative impacts of inflation and increase the positive impacts.
4. Use images and charts to help demonstrate the research.

All of your work must be based on reliable research and have a minimum of 10 different sources
within it. Please ensure you use both direct and indirect citations.

Assignment Guide and Format

Your poster needs to include the following Headings:

1. Provide an overview of the company and their product/service - this information must come directly
from the company chosen, such as the company website, not from your own knowledge. The
poster should have the company logo represented close to this section.

2. Identify the period and causes of inflation that the company experienced in the past – using the
research you used in task one to identify periods of inflation, research your chosen company to
identify how they were affected at the time. Company annual reports are a great research tool for

3. Include research from reliable sources that identifies the theories and models that can be used to
reduce the negative impacts of inflation and increase the positive impacts – using textbooks and
journals explain which models and theories your chosen company used to aid them during the time
of inflation. Company annual reports and specialist industry reports on your chosen company can
also be a source of information to aid in this task.

4. Use images and charts to help demonstrate the research – you must ensure the images are from a
reliable source and not created by yourself. The images must also be clear to read.

All of your work must be based on reliable research and have a minimum of 10 different sources
within it. Please ensure you use both direct and indirect citations.
You must reference all sources used in your poster, using the Harvard Referencing Guide from

Core Text Books

Reid, M. (2018) Report Writing, Basingstoke, Palgrave

Cottrell, S. (2019) The study skills handbook, Basingstoke, Palgrave

Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the Canterbury Harvard Referencing style guidance. You can
access this on Moodle.

For each reference used, provide the full Harvard reference within your references section and the core in-

text citation if you are referencing something in your text.

Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources.

How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning
outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria content, design and layout, and
graphics, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of
your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of
academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 0

See attached grid for grade descriptors.

Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with
you during class time).

 Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format (Microsoft Word, Excel
or PowerPoint, or PDF are the most widely used; Google Docs is also accepted). Your file must
also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in

 You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit
your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.

 Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which
will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this
receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment

 You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on
the University website: Academic Misconduct Policy. In submitting your assignment, you are
acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.

Provision at Level 3 (often forming part of a Foundation Year course) is designed to prepare students for higher education. At the end of Level 3, students will
be expected to demonstrate the acquisition of foundation level skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to embark on a higher education programme of
study at Level 4. In accordance with the national Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), this includes the ability to identify and use relevant
understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking
responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects
awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.
A pass mark (40% or above) demonstrates achievement of all learning outcomes associated with the module assessment
Assessment category
Introductory knowledge Cognitive and intellectual Reading and referencing Presentation, style and
and understanding of the skills structure
basic underlying Work that significantly exceeds
concepts and principles the specified word limit may be
of the subject(s) penalized
Excellent work showing Insightful and accurate Insightful and effective use of a Exemplary presentation of work that
flawless understanding of the interpretation and evaluation of carefully selected range of relevant is fluent and flawless throughout.
basic underlying concepts information and ideas, based on reading. Consistently accurate

and principles of the an excellent application of the application of referencing.

subject(s), resulting in most appropriate skills, methods
students being fully prepared and procedures. Work shows full
for study at Level 4. awareness of the nature of the
area of study and different
Pass Mark

perspectives or approaches
within it
High quality work showing Excellent interpretation and Consistent and balanced Highly effective presentation of work
fluent understanding of the evaluation of information and engagement with a refined selection that is coherently structured and
basic underlying concepts ideas, employing highly of many types of relevant reading. clearly expressed throughout.

and principles of the appropriate skills, methods and Consistently accurate application of
subject(s), resulting in procedures. Work shows strong referencing.
students being fully prepared awareness of the nature of the
for study at Level 4. area of study and different
perspectives or approaches
within it

Commendable work showing Effective interpretation and Consistent engagement with a wide Well-formed presentation of work
detailed understanding of the evaluation of information and range of relevant reading. that is coherently structured and
basic underlying concepts ideas, showing effective use of Consistently accurate application of clearly expressed throughout.

70% – 79%
and principles of the appropriate skills, methods and referencing.
subject(s), resulting in procedures. Work shows well
students being highly established awareness of the
prepared for study at Level 4. nature of the area of study and
different perspectives or
approaches within it.
Work of solid quality showing Good interpretation and Engagement with a wide range of Competent presentation of work in
competent and consistent evaluation of information and relevant reading. Sound application terms of structure and clarity of
understanding of the basic ideas, using appropriate skills, of referencing, with no inaccuracies expression.
60% – 69%

underlying concepts and methods and procedures. Work or inconsistencies.

principles of the subject(s), shows sound awareness of the
resulting in students being nature of the area of study and
well prepared for study at different perspectives or
Level 4. approaches within it.

Introductory knowledge Cognitive and intellectual Reading and referencing Presentation, style and
Level 3 skills structure

Adequate work showing Adequate interpretation and Engagement with an appropriate Work is structured in a largely
understanding of the basic evaluation of information and range of reading beyond essential coherent manner and is for the most
underlying concepts and ideas, largely using appropriate texts. Referencing may show minor part clearly expressed.

50% – 59%
principles of the subject(s), skills, methods and procedures. inaccuracies or inconsistencies.
resulting in students being Work shows awareness of the
prepared for study at Level 4, nature of the area of study and an
but lacking depth and breadth. emerging awareness of different
perspectives or approaches within
Pass mark

Simple factual approach A limited interpretation and Evidence of reading, largely confined Ordered presentation in which
showing understanding of the evaluation of information and to essential texts, but mainly reliant relevant ideas / concepts are
basic underlying concepts and ideas, showing emerging on taught elements. Referencing may reasonably expressed.
principles of the subject(s), awareness of the nature of the show inaccuracies and/or
40% – 49%

resulting in students being area of study and different inconsistencies.

largely prepared for study at perspectives or approaches within
Level 4. Narrow or misguided it, although not always logical or
selection of material, with coherent and with inaccuracies.
elements missing or

Work shows limited but Weak and at times flawed Poor engagement with essential texts Work is loosely, and at times
fragmentary understanding of interpretation and evaluation of and no evidence of wider reading. incoherently, structured, with
the basic underlying concepts information and ideas, resulting in Heavily reliant on taught elements. information and ideas often poorly
Marginal fail

35% – 39%

and principles of the largely descriptive work that Inconsistent and weak use of expressed.
subject(s), for example shows lack of awareness of the referencing.
through inaccuracies, inclusion nature of the area of study and
of irrelevant material and/or different perspectives or
absence of appropriate approaches within it.
Unsatisfactory work showing Very weak interpretation and Limited evidence of reading and/or Work is poorly presented in a
weak and flawed evaluation of information and reliance on inappropriate sources. disjointed and incoherent manner.
understanding of the basic ideas, resulting in descriptive work Limited engagement with taught Information and ideas are very poorly
20% – 34%

underlying concepts and that is often illogical, invalid or elements. Very poor use of expressed, with weak English and/or
principles of the subject(s), for irrelevant. Little awareness of the referencing. inappropriate style.
example through serious nature of the area of study and no
inaccuracies, inclusion of a appreciation of different
significant amount of irrelevant perspectives or approaches within
material and/or absence of it.
appropriate information.

Highly unsatisfactory work Work is largely irrelevant or No evidence of reading or Work is extremely disorganised, with
showing major gaps in inaccurate, characterised by6 engagement with taught elements. much of the content confusingly
understanding of the basic descriptive text and Absent or incoherent referencing. expressed. Very poor English and/or
underlying concepts and unsubstantiated generalisations. very inappropriate style.
< 20%

principles of the subject(s). Minimal or no use of evidence to

Inclusion of largely irrelevant back up views, showing complete

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