ES9ZW-15 Assignment Briefing 2024

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School of Engineering

The University of Warwick

General Assignment Information
Module Code ES9ZW-15
Module Title Modern Approaches to Diagnostics
Assignment Title Essay on Diagnostics technologies and models of delivery
Assignment 50%
Weighting / Credits
Submission Deadline Noon 5th December 2024 (Week 10)

Module Code ES9ZW-15

Module Title Modern Approaches to Diagnostics
Assignment Title UNIVANTS Case study and poster presentation
Assignment 50%
Weighting / Credits
Submission Deadline Noon 25th November 2024 (Week 8)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Assessed

Intended Learning Outcome(s) Task / Criterion / Section
Demonstrate a good Essay and Poster Presentation (50% each)
understanding of the role of
diagnostics in modern
Demonstrate a good Essay and Poster Presentation (50% each)
understanding of analytical and
operational gaps and an
advanced knowledge of
technologies and innovations
that have the potential to
improve diagnostics service
delivery and have an impact on
healthcare outcomes.
Use examples that critically Essay (50%)
evaluate novel diagnostic

approaches such as genomics
and assess suitability for
population heath or
personalised medicine
Demonstrate an advanced Essay (50%)
knowledge of the regulatory
frameworks that govern the
uptake of new technologies and
concepts into routine practice.
Understand key quality drivers Essay and Poster Presentation (50%)
of successful diagnostic services
operating in modern healthcare
and pathways to establish
innovation pathways.

 A total mark below 40% indicates that the ILOs have not all been met at threshold
 A total mark in the range 40 – 48% indicates that the ILOs have all been partially met
to at least threshold level;
 A total mark of at least 50% indicates that the ILOs have all been met.

Submission Details
The submission details for the Essay on Diagnostics technologies and models of delivery are:
 Deadline: Noon 5th December 2024
 Method: Online submission via Tabula.
 Format of submission: A single .pdf file with a meaningful filename that would contain
the student number, the module code, and assignment name, for example:
 Submission length: 2000 words. You will lose 5 marks per extra 10% of word count.
 Formatting instructions: Use a minimum 11-point Arial (or equivalent) font for the
text, with 1.5 line spacing and 25 mm margins all round.

The submission details for the Essay on Diagnostics technologies and models of delivery are:
 Deadline: Noon 25th November (week 8) for pdf of presentation with the presentation
to take place later in week 9
 Method: Online submission via Tabula.
 Format of submission: A single .pdf file with a meaningful filename that would contain
the student number, the module code, and assignment name, for example:
 Submission length: A0 poster converted to pdf.
 Formatting instructions: Use a A0 size poster in portrait orientation.

Note: Submissions should be of an appropriate file size and students are responsible for
ensuring that work is uploaded successfully before the deadline. If there are technical issues
when submitting online, please contact the Engineering Student Office
([email protected]).

Guidance and Referencing Style

It is serious Academic Misconduct to pass off the work of others (including peers or AI-based
chatbots such as ChatGPT) as your own and you should not permit colleagues to copy from
you. Sources must be appropriately and properly acknowledged every time reference is
made to another’s work, using the Harvard Referencing system. Failure to do so amounts to
plagiarism which breaches university regulations and falls short of the Academic Integrity
expected in the department and university.
Find out more about the School of Engineering Referencing System here:

There are also other types of academic offences including duplication or ‘self-plagiarism’.
Refer to
for further details.

Style and Formatting Guide

Submissions are expected to conform to professional standards on style and formatting, and
guidance can be found here:

Assignment Feedback
Marking of essays and feedback will be based on standardised rubrics; the module lead will
moderate marks and provide feedback. Feedback will be available on request. In case of
assessment failure, the module lead will offer a face to face feedback.
For the presentation, two assessors will listen to the presentations and mark on fixed
criteria. Presentation will also be to other members of the group who will give informal
In the case of group work, group-level feedback will be provided, in which case, an individual
note for each student referring to strengths and areas for improvement.
For the data analysis report, written feedback is provided on report, based on assessment
criteria. Feedback on programming style/practice/efficiency in addition to report.
Students will receive the equivalent of 150 – 300 words that covers the strengths of their
submission and the areas for improvement.

The Brief
For the essay, you are required to write a 2,000-words demonstrating your advanced
understanding of complex scientific concepts in a chosen diagnostics medicine field or multi-
omics technique. This assessment will evaluate your ability to critically analyse, synthesize,
and communicate complex scientific ideas effectively.
Your essay should:
1. Provide a comprehensive overview of the chosen field or technique, including its
historical context and development.
2. Discuss the underlying scientific principles and technologies involved, emphasizing
their complexity and significance.
3. Analyse the added value and impact of the chosen field or technique in modern
diagnostics, considering its contributions to patient care, research, and healthcare

4. Highlight recent advancements, challenges, and potential future developments in the
chosen area.
5. Include appropriate citations and references to support your arguments.

For the group assessment, you will work with three other students to complete a UNIVANTS
case study and present your findings through a group poster presentation. The UNIVANTS
program aims to optimize diagnostic management through interdisciplinary teamwork.
Please follow the link for more information on UNIVANTS. This assessment will evaluate your
ability to collaborate, analyse complex diagnostic scenarios, and effectively communicate
your findings. You should demonstrate the ability to:
1. Analyse a provided UNIVANTS case study, which involves a complex diagnostic
scenario in healthcare.
2. Collaboratively work on the case study, considering each member's expertise and
3. Prepare a group poster presentation summarizing your analysis, findings, and
proposed diagnostic management recommendations. The presentation should be
visually appealing and engage the audience effectively.
4. During the presentation, each group member should have a specific role and
contribute to the discussion.
The exact brief will be given at the point the essay titles and UNIVANTS cases are handed out
and described.

Marking Scheme
Mark Comprehension Analysis Critique Presentation
Demonstrates exemplary Presents a completely Understands and evaluates Demonstrates complete
command of the subject focused, entirely original, relevant arguments, debates command of techniques of
matter from an appreciably relevant and well-structured and/or interpretations in a professional writing with
exhaustive range of critically and genuinely cross- manner that demonstrates an particular reference to
reviewed sources. Includes, disciplinary argument with full exceptional capacity for structure,
where appropriate, entirely and accurate development of independent and entirely referencing/sourcing,
original and methodological, concepts/theories, and original thought. This may spelling/grammar and
technical and scholarship excellent use of evidence. amount to an extension of graphical components. Might
skills. There is deeply critical existing arguments, debates offer an entirely original form
validation of all claims. and/or interpretations. of presentation without
compromise of expected

Demonstrates exemplary Presents a completely Understands and evaluates Demonstrates complete

command of the subject focused, original, relevant and relevant arguments, debates command of techniques of
matter from a practically well-structured cross- and/or interpretations in a professional writing with
exhaustive range of critically disciplinary argument with full manner that demonstrates an particular reference to
reviewed sources. Includes, and accurate development of exceptional capacity for structure,
where appropriate, original concepts/theories, and independent and original referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and excellent use of evidence. thought. This may amount to spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. There is largely critical an extension of existing graphical components. Might
validation of all claims. arguments, debates and/or offer an original form of
interpretations. presentation without
compromise of expected

Demonstrates excellent Presents a very well-focused, Understands and evaluates Demonstrates very strong
command of the subject relevant and well-structured relevant arguments, debates deployment of techniques of
matter from a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary or and/or interpretations in a professional writing with
range of critically reviewed multi-disciplinary argument, manner that demonstrates a particular reference to
sources. Includes, where with full and accurate very highly developed structure,
appropriate, methodological, development of capacity for independent referencing/sourcing,
technical and scholarship concepts/theories, and thought. This may amount to spelling/grammar and
skills. excellent use of evidence. an extension of existing graphical components.
There is mostly critical arguments, debates and/or
validation of all claims. interpretations.

Demonstrates very good Presents a very focused, Understands and evaluates Demonstrates very good
command of the subject relevant and well-structured, relevant arguments, debates deployment of techniques of
matter from an almost fully multi-disciplinary and/or interpretations in a professional writing with
comprehensive range of well argument with full and manner that demonstrates a particular reference to
evaluated sources. Includes accurate development of highly developed capacity for structure,
where appropriate, concepts/theories, and independent thought. This referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and excellent use of evidence. may amount arguments, spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. There is some critical and debates and/or graphical components.
otherwise comprehensive interpretations.
validation of all claims.

Demonstrates very good Presents a well-focused, Understands and evaluates Demonstrates good command
command of the subject relevant and well-structured, relevant arguments, debates of techniques of professional
matter from a very wide largely multi-disciplinary and/or interpretations in a writing with particular
range of well evaluated argument, with full and manner that demonstrates a reference to structure,
sources. Includes, where accurate development of strongly developed capacity referencing/ sourcing,
appropriate, methodological, concepts/theories, and for independent thought. This spelling/ grammar and
technical and scholarship excellent use of evidence. may amount to an extension graphical components.
skills. There is comprehensive of existing arguments,
validation of all claims. debates and/or

Demonstrates command of Presents a focused, relevant Understands and evaluates Demonstrates good command
the subject matter, from a and well-structured, largely relevant arguments, debates of techniques of professional
very wide range of evaluated multi-disciplinary argument and/or interpretations in a writing with particular
sources. Includes, where with full and accurate manner that demonstrates a reference to structure,
appropriate, methodological, development of developed capacity for referencing/sourcing,
technical and scholarship concepts/theories, and independent thought. This spelling/grammar and
skills. excellent use of evidence. may amount to an extension graphical components.
There is comprehensive of existing arguments,
validation of all claims. debates and/or

Demonstrates very good Presents a coherent and Understands and evaluates Demonstrates very good use
appreciation of the subject closely-argued, mostly multi- relevant arguments, debates of techniques of professional
matter, from a wide range of disciplinary argument, with and/or interpretations in a writing with particular
evaluated sources. including, good structure, accurate use manner that demonstrates a reference to structure,
where appropriate, of concepts/theories, and capacity for independent referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and good use of evidence. There is thought. spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. comprehensive validation of graphical components.
all claims.

Demonstrates considerable Presents a good, reasonably Understands and evaluates Demonstrates good use of
appreciation of the subject closely-argued, mostly multi- relevant arguments, debates techniques of professional
matter from a good range of disciplinary, answer with good and/or interpretations in a writing with particular
credible sources. Includes structure, accurate use of manner that demonstrates reference to structure,
where appropriate, concepts/theories, and good some capacity for referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and use of evidence. There is independent thought. spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. largely comprehensive graphical components.
validation of all claims.

Demonstrates good Presents a cogent broadly Understands and evaluates Demonstrates satisfactory use
appreciation of the subject multi-disciplinary argument relevant arguments, debates of techniques of professional
matter from a range of with good structure, accurate and/or interpretations in a writing with particular
62 credible sources. Includes, use of concepts/theories, and manner that demonstrates a reference to structure,
where appropriate, good use of evidence. There is limited capacity for referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and mostly comprehensive independent thought. spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. validation of all claims. graphical components.

Demonstrates understanding Presents a partial answer to Understands and reproduces Acknowledges and employs
of core aspects of the subject the task with some multi- relevant arguments, debates some techniques of
matter from a range of mostly disciplinary content, taking and/or interpretations. professional writing with
credible sources. Includes, into account appropriate particular reference to
58 where appropriate, structure, development of structure, referencing/
methodological, technical and concepts/theories and sourcing, spelling/ grammar
scholarship skills. reasonable use of evidence. and graphical components.
There is notable validation of

Demonstrates understanding Presents some elements of a Some understanding and Acknowledges and employs a
of many of the core aspects of multidisciplinary answer to reproduction of mostly few techniques of
the subject matter, from a the task taking into account relevant arguments, debates professional writing with
range of sources. Includes, appropriate structure, and/or interpretations. particular reference to
55 where appropriate, development of structure,
methodological, technical and concepts/theories and referencing/sourcing,
scholarship skills. reasonable use of evidence. spelling/grammar and
There is some validation of graphical components.

10 | P a g e
Demonstrates some Presents very few elements of Limited understanding and Acknowledges and employs a
understanding of core aspects a multi-disciplinary answer to reproduction of relevant limited number of techniques
of the subject matter from a the task taking into account arguments, debates and/or of professional writing with
limited range of sources. appropriate structure, interpretations. particular reference to
52 Includes, where appropriate, development of structure,
methodological, technical and concepts/theories and referencing/sourcing,
scholarship skills. reasonable use of evidence. spelling/grammar and
There is limited validation of graphical components.

Demonstrates a fair range of Shows some understanding of Demonstrates some Shows limited awareness of
familiarity with the subject, the task with some structure, awareness of relevant techniques of professional
but potentially missing key knowledge of arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
48 sources. Includes, where concepts/theories and use of interpretations. reference to structure,
appropriate, methodological, evidence. There is little referencing/sourcing,
technical and scholarship validation of claims. spelling/grammar and
issues. graphical components.

Demonstrates partial Shows partial understanding Demonstrates limited Shows very limited awareness
familiarity with the subject of the task with some awareness of relevant of techniques of professional
matter, missing some key structure, knowledge of arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
45 sources. Includes, where concepts/theories and use of interpretations. reference to structure,
appropriate, methodological, evidence. There is poor referencing/ sourcing,
technical and scholarship validation of claims. spelling/ grammar and
issues. graphical components.

11 | P a g e
Demonstrates some Shows very limited Demonstrates weak Shows little awareness of
familiarity with the subject understanding of the task awareness of relevant techniques of professional
matter, missing key sources. with some structure, arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
42 Includes, where appropriate, knowledge of interpretations. reference to structure,
methodological, technical and concepts/theories and use of referencing/sourcing,
scholarship issues. evidence. There is very poor spelling/grammar and
validation of claims. graphical components.

Demonstrates limited Demonstrates a poor grasp of Demonstrates little awareness Demonstrates a poor use of
evidence of familiarity with the task with loose structure, of relevant arguments, techniques of professional
the subject matter, missing little knowledge of debates, and/or writing with particular
38 many key sources. Includes concepts/theories and interpretations. reference to structure,
where appropriate, inadequate use of evidence. referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and There is no validation of spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. claims. graphical components.

Demonstrates little evidence Demonstrates a poor grasp of Demonstrates little awareness Demonstrates very poor use
of familiarity with the subject the task with loose structure, of relevant arguments, of techniques of professional
matter missing many key little knowledge of debates, and/or writing with particular
32 sources. Includes, where concepts/theories and interpretations. reference to structure,
appropriate, methodological, inadequate use of evidence. referencing/sourcing,
technical and scholarship There is no validation of spelling/grammar and
skills. claims. graphical components.

12 | P a g e
Demonstrates very little Demonstrates a very poor Demonstrates very little Demonstrates very weak use
evidence of familiarity with grasp of the task with loose awareness of relevant of techniques of professional
the subject matter, missing structure, little knowledge of arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
25 many key sources. Includes, concepts/theories and interpretations. reference to structure,
where appropriate, inadequate use of evidence. referencing/sourcing,
methodological, technical and There is no validation of spelling/grammar and
scholarship skills. claims. graphical components.

Demonstrates minimal Demonstrates little grasp of Demonstrates almost no Demonstrates virtually no

evidence of familiarity with the task with loose structure, awareness of relevant techniques of professional
the subject matter, owing to little knowledge of arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
negligible use of appropriate concepts/theories and interpretations. reference to structure,
sources. Includes, where inadequate use of evidence. referencing/sourcing and
appropriate, methodological, There is no validation of spelling/grammar.
technical and scholarship claims.

Demonstrates no evidence of Demonstrates no appreciable Demonstrates no appreciable Provides no appreciable

familiarity with the subject grasp of the task with weak, awareness of relevant techniques of professional
matter due to complete very poor structure, little arguments, debates, and/or writing with particular
failure to engage with knowledge of interpretations. reference to structure,
0 appropriate sources. Totally concepts/theories and referencing/sourcing,
failure to show inadequate or negligible use spelling/grammar and
methodological, technical and of evidence. There is no graphical components.
scholarship skills despite validation of claims.

13 | P a g e

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