Why Palestine Is in The Wrong
Why Palestine Is in The Wrong
Why Palestine Is in The Wrong
So what's the story behind this map that's been circulating online for years and pops up every time there's
a debate about #Israel and #Palestine?
Let's skip the ancient empires and zoom in on more recent history.
Specifically, to the Ottoman Empire that governed the territory in question for four centuries, from 1516
to 1917.
This is an essential context because, during their rule, the area we now
refer to as Israel and Palestine was part of a much larger imperial
jurisdiction, and not a sovereign state called 'Palestine.'
The area had a relatively sparse population. Throughout their rule, the
Ottomans encouraged Muslim migration to Palestine, primarily from
Egypt and Sudan. This is, in fact, the origin of many of today's
Palestinians, as indicated by the surnames of major clans.
After WWI, starting in 1917, Britain took over the territory. They quickly
issued the Balfour Declaration, which was the first nod to creating a
Jewish homeland in Israel. This was a new, European idea of a "nation-
state", introduced to the Middle East for the first time.
Bottom line: The next time you encounter various maps circulating online trying to create a one-sided
narrative, do your own research to uncover the truth.