MahsaTarang Trust F
MahsaTarang Trust F
MahsaTarang Trust F
A probe into Security and Trust in User Experience Design for Online Banking
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1 author:
Mahsa Tarang
University of Brighton
All content following this page was uploaded by Mahsa Tarang on 09 April 2024.
Abstract. The relationship between online banking security, trust, and user ex-
perience (UX) design is examined critically in this literature review. Given the
swift transition of financial services to digital platforms, it is imperative to un-
derstand the many elements that impact customers' perceptions of safety and re-
liability. Given the high perceived risk and potential consequences associated
with mobile banking, it is imperative that service providers earn customers' trust
and improve their mobile banking experience. This study examined the factors
driving the acceptance of mobile banking and included opinions on trust and flow
experience. The results show that perceived ubiquity and ease of use have a
greater impact on flow experience than structural certainty does on confidence.
Trust has a significant impact on flow experience, and usage intention is impacted
by both of these factors, which in turn affects actual usage. Mobile service pro-
viders need to address trust and flow experience in order for consumers to accept
and use mobile banking services.
Keywords: User Experience Design, Trust, Bank, Financial Services, Security.
1 Introduction
Mobile banking is one of the ways the banking sector is trying to swiftly adapt to the
digital transformation that has become vital in this fast-paced era of life and business.
People's preferences for conducting business have undergone significant shifts as a re-
sult, particularly in the form of a) the movement of face-to-face transactions to digital
communicates via banking, internet banking, and artificial intelligence-powered call
centers; b) the demand for instant access to banking services through non-cash transac-
tions made using mobile phones, which don't depend on location or time. Furthermore,
most activities ought to be linked online in cyberspace, the general public views. [1]The
foundation of this transition, as financial transactions move increasingly into the digital
sphere, is digital trust. Users' trust in the security, reliability, and resilience of the digital
platforms they interact with is essential to their ability to conduct financial transactions
online with confidence. [2]
The usability and functionality of the product are becoming increasingly crucial.
According to the international standard ISO9241-11, usability is defined as "the extent
to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effec-
tiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use." [3] Recent research
have shown that website design elements, graphics, high-quality information, ease of
navigation, background pictures, and page colors have the most effects on users'
2 Mahsa Tarang
acceptance of online banking services. [4]Applications for mobile and internet banking
offer a particularly intriguing target for a variety of abuses and intrusions. As a result,
banks need to be very mindful of these applications' security. Most of times, an appli-
cation's ease of use—one of the primary indicators of user satisfaction—is impacted by
security measures. [3]
Most banks have a history of utilizing security mechanisms that offer the highest
level of protection. In most cases, these security measures are rather stringent and pre-
vent people from completing transactions. If not, complex, and rigorous security
measures might provide effective defense against external incursions but seriously im-
pede users' ability to communicate normally over the Internet or mobile banking, en-
dangering internal security. Complicated security protocols encourage users to adopt
poor security procedures, such writing down passwords and account access processes,
which might render the security precautions that the bank has advised customers to take
ineffective. For Internet service providers, striking a balance between improved user
experience and Internet and mobile banking application security is getting steadily
more difficult. [3]
To address this balance and importance, the present literature review aims to do a
thorough investigation, to analyze every aspect of digital trust in online banking. The
research looks at user behaviors, attitudes, and the effects of technology to find best
practices and difficulties with creating and maintaining digital trust. [2]
2 Conceptual Framework
2.1 Security
When it comes to digital banking, keeping customer data and transactions secure is
essential. Customers have a very high level of regard for the security of their financial
information, especially in light of the increase in cyberattacks. Digital banks need to
implement robust security measures in order to gain the faith and trust of their custom-
ers. Research has shown that clients who feel more secure while banking online are
happier and more loyal. Features like proactive fraud detection, two-factor authentica-
tion, and encryption techniques are necessary to improve consumer pleasure and loy-
alty. [5]
2.2 Trust
The fundamental principles clients need to have while doing online financial transac-
tions are reliability, security, and confidence, and they are captured by the Trust Para-
digm. [2]In the context of a bank-customer relationship, trust is crucial. The bank is
expected to meet the client's expectations since the consumer entrusts it with their hard-
earned money. When one side in a partnership has faith that the other will one day
honor its pledge or responsibility, a trust is established. Sincerity, competence, and
benevolence are necessary elements of trust that are necessary for any relationship mar-
keting strategy to succeed. [6]
A probe into Security and Trust in User Experience Design for Online Banking 3
their clients in order to reassure them that they are welcome and that certain services
are accessible to assist them with financial concerns and inquiries. Trust grows as a
consequence of introspection.
The impression of the bank's strong brand ideals is the third aspect that affects trust.
built on criteria unique to each bank, trust is built on the coinciding values of the parties
as well as their credibility as reliable partners. Making sure the trustor sees those par-
ticular criteria as trustworthy indicators is essential to developing trust.[11]
Fig. 1. Model of influence of user experience on users’ trust in a bank (adapted from
Mayer/Davis/Schoormann 1995). [11]
in website interactions. Thirdly, information overload caused frustration for six out of
seven participants, leading to negative experiences and potential brand image repercus-
sions, as evidenced by participants resigning after unsuccessful searches for requested
During the research, the user experience showed room for development of contact
options, eye-catching images and videos, real photos of customers and staff, implemen-
tation of user-centered design and reduce complexity and avoiding information over-
load. [11]
E-banking services offer both advantages and challenges, including account issues,
transaction failures, server connection issues, social engineering, lengthy transaction
processes, inadequate customer support, and missing transaction details. However, they
also provide speedy transactions, time savings, flexibility in location and time, cost
savings, and physical security to customers. [13]It is crucial that Digital Bank persuades
the public that utilizing its services would enable them to accomplish certain goals and
be beneficial in their banking activities. [14] It is even more difficult, in the banking
sector, managing emotions while creating financial products. [9] In the conducted re-
search, Participants must articulate their experiences, relying on their memory for ac-
curacy. Memory biases may affect responses. Focusing on major incidents, not com-
mon ones, is crucial. The coding and affinity diagram process must be shared, ensuring
everyone understands all traits and aspects. [8] That is why in some other research, the
eye tracking or think-aloud is conducted other than interview or filling forms.
Further qualitative and quantitative research is required to assess the user experience
trust model in greater detail. Additional user experience analysis techniques may be
employed for such future work. Additional physiological data, such as monitoring mo-
tion and gestures, speech analysis, electrodermal activity, and facial expressions. [11]In
addition, trust is considered as a dynamic process which develops gradually (Rousseau
et al., 1998), even though in most of research, the length of customer relationship to
bank is not considered, which could be important. [15]
8 Conclusion
The literature analysis emphasizes the importance of digital trust, security, and user
experience in mobile banking. Banks must balance user-friendliness with strict security
protocols, while user experience influences trust development. The study highlights
challenges in e-banking services and calls for further research to improve the user ex-
perience trust model. This comprehensive understanding of digital trust in mobile bank-
ing provides guidance for future studies and business procedures.
A probe into Security and Trust in User Experience Design for Online Banking 7