A Study On Digital Banking System and Me
A Study On Digital Banking System and Me
A Study On Digital Banking System and Me
6, Issue 2, June
2019, pp. 83-88
.908 50
The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for 50 items is 0.908 suggesting that the items have high level of internal consistency.
Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between the overall ratings of
E -banking services and the occupation of the respondents.
Alternate hypothesis (H1): There is significant difference between the overall ratings of
E -banking services and the occupation of the respondents.
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Inference: It is found that the Z value is not within the measures for a perfect E-Banking security system
acceptance region of null hypothesis (Z = -1.96 to 1.96) in such as bio- metric and iris recognition etc.
respect of purpose like make enquires on checking account The bankers should take efforts to popularize the
balance .therefore Ho is rejected. Hence there is significant remaining mobile banking services such as fund
difference in the usage of internet banking services for various transfer, statement of accounts, ticket booking,
purposes by the respondentsIn respect of purpose like transfer utility bill payments, De mat account services, inter
of funds online bill payment and order a cheque book, the Z mobile payment services etc. The businessman and
value is within the acceptance region. Therefore Ho is private employee have more knowledge about E-
accepted. Hence there no significant difference in the usage Banking services than government employee.
of internet banking services for various purposes by the X. CONCLUSION
Banking industry is playing a vital role in the economic
IX. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY development of a country and it became a globalized service
The Cronbach’s apha coefficient for 50 items is sector in the present scenario. In banking industry,
0.908 suggesting that the items have high level of technological advancement has brought a significant change
internal consistency. in banking services. In the current situation, Indian
The Pearson chi square significant value is 0.0 which commercial banks are providing plenty of E-Banking services
is lesser than 0.05. Hence reject null hypothesis. for their customers. ATM, Mobile banking, Internet banking,
Therefore, there is significant difference between the Phone banking, Electronic fund transfer, Debit card, Credit
overall ratings of E -banking services and the card, Corporate banking terminal, SWIFT, point of sale,
occupation of the respondents. RTGS, NEFT are the foremost E-Banking channels.
From the One Way Anova Analysis it is found that According to the study, almost all commercial banks are
Here p values are lesser than 0.05. Hence reject null offering E-Banking services for their customers. ATM,
hypothesis. Therefore, there is association between mobile banking, internet banking and phone banking channels
the experience level of the customer using internet are frequently used by the customers. According to the
banking facility and their perception toward the customers’ perception and level of awareness on individual
internet banking services. E- Banking channels, ATM and mobile banking are well
From the One Sample Sign Test, it is found that the known services. The level of satisfaction on E-Banking
Z value is not within the acceptance region of null services, cash withdrawal and balance enquiry facilities in
hypothesis (Z = -1.96 to 1.96) in respect of purpose ATM channel, SMS alerts and fund transfer in mobile
like make enquires on checking account balance. banking services, viewing account balance, online bill
Therefore, Ho is rejected. Hence there is significant payment and RTGS in internet banking services and check
difference in the usage of internet banking services account balance in Phone banking services are the most
for various purposes by the respondents. satisfying services. Based on the empirical evidences this
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS study concludes that commercial banks’ customers are
After analyzing the findings, the following moderately aware about the foremost E-Banking channels of
suggestions have been made to the group and great ATM, mobile banking, internet banking and phone banking
care has been taken in making these suggestions for channels and satisfied in all the services that are related to the
improvement of Audience response to Audience four channels.
perception through different choices: XI. REFERENCES
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