Computer Security Issues in Online Banking
Computer Security Issues in Online Banking
Computer Security Issues in Online Banking
Computer Security Issues in Online Banking: An Assessment from the Context of Usable
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Abstract. Today’s online banking is a convenient mode of finance management. Despite the
ease of doing online banking, there are people that still sceptical in utilizing it due to
perception and its security. This paper highlights the subject of online banking security in
Malaysia, especially from the perspective of the end-users. The study is done by assessing
human computer interaction, usability and security. An online survey utilising 137 participants
was previously conducted to gain preliminary insights on security issues of online banking in
Malaysia. Following from those results, 37 participants were interviewed to gauge deeper
understanding about end-users perception on online banking within the context of usable
security. The results suggested that most of the end-users are continuingly experiencing
significant difficulties especially in relation to the technical terminologies, security features and
other technical issues. Although the security features are provided to provide a shield or
protection, users are still incapable to cope with the technical aspects of such implementation.
1. Introduction
The online banking provides the customer just about the whole services available in the conventional
banking such as viewing accounts, making transactions, paying bills and handling finances [2].
Although the introduction of online banking brings big transformation between the bank - client
speedy service interaction and service delivery, the aspects of online banking security still become the
challenging issues. Previous studies also indicated that there are still significant levels of concerns
over perception and trusting the system and its security [3, 4]. Operationally, online banking already
provided security measures and preserved the confidentiality of online interaction to the end-user.
Every time before an engagement is made online through the website, a process of identity
authentication and verification is always a prerequisite before any further transaction is conducted.
The authentication process is a process to validate or to verify the identity of the user as if the person
is the valid user to the system [5]. During the authentication process, a piece of information is verified
by the user utilising the username and password in order to gain access to activity or process. This
piece of information also can be called as authentication factor which comes in various mechanisms of
security devices such as smart card, token and security image.
A holistic understanding about the pros and cons of online banking, its risk and security,
responsibility of parties involved (especially the bank, the client or even the online system provider if
it is outsourced) should any breach of information, or even money lost happened, must be clearly
understood before anyone is engaged in any form of online banking transaction. Clients in particular
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International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
must understand the calculated risk that they might facing and the protection available to them before
they confidently opt-in for online banking in their transaction with the bank. [8].
This study is conducted to further investigate the usable security in Malaysia banking institutions
from the views of end-users. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 highlights the related work
in relation to online banking in Malaysia which covers the aspects of usable security and possible
risks, section 3 continues with the methodology that has been implemented, followed by the result and
the discussion toward the interview process that has been done in Section 4. Finally in section 5
ending with conclusion and future works.
2. Related Study
End-users are not capable to protect themselves relying on the securely storing high-quality
cryptographic keys as. Beyond that limitation, the designers have the responsibilities to design
protocols that comply with its restriction [26]. Various security mechanisms have been developed in
order to support the users in order to mitigate the consequences of vulnerabilities among the users.
However, the security itself may jeopardize the users’ decision toward their primary goal in the system
as the users are the weakest link [27]. Thus comprehending the features is compulsory elements so that
it can lead the end users with secure manner decisions.
The most important concern for every financial activity is to consider the environment of computer
technology to be verified as safe and secure. Generally, a knowledgeable user is aware and concern
about these aspects. However there are still users that only rely on their confidence level toward the
technology they embraced, without knowing the possible risk that could jeopardize them. The
identified risks are as the following; financial risks, security and privacy risks and usability risks.
Among methods that are familiar to online banking threats are phishing, pharming, man-in-the-
middle attack, man-in-the-browser and malware attacks. Phishing, the activities of getting the user to
give their personal information through fake websites, and pharming, the activity of modifying the
DNS entries resulting users directed to the wrong website [15] are the two popular ways that hacker
use to attempt on attacking users via Internet. Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack is the type of attack
use by hackers to listen to the communication between client and server by getting in between the
sender and the recipient to access the traffic, modify it hence forward it back to the recipient as a threat
[29]. One approach of attack is involving the pharming attack which compromises the DNS servers by
the malicious code installed and redirect user to the fake website that can provide access to user
credential and perform malicious activities [10]. Man-in-the-browser (MitB) on the other hand is a
Trojan horse program which is a variant of the MitM attack. Man-in-browser attack is able to redirect
the user to counterfeit site with the intention of attacking the user credential or information [16]. End-
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
users should be concerned on the malware attack as it will contaminate the host file and DNS as the
attackers able to steal user credential and information. Based on highlighted instances, the security and
privacy issues of online banking should be taken seriously. This is critical in order to come up with a
more comprehensive and reliable security features that can assure end-users the comfort and
confidence in online banking.
3. Methodology
We have conducted an online survey as a preliminary study in order to capture users’ problems toward
the issues of usable security in online banking websites. The online survey utilises 137 respondents
which able to gain insights of the end-users difficulties and challenges while dealing with online
banking (e.g. interfaces, terminology, and security). The results highlight the general perception of
users in regards to security aspects in online banking. The majority claimed they facing significant
problems in regards to technical terminology or jargon and explanation about technical aspects of
warning and information. To further ascertain the results, an interview was used as the research tool to
comprehend in depth of end-users’ perception of usable security in online banking.
The purpose of the interview is to clarify further information or explanation that has been gathered
in the online survey because this approach is considered to be able to increase the validity of similar
studies conducted [17]. The choice of the interview also has been considered because it provided in-
depth data collection which assessed in real-time discussion in order to examine the end-users’
experiences and conceded various issues around online protection to be inspected [11].
The interview was conducted at the School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The
interview session was advertised within the campus via mailing list and word of mouth. This study
utilized 37 participants of which 24 were male and 13 female. The participants involved were from the
age of 18 years old and above and on voluntary participation. All participants are reminded that the
dialogue will be recorded and will be used for research purpose. The participants are ensured that the
information given by them will be treated as confidential as possible to maintain the integrity of the
data. The participants were also reminded that they have right to withdraw at any stage of the session.
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
Based on the responses given in the first section, the main choice for online banking services from
5 major banks in Malaysia were CIMB Bank and Maybank, whilst Bank Islam, Affin Bank and Hong
Leong Bank was only being used by one participant respectively. Figure 1 illustrated the banking
online services that the participants frequently used. From Figure 1 it had shown that only 35
participants involved because the remaining two participants interviewed are not using any online
banking. Contributing factors on how the participants choose their preference is very much determined
by the existing engagement that they already had with the bank. Other possible reason also due to the
attractive interface and informative website that may attract the users (i.e. functionality, usability etc).
On the other hand, end-users still experiencing challenges in online banking. The followings are some
of the common difficulties encountered based on feedbacks quoted from the participants as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2. Responses regarding the problems and difficulties when dealing with online banking
Responses regarding the problems and difficulties when dealing with online banking website
Participants 5- “Actually at first I need to analyze first the function on online banking and then
after I familiarize all the function and then I just proceed to my stuff.”
Participants 8- “Yes. A bit about the security. I’m not sure if my online banking website is secure
Participants 13- “Sometimes, certain bank got the problems with the interface which is too
complex and sometimes too simple and not interesting to be logged into.”
Participant 19- “I think the online banking website is not secure enough.”
Participants 23- “Yes. The interfaces is too complex and they are no manuals to help the users.”
Participants 28- “For me I think I have the problems with the interfaces provided there. Sometimes
when I need to do something like to check for history of transaction it has consume me a long
Several participants acknowledge that they do sometimes face different nature of problems with the
banking website. These problems can be the interfaces, security features, general functionalities and
others. There are instances where the complicated online banking system failed to benefit them due to
the complexity of the steps and interfaces which in the end caused them to quit. Other contributing
factor is unavailability of guidance to complete tasks that end-up the user with self-familiarization by
means of trial and error which is time consuming and daunting tasks for first timers. Apart from that,
there are few participants, which stated that they feel unsure about the security provided for them in
online banking website which affects their behavior and assessment towards online banking.
When they were asked on the security features readily available in the online banking websites, the
author only managed to capture 6 participants that realized the presence of “https” instead of “http” in
the address bar of the banking. When they were asked, they do realized the functionalities which is to
ensure the security of their banking website. They do realize the importance of this feature so that they
will not get tricked into fake website and give their information to the hackers easily. Although the
answers generally encouraging but Figure 2 on the other hand reflected different connotation on how
users perceive satisfaction towards security features. It can be noted that most of the users were not
satisfied with the current security provided while a few were not sure about their feeling. Most of the
participants opined that some adjustment or improvement should be made to the banking website in
order to create the sense of security for its end-user when doing transaction through online banking
which can ensure the feeling of secure while dealing with online banking. Additional layers for
authenticity check can be created (as an example) to address this concern as suggested by some of the
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
Not Sure 6
Do Not Satisfied 20
Sasisfied 11
0 5 10 15 20 25
Through Scenario 1, the participants realized that it was a website address from one of the
Malaysian banking website login page. The participants were asked to give their thoughts based on
scenario 1 shown to them. Some of participants were able to notify some of the security features
available such as the present of https, the lock icon and the green color on the website address bar.
However, there a few of them who were less observant and unable to explain the usage of these
features. Figure 5 indicate the responses between two contradictions regarding the presentation of
https, the lock icon and the green color. It can be revealed that most of the participants realized the
presentation of the features mentioned earlier in the scenario presented to them. However, there are
still a number of participants did not realize the security features at all. There were two reasons for this
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
outcome where respondents that had technical background were mostly observant of these security
features and were able to explain them technically, whereas the non-technical background respondents
unable to do that. Thus, it can be noted that non-technical generally were not familiar with the most of
the security features provided for them.
Do Not
7 5
Realize Technical
Realize 25 0
0 10 20 30
The second scenario as shown in Figure 4 is about the digital certificate available in the online
banking website. Digital certificate is a security certificate that use as a form of certification protocol
to certify the people, the website and the network resources from a reliable source. It also provide
protection for data exchange from the visitor and the website from being tampered or even from
identity theft [22]. The digital certificate in the context of banking website plays a role of securing data
exchange within the system [21]. Hence, the end-users should take it as important feature in security
when dealing with virtual finance activity in order to prevent any intrusion or identity theft from
potentially happening.
The participants were asked whether they understand the purpose of the digital certificates. The
results revealed that only 4 participants understood the purpose and the remaining 33 participants were
still in baffled. It should be noted that the result of participants stating they know the feature as digital
certificate is 7 participants opposed with 30 participants whose cannot identify the feature as digital
certificate. There is an increase on number of participants stating that they do not understand the
feature even though they stated that they do know what the feature is. Given said this, it can be
depicted that although the end-users do know the security provided for them, it cannot be assured that
not every end-users able to understand the purpose of it and apply it for their own use. Based on the
result, it can be depicted that the knowledge of this feature also comprehend majority of technical
users too instead of only non-technical users that was expected in this experiment. The result was
taken from the same number of participants when asked on whether they know how to derive the
feature. It can be assumed that majority of the participants do not know how to derive the feature
because they never come across it before. For instance, participant no.33 identified as technical user
was asked whether he/she knew the Scenario 2 presented to them.
Participant no.33 was able to identify the feature as digital certificate but unable to explain further
regarding its purposes. Assessing the cause of it, the participant no.33 claimed that the feature was
mentioned as digital certificate but he/she unsure about the main functionalities. It is shown that the
end-user may know something from the surface rather than in depth knowledge about the features.
Participant 33 “I only know its name and how to get it. I don’t know the actual function of it.”
To gain more information regarding the participants’ perception, they were asked to explain the
problems they faced when accessing the information from these kind of scenario. Table 3 indicates the
feedbacks given by some of the participants involved in the interview regarding this matter. Based on
the feedback most of them were having almost similar difficulties to comprehend the digital
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
certificate. Having said that, the information provided were rather too technical for laymen. The
jargons used such as “digital signature”, “verify” and “authentication” are not suitable for end-users
especially for the non-technical background. In fact, such difficulties even faced by the participants
with technical background too. This has been a common issue when talking about security features
based on online transaction. Many prior research works have highlighted the same issues beforehand
[12, 17, 19]. Preferably it is good to have a very reliable security protocol in any online transaction
especially banking, but if the end-user fail to appreciate and take the advantage of the given protection,
obviously the security aspect of it will easily be compromised.
An interesting finding as shown in Table 4 indicated that, one's perception and understanding on
the security features involved in any form of online transaction is very much related to his/her level of
skills or knowledge in computer technology. For instance, a person who is an IT savvy would have a
different point of opinion and experience about this subject matter as compared to one who is not [1,
11]. Having said that, it show significant needs to develop a website equipped with features and
functions that are user friendly to its end-users, especially those with non-technical background. Only
then, the trend in using online transaction would be more convincing among the potential customers.
Referring back the objectives, the study is conducted to further investigate the usable security in
Malaysia banking institutions from the perspective of the end-users. The preliminary results from 137
participants confirm that online banking in Malaysia still facing significant problems and issues. From
the results of the interviews, it can be confirmed that majority of them continuously facing difficulties
while dealing with online banking (e.g. interfaces, help and services, security, etc.) The choice of
selecting the two scenarios (i.e. online banking URL and digital certificate) in the interview was due to
the familiarity of the de facto Internet banking standard which is being used by all banking website in
the world to clarify the confidentiality and integrity based on the Secure Socket Layer/ Transport
Socket Layer scheme [28]. Although the scenarios might look straight forward, it can be the basis to
International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (2016) 012107 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012107
understand the foundation layers of users’ comprehension in regards to online banking. An online
survey finding indicates that more than 70% of respondents stated that they did not understand the
digital certificate shown to them and 95% of them suggested that the Malaysian online banking need
to be improved. The interview results also reaffirm the results and revealed that the majority of
participants were not fully understood the concept and the security provided for them while
performing online banking (i.e. digital certificate, https, contents of digital certificate etc) as
mentioned in previous discussion.
Security is meant to be designed for end-users [26]. As the core purpose is to help the end-users, it
should be meaningful and usable in a way the user manage to benefit from it. By stating the term
usable, the security must be designed to be well understood and easy to be used by the end-users. The
results of the interview also manage to highlight that the majority of the participants which were
unable to derive the digital certificate from the online banking websites (i.e. unable to show how to
derive the full version of digital certificate). By this, it can be noted that the digital certificate which
act as one of the core of security in the online banking websites cannot be identified as effective for
the end-users. The security of the systems can be said as effective if the end-users can used the
security tools provided correctly [25]. End-users should be capable to understand the system and
security so that they might avoid unnecessary errors while performing online banking.
6. Conclusion
Advancement in technology has transformed a lot of work processes into becoming easier, faster and
reachable from your home without having the hassle to queue in getting most of the services that you
need. Thus, in leveraging its customer services, most banks facilitate the online banking in all of its
products to their intended customers. On the contrary, advancement in technology is not crime-free
too. Acknowledging with many possible menaces, every banking institution have provided some
means of protection to its client in order to ensure the customers that their online transaction with the
bank is secure. For that reason, most banks have equipped many security features such as SSL and
digital certificate as protection not only for them but their customers too. The results from the
interview revealed the similar outcomes where end-users unable to comprehend the technical
terminology and the meaning of those features. Having security features are good as precaution. The
developer should find the best way to provide clear explanation so that it can accommodate any types
of users. Having 37 participants might be a small sample. However, it gives useful facts that can be
gathered for the developer or any practitioners’ to reconsider presenting those technical functions.
Whether all these security features are being acceptable and utilize to the fullest by the end-users, are
still debatable. This is true because efforts to increase the level of awareness among end-users need to
be taken seriously. Therefore better understanding on this subject would give the sense of trust and
security for the end-users to engage in secure manner in online transactions.
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