Small Guide To Personality Test

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Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

Guidelines to Personality Test CSE 2021:

*Personality Test as described in UPSC CSE Notification*
♫ The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a
record of his career.
♫ He will be asked questions on matters of general interest.
♫ The object of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate
for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers.
♫ The test is intended to *judge the mental caliber* of a candidate. In broad
terms this is really an *assessment of not only his intellectual qualities but also
social traits and his interest in current affairs*.
♫ *Some of the qualities* to be judged are
*£ Mental alertness*
*£ Critical powers of assimilation*
*£ Clear and logical exposition*
*£ Balance of judgement*
*£ Variety and depth of interest*
*£ Ability for social cohesion and leadership*
*£ Intellectual and moral integrity*
♫ The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of
a natural, though *directed and purposive conversation* which is intended to
reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.
♫ The interview test is *not intended to be a test either of the specialised or
general knowledge of the candidates* which has been already tested through their
written papers.
♫ Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their
special subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening
around them both within and outside their own State or Country as well as in
modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the
curiosity of well-educated youth.

*Kothari Committee Recommendations*

1. Clarity of expression
2. Grasp of narrative and argument
3. Reasoning ability

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

4. Appreciation of different points of view

5. Awareness and concern for socio-economic problems
6. Ranges and depths of interests
7. Personal attributes relevant to interaction with people

*YK Alagh Committee* Recommendations

1. Capacity to make decisions
2. Take and give orders under- different situations
3. Ability to respond to challenging situations
4. Strengths and weaknesses of character, courage and integrity
5. Intellectual qualities
6. The personality test is scientifically organised and conducted to reveal a great
deal of the character aptitude, attitude, emotional stability and to some extent the
value system of the candidates
7. The situation tests measure the ability of the candidate to undergo stress and
ability to employ ingenuity under pressure

*Attributes which the PT Board should look for (As per YK Alagh Committee)*
The PT Board's main objective is to *focus on testing the attributes/qualities that
are required by the civil services* in the changing scenario. On the basis of job
profile, some of the general attributes a candidate is expected to possess have
been identified in one of the *consultation meetings of the Working Group on
Personality Testing held at the Defence Institute of Psychological Research* where
a cross-section of experts and retired senior civil servants participated. These
attributes identified by the experts are as follows:
€ Integrity
€ Ability to grasp essentials of the problem quickly
€ Ability to utilise conceptual knowledge to general situation
€ Planning and utilisation of resources
€ Communication skills
€ Tactfulness
€ Team spirit
€ Sense of empathy

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

€ Ability to modify behaviour

€ Commitment to goals
€ Ability to rise above one's own personal benefits
€ Secular attitude
€ Sensibility to the needs of the people
€ Patriotic attitude (national pride)
€ Openness
€ Sacrifice/compassion
€ Initiative
€ Accessibility
€ Innovativeness
€ Ability to guide
€ Decision making
€ Emotional stability
€ Courage
€ Commitment to rules/law

These 24 attributes can be broadly divided into six categories, i.e.

$ personality related
$ motivational aspects
$ interpersonal skills
$ intellectual abilities
$ specific skills
$ values
and can be tested by using a combination of a personal information form,
projective techniques, inventory method, group discussion and personal
interview. This list of attributes is only illustrative and can be further revised and
developed after conducting a detailed survey. Thus, for example, other
skills/attributes like listening ability, being technologically savvy; networking
abilities, can also be added to the list.

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

*Preparing the members of Interview Board for objective and uniform

All the members of the Interview Board should be carefully sensitised and given
at least a day's orientation by the in-house Research Cell before the
commencement of the Interview. This is to be done for *objectivity in approach
and equality in administration of the selection processes*. All the members are
required to be systematically briefed in depth about the essentials of the personal
information form, the outcome of the group tests and psychological tests, and how
to critically analyse the available data and focus on the assets and indicators of a
candidate's profile. The areas that need further probing should be identified before
the commencement of the interview.

It may also be worthwhile to develop a film for Advisors (Interviewers in the Board)
on how to conduct interviews. The film may also contain the do's and don'ts of an
interview. This film should be shown to the members at the time of briefing.

The members of the Interview Board are required to be briefed on *how to make
an opening and build rapport with the candidates*. It is required to create a
*conducive climate to put the candidate at ease*. To *begin with, the candidate
should be given time to settle down* and only *some inconsequential dialogue
started* to put the candidate at ease. *Discussion on areas of excellence of the
candidate* should be initiated first as the *candidate feels a sense of competence*.
The candidate needs to be *provided the centre-stage to speak spontaneously*.
Long statements should not be made by the members of the Board. They should
ask open-ended questions as they energise the candidates to speak spontaneously
and candidates should, thus, be free to frame their answers. Asking direct
questions and cross-examination should be avoided as they put the candidates
on guard. An *attempt should be made to find out the knowledge and competence
level of the candidate, rather than deriding what she/he does not know*. Also, it
is not necessary for the candidate to be given a feeling that the interviewer knows
it all.

An effective interview must *reveal both favourable and unfavourable information

about the candidate*. The members must be equipped to segregate descriptive
and evaluative information. They should *identify truthfulness/reliability by
watching contradictions and inconsistencies*. They should *watch out for flow of
positive information or over-emphasis on assets*. The *reactions and handling of
situations by the candidates* provide valuable data. *All positive and negative
aspects should be taken stock of and opinions firmed up*. Forming opinions on
the basis of a single clue should be avoided.

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

The members then agree on a *five-point scale* which is later converted into
marks. The universally followed scale is as follows:
*O – Outstanding* – Applicant is exceptional; recognized as being far superior
to others.
*V – Very Good* – Applicant clearly exceeds position requirements.
*G – Good* – Applicant is competent and dependable. Meets standards required
for the Civil Services.
*I – Improvement Needed* – Applicant is deficient or below standards required
of the job.
*U – Unsatisfactory* – Applicant is generally unacceptable

*Detailed Application Form on the background of candidates*

During the personal interview, biographical analysis of the candidates is very
essential to assess their profile to *find out whether the candidate is going to
succeed or not, whether the candidate is consistent in thought, whether the
candidate was accountable as a child and his/her adaptability in the
school/hostel, whether the candidate will succumb to temptation and pressure*.
For this purpose. a profile should be created by taking the candidates'
background, school, family, college. friend-circle, areas of interest, books read,
sports, social service, ethical dilemmas. parental aspirations, significant persons
and events, socio-economic background, academic achievements, leadership
activities, their strengths and weaknesses, things they strongly like/dislike,
reasons for choosing civil services and previous work experience.

*The best indication of what an individual will do in future stems from what
she/he has done in the past.*
Present behavioural pattern of the candidate is caused by his/her post
experiences and the situation in which she happens to be.

*Speech of UPSC Chairman - February, 2019 at Bhubaneswar*

Introduction of democratically elected governments, based on universal adult
suffrage, was the starting point for establishing of autonomous Public Service
Commissions in various countries. Prior to this, civil servants were appointed on
the basis of nepotism and patronage. A *democratic system pre-supposes a
periodic change in the political leadership*. A *stable and secure civil service* was
therefore necessary for successfully working as an *impartial and efficient
instrument of governance* through which Governments, of *whatever ideological
orientation, could give effect to their policies*.

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

Each State Public Service Commission operates in its unique circumstances

devising its own methods and procedures to maintain the *three basic
characteristics of any merit-based selection process*. These involve building a
system which is:
*1. free from favoritism*
*2. free from external influence*
*3. free from any bias on grounds of class, caste, gender, religion, economic
background or political orientation*

We are also closely looking at our interview processes to see how we can *better
gauge the candidates on issues of integrity, emotional stability, leadership
qualities, aptitude for public service* etc. which are not assessed during the
written exam - which is essentially a *test of scholastic attainment*.

Senior bureaucracy has to commit itself to providing quality training for

developing the manpower provided by the Public Service Commissions,
inculcating in them the *spirit of public service – the Constitution and the Law of
the Land being sacrosanct at all times*. It should become second nature to *all
civil servants that they have been provided their jobs to look after the interest of
the common man*.

All civil servants have to clearly understand the *difference between service and
servitude*. *They are in the Government to serve the people without being
subservient to anyone*. Their *primary role* is to *push the agenda of the
underprivileged common man*. They alone can *take care of primary education,
health, housing, law and order, sanitation, water supply* etc.

Since *private enterprise has to be encouraged* in the interest of creating jobs,

*civil servants will be called upon to facilitate industrial and commercial
interests*. Whatever be the responsibility assigned to them, *civil servants*, *at
all times*, have to *remember that they are the custodians of the common man’s
interest, the public money and the natural resources* which *belong equally to
each and every Indian national*.

It should be *engrained in every public servant’s mind that the common man
wants good governance*. All of us need to work together to rekindle the hope

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

amongst the masses that they will get a sound administrative system, which is
the sine qua non for the *country’s progress and a better life for all its citizens*.

*All India Service Conduct Rules, 2014*

*Sub-rule (1A) - every member of the Service shall maintain: -*

(i) High ethical standards, *integrity and honesty*;
(ii) *Political neutrality*;
(iii) Promoting of the principles of merit, *fairness and impartiality* in the
discharge of duties;
(iv) *Accountability and transparency*;
(v) *Responsiveness* to the public, particularly *to the weaker section*;
(vi) *Courtesy and good behaviour with the public*.

*Sub-rule (2B) - every member of the Service shall: -*

(i) *Commit* himself to and *uphold* the *supremacy of the Constitution and
democratic values*;

(ii) Defend and uphold the *sovereignty and integrity of India*, the security of
State, public order, decency and morality;

(iii) Maintain *integrity* in public service;

(iv) *Take decisions solely in public interest* and use or cause to use public
resources efficiently, effectively and economically;

(v) Declare any private interests relating to his public duties and take steps to
resolve any conflicts in a way that protects the public interest;

Prepared by @Patriot_Saint
Civil Services Examination, 2021 – Personality Test

(vi) Not place himself under any financial or other obligations to any individual or
organisation which may influence him in the performance of his official duties;

(vii) Not misuse his position as civil servant and not take decisions in order to
derive financial or material benefits for himself, his family or his friends;

(viii) Make choices, take decisions and make recommendations on merit alone;

(ix) Act with *fairness and impartiality* and *not discriminate against anyone*,
particularly the *poor and the under-privileged sections* of society;

(x) Refrain from doing anything which is or may be contrary to any law, rules,
regulations and established practices;

(xi) Maintain *discipline in the discharge of his duties* and be liable to implement
the lawful orders duly communicated to him;

(xii) Be liable to *maintain confidentiality in the performance of his official duties

as required by any laws* for the time being in force, particularly with regard to
information, disclosure of which may prejudicially affect the sovereignty and
integrity of India, the security of State, strategic, scientific or economic interests
of the State, friendly relation with foreign countries or lead to incitement of an
offence or illegal or unlawful gains to any person;

(xiii) Perform and discharge his duties with the *highest degree of professionalism*
and *dedication* to the best of his abilities.

- Best of luck to aspirants,

- Patriot Saint and Team PTT

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Prepared by @Patriot_Saint

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