10 Principles To Love Yourself

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C opyright © Deepak Gupta 2019
All rights reserved.
© Cover Design
Deepak Gupta asserts the moral right to be identified as
the author of this book.
This book is entirely a work of fiction. The names,
characters and incidents portrayed in it are the product of the
author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual person, living
or dead, or events or localities is entirely coincidental.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
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except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
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copyright law.
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
1. Title Page…………………………………………………..
2. Copyright © 2019………………………………………….
3. Contents………………………………………………………….
4. Also by Deepak Gupta…………………………………….
5. Acknowledgment and A Note to Readers ………………….
6. Before You Read this Book………………………………..
7. Who are you? …………………………………………………………….
8. Principle 1: Your Cup of Tea…………………………….
9. Principle 2: The Mysterious Day…………………………
10. Principle 3: The Million Dollar Diary……………………
11. Principle 4: The Principle of Rest………………………..
12. Principle 5: Stitch your Heart…………………………….
13. Principle 6: The Never Ending Story…………………….
14. Principle 7: The Principle of Family……………………..
15. Principle 8: The Principle of Wake up Call………………
16. Principle 9: The Principle of Reading……………………
17. Principle 10: The Principle of Right Time…………………
18. About the Author…………………………………………..
Also by Deepak Gupta
The Power of Nothing 2018
10 Principles to Beat Failure 2018
The Lost Child 2018
Zero Degree 2018
Wild Wife 2018
Skyfall 2018
Earth 2200 2018
Broken with Love 2018
Lionel Messi 2017
Time Management 2017
The Haunted Bridge 2017
She 2017
Top Business Secrets 2017
The Universe of your Mind 2017
One Rupee Business Law 2016
The Exorcism of Emily Rose 2016
Revolutionary Love 2016
Real Horror Stories 2016
Inspiring Life 2015
Acknowledgement and
A Note to Readers

H i all,
Thank you for picking this wonderful book.
Wishing, you all are doing better in your life. I want to give
warm gratitude to the readers for making my last book “10
Principles to Beat Failure” to get selected under Google Best
Choice Award 2018. I am hoping for you profound affection
and much love in future.
No book is the one person’s effort alone. I want to give
heartfelt thanks to my best friend Rahul Kumar for giving his
precious time to make this book wonderful to read. His
continuous support from typing to editing is really
commendable. There are many people who help you to kick-
start but he is the one who helped me to conclude this title. My
special thanks to him.
Much Love
Deepak Gupta.

“ At least love yourself before loving others”

I know the title is much known to the readers but we
disregard the lessons we know much in our life. Oh come on,
that’s human nature; we don’t need to worry about that, its
natural. When we born and begin our life, we meet different
people with different attributes to achieve our purpose of life.
Some teach us lessons while some remain with us but this is
not the way we should live our life. We must understand
ourselves before judging the attributes of others. Sometimes
we are wrong with our attributes and blame right people in life
and believe me, it happens to most of the people but it’s also
natural as we also have the attributes to blame others for our
actions because every time we look into ourselves, we find
ourselves meticulous and flawless simultaneously. We think
we are candid and the finest curtain in front of the window but
life doesn’t work like that.
“We should look into ourselves before judging anyone;
may be the right lessons become the turning point in our life”
Okay calm, we are not here to blame ourselves but to
understand the love and attributes hidden inside the depth of
our spiritual soul.
“Peace and freedom are the state of mind”
Suppose if someone locks us in a dark cage, we may get
panic-stricken a lot instead of settling there. It happens
whether you are locked in a dark cage or in a luxurious five-
star hotel, both have no difference because freedom is the state
of mind. Everything works through our brain and to
understand our brain we have to love ourselves with the core
of our heart.
“Talk to yourself, at least for a few seconds. Ask questions
to yourself (like who are you?) Somewhere you will
understand who you are and what you have become so far.”
“If we think talking to ourselves is common, so that’s not
the common sense. Most of us have been ignoring this common
sense for years. We have to find our real and unique identity as
soon as possible.”
Who are you?

M ost of the people waste their half of the life chasing

the hoax dreams, pretending to be theirs. If you don’t
know who you are then you will never be able to know what
you will become. If you are pushing yourself towards your
goal or dreams then it would be the dreams which don’t
belong to you because if these were your dreams, you would
never need the force to push towards them. If you are still
feeling like you have not achieved anything in your life even
after getting so many degrees and educational titles in your
hand then you may get offended while reading this book
because I will always say that you were in the rat race. You are
part of the crowd and your footsteps are there for
microseconds on the sand and everyone is trying to make
theirs, leave nothing but the anonymous sand. You are not
what you do among your friends but you are the one which
you do alone. We discard and underestimate ourselves each
and every time.
Principle 1:

Y our Cup of Tea

First, this is your cup of tea. You have to
understand yourself instead of waiting for the people who try
to understand you. If you don’t know who you are and what
your real attributes are then how can you expect others to
understand you?
“We ask others to find out our attributes which we know
already. Strange!”
Sometimes if we don’t love ourselves & fail to understand
our attributes, we may meet wrong people in life which seems
right and we try to find out our place in their hearts but that’s
wrong because they love our wrong attributes and everything
may get messed up and ruin us and I think we are not here to
love the things which don’t belong to us.
Some years back I used to be a bookworm and really many
of us are. I was the one who could read and write but we are
not always here to write on papers but to learn right things at
the right time.
I found my attributes which I was even unknown to
because life doesn’t play as we assume. It does the things
which we never assume, it may look like magic but sometimes
it may be a bad coincidence to forget about being best in our
Looks easy? It’s not as easy as it looks. Understanding our
self and love the right people is not an easy task.
“If the wine is poured, doesn’t mean you have to drink it”
Principle 2:

T he Mysterious Day
“Do the things which make your everyday
mysterious, soulful and productive.”
“If you wake up with the tired tasks, it means you never
wake up in your life”
The God has given us day and night so that we can wake
up with new dreams and hopes. We have the sun which gives
us dazzling energy and the moon which gives us brisk energy.
Start your day with the tasks you love. Okay, I am not
asking you to be busy with the things but to be productive with
them as we are here to love ourselves without being busy with
the different tasks.
“May be someone can lock you in a room but not your
Stop! & that’s why freedom is the state of mind.
Okay now, how can we make our each day mysterious?
First, look at this sentence,” If we don’t love the people
who love us, we will end up loving the people who don’t love
us and hate ourselves at the end”
Wake up with a lot of enthusiasm. I know, everyone wants
to be in bed for an unending time with their loved ones but we
are supposed to sacrifice a few things in life to understand
ourselves better.
Start your day with drinking a lot of water so that your
metabolism, physique and energy can coordinate with your
enthusiastic mind. Sometimes we want to work but our
laziness doesn’t want us to work.
Do you love planting? Or making coffee for your family or
making cheese sandwiches, that’s incredible. May be you love
to read books in the morning or at night and I know you are
reading this then it’s your love to make your each and every
second mysterious which can bring faith and magic in your
“Magic happens in the life of those who believe and have
faith in it but somehow most of us ignore it with saying it a
Principle 3:

T he Million Dollar Diary

”Have you ever thought, you lost thousands of
ideas and innovations just because you look around your
environment, remind and then forget?”
We have innumerable ideas wandering in our mind but we
don’t exploration on it. Some are useful while some are
useless but some where we miss the opportunity which may
lift our life better to the tremendous heights.
We watch around our environment, observe and forget.
There’s nothing unique to keep those ideas in your mind but to
keep in your diary, the diary of success because as time passes
we focus on different opportunities and ideas according to our
dynamic environment. It may be a billion-dollar idea and I
call it the diary of success because it can help you to bring out
success from your subconscious mind. Always take a beautiful
diary with yourself like we never forget to wear our clothes. I
mean it’s much significant than anything else.
Keep this in mind, thoughts are not something which you
can grow while sitting at a hidden place or stable place and
then try to make plans. You should interact with the
environment to bring out the best truthful ideas which can
work for you. You can bring out the thoughts when you walk
around your environment in peace and absorb the right
thoughts which matter to you.
The diary may be small or big, doesn’t matter, but it should
be a right thought book in which you can write about the
things you observe and check its viability to make it your
business idea. It’s the way to love yourself by finding and
observing the right things in life.
I always keep three diaries in my red bag. I say these
million dollar diaries. I keep all my ideas which I observe in
my daily life whether I am traveling, walking or wandering
some where else. May be you can snatch my wallet but please
don’t try to snatch my diaries. Please!
“We have many unconscious thoughts in our mind.
When we think 100% we should write only 1% which should
be best, precise and useful.”
“Don’t think if it looks weird when you carry your diaries
in your hand. Someone may ask and try to read but don’t
worry we are here to serve the people we love or even
sometimes the people we hate.”
Principle 4:

T he Principle of Rest
“Don’t rush for the things you love in your life.
Be calm and take the right decisions to move forward. It’s not
about to hurry rather it’s about to love the people patiently.”
We wake up and rush for the things, money, fame, success,
love and many endless desires but things may become so far if
we always run after them. Everything has the right time but to
hurry for the things is not right according to the psychological
and natural law.
The principle of rest says that we have to be cautious while
taking each and every step and that’s how right things will
start to happen in our life.
May be at some time, you feel like everything has finished
while sometimes that everything is set and believe me it
actually happens but remember that if you break a mirror, the
reflection will still remain the same. Even if a mirror doesn’t
leave its attributes after get broken then how can we leave our
Arrange the things patiently, that’s the only thing which
can make our life better and best at the end.
The First lesson is – don’t rush for the things and the
second lesson is to find out right things in life. Work for life
honestly and you will find that you don’t have to rush for
anything. Things will come spontaneously at the right time
and that happiness will be priceless and filled with real life
Suppose you have to eat ice cream in freezing winter
temperature, then how would you eat?
I know it is pretty torturing. That’s the rule of nature.
Everything comes to us but at the right time, so that we can
enjoy like we enjoy ice cream in dazzling summer.
It’s really simple to understand. I love to write in a simple
language so that everyone can understand my words.
Obviously, we are here to communicate not to show how great
we are in making the words complicated.
Principle 5:

S titch Your Heart

“Take your mind with your heart because the
heart has art for falling even without our permission.”
We are made up of emotions and thoughts of our brain. We
should know what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes heart
does not see clever things which our mind can see easily.
“Don’t allow everyone to enter your heart; it is the place
of love, so stitch it right now.”
Allow beautiful things in your heart. Allow the beauty of
trust. I am saying this because I want to save you from being
heartbroken because sometimes we open our heart for those
who are not even capable to live in our mind. We have to
understand who we are and to whom we should love.
You have to trust this principle because you may feel
broken at any stage of your life. Allowing best people in our
life reduces the chance of feeling of being heartbroken and we
would able to control our emotions much better.
I’m not saying that the people who open their heart are
emotional fools but we can’t trust this world, at least blindly.
We don’t know who come towards us to serve or who come
towards us to destroy?
Stitch your heart and open it when you find worthy people
in your life because
“When a heart breaks, our world gets inverted”
We feel everything from the bottom of the heart and that’s
why it is much difficult to bring it out. So keep your heart safe
for the right people.
“If you break your heart for wrong people, you would
never be able to love yourself.”
Principle 6:

T he Never Ending Story

“We try we fail, we fail we learn, we learn we
grow, we grow we succeed, we succeed we try new, we try
new we fail again and this cycle continues.”
“You can’t stop yourself from trying new things in life
because curiosity and creativity are something we can’t escape
We always try to do something creative in our life and
most of the time we fail, not because we are not capable
enough but because we try to do many great things in life. We
never get satisfied with the small things. If we break our heart
at each and every step, we will never move forward. We are
not here to carry stones in our pocket as it may bring us down.
There is no shame in getting failed but we should learn
from our mistakes. If we are not learning from our mistakes
then we are doing the work of shame. I know that’s the
common principle but its significance is more than anything
If we stop in between the way to answer everyone then we
would never reach our destination, not even the first one.
“You can’t make everyone happy, so be happy with
yourself. You can design your life with your thoughts and
other’s life with your love.”
We can’t control the outside forces. May be some come
towards us to make us while some come towards us to break
us but we should learn from everything and that’s the never-
ending story. It is not the loop but it is the process of becoming
successful in life and to make it understandable.
Principle 7:

T he Principle of Family-
Immortal Love
“How many fans we have, how many friends we have.
Eventually we all have to come to our real home where our
family is waiting with immortal and unconditional love.”
“There’s nothing to win or lose in a family but to live with
love without any complaints.”
In between fans, we can share our success story, a little
love but not the scars we have.
Not all strangers are good at understanding ourselves.
“Sometimes few is much powerful than more.”
Don’t ruin & underestimate your family love just because
no one loves you because it is the only one who can adore you
even when you have nothing in your hands.
“Crowd is not what we want; going out of the crowd is the
real challenge.”
We wake and when we find our loved ones smiling in front
of us, everything starts to heal.
Spend time with your family; your mom, dad, brother,
sister, cousin and the people you love the most and that’s how
they will help you to live endlessly with your right attributes.
“We love people around us and forget to love ourselves.”
Principle 8:

T he Principle of Wake up Call

“After you wake and before you sleep, dreams
become true. There are fantasies in the dreams only.”
If we wake up without any task in our life, we may feel
guilty when we go to sleep because doing good work and
moving towards the goal make us productive.
“We should have hard lovable reason to wake up with real
power; otherwise we would spend all our days like the same
and get nothing at the end.”
The most significant love is to love which we love to do
and to think about how can we start our day with the best
productive work and day by day little pebbles will make our
I am not talking about the habits we have. Habits are
something we do everyday but I want you to do the activities
or the goals which are real and productive and that’s how you
can make your life beautiful in every sense.
We have to understand our wake up call for each and every
day. We should know which activities inspire us to wake with
our full determination. Nothing will work until we focus on
the work we love. Things become easy when we do the work
we love rather than doing the work which doesn’t have any
wake up call for us.
Better utilize your day and make your rest better.
“Our sleep at night depends on how we utilize our day.”
Principle 9:

T he Principle of Reading
“Observe, absorb and write. I actually follow
this principle. In our life, we learn from the environment but
we should be enough capable of doing & seeing things
differently. We should know what is right and what is wrong.”
Observe the things, people or anything around your
environment. Learn to see positivity and good things in life.
Read books and spread good vibes which can help you to
love yourself in the right way.
We can’t ignore this principle as we have to be productive
with small things.
“We don’t have to spend, we have to live.”
“Loving yourself is not the habit, it is the love we need the
We have to decide whether we love to pick the pen or to
grab the sword. Both can create war but former one is the
weapon of wise people.
Read better books in your life because the books we read
make home inside our mind and unconsciously we behave like
this, so choose your books wisely.
“It’s not about how many books you read in your life
instead its about how many valuable books you read which
can help you to grow better and become wise person in life.”
Read better and write valuable. The cycle of reading
should not stop and we would find that we can also help others
after fulfilling real dreams in our life.
Read – Read – Read.
Principle 10:

T he Principle of Right Time

“There is no right time to love ourselves if we
try to find we will never find such time because the whole
world is born with different brains. Whenever you try to
escape, they will kick you out.”
Don’t respond to the people who don’t love you without
any reason and you will find they don’t have any reason to
hate you. Carry on.
The principle of right time says that we have to love
ourselves right now because past has gone and no one has seen
tomorrow so live the present with loving yourself.
“Depending on people for our peace is no longer the good
“Don’t wait for the dreams to happen as much we wait, we
lose the right time.”
“Haters are those who acquire the front seats in your
cinema hall at their own costs. They can’t see the full picture
and throw stones at the partial screen. Those who love you
take the back seats and watch the full picture of your love,
hate and scars. They know how you made that screen. So take
your seat with the right people who love you and enjoy the
beautiful life. You will laugh and enjoy with them and end up
loving yourself.
Nothing will make our day except your genuine review. If
you really love this book, please write a review in lieu of our
powerful words. Your review is the best way to thank us.
About the Author

D eepak Gupta is an enthralling Indian author with the

great art of gripping storytelling. He is the #1
Bestselling Author of “She” and The Power of Nothing. He
was born in Delhi, India. He graduated in commerce from
Ramjas College, Delhi University and pursuing his Masters in
commerce from Delhi school of economics. Recently his three
books including 10 Principles to Beat Failure, The Lost Child
and Earth 2200 were selected under Google Best Choice
Award 2018. His ardency for inditing is authentically
incontrovertible and unmatchable. He believes in inditing best
exceptional content from his subconscious mind. He loves to
observe, absorb and write on various social issues,
inspirational truthful words, short stories and heart whelming
poetry. He has travelled to many places in India like Manali,
Rajasthan, Goa, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh and Mussoorie to
bring descent originality in his work. He releases new short
books every month to get readers to connect with the truth of
life. He lives in Delhi with his parents. You can electronically
mail him at [email protected] and follow him
on twitter @authordeepakgup and Instagram
@authordeepakgupta or like his official Facebook fan page
You can visit his official website:

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