Research Paper 2

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NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology

Vol. 1 No. 1, Page. 41 - 45

E-ISSN: 2797-0728 e

Website-Based Design of Scholarship Information Distribution System for

UNWAHA Students

Ayik Komsari1, Primaadi Airlangga2*

Informatics, KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University
Email: [email protected]

Scholarship is the provision of financial assistance needed by students who have qualified for a
scholarship. Many scholarships are available both from UNWAHA and outside of UNWAHA but many do
not know this scholarship information. The current system of disseminating scholarship information is
still through social media while scholarship seekers have not or do not have friendships on social media.
The design if the spread of this scholarship is using the waterfall method which is a method of systematic
system development. The design of this scholarship information distribution system was created to
accommodate scholarship information so that it can help students to directly get information easier. This
scholarship information distribution system can be an alternative that makes it easier for students to get
scholarships and share scholarship information. Scholarship information distribution system is
incorporated in this site.

Keywords: Information; Website; Scholarship.

In today's rapidly growing technological era, all affairs can be done easily and quickly. Making it
difficult for people to follow a lifestyle that inevitably has to be in accordance with the development of
the current era. Many parents are unable to send their children to higher levels because of the lack of
funds. then the government, universities, and companies are trying to reduce the dropout rate by
providing scholarship programs (Zuhri et al, 2018). Scholarship is the provision of financial assistance
needed by students who have qualified for the scholarship, especially UNWAHA students to carry out
the education taken (Widya et al, 2020). However, students must meet the requirements provided by the
government, universities, and also companies (Suwarti, 2020).
The application of information distribution of scholarships is intended to provide services to
students, prospective students, and alumni to get information effectively and clearly (Malik et al, 2018).
Many scholarships do not reach students directly because the information is only disseminated through
WhatsApp groups, Instagram, Facebook, and also certain people (Rofi'udin et al, 2019). Some of the
services that will be implemented include providing scholarship information that is expected to help
prospective students or students to complete their education as well as helping alumni to be able to
continue their education to a higher level, provide information about scholarship requirements, students
can enter new scholarships on this website, as well as contact to question about further scholarships.
Therefore, research is proposed to disseminate scholarship information based on the website that is
expected to reduce the cost of students in carrying out education.

To conduct the preparation of this research, several stages were carried out to obtain the required
data as follows
Data Collection Method
Data collection is the main thing in conducting this research. There are several ways to collect
scholarship data as follows (Sulistyo & Winiarti, 2015):
 Literature Study
Ayik Komsari, Primaadi Airlangga
Website-Based Design of Scholarship Information Distribution System for UNWAHA Students

The Literature study was conducted to collect documents from various written sources such as social
media, articles, newspapers and news with scholarship topics.
 Interview
Interview method is a method that is done directly to people who have capacity and information about
scholarships such as academic staff of KH university. A. Wahab Hasbullah.
Research methods
Research method used is a method of system development that will be done with systematic steps called
waterfall method with stages that must be done are as follows (Syafitri, 2021):
 System analysis
First step is system analysis that must be done to analyze and prepare the needs that are needed to
create a scholarship application program and the features that the user needs.
 Design
Second step is design which is the creation of data structure, easy-to-understand and coding
 Program Code Generation
Third step translates the design into a software program. Program code generation generates interfaces
according to the previous design
 Testing
Fourth step focuses on the software to ensure that all the tested parts run as desired to minimize errors.
 Maintenance
The final stage of maintenance of this software does not include the possibility of the software
encountering an error when executed because it was not detected during testing. With this stage is
expected in the future able to do developments.

Figure 1. Waterfall Diagram


The following results and discussions obtained after conducting research and design process for
the spread of website-based scholarships:
The design of this scholarship website serves as a medium of distribution of scholarship
information that can be used by students, especially UNWAHA students as expressed by Rini (2018),
Scholarships are grants in the form of assistance given to individuals that aim to be used for the
continuity of education taken. This website becomes centralized information that can be accessed on the
site This is in accordance with the opinion of (EMS team, 2012
in Rini, 2018), Website is a collection of web pages placed in one place / site. So, in the website there is a
web page, along with supporting files placed in one place identified through the domain name and IP
The following results of the website display scholarship information distribution system, which
consists of the main page, scholarship information page, scholarship input page and scholarship list page
that has been input in this page students can delete and edit the scholarships in the input:
NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
Vol.1 No.1 June 2021

 Home Page

Figure 2. Home Page

 Scholarship Information Page

Figure 3. Scholarship Information Page

Ayik Komsari, Primaadi Airlangga
Website-Based Design of Scholarship Information Distribution System for UNWAHA Students

 Scholarship Input Page

Figure 4. Scholarship Input Page

 Scholarship List Page

Figure 5. Scholarship Input Page

The creation of a website scholarship information distribution plan is an application created using
CodeIgniter framework which is a PHP framework that is claimed to have the fastest execution compared
to other frameworks because it uses model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, small size, and
free/opensource (Putra et al., 2019). The use of PHP, JavaScript, MySQL and bootstrap template
programming languages can make it easier to create scholarship information distribution applications.
The distribution of scholarship information helps students who have difficulty obtaining scholarship
information effectively. This website can also be a place to share scholarship information with other
students. For students to be able to continue studying because of economic problems and prospective
students can find the desired scholarship on their dream campus.
NEWTON: Networking and Information Technology
Vol.1 No.1 June 2021

Based on the results of the design of this scholarship application can be described as follows:
 Home page
This page is the main scholarship information page where users do not have to log in first to be able
to view scholarship information. This page provides a variety of scholarships that are accessible to
 Scholarship Information Page
Presenting more detailed scholarship information in the form of scholarship explanations,
requirements, scholarship origin, scholarship deadlines and scholarship financing both in full and in
part (FIGURE 3).
 Scholarship Input Page
Displays a new scholarship input table, where users can enter scholarships that will be displayed in
the application for the distribution of this scholarship information (FIGURE 4).
 Scholarship List Page
Displays a list of recent scholarships that users have entered on the input page. Where users can
delete and re-edit scholarships (FIGURE 5).

Website-based design of scholarship information distribution system for UNWAHA students was
build based on PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, and bootstrap programming languages. This website was
created to overcome the difficulty of students in obtaining scholarship information from various sources,
especially for students of KH University. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang. This website can also be a place
for students to share scholarship information because it has the latest scholarship upload feature. However,
this website cannot be a place to applying scholarship.

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